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# 54 COW

Why was COW made compulsory ?

+ To reduce the pollution
Why is COW more efficient than water washing ?
+ Because of the dissolving property in crude
What is the different between SBT-system and CBT-system ?
+ CBT-system can utilize cargo pumps / lines for ballast handling
What is the dissolving effect dependent on ?
+ All of above mentioned
From how many or which one of the cargo pumps must it be possible to take bleed-off from
main (s) for COW supply ?
+ From any one of the cargo pumps
What is the requirement regarding hydrant valves on the COW line ?
+ They must be blanked off
What is the requirement to number of drive units on vessels equipped with tank washing
where the drive units are detachable?
+ No drive unit to be shifted more than twice
How can we, according to IMO, verify the rotation of submerged non-programmable washing
machines ?
+ By any of the above mentioned methods
Where shall the verification of submerged washing machine be recorded ?
+ In the supplement 2 to the oil record book
What is the requirement regarding stripping system capacity when washing bottom of the
cargo tanks ?
+ The stripping capacity must 25 % more than the total throughout of washing fluid
What is the purpose of the small diameter line ?
+ To discharge ashore draining form pumps and lines
What is the requirement regarding arrangements for hand dipping the cargo tanks after
+ Arrangement in the aftermost portion of the tank and in 3 other suitable location
What requirements must the person in charge of COW operation meet with regard to the COW
Manual ?
+ Be fully knowledgeable of the content in the manual
What is the requirements regarding experience for persons who are intended to have
particular responsibilities as defined in the Manual ?
+ They shall have at least 6 months experience on oil tankers where they should have been involved in
COW operation
Are we allowed perform COW at sea ?
+ Yes ,between discharge
What is the minimum distance from the nearest land when you are pumping departure ballast
overboard ?
+ 50 nautical miles
Water that is put into a tank which has crude oil washed but not water washed shall be
regarded as :
+ Dirty ballast
How many per cent of the cargo tanks to be crude oil washed on rotational basis for sludge
control during a 4 months period ?
+ Approximately 25 %
What is the maximum quantity of oil you are permitted to discharge into the sea from an
existing tanker ?
+ 1 / 15000 of the total quantity of the cargo
Where in the tank shall the oxygen level be determined before crude oil washing ?
+ 1 meter from the deck and in the middle region of the ullage space
What is IMOs requirement regarding oxygen level in the tank before and during the tank is
crude oil washing ?
+ Must not exceed 8 % by volume
How to avoid excessive electrostatic generation in the washing process due to the presence of
water I the crude oil washing fluid ?
+ By discharge at least 1 meter from the tank before use as a source of washing fluid
How to avoid vapour emission during filling of departure ballast ( non SBT vessel ) ?
+ By simultaneous ballasting and cargo discharge
What precaution do you have to take before you can use the slop tank as a source of washing
fluid ?
+ Discharge the tank completely and refill with dry crude
What is the requirement regarding capacity if inert gas plant ?
+ At least 125 % of the maximum discharge capacity

According to IMO the Manual has to be approved by the Administration. With regard to
general practice who is giving the final approval of the Manual?
+ The classification society
What kind of action to be taken if an alternation affecting the crude oil washing system is
+ Revise the manual
Where should you record the crude oil washing after completion?
+ Oil record book
Who should sign the Ship/Shore safety check list?
+ Ships and shores representatives
What kind of action must be taken in the event of total failure of inert gas system during
+ STOP the discharge/COW

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