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Simple Future Story 2, Page 1

Simple Future Story 2

By Really Learn English
Visit the Simple Future Section for More Resources

Who is she? What will she do?

What is going to happen?
This weekend, Erica is going to compete in a tennis tournament. She will
practice hard all week because she wants to win the tournament. The
winner will receive $1,000. Erica hopes she will get first place!
Erica's husband is going to travel to the tournament with Erica. He will
watch her compete. He will sit in the stands and cheer for Erica. He is going
to be proud of Erica even if she does not win first place.
Erica's parents are not going to travel to the tournament. They will watch
the tournament on television. They will cheer for Erica at home. They are
going to be proud of Erica whether she wins or loses.

Copyright 2013 Ola Zur |

Simple Future Story 2, Page 2

Simple Future Story 2 Exercises

A. Answer the following questions. Use the Simple Future tense.
1. What is Erica going to do this weekend? What will the winner receive?
2. Who is going to travel to the tournament with Erica? What will he do?
3. Where will Erica's parents watch the tournament?
B. Rewrite the following sentences as negative sentences, yes/no
questions, WH-questions (using the underlined word or phrase) and tag

Examples for the sentence Alex will make dinner tonight.

Negative: Alex will not make dinner tonight.
Yes/No Question: Will Alex make dinner tonight?
WH-Question: Who will make dinner tonight?
Tag Question: Alex will make dinner tonight, won't he?

Copyright 2013 Ola Zur |

Simple Future Story 2, Page 3

1. The winner will receive $1,000.
Negative: _____________________________________________________
Yes/No Question: ______________________________________________
WH-Question: _________________________________________________
Tag Question: _________________________________________________
2. He will watch her compete.
Negative: _____________________________________________________
Yes/No Question: ______________________________________________
WH-Question: _________________________________________________
Tag Question: _________________________________________________
3. They are going to be proud of Erica.
Negative: _____________________________________________________
Yes/No Question: ______________________________________________
WH-Question: _________________________________________________
Tag Question: _________________________________________________

Copyright 2013 Ola Zur |

Simple Future Story 2, Page 4

C. Rewrite the story using contractions.

Copyright 2013 Ola Zur |

Simple Future Story 2, Page 5

Simple Future Story 2 Answers

A. Answer the following questions. Use the Simple Future tense.
1. What is Erica going to do this weekend? What will the winner receive?
This weekend, Erica is going to compete in a tennis tournament. The winner
will receive $1,000.
2. Who is going to travel to the tournament with Erica? What will he do?
Erica's husband is going to travel to the tournament with Erica. He will sit in
the stands and cheer for her.
3. Where will Erica's parents watch the tournament?
Erica's parents will watch the tournament at home on the television.
B. Rewrite the following sentences as negative sentences, yes/no
questions, WH-questions (using the underlined word) and tag questions.
1. The winner will receive $1,000.
Negative: The winner will not receive $1,000.
Yes/No Question: Will the winner receive $1,000?
WH-Question: What will the winner receive?
Tag Question: The winner will receive $1,000, won't she?

Copyright 2013 Ola Zur |

Simple Future Story 2, Page 6

2. He will watch her compete.
Negative: He will not watch her compete.
Yes/No Question: Will he watch her compete?
WH-Question: What will he do?
Tag Question: He will watch her compete, won't he?
3. They are going to be proud of Erica.
Negative: They are not going to be proud of Erica.
Yes/No Question: Are they going to be proud of Erica?
WH-Question: Who will be proud of Erica?
Tag Question: They are going to be proud of Erica, aren't they?

Copyright 2013 Ola Zur |

Simple Future Story 2, Page 7

C. Rewrite the story using contractions.
This weekend, Erica is going to compete in a tennis tournament. She'll
practice hard all week because she wants to win the tournament. The
winner will receive $1,000. Erica hopes she'll get first place!
Erica's husband is going to travel to the tournament with Erica. He'll watch
her compete. He'll sit in the stands and cheer for Erica. He's going to be
proud of Erica even if she doesn't win first place.
Erica's parents aren't going to travel to the tournament. They'll watch the
tournament on television. They'll cheer for Erica at home. They're going to
be proud of Erica whether she wins or loses.

Teach the simple future through stories click here to get the book.

Copyright 2013 Ola Zur |

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