Kerry Shemblin Forecast

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Monthly Vedic Astrology Forecast

April 2015/ by Kerry Shamblin

Calculations are done using the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha and the mean node. Timings are based on
Mountain Time Zone, US.
Don't be a Fool April 1
Total Lunar Eclipse - Full Moon in Virgo April 4
Mars Continues Through Aries
Venus Transits Taurus April 6-May 1
Jupiter Resumes Direct Motion April 8
Mercury Transits Aries April 11-26
Sun Transits Aries April 14-May 15
New Moon in Aries April 18
Mercury Transits Taurus April 26-July 4
Don't be a Fool April 1

April 1 is popularly known as "April Fool's Day," a long-standing tradition in some countries. This
year, it happens to fall on a Wednesday, which is ruled by Mercury, and who better to play a prank
than dear Mercury? The energy of Mercury causes Wednesdays to be generally unstable and good for
movement, change, shopping, marketing and communications, as opposed to starting a long-term
project, laying a foundation, etc.
Additionally on this day, we have a close conjunction of Sun and Ketu, with Mercury nearby, in the
sign of Pisces, the site of the recent total solar eclipse of March 20. Ketu, depicted as a headless
body, is known to cause mistakes, while Mercury has the tendency toward quick thought and
Mercury is debilitated in Pisces, but on this day the debilitation is cancelled due to Mercury ending
up in the navamsa (9th division) of Virgo, which is the exaltation sign of Mercury. So, we may be
vulnerable to mistakes or mis-steps, but we also have the benefit of analyzing all angles before
setting forth.
So whether you plan on a harmless prank or you are defending against said harmless prank, the best
advice is to check things twice and peek around the corner before proceeding. Trust your
Total Lunar Eclipse - Full Moon in Virgo April 4

The second of the eclipse pair occurs during the full Moon of April 4. This total lunar eclipse is
brought to us courtesy of Rahu, currently transiting the middle portion of the sign of Virgo. The Sun
and Moon are at 21 Pisces and Virgo, respectively, while Ketu and Rahu are at 16 Pisces and Virgo
respectively. Close enough for the full Moon to be briefly hidden by the shadow of the Earth.
Rahu and Moon will both be in the nakshatra (lunar mansion) Hasta, ruled by the Moon and by
Savitar, one of the twelve solar deities known as the Adityas in charge of creation. Hasta has the

power of gaining, in the sense of getting something in hand. The eclipse energy could perhaps
prevent that ultimate goal of placing what we are desiring and creating into our hands.
The lesson in all of this could be that of listening and then letting go of that which we want deeply, a
voluntary sacrifice of some kind that leads us one step closer to freedom. Mercury, ruler of Virgo and
lord of the eclipse planets Rahu and Moon, will be tightly conjunct Ketu, the planet of spiritual
compulsion and liberation.
When Moon enters Virgo on April 2, it begins its difficult traverse of the signs Virgo, Libra and
Scorpio. Difficult due to the interaction with Rahu and Saturn. As mentioned in the March forecast,
this traverse will continue one week per month through the remainder of 2015. Rahu moves on into
Leo in January 2016, alleviating the affliction of the sign of Libra that has been in effect since
January 2013.
Moon moves through the danger zone through April 9, when it clears Scorpio. The eclipse of April 4
is highly volatile for the Moon, and then the Moon begins to wane and weaken as it moves into the
sign of Libra, which is currently pinched by the difficult of energies of Rahu and Saturn flanking it.
Next, the waning Moon moves into its sign and degree of debility, Scorpio and into exact conjunction
with retrograde Saturn. Finally, the Moon slips into Sagittarius, giving it exchanges of signs with
Jupiter, which could feel soothing to our worried minds.
What can we expect from this first part of April? This could be a tough time, especially mentally
and emotionally. Venus moving out of Aries and into own sign of Taurus on April 6 should help,
Jupiter resuming direct motion on April 8 should help. The bottom line is that the Moon, ruler of
our mental function and sensitivity, is moving through tough terrain. We can protect ourselves
through awareness, but even then, in the moment, it may feel that we are in desperate situations with
no way out. Keep rooted through spiritual practices and if that is not a part of your routine, take some
time out each day for quietude, time in nature and deep breathing, as well as avoiding too much
pressure through over-planning and activity.
Mars Continues Through Aries

Since Mars entered Aries on March 23, the strength of Mars has been very high due to being
positioned in his own sign. Additionally, Mars is the current dispositor of Saturn, meaning that Mars
rules the sign where Saturn sits (Scorpio), giving Mars some power and influence over all of the
actions of Saturn during the three-year transit of Scorpio, through October 2017. This means
that the lessons of Saturn are unlikely to be delivered with warm fuzzies attached (ever!) but
especially during the next 2.5 years.
Additionally, from Aries, Mars casts his planetary gaze upon Scorpio and any planet sitting there,
which gives even more force to the pressure that Saturn may be causing.
Mars from Aries also gets to look upon Jupiter in Cancer, as well as the sign of Libra, which as
mentioned, has been through a rough time the past couple of years.
Before getting too worried about how Mars is going to push us around, let us focus on the positive
qualities of Mars and aim toward bringing them forward. Efficiency, discipline, observation, focus,
design skill, problem-solving, courage, planning, moving forward. All good things!

With the potential for mental and emotional turmoil in early April, we could take the Mars approach
and power through, focusing on work, sticking to exercise routines and planning ahead. That may
work for some people, especially those with an active, strong Mars in the chart.
But Mars can go easily out of control given enough fuel, causing aggression, anger insensitivity,
selfishness and even violent behavior. The key is to keep the ego in check. Anger is often the mask
that insecurity wears. Mars moves through Aries for all of April, marching into Taurus on May 3.
Venus Transits Taurus April 6-May 1

Venus will be happy to move into her own sign of Taurus on April 6, for a rather quick glide through
the fixed earth sign that reflects stability through material comfort and support. Venus in Aries was
also contending with Mars; passion may have been running strongly, but there can also be tension in
relationship when Venus and Mars are sharing close quarters or facing off across the field.
This freedom of Venus to be in her own domain should allow us space to recreate a more comfortable
and pleasant environment in which we can get back to our business of creativity, loving relationship
and enjoyment of the finer things in life.
With limitations! Venus, while in Taurus, will be opposite Saturn in Scorpio and also receives a
hearty aspect from busy little Rahu in Virgo. The exact opposition with Saturn happens on April 15
and the exact trine with Rahu is felt on April 19.
Also remember that Venus is the greatest champion of love and beauty, desiring it so much that
attachment can become an obstacle, especially in Taurus, where the manifestation of this desire can
be focused on the solid, material realm. With Rahu aspecting Venus, the desire for relationship, love
and beautiful things may rise up strongly. With Saturn aspecting so fully, we are learning enjoyment
without possession and love without attachment.
Jupiter Resumes Direct Motion April 8

The current retrograde cycle of Jupiter began on December 8, 2014, and four months later, on April
8, 2015, will end with Jupiter resuming direct motion at 18 Cancer. After turning direct, Jupiter will
take three months to move through the late degrees of Cancer, which is covered by the nakshatra
Ashlesha, and into Leo on July 13.
As with any retrograde planet, we experience a concentrated energy in a certain portion of the zodiac
due to the planet moving through it in forward motion, retrograde motion pulling it back through the
same area and then forward motion advancing through the same territory for a third time.
In this case, Jupiter has been concentrating on the last drekkana (third portion) of Cancer, his sign of
exaltation, which holds most of the nakshatra of Ashlesha (1640'-3000' Cancer.) Ashlesha is
governed by the planet Mercury and ruled by Sarpa, the serpent energy.
Mercury is the ruler of the three nakshatras that lie at the end of water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and
Pisces), three spots in the zodiac known as gandanta points, the transition between the water and fire
signs. Mercury's inherent dual nature shows itself as the ruler of these nakshatras, preparing, moving
and changing what is needed for the difficult transition through the gandanta point.

As Jupiter finishes his transit through his sign of exaltation Cancer, which occurs only once every
twelve years, we are moving toward a transition of our own, pushing through our own karmic knot,
which we will feel most strongly for a week on either side of Jupiter's crossing into Leo, which
happens on July 13.
As Jupiter has moved through Cancer, I have found myself having fleeting expectations that its
exaltation would shower blessings and abundance down upon the world, transforming us all into
golden beings, full of knowledge and auspiciousness.
What I have learned in witnessing what has really occurred is that Jupiter, as Guru, represents how
we often expect teachers, saints and religious figures to instantly and magically transform us and fill
us with knowledge and magnificence.
The lesson I have learned is that yes, Guru will shower us with knowledge and blessings, but unless
our container is both clean and spacious, the blessings and goodness will reach us, but then run off
and drain away.
The point is that it is ultimately up to us to prepare ourselves to receive; by expecting, hoping and
begging for mercy and abundance, we waste our time and potential. The receptive nature of Guru's
exaltation sign, Cancer, ruled by the Moon, has taught this crucial lesson of how to truly receive.
There is both passivity in receptivity, but also action, in that we are in charge of our own container. If
there is no room, or the environment is muddled, we cannot receive those blessings of Guru.
Use the radical, transformative energy of Ashlesha nakshatra during these next few months to
transform your container. Clean your closets, breathe space into your cells, clear your mind and try to
understand true receptivity.
Mercury Transits Aries April 11-26

Mercury is on the move, racing through Aries after a very brief transit through his sign of
debilitation, Pisces. Mercury's mission generally involves communication and exchange, truly the
messenger. Moving through Aries during late March/early April, Mercury delivers his words, ideas,
currency and medicines in an effort to ameliorate the intense eclipse energies felt in Pisces (where
Ketu sits) and in Virgo, his own sign (where Rahu sits.)
While in Aries, Mercury moves past the Sun, moving through combustion, which is extreme
proximity to the Sun that inhibits the full expression of a planet's energy. Entering Aries, Mercury
joins Mars, the ruler of Aries, and proceeds to race forward, coming into conjunction (and planetary
war) with Mars on April 22-23 (first Mars wins, then Mercury wins, a skirmish, really.) By April 26,
Mercury skips into Taurus, joining Venus, planning on a lengthy sojourn there.
Mercury, like many small, fleet creatures, has the ability to move quickly and avoid blows due to his
slightness, but his difficulty involves delicacy of constitution and vulnerability. Aries will be
harboring both Mars and Sun for much of Mercury's transit there this month. This fiery combination
may turn the heat up extremely on Mercury.
Guard your own body, mind and words during this time by supplementing with quiet time, extra
watery influences and gentleness with your exchanges. The signs of Scorpio and Aries are always

influencing one another, so this brings Saturn into the mix. The gift of Saturn in this equation could
be the practice of silence rather than verbosity.
Sun Transits Aries April 14-May 15

By mid-April, we see a Sun+Mars+Mercury combination in Aries. Mars is strong in his own sign,
Sun is in exaltation in Aries and Mercury will join his energy to whatever the group is doing.
With Sun and Mars so strongly placed during this time, we could forge ahead boldly toward our
goals, especially with Jupiter's newly direct motion in effect from April 8. Because both Sun and
Mars tend to lead with the "self" in mind, we can see this manifesting in a couple of ways.
One way is to take care of your own goals, ideas and self because your tendency may be to give too
much to others. This is a good time to learn that selfishness can actually be useful in small doses,
especially as a remedy for over giving.
The other way this strong Sun/Mars combination may manifest is an overblown ego and disregard
for others. This is not an invitation to obtain what you want (or think you need) at the cost of others'
well-being. It may be tempting, but if your tendency is already to take care of #1, try to temper your
strength and hear the sweet song of Venus in Taurus reminding you that we are all related (and that
selfish actions will someday come around to reveal a deficit.)
New Moon in Aries April 18

The new Moon of April occurs at 5 Aries, in the nakshatra Ashwini, right around mid-day in the US.
Here we remember that the day prior to this exact conjunction is our amavasya, when the Moon has
waned extremely, and we protect our mind and heart by getting quiet and still. We sit calmly in front
of the fire, as Moon, Sun, Mercury and Mars will all be joining in the fiery sign of Aries.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and Ashwini is the first nakshatra in the series of lunar mansions.
After the moment of the new Moon, the growth of the Moon begins, and this first few days after the
new Moon should be a good time to initiate new beginnings, especially after the Moon joins Venus in
Taurus, the sign of exaltation for the Moon.
Ashwini's rulers are the planet Ketu, showing the desire only for spiritual experience, as well as the
Ashwin Kumars, twin horsemen dedicated to bestowing the energy of healing. After the eclipse pair
occurring on March 20 and April 4, we may be feeling the humility brought about by the aftermath of
intensity. This is a good time to regather our forces and find the healing that may be needed such that
we can rise up and start over again. We may have been asked to let go in painful ways. Here we find
a way to heal our wounds and regain strength.
April 20-22 should be beautiful as we get to view the conjunction of Moon and Venus in the west,
just after sunset. As the Moon continues to wax it joins Jupiter in Cancer (the Moon's own sign) on
April 25-27. This combination can be seen overhead, just after sunset. Direct viewing of the planets
and stars can be quite inspiring and educational on a physical level. The practice of astrological
connection really does start there.
Mercury Transits Taurus April 26-July 4

When Mercury takes over two months to transit one sign, you know what that means: Mercury
Retrograde! Just a heads up that the next one will be May 18-June 11 and a reminder that ALL
retrograde motion is apparent rather than actual, meaning that there is an element of illusion at play.
But we all know how tricky and real illusions can be.
The entire transit of Mercury through Taurus will be opposite retrograde Saturn. We can perceive this
as either (or both) a blessing and/or a curse. Saturn is slow, Mercury is quick. This gives us the
opportunity to balance speed and deliberation, essential to anyone walking through life.
Mercury and Venus are the two rajas planets, meaning that they promote desire and activity, helping
us to motivate and get things done. Taurus is Venus' sign, so Mercury here will want to DO things,
create things, travel here and there, acquire what is desired.
So Saturn's influence may insist upon going slowly and surely so that we are building things to last
and discarding things that don't contribute to this goal. Mercury could be slightly frustrated by this
stubborn limitation, but that is really the eternal struggle between the wisdom of age and the
enthusiasm of youth. Beautiful things could be created and experienced as we meet in the middle and
hear the tales of both sides.

March 2015/ by Kerry Shamblin

Calculations are done using the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha and the mean node. Timings are based on
Mountain Time Zone, US.
Full Moon in Leo March 5
Mercury Transits Aquarius March 9-27
Venus Transits Aries March 11-April 6
Saturn Retrograde March 14-August 2
Sun Transits Pisces March 14-April 14
New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Pisces March 20
Mars Transits Aries March 23-May 3
Mercury in Pisces March 27-April 11
Full Moon in Leo March 5

March begins with the Moon entering its own sign of Cancer, joining exalted but retrograde Jupiter.
The Moon will continue to wax during the first days of March, coming to its brightest and fullest
moment at 21 Leo just around mid-day on March 5; it should look beautiful among the stars of Leo
on both the evening of March 4 and 5.
Leo's lord is the Sun, who is currently in the sign of Aquarius, as will always be true during a Leo
full Moon. The Sun is a not a great friend of Saturn, co-ruler of Aquarius, so the Sun can be
somewhat subdued as it moves through Capricorn and Aquarius, which happens to coincide with the
cold winter months in the northern hemisphere. The Moon in Leo is happy and in fullness is also

Moon will be in the lunar mansion of Purvaphalguni, which is ruled by Venus and Bhaga, lord of
marriage, procreative union and wealth. This may bring forth feelings concerning one's own
relationship status and could bestow some understanding of how the play of individual selves comes
into play as we join seriously with another.
The only planet aside from the Sun aspecting the Moon on this day is Saturn from Scorpio. This
could cast a ray of practical, weighty input into the day. Saturn always helps us keep it real.
After the Moon begins to wane, it moves into Virgo, joining Rahu. Each month this year, we will be
experiencing this difficult path for the Moon as it wanes, joins with Rahu in Virgo, passes between
Rahu and Saturn through Libra, joins Saturn in Scorpio and then moves to Sagittarius. The Moon
runs this gamut from March 6-13.
The Moon is a sensitive planet which reflects the fluctuations of our own minds. The influence of
both Rahu and Saturn can be difficult for the Moon, and we will be repeating this monthly transit
until Rahu moves to Leo in January 2016. Rahu can cause intense desire and confusion in the mind.
Saturn can cause depression and anxiety. There is no avoiding the traverse of this difficult territory,
but knowing what we face and preparing for it can help us move through it with grace.

Mercury Transits Aquarius March 9-27

Mercury moves from Capricorn to Aquarius on March 9 for a rapid transit through the air sign coruled by Saturn and Rahu. While Mercury does well in the signs ruled by Saturn, this short tramp
through Aquarius may see Mercury moving comparatively unencumbered.
While in Capricorn, Mercury received planetary aspects from both Rahu and Saturn, as well as
Jupiter. In Aquarius, Mercury is relatively unbothered by the influence of other planets. This could
give us a good couple of weeks of clarity in our exchanges before Mercury plunges into the watery
environment of Pisces.
Mercury is the indicator for communication and transactions and will be in an exchange of signs with
Rahu, currently positioned in Mercury's sign, Virgo. This could be a good time to "communicate with
the world" through broadcasting, marketing and networking.
This may be also a good time to take care of business (like doing your 2014 taxes), especially before
the new Moon solar eclipse on March 20 and also before Mercury gets into its sign of debilitation,
Venus Transits Aries March 11-April 6

Venus has pulled ahead of Mars after their exact conjunction on February 21. Venus continues to
increase this space until July, when Venus will begin a retrograde cycle from July 24-September 6,
transitioning from "evening star" to "morning star."

Beautiful Venus, who rules the creative spark, comes away from Pisces, the sign of exaltation for
Venus, with some amount of clout. This transit through the independent and pioneering sign of Aries
could prompt some new creative endeavors.
There may be some urges toward solo creative projects or a need for "alone" time to assess one's
current stance on group projects or relationships. Mars will follow Venus into his own sign on March
Especially before the upcoming eclipse on March 20, this time could be great for initiating creative
ventures and further exploring the journey of how self and other fit together harmoniously.
Saturn Retrograde March 14-August 2

The effects of retrograde planets can vary depending on the planet and the position of the planet by
sign and house. Saturn is in the group of tamasic planets with Mars, Rahu and Ketu. These planets
are all known as "malefic" and their energy tends to flow downward into the baser regions of worldly
life. They challenge us to willfully bring their energies toward a more wholesome function, which is
ultimately their gift.
Saturn moves slowly, is cold and dry and rules the heavy, foundational substances in life that are
difficult to move. This planet of karma, truth and responsibility signifies that which keeps us
limited as we move through life: limited by our physical bodies, limited by our own karmic antics,
limited by time and space.
Saturn is currently in Scorpio, ruled by two others in the tamasic group: Mars and Ketu. The entire
transit of Saturn through Scorpio (November 2, 2014-October 25, 2017) offers us this challenge to
transform and transmute our base tendencies. We may learn in attempting this that we must develop a
new balance of detachment and effort. Saturn going into retrograde state is as if it is falling into
slumber. This 4.5 month period may be difficult for doing the work of transformation of habits and
tendencies as mentioned above.
Where this retrograde Saturn may be transiting in an individual chart will be felt differently by each
person. If Scorpio is one of the difficult houses (dushthana: 6, 8, 12) in the chart, there is less chance
that this retrograde Saturn will mar the "good" things in life. But it will still represent work to be
done, a struggle to be faced or a required surrender in some form.
For the first few weeks of this Saturn retrograde cycle, Jupiter remains in retrograde motion, until
April 8. This could be a difficult time to generate momentum, so perhaps a good plan would be to
make oneself quiet and comfortable for a few weeks with the intention of going deeply into an
internal review of deeply ingrained tendencies and habits.
Sun Transits Pisces March 14-April 14

The Sun joins Mars and Ketu in the sign of Pisces on March 14. Pisces, Jupiter's water sign, is like
the vast ocean of consciousness, infinite, limitless and full of transcendent possibility.
For the first ten days of the Sun's voyage through Pisces, Mars and Ketu will both be positioned in
that sign. As co-rulers of Scorpio and therefore the current dispositors of Saturn, Mars and Ketu bring

the transformational intensity of Scorpio to Pisces at this time. The Sun moving through this, along
with the Moon, will participate in a total solar eclipse on March 20.
It is interesting that in our current time, the vernal equinox falls in the sign of Pisces, where Venus is
exalted, a perfect herald of spring. With Pisces being the final sign in the zodiac cycle, we experience
endings that flow into beginnings and initiation each spring as the Sun moves through Pisces. The
addition of Ketu this year could make for a liberating transition to our new growth cycle,
available to all who are willing to release any strong holds.
While the eclipse happens on the new Moon of March 20, the Sun moves into direct conjunction with
Ketu on March 30-31.
New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Pisces March 20

This is the first eclipse in the first eclipse pair that we will see in 2015. Eclipses occur when the new
Moon or full Moon aligns with the Rahu-Ketu axis, currently positioned in Pisces and Virgo. On
April 4, the second eclipse of the pair will occur during a full Moon in Virgo.
In this case, the new Moon slips in between the earth and Sun, in alignment with Ketu, causing the
Sun to be obscured by the Moon. This eclipse will be visible to Europe, Middle East, West Asia,
North Africa, Greenland and Iceland.
This is also the vernal equinox and a "Supermoon." Read more about the astronomy of this eclipse at
The Sun and Moon join at 6 Pisces, the 12th and final sign of the zodiac and in the nakshatra (lunar
mansion) called Uttarabhadra. Ketu, the eclipse-causing south node of the Moon, is at 17 Pisces in
the nakshatra of Revati. Since the nodal axis points (Rahu and Ketu) move in reverse direction, it can
be noted here that Ketu will be moving out of Revati and into Uttarabhadra the next morning, March
21, concluding an 8-month traverse of the late degrees of Pisces.
Since Ketu is the one causing the eclipse, delivering its final blessing from the nakshatra Revati for
now, we think of Ketu's guidance, which leads us toward the pursuit of spiritual goals. As far as the
play of worldly desires, Ketu does not participate, so this eclipse may act to put a temporary barrier
in front of our wants and needs.
The Sun, as indicator of our individual nature and our protective ego with the Moon, as indicator of
mental sensitivity and emotion, are clearly planets that drive the human experience in many ways.
The Sun will be eclipsed by liberation-oriented Ketu, with the help of the Moon. For those already in
pursuit of ego-negation, this could be your lucky day.
Another point to note is the exchange occurring between Jupiter and the Moon. Jupiter is currently
exalted and in retrograde motion in the Moon's sign of Cancer, while the Moon (+Sun+Ketu+Mars)
will occupy Pisces, Jupiter's sign. This helps all planets involved in this configuration.
We have watery signs and planets as the supporters of this eclipse (Pisces, Cancer, Moon, Jupiter)
with fiery and bright Ketu, Mars and Sun floating about, creating heat surrounded by water. Maybe
this is not the day for a riverboat cruise or a sail.

Eclipses have been traditionally viewed with wariness and it is recommended that important,
auspicious actions be avoided during the time of an eclipse. Rather, this particular eclipse would be
so well spent with a focus on meditative practices. With Ketu's ability to suppress the solar and lunar
energy on this day, we could become very close to liberating ourselves from whatever current
problems we have been working with. Take advantage of this edge and allow things to drop that have
completed their time.
Mars Transits Aries March 23-May 3

Mars marches forth into his own sign of Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, on March 23. Mars joins
Venus for a couple of weeks before Venus moves on to occupy her own sign on April 6. The only
thing keeping Mars in check, being relatively free of other planetary aspect, is Saturn, currently
occupying Mars' other sign, Scorpio.
Mars is in a powerful position in Aries, as planets are strong while in occupation of the signs that
they rule. From Aries, Mars gives his planetary glance to Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Scorpio,
both currently retrograde.
Mars in Aries can be a potent and focused stream of energy, ready to press forward with plans,
designs and projects. The retrograde status of Jupiter and Saturn could be slowing or delaying both
our expansions and our contractions. Mars will want to push things forward despite the resistance. It
may be difficult to grow quickly and safely until after Jupiter resumes direct motion on April 8.
Take advantage of Saturn's influence on Mars by building to last. Mars has the strength, power and
initiative. Saturn has the experience and durability. Beware of impulsive decision making during
this time.
Mercury in Pisces March 27-April 11

Mars jumps out of Pisces and makes room for Mercury to jump in. Mercury is considered to be
debilitated in transit of Pisces, which indicates that the natural functioning of the planet is hampered
in that environment.
Since Mercury is the ruler of communication and exchange, this could mean that our messages
become muddled and our transactions become difficult. Different from the energy of Mercury when
retrograde, Mercury in Pisces can be slow and cloudy rather than hyper or frenetic, which we can
experience during Mercury retrograde.
With the addition of Ketu in the mix, it may be a good signal to say less, not more, during this transit.
In the aftermath of fiery Mars, Ketu and the Sun combined in Pisces, quiet, slow communication
could be just the thing to restore the balance.
Unfortunately, this is the time when many in the US will be scrambling to get their taxes ready to file
with the IRS. Do yourself a favor and get organized before Mercury moves to Pisces! File early and
sit back to wait for your return as you talk about spiritual matters while enjoying time by the flowing
of the springtime waters.
A saving grace for Mercury during this time is that Jupiter, ruler of Pisces, is currently exalted,
which creates a cancellation of debilitation. That doesn't erase the fact that Mercury will struggle

here, it indicates that there could be help coming from Jupiter that allows us to overcome the
difficulty. Good news!

February 2015/ by Kerry Shamblin

Calculations are done using the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha and the mean node. Timings are based on
Mountain Time Zone, US.
Full Moon in Cancer February 3
Mercury Resumes Direct Motion February 11
Mars Transits Pisces February 11 March 23
Sun Transits Aquarius February 12 March 14
Venus Transits Pisces February 15 - March 11
Maha Shivaratri February 16-17
New Moon in Aquarius February 18
Venus-Mars Conjunction February 21
Full Moon in Cancer February 3

Just after 4pm on Tuesday, February 3, the Moon and Sun come into their monthly opposition that
we know as the "full Moon." The Moon will be at 21 Cancer, very close to exalted, retrograde
Jupiter, while the Sun will be at 21 Capricorn, close, but not too close, to still retrograde Mercury.
This should be quite a lovely full Moon evening, with friendly Jupiter and Moon, soaring through the
night sky, highlighting the qualities of growth and expansion in a nurturing environment. Jupiter and
Moon will be occupying the nakshatra (lunar mansion) called Aslesha, ruled by Sarpa, the lord of the
serpents. Aslesha's planetary ruler is energetic Mercury, so we may feel ourselves in the midst of
feeling the electricity of transformation as these two bright planets join here.
With the Sun and Moon both sharing signs with retrograde planets, we may feel a distinct set of
conditions as we bask in the glory of the Moon and Jupiter, casting light and inspiration. First, there
may be a feeling of comfort within the confines of a situation that may be delayed or slow-moving.
We may be able to perceive why things are moving at the pace they are, even when we may wish it
were faster. Second, we may sense the importance of how family, friends and teachers really support
us and how, for that to work, we need to step back on our self-importance or pushing our individual
After this day, the Moon begins to wane, joining Rahu in Virgo on February 7, then transiting Libra,
which is hemmed between Rahu and Saturn currently, then onto a conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio
and finally out the other side, where the Moon meets with Mercury and finally settles into the new
Moon on February 18.
From February 7-13, we may contend with some chaos and pressure coming up in the mind.
Rampant desires, confusion, negative self-talk and pressure from responsibility could arise as the

Moon presses through some difficult positions during this time span. Make sure to give yourself
some retreat space to deal with the moods that may surface.
Mercury Resumes Direct Motion February 11

Just after sunrise, from our perspective on Earth, Mercury will appear to stop and stand still for a
short while as he resumes direct motion through the zodiac once again. Until March 3, Mercury will
be retracing his previous backward motion through Capricorn and then moving into newer territory
in the beginning of March.
So, we can keep things steady in Mercury retrograde mode for the first third of the month; no big
moves, no big contracts, no big decisions. We maintain a strategy of careful movement, review of
prior work and plans and the slow, steady communication and thought.
The remaining weeks of February would still be great for revision and review, given the fact that
Mercury is walking over terrain he's crossed twice in the recent past and that retrograde Jupiter is in
opposition to Mercury's position in Capricorn. Especially in the realm of material you may be
studying, this is a great month for review, for really bringing the material into the mind through
Take it slow and bring your flash cards!
Mars Transits Pisces February 11 March 23

Just before midnight on February 11, Mars moves into Jupiter's sign of Pisces, joining Ketu, the
south node of the Moon. This transit of Mars through Pisces has an interesting implication.
Mars and Ketu are the co-rulers of the sign of Scorpio, so the conjunction of these two planets may
activate that sign somewhat. Actually, all of the water signs may be activated by this transit of Mars.
Mars and Ketu will be in Jupiter's sign, Jupiter is in the Moon's sign of Cancer and Jupiter from
Cancer gives planetary influence to all of the water signs.
The water signs are the natural 4th, 8th and 12th signs of the zodiac. These houses in a chart are the
"moksha" houses, concerned with contentment, transformation and liberation. The water signs are
ruled by the planets Moon, Mars/Ketu and Jupiter.
Last meeting of Mars and Ketu was in April-May 2013, in Aries. We may remember the Boston
Marathon bombings and the Savar Building collapse in Bangladesh.
Last time Mars was in Pisces was March 4-April 11, 2013, just before the prior meeting with Ketu:
Pope Francis was appointed, thousands of gallons of oil spills in Mayflower, Arkansas, several other
accidents and incidents involving petrol tankers occur and Argentina suffers from massive flooding.
Moving the Mars-Ketu conjunction into Pisces, we may expect some inflammatory incidents that
involve either water or petrol or both. In that regard, we may want to keep an eye on the water and
petrol that flows through our own life, being prepared for any unexpected movement of said

On a more subtle level, we may be very much involved in our own transformative processes. Mars
can be a powerful agent of change, giving us initiative and courage to make plans and moves that
will push us forward while leaving the spent resources behind.
Sun Transits Aquarius February 12 March 14

Late in the evening of February 12, Sun slides forward into Aquarius. While in Capricorn, Sun was
getting the planetary aspect of both Juptier and Saturn. This could have made us exercise caution
while also moving slowly on matters that required our full commitment.
In Aquarius, the Sun briefly joins Venus, who moves forward to Pisces on February 15. After this, the
Sun is left alone to shine in sol-soul-solo mode in Aquarius, the air sign co-ruled by Saturn and Rahu.
The Moon visits around the new Moon of February 18 and Mercury enters Aquarius during the last
few days of Sun's transit there.
Aquarius is a sign that requires some understanding due to the nearly paradoxical co-rulership by
Saturn and Rahu. This weirdness can carry into the planetary expression when planets pass through.
Saturn likes to create and maintain boundaries and foundations. Rahu likes to dissolve borders and
create diversity. Maybe we can think this month about how to harmoniously allow all of that at once,
while managing to express our uniqueness without threatening others.
Venus Transits Pisces February 15 - March 11

Still following close on the heels of Mars, Venus moves into Pisces, her sign of exaltation, where
the expression of Venus can unfold in its highest potential. Venus represents love, comfort,
happiness, beauty, entertainment, art, relationship.
Venus in exaltation status can be supportive to all of these indications. There are other influences on
Venus with this transit, namely the presence of Scorpio's rulers, Mars and Ketu. The intense and
transformative energy of Mars and Ketu could be used to push through creative blocks, to let go of
relationships that are stagnant or harmful or to investigate deeply what may be blocking your
When planets, like Mars and Venus in this example, get into alignment with the Rahu-Ketu axis,
which is currently residing in the signs of Virgo and Pisces, the shadowy energy can sometimes
promote sudden, unexpected events that may resonate as "meant to be" for good or ill.
Maha Shivaratri February 16-17

Maha Shivaratri is an annual celebration in honor of Lord Shiva; it is the marriage anniversary of
Shiva and Parvati. It occurs starting on the night of the 13th day of the dark half of the Moon's cycle
and continues through the 14th day of the dark half, in the month of Phalgun.
During this year's celebration, we have a meeting of the minds: Mercury and Moon in Capricorn,
opposite Jupiter in Cancer. Mercury and the Moon are the planets that we associate with different
aspects of the mind. Mercury expresses as the informational, data-oriented, calculating and analytical
functioning of our mind. The Moon is associated with emotion, memory, sensitivity and moods.

Either planet, Moon or Mercury, has the tendency of fluctuation and movement. The Moon changes
signs quickly, is in a different phase each day, and is the fastest moving "planet" that we watch move
through the zodiac, followed by Mercury.
The Moon, known as Chandra, was known among the planets to be quite amorous and there are a
few stories that outline this fact. Once, the Moon seduced Tara, the wife of Brihaspati (Jupiter); the
two ran off together and had an affair, but when Jupiter got wind of this, approached the Moon and
demanded that his wife be returned. Being friendly with Jupiter, the Moon brought Tara back home,
heavy with child.
Tara insisted upon keeping the child, who when born was so charming that even Jupiter could not
resist and accepted Mercury as his own child.
This planetary configuration is interesting in that Mercury gets to be with his "birth father" Moon but
receives the blessing of his "adopted father" Jupiter by aspect. Perhaps the gift to us is to bring all
parts of our mind into harmony and alignment such that we are prepared to receive the blessings of
the great teacher, Lord Shiva.
In the evening of February 17, we begin the day called amavasya, the day before the new Moon.
This is a good time for quiet reflection and withdrawal from intense activity.
New Moon in Aquarius February 18

Just before sunset on Wednesday, February 18, the Sun and Moon join once again for the new Moon
moment at 6 Aquarius. As described in the section about the Sun's transit through Aquarius, this sign
is relatively quiet this month, so this may point to the importance of finding our own foundation and
stillness during the middle of this month.
This point in Aquarius falls in the nakshatra (lunar mansion) of Dhanistha, ruled by the planet Mars
and by the Vasus, the gods of light. Dhanistha grants the power of creating abundance through
collective resource management. If you have any intentions of such a creation, this is a good time to
meditate on that. Taking action and planting seeds should wait until the Moon begins to wax on
February 19.
Venus-Mars Conjunction February 21

We are in for a planet-gazing treat on the evening of February 21. Venus and Mars will meet at 8
Pisces in an exact conjunction that will be followed by Venus surpassing Mars in the zodiac and
beginning to pull ahead of him with her natural faster speed. In addition, the waxing Moon will join
Venus in Mars, offering us a spectacular visual treat if we are able to see clearly to the west after
Even though this will be a visual spectacle, there is a concept in jyotisha (Vedic astrology) of
planetary war. This occurs only between the non-luminary, non-shadow, visible planets: Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. When two planets are occupying the same degree of the zodiac,
they are said to be at war (graha yuddha.) Planetary war is a controversial concept in jyotisha, with
varying scriptural references that seem to conflict. Without going into that level of depth, let's focus
on the fact that for a few days, Venus and Mars will be sharing the same space in the zodiac.

Venus is exalted in Pisces and Mars is in a friendly sign in Pisces, so both of the planets are
positioned well, but this type of proximity can muddle the energies of the planets. We may see some
excitement or conflict between Venus-Mars entities during this period of time. Mars and Ketu
together can be inflammatory and adding the energy of Venus to the mix could push things
passionately forward.
This is where faster-moving Venus overtakes Mars, pulling ahead through the zodiac and putting a
nice amount of space between the two planets eventually. By the middle of March, Venus will be 10
ahead of Mars, a comfortable amount of space to allow both planets to express themselves without

January 2015/ by Kerry Shamblin

Calculations are done using the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha and the mean node. Timings are based on
Mountain Time Zone, US.
Happy New Year 2015!
Mercury Transits Capricorn January 1 March 8
Mars Transits Aquarius January 4 February 11
Full Moon in Gemini January 4
Sun Transits Capricorn January 14 February 12
New Moon in Capricorn January 20
Mercury Retrograde January 21 February 11
Venus Transits Aquarius January 22 February 15
Happy New Year 2015!

Since the Western (Gregorian) calendar is so popularly used internationally, we can look at the
planetary positions at this new beginning as a "birth chart" for the new year. Of course, this chart
may have a different rising sign depending on location, but the relationships and status by sign
placement will be the same for all locations.
Mars will be at its pinnacle of exaltation at 28 Capricorn, Jupiter remains in its exaltation sign
of Cancer, exactly opposite Mars at 28 Cancer (in retrograde motion) and Moon is also newly
placed in exaltation in Taurus. These three planets all fall into a relationship of natural
friendship with one another; the group is completed by Sun, placed in the friendly sign of
Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter.
Sun, Moon, Mars and Jupiter are the rulers of the fire and water signs in the zodiac and these
strong placements at the beginning of this Western calendar year could show that 2015 will generally
bring us good energy, feelings, focus and expansion if we are able to maintain our resources and
energy by not "overspending" and retaining a connection to a source that is revitalizing.
The other camp of planets, Mercury, Venus and Saturn, are also involved in a relationship as the
year opens. Mercury and Venus are placed with Mars in Capricorn. Mars is extremely strong

and focused here, influenced by Saturn as ruler of Capricorn and also by the planetary aspect
of Saturn from Scorpio. Saturn's influence of detachment and discipline can tend to slow down
Mars, but perhaps to our advantage.
In a way, Saturn's pressure on Mars can be likened to wearing a pair of steel-toed boots. These boots
are made for working. While they are heavy, and may cause us move more slowly and deliberately,
they also serve as a form of protection against dangerous objects (such as our own implements and
tools) from harming our feet.
So, while slow, deliberate Saturn may hamper the fiery drive of Mars, it is also supporting
Mars with a solid foundation for the growth potential offered by the aspect of Jupiter from
Cancer. This condition of mutual reception between Mars and Saturn prevailed during the month of
December and marks the beginning of our calendar year before Mars moves into Aquarius on
January 5.
Mercury and Venus are both comfortable in the sign of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn and also
aspected by Saturn from Scorpio. While the energy of Saturn and Mars combined can be serious,
sharp and heavy, Mercury and Venus both tend to move darkness and weight in the direction of light
and movement. Their influence brings in the elements of humor, love, beauty and exchange to the
serious business of Mars, reminding us to keep in mind our inspiration and purpose as we toil away
at our projects.
Throughout the year we will observe how the planetary energies ebb and flow as the "weather"
changes from month to month. Some of the major planetary events and shifts to note for 2015

Jupiter resumes direct motion on April 8 and continues through the last 10
of Cancer as spring becomes summer, leaving Cancer for Leo on July 13, 2015.

Saturn continues to plod through Scorpio all year. There is a retrograde cycle
from March 14 August 1, 2015, all within the lunar mansion called Anuradha.

The Rahu-Ketu axis moves in backward motion through the signs of Virgo-Pisces
for all of 2015, finally changing signs in late January, 2016.

There will be three Mercury retrograde cycles in 2015. January 21-February 11

(Capricorn), May 18 June 10 (Taurus), September 16 October 8 (Virgo). This is
Mercury's year for retrograde cycles in the earth signs.

Total Solar Eclipse March 20, 2015. Sun/Moon in Pisces

Total Lunar Eclipse April 4, 2015. Sun in Pisces, Moon in Virgo

Partial Solar Eclipse September 13, 2015. Sun/Moon in Leo.

Total Lunar Eclipse September 28, 2015. Sun in Virgo, Moon in Pisces.

Mercury Transits Capricorn January 1 March 8

Mercury, the swift planet that rules the earth element, commerce and communication, slides into
Capricorn on January 1. Capricorn is lorded by Saturn, a renowned influence of slowness, so the

territory of Capricorn is not a place for fast moves due to its connection with the earth element and
Saturn. Mercury does enjoy going quickly, and as it turns out, will take nine weeks to make it
through one sign, which is not quickly for Mercury.
Since Mercury rules communication and analysis, let's consider what can be done with this brilliant
opportunity to slowly, carefully and deeply consider words, data and business matters. Mercury will
be in Capricorn so long because of a retrograde cycle that begins on January 21, causing him to slow
down, stop, turn around, retrace.
For the first few weeks of January, Mercury will be enjoying the space of Capricorn with his friend,
Venus, who moves to Aquarius on January 22. Mercury takes over where Mars began, carrying
on the serious project and interacting with Venus in addition. Venus does help to soften the
energy in Capricorn during this time. With the combination of Venus, Mercury and Saturn energy, we
could find ourselves deeply analyzing our interactions and relationships, pulling back, choosing
inaction or silence over engagement.
In this vein, it is a good time to analyze our desire for action and movement and to learn when to
draw back or refrain from action even though we are compelled toward it.

Mars Transits Aquarius January 4 February 11

Mars leaves Capricorn, its sign of exaltation, on Sunday, January 4. This will shift the mutual
influence between Mars and Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, but will not totally disconnect. The sign of
Aquarius is co-ruled by Saturn and Rahu, so the exchange of signs between Mars and Saturn will
remain, as Saturn is currently located in Scorpio, co-ruled by Mars and Ketu.
Saturn's planetary aspect on Mars will be removed when Mars leaves Capricorn, which could create
a small release of the brakes on Mars' forward motion. Saturn and Mars aren't natural friends,
but they connect in various ways. They are the two planets that share rulership of a sign with
one of the Moon's nodes. Also, they have an interesting relationship in the exaltation-debilitation
scheme: Mars is exalted in Saturn's sign (Capricorn) and Saturn is debilitated in Mars' sign (Aries.)
As far as harnessing Mars' energy in the best way during this time, it may be advantageous to focus
on projects and actions that have already been initiated during Mars' transit through
Capricorn. This is a good time for getting deep into the work, building slowly and deliberately.
Mars gives a planetary influence to Rahu from Aquarius, bringing Rahu's' passion into play.
Obsess in the right direction, if possible!

Full Moon in Gemini January 4

The Moon is in Taurus the first few days of January, waxing and in its sign of exaltation. Then,
moving into Gemini, the Moon becomes full at 21 during the evening of January 4, 2015. Gemini is
ruled by Mercury and 21 falls in the lunar mansion of Punarvasu, ruled by Jupiter.
The Sun is in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter and the Moon is in Gemini, ruled by Mercury. Not only
will the Sun and Moon occupy opposite signs, as always on a full Moon, but also their lords will
occupy opposite signs. Another notable thing is that the lord of each luminary is located eight signs
away. Jupiter is in Cancer, eight signs from Sagittarius, where the Sun is positioned. Mercury is in
Capricorn, eight signs from Gemini, where the Moon is positioned. This could signal an opportunity
for deep transformation in the realms that these signs occupy in one's chart.
Another note is that during this day, there will be a tight aspect by degree from Saturn to both Venus
and Mercury in Capricorn. Further pressure may be felt by Venus and Mercury due to being hemmed
between the Sun in Sagittarius and Mars, newly positioned in Aquarius.
We may find ourselves feeling a bit trapped by these influences of challenging planets like Saturn,
Mars and Sun squeezing Mercury. The point is that sometimes we need to find the graceful, loving
way to find peace and happiness even when we are confined. Remember that Jupiter is still giving
an aspect to Capricorn, but it is retrograde, so we may have to dig a bit for our well of positivity.

Sun Transits Capricorn January 14 February 12

The Sun moves out of Jupiter's fire sign, Sagittarius and into Saturn's earth sign, Capricorn on
January 14 for its usual one month of transit. Here is where things can get a bit stiff.
It was one thing when Mars was in occupation of Capricorn because it is exalted and was exchanging
signs with Saturn, giving both of these hard-core planets a bit of a boost to do the right thing.
The Sun in Capricorn is traveling through enemy territory; the Sun and Saturn are not friends
(although they are related in that Saturn is considered the son of the Sun.) As we may have
experienced, family relationships are not always harmonious. Saturn gets to lord and directly aspect
the Sun as it travels through Capricorn during mid-January to mid-February.
The Sun represents our individuality, personal will, ego and inherent soul expression. We may feel
somewhat oppressed during this month by circumstances both self-created and imposed by the
"world." Rahu, the north node, continues to blow smoke into Capricorn throughout the year, balanced
by Jupiter's positive aspect from Cancer (although a bit hampered at the moment by Jupiter's
retrograde motion.)
The other situation created by Sun's presence in Capricorn is that combined with Ketu in Pisces, we
have a hard situation arise in the sign of Aquarius due to Sun and Ketu creating papakartari yoga
there. This yoga forms when two difficult planets are flanking either side of a sign. The sign itself
and the planets therein tend to suffer or struggle. In this case, we will see a Venus-Mars conjunction
in Aquarius from January 22 February 12.
This presents a challenge. Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Rahu, two planets that present the greatest
lessons in worldly life and ultimately attempt to lead us toward the ideal balance of detachment and
attachment. We will pursue this more in the final section of this forecast, Venus in Aquarius.

But let's get back to the Sun and Ketu, who cause the situation. Sun presses us toward individual
expression in general, but it is currently in a position of forced humility in Capricorn. Ketu wants
only liberation and has concern neither for self nor other. It is currently in Pisces, projecting the truth
of cosmic consciousness through the lens of Jupiter's expansive, oceanic sign. This could be a good
time to step back from self indulgent behaviors in order to objectively focus on the interaction
between self and other as shown by Venus and Mars in Aquarius.
New Moon in Capricorn January 20

After the full Moon of January 4, Moon wanes through the zodiac, first visiting with Jupiter in
Cancer January 5-7, which could make some good energy with both Jupiter and Moon in Cancer.
The Moon soon gets into more difficult terrain as it wanes. Moon takes about 2.5 days to get through
a sign. In Leo, Moon receives the aspect of Mars and Saturn. Entering Virgo it encounters Rahu. In
Libra, the Moon gets squeezed between difficult Rahu and Saturn, occupying the adjacent signs.
Next, Moon enters debilitation and conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio, takes a few deep breaths in
Sagittarius and then moves into conjunction with the Sun in Capricorn.
The Moon reaches the tender moment of newness just before dawn on January 20 at 7 Capricorn, in
the lunar mansion of Uttarashada. Because the Vedic day begins at sunrise, this moment still lands in
Monday, the day of the Moon. This nakshatra is ruled by the Sun and by the Viswedevas, which
represent all of the gods collectively. This nakshatra is about bringing us to the pinnacle of power and
victory through alliance with divinity in our efforts for collective success.
With the Moon as the representative of our mental state, emotions and vulnerability, let us be aware
of this dark fortnight; the Moon passes through some trials that give us the chance to practice calm
and dispassion in the face of pain, difficulty, annoyance or injustice. The day of January 19 is
amavasya, a good time to withdraw from too much or important action in favor of rest, relaxation,
worship or meditation.
Perhaps as the Moon wanes, we allow our individual disturbances to fall away behind us so that we
can prepare ourselves for new growth in some form of collective situation. Moon and Sun will be in
Capricorn, along with Venus and Mercury in the later degrees of the sign, who all receive the benefit
of planetary aspect from Jupiter as well as the challenging aspects of Rahu and Saturn. We have a
mix of influences on this new Moon.

Mercury Retrograde January 21 February 11

The first retrograde cycle of 2015 launches with a small thud on January 21 as Mercury stops in his
tracks and apparently begins to slide back through the middle degrees of Capricorn. This may slow
our collective roll quite a bit with retrograde Saturn both lording and aspecting Mercury for this
transit through Capricorn.
As Mercury begins, he is close to both Moon and Venus and by January 25, Mercury falls back into
the bright orb of combustion with the Sun, falling away from sight. (For the first half of January,
Mercury should be visible with Venus and Mars in the western sky just after sunset.) Mercury is
accustomed more than any other planet to combustion, as it is the closest planet to the Sun and

seldom far away from the Sun, from our perspective on Earth. But combustion is combustion, and we
may find our ability to communicate somewhat lost in the bright solar sphere. It may be that
choosing to speak sparsely during this time may be the best plan for avoiding conflict and
communication errors.
All of the Mercury retrograde cycles of 2015 occur in earth signs. All of the Mercury retrograde
cycles of 2014 happened in air signs (except the last one, which was split between air and earth when
Mercury started in Libra and retreated to Virgo.) What this could indicate for this year's retrograde
cycles is that Mercury's excessive energy may affect us more in the physical/material realm. System
or hardware malfunctions may be the manifestation. Perhaps the beginning of the month could be
spent cautiously backing up your data and contacts, getting the transportation and communication
devices checked for proper working order and preparing by not over-scheduling for the period
between mid-January and mid-February.
With all of the recent planetary activity in the sign of Capricorn, Mercury's retrograde and long
transit through this earth sign of Saturn may be calling us to deeply review and analyze our
communication, business alliances and educational pursuits.

Venus Transits Aquarius January 22 February 15

Venus maintains a good speed, moving forward into Aquarius on January 22, joining Mars. Here is
where things should really sprout up in the male-female interaction domain. Venus parts ways with
the friendly but androgynous Mercury and moves into the arms of masculine Mars, trading peace for
passion. We can all take in that trade-off as this transit through Aquarius progresses.
Venus and Mars should look quite striking together in the western sky after sunset throughout
January and February as Venus pursues Mars, coming in for an exact conjunction sometime in late
Venus is in a friendly sign in Aquarius, but we have a few factors that may distract our planet of
love, beauty, comfort and sensuality. First, the hemming in of Aquarius by Sun and Ketu may cause
that feeling of being trapped between a rock and a hard place. Venus will try very diligently to make
peace through diplomacy at all cost, but with Mars in the vicinity, this may be nearly impossible. As
stated earlier, we may be getting more into passion than peace with this transit.
This could be great fodder for the creative process in the sense that we can find beauty in challenge
and difficulty. Rather than bemoaning the failure of the peace process, we may have to buck up and
work through hard territory in our relationships as January becomes February. Actions may speak
louder than words at this time, especially considering Mercury's position and retrograde status.
Steady as she goes.

December 2014/by Kerry Shamblin

Calculations are done using the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha and the mean node. Timings are based on
Mountain Time Zone, US.

Saturn and Mars Exchange Signs

Venus Transits Sagittarius December 5-29
Full Moon in Taurus December 6
Jupiter Retrograde December 8, 2014 April 8, 2015
Mercury Transits Sagittarius December 12 31
Sun Transits Sagittarius December 15 January 14
Winter Solstice New Moon in Sagittarius December 21
Saturn and Mars Exchange Signs

Opening day of December, 2014 shows us a host of planets in the mystical sign of Scorpio: Saturn,
Mercury, Sun and Venus. This could be a harbinger for an energetic and transformational holiday
season. Mars, ruler of Scorpio, is exalted in Capricorn while Jupiter, ruler of Pisces, is opposite Mars,
exalted in Cancer. The Moon will be waxing and conjoined Ketu, the south node of the Moon, during
the first couple of days of December.
Mars moved to Capricorn on November 27, and moves through his exaltation through the new year,
changing signs again on January 5, 2015. With Mars in exaltation, the signs he rules will also
benefit: Aries and Scorpio.
Scorpio is a complex environment as December opens, due to the presence of the planets there,
especially Saturn, who remains in Scorpio through October 2017. Where Saturn sits, we can expect
pressure and challenge; in response to this we can struggle against the pressure or find a way to use it
to our advantage.
Mars and Saturn have an interesting relationship. Mars is impulsive, driving and power-seeking.
Saturn is slow, deliberate, dispassionate and limiting. They are not natural friends and have different
camps with which they affiliate. Mars is exalted in Saturn's sign of Capricorn, but Saturn is
debilitated in Mars' sign of Aries. A classic example of a complicated relationship!
Mars benefits from being in the disciplined, earthy sign of Saturn, Capricorn. The goal-oriented,
boundary-marked environment of Capricorn turns out to be a great, safe place to channel the fire of
Mars, which is what we will be experiencing through January 5, 2015. From Capricorn, Mars also
has his unique ability to aspect four signs from his position, so in this case, his own sign of Aries,
which could confer much energy and ability to that sign as well. So the Aries friends among us, with
exalted Mars transiting through the tenth from Aries, could experience a boost in career or work
during this transit.
The complexity comes when we think of the relationship between the two signs where Mars and
Saturn are currently located, Capricorn and Scorpio. By the convention of "rasi drishti" or sign
aspects, these two signs (and the planets contained therein) will have the ability to mutually aspect
one another. So there is a great deal of commerce and energy exchange between these two signs this
month due to the presence of Mars and Saturn. Saturn's planetary aspects also include the 3rd place
from where he sits, which is Capricorn in this case, so we feel the pressure of Saturn not only in
Scorpio but also in Capricorn.
And again we come back to our personal relationship with pressure and how we face it. Pressure can
squash people, ideas and projects. Pressure can make gems form. Pressure can extract essential

qualities or ingredients. Pressure can drive in a wedge. Pressure can cook things faster. How can we
combine in a safe and effective way the fire of Mars and the pressure of Saturn? The mission is yours
should you choose to accept it.
One of the global issues that could come under close scrutiny during this next few years of Saturn in
Scorpio could be the method of hydraulic fracturing. While the ever-increasing need for fuel (Mars)
drives the market, those who seek to profit may ignore the health and environmental concerns being
raised about the danger of this extraction process, which is very reminiscent of Saturn in Scorpio
energy. Saturn as lord of karma will surely require that appropriate payment be made in our quest for
extracting hidden storehouses of energy, literally and metaphorically.
Venus Transits Sagittarius December 5-29

Venus breaks out of the bright orb of the Sun on December 4th, beginning after that to appear in the
west at sunset. Thus begins a period of Venus as evening star, when Venus rises and sets after the
Sun, which lasts through August, 2015, when retrograde Venus again comes into conjunction with
the Sun.
This upcoming journey of Venus as evening star will bring the planet of love, compassion and beauty
into contact with several other planets before reuniting once again with the Sun. In January and
February 2015, Venus shares space with Mars as they move together through Capricorn and
Aquarius. When Mars and Venus reach Pisces, they move through Venus' exaltation where Ketu is
currently placed, from mid-February to mid-March 2015. In April, Venus finally pulls ahead of Mars
and travels solo until the sign of Cancer is reached on May 30, when Venus joins Jupiter. The two
teachers, Venus and Jupiter, stay together through July, when Venus begins a retrograde cycle
that brings her closer to the Sun for another transformation.
With this itinerary ahead, we can focus on the beginning of the journey that starts in Jupiter's sign on
December 5. Like Mars and Saturn, Venus and Jupiter are not natural friends and reside in two
different camps, as well as having a unique relationship. Jupiter and Venus are considered the two
teachers amongst the planets, so there is the common goal of education and growth. However the
types of students are different as well as the methodology of teaching.
Venus is in neutral territory in Sagittarius. As our "new Venus" emerges within our own experience
this month, we may feel as if we are faced with learning and growing in an unfamiliar environment.
Let us be prepared for this new adventure and not reject valuable lessons that we may encounter,
simply because they may seem out of place or inappropriate to our situation.
This is Venus emerging as the evening star; we see through the Venus cycle this slow oscillation
between seeing Venus in the east during the morning and seeing Venus in the west during the
evening. Venus embodies the qualities of oneness, love, compassion and beauty; these manifest
strongly in our human pursuits of creativity and relationship. Venus as the evening star announces the
evening, and as morning star announces the day, the coming of the Sun.
We may see that Venus' reign as evening star will highlight the feminine, sensitive qualities of Venus.
Our creative processes may become inspired by the subconscious or dream realms. In our
relationships, we may have to employ the use of passivity and surrender more than action and
aggression to keep a balance working between self and other.

This beginning for Venus may require some transformation and surrender due to Venus' position in
Sagittarius, flanked on one side by Mars in Capricorn and on the other by Saturn in Scorpio. The
diamond-like quality of Venus can endure this pressure, but as humans we are still soft and
vulnerable. Make sure to secure a safe and comfortable pod for the current emergence of creative
energy that is squeezing through Sagittarius.
Full Moon in Taurus December 6

The Moon becomes full at 21 in its sign of exaltation, Taurus, which is ruled by Venus. The Moon
gains strength as it waxes, culminating in power when it becomes full. In addition, the exaltation
status of the Moon gives it strength. Further, the Moon's sign of Cancer is currently occupied by
exalted Jupiter. A triangle of positive power is formed because Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius,
where Venus is currently positioned, and Venus is the ruler of Taurus, where the Moon is full on this
The moment of the full Moon happens before sunrise, so it is technically still Friday, but we should
enjoy the energy of this strong Moon on both Friday, December 5 and Saturday, December 6. This is
an auspicious time (December 4-6) with Venus emerging as evening star, and Moon, Jupiter
(still direct) and Mars all in exaltation.
It will be a good time for social interaction, family time and holiday preparations. With Saturn in
Scorpio, we are seeing an aspect to the Moon, so keep things slow and focus on the deeper meaning
of things rather than the surface glamor. Additionally, keep those that are elderly, infirm or alone in
mind and attempt to bring them into your social gatherings.
Jupiter Retrograde December 8, 2014 April 8, 2015

As is common in astrology, there are many opinions about the nature of planets that are both exalted
and retrograde or debilitated and retrograde. What can we expect from exalted Jupiter as it becomes
retrograde on December 8 and travels in apparent reverse motion through the stars of the sign
Planets when retrograde gain "chesta bala" which is strength to act. This implies that while Jupiter is
retrograde, we may have to struggle more to gain the fruits indicated by Jupiter. We all expect
exalted Jupiter to shower us with abundance, knowledge and spiritual fulfillment. With the retrograde
status in effect, we cannot expect this shower without doing some work of our own in these arenas.
Another aspect of retrograde planets is that they can give unexpected, unusual or reversed results.
For example, it may be difficult to access spiritual knowledge during this Jupiter retrograde period
(but we can work for it!) It may be easier to access material knowledge or abundance, which Jupiter
also grants (but we still have to work for it!)
For individual charts, one has to see which house Jupiter is transiting currently in the chart and also
make note of the houses Jupiter rules in the chart. The results of those houses may reverse or become
difficult to access during this period.
An example is the US Chart that is commonly accepted as Sagittarius ascendant. That makes Jupiter
the ruler of the 1st house (of self) and the 4th house of (home, land, country.) Jupiter is exalted and
currently transiting the 8th house of the US chart, which could indicate a big transformation in how

the US is received and perceived by other entities as well as by its own people. Since Jupiter entered
Cancer, the economy of the US has been doing well, on an upward swing after a slow first quarter
2014. We may see a slowing or reversal of this trend as Jupiter moves through the retrograde cycle.
The 8th house can show "resources of others" so it could be that we see some type of withdrawal of
economic participation from other countries when it comes to the US, or perhaps a rise in lending
interest rates.
Jupiter is currently transiting the nakshatra Ashlesha, which is ruled by Mercury and its deity is
Sarpa, the lord of the serpents. This is quite a transformational nakshatra and the last part of it, where
Jupiter is currently located is considered to be a "gandanta" region. There are three gandanta points in
the zodiac, at the junctures between water and fire signs. Planets traversing these regions are
assisting us in getting through difficult situations or "karmic knots."
Jupiter entered gandanta on November 3, in forward motion, and then reverses movement at 29
Cancer on December 8. In reverse motion, Jupiter exits the gandata on January 12, 2015. We may
look back one day at this two month period and realize that an extreme move had been made during
this time. We may be required to go through some deep karma during this time, but in the long run, it
supports our spiritual progression immensely. An interesting note on the karmic challenge offered by
Jupiter in Ashlesha gandanta is that the navamsa (ninth harmonic) position of this placement puts
Jupiter into the sign of Pisces, showing spiritual completion and regeneration. Have heart! The
difficulty, if it arises, is worth it!
Mercury Transits Sagittarius December 12 31

Mercury follows Venus and precedes the Sun into Jupiter's fire sign, Sagittarius, on December 12. As
always, fleet-footed Mercury moves quickly, making his way closer to his friend Venus as December
progresses and toward a more comfortable sign, Capricorn, on December 31.
Mercury, like Venus, is not a natural friend of Jupiter, but each of them gets along well enough with
Jupiter to consider Sagittarius as neutral territory. Mercury also has the ability to aspect his own signs
of Gemini and Virgo from the sign of Sagittarius, as well as giving his planetary aspect to Gemini as
well. This could be supportive of learning, which may be helpful given that we need the flexibility,
openness and diplomacy of both Venus and Mercury as we may be facing lessons in unusual or new
environments (as mentioned in the above section about Venus in Sagittarius.)
The dual nature of the sign of Sagittarius combined with the dual nature of Mercury himself could be
quite useful in adjusting to new locations and paradigms at this time. We have to be flexible, cheerful
and willing to learn as we navigate new environments. Mercury affords us these abilities, allowing us
to find the bright side of difficult moments and learning how to move forward despite pressure and
Sun Transits Sagittarius December 15 January 14

The Sun continues his stately pace, moving from Scorpio to Sagittarius on December 15 for a monthlong transit. The Sun is happy in both Scorpio and in Sagittarius, but this year Sun may feel some
relief exiting Scorpio due to the presence of his enemy, Saturn, currently positioned there.
When Sun enters Sagittarius, Venus and Mercury are already in transit there, each moving steadily
forward away from the Sun. The three planets will be hemmed between two challenging planets,

Mars in Capricorn and Saturn in Scorpio. So the exchange we are getting between Saturn and Mars
as discussed above is also creating a squeeze on the sign of Sagittarius and the planets passing
through it.
Because we have an earth-centric way of looking at the planets in the signs, it is fun sometimes to
acknowledge that it is we who are moving through the signs and the great Sun who is staying fixed
(relatively speaking.) As we circumambulate the Sun, we see the backdrop of stars changing. Behind
the Sun are the stars of Sagittarius (which we can't see because the Sun is too bright.) Jupiter, ruler of
Sagittarius, is exalted, but retrograde. The Sun is our means of individual self expression, so the
influence of Jupiter during this transit of Sagittarius may cause us to dig a bit deeper to receive a
clear message about who we are or what we want.
With the firm support of Saturn and Mars, the planets in Sagittarius including Sun, Mercury and
Venus, could lead us on a wild adventure of self-discovery that begins this month.
After sunset starting around December 4, as mentioned we will begin to see Venus as the evening
star, setting shortly after the Sun. Mars will be joining Venus, and for awhile Mercury, in the early
evening western sky for much of the winter.
Winter Solstice New Moon in Sagittarius December 21

The Sun and Moon join at 6 Sagittarius at around sunset on Sunday, December 21. It is from here
that the Sun will again move in its northern course and the days begin to get longer in the northern
This new Moon solstice occurs just at the degree which points the way to our galactic center. It is
Sagittarius and specifically the nakshatra called Mula, "the root." During this time of year, in our
current era, we experience this pull toward the center of our galaxy, toward our roots and origin, at
the winter solstice. Mula is ruled by the planet Ketu, the headless shadow planet who is bound for
In a certain sense, we can call this a combination new Sun, new Moon where in the quiet and dark,
we can settle into stillness and contact the source of who we are, lose our heads and our minds and
re-set our course.
Joining the Moon and Sun in Sagittarius are Venus and Mercury, with Venus leading the way after
her recent rebirth experience. The delicate, diplomatic, flexible and creative combination of Venus
and Mercury are a lovely and friendly buffer for this tender new Moon that requests that we descend
to the depths of our soul.
The day preceding this conjunction, from the evening of December 20, is amavasya, the day when
the Moon wanes completely. It is a good day for withdrawal from important worldly activity in favor
of stillness.
Perhaps this is a good plan for the upcoming holiday activities. Consider planning for some calm
reflection and rest during the weekend of December 20-21.

And then enjoy the holiday season as the Moon waxes, joining exalted Mars December 23-25 and
aspecting its own sign of Cancer holding Jupiter. Jupiter in the retrograde/exalted state may bring up
unexpected but inevitable outcomes as it aspects Moon and Mars during Christmas celebrations.
As we head toward new year, the planets hold their places as the Moon moves forward, through
Pisces and a meeting with Ketu on December 27-29. And then into exaltation in Taurus as the clock
strikes midnight on December 31, 2014.
Well wishes to you and yours this holiday season.

October 2014/ by Kerry Shamblin

Calculations are done using the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha and the mean node. Timings are based on
Mountain Time Zone, US.
Saturn's Final Month in Libra
Mercury Retrograde October 4-25
Full Moon Total Eclipse in Pisces October 8
Moon-Jupiter in Cancer October 15-17
Sun Transits Libra October 17-November 16
Mars Transits Sagittarius October 17-November 26
Venus Transits Libra October 18-November 11
New Moon (Partial Solar Eclipse) in Libra October 23
Saturn's Final Month in Libra

Shani (Saturn) has been moving slowly through his sign of exaltation, Tula (Libra), since November
14, 2011. The planets that move slowly through the signs of the zodiac, such as Shani, give us the
chance to experience that sign's energy in a sustained way that also includes variations contributed by
the movement of the other planets.
Saturn can be a relentless task master, so there is little chance that he will let us off easy during this
last month in Libra. Whatever small lessons still to learn may be delivered as he gathers his strength
and moves from Libra to Scorpio on November 2.
The Librans among us may be quite tired from the pressure of Saturn over the past few years. But
remember, this is the kind of pressure that turns coal into diamonds. While we may have endured
much including loss, disappointment, exhaustion and grief, we have also learned how to cope with
these difficult or negative experiences with grace, humility and detachment, which is just what Shani
gives us each day as we walk slowly through our lives.
Even if we don't define ourselves as "Libra," the sign of Libra still exists in each individual's birth
chart, giving flavor to a certain domain of life. So in some way, Saturn has been shaping and
sculpting us. If you can define which area of your own life that the sign of Libra touches, spend some
time this month to sit quietly and ask Saturn what else there is to understand before he moves on.

Libra is ruled by the planet Venus and provides an environment for the expression of Venus. This is
Venus' air sign, and air signs rule the realm of thought and ideas. Venus is what prompts us to desire
connection, love, peace, comfort and beauty. When we apply this to Libra, we see Venus in a very
social, creative light. Social not only in the sense of friendship or partnership, but also in the sense of
"I'm happy when others are happy."
Saturn in Libra is a great balancer in approaching this subject of love, harmony and relationship,
which commonly involves two or more people. Each person brings a unique set of desires that are
supported by an ego. Mixing two or more people in a situation becomes one of the most fascinating
When we can recognize our own set of desires and attachments, then step back far enough to see that
others have their own set, then step another step back and get perspective on what needs to exist in
order for all parties involved to live happily, then we are just starting to approach relationship from a
Saturn perspective.
Shani teaches us the value of limitation, detachment, determination, patience, silence, foundation and
boundaries. It doesn't take much effort to realize how each of these qualities is essential to
relationship. The effort comes in the application.
For example, an overblown ego makes it difficult to relate and find compassion for others and an
underdeveloped ego makes it difficult for an individual to find compassion and care for the self.
Creating a healthy ego that can both care for the self and for others is our general task and Saturn has
been working hard these past three years to deliver lessons that lead us toward understanding these
concepts through practice.
Take advantage of this last month of Saturn in Libra to shore up your relational foundations, mark
your boundaries and let go of that which is preventing health in relationship.
Mercury Retrograde October 4-25

All this talk about lessons brings up the idea that we are all students. We see how we approach
learning through the energy of Mercury, always eager to stretch the mental and physical capacity. As
the planet of communication and exchange, Mercury is essential to the learning process. When we
assume a youthful, flexible and cheerful stance, we are ready to learn.
Keeping up on the latest things is one of Mercury's past times. Doing that requires us to cheerfully
face rolling with the changes by learning how to navigate new environments. The need to constantly
learn that exists in the commerce of this world has its place, but sometimes the influx of words,
materials and lessons can be overwhelming.
Taking a few weeks to dam the flow of new material and reviewing what has already been acquired
could be quite rejuvinating, if we let it. Perhaps rather than becoming filled with apprehension that
Mercury will enter a retrograde cycle this month, let's instead see it as a needed time of review where
we can sit with our recently assimilated lessons and allow them to digest.
Mercury assumes retrograde motion at 9 Libra just before mid-day on Saturday, October 4. This
puts dear Mercury about 17 degrees away from Saturn on one side and 15 degrees away from Rahu

on the other, much like the story about the rock and the hard place. The difficult lessons that have
been dealt in the past 1.5 years may be looming on either side like shadowy pillars, awaiting their
ultimate assimilation into your understanding.
This beginning week of October is the week to approach your "study sessions" with discipline.
Distractions will creep along, do not allow them to work. Review, edit, practice and communicate
about what you are focused on understanding. The sign of Libra is ruled by Venus; Saturn and
Mercury are both friendly to Venus and so are well situated. Let's refresh the idea here that some of
these lessons we're reviewing may have something to do with Libra and Saturn, as mentioned in the
first section of the October forecast.
Mercury will move in retrograde motion through the first section of Libra, re-entering his own sign
of Virgo on October 15 and bringing him increasingly close to to Rahu, the north node of the Moon
and "head of the dragon." Rahu and Mercury will make another conjunction during this retrograde
cycle on October 24. The first conjunction of Mercury and Rahu in this retrograde cycle series
occurred on September 17. Mercury then resumes direct motion on October 25 and re-conjoins Rahu
in forward motion on October 29.
Since Mercury is particularly easily influenced by proximity or aspect by other planets, we should
think about how this may manifest. The first conjunction of these two during mid-September may
have sparked some events that will re-emerge in some way as of mid-October, when Mercury returns
to Virgo and another two encounters with Rahu. We may see the resolution of these issues as
Mercury resumes direct motion and moves forward past Rahu during the last week of October.
Mercury re-enters Libra on November 4.
Mercury is also influenced by planets occupying his signs, so for as long as Rahu transits Virgo (until
January 2016), we may feel this influence on Mercury. Rahu tends to amplify energy, but also creates
confusion that comes from overwhelming and irrational desire. The confusion arises because of the
strong urges caused by Rahu interfering with our informational mind (Mercury) attempting to
analyze and determine the practical value of things and actions. Rahu is also naturally retrograde, so
this reverse energy may affect our Mercury expression through the entire Rahu transit of Virgo.
This may in fact feel like a mild form of Mercury retrograde that persists through the next 15 months.
In order to build a resistance to this type of environment, it would be great to make a conscious effort
for clarity in communication at every turn. This means both in receiving and in transmitting! Another
remedy to build in to day-to-day communication would be an understanding that this condition exists
and that it may be likely that the person who is talking to you will be unclear or that the person to
whom you are talking may hear a completely different message than the one you are struggling to
deliver clearly.
So, this month particularly, remember the remedies to help keep Mercury calm: one thing at a time,
slow down, practice patience, follow a health routine including regular meals, sleep and exercise,
moderation in media consumption, focus, focus, focus!

Full Moon Total Eclipse in Pisces October 8

Meanwhile, in Pisces, the Moon reaches its strength on October 8 at 4:50 am, Mountain time US.
The full Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon occupy opposite zodiac signs and eclipses occur when

the Sun and Moon align with the nodal axis, the signs occupied by the shadow planets, Rahu and
This total lunar eclipse sees the Moon at 22 Pisces conjunct Ketu and Sun at 22 Virgo conjunct
One of the dictionary definitions of the word "eclipse" is: a reduction or loss of splendor, status,
reputation, etc. The Sanskrit word for eclipse is "grahana" and has other meanings such as: seize,
perceiving, capture, taking. So the idea is that the power or light of the eclipsed planet (in this case,
Moon) is being captured by the nodal axis.
Since it is Ketu that is grasping the Moon during this eclipse, we examine the desire of Ketu, which
is only for liberation and freedom. The Moon represents our consciousness, emotions and ceaseless,
ever-changing flow of thoughts. The Moon is this part of our mind that is nearly impossible to
change consciously or to control, hence our gravitation toward techniques designed to help us in this
regard such as meditation or yoga.
This full Moon eclipse in Pisces may cause us to feel like we are freeing our minds or losing our
minds, perhaps depending on the individual situation. We could use this energy in a positive way to
consciously quiet our mental chatter in an attempt to connect with the true condition of our minds.
The Moon will be in Revati nakshatra, the final lunar mansion in the zodiac cycle, so there is some
sense of completion of something in order to move forward in a renewed manner. With Ketu's
involvement, we may be looking at letting go of something (mental habits, wrong thinking,
emotional distress?) such that this renewal or regeneration can take place.
The Sun (with Venus) will be in Virgo, ruled by Mercury and more specifically in Hasta nakshatra,
which is ruled by the Moon. The Moon and Mercury are both planets that we associate with different
parts of what we call "the mind." Sun, Venus and Rahu will be on the other side of the eclipsed Moon
and through their position and connection, we are offered an amplified message from our soul about
what it is that we desire deeply, in our heart. With Ketu quieting the mind that chatters, feels and
reacts, we can perhaps gain a quick, shadowy vision that may inspire a creative rebirth.
Moon-Jupiter in Cancer October 15-17

As the Moon wanes, it moves through the first section of the zodiac and comes into the sign of
Cancer in the early evening of October 15, joining Jupiter there for two days, exactly conjunct on
October 17. This is an auspicious meeting of two planets in good dignity. If we look back to the full
Moon eclipse of October 8, we may at this time be getting comfortable with (or at least identified)
what must go in order to clear the space.
Allow the mind to settle as Moon continues to wane, for it must pass through the territory occupied
by Rahu, and Saturn and on into the next eclipse of the pair on October 23 at the new Moon.
The meeting with Jupiter mid-way between full and new Moon should be a good re-charge for the
Moon, strong because of being in its own sign of Cancer and further bolstered by the presence of
Jupiter in its sign of exaltation, Cancer. We may be able to receive good advice and guidance during
this couple day window.

Sun Transits Libra October 17-November 16

The Sun represents our heart, true selves and soul in the astrological context. The actual Sun is
a self-generating power source that we as humans connect to and rely on greatly. A healthy Sun
in a chart grants the native self-confidence, identity, individuality and leadership ability. When
the Sun is in its own sign of Leo or in its sign of exaltation, Aries, the Sun is strong, and these types
generally exude these solar qualities.
Libra, opposite to Aries, is the territory where Sun struggles most to express itself, known as the
debilitation sign of the Sun. Libra is Venus' air sign and Venus is the planet related to love,
relationship and recognition of the sameness between self and other. In order to love and connect,
one must be humble and willing to compromise, to lose oneself, in a sense. The Sun faces difficulty
with these things, hence the difficulty for the Sun as it moves through Libra.
This year, the Sun is supported by the ruler of Libra, Venus, as it transits its debilitation sign. Venus
is currently in combustion with the Sun, so close that we no longer see Venus in the morning sky.
There is a 90 day period that the Sun and Venus travel closely together, the exact conjunction coming
on October 24.
The joining of the Sun and Venus as a part of Venus' cycle recalls the energy of the new Moon, when
Sun and Moon conjoin. This New Venus occuring in its own sign and granting some cancellation of
debility to the Sun seems to be very significant in light of the final portion of Saturn's transit of Libra
combined with the eclipse pair of October. With the finish of one phase, we begin the next.

Mars Transits Sagittarius October 17-November 26

Mars begins the month of October in full strength as he moves through his own sign of Scorpio.
Having separated from Saturn and moved into Scorpio on September 5, Mars has been receiving a
nice aspect from Jupiter in Cancer but will slip out of that as he moves into Sagittarius on October
Mid-October is somewhat a pivot with Sun, Mars and Venus all changing signs within a two-day
period. The Sun moves into its sign of debilitation, Venus moves out of debilitation into its own
sign and Mars moves from his own sign to a friendly sign.
Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius and Jupiter and Mars are friendly with one another. Mars moves out
of receiving an aspect from Jupiter while in Scorpio and into giving an aspect to Jupiter from
Sagittarius. This creates a good dynamic between these two friendly planets. The energy that Mars
commands benefits from the wholesome guidance of Jupiter.
For the first couple weeks of Mars' transit through Sagittarius, Saturn will also aspect Mars from its
position in Libra (until Saturn moves on November 2.) This always puts the brakes on Mars; if we
can know in advance that we will be ready to move and work with Mars' fire beneath us yet we will
be in some way obstructed by caution, indifference or the pressure of responsibility, we can work
with that.

In fact, the aspect of such a mature and strong Saturn is something we should welcome humbly; haste
makes waste. The wisdom of moving slowly, deliberately and in complete truth is one of the greatest
Venus Transits Libra October 18-November 11

Venus is in an interesting position. Beginning October in Virgo, Venus' sign of debilitation, there will
be some relief from the parivartana (exchange) between Mercury and Venus as they occupy one
another's signs while in a temporally friendly position to one another. Mercury is conveying support
to Venus through this transit through Virgo, further intensified by the presence of Rahu.
Then, during the pivot point of the month from October 15-18, Mercury moves back into Virgo (still
supporting Venus with his presence) while Venus continues forward into Libra on October 18. The
parivartana ends, but both Mercury and Venus will be able to stand strongly on their own by virtue of
inhabiting their own signs.
During this entire time, we need to acknowledge that Venus has been in combustion with the Sun
within 10 degrees. This state of combustion of Venus that occurs while Venus is direct and in the
morning sky is called the heliacal setting and began on September 17. The exact Venus-Sun
conjunction will be October 24. The combustion lasts until Venus moves beyond 10 degrees ahead of
Sun on December 4, when Venus rises as evening star.
This combustion of Venus happens due to the size and power of the Sun. Each planet is a devata
(deity) on a physical level, another devata is assigned for the mental level (adhi devata) and another
for the soul level (pratyadi devata.) For the Sun, the adhi devata is Agni and the pratyadi devata is
Shiva. Agni is depicted as having two heads, one that gives blessings and one that purges and
cleanses. This shows the dual nature of the Sun, at once giving life and destroying.
The process of a planet approaching the Sun and then departing mimics this dual nature of the Sun.
As Venus approaches (from mid-September to October 24) we are seeing the face of Agni that is
cruel, causing suffering, sins are committed, mistakes are made, the karma that needs to occur will
occur. After October 24, Venus begins to move ahead of the Sun and we will see the other face of
Agni, that which bestows spiritual and material benefits when we realize our errors and work toward
righting the wrongs we may have done.
This description sounds rather dramatic, but the point is to realize that we are constantly "burning
and building" karma as we go through our lives. Since the planet currently undergoing this
transformation is Venus, we can recall the story of Venus doing 20,000 years of penance to Shiva and
being rewarded with the Mrta Sanjivani mantra, otherwise known as the Mahamrityunjaya mantra,
revered for its life-giving power. It would be beneficial to recite or listen to this mantra during the
period of Venus' combustion, through December 4.
It should also be noted that this combustion is occuring when Venus is strong but the Sun is
debilitated and that also present is exalted Saturn. This creates an interesting chemistry that calls in
keywords like relationship, ego, detachment, love, concession, forgiveness. Quite a time of renewal
and cleansing for the sign of Libra.
New Moon (Partial Solar Eclipse) in Libra October 23

The chemistry is further enriched by the partial solar eclipse caused by the proximity of Rahu to the
Sun and Moon on October 23. This eclipse will be widely visible from the US and Canada.
Rahu is in Virgo at 25 and the Sun/Moon (+ Venus!) combination will all be at 7 Libra. Actually,
the Sun and Moon meet at 622' Libra, just at the very end of the lunar mansion Chitra, which begins
at 2320' Virgo, spanning Virgo and Libra and including Rahu, Sun, Moon and Venus all within its
borders during this eclipse.
The lunar mansion Chitra is ruled by the planet Mars and by the devata called Twashtar, the architect
who is said to have created the three worlds out of pieces of the Sun. The theme of Chitra is creation
of forms that endure (Twashtar was a smith) and through this work to do good karma.
The Sun, already debilitated, will also be partially eclipsed, allowing our two watery planets, Moon
and Venus, a dark moment to dream up a new way of finding honor in our own creation. In the
darkness created by Rahu as it eclipses the Sun during this day and in the calm, cool darkness created
by the Moon's proximity to the Sun during the night, we must listen deeply for direction.
Some may think that the eclipse is "partial" because the nodes and Sun/Moon are in different signs
(Virgo and Libra.) This is not exactly right; it is partial because of the distance between the node and
the luminaries. Although two signs are involved, the fact that the lunar mansion perfectly spans all
parties involved is quite notable. We must understand how Chitra really does evoke the transition
between Virgo and Libra.
Virgo and Libra are ruled by Mercury and Venus, the two planets in the pantheon that are classified
as "rajas," the active and passionate guna, or state of being. These are the planets to call to get the
party started. The energy of rajas is certainly important in the act of creation or inception, and we can
assume that Lord Twashtar had a good measure of that behind him in his task of creation of the three
October promises to be an exciting month, astrologically speaking. The planets always move us
forward; knowing the plan can be quite helpful in getting along gracefully, and still, we can never
really know the story until we are turning the pages.

September 2014/ by Kerry Shamblin

Calculations are done using the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha and the mean node. Timings are based on
Mountain Time Zone, US.
Venus Transits Leo August 31-September 24
Mars Enters Scorpio September 5
Full Moon in Aquarius September 8
Mercury-Rahu Conjunction September 17
Sun Transits Virgo September 17-October 17
Mercury Enters Libra September 20

New Moon in Virgo September 24

Venus Enters Virgo September 25
Venus Transits Leo August 31-September 24

As the month of August comes to a close, we see both Mercury and Venus changing signs. Mercury
departs Leo for Virgo on August 29 and Venus exits Cancer for Leo on the afternoon of August 31.
Venus in Cancer with Jupiter created a combination of two benefic planets that both have to do with
the two aspects of teaching that we experience as human beings. The trigger for receiving this
wisdom could have come from Saturn, due to the planetary aspect of Saturn on Cancer since
November 2011. Other signs affected by Saturn's transit through Libra have been Sagittarius, Aries
and Libra itself.
Saturn can put pressure or obstruction on situations and individuals as indicated through an
astrological chart. This aspect of Saturn on Venus and Jupiter may have made the lessons we receive
from our teachers be blocked or difficult.
Venus traveling through the signs of Cancer, Leo and Virgo will be moving through enemy signs and
debilitation. Venus, as representing our capacity for connection with others through intimate
relationships, friendships, entertainment and mutual appreciation of beauty, will likely offer us some
intricate lessons during the next six weeks. Venus enters Libra, own sign, on October 19.
Venus in the sign of Leo is free of any other planet's influence save the Sun's until September 17,
when the Sun moves to Virgo. While the Sun and Venus are both in occupation of Leo, it may be a
good time to work through the aspect of relationship that requires the balance between serving others
and fulfilling personal desires.
Sun is the ruler of Leo, so is strong in this sign. When Sun is in Leo, we can easily taste the glory of
our individuality. In the cases of those with negative ego problems, it can be a time to safely
practice being a bit more self-fulfilling. For those who may already lean too heavily in this direction,
it could become overblown.
Adding Venus into the dynamic requires us to make room in a graceful and noble way for the needs
of all selves involved in our situations. We may encounter issues where egos collide and then
eventually harmonize. The key is to both clearly define one's desires and to recognize that each
individual's desires are equally as important. The trick is to learn how to make room and
compromise, but not too much that we reach the point of martyrdom.
Venus' transit through Leo could be very inspirational in the field of the arts and entertainment. It
would be a great time to entertain, socialize and participate in creative pursuits. Collaborations could
be subject to what has been suggested in the above three paragraphs.
Mars Enters Scorpio September 5

The conjunction of Mars and Saturn in the sign of Libra created quite a bit of friction. Necessary
friction, but not without the byproducts of heat and irritation! With the switching signs of Mars and
Rahu on July 12, we entered into a phase where it was as if the tanks and trucks rolled in to repair,

replace or rework people, places and things that may have been exposed or damaged during the
Rahu-Saturn conjunction between January 2013 - July 2014.
Mars certainly has what it takes to get things done, but combined with the detached and difficult
influence of Saturn, it could have been a bit painful and taxing over the past six weeks.
Mars moving into his own sign of Scorpio could be somewhat of a relief, leaving Saturn to enjoy his
last couple of months in exaltation in silence. Mars can get a lot of good, deep work done through
this upcoming Scorpio transit, which runs from September 5 - October 15.
Another positive aspect of this Mars transit through Scorpio is that it will receive the auspicious
aspect of Jupiter from Cancer. Jupiter can direct the efforts and energy of Mars in a wholesome,
positive way. Remember that Jupiter is still receiving an influence from Saturn, giving us the chance
to fully work through our difficulties while coming out the other end with a deep understanding of
how the challenges we face are what cause our growth.
Full Moon in Aquarius September 8

The Moon reaches its peak of strength as it is rising on the evening of Monday, September 8, at 23
Aquarius. The lunar mansion of this full Moon is Purvabhadra, which is ruled by the planet Jupiter,
currently exalted in the Moon's sign, Cancer. This makes a nice exchange between these two
beneficial planets.
The relationship between these two planets on this day also includes Jupiter located six places from
Moon and Moon located eight places from Jupiter (6-8 relationship). This could show that
understanding and benefit comes only after a struggle and transformation, perhaps indicated by what
could have been coming our way throughout the Mars-Saturn conjunction through mid-July.
Mars from its own sign of Scorpio lends strength to the Moon and Venus from Leo offers compassion
for self and others. The Moon in Purvabhadra shows the possibility for the support of spiritual
understanding and advancement. Included in this is the movement from self-centered behavior to that
which is more universally supportive. This plays on the theme presented by the Venus-Sun
conjunction in Leo as discussed above.
Mercury-Rahu Conjunction September 17

Mercury entered his own sign of Virgo on August 29, moving quickly forward toward a conjunction
with Rahu on September 17 and then into Libra on September 20.
Planets do function well when placed in their own signs, as Mercury does in Virgo and Gemini.
Mercury is also known to be heavily influenced by planets that aspect or especially conjoin it. The
chameleon-like nature of Mercury not only allows us to participate in communication by allowing
words and symbols to convey our thoughts, but it also allows us at times to morph into new forms
based on our surroundings or associations.
Mercury in Virgo unaffected would allow us to rapidly accomplish tasks that require quick thought,
flexible planning, analysis and skill with the hands. With the addition of Rahu into this equation, we
may see not a lack of this effect, but rather an amplified version. Our ability and desire to accomplish

many tasks such as organization, study, writing, handiwork, harvest and networking may be at a high
during the first few weeks of September.
The temptation to multitask will be very strong. Know that the ability to do it may be present, but
Rahu's influence may cause confusion about which tasks are most important.
For most of this transit, Mercury will be flanked on one side by the Sun in Leo and on the other by
Saturn in Libra, two powerful planets both strongly positioned. This could create a state of mind that
vacillates between the influence of self-confident Sun and cautious, conservative Saturn.
It may be good to plan in advance and stick to schedules this month to maximize efficiency. Mercury
may have a hard time deciding between A & B this month.
Sun Transits Virgo September 17-October 17

The Sun enters Virgo on September 17 which gives the Sun a full month sharing space with Rahu,
the North node of the Moon, also known as the "dragon's head." The Rahu-Ketu axis will align with
the next full Moon on October 8, causing a full lunar eclipse.
The eclipsing action of Rahu works on any planet that it conjoins or aspects. While the Sun in Leo
may have exuded clarity and confidence, when it joins Rahu in Virgo, the Sun may change guises a
bit. This may manifest as self-doubt, confusion about what seemed so clear just a week prior, and
maybe even a little desperation due to the influence of the shadow planet, Rahu.
Knowing this in advance, take advantage of the clarity of Sun in Leo during the first half of
September and literally sketch out a plan. While you're clear, list what is important for you to
accomplish during the remainder of September and try to get it on the calendar. The routine and
regularity of exalted Saturn in the second place from the Sun in Virgo will be an asset to keeping
yourself on track.
With the Sun in Virgo, we can put our heart and soul into the Virgo realm, organizing, sorting things
out, harvesting, storing, making medicines, attending to health.
Mercury Enters Libra September 20

Mercury exits Virgo a few days after conjoining with Rahu. Mercury is a natural friend of Venus,
ruler of Libra, so will be well placed there and will likely benefit from contact with exalted Saturn,
also a natural friend of Mercury.
A reminder that the next Mercury retrograde cycle is from October 4-25, beginning in Libra and
working back into Virgo for another conjunction with Rahu on October 21.
After resuming direct motion on October 25, Mercury will move forward again into Libra and finally
exit to Scorpio on November 25. So we have about two months where Mercury is hovering around
Libra, almost as if attending to the movement of his friend Saturn into Scorpio, which happens on
November 2.
The flexibility and agility of Mercury is what informs the speed and action of our informational
minds, which can be at once an advantage and an obstacle when it comes to making decisions. If we

think of the sign of Libra and the scene that it has been during the last three years of Saturn's transit
there, during the last 1.5 years when Rahu was also transiting, and during the period of Mars' transit
from July 13-September 5, we are aware that this region of the zodiac, ruled by Venus, could be a bit
tender and delicate.
Libra is an air sign, much involved in the realm of thought and the social side of Venus. We may have
collectively experienced an overhaul in how we think about ourselves in relationship to others
through the past few years. Forms that weren't working may have been destroyed, removed or
rejected. Saturn has forced us to face our own ego attachments vis a vis others and relationships; we
let go whether we want to or not, taking responsibility for our own actions and trying to create
boundaries that protect us without imprisonment.
Mercury, with his delightful orientation that allows us to see multiple sides of a situation, including
tremendously sad and strikingly funny at the same time, is likely just what we need to move us along
to the next Saturn transit through the sign of Scorpio (November 2014-October 2017.) Mercury in
Libra can help us to make adjustments to new paradigms, reorganize our resources and shift
perspectives. It will be helpful in how we communicate with the important people in our lives. The
lesson has had much to do with shifting of power dynamics and struggling with ego attachments.
Mercury is the eternal student, eager to learn, change and grow, unattached to the old forms. Try to
integrate this youthful, fresh outlook as you move forward.
New Moon in Virgo September 24

The moment of the new Moon of September happens just after midnight on September 24 in
Mountain Time US. Amavasya is the 24 hour period leading up to this conjunction of Sun and Moon,
which occurs at 8 Virgo in the lunar mansion of Uttaraphalguni.
The lunar energy is at its lowest during this day and is best for withdrawal from too much activity if
possible. Therefore, try to curtail important actions on September 23, waiting to move forward with
things until the morning of September 24.
Uttaraphalguni nakshatra offers us the gifts of happiness and prosperity that come through union with
another. As we work through the dynamics between self-fulfillment and bringing happiness to others,
we may see that a small sacrifice of personal power or desire could lead to a fruitful result that far
outweighs what we could have made on our own.
While the shadow of Rahu is also occupying Virgo along with the Sun and Moon, it is not close
enough to cause an astronomically observable eclipse. There will be an eclipse pair coming up in
October. A full lunar eclipse on October 8, best seen from the South Pacific and a partial solar eclipse
on October 23.
Rahu's influence may make this lunar cycle a bit unstable, but there are other good influences
supporting this new growing phase of the Moon: Venus in Leo on one side with Mercury (and
exalted Saturn) in Libra on the other side of the Sun-Moon combination in Virgo.
While there may be growing clarity about what our next moves are, there may also be self-doubt,
obstacles that make us slow down and desires that cloud our mind.

Venus Enters Virgo September 25

When Venus enters Virgo, it joins the shadow planet, Rahu, which could create some disturbance in
the peace within relationships. Rahu is known for destabilizing qualities. Venus traverses Virgo from
September 25 October 18, then joining Saturn and Mercury in Libra for the last couple of weeks of
Saturn's transit in Libra.
The debilitation sign of Venus is Virgo, making it difficult for Venus energy to express during this
transit. The presence of Rahu in Virgo, which will act as if it is placed in its own sign, will actually
give some strength to Venus as it moves through Virgo. It is also said that in some ways, Venus is
like Rahu, so there may be a thirst for change, activity and ways to feel good physically during this
transit. Desire can be one of our greatest pointers toward our true purpose, but it can also trick us into
compromising our stability in favor of temporary pleasure.
With Venus being our main representative of love and relationship, moving through the sign of health
(Virgo) with Rahu, the agent of intense desire, we are faced with a delicate situation that allows us to
heal the way we relate to others, especially with regard to communication.
Venus moving into Virgo puts Venus and Mercury into a special exchange (parivartana) as they will
be occupying one another's signs. This strengthens not only Mercury and Venus, but also the signs
that they are occupying, Libra and Virgo.
As we move into the end of September, we may feel as if we are (finally) on the road to recovery.
Certainly things won't yet move at great speed, but it may seem that healing is occurring and that we
are organizing our next moves. September is a good time to clean, organize and lightly decorate the
parts of life that are indicated by Virgo and Libra in our personal birth charts, in an effort to restore
health and harmony.

August 2014/ by Kerry Shamblin

Calculations are done using the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha and the mean node. Timings are based on
Mountain Time Zone, US.
Rahu and Ketu Settle into Virgo-Pisces
Venus Enters Cancer August 7
Full Moon in Capricorn August 10
Mercury Transits Leo August 12-29
Sun Transits Leo August 16-September 16
Mars and Saturn Conjunct August 25
New Moon in Leo August 25
Rahu and Ketu Settle into Virgo-Pisces (until 30.01.2016)

By August first, Rahu and Ketu have nestled in to the Virgo-Pisces axis for the next 1.5 years, until
January 30, 2016. The point of gandanta will be past, but we may feel the adjustment from the nodes
shifting location through this month. To know which domains of life are affected in an individual
chart by this new placement could help to understand and weather any sudden or unexpected
situations that may arise.
Rahu and Ketu tend to bring or remove things or people that are involved in deep karmic lessons.
While there is no escaping these lessons for good or ill, we can adjust how we receive and react to
Rahu in Virgo may bring change, innovation or chaos into the realms signified by Virgo: health, food
and medicine (and that which supports and creates those things, doctors, exercise, farming, research.)
Ketu in Pisces may lead many toward a more spiritual perspective that would lead us toward letting
go of worldly desires that keep us bound to a strictly material perspective. For those that are willing,
the experience may be profound and for those that are not, it may be a painful exercise in letting go
against one's will.
The first few days of August see the waxing Moon moving past Rahu, Mars and Saturn and then
through the sign of the Moon's debilitation, Scorpio. While the Moon gains strength in the bright half
of its cycle, it will still be moving through some difficult territory. We have an opportunity in this
first week of August to practice walking forward with a calm mind and stable emotions as we face
possible confusion and situations that appear to be stuck. The theme is patience with sensitivity.
Venus Enters Cancer August 7

Just before dawn on Wednesday, August 7, Venus moves into the sign of Cancer, joining exalted
Jupiter, Sun and Mercury. We are in for a spectacular display of planetary beauty as we watch the
third and fourth brightest objects in our sky (Venus and Jupiter) moving closer together in the predawn eastern sky. They will be exactly conjunct on August 18.
Venus has been rising before the Sun for most of the year, inspiring us each day as the "morning
star." Venus disappears from view in the morning by mid-September, coming into combustion with
the Sun for a few months, which obscures Venus due to the proximity to the brilliant Sun. The exact
conjunction of Sun and Venus will occur in the sign of Libra on October 24. From there, they slowly
separate and we will begin to see Venus as the "evening star" in early December. Therefore, most of
the month of August will offer this conjunction of two bright and beautiful planets, Jupiter and
Venus. This forms a special combination called "dwi guru yoga," which translates as "joining of two
teachers." Jupiter, or Guru, is known as the teacher of the devas (gods) and Venus is known as the
teacher of the asuras (demons.)
If we can perceive within ourselves both of these factions, we can see that we need both types of
teacher in our lives. Within each human being, there is a part that desires the fruits of worldly life, to
fill these desires in a healthy and productive way, the teachings of Venus can be supportive. There is
also a part that strives toward union with the divine, an expansion of the soul that includes the entire
universe; for this type of attainment, the teachings of Jupiter are there to guide us.

From August 7 31, Venus will pass through the sign of Cancer. Cancer is ruled by the Moon and
acts as a crucible for life that allows us to enjoy the nurture of all mothers, including Mother Earth
herself. Jupiter is in occupation of this sign of his exaltation through mid-July 2015.
The combination of these two teachers in the sign of Cancer may bring us much needed guidance
about how to balance our desires for both material comfort and prosperity with desires for spiritual
fulfillment and divine union.
Full Moon in Capricorn August 10

The Moon reaches full strength and perigree to the earth on August 10 for a "supermoon" full Moon
at 24 of Saturn's earth sign, Capricorn, which occurs at around 12pm in US Mountain time zone.
You can read about the astronomical term "supermoon" here.
The full moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are on opposite sides of the Earth, in occupation of
opposite signs of the zodiac. This month's full Moon is in Capricorn, while the Sun (along with
Jupiter, Venus and Mercury) is in occupation of the Moon's sign of Cancer.
The lunar mansions involved in this full Moon are Dhanishta (Moon) and Ashlesha (Sun.) Dhanishta
is ruled by Mars, and the full Moon will also be receiving a planetary aspect from Mars, currently
positioned in Libra. The Sun will be in Ashlesha, ruled by Mercury and accompanied by Mercury.
This brings Mars' power as a support for the already strong Moon, who is further stablized by the
virtue of its sign dispositor, Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, exalted in Libra.
The combination of power, stability, flexibility and steadfastess through the planetary alignment of
this full Moon should be a blessing to actions perforned during this time. We must also be aware that
Rahu, from Virgo, will be aspecting the Moon during this day. The best plans and work can go by the
wayside because of moments of doubt and confusion. Ward against this by keeping the mind calm
and detached while sticking to the plan.
Mercury Transits Leo August 12-29

Swift Mercury touches foot to three different signs in August, starting with Cancer, moving into Leo
just ahead of the Sun, and racing on to Virgo by August 29. Mercury will be within five degrees of
the Sun from August 4 12 as it passes by the Sun. This last section of Cancer is covered by the
lunar mansion Ashlesha, symbolized by a serprent and also ruled by Mercury.
Because of Mercury's tendency to mimic the energy of planets that he conjoins, and due to the Sun's
overwhelming power, this combination could lead to a solid fusion of heart and mind that allows for
the transformation of both on some level. The sign of Cancer is being aspected by Saturn, so there
may be some element of sacrifice or letting go.
Then Mercury moves through Leo, steadily putting space between himself and the Sun, on a race to
do what he does: communicate messages and conduct exchanges. One benefit of Mercury's
placement in Leo from August 12-29 is that it is free of any negative planetary aspects, which
should free us up to analyze, calculate, learn and communicate straight from the heart.

Finally, at month's end, Mercury enters his own sign of Virgo and moves through by the end of
September. This will involve an encounter with Rahu and which will be discussed further next
month. Heads up! Next Mercury retrograde cycle is October 5-25, 2014.
Sun Transits Leo August 16-September 16

Sun enters own sign of Leo on August 16 and moves predictably through in one month's time.
Planets in their own signs are strong and can express well. The energy of the Sun is connected
with leadership, personal power, self and soul. This is a good month to become clear about what it
is your soul needs to shine in this life. The Jupiter-Venus combination is offering good guidance,
Saturn is offering calm detachment and stability and Mars is showing us how to put energy into
creating new forms.
Calmly sitting with yourself, feeling the connection to the greater consciousness that is mirrored even
in our perception of sunlight, discover that you are irrevocably connected to the source of all life. Let
that knowledge lift you toward your true purpose.
Mars and Saturn Conjunct August 25

Mars entered Libra on July 13, joining exalted Saturn. The meeting of these two powerful planets
exactly on August 25 could involve a slowly building tension as the month of August unfolds.
The energy of Mars is youthful, rash and forceful. Mars brings courage, initiative and desire for
movement. Saturn is aged, experienced and cautious. Saturn gives us forebearance, responsibility and
detachment. While all of these qualities are desirable at some times, we may feel a clash in the
energies of these two planets during this month.
The Rahu-Saturn conjunction in Libra between January 2013-July 2014 brought destabilization in
many regards. Whether through Rahu's hurricaine-like action of stirring things up or through Saturn's
easy ability to let go of that which no longer serves, we may have seen certain situations exposed to
the bones.
What is left after this conjunction of Saturn and Rahu is now subject to the rebuilding efforts of
Mars. Even though we may be looking at rubble, if we feel Mars coming in to start building
again, there may be resistance to putting up new forms too quickly. The lesson here is to understand
that foundations are everything. Even in a terrible hurricaine, often the foundations will remain
although the walls have fallen. We need to ensure that our boundaries and cornerstones are solidly in
place before we quickly pile things on top.
This combination could indicate a struggle of some sort as we work our way through August.
Patience, courage and detachment are all required.

New Moon in Leo August 25

After August 10, the Moon begins to wane, reaching the darkest part of the cycle on August 25 at
8:12 am MST. The conjunction of Sun and Moon will be at 9 Leo in the lunar mansion (nakshatra)
of Magha. We should pay attention to our personal energy during the day before the new Moon

(August 24) as it may ebb in the same way as an ocean tide. This is a good day for withdrawal from
heavy activitiy in favor of contemplation.
Magha is the portion of Leo that is specifically ruled by the planet Ketu, giving an otherworldly tone
to this lunar mansion. It is connected with the energy of the ancestors, parents and family lineage.
This is a good time to honor those who went before with the intention of bringing the good forward
in a positive way.
This is also the day that we will be experiencing the exact conjunction of Saturn and Mars. It may be
good to avoid beginning anything new or important for a couple days before and after these
conjunctions (Sun+Moon and Saturn+Mars), which would be the date range August 23-27.

July 2014/

by Kerry Shamblin

Calculations are done using the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha and the mean node. Timings are based on Mountain Time Zone, US.

Mercury Resumes Direct Motion July 1

Ketu Gandanta Through July 31
Full Moon in Sagittarius July 12
Rahu-Ketu axis changes signs July 12
Mars Enters Libra July 13
Venus Transits Gemini July 13-August 6
Sun Transits Cancer July 16-August 16
Saturn Resumes Direct Motion July 20
New Moon in Cancer July 26
Mercury Transits Cancer July 28-August 12
Mercury Resumes Direct Motion July 1

Our planet of communication and exchange resumes direct motion on July 1 after a retrograde period
beginning June 6. Mercury rewinds all the way to the beginning of his own sign, Gemini, with this
retrograde cycle, making his entire transit through Gemini last from May 22 July 28. This is a good
two-month stretch of strong Mercury energy that should be supportive for writing, studies, data
analysis, travel, exchange of goods and anything that requires quickness and flexibility of thought.
The month of July could be a little smoother when it comes to dealing with communication devices
and Internet technology. Direct motion will calm the strong Mercury energy, hopefully allowing us to
slow down, thinking and speaking with clarity and deliberation.
For the first part of July, through July 12-13, Mercury and Sun will be receiving the aspect of Rahu
from Libra and the influence of Mars through Mars' occupation of Virgo, which gives a sign
aspect to Gemini. This could continue to amplify and bring energy to Mercury pursuits.
Ketu Gandanta Through July 31

Just a reminder about Ketu moving through the gandanta point between Aries and Pisces, as
mentioned in the June forecast. The last time we saw Ketu going through this gandanta point was
November-December 1995.
On June 23, Ketu has moved into this small place in the zodiac that is an important juncture point. In
the same way, we may find ourselves at the fringes of a difficult place that we may have been
avoiding traversing for some time, due to our awareness of the difficulty of moving forward.
As we regard some situation that may seem impassible or insurmountable yet inevitable, the energy
of Ketu may be the best remedy. Ketu is concerned only with liberation from the suffering of worldly
activity and its natural direction is upward.
If we can relax into the awareness that all of the difficulty and bondage that we may be feeling as we
navigate through life is really the perfect recipe for us to experience our karmic lessons, it may help
us to more gracefully walk in the physical world as a spiritual being. And specifically now, to allow
ourselves to rise above the blockages in order to move forward.
Full Moon in Sagittarius July 12

Just before sunrise on July 12, the Moon reaches its point of fullness at 27 Sagittarius in the lunar
mansion of Purvashada. This is an auspicious day known as Guru Purnima, when the Moon is full
in the month of Ashada. This means a full Moon in Jupiter's sign of Sagittarius, the natural sign of
teachers and gurus. Since this full Moon occurs just before sunrise on July 12 (Saturday) we are
technically still in Friday, since the Vedic calendar considers a day as lasting from sunrise to sunrise,
so Guru Purnima will be celebrated on calendar date July 11.
This year's Guru Purnima is particularly auspicious, with the Moon residing in Jupiter's sign and
Jupiter residing in the Moon's sign, creating a mutual exchange of signs. With Jupiter (Guru) in
Cancer just past the degree of exaltation, this further elevates the good energy of this full Moon.
For those with important placements in the signs of Cancer and/or Sagittarius, there may be a
particular experience of blessing, abundance and grace during this time. For all, these energies should
be felt on some level, in some arena of life.
Rahu-Ketu axis changes signs July 12

The Rahu-Ketu axis spends about 1.5 years in each sign pair, moving through the zodiac in the
opposite direction from the other planets. The past 1.5 years has seen Ketu moving through Mars'
sign of Aries with Rahu moving through Libra, Venus' air sign.
The significant impact on this transit was the conjunction of Rahu with Saturn, who has been
occupying Libra, his sign of exaltation, since November 2011. The combination of these two
powerful and slow moving planets has heavily impacted the sign of Libra and those people who have
significant placements in Libra and Aries in the birth chart. With Saturn causing pressure and Rahu
creating chaos, we have seen collectively and individually a series of events ranging from natural
disasters to accidents that have caused serious trouble for many.

The separation of Saturn and Rahu may signal some easing of difficult situations or periods of
time based on this challenging transit combination that we have experienced since January
To know how this new setting of Rahu-Ketu may affect one's life, we can reflect back to the last
transit of Rahu-Ketu throug the signs of Virgo and Pisces, which was from December 1995-May
Rahu in Mercury's earth sign of Virgo will aspect the other earth signs (Taurus and Capricorn) during
this transit. Rahu's inherent nature of desire may begin to be felt more in the material realm whereas
it was focused more on the thought and idea realm while in Libra.
With Virgo being the sign of health and disease in the natural zodiac, perhaps we will see innovations
in the health field. Integrating "foreign" or "new" techniques to wellness may become more
mainstream or accepted by the masses. Rahu is also the natural indicator for poisons and
pharmaceutical medicines while Virgo is also the sign of harvest, foods, and herbal medicines. This
could lead to research and innovation with herbs and foods as medicine, or in another possible
manifestation, the need to heal the land from the poisons that are commonly applied to crops as
Ketu in Pisces may afford us fresh perspectives on our pursuits in the realm of spirituality. We
may collectively move toward an interest in practices like meditation and yoga in order to
reorient our lives in a way that addresses issues of life/death or bondage/liberation. Depending
on where Pisces sits in the natal chart, we may feel a new sense of freedom, expansion or upward
movement in some area of our life, for example in our relationships (7th house) or career (10th house.)
Mars Enters Libra July 13 upto Sept. 4th

Just as Rahu is slithering into Virgo, Mars prepares to move forward into Libra, giving a Mars-Rahu
conjunction right at the border of Virgo and Libra during July 12-13. They are in effect
changing places as they move through the threshold between these two signs. Rahu conjuncting
with any planet tends to amplify the effects that planet may give. This couple of days period
may bring about events that are unexpected, powerful and transformative.
Once Mars moves out of Virgo and into Libra, we have an interesting situation for the remainder of
Mars' transit there, as Mars joins Saturn. They exactly conjoin August 25, 2014, after which Mars
moves ahead of Saturn and then moves to Scorpio on September 4.
Libra is Venus' air sign, and Venus and Mars are not naturally friendly, therefore Mars in Libra is not
his most favorable position. Added to that, Saturn and Mars can act somewhat at odds, with Mars
exhibiting the strong, youthful, powerful show of energy and Saturn embodying restraint, limitation
and obstruction. This can be frustrating for both Mars and Saturn. As some regular readers may
remember, I call Mars and Saturn together the "driving with the brakes on" yoga.
This sense of wanting to impatiently blaze ahead while simultaneously being afraid to move may
creep in as we move into late July and through August.

The lunar mansion that spans Virgo and Libra is called Chitra, which means "bright," as a beautiful
gem may be. There is the implication of creating beautiful forms with Chitra and it is ruled by Mars
itself. So while Mars is uncomfortable in the sign of Venus, he will still be within a lunar
mansion that he rules. There is potential to use the fire and energy of Mars during this time to
create new forms, carve new channels and put forth energy toward building something new.
With the presence of Rahu also in Chitra and Saturn in Libra, the advice is to move carefully and
with deliberation in order to keep the balance as we transition from one paradigm to the next.

Venus Transits Gemini July 13-August 6

Venus moves from its own sign of Taurus into Gemini on July 13, joining Mercury and for a couple
of days, Sun. As Venus moves steadily closer to the Sun, we will begin to lose sight of Venus as the
morning star come September.
Mercury, lord of Gemini, and Venus are natural friends. Venus is therefore well placed in
Gemini, and further strengthened by Mercury's support in his own sign. This two week period
when Venus and Mercury are both moving through Gemini could be a great time for communicating,
travel, short trips, movement, creative writing, entertainment, socializing and enjoyment.
There will be no malefic planetary aspects to this combination except for from Rahu, newly
positioned in Mercury's other sign of Virgo. The Rahu influence could be simply to make one
want more fun than one can handle, which may affect the well being of the body. Listen to the inner
Saturn voice telling you when to say "enough."

Sun Transits Cancer July 16-August 16

Just as Mercury and Venus are natural friends, so are Sun, Moon and Jupiter, whose energies will
combine nicely as the Sun transits through the sign of Cancer from mid-July to mid-August. Cancer
is ruled by the Moon and is currently occupied by Jupiter in exaltation.
With the Sun as the natural indicator of the soul and self, we each have, in a symbolic (or actual)
way, the opportunity to submit our soul to the direct presence of divinity as the Sun and Jupiter meet
during this time. The exact conjunction occurs on July 24 and the date range of combustion of
Jupiter with Sun is July 9-August 8. Combustion of planets occurs when they line up with the Sun,
whose rays are so strong as to drown out those of the planets. Still, Jupiter will be strong in
exaltation, so we may feel this merging of Sun and Jupiter energies at this time. Could be a
great time to receive inspiration for action that comes straight from the divine, which
ultimately is no different from the individual conception of soul.
Saturn Resumes Direct Motion July 20

Like a large ship coming about, great Shani (Saturn) ends the retrograde cycle begun March 2, 2014
on July 20, slowly turning about and resuming direct motion through the final degrees of Libra, his

sign of exaltation. Saturn will slowly finish the transit through Libra in the next 3.5 months, moving
into Scorpio on November 2, 2014.
We have until November 2, then, to integrate the lessons that Shani has offered us through the recent
Libra transit, which began on November 15, 2011. Almost a three year transit, half of which was
colored by the presence of the north node of the Moon, Rahu.
In some domain of life, Saturn has offered us his lessons of humility, karmic responsibility,
detachment, determination and fortitude. Learning these lessons often feels like a lonely chore that is
without reward, but in the end, our journey into ego-negation leaves us stripped of extraneous
matters so that we can perceive that which truly sustains us.
With Jupiter and Saturn both in exaltation during these final months of Saturn in Libra, and without
Rahu throwing smoke and confusion onto the truth that Saturn dispassionately offers, we have an
environment where we can gratefully accept and integrate the lessons that may have come through
difficulty, struggle and sorrow in the past couple of years.
It is time to release trauma, allow healing to complete, filter the lessons through all parts of the
being and prepare for future learning. Allow the experiences of difficulty to knit into a
supportive structure (Saturn) that can serve as a foundation for the positive influx of grace and
knowledge (Jupiter.)
New Moon in Cancer July 26

As mentioned above, Sun and Jupiter conjunct exactly on July 24, making this new Moon of July 26
particularly colored by Jupiter.
During the late afternoon of July 26, Sun and Moon join at 948' Cancer, in the lunar mansion
of Pushya, which is ruled by Saturn. Jupiter will be nearby at 817' Cancer. Even though the Moon
is considered at its ebb of power during new Moon, lost to sight in the blazing aura of the Sun, this
appears to have the potential to be a very auspicious new Moon.
Moon is in its own sign, which gives strength despite being new. Cancer is further blessed by the
presence of exalted Jupiter. Moon, Sun and Jupiter are all natural friends, so there is an element of
harmony and projection of sattwa guna (purity.)
All of the planets are in their own signs, friendly signs or exalted signs, except Mars, who is in
neutral territory. This gives each of the planets a state of comfort, ability to express and potential
for harmonious action. This gives humans a similar benefit.
The 24 hour period before the new Moon, starting the afternoon of July 25, is known as
amavasya and is better for quiet reflection and withdrawal from action. This is a time for inner
calm that allows us to perceive the subtle messages that are being sent by the divine forces that guide
and shape us. We begin to harness the growing energy of the Moon the next day as the Moon
moves away from the Sun and regains its strength.
The last week of July may begin to grant us clarity and direction in situations that have seemed
unstable or untenable for a long period of time.

Mercury Transits Cancer July 28-August 12

Having regained his speed through the month of July, Mercury dashes into Cancer on July 28, joining
Sun and Jupiter, and moves quickly through to Leo on August 12.
The Moon, ruler of Cancer, has no enemies among the other planets, but the feeling is not mutual.
Mercury (Budha), the illegetimate son of the Moon (Chandra), considers his biological father
an enemy and is therefore not happy in the sign of Cancer. The Moon and Mercury are both the
planets of the mind, the Moon ruling emotions, consciousness and sensitivity and Mercury rulling the
informational mind that calculates and analyzes.
This quick two week transit by Mercury through Cancer may feel like a ruffle in our minds. Deeply
inspired by the Moon-Sun-Jupiter conjunction on July 26, we may feel suddenly a couple of days
later as if we have to rethink everything and quickly make plans and actions. This is a result of
Mercury entering the scene and could be remedied by allowing the thought waves to pass through
without clinging onto them. Allowing Mercury's active nature to take hold of our soul inspiration
could cause things to move quickly, but may degrade the inner glow a bit. Use the quickness of
Mercury sparingly but do not deny it completely during this time.
The gift of Mercury is the ability to see things from many directions; adding this flexibility of
perception to that which is soul-inspired could be the best result of this transit. We may also be able
to analyze our emotional reactions from a more objective seat as Mercury moves through Cancer.

May 2014/ by Kerry Shamblin

Calculations are done using the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha and the mean node. Timings are based on
Mountain Time Zone, US.
Mercury Transits Taurus May 4-22
Full Moon in Libra May 14
Sun Transits Taurus May 15-June 15
Jupiter-Mars-Moon-Venus Occupy the Dual Signs May 17-18
Mars Resumes Direct Motion May 19
Mercury Enters Gemini May 22
Venus Transits Aries May 23-June 17
New Moon in Taurus May 28
Mercury Transits Taurus May 4-22

Mercury is a natural friend of Venus, the ruler of Taurus, so the transit of the planet of
communication through Venus' earth sign could be fruitful in the areas of relationship, entertainment,
public speaking, music and art.
Mercury in this position also creates a nice combination with Venus, two benefic planets that are
placed on either side of the Sun/Ketu combination, the site of the solar eclipse of April 29. This also
involves Mercury in the exchange of signs between Venus and Jupiter.
Jupiter and Venus are considered the two teachers and Mercury is an excellent student. This 2.5
week period could be very supportive of teaching and learning efforts. Mercury is changeable,
flexible and mobile by nature, able to quickly understand new concepts. Transiting through Taurus,
Mercury gains the earthy, slow and grounded energy of Venus as it expresses through Taurus. This
gives a practical and stable environment for Mercury, who can benefit from the calm and earthy
realm of Taurus, which helps the learning process.
Full Moon in Libra May 14

The Moon reaches its maximum strength and fullness during mid-day of May 14 at 2951' Libra, just
at the juncture between the signs of Libra and Scorpio. The Sun, always opposite to the Moon during
the full Moon, will be just on the verge of moving from Aries to Taurus, which occurs the next day.
Each month since January 2013, the Moon moves through the territory occupied by Rahu and Saturn,
Venus' air sign, Libra. Libra is neutral territory for the Moon, but Rahu and Saturn are not
friendly to the Moon. With the Moon as the representative of our mental activity in the realm
of emotions and contemplation moving through this disturbed environment, we come face to
face each month with the reality that fundamental change isn't always our direct choice.
After this full Moon encounter of May 14, the Moon will have only two more passes with the SaturnRahu conjunction before Rahu moves in his ever-retrograde motion to Virgo in July. Also, this is
actually the second full Moon in a row that occurs in Libra, the first being in the early degrees of
Libra, which caused the eclipse of April 15. This full Moon occurs on the other end of Libra, giving
the Moon a chance to shine fully in the face of Saturn, strong and retrograde in the late degrees of
Of the many trials we may have faced in the past year, can we say that we have learned how to
maintain our composure in the face of difficulty, obstruction and adversity? Interestingly, each month
as the Moon moves past the trials created by Saturn and Rahu, it moves not into an environment of
relief, but rather into its position of debility, the early degrees of Scorpio, further extending the
pressure we may feel on our minds.
While this monthly passage is a challenge to mental happiness , we have gained the experience of
facing struggle, unfair treatment, rejection, disregard and pressure in order to further the fortitude it
takes to find and maintain a state of mental clarity and calm.
Let us maximize the teaching-learning configuration of Venus, Jupiter and Mercury by fully
integrating these lessons of mental control and detachment that are required in the face of difficulty.
Maintaining peace and calm in all situations is ultimately worth the struggle.

Sun Transits Taurus May 15-June 15

Moving out of the eclipse axis caused by the shadow planets, Rahu and Ketu, the Sun enters
Venus' Taurus, using the new surroundings to recover from the eclipse pair we experienced on April
15 and 29 at the full and new Moons. The Sun, exalted in Aries, suffered a bit by its association with
the nodal axis during this year's transit, as it did with the eclipse pair happening in April-May 2013.
Joining Mercury in Taurus, the two planets find themselves supported on either side by Jupiter
in Gemini and Ketu in Aries. The Sun shows our ego, soul and individuality and Mercury shows
our communication and capacity for give and take; having these supported by the detached desire for
liberation shown by Ketu and the eternal expansion of Jupiter, we could feel an immense comfort
within the discomfort and uncertainty that may be present in our lives.
While circumstances may have uprooted what had previously anchored us, we are now in the
position of re-rooting and settling in a new way. We must gain a fresh perspective on who we think
we are, connecting to a natural expression of self that promotes healthy connection with others.
Jupiter-Mars-Moon-Venus Occupy the Dual Signs May 17-18

Western astrologers highlight the configuration called Grand Cross, when four planets are located in
signs in angles from one another. Western astrology considers planets at 90 angles as in conflict with
one another, making the energy between those planets either hard to move or even working at cross
Jyotisha views each planet as having its own ways of aspecting, and even for the signs themselves to
cause aspects, rasi drishti (sign aspect.) The way rasi drishti works, the dual signs all aspect one
another, the fixed signs aspect the cardinal ones (except the one adjacent) and the cardinal signs
aspect the fixed signs (except the one adjacent.)
This month, we get a "Vedic Grand Cross" on May 17-18, with Venus exalted at 24 Pisces,
Jupiter at 24 Gemini, Mars at 16 Virgo and Moon moving through Sagittarius. The dual signs carry
the energy of movement, change and transformation; with so much energy bouncing between these
signs and planets, it may be a window for putting things into movement and facilitating change.
In June, we see Jupiter changing signs, as well as a Mercury retrograde cycle. In July, Rahu
moves out of Libra and into Virgo while Ketu slips from Aries to Pisces. In November, Saturn
moves into Scorpio. There are some big changes coming in the next six months as indicated by the
transits of the outer planets.
If we take some keywords for these four planets, maybe that will give some inspiration for what we
need to slide forward: love and relationships (Venus), growth and expansion (Jupiter), power
and drive (Mars), mental peace and clarity (Moon.) In what domains of life we are needing to
change will depend on where the dual signs fall in our personal birth charts.
Mars Resumes Direct Motion May 19

Mars resumes direct motion at 15 Virgo on May 19. Although Mars and Mercury are not natural
friends, they do work well together on certain projects. Mars in Virgo can create energy and
initiative for the work of Virgo. This energy can be good for analyzing and rebuilding health

routines, preparing agricultural projects, working with the hands or delving into research and
The retrograde motion has made Mars very strong on certain days, so we may have experienced an
aggressive level of energy toward these matters that may have felt uncomfortable and painful but that
in the end is necessary for healing and transformation.
The forward motion of Mars through Virgo continues until July 12-13, when Mars and Rahu
will meet at the border of Virgo and Libra and change places. This gives us a couple of months to
channel our work energy into creating new systems that help us with maintaining our health and
Mars aspects the signs of Sagittarius, Pisces and Aries from Virgo, projecting its energy and
desires into those signs and the planets located there. The only planets being directly aspected by
Mars in Virgo through July will be Venus as it moves through Pisces-Aries and Ketu as it
moves through Aries. This could allow us to apply our energy to reforming relationships, beginning
new creative projects and apply ourselves to spiritual routines that support our desire for liberation.
Mercury Enters Gemini May 22

Mercury moves happily into his own air sign, Gemini, on May 22 for a transit that will last
through July 27 due to a Mercury retrograde cycle from June 7-30. This puts Mercury in the
company of Jupiter, who moves from Gemini to Cancer on June 18.
What can be done with such a Mercury transit? With Mercury representing communication,
exchange and learning, energized by the environment of Gemini, currently steeped in the grace of the
planet Jupiter, the eternal teacher, we could see this two month transit as very supportive for the
learning-teaching continuum.
Mercury can inspire short journeys while Jupiter propels us on longer, further travels. The
combination of these two planets may be nice for any trips or travels that we make during this period.
Mercury in Gemini, while supportive to mental and physical movement could also make us
ungrounded, pushing us in many directions at once, leaving us unpinned from our routine. Take extra
care to keep a steady schedule of eating and sleeping that will create a good foundation for the
absorption of the information and knowledge that is being imbibed through this transit.
Venus Transits Aries May 23-June 17

This brings Venus from its passage through Pisces, its sign of exaltation, where it transits from April
20-May 23. This passage through Pisces could have brought Venus related scenarios into a state of
flux or transition that would facilitate endings that engender beginnings.
Venus in Pisces does come under the current aspect of Mars, as mentioned above. These two planets
who bring passion and desire for happiness play major roles in relationship. With the opposition
created by Mars in Virgo and Venus in Pisces, we get the combination of cerebral analysis, design
and problem solving (Mars in Virgo) with spiritual dissolution into love (Venus in Pisces.) Through
this, we may be able to see and feel the true situations that are at play in how we are loving and
finding our contentment.

When Venus moves into Aries, we may feel inspired to work, create and build new forms that
support our vision of what true love and happiness is. Generally, Venus is happy in social
situations and beautiful, creative environments. Pisces is perfect for Venus, but Aries is a bit
hot and demanding so prepare ahead for how to keep the love blossoming within the
environment of personal power and singular perspective.
The first part of Venus transiting through Aries puts Venus into exact conjunction with Ketu (and
opposition to Rahu) on May 25. This could be a great moment of realization about how to free
oneself from bonds that may be causing separation from the experience of love, relationship and
personal power.
Venus in Aries is also coming into opposition with the Rahu/Saturn combination in Venus' own sign.
Through mid-June, we could be facing and integrating many of the experiences and lessons that have
arisen during the conjunction of Rahu and Saturn in Libra since January 2013. We have been asked
(or forced) to let go of things that we love as well as to accept situations that we didn't desire. All
have been necessary in providing us the fertile ground to learn how to be content with what is.
New Moon in Taurus May 28

The Moon and Sun join at 13 Taurus in Rohini nakshatra (lunar mansion) mid-day on Wednesday,
May 28 for the new Moon. The day leading up to this moment will be amavasya, when the energy of
the Moon is deeply ebbing and we are invited to calm the mind and body in preparation for the
monthly increase in lunar energy that follows the new Moon.
The Moon is exalted in Taurus, so even though the energy of the Moon is low due to the waning
cycle, there is still some strength due to exaltation. Venus, the ruler of Taurus, is again an inspiration
as we contemplate how we can connect with love, happiness, comfort and other people. With Venus
closely conjunct with Ketu, we may find that in order to experience love, we must calm the tides of
the mind, not always leading with logic but surrendering to the vulnerability of a loving heart.
Return to Forecasts

April 2014/ by Kerry Shamblin

Calculations are done using the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha and the mean node. Timings
are based on Mountain Time Zone, US.

Venus moves into Aquarius March 30

Mars Continues Retrograde Cycle in Virgo
Mercury Transits Pisces April 3-20

Sun Transits Aries April 13 May 15

Full Moon in Libra Total Lunar Eclipse April 15
Mercury Transits Aries April 20 - May 4
Venus Enters Pisces April 28
New Moon in Aries Annular Solar Eclipse April 29
Venus moves into Aquarius March 30

Venus moves through Aquarius from March 30 April 28, the second time we are experiencing this
exchange between Venus and Saturn-Rahu since they have been joined in Venus' sign in January
2013. Venus rules Libra where Saturn and Rahu are placed while Saturn and Rahu are the co-rulers
of the sign of Aquarius.
The last exchange occurred between February 21 - March 16, 2013. A quick review of the events of
that period of time indicate that we may be seeing a small increase in natural disasters and accidents
during this time, as well as an increased level of armed conflicts and attacks. This is due largely to
the passionate nature of Venus, as ruler of relationships between people, coming into a direct
exchange with Rahu and Saturn, rulers of Aquarius. Rahu and Saturn are currently situated in Venus'
air sign, Libra. This gives a great deal of strength to all three planets involved.
Last year when this transit occurred, Jupiter was in Taurus, Venus' sign. This time, Jupiter is in
Gemini, giving direct influence on all of the air signs, including Libra where Rahu/Saturn are
stationed and Aquarius, where Venus will be.
Jupiter's influence is generally auspicious, so could help to mitigate any selfishness or wanton
destruction; rather this could be a good time to introduce positive growth into relationships and
creative projects (which may require some dissolution or destruction of forms that are acting as
obstacles or are obsolete.) Jupiter can give us the wisdom to know what is supportive and what is
Mars Continues Retrograde Cycle in Virgo

Since March 1, Mars has appeared to reverse direction through the zodiac signs of Libra and Virgo,
separating from the shadow planet Rahu and Venus' sign of Libra. Mars will resume direct motion on
May 20 at about 15 Virgo.
Here is a really good article about apparent retrograde motion on Wikipedia. Check out the diagram
at the top-right of the article, showing what happens during a Mars retrograde cycle.
Which brings us back to the fundamentals of astrological perceptions, which are Earth-centric,
making astrology really the interpretation of planetary positions as relative to Earth, which is relative
to our human perspective. What is really happening is we, as Earth, are coming up on Mars, on the
inside track, overtaking him at our slightly faster Earth pace. Coming up close on the inside. Hello
Mars is the planet which represents power, which is how we fuel our actions and desires. How
we acquire and manage our power is up to us; we can obsessively pursue power to protect ourselves
or we can selflessly channel our power in order to protect the greater collective. These are human

The sign of Virgo, where this retrograde cycle of Mars is taking place, sets the stage to analyze our
use of power. As we (Earth) approach Mars, we are taking hold of our own relationship to power,
with the background of Virgo illumating this, we can learn about how grasping and holding power
may affect our health on many levels. For example, a good work-life balance could make for a
healthy individual. Or a system that hoards water for future farming could destroy an ecosystem by
robbing it of a natural flow of water. We must look at all levels of how our actions affect the balance.
This transit is a great time to assess and reorganize our personal and collective systems. Call it an
efficiency check. There are some upcoming shifts in the outer planets this year that we can
harmonize by aligning to systems that are healthy and robust.
Planets passing through Pisces come under the direct gaze of Mars; for the Sun, exact
opposition with Mars comes on April 9-10 and for Mercury exact opposition to Mars comes on
April 16. The Sun as representative of the self/ soul and Mercury as representative of the
informational mental process may need to be analyzed during this time as to how they may be
helping or hindering the natural relationship to power and drive that Mars represents. Sun and
Mercury will be going through Pisces, which is cyclically the last sign in the zodiac, a place of
endings in preparation for beginnings.
Is your communication in line with your true feeling? Is your soul in line with your power
management? Are you sacrificing anything that you shouldn't be? Are you taking responsibity for
your health?
Mercury Transits Pisces April 3-20

Mercury plunges into its sign of debilitation, Pisces, on April 3, quickly paddling to the other shore,
which is Aries, on April 20.
All planets pass through difficult or enemy signs, as well as supportive, friendly signs. Mercury
functions best in Virgo and struggles most in Pisces. Think of Mercury's main function as
communication. Pisces is like a great ocean, which makes communication difficult for many reasons.
This time, with Mars occupying Virgo and waterlogged Mercury looking squarely in that direction,
perhaps our best bet with Mercury is to surrender to the ocean and float by quietly. The suggestion
here is passive observation of our urge to give and take.
Mercury carries the quality of rajas, which is active and energetic. Pisces, ruled by Jupiter,
carries the calm, positive and light energy that we call sattvic. Perhaps in the energy assessment that
we are conducting under the leadership of Mars, we can allow our mental energy some rest and
How much energy can we save through non-action? How much energy does action require? Are we
wasting energy through either action or non-action? Could we conserve energy by changing our
decisions to do or not to do?
The first half of April will be very good for this type of introspection, analysis, observation and
research. The second half of April could be dramatic and catlystic due to the first eclipse pair of 2014
occuring in the signs currently occupied by Ketu and Rahu: Aries and Libra.

Sun Transits Aries April 13 May 15

Speaking of debilitation and exaltation of planets, the Sun happens to shine brilliantly in the sign of
Aries, which is the fire sign ruled by Mars. The Sun moves through Aries from April 13-May 15.
That said, the eclipse-causing entity that we know as the shadow planet Ketu is currently in
occupation of Aries, as it was last year when Sun travelled through Aries. A solar eclipse occurred
there on May 10, 2013. The configuration of this one (April 29, 2014) is similar to last year's: SunMoon-Mercury-Ketu in Aries opposite Saturn-Rahu in Libra, the difference being that last year's also
had Mars in Aries, which could have been even more fiery.
So, we're getting another chance to pass through this gateway of the mind. With a few variations, but
the two planets of the mind, Moon and Mercury, and of the soul, Sun, become shadowed by Ketu,
the planet who is only concerned with liberation. Out of any planet, the Sun is most vulnerable to the
shadow of Ketu, as the desire for liberation can carry away even the ego and sense of self.
This Ketu energy could be used very strategically in the sense of passing through an important rite of
passage. This conjunction of Sun and Ketu, which is exact on April 18, occurs in the lunar
mansion of Ashwini, where Ketu is currently positioned. Ketu is also the planetary lord of Ashwini, a
nakshatra whose power is the ability to quickly reach things.
Full Moon in Libra Total Lunar Eclipse April 15

As the Moon waxes during the first half of April after the new Moon of March 30, it passes by
Jupiter in Gemini on April 6-7 and Mars in Virgo on April 13-14. We then experience a full Lunar
Eclipse on April 15. Lunar eclipses can be viewed from anywhere on the night side of the earth. This
one occurs at 7:45 am UT (1:45 MST) on April 15, so should be visible for all of North America, the
Pacific and most of South America.
During a lunar eclipse, we lose sight of the Moon because it disappears in our own shadow (we being
Earth.) The earth is between the Sun and the Moon during a full Moon; the nodal axis (Rahu and
Ketu, the "shadow" planets) will align with the Sun and Moon in such a "total" way that the shadow
of the Earth obscures the otherwise brilliant Moon that is receiving the full face of the Sun (as is the
case on every full Moon.)
The Moon represents the consciousness, our sensitive and emotional mind that reflects the inner and
outer conditions of our existence. The node that is causing this darkening of the Moon is Rahu,
which represents the deepest human desires that are so strong that they can overshadow even the
brilliant mind and strongest soul.
The exact opposition of Sun and Moon occurs at 1:43 am MST at 113' Aries (Sun)-Libra (Moon).
April 14 is the Moon's day, which technically lasts until sunrise of April 15, so this eclipse also
occurs during the day of the week on which we usually honor the Moon.
Eclipses are believed to be powerful juncture points, often marking dramatic events, either internal or
external, that seem to fatefully influence the courses of our lives. This eclipse of the Moon sees the
Moon surrounded by retrograde energy, calling for a stop, a dimming of energy to the mind.

The best response to this type of planetary energy is generally quiet, slow, meditative and withdrawn.
Provide a calm, settled environment for the mind, knowing that darkness will arrive and stay a short
while. In that darkness, listen. The Moon and Rahu are with Saturn, who offers the message of truth
for those who are silent enough to listen.
Jupiter will also be aspecting Moon/Rahu, with Rahu returning the aspect to Jupiter. Perhaps we can
take this eclipse as an opportunity to calm the mind and open up to the influence of wisdom in
whatever form it may come, gently slipping into our beings from the side.
The placement of the nodes in the signs of Venus and Mars also point to the affairs of those planets:
love, relationship, beauty, devotion (Venus) and power, drive, function and service (Mars.) These
may be the areas of life most affected by this eclipse and the annular solar eclipse on April 29.
People with significant birth chart placements (like the ascendant, Moon or Sun sign) in the signs of
Aries or Libra, could face some significant events around this time. Many have been quite affected
by the placement of the nodes here since January 2013, especially with the Saturn-Rahu conjunction
in Libra.
Mercury Transits Aries April 20-May 4

Mercury moves out of debilitation but into the bright warm arms of the other planets in Aries, Sun
and Ketu, on April 20. This puts Mercury in a perfect position to join in fully with the eclipse energy
of April 29.
Since Mercury is easily influenced by other planets nearby, we need to understand that our capacity
for communication, analysis and exchange could come under the thrall of the strong Ketu-Sun
energy that is surrounding the eclipses.
This is a further call for calming the mind and embracing the silence. This is not the time for
deciding and acting, it is the time for listening, realigning and perhaps making an outline, if you
It would be a great time for a cleanse on any level: dietary, media, house, car, etc.
The movement of Mercury from Pisces to Aries sees our youthful and good-humored hero trudge
through both sea and desert. In both cases, keeping the mouth closed keeps the sea and sand out. The
point is, we are on the brink of a series of planetary movements as the year progesses. We are being
invited to perceive the true conditions of our lives so that we can make intelligent decisions about
how to use our energy. To see, we must pay attention. To pay attention, we must listen and look.
Aries bathes Mercury in the energy of Mars, who is currently bathing in the energy of Mercury as he
rewinds through the sign of Virgo. This gives Mercury and Mars a special boost during this period
when Mercury transits Aries while Mars transits Virgo. They both get to function as if they are in a
friendly sign, which does support the theme of observation and analysis discussed earlier in the
The most difficult part may be looking and listening without jumping into action. Consideration is
recommended before action at this time due to the eclipse energy combined with the retrograde

energy of Mars and Saturn. It seems to be a time of restructure and repair; blazing forth with brand
new ideas may be difficult at this time.
Heads Up: next Mercury retrograde cycle: June 7 July 1 in Gemini. This will be during the time
when Jupiter moves from Gemini to Cancer on June 18.
Venus Enters Pisces April 28

Venus moves from Aquarius to Pisces on April 28, just before the solar eclipse of April 29. Pisces is
the sign of exaltation for Venus, who transits through Jupiter's water sign until May 23.
Venus connects us with other beings, with the earth, with love, affection, sexuality and creativity of
all kinds. There is a passion that comes through Venus that is sweet and true; while in Pisces, that
sweet passion becomes immersed in the endless well of universal truth and life.
While the eclipse pair and the retrograde energy, not to mention the long-standing Rahu-Saturn
conjunction, may be conspiring to make our path rocky and uphill all the way, Venus in Pisces will
sweeten the deal, allowing us to see the beauty, symmetry and completion that is offered through the
"uncontrollable" life situations that seem to conspire against our personal agendas.
Venus in Pisces may help us to perceive, as long as we are in that mode, how to allow our creative
energy to dissolve a bit so that we can prepare for the new forms to come.
New Moon in Aries Annular Solar Eclipse April 29

The Moon joins the Sun, Mercury and Ketu for an annular eclipse of the Sun on the morning of April
29, 6:03 am UT (0:03 am MST.) The full eclipse will be visible only from Antarctica, while a partial
eclipse will be seen in the southern Indian Ocean and Australia. This is an annular eclipse, meaning
that the Moon is in line with the Sun but the disc of the Moon is smaller than that of the Sun, leaving
a bright ring around the disc of the Moon. Hopefully someone in Antarctica will get a great photo.
While this is astronomically an annular eclipse, in astrological terms it is like a total eclipse of the
heart and both parts of the mind, in classic Ketu style. The heart is the Sun and both parts of the mind
are Moon and Mercury, but the most striking part of the line up is the corona of fire that will
surround the dark disc of the Moon as it passes in front of the Sun. This is a symbol of Ketu itself, a
flaming perfect circle that surrounds the liberated heart and mind.
Perhaps the reason that eclipses like this were so feared in ancient times had to do with the trouble
this type of alignment makes for those involved only with the level of life that we consider as the
material realm.
Liberation of the heart and mind is not concerned with worldly affairs. We call liberation "moksha"
the fourth of the four aims of life; the first three exist to support this fourth. This eclipse may show us
a gateway to living a more liberated life. The key is to allow the freedom of both heart and mind,
trusting that the resource of love is infinite.
The lord of Aries, Mars, projects its energy into Aries from his position in Virgo, while Mercury
participates in this exchange as the lord of Virgo placed in Mars' sign. This creates an interesting
support system to this eclipse pattern, further encouraging us to open our senses fully on every level

in order to perceive in a very intuitive way how we are resourcing and applying our power and
We may find that we have been trying much too hard.
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery; none but ourselves can free our minds.
Bob Marley

March 2014/ by Kerry Shamblin

Calculations are done using the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha and the mean node. Timings are based on
Mountain Time Zone, US.
March's theme: Shifting Gears

New Moon in Aquarius February 28-March 1

Venus Moves Through Capricorn
Mars Retrograde March 1 May 20
Saturn Retrograde March 2 July 20
Jupiter Resumes Direct Motion March 6
Rahu Moves to Chitra Nakshatra March 8
Mercury Transits Aquarius March 11 April 3
Sun Enters Pisces March 14
Full Moon in Virgo March 16
Retrograde Mars Returns to Virgo March 24
New Moon in Pisces March 30
Venus moves into Aquarius March 30
New Moon in Aquarius February 28-March 1

This is the final entry of the February forecast about the new Moon that occurs in Shatabishak
nakshatra on February 28-March 1.
Venus Moves Through Capricorn

Shining gloriously in the eastern sky before sunrise, we have the lovely lord Shukra, the planet
Venus, inspiring us to make each day beautiful. The beginning of the month of March 2014 finds
Venus receiving a close aspect from the retrograde planet Mars from Libra, Venus' own sign.
Venus moves through Capricorn, Saturn's earth sign, during March. Venus represents our journey
along the road of love, relationship, beauty and artistic expression. Ruler of the earth sign, Taurus,
and the air sign, Libra, Venus is exchanging signs this month with Saturn, currently located in Libra.
When two planets are in the state of occupying a sign ruled by one another, this is a state called
sambandha, a special connection between two planets. Venus and Saturn are natural friends, so we
should explore how we can work with this nice connection during March.
As we must be aware by now, the sign of Libra has been a significant ground for planetary energy
since January 2013, when the two planets Rahu and Saturn came together there. Because of this,

Venus has taken on a quiet but powerful role as the ruler of Libra, much like the government of a
city that hosts an Olympic games. Ultimately, that local government will have a great influence on
how the games are run and can also be helped, harmed or both through the act of hosting the games.
With Venus ruling love and relationship, and with Saturn and Rahu having created such a dynamic
force of change, desire and destruction in Libra for the past 1.5 years, we must wonder what state our
dear Venus is in, having hosted these two mighty planets for so long.
Venus is comfortable in Capricorn, and with the support of exalted Saturn, ruler of Capricorn
placed in Libra, this could be a good month for tending to the soil of our relationships and
creative projects. With Capricorn being a practical influence on Venus, and with Saturn's natural
slow, cautious approach influencing through its sign AND with Saturn's retrograde motion in effect,
March could be a good time to prepare the soil, clean house, inspect the foundations, literally, but
also metaphorically in regards to what we create with love in our lives. What is working? Are there
deficiencies? What will it take to create fertile ground? Is there a good supply of water, inspiration,
desire? Is anything causing imbalance?
Mars, by his special ability to aspect signs four places from his own, will be pushing on Venus
throughout the month, until he moves back into Virgo on March 23. Yes, another retrograde planet.
Mars Retrograde March 1 May 20

Having moved through just the first degrees of Libra, Mars begins a retrograde cycle on March 1, on
the heels of Mercury resuming direct motion on February 28. Mercury retrograde may have given us
the idea and desire that we need to shift gears. Mars in retrograde will give us the reversal in energy
output that we need in order to shift gears. Anyone who's ridden a bike with gears knows that we
need to stop pedalling in order to shift.
With retrograde motion of planets tending to cause reversal in the expression of that planet's energy,
this could manifest as a desire to change directions as far as how we are dealing with power, the
domain of Mars. We may need to review how we are spending our energy (maybe we already did
that in February) and make adjustments.
This may be particularly relevant in the domain of relationship or creativity because Mars will be
located in Venus' sign and also aspecting Venus. The real dance occurs in how these changes are
made if need be. Mars tends to want to take action quickly with confidence, but not always with deep
regard for the feelings of others. In addition, Mars is very close with Rahu, who can cause desire to
be so strong that others and their needs may fall by the wayside.
Take extra care to regard the person with whom you are interacting this month, whether it be intimate
partner, child, parent, teacher, client or stranger. The need and desire to back off, retreat or change
direction may be very strong but it is important to consider how changes will affect the others in your
life, as well as your own home environment. If you must go, go slowly and look carefully for
detectable ramifications before you act. Use the restraint and mature wisdom of Saturn to
make final decisions, because in the end, Saturn rules truth and karma. Use your mind and
senses carefully.

Remember the story of Hanuman, who embodies a very high vibration of Mars. While on a mission
to rescue Sita (Venus), the kidnapped wife of Lord Rama, Hanuman (Mars) also had the opportunity
to rescue Shani (Saturn), who the demon king Ravana (Rahu) had imprisoned. In the Ramayana, Sita
embodies the high vibration of Venus, a virtuous wife who refused to be tempted by the demonic
Ravana. All four of these characters come into play in our current planetary transits through Libra.
Venus is the host (it was Sita's abduction that caused Hanuman to go) with Mars at the scene to
preserve the union between Sita and Rama while at the same time liberating Saturn from
imprisonment at the demonic hands of Ravana (Rahu.) In a sense, we are getting the perfect
opportunity to understand this story through events that unfold in our own lives during this time.
Hanuman harnesses his immense power (Mars) and directs it toward serving his god (Rama) with
perfect selfless devotion. What would you do?

Saturn Retrograde March 2 July 20

This is the third retrograde cycle that Saturn will complete after having moved into the sign of Libra
in November 2011. This is our big chance for the final review of the lessons we have been given
during this Saturn transit through Libra.
These lessons may have come in a variety of difficult, destructive or painful forms, as the pressure of
Saturn has combined with the chaos of Rahu. Dissolution of partnerships, destructive floods,
superviruses, death of loved ones, loss of income or health; the lessons have come in infinite
forms. This upcoming spring season will be an opportunity to deeply integrate the wisdom that
comes from lessons that generally point toward the once terrifying truth that you aren't who you
think you are, the world isn't what you thought it was and there's nothing you can do to control any of
Saturn begins the retrograde cycle at 29 Libra and will re-traverse the territory of the last third of
Libra, returning to direct motion at 22 Libra on July 20, 2014. This entire retrograde time of Saturn
will take place in the lunar mansion called Vishaka, ruled by the dieties Indra and Agni.
Indra is the leader of the gods and ruler of the swarga loka, which we could think of as the
atmosphere, from which we on earth receive rain, thunder and lightning. Indra is heroic and bold,
much like his counterparts in other pantheons, Thor and Zeus. Agni is the lord of fire and the
messenger between the gods and the mortals, as well as being the twin brother of Indra.
In his article, Shaktis of the Nakshatras, David Frawley says of Vishaka, "Vishakha provides the
effort to achieve our goals abundantly through time, like a farmer plowing his field. It does not give
immediate results but perhaps greater long term gains. Indra and Agni here are agriculture Gods
showing the ripening effect of heat, rain and seasonal changes."
This brings us back to the exchange between Venus and Saturn going on this month, and to the idea
of tilling the soil. It is slow work getting fields ready, picking out rocks, adding nutrients. Saturn and
Rahu have likely stripped some area of your life bare in the past eighteen months, revealing
weakness and corruption and pointing toward rebuilding in a slow, steady and responsible manner.

It is time to heal and look upon our challenges with a level of objectivity. Think of an incident in
your life that was painful, but that many years later showed you a valuable lesson, a lesson you could
only see after separating your ego from the pain of it. Try to see the current painful situations in your
life with that level of detachment. You don't have to wait for years to understand the lesson.
Adding to the review energy engendered by the retrograde motion of Saturn are the presence in the
early degrees of Libra of retrograde Mars and ever-retrograde, Rahu. This is a hearty helping of
review energy. If it is difficult to lunge forward into new things this month, these three retrograde
planets in Libra may be somewhat contributing to that situation.
Jupiter Resumes Direct Motion March 6

We trade retrograde Mercury for retrograde Mars and then retrograde Saturn steps in to take over
when Jupiter goes direct. This is the inspiration for this month's theme: Shifting Gears.
The other thing that people who ride bikes or drive manual transmissions know is that we always
lose a little momentum when we change gears. Of course, because it requires us to stop pedalling or
to let up on the gas pedal in favor of engaging the clutch. The faster you can execute this sequence,
the less momentum you lose. Luckily for us, the gear change happens largely in the first week of
Jupiter begins forward motion again on March 6 at 16 Gemini, beginning the final stretch of the
year-long transit of Mercury's air sign. We can think of this as beginning to pedal again, or giving
fuel to our motor so that we begin to move again. The thing is, we've changed gears while on an
uphill, so that means that we've actually downshifted, and though we may succeed in going forward,
it will be slowly and with effort (perhaps due to the trio of retrograde planets in Libra.)
Jupiter rules expansion, growth and abundance, and has the designation of Guru of the devas (gods),
bestowing the wisdom of the ages upon one and all. With Jupiter in Mercury's sign, Gemini, it has
been a good year for establishing study programs and student-teacher relationships.
Jupiter enters Cancer on June 18, so we have a few more months of Jupiter's influence on the
signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Jupiter, like Rahu, has the ability to aspect all of the other signs
in the same element as the sign occupied. In the current setup, we have both Rahu and Jupiter
affecting these signs, which is both bringing up the lessons and offering the wisdom to absorb them.
Rahu Moves to Chitra Nakshatra March 8

It will be July when Rahu moves out of Libra and into Virgo, but in the meantime, we see Rahu
changing lunar mansions from Swati to Chitra on March 8. Rahu and Ketu are always 180 from one
another and move through the zodiac in reverse motion. They are always moving retrograde!
Because the lunar mansions occupy different sections of the sun signs, we will see Rahu switching
nakshatras while Ketu remains in Ashwini nakshatra, which is ruled by Ketu and in Aries, ruled by
While Rahu has been transiting Swati, a lunar mansion that he himself rules, the air element has been
extremely highlighted. It has brought windy planetary weather which has been stirring and moving
things in ways that we can't really control. Rahu moving into Chitra may be somewhat more
calm, but keeping in mind that calm isn't really a keyword for the nodes anyway.

Chitra spans equally the signs of Libra and Virgo, so this will be the stage of transition for Rahu as he
changes signs. Chitra is ruled by Tvashtar, the celestial architect, so on one level, it may cause the
desire to create beautiful things as Rahu moves through. On a deeper level, the power of Chitra is to
accumulate merit for good deeds through righteous behavior which generally means being truthful
and following the law (of karma.) With Rahu being that force within us that is most difficult to
control, we may see in front of us on a daily basis the opportunity to "do the right thing."
When we desire something so deeply, are we willing to lie, cheat or steal to get it? The planetary

ruler of Chitra is Mars, so there is also the influence of the ability to direct energy and power
toward building or creating. May that which you choose to pursue and build be beautiful, right and
Mercury Transits Aquarius March 11 April 3

Returning to Aquarius after the retrograde cycle in February, Mercury moves into the triangle of air
signs on March 11, currently well-occupied by Saturn, Rahu, Mars, Jupiter and Sun.
Mercury was under the influence of Mars during its movement through the sign of Capricorn, which
could have been somewhat aggravating to communication and to the hands, which are ruled by
Mercury. Now, with Mercury moving to Aquarius, it is Jupiter and Rahu that could be more
pushing on Mercury.
Mercury rules our informational mind (buddhi) as opposed to the sensitive, emotional mind (manas),
which is the domain of the Moon. With Mercury under the influence of Rahu, we can become
confused or deluded about the facts, as Rahu is smoky, which can obscure and enchant.
But who better to shed the light of truth on things than Jupiter? With Jupiter also influencing
Mercury's trip through Aquarius, we can look to our innate inner wisdom to be our anchor in
moments of confusion or delusion.
Confused or not, Mercury in Aquarius can be a great time for innovative thought that benefits
humanity. Put your thinking caps on, jump outside the box and analyze some data that will make life
better for everyone!
Sun Enters Pisces March 14

Jupiter's water sign, Pisces, often shows the end of a cycle and preparation for new roads. Each year,
the Sun goes through Pisces from mid-March to mid-April, which marks the initiation of the spring
season in the northern hemisphere. In this sense, we let go of the winter, allowing that which is
finished to die and look ahead to spring, planting seeds with the hope of a fertile tomorrow.
Pisces is much like the boundless cosmic ocean; we see all the realms of possibility, the
disintegration of form, the dissolution of self. We lose ourselves and become reunified. This month
with Sun transiting through Pisces is a good time to let go of who you think you are and gain a
wider perspective. This could inspire changes and expansion that require a bit of faith and a
measure of letting go.
Full Moon in Virgo March 16

Around mid-day on Sunday, March 16, the Sun and Moon move into exact opposition as they do
each month; the Sun at 2 Pisces and the Moon at 2 Virgo. The first half of March sees the Moon in
the waxing phase, becoming stronger each day until the moment of the full Moon.
The Moon gets full in the nakshatra (lunar mansion) Uttaraphalguni, which spans 2640' Leo to
1000' Virgo, signs that are ruled by the Sun and Mercury. Uttaraphalguni has the planetary ruler
Sun, as well. Uttaraphalguni represents wealth and abundance created through union.
With the gear changing, reversals, dissolution and preparation for new beginnings that the beginning
of March is offering, this full Moon could be a herald of future harvests. Know that the act of
creation and building isn't always clear and rarely neat.
Retrograde Mars Returns to Virgo March 24

On Monday, March 24, Mars retreats into Virgo, leaving the powerful Saturn and Rahu
occupation of Libra. This could create some relief and also the opportunity to review and
analyze how we are managing our use of power.
Mars continues retrograde motion in Virgo until May 19, when direct motion resumes at 15
Virgo. This gives us an eight week period of time to explore, reorganize, redirect and recycle our
energy and resources in the environment of Mercury's earth sign.
When Mars re-enters Virgo he will come into opposition with Sun, currently in Pisces. While Mars
remains in retrograde motion through April and May, Mercury and Venus will also move in and out
of opposition with Mars. Opposition gives planets a direct face toward one another, the desire for
planets to interact can grow stronger when this position is assumend.
A Mars-Sun opposition in Virgo-Pisces could bring a great opportunity to realign our relationship to
power and control and how these things factor into our self-expression. This could be a good time to
observe and recognize how we manipulate our environment in order to support ourselves. From
there, we evaluate which mechanisms are working to create health and balance and which are
working against the pursuit of our personal goals and then make the necessary adjustments, which
may involve releasing or reframing that which we think defines us.
New Moon in Pisces March 30

Mid-day on Sunday, March 30, the Sun and Moon join at 15 Pisces in the lunar mansion called
Uttarabhadra. The Moon is at its weakest expression during the new Moon, and with Moon ruling the
manas, the sensitive emotional mind, the ebb of mental energy can sometimes be a good opportunity
to calm and soothe the mind and feelings.
Further drawing attention to the sign of Pisces, we can bring our mind and heart together as we
contemplate the vast cosmic ocean and how we as individual souls want to express ourselves in the
face of this greatness. Pisces invites us to let go so that we can revolve and evolve into the next
Uttarabhadra nakshatra is ruled by Ahir Budhnya, the serpent of the atmospheric depths who brings
rain, which stabilizes life. March begins with a big shift of gears: February 28 gave a new Moon and
direct motion of Mercury. March 1 and 2 saw Mars and Saturn assume retrograde motion and March

6 returned Jupiter to direct motion. The retrograde planets of February, Jupiter and Mercury, become
direct and we see Mars and Saturn taking over this retrograde motion.
As this month ends with this new Moon in Pisces, may we find some stability, calm and
understanding granted by broad vision. It has been a long period of instability, change and challenge;
it is a time to reinvent and prepare for new cycles as we leave behind old methods of support.
Venus moves into Aquarius March 30

We will talk more about Venus in Aquarius for next month's forecast, but its interesting to note that
Venus in Aquarius will be in full exchange of signs with Saturn and Rahu, the co-rulers of
Aquarius. Venus moves through Aquarius from March 30 April 26, the second time we are
experiencing this exchange between Venus and Saturn-Rahu since they have been joined in Venus'
sign in January 2013. To be continued...

February 2014/ by Kerry Shamblin

Calculations are done using the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha and the mean node. Timings are based on
Mountain Time Zone, US.
Venus Resumes Direct Motion January 31
Mars Enters Libra February 4
Mercury Retrograde February 6-28
Sun Enters Aquarius February 12
Full Moon in Leo February 14
Venus Enters Capricorn February 25
New Moon in Aquarius February 28-March 1
Venus Resumes Direct Motion January 31

Venus stations in its place at 20 Sagittarius on the last day of January, fully visible in the eastern sky
before sunrise.
In addition to the aspects Venus is receiving from Jupiter, Mars and Saturn, there is another special
factor between Venus and Jupiter who occupy opposite signs and therefore aspect one another.
On December 21, Venus entered this retrograde cycle; the two priestly planets, Jupiter as teacher of
the Gods and Venus as teacher of the Demons, have been sharing the same apparent backward
movement. Venus moved back into Sagittarius, which is opposite Gemini, where Jupiter is placed.

Retrograde movement can indicate certain things such as latency, delay, intensity or strength in the
expression of a planet. Any retrograde planet can be perceived as going through a review phase
wherein territory or material either recently experienced or experienced in the past can be revisited
and more firmly anchored.
Since January 22, these two retrograde planets have been exactly opposite within two degrees.
This could indicate that the last part of January would be a really good time to review study
materials in order to firmly root them in the mind. This mutual aspect could also indicate
expansion within relationships or learning lessons via interactions with other people.
With Venus' return to direct motion, we may see a turnaround in relationship issues or new
directions in creative pursuits. Our ideas of love and its expression could undergo a
transformation and re-emergence.
We should easily be able to see Venus in the eastern sky in the morning by the beginning of February.
Venus as our morning star will continue through August 2014.
Mars Enters Libra February 4

Just after midnight on February 4, Mars bursts with vigor into the sign of Libra. Libra has been
holding the court between Saturn and Rahu since January 2013. For those with Libra prominent in
their personal charts, this could have resulted in a year full of changes, uncertainties, pressure and
loss. Of course these difficulties shape us into stronger, more graceful humans in the end, but it is not
without cost.
Ever since Rahu entered Libra in January 2013, I've been watching Mars slowly advance
through the signs, wondering what it would be like when Mars joined Rahu and Saturn. In
April-May 2013, Mars transited through Aries, opposing Saturn and Rahu. It could be that actions
initiated during that time may come again to the foreground. We will soon find out how Mars will
energize the Saturn-Rahu occupied sign of Libra.
Libra is ruled by the planet Venus. Venus is currently in the sign of Sagittarius, opposite
Jupiter, having just resumed direct motion on January 31. As the ruler of Libra, Venus has
been the host and dispositor of the Rahu and Saturn conjunction. With Venus largely holding
the role of lover, connector and attractor, it plays a huge role in how happy and passionate we
are in our lives.
With the heavy activity of Saturn, Rahu and now Mars coming through Libra, we may feel
challenged within the sphere of relationships, especially those of us who have major placements
in the signs of Libra and Aries.
Mars is the planet that represents power, its acquisition and its management. Mars enjoys
initiating actions, building, research, design, gathering resources, planning and executing. Mars
and Saturn together in the same sign could cause the impulsive nature of Mars and the
conservative nature of Saturn to clash.

Each planet has its virtues, which sometimes cause problems when interacting with the virtues of
other planets. While Saturn would rather limit and reduce action, Mars is happy forging ahead
and getting things done.
Rahu acts as an amplifier to the energies of Mars and Saturn in this case, inflating the conflict
that may arise between Mars and Saturn. As Rahu and Saturn are both airy in nature, in the airy
sign of Libra, air is the prevailing element. Mars is like fire. Introducing fire into a windy
environment can be dangerous, given there is enough fuel for Mars to consume.
A good policy for the upcoming two months of February and March, while Mars joins Saturn
and Rahu in Libra, would be to have plenty of water on hand. This could be taken literally, as
water is always great to have around, but more it is offered as a symbolic suggestion.
We can take air to be a symbol of the thought processes of the mind and we can take fire to be a
symbol of our will to enact those thoughts. Without the grounding elements of earth (material
support) or water (love and compassion) our thoughts and impulsive actions could cause damage to
our environment.
So when the suggestion of keeping water on hand arises, its a suggestion to bring love,
compassion, cool and calm to your daily situations, directed inward and outward, especially
during this Mars transit of Libra.
The fiery energy of Mars can be harnessed toward lovely ends, as always. In this case we just need
to pay attention to the wind we create with our thoughts, fears and desires while also creating a
nice watery receptacle with our intention and devotion.
As long as Jupiter remains in Gemini, through June 18, 2014, it gives its auspicious influence to
all of the air signs, including Libra and the planets therein. When the challenges and decisions
that we face are perceived as spiritually-motivated learning experiences, we gain a perspective that
may help us to transform and expand our consciousness. This is the gift of Jupiter regarding this
grouping of planets in Libra.
Mercury Retrograde February 6-28

The first Mercury retrograde cycle of 2014 begins during the afternoon hours of Thursday, February
6, at 10 of Aquarius. The apparent backward motion takes Mercury back through the early degrees
of Aquarius, returning him to Capricorn on February 18, and resuming direct motion at 25
Capricorn on the morning of February 28.
Mercury, like Saturn and Rahu, the rulers of Aquarius, and like Aquarius itself, is like the element of
Air. Air, as we know, loves to move, is hard to contain and we can't live without it. Air is the
predominant element in our minds, ruling thought, which we may also be aware, is hard to contain
and loves to move.
This retrograde cycle could be quite full of mind changing. When planets are retrograde, they really
are quite strong, so in this case, its like turning the Mercury on full blast. In the realm of thought, we
could have a very busy month. Knowing this, it may be a good idea to prepare for this thought-

storm by planning regular interludes that calm the mind, such as meditation, yoga, therapy or
whatever keeps your mind from escaping the bounds of practical reality.
Also remember that the backward motion of planets is really an illusion created by the relative
positions of the Earth, Sun and other planets; holding this truth in the forefront of our observation
of events can be very helpful.
The best remedies to handle the illusion generated by chaos when applied to Mercury include:
patience, sense of humor, avoidance of important action and cross-checking all plans and
With Rahu also aspecting Aquarius and Mercury, we could experience unexpected situations in the
mix. With Jupiter aspecting Aquarius and Mercury, we could transform these chaotic,
unexpected situations into joyful learning experiences (this is where the sense of humor comes
Sun Enters Aquarius February 12

The Sun spends one month in each sign of the zodiac; from February 12 March 14, the Sun moves
through Aquarius, an air sign ruled by Saturn and Rahu.
As mentioned, both the planets Jupiter and Rahu are currently able to influence all of the air
signs, including Aquarius. The expansive nature of Jupiter inspires us to seek knowledge, higher
learning, wisdom and abundance. The chaotic nature of Rahu urges us to fulfill our desires and
explore into any type of territory that peaks our interest or sparks our passions.
With these two influences affecting the Sun, which symbolizes our soul or true inner nature, we
could be led toward experiences that both illuminate and obscure our perception of what we call the
The Sun and Saturn are not friends. The Sun is in charge of expression of our individual ego while
Saturn is in charge of the dissolution of ego. The Sun in Aquarius can be quite inspiring for activities
that involve self-surrender on some level, such as championing the downtrodden, volunteering for
humanitarian causes or simply sacrificing one's own happiness so that another can benefit.
On the other hand, Sun in Aquarius isn't the best position for self-promotion or winning
popularity contests. Better to align oneself with the masses, groups or projects that benefit all
beings in some way.
Full Moon in Leo February 14

With the Sun just having entered into Aquarius, the Moon moves into the early degrees of Leo,
opposing the Sun for the full Moon, on February 14.
The Moon will be in the sign of Leo, in Magha nakshatra as it rises while the Sun sets. Magha is
ruled by the planet Ketu and by the Pitris, the ancestors. It gives the power to leave the body,
indicating the end of a cycle. This could be a pivotal full Moon, full of energy with the Sun aspecting
the Moon in the Sun's own sign. The aspect of the sign ruler to the sign always strengthens.

Mercury plays a role also in that it will be retrograde, strong, yet also combust with the Sun during
this time. When planets come into conjunction with the Sun, which we call "combustion," it is
difficult or impossible for them to outshine the Sun. Therefore, this could be a time where
communication is difficult due to high emotion or mental activity.
The Sun and Mercury will be in Aquarius, making their dispositors Saturn and Rahu. Saturn
and Rahu are currently in Venus' sign, Libra, with Mars. This ties together many of the planets
with some involvement or aspect to the full Moon axis.
This could be a passionate time, and if it does indeed result in the end of a cycle, it may be
emotional and hard to verbally communicate in a clear, practical way. Actions and silence may
actually be a better way to address situations that arise around this full Moon.
As the Moon begins to wane, we may want to keep in mind that the Moon transits through Libra
from February 19-21 (Wed-Fri). With the Moon representing our conscious mind, sensitivity and
emotional responses, we could feel a bit of challenge as the Moon moves through the territory
occupied by Mars, Saturn and Rahu, all vying for power in expressing their energy, messages and
Venus Enters Capricorn February 25

Venus in forward motion glides through Sagittarius as February progresses, finally entering
into Saturn's earth sign, Capricorn, on February 25. Venus joins retrograde Mercury just two
days before Mercury resumes forward motion.
Mars, currently in Libra, has the ability to aspect any sign four positions from himself, in this case,
the sign of Capricorn. This may focus the energetic desire for movement, acquisition and power back
onto Venus as she transits through Capricorn, until Mars retreats into Virgo on March 24.
This translates into a month-long window where we have the influence, once again, of Mars
onto Venus. This could cause restlessness within relationship, passion to connect and build
relationships or power struggles within relationship. On a non-relationship front, it could be a
great time for projects that require building, design and beautification.
Venus in Capricorn is great for expressing love, beauty and creativity in a very grounded, practical
and material way. The determination and fortitude that Capricorn grants can be excellent
ground for the work of Venus, which generally involves love, beauty and feeling good.

New Moon in Aquarius February 28-March 1

As the Moon wanes during the second half of February, it passes through the grouping in Libra from
February 19-21 and then joins Venus in the morning sky just before sunrise on February 25-26 while
the pair moves from Sagittarius to Capricorn.

Just after Mercury resumes direct motion on February 28 and as February 28 becomes March 1 by
our western calendar calculations, the Moon joins the Sun at 16 Aquarius in the nakshatra
Shatabishak. The power of Shatabishak is that of healing; here we can appeal for divine grace in the
face of karmic difficulties. Varuna, lord of the cosmic waters, rules this lunar mansion and is the god
that can both give and remove calamities.
We count Friday, February 28 as amavasya, the day leading up to the moment of the new Moon,
when the lunar power diminishes and ebbs. With the two planets that rule the mind, Moon and
Mercury, both in transitional positions on this day, it may be a good day to take the day off in favor
of rest and retreat.
The effects of Mercury retrograde can sometimes be felt for a few days beyond when direct motion is
resumed. The emotional, feeling part of our mind will begin to strengthen as the Moon begins to wax
during the first week of March. To keep things interesting, Mars will begin a retrograde period
just a couple of days later, on March 2. With Rahu so strongly placed in Swati nakshatra, we
may continue to experience a sense of underlying instability as we attempt to establish
foundations and mold new forms.

January 2014/ by Kerry Shamblin

There is a new Moon in Sagittarius in the hours after the new calendar year begins that calls us to cleanse
and purify through the power of water. The second week of January starts with Mercury and Venus
switching the signs that they occupy, signaling a shift in energy. Retrograde Venus re-enters Sagittarius,
joining the Sun and receiving the aspects of Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. Venus conjoins the Sun on
January 11 and re-emerges as the morning star by the end of the month. This is a transformative
time for Venus, which mirrors our capacity for love, relationship, compassion, and beauty.
The combination of Mars in Capricorn and Mercury in Virgo will create a great environment for a
disciplined approach to work and completion of tasks. On January 15, the full Moon in Cancer will

encourage revitalization and creation of abundance. The Moon wanes in the last two weeks of January,
reaching the vulnerable new Moon point on January 30, calling for deep listening and receptivity in order to
promote connection.
January 31, Venus resumes direct motion will be visible in the eastern sky before sunrise, remaining the
morning star for most of 2014. This recent transformation of Venus is inspiring as we imagine our paths
for the upcoming year.
I do astrology reading sessions via phone (US & Canada) or Skype. Check out the details and get started on
the readings page.
Happy New Year, 2014! Enjoy the forecast!
Take care

Calculations are done using the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha and the mean node. Timings are based on
Mountain Time Zone, US.
New Moon New Year January 1
Retrograde Venus Returns to Sagittarius January 6
Mercury Transits Capricorn January 7 26
Sun Transits Capricorn January 13 February 12
Full Moon in Cancer January 15
New Moon in Capricorn January 30
Venus Resumes Direct Motion January 31
New Moon New Year January 1

The first hours of the western calendar, 2014, will hold a new Moon. As the Moon slips closer into
exact conjunction with the Sun, revelers will be winding down with the new year's celebrations. At
about 3:00 am Pacific time, the Moon and Sun join at 16 Sagittarius, in the lunar mansion of
Joining the Sun and Moon is Mercury at 18 Sagittarius. Aspecting this trio from 17 Virgo is
Mars, with an almost exact aspect by degree. Also aspecting Sun/Moon/Mercury are Saturn from
Libra and Jupiter from Gemini. The only planets excluded from direct involvement in this new
Moon moment are the nodes, Rahu and Ketu, and Venus.
Purvashada nakshatra is ruled by the planet Venus and by the deity Apas, lord of the waters. As
those who regularly do dishes or take baths know, water is one of the greatest things we can use to
cleanse without destroying. The power of Purvashada is that of revitalization through purification.
As the Moon begins to wax, moving away from the Sun, we can keep in mind that our actions during
the beginning of this month of January and the beginning of the year 2014 would be a good time to
attend to what needs to be cleansed or purfied in our lives and in our environments.
Retrograde Venus Returns to Sagittarius January 6

Venus continues to appear as if going in backward motion from usual, finally dipping back into the
stars of Sagittarius mid-day on January 6, joining Mercury and the Sun. This type of proximity to the
Sun can weaken the ability of the planet to express, as the strength of the Sun can overpower the
subtle influence of that planet.
This is part of Venus' "journey to the underworld" that explains the disappearance of Venus from our
observation as it passes close to the Sun's position and re-emerges on the other side, as the retrograde
motion continues.
The exact conjunction of Venus and Sun comes on January 11, receiving the blessed aspect of
Jupiter from Gemini. At 27 Sagittarius, in the lunar mansion of Uttarashada, we witness the
genesis of the next phase of Venus' journey.
Venus, as planet of love, relationships, connection and beauty, has a big say in our account of
personal happiness and contentment. This could be considered as a new beginning point in the way
you relate, connect and share.
Along with the positive aspect of Jupiter that Venus receives (and also gives back to Jupiter), comes
the aspect of Mars, which continues until February 3, when Mars moves into Libra. Mars' aspect
falls into the malefic grouping, but before we pass judgement, let's remember that nothing is black
and white and all is relative.
Desaturating the label of good or bad, Mars is the planet of drive and power, and what he offers is
energy to accomplish the desired results. This fire is neutral but how it may be weilded or received
could throw the effect into either field of good or bad.
Another fiery influence on Venus at this time is the Sun itself, and the fact that their exact
conjunction occurred in the nakshatra of Uttarashada, also ruled by the Sun.
This position of Venus, under fiery influences, happens after the new Moon, which encouraged
purification by water. Maybe the key to maximizing the positive, fiery influences of Sun and Mars on
Venus at this time is to make sure that the cleansing has already occurred during the first few days of
Fire is great fuel. If we can clean our vessels in preparation for a new project, this continuing
influence of Mars on Venus throughout the month could be quite passionate, creative and energetic.
Last but certainly not least, we have the aspect of Saturn to Venus, especially strong due to Venus'
current lordhip of Saturn as he moves through Venus' sign, Libra. While Mars will cause us to
march forth with little thought of consequence, Saturn may cause us to hold back from making the
first step out of fear or genuine caution. This can be a good check and balance system for the cause of
using the energy of Mars properly and not wasting resources. Saturn can also create feelings of
pressure, especially when there is imbalance or disharmony present in a situation. If pressure is felt,
rather than attempting to escape it, you're better off making changes that increase balance and
Know that there are multiple influences on Venus at this time of transformation for Venus.
Understand the positive expansiveness of Jupiter, the cautious contraction of Saturn and the

confident energy of Mars and feel how they can play together harmoniously and supportively to
create a new paradigm in your relationships and creativity.
As the month progresses, Venus continues retrograde motion, widening the gap between Venus and
the Sun, giving Venus the power to shine in a new form. By the last week of January, Venus will
appear as "morning star," which will continue throughout most of 2014.
Mercury Transits Capricorn January 7 26

Entering back into Sagittarius, Venus meets with Mercury who is moving forward into Capricorn. It
is as if they are performing a quick dance move, right there in the borderlands between Sagittarius
and Capricorn, on January 7, switching the signs they occupy.
This couple day juncture between January 6-7 is really shaping up to be a turning point after the
new Moon of January 1. Venus in Sagittarius has been discussed. The structure and tendency for
initiating that Capricorn grants to Mercury helps to ground and direct the rapid-fire energy of
This could be a good time to be disciplined about writing, studies, communication or business
matters. The sign of Capricorn is currently not aspected by any planets, giving us the equivalent
of an uninterrupted work day. Imagine being able to sit quietly and apply yourself to tasks,
checking off list items, climbing with grace to the top of the mountain of work on your desk. This is
what the middle of January could be like.
Mercury currently is the lord of both Mars and Jupiter, who occupy his signs, Virgo and Gemini.
With Mars as a great ally in the work environment and with Jupiter as a great proponent of expansion
of knowledge, we can further harness energy that will be geared toward productivity in work and
Sun Transits Capricorn January 13 February 12

The Sun enters Capricorn on January 13, joining Mercury but never really getting close enough to
drown out the pertinent quips of the communicative planet, who moves to Aquarius on January 26.
Moving out of Capricorn, Sun is also moving out of the aspects of Jupiter, Mars and Saturn,
which he shared with Venus as he was moving through Sagittarius.
It should also be considered that when Sun moves through Capricorn and Aquarius, he is moving
through the signs of his enemy, Saturn, who is still strongly positioned in Libra.
I think a simple way to understand why Sun doesn't enjoy Saturn's signs is to consider both planets'
relationship to ego. Ego is important in projecting and protecting the soul, but it is also a volatile
substance that can easily go out of balance as far as inflation and deflation. The Sun is the indicator
of how we sit with our ego.
Saturn's mission is to destroy the ego in favor of detachment and universal understanding.
Saturn's signs, therefore, are not great environments for promotion of the ego's goals. For those with
a balanced and contained ego, these signs may even provide a great environment in which to express
the self through service toward others in some way as the Sun transits them.

Some of us could be subject to lessons regarding the proper function of our egos during the twomonth period that Sun goes through Capricorn and Aquarius. If you find yourself repeatedly slapped,
look no further than within to understand the lessons you are being dealt.
Full Moon in Cancer January 15

This would be a good time to share something I've recently become aware of, that resonates and
changes the way I've been viewing the lunar cycle.
Up until this month, in my forecasts I've referred to the new Moon as the beginning of the lunar cycle
and the full Moon as the culmination and mid-point of the cycle. This way of viewing the lunar
month is called Amlanta, indicating the beginning of the lunar cycle as at the end of amavasya (new
The other way of viewing is called Suklanta, indicating beginning the lunar cycle at the end of Sukla
Paksha, which is signalled by the moment of the full Moon. In order to further understand the
mysteries of the planets, I am going to be switching the way I look at the lunar cycle to the Suklanta
An expert explanation of the Vedic calender is given by Pandit Sanjay Rath.
That means that our first lunar cycle of 2014 will begin on January 15, with a full Moon at 2 of its
own sign of Cancer. The only aspect to the Moon will be from Saturn.
The nakshatra for the Moon on this day is the final quarter of Punarvasu, "return of the light," lorded
by the planet Jupiter and the goddess Aditi, mother of the gods. The power of Punarvasu is to
collect abundance. Punarvasu combines wind and water to create revitalization of the plant
kingdom. The plant kingdom could be extended here to include all creatures and creations, indicating
that this may be a great start for breathing new life into creative pursuits.
The theme for the cycle of the Moon between January 15 and the next full Moon will be to create and
collect abundance.
New Moon in Capricorn January 30

The Sun and Moon meet for a second time this calendar month, this time at 16 Capricorn, in the
nakshatra of Shravana, on Thursday, January 30. Shravana is ruled by the Moon itself and by Lord
Vishnu, granting the power of connection. Connection happens when needs are perceived and
understood. The symbol for Shravana is an ear showing us clearly what needs to happen for
connection to occur: listening with full receptivity.
At the mid-point of the lunar cycle, when the Moon is at its weakest in the light of the great Sun, this
is our whispered message: listen and receive.
Venus Resumes Direct Motion January 31

Venus stations in its place at 20 Sagittarius on the last day of January, fully visible in the eastern sky
before sunrise.

In addition to the aspects Venus is receiving from Jupiter, Mars and Saturn, there is another
special factor between Venus and Jupiter who occupy opposite signs and therefore aspect one
Since December 21, Jupiter and Venus have both been retrograde. The two priestly planets,
Jupiter as teacher of the Gods and Venus as teacher of the Demons, have been sharing the same
apparent backward movement. Retrograde movement can indicate certain things such as latency,
delay, intensity or strength in the expression of a planet. Any retrograde planet can be perceived
as going through a review phase wherein territory or material recently experienced can be revisited
and more firmly anchored.
Starting January 22, these two retrograde planets will be exactly opposite within two degrees. This
could indicate that the last part of January would be a really good time to review study or
teaching materials in order to firmly root them in the mind.

December 2013/ by Kerry Shamblin

Calculations are done using the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha and the mean node. Timings are based on Mountain Time
Zone, US.

Mercury Enters Scorpio December 1

New Moon in Scorpio-Anuradha December 2
Venus Enters Capricorn December 5, Retrograde Starts December 21
Jupiter Aspect Direct to Saturn December 9-17
Sun Transits Sagittarius December 15-January 13
Full Moon in Gemini December 17
Winter Solstice December 21
New Moon in Sagittarius January 1
Mercury Enters Scorpio December 1

By the time that Mercury exits Libra and enters Scorpio on the evening of November 30, things have
become relatively simplified in Venus' air sign, Libra. When Mercury moves out, only the two main
players will be left to do their work in Libra: Saturn and Rahu.
With most of the drama initiated by this point, the challenging influences given by Saturn and Rahu
may have reached the "clean-up" phase, as they move steadily away from each other due to Rahu's
retrograde motion. Whatever has been set into motion by events from the past few months is calling
for a firm foundation (Saturn) and creative innovation (Rahu.)

Mercury, having recently passed through the region occupied by Rahu and Saturn, carries forward
the data, analysis and information of recent events so that we can use whatever lessons we have
learned recently to move us forward and put us back into communication and exchange.
Moving quickly through Mars' water sign, Scorpio, until December 19, puts Mercury in exchange of
signs with Mars, currently transiting Mercury's earth sign, Virgo. The exchange of signs between the
energetic Mercury and the powerful Mars should allow us to make good strides forward with our
work and projects, especially if they involve writing, communication, design, building and research.
Mercury then moves to Sagittarius on December 20, Jupiter's fire sign, which creates an exchange of
signs between Mercury and Jupiter, currently occupying Mercury's air sign, Gemini. Although no
longer in exchange of signs with Mars, Mercury will also receive an aspect from Mars via Mars'
4th aspect.
This creates quite a well-supported month for Mercury. The time in Scorpio may allow us to
make contact with and communicate deep thoughts and emotions; the time in Sagittarius may be
good for study, teaching, arrangements for schooling, writing and revision (Jupiter is retrograde now)
and for travel, both short and long journeys. Mercury exits Sagittarius for Capricorn on January 7,
New Moon in Scorpio-Anuradha December 2

During the last couple days of November, the waning Moon plunges into the sign of Libra,
squeezing through the central degrees on November 30, flanked on either side by Rahu and
Saturn, currently at 12 and 24 Libra, respectively. Sliding further toward total cover by the Sun,
the Moon enters Scorpio and joins the Sun at 17 on December 2 as the Moon is rising in the
eastern hemisphere.
Thus, from sunset of December 1 to sunset of December 2, the Moon has reached the final stage of
its cycle, amavasya, the day before the brief moment that the Moon and Sun conjoin in order to
begin a new lunar cycle. Amavasya is a good time to withdraw from heavy activity in favor of
spiritual practices, relaxation and rejuvenation. While it is not feasible for many of us to stop our
busy schedules in order to withdraw, at least we can arrange some time to sit in meditation, take a
yoga class, or spend quiet time in contemplation for awhile on this day. The Moon's energy is at its
greatest ebb during this time, so we may feel the need to replenish our personal energy.
After the recent eclipses, this new Moon will have the benefit of being relatively unaspected by
difficult influences. This gives us a chance to collect ourselves peacefully and quietly in the dark
evening of winter. Grant yourself the space to make friends with the silence and the dark this
Monday evening, December 2.
This new Moon occurs in the very beginning of the nakshatra (lunar mansion) called Jyestha, ruled
by the planet Mercury and by the god Indra, lord of the heavens. Jyestha offers us the gift of
boundless depth and wisdom; by moving through difficulty, fear and loss, we learn the deepest
lessons of life and emerge stronger and wiser, able to open further to life's experience. With Indra, the
great warrior, as the patron of this nakshatra, we are invited to meet fear and difficulties with courage
and to draw upon the depth of our wisdom to guide us toward the light.

Venus Enters Capricorn December 5, Retrograde Starts December 21

Venus moves out of an opposition with Jupiter, moving into Saturn's sign, Capricorn, on December 5.
This puts Venus and Saturn into an exchange of signs, giving each planet even further strength and
support during this exchange.
The evening of December 5 should be great for viewing Venus close to the crescent Moon. December
6-7 is also the time of brightest magnitude of Venus, so be sure to check for her in the western sky
just after sunset.
From here, Venus moves forward a few degrees and then begins a retrograde cycle on December 21,
whence it will begin to move in line with the Sun in the zodiac, disappearing from sight eventually
during the first week of January and finally re-emerging as the "morning star" a couple of weeks
The exchange of signs between Saturn and Venus during this month should be positive for the
recouping of peace and sanity; the foundations that Saturn wishes for us to establish will be laid
with the influence of Venus, filled with compassion for others and the beauty of our earthly domain.
With Venus retrograde motion, we have three retrograde planets influencing the already slow and
steady Saturn: Rahu, always retrograde, Jupiter, retrograde and aspecting Saturn, and Venus,
retrograde and in sambhanda (complete connection) with Saturn. The steady, deliberate energy
pattern set up by these three planets could be very beneficial in our current pursuits and relationships.
Jupiter brings positivity and expansion, Venus brings attention to the practical side of
relationships, Rahu brings in the excitement of the unknown and uncontrollable and Saturn
brings truth, structure and boundaries.
Surrender to slow, strong growth, attention to the needs of others and the guidance of the wise.
Relaxing into this fertile ground could yield great results. Remember also that Mercury and Mars are
in mutual exchange of signs, as well. This could introduce an air of impatience and need for speed
that will create waves in the larger creative process. Make sure to create proper channels for the
energy and speed of Mercury and Mars such that they can exercise their gifts without
weakening the foundation.
Jupiter Aspect Direct to Saturn December 9-17

While Jupiter can aspect the entire signs of Libra and Aquarius from his position in Gemini, when a
planet aspects another while they are at the same degree, the aspect becomes exact, giving more
potency and poignancy to whatever influence is flowing from one planet to another.
Retrograde Jupiter and Saturn will both be at 24 of the signs that they currently occupy, Gemini
and Libra, from December 9-17. Saturn is still strong due to being in its exaltation sign, and
Jupiter in retrograde motion is also strong. With the planet of expansion directly aspecting the
planet of contraction, we may feel the ability to make things grow (slowly, of course) that may
otherwise be resisting out of fear or reticence.
Sun Transits Sagittarius December 15-January 13

The Sun makes its annual trip through Jupiter's fire sign, Sagittarius, from Sunday, December 15 to
Monday, January 13, 2014. Since all planets aspect the sign opposite them, Jupiter will also be
giving a nice aspect to the Sun as he moves through Sagittarius. This could signal a nice period
where we really feel at home on our path; though things may be growing at a slow pace due to
Jupiter's retrograde period, we may experience contentment with where we are.
The Sun in Sagittarius will have Venus in Capricorn on one side and Mercury in Scorpio on the other.
Having two benefic planets flanking on either side is supportive to the Sun; with those two
supporting planets being Mercury and Venus, we may feel especially confident in our
communication and creative self-expression.
Another influence on the Sun as it transits Sagittarius is Mars by its 4th aspect from Virgo. This
gives energy to the Sun, and may give us energy as well. Mars gives the urge to gather, accomplish
and build. This could add a layer of confidence to move forward with our projects in a positive
Keeping the Sun somewhat in check, Saturn also aspects the Sun in Sagittarius
via his 3rd place aspect. This is a nice check and balance system with both
Saturn and Jupiter giving their influence to the Sun. We may feel especially
ready to face another person or situation in our life that will bring growth and
expansion. This could be from relationships, receiving teachings or delving more
deeply into the study of subjects that expand our consciousness.
Full Moon in Gemini December 17

At about 2:30 am MST on December 17, the Moon moves into full reception of the Sun's
brilliance at 2 Gemini.
There is underlying influence of Mars and Ketu on this Full Moon. Mars rules the nakshatra
Mrigashirsha, where the full Moon will be placed. Sun will be in the lunar mansion called Mula,
ruled by Ketu, currently placed in Mars' fire sign, Aries. Mercury, lord of Gemini, will be in Scorpio,
co-ruled by Mars and Ketu.
The power of Mrigashirsha is the giving of fulfillment; the ruling deity is Soma, the god that
brings us the nectar of immortality.
All of these factors point toward a culmination and shift of energy; Mars, Sun and Moon will be in
mutable signs, signaling an opportunity to move and change our mind, energy and perception.
Mercury's influence also supports shifting the way we think about things, perhaps inspired by what
Mercury may be learning below the surface of things, located in Scorpio.
Restless searching may finally lead us to a place of fulfillment and satisfaction, but it will take a
conscious change of heart and mind in order to pull ourselves toward that place where that which is
no longer relevant falls away in favor of new horizons.
Winter Solstice December 21

For those in the Northern hemisphere, the Sun reaches its annual ebb on the morning of Saturday,
December 21 at 6 Sagittarius, in the nakshatra of Mula, which is the direction of the galactic center.

Mercury joins the Sun in Sagittarius this day, moving in from Scorpio, giving further good energy
to the transition that the Sun makes toward its northern course, as our days will begin to extend in
length. Mula nakshatra can be somewhat fierce energetically, ruled by Ketu, Mula has an ascetic
nature that can be somewhat detached; Mula also means "root" so there is also the indication of
concentrated, essential energy. Read a nice article to help understand the Sun and the Seasons
Remember that we also see Venus begin a retrograde cycle this day; after a couple of weeks Venus
slips from our view as it gets closer to the Sun. The astronomical shifts on this solstice day further
support the changes that are invited from the Full Moon of December 17.
New Moon in Sagittarius January 1

The last week of December sees the Moon waning and passing through the signs Virgo, Libra and
Scorpio, each of which offers the Moon some challenges. Mars occupies Virgo; this could create
agitation for the mind. Libra is holding Saturn and Rahu, further providing a challenge for the mind
and emotions that the Moon represents. Finally, the Moon passes through Scorpio, the sign of
debilitation for the Moon.
After the excitement of the holiday season, we may find ourselves reflected in the mood of the
Moon; slightly depressed, emotionally challenged and drained of energy. Plan to nurture yourself
during this time, keeping the schedule light and arranging activities that allow you to recharge and reset.
Just before sunrise on the new year, January 1, 2014, the Moon moves into alignment with the Sun at
17 Sagittarius. New year, new Moon. This makes the infamous New Year's Eve a great time to turn
within and contemplate the ending and beginning of a lunar cycle as well as the ending and
beginning of a western calendar year.
Mercury joins this Sun-Moon conjunction within a couple of degrees and this trio receives the bold
aspect of retrograde Jupiter from Gemini. Also influencing will be Saturn from Libra, giving a bit of
pressure, practicality and reality and energetic Mars from Virgo, pushing us to move and build, even
in the face of lower energy levels.
Almost all of the planets interact with this new Moon; some offer positive energy and change, some
suggest retreating and relaxation. Plan your celebrations and/or spiritual retreats accordingly!
November 2013/ by Kerry Shamblin

Calculations are done using the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha and the mean node. Timings are based on
Mountain Time Zone, US.
Venus Enters Sagittarius October 30
New Moon Total Solar Eclipse November 3
Saturn Reaches Exaltation Degree November 4
Jupiter Retrograde November 6-March 6, 2014
Mercury Resumes Direct Motion November 10
Sun Enters Scorpio November 15
Full Moon in Taurus November 17

Mars Enters Virgo November 26

Jupiter-Venus Exact Opposition November 27
Venus Enters Sagittarius October 30

Moving out of Scorpio in the wee hours of October 30, Venus moves into Jupiter's sign of Sagittarius
for a five week transit before moving to Capricorn. Venus remains visible in the evening sky but is
preparing for the change to "morning star" which will begin with a Venus retrograde cycle beginning
around the winter solstice.
Venus is relieved of the aspect of Mars until November 26, when Mars moves to Virgo. This may
lessen the intensity of things for the time being, as Venus is currently the lord of all of the goings on
in Libra. Venus helps us to connect, relate, love and find the beauty in life and free of the hot
pressure of Mars, we could feel a bit of reprieve.
However, in Sagittarius, Venus will instead receive the aspect of Saturn, a different type of pressure,
perhaps more steady and serious but less dramatic. In addition, Venus receives influence from
Jupiter, the owner of Sagittarius, which creates a positive balance on the affairs of Venus for the
month of November. More on this at the last section of this forecast.
This transit may inspire us to adventurously yet sustainably expand in our creative pursuits and
New Moon Total Solar Eclipse November 3

According to the NASA web site, the solar eclipse of November 3 is "is the most interesting eclipse
of the year." The path of the total eclipse is narrow, and will be seen best during the day from the
countries of central and western Africa. The disc of the Moon will come between the Earth and the
Sun, at that magical spot that perfectly aligns the Moon in order that it may eclipse the light of the
Sun. These magical alignment spots that allow the Sun, Moon and Earth to line up just so, we call the
nodes of the Moon, otherwise known as Rahu (north node) and Ketu (south node.)
These "shadow" planets mark points in our astrological charts that give us clues as to our karmic
path. What are we striving toward based on our past experience? Eclipses are dramatic and
significant, just as the nodes are in our charts. Where the eclipses occur and the other planets that are
drawn into the event of the eclipse tell a story about how these astral influences will manifest in our
The moment of the greatest eclipse happens at about 12:45 pm UT, 5:45 am MST, so just before
sunrise on Sunday, November 3. This is also the moment of the new Moon, when the Moon reaches
the end of the current cycle and moves into the next. This happens in the sign of Libra, our Venusruled air sign.
The Sun and Moon will be at 17 Libra, retrograde Mercury will be with Rahu exactly conjunct at
13 Libra and Saturn will be approaching its exact degree of exaltation at 19 Libra. These five
planetary bodies are all placed within 7 degrees of one another, making this a rather dramatic eclipse.
The Moon becomes an empty vessel at this juncture, a well of potential. The Sun in Libra is in its
sign of debilitation, somewhat ameliorated by the Sun having past the exact degree of debilitation at

10 Libra. So both of our luminaries are weak and at the mercy of the nodes, meaning that no matter
what our mind and heart is striving toward, we may experience some intensity and be somewhat at
the mercy of the happenings of the world to overshadow our own story for a moment, in some way.
What is very strong in this eclipse grouping is Saturn. Saturn becomes exalted at 20 Libra, which
Saturn reaches exactly around mid-day on November 4. What can a strong Saturn bring in this
situation? Saturn rules truth, detachment, responsibility, the understanding of karma and time; Saturn
can bring hard knocks and facts of life, combined with Rahu and the eclipse energy, this could trigger
some events that deliver the types of situations that call for us to draw on our fortitude and wisdom.
The ability to grasp the lessons that may come through these situations will be granted by
Jupiter, currently transiting Gemini and giving energy through its aspect to both the sign of Libra
and to Venus, the ruler of Libra, currently in Sagittarius. Jupiter grants us wisdom and a positive
outlook that propels us toward deeper understanding and higher learning.
If you find yourself in a situation that is unpleasant, uncomfortable or painful, rather than asking,
"Why me?" or "When is this going to end?" try shifting your inner perspective and instead question,
"What is the lesson?" or "How will I grow from this experience?" Jupiter inspires us to be
inquisitive in a positive way that supports our growth. This is a great balance to the hard lessons that
Saturn can bring, especially when accompanied by the wild energy of Rahu that reminds us how
little control we have over our lives.
Another good technique for dealing with wild eclipse energy is to remember Ketu, the south node of
the Moon, quietly placed opposite the five planets in Libra. Ketu's main concern is liberation from
the cycle of birth and death, urging us inward and upward through practices like yoga and
meditation. Seek refuge in the cave of the heart!
Saturn Reaches Exaltation Degree November 4

As mentioned above, Saturn reaches its point of exaltation on Monday, November 4. Despite the
fact that Saturn will do a retrograde cycle in the spring of 2014, our slowly moving planetary friend
will not come back to this exact degree until the winter solstice of 2042. Saturn takes about 28-30
years to make a tour around the Sun, so enjoy and absorb the strength of Saturn as it reaches its peak
at the beginning of November.
Another factor of reaching 20 Libra is that Saturn will change lunar mansions on this day as well.
Saturn entered the nakshatra of Swati in October, 2012 and has been slowly going back and forth
over this territory from 640' 2000' Libra for the past year. Swati nakshatra is ruled by Rahu and
has a changing, moveable quality to it. Like the wind, or flood waters, Swati can challenge our
steadiness and position by creating an environment of change.
Saturn moves next into the lunar mansion Vishaka, which spans from 2000' Libra-320' Scorpio,
and steadily progresses here through November 2014. Saturn stays in each nakshatra for a little over
one year. (27 lunar mansions, Saturn's cycle 28-30 years.)
With Saturn bringing us the difficult lessons of life which are aimed at strengthening us and urging
us to loosen our attachments to material life, we have moved through some interesting territory with
Saturn influenced by the Rahu-ruled Swati, accompanied by Rahu himself. Many things have been

pulled and moved in a collective sense. While this may have been difficult, we find ourselves in new
positions that invite a new perspective.
Vishaka nakshatra is ruled by the planet Jupiter and by the gods Indra and Agni. Indra rules
power in our atmosphere and Agni rules the power of heat and fire. This nakshatra supports
achievement and the harvesting of the fruits of labor. With Saturn, we move slowly, steadily and
strongly to achieve best results. This may be a good time to identify what we are willing to work hard
for during the next year and point our feet in that direction.
Through May, we will have the aspect of Jupiter from Gemini on Saturn in Vishaka, bringing
some positive influence to this work that we are undertaking. This shifts the influence on Saturn
largely from Rahu to Jupiter. This may feel a bit more positive and expansive as we slowly move
forward. This influence from Jupiter will be helpful, but Saturn is not totally out of the woods yet,
as Rahu will continue its cloudy influence on Libra as it finishes its transit, through June 2014.
Jupiter Retrograde November 6-March 6, 2014

Jupiter, currently spending the year in the sign of Gemini, begins a four-month retrograde period
starting on November 6. Reverse motion commences at 27 Gemini and direct motion begins
again on March 6, 2014 at 16 Gemini. Jupiter will be reversing through the latter half of Mercury's
air sign, Gemini, and through the nakshatras Punarvasu and Ardra.
During the last five days of Jupiter's retrograde cycle (in March), both Jupiter and Saturn, beginning
a retrograde cycle on March 1, will both be in reverse motion. This is interesting to note that during
the first five days of this Jupiter retrograde we will see Mercury in retrograde motion and during the
last five days, Saturn.
This period of time, roughly our late fall and winter season in the northern hemisphere, could see a
slight slowing of general growth due to Jupiter's reverse motion. This slow and deliberate condition
could extend even further due to Jupiter's aspect on Saturn-Rahu. Saturn already makes things slow
or stuck, so we may expect an intensified version of this.
This doesn't mean that things won't move; just that they will move slowly. Not always a bad thing, as
deliberate and steady motion usually creates solid foundations.
With Jupiter in Gemini and all the mention of studying and learning that I've made since Jupiter
gained that position, this may be a very good time to review and go deeply into the subjects that you
may have chosen to assimilate.
Mercury Resumes Direct Motion November 10

From our perspective, Mercury stops and turns around, getting back to his forward motion through
Libra, mid-day on Sunday, November 10. Mercury's brief stop and turn-around will be at 9 Libra,
giving him the opportunity to gain speed through the gamut of Rahu and Saturn as he makes his way
toward Scorpio, which he reaches on December 1.
Mercury meets up with Rahu for the third occurance in recent times on November 17 and with
Saturn on November 25. As we know, Mercury is easily influenced by nearby planets, so we can

count on him to carry the final messages that we have from the Rahu-Saturn conjunction and the
recent eclipses.
Reminders of any recent troubles and disasters may drift like dried leaves carried in the wind
during the last three weeks of November as Mercury weaves through the planets placed in
Libra one last time.
With Mercury again in direct motion, we may feel that things can proceed more smoothly;
especially after Mercury clears the area occupied by Rahu and Saturn. It may be December before
we can feel that what we are communicating and exchanging with others is clearly understood.
In the meantime, we are slow and careful with our words, focusing on the truth and speaking
While Mercury is in Libra for the remainder of the month, he receives the aspect of Jupiter from
Mercury's own sign of Gemini. This is supportive of the teaching-learning process, so it is a good
time to connect with teachers, write lesson plans, study, participate in classes and philosophical
discussion. As mentioned above, Jupiter will be in retrograde motion from November 6, so these
connections with our studies may consist of going deeper and reviewing.
Sun Enters Scorpio November 15

The glorious Sun emerges from his debilitation sign, Libra, on November 15, having moved past
quite a group of challenges in the past month, including Rahu, retrograde Mercury and Saturn, the
Sun's greatest opponent.
For the first third of Sun's transit through Scorpio, Sun and Mars will be in an exchange of
signs. This will give the Sun a good boost, and in our personal experience, some of the pressure and
injury to our self-esteem that may have occurred while Sun went through well-occupied Libra could
be released and reversed. It should be good energy for taking strong actions and going deeper and
further, especially with Mercury having resumed direct motion.
Full Moon in Taurus November 17

The Moon reaches the fullest moment this month just after sunrise on Thursday, November 17. The
Sun will be at 2 degrees of Mars' water sign, Scorpio, while the Moon will be at 2 of Taurus, Venus'
earth sign.
This Moon is very strong, almost at the point of exaltation, which is at 3 Taurus. The nakshatra, or
lunar mansion, will be Krittika, ruled by the Sun and the god of fire, Agni, so very fiery despite the
reality that most of this nakshatra is located in the earthy sign of Venus, Taurus. Krittika has a
cutting, sharp quality to it, so we may feel very awake and fired up during this full Moon. In
addition, in support of this fiery energy, Mars and Sun will be in exchange of signs.
With Venus and Mars ruling the Moon and Sun, respectively, we see Venus and Mars also ruling
Saturn-Rahu-Mercury and Ketu, respectively. This puts six of the nine planets in the signs of Mars
and Venus, giving much energy and passion to this period of time.

As the Moon begins to wane, moving forward through the constellations, it will come into
conjunction with Jupiter on November 21, with Jupiter and Moon opposite to Venus. This will bring
calming energy to the passionate Venus, giving an uplifting and inspiring quality to this week.
Mars Enters Virgo November 26

Just before sunrise on Tuesday, November 26, Mars exits the friendly-to-him sign of Leo and
enters Mercury's earth sign, Virgo, with the Moon close at his heels. Mars will take his time moving
through Virgo, until February 3, 2014.
Although Mercury and Mars aren't natural friends, they are temporary friends at this time
because Mercury is just one sign away from Mars, lending support but not crowding. When
Mercury transits Scorpio from December 1-19, this support will even be more strong as well as
mutual, because Mercury and Mars will be in exchange of signs.
Something Mars can do well in Virgo is to get things done. Mars loves to plan, execute and
finish, making him a great candidate to have at your side while you accomplish your tasks.
Efficiency, practicality and energy will be accessable while Mars is in Virgo these next couple
Because Saturn and Rahu are causing such prevailing planetary weather right now, it is interesting to
note that Mars in Virgo is in the 12th sign from this conjunction of the co-rulers of Aquarius,
Saturn and Rahu. The 12th house from any planet or sign shows loss, expense, release or negation.
This could show that we may have to work with little gain, perhaps on a project or task that is
unavoidable. While a calculating impatience may be easy to feel in this situation, suppressing that in
favor of taking the opportunity to selflessly serve, showing up with vigor and enthusiasm to meet any
tasks, no matter how little the gain, could perhaps prove to be a more positive outcome.
Mars in Virgo is also a great time to attend to personal health, healing and perhaps even
medical work that may need to be done. Mercury and Virgo have an association with medical
attention and medicines while Mars is also necessary in the healing process, which takes energy and
sometimes laser-precision, as in surgery, that Mars gives us.
From Virgo, Mars will aspect the signs of Sagittarius, Pisces and Aries, so people with strong
placements in these signs may feel touched by the energy of Mars in the next couple of months.
This could translate as increased levels of energy, motivation and ability to work, plan and
Jupiter-Venus Exact Opposition November 27

As we consider planets aspecting (influencing) one another, each with its own special way of casting
that aspect, in Vedic astrology we can consider an aspect in effect within the whole zodiac sign that
the planets occupy. For example, in our current sky we have Jupiter in Gemini, the sign which is
exactly across the zodiac from the sign of Sagittarius, which Venus is occupying. Both Gemini and
Sagittarius occupy 30 each of the 360 zodiac, which is divided into 12 equal portions. So even
when Jupiter occupies the later portion of Gemini and Venus occupies the earlier portion of
Sagittarius, the planets are still considered to be in opposition.

This opposition becomes most intense when the two planets are exactly facing one another, each at
the same degree of their respective signs. This occurs for Venus and Jupiter on November 27 with
Venus at 25 Sagittarius and Jupiter at 25 Gemini.
As a side note, Mars and Moon will be conjunct on this day, as well, in the sign of Virgo. With
Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius all being dual (mutable) signs, this period of time may be marked by
things moving or situations changing, shifting or transitioning somehow.
Since Jupiter and Venus share the distinction of being the two teachers among the planets and since
the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius are both enthusiastically supportive of all levels of education, this
opposition may show some positive events along these lines. The entire opposition of Venus-Jupiter
runs from October 30 December 4, while Venus transits Sagittarius.
The exciting part is that there will be a reprise of this situation starting January 6, 2013 and going
until February 25, 2014. This is due to Venus' upcoming retrograde cycle, so we will see Venus
retreating through the latter part of Sagittarius, to come within about a degree of Jupiter on the last
day of that retrograde cycle, Jaunuary 31.
So we will have the energy of this Venus-Jupiter opposition in two doses, one from October 30December 4, 2013 and the other from January 6-February 25, 2014. Another thing to see is that
Jupiter aspects Saturn, Saturn (located in Venus' sign) in turn aspects Venus, while Venus
returns the aspect to Jupiter. This creates an interesting cycle of energy that brings the SaturnRahu combination in Libra into the mix.
Saturn's involvement in this triangular energy exchange could lend discipline and respect to this
educational process that may begin to take hold during this Venus and Jupiter opposition. It will help
us to discern the truth and to remain detached from ideas that may be blocking our comprehension of
subject matter.
To understand the significance of the roles of Jupiter and Venus as teachers, we must know that
Jupiter is the teacher of the gods and Venus is the teacher of the demons. We must also understand
that within each one of us there are the god-like tendencies of kindness, benevolence and charity (or
many others things) while there also are devilish tendencies like greed, gluttony and meanness (or
many other things.) Within each of us rages those various tendencies, and bringing them into balance
is one of the most honored paths of any individual.
We need the benefit of hearing the teachings of both Jupiter and Venus to help us grow and
expand our lives into progressive, joyful, healthy experiences. Getting the opportunity to either
teach or learn during these times is a great blessing. Take the chances to go hear a teacher or take a
class in something that interests you. Gather your information and experience and offer to share it
with those that are interested. This exchange will make each person more wealthy in body, mind
and spirit, something for which each one of us can be grateful.

October 2013/ by Kerry Shamblin

Calculations are done using the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha and the mean node. Timings are based on
Mountain Time Zone, US.
October begins with waning Moon in Leo
Venus Transits Scorpio October 2-30
New Moon in Virgo October 4
Mars Enters Leo October 5
Moon Jupiter Opposition October 11
Sun Transits Libra October 17-November 15
Full Moon Penumbral Eclipse October 18
Mercury Retrograde October 21 November 10
Dark Moon on Halloween Night
October begins with waning Moon in Leo

The western calendar month of October opens with the Moon waning in the sign of Leo, a few days
before the new Moon. When the Moon wanes, it is becoming weaker in strength, and this can often
translate as literally feeling low on energy or initiative to take actions. October 1 shows the Moon
between Mars in Cancer and the Sun in Virgo, putting it into a state of difficulty, being flanked by
two malefic and fiery planets.
After that, the Moon continues to wane, coming into the state of amavasya, the last day before the
moment of conjunction between Sun and Moon. This occurs from the evening of Thursday, October
3 to the moment of the new Moon on Friday, October 4. This is a good time to withdraw from heavy
or important activities that require a great deal of strength or energy.
Venus Transits Scorpio October 2-30

Venus, as dispositor of (ruler of the sign containing) Saturn and Rahu currently, has been causing a
great deal of indirect influence on our planetary weather. From September 5 October 2, Venus
transited through her own sign of Libra during the period of time that Saturn and Rahu were exactly
conjuncting. This could have been quite helpful in dealing with difficult situations that may have
come up during September.
Venus moves into Mars' water sign, Scorpio, just before sunrise on October 2, making a quick transit
and entering Sagittarius on October 30. This is an interesting transition, especially as Mars relates
to Venus in the current planetary scheme.

While in Libra, Venus was receiving the possibly difficult aspect of debilitated Mars from Cancer.
This could have caused aggressive conditions that resulted in frustration, accidents or even violence
in the face of difficult situations brought about by the Saturn-Rahu conjunction.
Now, Venus will be moving through Mars' sign, giving Venus a continued dose of intense
environment. Additionally, on October 5, Mars moves out of Cancer and into Leo, resuming his
aspect on Venus.
With both Mars and Venus still having that connection but being out of the direct interaction with
Saturn-Rahu, we may find ourselves delving deeply into the conditions of our day-to-day
relationships. Things may have gotten stirred up during the last month (or 9 months!) that may be
inviting us to restructure or get to the bottom of what may be causing friction or discomfort.
Venus rules love, relationship, attraction, beauty and entertainment and provides us many of the
enjoyable fruits of life. While trying to attain these things is a natural human endeavor, through
attempting to gather happiness and contentment and that which we desire, we can also meet the
disappointment that eventually comes when we realize that even the attainment of these lovely things
still does not bring ultimate peace and happiness, as the things of the world are temporary and often
The environment of Scorpio provides us with both the depth and breadth to examine the hidden side
of things. With Venus moving through Scorpio, we may be able to see the underside of our love
and relationships, which could give good perspective regarding why things are working or not
working in regards to how we are sharing our love and beauty with others. Scorpio, being Mars'
domain, can especially reveal how power dynamics may be coming into play with relationships.
With Mars, the planet of power and problem-solving, aspecting Venus, we may feel compelled to
identify and fix these problems or if there are no problems, with trying to make our relationships
work even better by maximizing our potential.
New Moon in Virgo October 4

The Moon and Sun exactly conjoin on Friday, October 4, at about 6:30 pm (US Mountain Time) at
18 Virgo, in the lunar mansion called Hasta. This is the moment where the previous lunar cycle ends
and the new one begins, so we can think of it as an inception time.
The sign of Virgo is ruled by Mercury and the lunar mansion of Hasta is ruled by the Moon itself.
The Moon and Mercury are both considered as planets that have to do with the mind, and in fact,
Mercury is the child of the Moon by Tara (the wife of Jupiter; an exciting tale of intrigue.) While
the Moon represents our consciousness and emotional sensitivity, Mercury reflects our analytical and
informational mind.
With the new Moon in Hasta, we could be offered the chance to change our minds in some regard.
Hasta translates as "hand" implying also the ability we have to take a concept of the mind and
manifest it to something that we can hold in our hand. In fact the power of Hasta is hasta sthapaniya
agama shakti, the power to get what we want and to put it in our hands. Before we can get what we
want, we have to know what we want, which is sometimes more difficult than the attainment.

With this new Moon, we may find ourselves in a place where things have been through recent
upheaval, leaving us in somewhat a state of chaos. This is a good time to identify what we want and
to become clear about our goals so that we can proceed in attaining them.
Mercury as lord of Virgo will be very close to both Rahu and Saturn on this day, so we may be forced
to remember that whatever we do identify as our desire may be subject to the filter of Rahu and
Saturn. Rahu's reality and lesson is that we are subject to our desires but we are seldom in control of
attaining them.
We find ourselves in a humbling and tenuous position in which we must identify and work for what
we want, but we must also be subject to the final decisions of forces beyond our control. It reminds
me of the story of Milarepa attempting to gain Marpa as a teacher.
Mars Enters Leo October 5-Nov. 25

Speaking of humble, Mars, the planet of drive and power, has been waterlogged in his sign of
debility, Cancer, since August 19. On average, Mars spends about 6-8 weeks in each sign. Since Mars
enjoys forward progress and action quite enthusiastically, it can be frustrating when he becomes
mired in Cancer for awhile. So by this time, those of us who may be particularly Mars-like are
possibly ready to move forward.
Venus may be ruling Saturn, Mercury and Rahu as they move through Libra, but Mars will be
ruling Venus as long as Venus is transiting through Scorpio, which is through month's end,
ultimately giving Mars influence over all of these planets. This could be a very good month for
pushing through and getting work done. Impatient Mars will want things to move forward at a good
pace and will be willing to spend the energy to do it.
Mars moving into Leo also takes him out of range of Saturn's aspect, in effect, lifting the yoke that
Mars may have doubly felt: part from Saturn's aspect and part from being placed in debility. Saturn's
aspect can create pressure as well as delays, so we may be granted permission to move forward at
this point.
Mars will be in the Sun's sign, Leo, so we have a combination of Sun-Mars energy that could be
quite self-promoting. This isn't necessarily bad, but it may be difficult to make friends and influence
people while leading with this face; in situations that require diplomacy and group consensus, it
may be advisable to put extra attention toward considering the viewpoints of others before
barging ahead with self-interest as your banner. This advice is applicable for the remainder of
Mars' transit through Leo, which lasts until November 25.
Moon Jupiter Opposition October 11

By October 10, the waxing Moon will have passed the gamut of obstacles which include transiting
through Saturn and Rahu in Libra and then moving through the sign of its debility, Scorpio. This then
puts the Moon into a very good place for the next week or so, starting with an exact aspect from
Jupiter in Gemini on October 11. The Moon will be in Sagittarius on this day, receiving the
auspicious influence of Jupiter, the lord of Sagittarius. We may feel particularly blessed at this time,
as if we have a good perspective on why things have transpired as they have and getting a glimpse at
silver linings that may finally shine through.

Take advantage of this period of time between October 10-17, as the Moon will be waxing, and the
other planets will be relatively quiet. Things should get exciting again as we then face a lunar eclipse
followed by Mercury beginning a retrograde cycle.
Sun Transits Libra October 17-November 15

Every planet has a place of strength and a place of weakness within the zodiac, what we call
exaltation and debilitation places of a planet. The Sun will be moving through Libra, its sign of
debilitation, from mid-October to mid-November. Further challenging the Sun will be its passing
through the other planets located in Libra, Saturn, his top enemy, who is exalted and strong in Libra,
as well as Rahu, the eclipse-causing node of the Moon.
The exact debility of the Sun occurs at 10 degrees Libra, which happens on about October 26,
after which the Sun begins to gain strength again. As you will read in the next section, the eclipse of
October 18 will also affect the debilitated Sun. This could promote further the need for remaining
humble, as the Sun which represents the self and the soul finds itself overshadowed. This will
indirectly affect Mars as well, currently occupying the Sun's territory of Leo.
Again, more lessons about knowing our place in the scheme of things. It is fine to have ideas, it is
fine to have desires, it is fine to plan, it is fine to work and move forward, but it is also very wise to
expect days of rain on your parade and setbacks and denial. These things when met with humility
will create strength and forebearance. When met with defiance and anger, they will create only more
Full Moon Penumbral Eclipse October 18

Let's take some time to understand what's really occuring during an eclipse, which this month on the
Full Moon is what is called a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. From our perspective on earth, when we
look toward the Sun this month, we would see the stars of Libra behind the Sun after October 17, if
we could see the stars when the Sun is bright, that is. On the opposite side of the zodiac is the
constellation of Aries, where Ketu, the south node of the Moon is currently posited.
At any moment in time, the Earth blocks part of the light from the Sun, making one part of the earth
dark, in shadow, night-time. As the Earth rotates on its axis, this part that is experiencing night
revolves. The shadow cast by the earth continues in a cone-shape called the "umbra," as illustrated
here. There is also a region where the light from the Sun is only partially blocked, called the
"penumbra." When a body passes through this part of the Earth's shadow, a partial eclipse occurs.
When the Sun and Moon are exactly opposite, we are experiencing the moment of the full Moon.
This month, this happens when Moon is at 2 Aries and the Sun is at 2 Libra. The Rahu-Ketu axis is
the entity that marks the point on the ecliptic where eclipses can occur because of the relative
alignment of Sun, Moon and Earth. When these three physical bodies line up this month, it is only
13 away from the Rahu-Ketu axis. Close enough to make a partial eclipse where the Moon will
pass through the penumbral shadow of the Earth, putting the bright Moon into shadow but not
completely obscuring it.
Astrologically, we have Ketu swallowing the light of the full Moon. Ketu is the south node of the
Moon, whose main concern is liberation. With an energy similar to Mars, Ketu expresses well in
Aries, Mars' fire sign. The hot and dry energy of Ketu in Aries will be a temporary block to accessing

nurturing soma, the nectar of immortality, carried by the full Moon. The sudden withdrawal of light
from the Moon could affect our minds by causing strong emotional fluctuations that make it difficult
to think with a strong, steady mind. A great way to attempt steadiness would be to meditate or
perform other spiritual practices; favorite activities of Ketu.
While this eclipse wouldn't favor activities like new beginnings or material advancement, it would be
a really great time for spiritual practices, as mentioned above, for spending quiet time in
introspection or for letting go or ending things.
The Moon and Ketu will be occupying two different lunar mansions; the Moon will be in the 1st
nakshatra, Ashwini, while Ketu will be in the 2nd nakshatra, Bharani. Ashwini, ruled by the twin
horseman that bring healing energy is auspicious and good for beginnings; the eclipse of this doubly
suggests that around this eclipse is not a favorable time for solid beginnings. Bharani is ruled by the
lord of death, Yama, which implies the necessity for moving on and letting go in preparation for a
new cycle of life.
In Asia, the eclipse will be visible in the early morning before sunrise, as the Moon sets in the west.
In Africa and Europe, the eclipse will be seen during the night, and in Americas, at Moonrise in the
early evening.
Mercury Retrograde October 21 November 10

The next Mercury retrograde cycle commences on October 21 and runs through November 10. We
need to keep in mind the apparent reverse motion, because we realize in truth that this backward
motion is only an illusion. Nonetheless, from our vantage here on Earth, Mercury will be traversing
and reversing through the sign of Libra, hovering around the area where Saturn and Rahu are closely
positioned as well as around the debilitated Sun.
Mercury entered Libra on September 25, joining Venus, Saturn and Rahu, as mentioned in the
September forecast. Libra is a good sign for Mercury, who will remain there until November 30.
Mercury conjoins exactly with Rahu on October 6 and then with Saturn on October 8 and then
moves toward the late degrees of Libra.
The retrograde cycle begins before dawn on October 21 at 25 Libra and ends on the afternoon of
November 10 at 9 Libra. In reverse motion, Mercury will re-connect with Saturn on October 29,
when Saturn is at its fullest degree of exaltation, and then with Rahu on November 3, joining in with
the solar eclipse on that day.
When we experience Mercury's retrograde cycles, it can become difficult to do the normal Mercury
things like communication, commerce, networking, quick movements and exchanges. In this case,
we have Mercury hovering around the Saturn-Rahu combination which, as we have been
experiencing, can create situations that deliver pressure and chaos, making our day-to-day life
challenging. With the communications systems that Mercury represents becoming turned around, this
challenge could increase by a couple of notches.
Because of the combination of influences including the Saturn-Rahu combination, the exaltation of
Saturn, the eclipses (another coming on November 3) and Mercury retrograde, we may be in for
some exciting times from about October 18 to mid-November. This may not be the best time for

undertaking new things or starting important ventures like businesses or relationships. (Try to do
these things before mid-October. The week between October 10-17 looks good.)
What would be supported during this time would be to edit, review, re-organize and clean up. The
strong influence of Saturn always wants us to see the truth and rest firmly in the grasp of the
reality that life is impermanent and we must use our experiences to cultivate responsibility in our
actions with an attitude of detachment.
Dark Moon on Halloween Night

All Hallow's Eve, All Saint's Day/Day of the Dead fall on October 31-November 1 and mark the end
of the summer season with our harvest and the final descent into darkness that marks the six weeks
before the winter solstice (in the northern hemisphere.) This year the waning Moon will be in Virgo
on these two days, heading toward another union with the Sun on November 3 which will give us
another eclipse.
Mercury will be lord of the Moon on these days, retrograde and weaving in and out of contact with
Saturn and Rahu. Whether wanted or not or ready or not, there is change in the air. There is exploring
around corners, under lids and behind doors. What will we find? Ourselves? Nothing?
The themes of turning into the darkness, quieting the mind, releasing what is finished, reorienting in
newly created environments, gracefully and willfully surrendering to that which is beyond our
control, all while still humbly maintaining our course and inspiration, these themes are at play during
the month of October.
September 2013/ by Kerry Shamblin

What About Ketu?

Jupiter Changes Lunar Mansions September 1
New Moon in Leo September 5
Mercury Transits Virgo September 5-24
Venus Enters Libra September 5
Mars Saturn Mutual Aspect Exact on September 8 (Enters Leo on 5th Oct.)
Sun Enters Virgo September 16
Full Moon in Pisces September 19
Mercury Enters Libra September 25
Saturn-Rahu Exact Conjunction September 25
What About Ketu?

I've been talking extensively in the past months about the Saturn-Rahu conjunction, which is
significant and becomes exact on September 25. Some events in August brought my attention to the
mutual aspect between exalted Saturn and debilitated Mars, which will continue through October 5.
How does Ketu relate to this equation?
Ketu is currently in Aries, Mars' fire sign. Ketu and Mars are also related in the sense that they
are co-rulers of Mars' water sign, Scorpio. Ketu and Mars are similar in nature in that they are
intense, fiery planets.

Ketu is the south node of the Moon, the counterpart of Rahu, the north node of the Moon. While
Rahu is depicted as either a head without a body or as a serpent's body with the head of a demon,
Ketu is depicted as a body without a head. Rahu reflects our desire nature and that which draws us
into worldly activity. Ketu symbolizes how we strive to escape worldly life and move toward
liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Together they form the axis that when conjoined with
Sun and Moon cause eclipses.
In this regard, Ketu is a great ally for those on the spiritual path. Ketu's inspiration draws us inward
and inspires us to seek practices that increase our focus along the path toward liberation of the ego,
which allows us to be in the world but not of the world.
Aries is the domain of initiation, action, planning and execution. Planets located there get the
benefit of heightened perception and focus. Ketu, with its Mars-like qualities, can function well
there and may be a good energy to turn toward as we navigate through the dramatic situations
that may arise through the energy of the Rahu-Saturn conjunction and the Saturn-Mars aspect
throughout this month.
What I'm suggesting is that seeking refuge in some type of spiritual practice, be it meditation,
yoga, prayer, volunteering, charity, physical exercise or some type of activity that requires
sacrifice of time, energy or resources may be just the remedy when things get tough. I'm not
suggesting that ignoring situations that arise is the way to go; we must attend to the problems that
present themselves. Making the effort to carve out time for some type of practice amidst the pressure
of schedules and "situations" could be helpful, though, to remain grounded and clear within the mind
and emotions. Some level of detachment can be very helpful when life becomes overwhelming.
A conscious effort toward liberation and detachment is what we are seeking; not anything close to an
escape from reality.
Jupiter Changes Lunar Mansions September 1

Jupiter continues to transit through Mercury's air sign, Gemini, through May 2014. This creates an
auspicious aspect from our planet of growth, higher learning and expansion to all of the air
signs and the planets occupying them: Gemini itself, where Jupiter is located, Libra, currently
housing Rahu and Saturn, and Aquarius, currently not occupied with any planets but naturally
co-owned by Saturn and Rahu.
In turn, Rahu aspects in the same manner as Jupiter, so we have the aspect of Rahu also on all
of the air signs. This combination of influences, Rahu and Jupiter, could be positive for growth
while simultaneously requiring surrender to influences beyond one's control.
Since the outer planets move slowly through a sign, we can track the subtlties by noticing which
nakshatras, or lunar mansions, that the planets occupy within a sign. Each sign (like Gemini, Cancer,
Leo) occupies a 30 segment of the zodiac band, while each lunar mansion occupies 120'. Each sign
is therefore overlaid by about 2.5 lunar mansions.
From June 28-August 31, Jupiter transited through the lunar mansion called Ardra which
spans the middle degrees of the sign Gemini. Ardra is ruled by Rahu, which put three of the
outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu all in nakshatras ruled by Rahu.

At around midnight between August 31 and September 1, Jupiter steps into the first degree of
Punarvasu, the lunar mansion that spans from 20 Gemini to 320' Cancer. Punarvasu means
"return of the light," is ruled by Jupiter himself and its deity is Aditi, the mother of the gods.
This move of Jupiter into Punarvasu could create a new sense of growth that comes out of
situations that may have been churning and chaotic for the past couple of months. The light
may start shining through the clouds bringing new perspective. We still have Rahu and Saturn
located in Swati, a lunar mansion also ruled by Rahu, but this transit of Jupiter into a more
stable nakshatra could promote positive progress to our growth and learning.
New Moon in Leo September 5

As September begins, the Moon is waning. The Moon when waning is weakening in strength. On
September 1, the Moon moves into its own sign of Cancer and toward a conjunction with Mars, who
is debilitated in Cancer. The waning Moon doesn't give Mars much help, so we could run into
situations around this time that become emotionally frustrating.
The Moon continues to wane, joining the Sun and Mercury in Leo and reaching its exact conjunction
with the Sun just before dawn on September 5. This makes our amavasya (the day before the new
Moon moment) from pre-dawn on Wednesday, September 4 to pre-dawn on September 5; amavasya
marks the lowest ebb of lunar energy in the cycle and is recommended for withdrawal from major
activities or decision-making. Please note that these timings are from the perspective of the US and
that your local timings can be deduced by using a handy astrological calendar like that offered by
The New Moon occurs at about 20 of Leo, the Sun-ruled sign of our zodiac. The Sun is strong
here, which should give a good start to this new cycle. The lunar mansion for this monthly
conjunction is Purvaphalguni, which translates as "fully fruiting" and implies the culmination
of the creation of something. It indicates ripeness and fruition, is ruled by Venus, and provides
the power of creativity and procreation.

Under Purvaphalguni, we seek to enjoy the fruits of our labors and to create
beautiful forms both physically and emotionally. This could be a good time to
celebrate accomplishment of a certain level of creation and prepare for the next
phase, which is harvest.
As the Moon waxes, it will bring us out of our third phase of Kala Sarpa Yoga with the help of
Venus, who moves to Libra on September 6, further weakening the Sarpa (serpent), which
eventually breaks completely when the Moon enters Scorpio on September 10.
Mercury Transits Virgo September 5-24

The second significant planetary event of September 5 is that Mercury moves from Leo to
Virgo around mid-day. Mercury is moving ahead of the Sun after a short combustion period (being
so close to the Sun that a planet's natural energies are lost in the powerful emanations of our Sun.)
Mercury is the ruler of Virgo and so we should be able to harness Mercury's energy in a very
effective and grounded way as Mercury transits his own earth sign from September 5-24.

Mercury as our indicator of communication and exchange should be able to move quickly and
effectively forward during the middle part of this month. This will be a good time to regroup and
reorganize as we shift from one season to the next.
Although Mercury will be hemmed between the Sun in Leo and the Rahu-Saturn combination
in Libra until the Sun changes signs, this won't be a dire position for Mercury. Mercury will be
comfortable in its own sign, somewhat like a writer happily ensconced in their office under the
influence of some good inspiration and heading successfully toward completing work before a
Take heart in this burst of Mercurial comfort and plan on getting your ducks neatly back into a row
during the middle of September.
Venus Enters Libra September 5-Oct.2

After sunset on September 5, the third big move of the day comes when Venus moves from Virgo
to Libra. This is significant for several reasons. First, Virgo is Venus' sign of debilitation and Libra is
Venus' own sign, so this will greatly improve the status of Venus. Second, because Venus is the
dispositor of Saturn and Rahu, meaning that Venus rules the sign containing those planets, this
should also improve the functioning of these planets. Third, Venus moving into Libra further
weakens the hold of the Kala Sarpa Yoga, allowing us more latitude in our choices and actions as we
navigate through day-to-day life.
With Venus in its own sign, Mercury in its own sign, Saturn in exaltation and Sun in its own
sign, leaving only Mars in a state of debility, this improves the astrological weather somewhat,
which could be helpful as we approach the exact Saturn-Rahu conjunction on September 25.
Venus passes through Libra rather quickly, moving on into Scorpio on October 2. Take
advantage of Venus' influence throughout the month, especially because of the drama that may
arise due to the increased planetary activity in Libra. One of Venus' gifts to us is the lesson of
compassion that comes through recognizing oneness rather than separation. Venus urges us toward
relationship and creativity, love and beauty, comfort and enjoyment.
Even the choice to increase the blessings of Ketu by focusing on spiritual or physical practices is
supported by Venus at this time in that Ketu is currently occupying Bharani, a lunar mansion
ruled by Venus. Making time to practice is an act of compassion for both the self and

others; understanding that stark austerity is not strictly required on the road to liberation could be a
result of our meditations this month.
Mars Saturn Mutual Aspect Exact on September 8

(Enters Leo on 5th Oct.)

Setting the bouquet of flowers aside for a moment, we get down to some brass tacks. When Mars
moved into Cancer on August 18, a mutual aspect between Mars and Saturn was created. Mutual
aspect in this case means that Mars casts his energy onto Saturn via his 4th house aspect and Saturn
casts his energy onto Mars via his 10th house aspect.
In the past I've used the phrase "driving with the brakes on" to describe how it can feel when Saturn
and Mars interact. Mars' tendency is to move forward steadily with courage in order to make

things happen (gas pedal.) Saturn's tendency is to move slowly with caution in order to block
progress that may create problems (brakes.)
Depending on the state of affairs of each planet in the moment, we can guess who will prevail in this
tug-of-war. Currently, Mars in Cancer is not at its strongest. Mars is debilitated in Cancer, an
emotionally-charged sign that is more conducive to nurture and organic growth than Mars prefers.
Mars wants to forge ahead and get things done, and the environment of Moon-ruled Cancer
makes this difficult for Mars.
Saturn, conversely, is at its highest state of function in Libra, moving steadily toward its degree
of exaltation. This indicates that caution, slow movement, deliberation and detachment may
prevail in any current situations that resemble driving with the brakes on.
For example, you want to move forward with a project; all of the plans are in place, materials have
been gathered and you just want to do the work and bring things to completion. Nothing wrong with
that! Just then, whoever is funding the project gets cold feet and becomes worried about the
process or plan and brings things to a halt. What happens next? Frustration! The reality is that in
this situation, the project funder is in control and no amount of crying, yelling or manipulation is
going to move things.
This aspect between Mars and Saturn becomes exact at 14 Cancer and Libra, respectively, on
September 8 (SUNDAY). Since Mars does tend to get frustrated in Cancer, and Mars does tend to
cause accidents and outbursts, please be careful with driving, vehicles and machinery around this
time. Use caution, double check, keep your eyes on the road and your feet ready to press the correct
pedals at the appropriate times.

Patience is a virtue and it may be the only answer this month. Another factor in this mutual aspect
between Mars and Saturn is that Rahu is within three degrees of Saturn, with the gap between the
two entities closing as the month progresses. Rahu contributes a whole new level of chaos and
unpredictability into situations; another reason to put more energy into preventing accidents

and mishaps. Granted, we can't control every factor, but it doesn't hurt to slow down and proceed
with attention and caution.
Venus as dispositor of Rahu and Saturn can also help by reminding us that the other parties in any
situaion have their own needs and perspectives that should be honored and upheld. This is not a
time where selfishness will help us to win the game. While Venus is the current dispositor of Rahu,
Mars is the current dispositor of Ketu, providing another level of passion and drama in our play of
life during this time. We may be drawn to trying to manifest our desires but be met with obstacles
and frustration. A little attention to Ketu-style activities may be the best remedy during this
month, as suggested at the beginning of this forecast.
Sun Enters Virgo September 16-Oct. 17

The Sun moves from Leo to Virgo on September 16, joining Mercury. When Sun moves from its
own sign to Virgo, there can be somewhat a feeling of losing one's throne or of the self slipping
away. Sun in Leo is an expression of being in one's seat, surrounded by one's court, in full glory. The
move of the Sun to Virgo changes the perspective a bit, possibly to a more holistic view of things.

Mercury has little interest in power or in ruling over anything; Virgo as its expression is a
mutable earth sign where things need to move and shift. The fruit needs to picked, processed,
packaged and stored. The emphasis on the glory of a ripe fruit falls by the wayside in favor of the
practical issue of getting the fruit to the table. The pageantry wanes and the marketing of the
usefulness of the product becomes paramount.
In personal terms, we may feel a loss of focus on ourselves in favor of focus on the process of
things. To some, this could feel refreshing and invigorating; to others it may feel empty and taxing,
all depending on our natural predelictions. In any case, the Sun in Virgo invites us to process and
make use of our fruits.
This is also a good time to check in with our health, diet and lifestyle and to analyze what needs to
change in order to restore or maintain balance. Because the Sun represents our soul, we have a good
chance to see how what we do and what we eat either feeds or harms us on a soul level through the
practical and analytical environment of Virgo. The Sun is in Virgo through October 17.
Full Moon in Pisces September 19

Just before dawn on Thursday, September 19, the Moon reaches its point of fullness at 3 Pisces. The
sign of Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, as is the lunar mansion of Purvabhadra, in which this full Moon
Pisces is Jupiter's water sign and is the final sign of the zodiac. In Pisces we have the ability to see
the full range of life's possibilities; with the wisdom drawn from going through a lunar cycle, through
a lifetime or through any process, we have a broad range of vision and understanding.
As the end, Pisces asks of us to let go in the process of morphing into the next cycle. As the end,
Pisces requires us to face endings but also to accept and prepare for beginning again.
With the shifts of planets at the beginning of the month and with the dramatic conjunction of Saturn
and Rahu becoming exact soon after this full moon, we may at this moment feel ourselves at a

culmination point, on top of the world with the knowledge that we're going around for another
try. The ups and downs of life begin to make sense from the perspective of Pisces, which shows us
that the ups and downs are as normal as waves in the ocean. The cosmos dances, generates energy
and life goes on.
With the deep wisdom of Pisces, we can feel comforted due to the realization that we have both an
extraordinary and yet completely commonplace role in the play of life. While Pisces can feel
comforting regarding our place in the universe, it doesn't necessarily dish out clear answers about
what to do. There is a certain amount of surrender needed to absorb the full meaning of Pisces; while
we may not be given a sure understanding of our direction at this time, it may be a good shot of faith
that things are exactly as they need to be.
Mercury Enters Libra September 25

Just like September 5, September 25 may be a significant day as far as the planetary energies go.
Mercury moves from Virgo to Libra, joining Venus, Saturn and Rahu.

The planets form two groups of natural friends. One of the groups consists of Venus, Saturn and
Mercury, so it is interesting that they are all joining in one sign on the day of the exact conjunction of
Rahu and Saturn, discussed further below.
When planets occupy their own signs or signs of friends, they generally function well. With
Venus in its own sign, Saturn in its sign of exaltation (also friendly) and Mercury in the sign of
a friend, these three planets should play a supportive role for one another.
Things that Mercury, Saturn and Venus have in common are disinterest in power, concern for
others and a certain sense of neutrality. Sometimes there is disharmony when too many planets
occupy one sign, but on this day, these three friends are spaced far enough apart to be supportive
rather than conflicting.
Mercury, the quick mover of the planets, often transits signs pretty quickly. This time, Mercury will
remain in Libra until November 30 due to a retrograde cycle between October 21-November
It seems that in the next couple of months, Mercury will play the role of diplomat somewhat,
relaying messages, repairing relationships and facilitating exchange of information that could
help to make sense of busy or chaotic situations.
Saturn-Rahu Exact Conjunction September 25

Saturn and Rahu become exactly conjunct starting at 7:10 am on Wednesday, September 25. This is
the big moment we've all been waiting for, that hopefully won't result in any extremely dramatic
events. As has been discussed, these two slow-moving planets will share the sign of Libra for an
entire 1.5 years; this just happens to be the moment when they come together exactly.
People or places with important placements near 15 of Libra or Aries may experience some
significant events around this time. Because these two planets are so slow moving, this critical time
will likely be more of a range than a moment. Starting at mid-day on September 21,

Saturn and Rahu will share the same degree (15 Libra) until October 10, at which
point they begin to separate and go their separate ways.
Saturn will slowly plod toward its degree of exaltation at 20 Libra while Rahu continues its usual
retrograde motion toward the early degrees of Libra. Whatever combination of pressure and chaos
that this conjunction may serve up to us, we are glad to have Venus and Mercury present

on either side of the combination in order to neutralize, diffuse and offer a sense of
friendship and compassion to situations that may arise. Surrender, patience, truth, compassion
and dedication to our practices will be the greatest allies during this time.

June 2013
by Kerry Shamblin

Mars in Taurus all of June

Jupiter Launches into Gemini
Saturn-Rahu in Libra
New Moon in Taurus June 8
Sun Transits Gemini June 15-July 15
Venus Moves to Cancer June 22
Full Moon in Sagittarius June 23
Mercury Retrograde in Gemini June 26 July 20

Mars in Taurus all of June

Mars entered Venus' sign, Taurus, on May 22, joining Jupiter, Sun, Venus and Mercury at the time.
One by one, those planets exit Taurus, finally leaving Mars totally alone to do his work by June 15
when the Sun moves to Gemini.
Taurus is Venus' earth sign. It is the expression of contentment, beauty, comfort, creativity, quality
materials. It shows the earthy, solid side of Venus. Taurus is "fixed" in nature, creating energetically
an environment of stability and presence. There is no thought of moving onto the next thing in
Taurus, just a contentment to experience who and what is present in the moment.
Any interaction of Venus and Mars energy is generally appealing to most people in the sense that
passion for life is born with the combination of these planets. Mars is about power, drive, forward
movement, building, planning and is reflected in people in the way that they manage their own
power, energy and resources. Mars rules Aries, the first sign in the sequence of the zodiac, showing
the initiatory nature of Mars.
Venus rules Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, the numbers one and two being significant in
representing self (1) and couple (2). Venus rules relationships and desires to dissolve the boundary
between self and other, therefore enjoying the act of being with another or others.
All of that said, Mars loves to work and Taurus is great for getting one's hands in the dirt and creating
something beautiful. Whatever it is that you are passionate about creating in this world, whether it be
artwork, relationships, children or communities, etc., June is a great month to put energy into that

vision, and make practical, visible steps toward whatever needs to be built. There will be passion to
make progress, but also the compassion to create beautiful forms while doing no harm.

Jupiter Launches into Gemini

Jupiter moved to Gemini on May 30, beginning the approximately one-year transit that Jupiter makes
through each sign. Its a good idea to know the positions of the outer planets like Jupiter, Saturn and
Rahu/Ketu and how they relate to one another because these slower-moving planets can create
influences that extend over longer periods of time. Jupiter remains in a sign for one year, Saturn for
2.5 years and Rahu/Ketu for about 1.5 years.
Jupiter is the planet of growth, expansion, joy and wisdom. Through Jupiter we are inspired to learn
and to follow an evolutionary path, realizing that we are more than the physical body in which we
live. We call Jupiter "Guru," as he is the teacher of the gods, abundently bestowing beneficent
wisdom to those who are open to receive it. The past year of Jupiter's occupation in the earthy, stable
sign of Taurus may have brought expansion and growth in some way into the house that Taurus
occupies in your birth chart.
Jupiter in Gemini will bring some lightness and mutability to the way in which Jupiter functions.
Mercury, ruler of Gemini, is responsible for exchange between entities. This includes words, goods,
information, ideas and makes Mercury an important planet for education and learning. Jupiter, as
Guru, rules higher education and spiritual teachings. With Guru in the airy sign of Gemini, it will be
a great time to engage oneself in the teaching or learning process.
Jupiter aspects the sign he occupies and the signs 5th and 9th from him, as well as the sign directly
across the zodiac in the 7th position. From Gemini, that means that Jupiter's influence will also
bounce to Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius for the next year. In general, Jupiter's aspect is auspicious
and positive.
For the entire period of transit through Gemini, Jupiter will influence the Saturn and Rahu
combination in Libra, due to Jupiter's 5th aspect. This should bring an expansive and positive mood
to the very powerful Saturn/Rahu pairing in Libra. For all of us, in some way, this Saturn/Rahu
combination could be causing some pressure and churning in our lives. Falling prey to these energies
opens us to the potential of confusing our purpose and hesitating to move. Surmounting them
requires the skill to identify positive urges and the courage to address those urges with truth and
Adding Jupiter's influence to this combination should bring some positivity to our difficult situations.
The contractive tendency of Saturn will be nicely balanced by the expansion of Jupiter; the worldly
and chaotic nature of Rahu will be nicely outlined by the golden glow of wisdom supplied by Jupiter.
Saturn-Rahu in Libra

As stated above, we are experiencing a Saturn-Rahu combination in Libra that remains in effect
through July 2014. The Jupiter influence on it may reveal the learning opportunities that come
through our challenges. Silver linings may come into focus as we work through situations that bring
pressure to our lives (Saturn) or seem to be foisted upon us by outside forces (Rahu.)

In order to be realistic and fair as we celebrate Jupiter's movement to Gemini and resulting aspect on
Saturn-Rahu, we must also be aware that Rahu also aspects in a 1-5-9 formation, so that means that if
Jupiter aspects Rahu, then Rahu aspects Jupiter in return. This throws another layer of intrigue
(conspiracy) into the landscape of the next twelve months.
Here is a list of Jupiter-Rahu aspects from the past twelve years:

June 2001-February 2002: Jupiter and Rahu conjunct in Gemini

September 2003-August 2004: Jupiter in Leo, Rahu in Aries

April 2005-September 2005: Jupiter in Virgo, Rahu in Pisces

October 12-26, 2006: Jupiter in Libra, Rahu in Aquarius

December 2008-April 2009, July-November 2009: Jupiter and Rahu conjunct in


May 2011: Jupiter in Aries, Rahu in Sagittarius

The most similar period to the upcoming one would probably be when Jupiter and Rahu conjuncted
in Gemini from June 2001-February 2002. In world events, we saw the terrorist attacks of September
11, 2001 as well as the rash of anthrax scares. Important topics in the news included airport security,
germ warfare and anti-terrorism legislation. At that time, Saturn was in Taurus, Venus' earth sign.
This time, Saturn is in Libra, Venus' air sign, showing that we may be facing similar issues but with a
more philosophically creative approach to addressing them.
Terrorist attacks, biological warfare, plagues, disasters, these are all types of Rahu actions. With
Rahu aspecting Jupiter during the next year, we may again see this theme arising. The opportunity is
to meet these Rahu forces that are related to situations that affect the masses or on a global level, or
that seem to come from beyond the result of your personal actions, with the Jupitertarian qualities of
wisdom and positivity.
It's easy to feel inspired and holy at a church or temple, or in the presence of a wise, realized person.
This is what we experience with Jupiter in his own or friendly signs, unaffected by difficult aspects.
The challenge of Jupiter in Mercury's sign under the aspect of Rahu is to perceive the holiness in the
marketplace, in the airports, in the suffering of the masses.
New Moon in Taurus June 8

The moment of the new Moon of June happens on the morning of Saturday, June 8 at about 24
degrees of Taurus. That means that the day preceding this moment is our monthly day of amavasya,
the new Moon day. It is best to limit activity during this day, if possible, because the lunar energy is
very low, causing vulnerability to our minds.
The Moon and Sun join in the nakshatra (lunar mansion) called Mrigashira, a 1320' portion of the
zodiac that straddles the signs of Taurus and Gemini. Mrigashira has Mars as a planetary ruler and is
referred to as "the searching star." It is a place of activity and movement, implying the act of moving
about in search of something. It bridges the fixed sign of Taurus and the mutable sign of Gemini,
showing the progression from stability to transition.

The chart of this new Moon is ultimately ruled by Mercury, strongly positioned in his own sign of
Gemini with Venus, who is the lord of all other planets in the chart due to Venus' rulership of Taurus
(hosting Sun/Moon/Mars) and Libra (hosting Rahu/Saturn.) This implies this new Moon as a time to
prepare for movement in new directions.
The last new Moon occurred in Aries and was associated with the eclipse energy of Rahu and Ketu.
This may have catalyzied a need for new beginnings in some regards, which also can stir things up
and leave things in disarray. The energy of Taurus allowed us to settle and reorganize within our new
orientation. The new Moon in the last part of Taurus under the influence of Mrigashira will ready us
to set forth and travel about seeking new horizons.
I have been mentioning throughout the forecasts that I believe that the energy of Jupiter in Gemini
during the next year will be very supportive of the teaching and learning process. Now would be
a good time to decide where to put some of that expansive energy and take a few steps in that
direction, if you haven't already.

Sun Transits Gemini June 15-July 15

The Sun moves into Gemini, joining Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, on June 15. This adds fire to the
theme of travel, movement, transition, seeking, learning and exchange that is brought about by all of
the planets in Gemini.
Remember that Rahu's aspect on the sign of Gemini includes all planets transiting there, not just
Jupiter. This could indicate a strong hint of movement, activity and perhaps even drama as we
make our way into the summer season (in the northern hemisphere.)
This may feel like a desire to do and try it all; there may be too many attractive people, events and
activities that beckon, leaving you undecided as to which way to go. Knowing this in advance could
help us to maintain the roots and stability we gained with the planets in Taurus and not become
unseated, scattered or frantic in our actions.
While Gemini is a stimulating sign, too much of Mercury's airy influence can cause disturbance and
exhaustion. Calm your mind and try to focus on the activities that are truly supportive to your path,
without falling prey to many desires at once. Trying to do too much at once or too fast creates an
environment where nothing of quality can be established.
Spending time in nature and pursuing wholesome, healthful activities is a good remedy for
Mercury-style exhaustion. Pulling away from too much media influence could also help to create a
calm environment during this time.
We should also pay attention to the Sun's ability to drown out the energy of other planets in
proximity, known in astrology as "combustion." Starting June 10, Jupiter will be combusted by
the Sun until July 2, so we may not get the sense of what Jupiter will grant us in Gemini until
July, because of the strong influence of the Sun.
Venus Moves to Cancer June 22

Moving from Gemini to Cancer, Venus moves from receiving the aspect of Rahu in Libra to
receiving the aspect of Saturn in Libra (as those two planets have different ways of projecting their
energy, which is really what an "aspect" is.) Venus moves through the Moon's sign, Cancer, from
June 22 July 16.
The sensitive, empathic and compassionate Venus loves pleasure, contentment and feeling good.
Cancer is not a classically comfortable environment for Venus because the Moon, lord of Cancer,
has enmity toward Venus. However, it's not the worst of situations. This would be a great time for
beautifying the home, socializing, reuniting with friends and family or deepening devotional
The aspect of Saturn brings pressure to this home and family environment of Cancer for as long
as Saturn occupies Libra. With Venus there, situations may arise in relationships, which are in the
domain of Venus; the tendency of Venus is attachment while the tendency of Saturn is detachment.
The balance lies in determining what is worth holding and what is worth letting go and proceeding
from there.
The general choice about how to approach conflict is fight or flight. Neither Venus nor Saturn are
fighters, therefore the natural tendency may be avoidance of any obstacles that arise during this
time. Venus grants us the sensitivity and creativity to meet difficult situations with compassion and
understanding. Through this, we can create a third choice to how we meet conflict: compassionate

Full Moon in Sagittarius June 23

After passing through the Rahu-Saturn combination in Libra during the summer solstice (June 19-2021), the Moon grows into full expression in the early morning hours of June 23 at 8 Sagittarius, in
the lunar mansion called Mula. The Moon moves into that position receiving aspects from Saturn,
Mars, Jupiter and Mercury, as well as of course, the Sun, which is always true during the full Moon.
The aspect of Jupiter is weakened due to the combustion of Jupiter by the Sun, but still
auspicious because it is Jupiter and Jupiter is aspecting his own sign of Sagittarius. This brings a
positive influence to how we are completing things at this time.
The aspect of Saturn on the Moon is somewhat compounded due to Saturn also aspecting the Moon's
sign, Cancer. This could stir up feelings of sadness or emotional sensitivity, but at the same time be a
great period for healing and transforming, moving through difficulties while remaining positive and
open. Mars from his position in Taurus can be aggressive toward the Moon, but it also provides the
power and strength needed to creatively face and solve problems.
Overall, we are looking at a very high-energy month filled with activity and movement. Enjoy it for
what it is, but remember to compensate by carving out time to recover and rest.

Mercury Retrograde in Gemini June 26 July 20

On the morning of Wednesday, June 26, Mercury does what he does and begins another retrograde
cycle, this time entirely within his own air sign, Gemini.
As stated earlier, Rahu is rearing his head in the direction of Gemini, and Mercury will pass by the
exact degree of Rahu two times: June 10th while in forward motion and July 20th when Mercury
ends the retrograde cycle and resumes direct motion. This aspect of Mercury can have an unsettling
effect on the mind, causing confusion and doubt.
Mercury rules our capacity for communication, mental acuity, analysis and exchange. It is a versatile
and flexible energy that can flow into many situations with ease. The downside of that is that
Mercury can be easily influenced, and with Sun and Jupiter in occupation of Gemini, and aspect
coming from Rahu, it can be easy to be swept away in the agendas of others. On July 5, Mars also
joins the group of planets in Gemini, to add to the excitement.
Add to this the phenomena of retrograde motion, and we are in danger of falling prey to
miscommunication, misunderstanding, confusion of schedules and mental exhaustion.
Remember that retrograde motion of the planets is only a phenomenon of perspective; the planet
itself isn't changing course, it is only an illusion created by the relative positions of the Sun, Moon
and other planets moving through their course along the zodiac band.
Some illusions are so strong that we believe they are real. A good remedy to this Mercury retrograde
energy is to keep things simple, and as earlier suggested, favor spending time in nature and in
activities that are nourishing and grounding in lieu of becoming too embroiled in media or
Internet influences that can unsettle Mercury. Too much of a good thing is not a good thing. Calm the
Mercury energy by keeping schedules light, humor at the ready, and bodies relaxed. There is no
way to "do it all." Be content with your choices, slow in your movement and joyful in your

May 2013

by Kerry Shamblin
Mercury Transits Aries April 28-May 12
Venus Transits Taurus May 4-28
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries May 9
Mercury Transits Taurus May 13-May 27
Sun Transits Taurus May 15-June 14
Mars Enters Taurus May 22
Full Moon in Scorpio May 24
Jupiter Enters Gemini May 30

Mercury Transits Aries April 28-May 12

Remember in March how Sun, Venus and Mars all moved into Aries, leaving Mercury floating in the
seas of Pisces? Mercury, in charge of communication and exchange, which goes much better in dry
environments, has difficulty making quick work of it while in Pisces. So with all of the fiery energy
arising with Mars, Sun, Ketu and Venus in occupation of Aries, it was perhaps helpful to have the
part of our minds that can tend to race, judge and overanalyze in the watery, universal environment
that is the sign of Pisces.
By the end of April, Mercury will have joined the other four planets in Aries, and for just under a
week, there will be an immense amount of planetary energy contributing to the scene coming from
Mars' fire sign, Aries.
The latter part of March seemed to be filled with drama and tragedy for many people and places. The
conglomeration of planets in the sign of Aries, which happens on a small scale almost every year, can
certainly contribute to the possibility of explosive situations. This year, with the conjunction of
Saturn and Rahu in Libra which opposes the sign of Aries, we are experiencing a dramatic and
transformative time period in which many of the planets are lining up on the Aries-Libra axis. Add
the passionate nature of Mars and Venus, the lords of Aries and Libra, to the churning that the RahuKetu axis causes, and don't forget the pressure of Saturn and this adds up to a recipe for some
challenging biscuits, especially depending on where this axis falls on one's personal chart.
For some, this planetary combination could result in inspiring positive change, fueling spiritual
practices and wisely increasing productivity. For others, this combination could be imposing difficult
situations that challenge to the core, that highlight the fears that arise in environments of chaos and
pressure and demand levels of courage and ingenuity that may seem impossible based on past
experience. If you are in the former group, realize that you can hold space for those that are in the
latter group. If you are in the latter group, know that you are supported and that beneath the
difficulties lie layers of strength that will help you walk your path.
By the time Mercury enters Aries, our quick planet will race through, passing exact opposition with
Saturn on May 4, passing Mars on May 7, passing Ketu on May 8 and passing Sun on May 11.
Moving quickly to catch up with Venus, which happens later in the month, Mercury finally exits to
Taurus on May 12. We could therefore feel quite a bit of forward momentum during this first half of
May when we have a great deal of planetary energy moving forward through Aries and being
counterbalanced by the Rahu-Saturn conjunction. Ready or not.

Venus Transits Taurus May 4-28

Venus moves out of the crowded environment of Aries and into her own earth sign, Taurus, on May
4, for a quick transit that takes her past Jupiter, ushering him into Gemini at month's end.

So what can we do with Venus' transit through Taurus? With all of the Mars-influenced planets in
Aries, things could be feeling intense and hot. The influence of Venus should not be underestimated
though, due to Venus' current lordship of Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu, all in occupation of Taurus and
Libra, Venus' domains. With Venus also in its own sign, this strengthens the status of all planets in
her signs.
The faster moving planets: Sun, Mars and Mercury, will be blazing through Aries, stirring up actions,
movement, situations and self-expression that is very obvious, dramatic and aggressive. The slower
moving planets are acting under the influence of Venus, who values relationship, connection and
beauty. Here we have the basis of building and growing in a peaceful, sustainable and graceful way.
Realizing that the dramatic events that may happen in our lives, no matter how close or distant,
happen for a reason, we must choose how to react to them and to allow them to unfold on the surface
of our lives while at the same time we are knitting a strong, flexible fabric that supports our growth
and understanding in a beautiful, compassionate way.
With Mars in Aries and Venus in Taurus, we have a condition where the two planets that represent
archetypally the male and female gender are in very strong positions, creating an environment of
inspired passion. This could be an exciting time to start new relationships or businesses, to

embark on artistic projects or to begin studies that require both discipline and
Venus in Taurus can be well channelled into daily activities like making art, gardening, beautifying
the home or yard, redecorating, socializing and promoting love and connection generally.
By May 16, Venus will again be visible in the evening sky. The recent transformation of Venus from
morning star to evening star could parallel a transformation of how we love and relate. Venus
remains a few steps ahead of the Sun throughout 2013, shining in the evening sky as our inspiration
and reminder of the fierce beauty that life has to offer. On May 28, there will be a conjunction of
Venus and Jupiter in the evening sky, just after sunset, with Mercury visible nearby.

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries May 9

The second in the pair of eclipses this spring occurs at the juncture between May 9-10, when the Sun
and Moon conjoin at 25 Aries, in the lunar mansion Bharani. This conjunction occurs at about 6pm
on May 9 for the Mountain time zone, US, but the eclipse will be visible only to those in the South
Pacific and Australia.
All of the planets in occupation of Aries will be pulled into this eclipse path (Sun, Moon, Mars and
Mercury); each one will be within three degrees of the Ketu-Rahu axis degree. All of these planets
are in Mars' fire sign, Aries, which we have discussed as being environmentally intense and
initiatory. In the last eclipse during the full Moon of April 25, all of the planets but Jupiter and
Mercury were caught in the eclipse axis; this month all of the planets except for Jupiter and Venus
will be entwined in the eclipse energy.
There are a few interesting synchronicities that I see with this new Moon eclipse. The two planets
that escape the eclipse energy are Jupiter and Venus, who are both priestly (brahmin) planets and who
are somewhat nemesis to one another as the teachers of the gods and demons, respectively. The days
of the week ruled by Jupiter and Venus are Thursday and Friday, respectively, and this new Moon
eclipse happens during the transition of Thursday to Friday.
Another thing is that Bharani, the lunar mansion that lies entirely within Aries (1320' 2640'), is
ruled by the planet Venus. The meaning of bharani is "she who bears" implying the strength of the

feminine principle. The symbol of Bharani is a yoni, the female sexual organ, while the deity lord of
Bharani is Yama, lord of death. So, we have symbols here of both birth and death, certainly of
strength and transformation.
What does the eclipse energy bring to the mix? Think about what causes eclipses, what we think of
as the "shadow planets," Rahu and Ketu, which are actually abstract places that indicate the points in
space where simply by passing by them, the Sun and Moon fall into the condition of having their
normal ability to shine impaired by one another. This is an interesting dance involving shadows,
abstraction, light, darkness and timing. Much like our day to day life, we are charged with trying to
understand what is real and what is not, when to move and when to stay and which light is real and
which is a reflection.
What the obscurity of an eclipse offers to us is an opportunity to focus inward on the light of truth
that shines from our inner selves. When what we are experiencing in our outer lives becomes
turbulent, unclear, confused or chaotic, we are being charged to identify and use the inner anchor of
our consciousness. Meditation and withdrawal are great remedies to eclipse energy. Especially during
amavasya, the day leading up to the moment of conjunction of Sun and Moon each month, it is a
good time to step back from daily activities as much as possible and focus within. For those in the
US, this will be from the evening of May 8 to the evening of May 9.

Mercury Transits Taurus May 13-May 27

We're back to Mercury's break-neck pace, moving into Taurus on May 13 and out to his own sign of
Gemini on May 27. This indicates a group movement of planets into Gemini at the end of May:
Mercury on May 27, Venus on May 28 and Jupiter on May 30.
For the two week period that Mercury moves through Venus' earth sign (with Venus), we may have a
good window as far as writing, speaking, communication and merchandising. I'm also getting a
theme of education and higher learning; the initiation and establishment of new programs of learning
aimed at personal growth, expansion and expression. Taurus is an earth sign with fixed quality; seeds
planted in the soil of Taurus could do well in the long run. Earth signs are realms of material
manifestation. With the mutable nature of Mercury, the connective nature of Venus and the expansive
nature of Jupiter in attendance, it seems great combination for laying groundwork and establishing a
home base from which to branch out.

Sun Transits Taurus May 15-June 14

The Sun moves out of its sign of exaltation, Aries, into Taurus on May 15. The Sun spends about a
one-month period in each sign. The powerful light and energy given by the Sun will fuel the other
planets moving through Taurus without ever coming too close to burn anyone's britches. The Sun
brings life to our purposes and projects. The transit of the Sun through Taurus could inspire us to
utilize art and love to make our day-to-day lives more meaningful and beautiful.

Mars Enters Taurus May 22

With Mars exiting Aries and entering Taurus on May 22, we may feel a sense of relief as the many
planets passing through Aries were also passing through an opposition from Saturn and Rahu, which
can create a sense of pressure, difficulty or create dramatic situations. The balance of Mars-Venus
energy will tip again toward Venus, as for the days between May 22-27 all of the planets (including
the Moon May 22-23) will be located in Venus' signs, Taurus and Libra.

Although Mars doesn't count Taurus as his favorite sign to traverse, its not horrible, and we could use
the power and drive of Mars to push forward with the new projects and paradigms that we are setting
into motion. The thing about Taurus is that inspires us with its Venusian quality to beautify our
surroundings and to create connective situations and environments. This kind of attention to pretty
details and compassionate approaches could be somewhat frustrating to the Mars part of us that just
wants to forge ahead and get things done. The trick will be to satisfy both the clear active goals of
Mars and the aesthetic needs of Venus. Try to build and create with both effeciency and inspired
beauty, which may succeed in pleasing everyone involved.

Full Moon in Scorpio May 24

The Moon waxes to the point of fullness, which is exact opposition to the Sun, on the evening of
Friday, May 24, at about 10 of Mars' water sign, Scorpio. Remember that the start of this lunar cycle
was with the new Moon in Aries during the solar eclipse. This is an interesting lunar cycle in that
both the start and culmination of the Moon's growing this month occur in Mars' signs. So while the
end of May shows most of the planets occupying Venus' signs, Mars' influence is still quite
pronounced due to his rulership of both the new and full Moons.
The sign of Scorpio is pregnant with content and feeling that occurs below the surface of things. It is
watery, deep and intense, the well of energy that Mars taps each time we want to get something done.
This full Moon may shed light on the feminine, stable and deep aspects and implications of that
which we are working through at this time.
The endings indicated by Pisces in March and the beginnings indicated by Aries in April are followed
up by the establishment of forms that we see with the planets in Taurus in May. Scorpio, the sign
opposite Taurus, gives us a glimpse into how what we are establishing will reflect on our inner
explorations and transformations as time marches on.

Jupiter Enters Gemini May 30

The planet Jupiter, known as Brihaspati or Guru in Sanskrit, spends about one year in each sign,
completing the trip around all signs of the zodiac in 12 years. On May 30, Jupiter moves from Taurus
to Gemini, Mercury's air sign, where he will traverse throughout the next year.
To get a clue of what Jupiter's transit through Gemini may be like for you, think of what was
happening in your life from June 2001-June 2002. Especially in regards to personal expansion
through higher education, spiritual path, teachers, legality and abundance, all concerns of Jupiter. For
the first half of that transit, through January 2002, we had Rahu in Gemini with Jupiter, much like
Rahu is now with Saturn. There may be echos of what was occurring then that come up in this next
year while Jupiter again makes his way through Gemini.
Jupiter is in charge of expansion, joy and growth. Without a healthy Jupiter, we don't care so much
about learning, gaining wisdom or evolving. Jupiter will be In Gemini, which is a sign of Mercury
and very supportive of learning, teaching, communication, speaking, writing and travel. As May
transpires, remember that we are finishing up the transit of Jupiter through Taurus and preparing for
the transit of Jupiter through Gemini.
When Jupiter moves to Gemini, it will cast an auspicious aspect on Saturn and Rahu in Libra. We
may feel this as a shift toward having a more positive view of whatever difficulties or tragedies may
be arising in our experience. By regarding our experiences as learning related, we may be privy to
the key that explains somewhat the mystery of why things unfold as they do

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