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1. Example Video 9.2, Systems of Equations in Three Variables Example 1.

Answer the
following questions:

Why is Row 1 chosen as the row to combine with the other two rows? In other
words, why not combine Rows 2 and 3?
In row 1, the coefficient of x is 1 which makes it easier to multiply and make it
equivalent to coefficient in other equation. In Row 2, the coefficient of x is 4 and
in row 3, the coefficient of x is 3. In order to equate both rows, coefficient of x
should have the same magnitude but must be opposite in sign so that it can be
easily eliminated. We would have to multiply row 2 with -3/4 in order to get the
coefficient of x as -3. Hence combining Row 2 and Row 3 would make the
calculations complicated. We can always combine any of the equations but
complex calculations may lead to human errors in later stages. So it is better to
avoid them.

Write out the row labeled as Row 7 in the video.

The row labeled as Row 7 in the video is:
35z = 70

What is the value of x in the solution?

The value of x in the solution = 3

Is it better to eliminate the same variable or different variables when combining

two different pairs of rows? Why?
It is better to eliminate the same variable when combining two different pairs of
rows otherwise we will have more number of equations to deal with. If in a 3variable system of equations, we eliminate x in the first step and eliminate z

in the second step, we will have two different equations and we will have to solve
2 variable equations to get the answer.

2. Example Video 9.3, Matrices and Systems of Equations, Example 1. Answer the
following questions:

Why are rows one and two interchanged?

Rows one and two are interchanged because the second row contains 1 in the first
column and multiplying any number with 1, to get a row equivalent matrix that
has all 1s on the diagonal and 0s on the left side of the diagonal (bottom triangle),
will be easier.

What is the goal for the left side of the matrix concerning the main diagonal and
the bottom triangle?
The goal for the left side of the matrix concerning the main diagonal and the
bottom triangle is to eliminate variable coefficients in order to have only 1
variable coefficient in the last row, two variable coefficients in the second last row
and so on. This will get the answers for each variable starting from last variable in
the last row. As we move upwards in the matrix, the values of the variables will be
easily calculated.

What is the third row multiplied by in order to get the matrix into its final form?
The third row multiplied by -1/14 in order to get the matrix into its final form.

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