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Basic indoor environment standards- space, seating,

ventilation, heating, lighting, noise. Minimum welfare

standards : drinking water, sanitary conveniences, washing
facilities, changing rooms, accommodation for clothing, resting
and eating facilities. Risks of working in a hot environdehydration, mus cramps, heat stress, heat exhaustion, heat
stroke, skin burns & cancer. Risk for working on Cold
environ- hypothermia, frostbite, slip hazard, freeze/burn
injuries. Control meas for hot environ- good ventilation,
insulate heat source, shield heat sour, provide cool refuge,
easy access to cool water, freq breaks & rotation, approp
clothing, Control meas for cold environ- protect workers
from draughts, shielding from cold surface, warm refuge, PPE
insu jackets, freq breaks job rota, easy access to food & drinks,
scrape icy floors, work related violence- any incident which
person is abused, threatened, or assaulted in circumstances
relating to their work, Occupations w/ risk to violencecash handling, lone working, representing authority, wearing a
uniform, dealing w/ people under stress, dealing w/ people
under influence. Control measures of violence: zero
tolerance for offendrs, cctv camera, security door bet public
and staff, training, panic alarms, pleasant environ, Effect of
drugs & alcohol late attendance, increased absenteeism,
reduced quality of work, reduced work rate, dishonesty, theft,
irritability mood swings, Drugs & alcohol policy: restrict
alcohol in workplace & during work hrs, legal reqdmts
prohibiting drugs & alc, random drug test arr, rehab &
treatment if workr admits, disciplinary proced, provi of info &
instructn Control meas, for safe movement of people:
use of non slip surfaces, spill control & drainage, designating
footpath, fencing/guarding, signs & PPE, info/training/instruct,
rout inspect/maint, access & egress to be inspctd, lighting,
noise levels. Slip hazards: Uneven floors/loose surfaces,
trailing cables, objects on flr Falling from height: working
next to unprotc edge, working on fragile materials eg skylight,
using access equipment eg mewps, using ladders, standing on
objects to reach top level. Collisions w moving vehicles
hazards: walkways near traffic routes eg warehouse/carpark,
pedestrian crossing points, exits unto traffic routes, adjacent
to moving vehicles eg loading bay.Striking by moving/flying
or falling obj: machinery eg spot welding robots, unsecured
obj eg moving deck of a ship, ejected parts as swarf sharp
metal waste, scaffold coupling, boxes falling from pallet,
dislodged roofing, Striking on stationary objects: metal
sheets that project in a walkway, narrow doorways, low
overheads eg pipework Risk ass: normal patterns of
movement, abnormal movements eg shortcuts/ fire evac,
accident history, weather conditions, maintenance reqdmnts,
Hazards of construction site: machnry/vehicles, elctricity,
working @height, excavtns. Storage of materials planning
stage: Areas be clearly identified, separate areas/items,
segregate hzrdous matrls, clean & tidy, appro warning signs,
not be used for other work actvt. Stacking materials: one
materls only not mxd, max height dpndt on strength and
stblty of stacked items, shld be vertical, use pallets, suffcnt
space, must be protected from vehicles. Flammable
materials: Solid/liq/gas should be separate stores, separate
oxy cylndr from other flam gas, fire resistant partition, good
ventilation, 2 exits, no smoking/no naked flames, hot works
not allowed, elect equip should be corrct rating, fire fighting
equpmnt, regular insp. Cement mixer hazard:
engtanglement, entrapment, dust inhaled, cement dust
corrosive, vapour and exhaust, noise & vibr, overturning
Controls using machinery/vehicles: equipmnt should be
suitable for task & environ, competent operators only,
info/instruct/training, inspection, approp guards, PPE, safe
movement of ppl, pedest walkway, approp
barriers/signage/lighting Forklift Hazards: collision w/ struct
and ppl, poor visibility, noise & vibra, overturning Dumper
truck: collision w/ struck, overturning on slopes, poor maint,
unauthorize use. Controls to secure site against
unauthorized access: solid perimeter fence, secure access
points, security staff 24hrs, good lighting, cctv/alarms, remove
ladders, secure all chemicals cover barrier/excavations.
Demolition hazards: premature collapse, work @ height,
contact w/ buried services, dust, asbestos, explosives, noise &
vibra, sharp objcts, Control meas of demolition/construct
work: risk ass, elimination of work at height, strength stability
of floors, discon of services eg gas, elec, water, removal of
hazardous matrl, fencing damping down water to red dust.
Working at Height: steel workers, scaffolders, roofers,
demolition workers, welders, pipe fitters, painters, results in:
death, neck/spinal injury, multiple broken bones, Basic
hazards of work at height: Roofs-fragile roof/sloping or
pitched roof, Deterioration of materials, unprotected edges,
unstable or poorly maint access equip, weather, falling
materials, Risk prevention hierarchy in working at
height: avoid working at height, use equip to prevent falls,
use equip to minimize distance and conseq Factors to
consider when identifying control meas for working at
height: nature & duration of task, level of competence,
training, level of supervision, access & egress, suitability of
equip, use of working platforms, PPE eg harness & helmets,
netting, weather cond, health cond, compliance of regulations.
Preventing falls and falling materials: prov safe working
platform, install rope access or boatswain chairs, safety
harness or net. Prevention of injury caused by falling
materials: use phys safeguards as toeboards & brick guards,
debris netting on walkways. Guard rails, intermediate rail, toe
board, should fully enclose unprotectd edge, robust enough &
not bend, fixed securely in pos, high enough for person not to
top over, no excessive gaps. Rail guard 42 in, 15cm toe board.
Ladders: Main hazards: falls from height-falling off, topping
sideways, base slipping, objects falling, contact w/ live
overheads. Ladders; safety precautions: dont use near
live overheads, solid flat base, 75 deg 1:4 distance to wall, top
must rest on solid support, secured on the top, ropes should
be attached & secured to firm supports, ladder should be
footed by som1 on bottom. Stepladder precautions: daily
checks, ensure lad is fully open, locking device in place, firm
level grnd, dont work on top two steps, avoid over reaching,
avoid side working. Trestles and staging platforms should
be: allow safe passage of materials, free from trip hazards,
fitted toe boards & handrails, clean & tidy, no risk of collapse,
firm level grnd. Independent tied scaffolds (basic
components): standards-vertcl tubes, ledgers-hor tubes,
transoms-short hor tubes 90 deg, bracing-diagonal tubes,
base plates-squ metal base, sole boards-timber placed under
base plates, work platform- fully boarded, guard rails-fixd to
standards, toe boards-provides lip on platform. Ways for
scaffold can be tied to building: anchor bolts-one end of
metal screwed in the wall, through ties- tube extends into
building, reveal ties-tube coupled to a reveal pin, Rakers- push
scaffold into building, bracing- stiffens scaffold. Hazards w/
use of scaffolds: falls during erection, falls from the work
platform, objects falling, collapse of structure. Factors that
might cause the collapse of independent tied scaffold:
overloaded, built on soft ground, not tied adequately,
standards not upright, standards bent, high winds, struck by
mobile plant, erected by incompetent workers, not inspected.
Hazards w/ mobile tower scaffolds: falls from work
platform, obj falling, collaps of struc, overturn or toppling,
unintended movement of wheels, contact with live overheads.
Safety precautions of Mobile Tower scaffolds: guard rail
fitted to work platform, musnt be overloaded, wheels should
be locked, firm solid ground, ppl should not remain when
moved, care to avoid overheads, outriggers if necessary, ppl
dont climb from outside, trained workers. MEWPS hazard:
falls from work platform, objects falling from plat, collapse of

mewp, overturning toppling, contact w/ live overheads,

unauthorized use. MEWPS safety precautions: firm stable
ground, suff clearance from obstr, barriers to prevent from
struck, barriers to keep ppl out, guard rails and safety harness,
controls should be inside, not driven w/ cradle raised, not
overloaded, must be inspected, use restricted trained authorz
staff. Scaffolds inspection reqrmnts: when 1st erected,
after alteration, after struck by vehicle or high winds, weekly
insp, cond of the tubes, tying & bracing, cond of work
platform, edge protectn, grnd cond, safe access, SWL
Hazards of Excavations: Collapse-sides slip & cave in,
Striking buried services-high volt cable/pipeline/main pipes,
People falling in-unfenced edge or climbing, objects falling intools or materials, flooding, hazardous subs-gases &
vapours/LPG/CO2, collapse of adjacent structure-digging in
foundatns nearby bldgs. Prevention of collapse in
excavations: Battering-slope system/angled, shoring- sides
are supported w metal or timber, trench box- supp by metal
box. Factors of protection for excavation: type of
substrate, length of time exca will open, type of work to be
carryd, grnd water cond, depth of exca, # of ppl. Prevention
of falls in excavation: barriers w/ guard rails, good lighting,
long exca should have bridges, access with ladders secured,
ladders should extend 5 rungs. Preventing materials &
vehicles from falling in excavation: safe position of soil
heaps, vehicles shld prevent approach the sides, stop barriers,
veh movement shld be minimized, wear hard hats & boots.
Prevention of striking buried services: use plans of the
area of exca, CAT, hand digging, identify label exposd serv.
Digging can commence. Excavation inspection reqrmnts:
before start of shift, after acc fall, after event. Control meas
to reduce risk from reversing vehicles: impl one way
traffic sys, segregation of pedestrians & veh, good veh
selection, aud reverse alarm, mirrors & blind spots, high visb
clothing, well lit area, banksmen, training of drivrs & ppl.
Parking rules for fork lift: park on firm level surf, dont
obstruct traffic, dont obs pedes, dont obst emergency,
handbrake, lower forks, switch power, remove key. Hazards
of forklift: overturn, fall of load, striking pedest, fall or
entrapment of person riding on forks, fall from loading dock.
Battery oprtd forklift hazards: charging emit hydrgn w is
explosive, batt contain sulphrc w corrosive, batt are extremely
heavy, arcing/shock/burns, batt approp disposal, almost silent
veh, Precautions for forklift: trained oprts only, visual insp,
rout maint, never use lift ppl, secure stble load, site speed
limits, never forks raised, never w obstructed vision. Vehicles
should: suitble for intended use, suitable for environ, driven
by traind staf, inspected routinely, fitted w seatbelt, roll
bar/cage, guard to potect angst falling obj, horn, aud rev
alarm, beacon Pre checks on forklift: tyre pressure, parking
breaks, steering, fuel/oil/water, batteries, lifting syst, audible
warning, lights, mirrors. Drivers should be: competent to
drive, med fit to drive, infor/train/instr, supervised. Road
accident factors: dist travelled, driving hours, work sched,
stress, weather cond. Driver risk factors RA: competncy,
traing, fitnss & health. Vehicle risk fators RA: suitability,
cond, safety equipmt, safety crit info, The journey RA:
Routes, schedlng 2-6/2-4, time, dist, weather. MUSCULO
SKEL DISORDER: back injuries/pain-poor posture
sitting/standing long period, Wurlds- arms & hands tingling
sens to sev pain & discom, other chronic soft tissue injuriesknee joints High risk for MD: DSE use, factory assembly of
small comp, brick laying, supermarket checkout. Ergonomic
factors: task factors-repetition, force, posture, twisting, rest
environment factors-lighting, other enviro like temp/vent,
Equipment factors- design, adjustability. DSE risk factorsWurlds, eye strain, back pain, fatigue & stress. DSE control
meas: work station asses, min ergonomic stndrd, work routine
planning, short freq breaks, free eye test, info & training.
Factory assembly line risks: Wurld, eye strain, back pain,
fatigue/stress. Controls: automate proc, relayout workstation,
provide seating, comf shoes & mats, short freq breaks, approp
lighting, ergonomic hand tools. Manual handling hazards:
back inj, tendon & ligament inj, muscle injur, hernias, Wurlds,
cuts/burns/broken bones. Manual handling RA: taskrepetitive? Work rate? Distance? Involve stooping? Vert
distance lifting? Load- how heavy? Large & bulky? Shape?
Stable? CG of load? Environment- space restrictin? Floor
slippery? Steps or stairs? Lighting? Individual capabilitiesneed strength? Vulnerable indiv eg pregnant? Controls for
manual handling: eliminate, asses, handling aid, modify
task/load/environ, ensure indivi capablty are matched.
Manually operated load handling equipment
precautions:avoidance of uneven grnd/slope, use of ramps,
observing SWL, using brakes, secure load, care when moving,
safe parking, rout insp & maint, safety shoes. Hoists
hazards: falling obj, struck by the load, engtangled, falls from
height, struck by landing levels, Precautions using hoists:
suitable, prevent ppl from getting underneath, prev ppl from
access in unprotectd landing edge, prev ppl frm being carried,
obs SWL, ensure brakes/interlocks are working, competent
people only, info/instru/trai, maint by comptnt, rout insp.
Hazards using conveyors: nip points, entanglement, falling
objects precautions for conveyors: warning alarm sirens,
guarding moving parts, emergency stop, barriers to exclude
ppl, fitting guards overhead, info/inst/tra, use
overalls/hairnets, maint by authorzd ppl, report defect.
Hazards of mobile Cranes: Crane collaps or toppling over,
arm striking structure during movement, load falling, load
striking, contact with live overhead. Factors that affect
mobile crane unstable: overloading, unstable grnd, failure
to use outriggers, using on high winds, jib to far out, parts
failure due to lack of maint. Precautions for safe use of
mobile crane: safe lift capacity, even stable grnd, outriggers
correctly, maint of crane, comp oprtrs, each lift is planned,
providing banksmen, checking if no obstr, chk weather cond,
never lift directly to a ppl, PPE, warning signs.CE declaration
of conformity. TYPES OF MAINTENANCE: planned
preventive maint PPM- oil change parts replacmnt, condition
based maint- brake pads every 10k, breakdown maint-only
carryd out during repair. Maint work risk of hazards:
Guards & enclosures needs removal, safety dev needs
removed, dismantle equip, exposed power source, stored
power may be released, awkward access/space constraints,
heavy parts handling, power tools hazards. Precautions on
maint work: competent staff only, isolate power, release
stored energy, when cannot isolate power-cover live parts w
insulation/ use rubber gloves, if dangerous parts have to be
accessed- run at vry low speed/fit maint guard, precautions
taken to allow safe access spec when working at height,
handling aids to reduce manual handling risk. Emergency
stop buttons should: well designed/easy to use, suitable
locations on equipt, easily identifiable, good working order,
standard compliant. Key principles of emergency stop
button: brings the mach to safe stop asap, should latch or
lock in, release of the button should not restart mach.
stable, approp marked-on control panel/SWL/max
speed/direction of movement, approp warnings-audible
warning sound/flashing beacons/to warn mach movement.
Adeq lighting, local lighting-spotlights on crit areas, space
consideration-adeq space to move, other ppl move arnd
safely, operators- only approp equip to use, in accordance to
instrctn, use equip on intended purp, necessary checks b4
using, not use if unstable, report defects, dont use under
influence of drug/alc, clean equip and maint. Hand held tools
hazards: may shatter, handle may come loose, blunt leading
to excessive force, human error-misjudged movement,
misused, Precautions for hand held tools: suitable for the

task, give approp instrctns, visually inspected, maint in safe

cond, supervision-againt misuse. Hazards of PORTABLE
POWER tools: forces are much greater for severe injury,
electricity, fuel, noise, vibration, dust, ejection-disk frag, trip
hazards w cable precautions for portable power tools:
suitable for task, instrctn, oprtrs are trained, supervised, tool
inspection, maint, guards, PPE, trailing pwer cables are
carefuly positioned, fencing or cordoned to prevent ejected
parts risk, damping down dust, hearing protection for noise,
vibration by job rota or limitng duration. Things to check on
portable appliance: outer sheath covers inner cores, plug
should be tight, fully insulated flex, body of appliance is intact,
cable clamp should be tight, no scorch marks, not soiled, not
wet, plug is secure and intact TYPES of hazard of
machinery MECHANICAL HAZARDS: crushing-body trapped
bet 2 moving parts, shearing-parts moving past the other w
speed, cutting or severing-sharp edged part eg blade,
entanglement- loose items, drawing or trapping- eg running
nips in gears, impact- struck by pwerd part/speed & weight
damage, stabbing or puncture- sharp parts ejected, friction or
abrasion- fast mov surface, high pressure fluid injection- skin
penetration NON MECHANICAL HAZARDS: electricity, noise,
vibration, hazardous subs, ionizing radiation, non-ionizing
radiation, extreme temp, ergonomics, slips/trips/falls, fire &
explosion. Guards: FIAT-fixed guards-more like fence around
the mach, interlocked-allows freq access eg microwave oven,
adjustable-set to range by operator/not completely prevents
access to dangerous parts, trip device-dont pass phy barrierpressure mats/trip bars/photoelectric dev. Two hand controls.
Basic characteristics of a guard or safety device:
suitability, meets relevant stndrds, strong & robust,
compatible, no rough/sharp edges, not easy to bypass or
defeat, not interfere w sight, ease of maintenance, removal for
maint. PHOTOCOPIER hazards: drawing in entanglement,
ozone, electricity, contact w hot parts protection: fixed or
interlocked guards, ventilated room, routne inspection Paper
shredder hazards: cutting & drawing in, ergonomic,
electricity. Protection: routine insp, fixed guards. Bench top
grinder hazards: abrasion, drawing nip points, ejection of
parts, entanglement, hot parts, electricity, noise & vibration,
dust health hazard. Protection: regular checks of wheel,
hearing protect, eye protect, adjustable eye guards, fixed
guards, secure position on table, avoid loose clothing, traind
operators only. Pedestal Drill hazards: entanglement, hot
parts, noise, nip points on motor & belt, impact, stabbing or
puncture, electricity. Protection: fixd guards, clamps, eye prot,
maint, traind oprtrs, Bench mounted circular saw hazards:
entanglement, cutting from blade, drawing nip points, ejection
of parts, noise, electricity, wood dust inhalation. Protection:
fxd guards, hearing prot, eye prot, routine insp, trained optrs
only, blocking knife fitted behind blade to prevent flying
timber. HAZARDS OF ELECTRICITY: electric shock, fire &
explosion, arcing, burns. 10-60 inability to breath contractions,
60mA above-cardiac arrest. Factors of that influence the
severity of electric shock: voltage, duration, frequency,
current path, resistance, contact surface area, environment,
clothing or footwear, secondary hazards eg ladder or heights.
How electrical equipment can cause fire: may be faulty,
may be overloaded, misuse, flammable atmosphere, equip
may produce sparks. arcing- elec, jumps across an air gap.
Causes of portable equip accident: using unsuitable equipflamm enviro, using in damp, wet, humid cond, repairs by
unauthorized ppl, physical abuse-cable plug, continued use, no
inspection, chem damage. Work activity w high risk of
electricity: work near overhead power lines, contact w
underground pwr cables, work on live wires, poorly main elec
equip, use In wet enviro. Control meas when selecting
portable elec equipment for use in construction sites:
use battery pwerd equip, use reduced voltage eg 110, locate
cables carefully, pre checks, visual insp, avoid using wet cond,
double insulation, located cables carefuly. PROTECTIVE
SYSTEMS for electrical equipment: fuses, earthing,
reduced voltage, isolation, double insulation, breakers. FUSES
& MCB: advantage-very cheap & reliable, good protection for
equip. limitations- doesnt stop current quickly enough 60mA,
very easy to bypass using tinfoil. MCB doesnt need to be
removed. Earthing- advantages- protects from fatal shock,
2ndary protection of equip. limitations: poor earth conn can be
undetected, easy to disconnect/disable. SSW on Live
electrical system: PTW, competent persons, PPE, insulated
tools, earth free zones, Contact w live overhead
prevention can be achieved by: isolating, SSW & PTW,
barriers/signage/goal posts, banksmen, non conducting equip
Control prevention method for electricity on constr
site: isolating power supply, SSW & PTW, sleeve low voltage
pwr lines, barriers/signage, banksmen when maneuvrng near,
fiberglass ladders, Emergency procedures for electrical
incident: do not touch, call for help, switch of source, call
ambulance, push away using non conducting mat, check
breathing, treat burns, treat shock, get med treatment. How
often should you test electrical equipment: age of
equipment, working enviro, integrity of equip, freq and
duration of use, any modifications, type of equipment,
previous maint, legal standards/codes of practice. FIRE-fuel,
oxygen, heat. Classification of fires: A-paper wood coal, Bpetrol oil solvents, C- methane, acetylene propane, D
aluminium magnesium F fats and oil. Flammable- easily
ignited by heat source How heat can be transmitted: direct
burning, convection-hot air rises, conduction, radiation.
Common causes of workplace fire: electrical equip, arson,
smoking, heat appliances, hot works, chemical reactions,
mech heat. RA of fire hazards: source of fire, source of
ignition, source of oxy, identify ppl in premises, spec
consideration to vulnerable ppl. Evaluate-Fire prevention, prev
smoke & flames, detectn & alarm, FFE, escape, signs, lighting,
record findings-emergency plans, info & instr, training, review
& revise. Control methods of fire: eliminate flammable mat/
dispose, substitute eg petrol to diesel to eliminate need to
store/handle petrol, Control of ignition sources: electrical
equip-routinely inspected, hotwork-use PTW purpose built
welding bay, smoking-illegal indoors, cooking & heating appshd not be left unattended, mechanical heat-routine maint,
deliberate ignition-security staff, cctv. Precautions for
control of hot work: flamm mat removed from work area,
cover fire ret blankets, flr swept clean, damp wooden flr, fire
watcher, routine insp. Good house keeping for fire safety:
waste free, tidy, well ordered, clear route for pedestrian. Safe
use of flammable liquids: use min volume, proper labelling,
self closing lid, return containers to safe storage, well
ventilated, use away from ignition source, metal tray to catch
spills. Fire door characteristics: rated to withstand fire
30mins, self closing device, intumescent strip, cold smoke
seal, fire resist glass, labell fire door-keep shut. Fire
detection & alarm general principles: simple-shout fire,
simple w more noise-hand operated alarm, manually operated
alarm-manually activated at call points, interlinked smoke
alarms- linked together one sounder activates all, automatic
fire alarm-detectors linked to central position into sounders eg
smoke & heat detector, Types of fire extinguisher: water,
CO2, foam, dry powder, fire blankets, hose reels, sprinkler sys.
Fire extinguishers should be inspected in order: planned
routine inspection, planned preventative maint. Factors
should be considered when developing fire plan: details
of occupants of bldg-workers visitors contractors disabled,
action taken in case of fire-how to contact emergency services
how to raise alarm, escape routes-travel dist emergcy lighting
fire exit signs, fire fighting equip-types and locations, after
evacuation-fire marshals roll call, training- fire drills/use of
equip. characteristics of doors for escape: opening in

direction of travel, wide enough, easily operated by ppl in

hurry, not locked from inside. Lighting escape routes:
illuminate route, maint in safe working order, tested routinely,
illum signs & equip, Assembly points: safe dist from bldg.,
away from fire fighters, clearly signed, safe location, further
escape is possible. Fire marshalls: give assist to disabled,
check all areas for fire, investigate. PHYSICAL FORMS OF
CHEMICAL: solid, dust, fume, gas, mist, vapour, liquid Forms
of biological agents: fungi, bacteria-single celled, viruses,
prions. Chemicals classified to 3 types of danger: physio
chemical eff- explosive or oxidizing, health eff-toxic or
carcinogenic, environtal eff-harm to aquatic life.
Classifications for chemicals hazardous to health: toxicsmall doses cyanide, harmful-serious ill health on large doses,
corrosive-destroy tissue on contact, irritant-cause
inflammation skin, carcinogenic-abnormal growth of cells,
mutagens-genetic mutations, toxic to reproduction-sterility. 2
types of sensitising chemicals: skin sensitiser epoxy resin,
respiratory sens-asthma 2 types of dermatitis exposed to
hazard subs: primary contact dermatitis-prolonged contact,
allergic or 2ndary contact dermatitis-repeated contact. Acute
effects-exposure to high levels on short periods cause
immediate effects, Chronic effects-exposed to lower dosage
over long periods weeks months etc. Hazardous substance
enter body to 4 main routes: inhalation, ingestion,
absorption, injection. Factors to consider with assessment
of hazardous subs: hazardous nature-if toxic/corrosive/carc,
potential ill effects-minor or major with short term/long term
exposure, physical forms-solid liq, routes of entry-inhaltion,
quantity, concentration, #of ppl, frequency, duration, control
meas. Safety data sheets information: ID of substance,
hazard ID, ingredients, First aid, handling/storage, phy&chem
properties, toxicological info, transport info, stability&
reactivity, disposal Hazardous substance monitoring
equipment: continuous monitoring device-continuous/cons:
expensive, not rec peaks&trough, cant id specific contaminant,
tampered, , stain tube detectors-gas & vapours quick & cheap,
cons: gas & vapours not dust fragile Passive samplersconcentration over period of time, smokes tubes/sticks-use
chemical reaction, dust monitoring equip-worn by worker.
Limitations of hazardous subst monitoring: accuracy of
results, variations of expose to indiv, other exposure routes,
absence of standard. WEL-workplace exposure limits-max
concentrations of contaminants measured across part ref of
time. 15mins STEL 8 hrs LTEL methods of control to
exposure of substance: minimisation of emission & release,
reliability of control that minimize spread, exposure control to
be proportional to health risk. PPE, protection & personal
hygiene, health & medical surveillance. LEV local exhaust
vent, reduce exposure times. Process change. LEV system:
intake hood, ductwork, filter system, fan, exhaust duct eff
reduced by: poorly designed intake hood, excessive contam,
damage ducts, sharp bends, blocked filters, low fan speed.
Dilution ventilation: if WEL or harmful subs is high,
formation of vapour is slow, oprtrs not in close contact.
Limitations: not suitable with highly toxic subs, cant cope w
sudden release of large quant, dead areas exist, cant work
with contaminant at source, cant work w dust. RPErespiratory protective equip. Two main categories.
Respirators- breathing from immediate environ: face piece,
half-mask, full face resp. breathing app- breathable from
another source. Ex: powered resp, breathing app(fresh air
BA/Compressed ari BA) Factors affecting suitability of
RPE: concentration of contaminant, level of protc,
compatibility, duration of time, phys fitness, phys req of job,
facial hair, absence of oxy, eye protection types: safety
spectacles, safety goggles, face visors, body protection:
overalls, aprons, whole body. Control of Bio agents:
sterilization & disinfection, spill containment, personal
hygiene, vaccinations, PPE, restrictions. SPECIFIC SUBS
asbestosis-10-15yrs fibre deep lungs form scar breath dif,
mesothelioma30-40yrs migrate from lungs to cavities
cancerous growth fatal. Diffuse pleural thickening-lining of
lungs breath dif non fatal, lung cancer fatal. Work with ACM
asb cont mat: notify local enfor, work sealed, PPE, negative
pressure vent, double bagged labelled, workers with health
surveillance, worker nt exceed WEL, monitor inside/out of
seald area. Blood borne virus: Hepa A-faecal matter/sewage
worker, Hepa B-body fluids/health care work/police/damaged
skin/needle stick. Controls for blood borne virus: PPEgloves/eye prot, correct disposal, prevent needle-stick inj,
decont/disin, vacc, procedures against acc exposure. Carbon
monoxide (CO)-by product of partial combustion-13% is
death in 3 mins. Controls for CO-restricting work to
competent engrs, CO alarms, confined space PTW, LEV
exhaust. Maint/testing for boilers. Cement: workers can be
exposed during: mixing operations, brick laying/concrete
pouring Harmful effects of cement: irritant dermatitis,
allergic dermatitis, corrosive burns, irritation to eyes, irritation
to respiratory tract, Controls for cement exp: elim, PPE,
removal of contmntd clothing, good hygiene. Legionella
bacteria-water sys become cont by bacteria eg, outdoor
cooling towers-bac is sprayed/pneumonia controls for
legionella-water sampling, prevention of limescale, rout
cleaning, enclose water sys, chlorinate, hot water 60C above,
use biocides. Leptospira: flu like to jaundice weils disease.
Controls for leptospira: prevent infestation, hygiene, PPE,
cover cuts. Silica-mining, quarrying, construction,
pottery/scar tissue sim to asb, breathlessness. Controls:
prevent exp, health surv, RPE, LEV, water spray on dust.
Wood dust: certain wood cause asthmagens/ hardwood
cause cancer controls: LEV, health surveillance, RPE,
vacuuming. WASTE DISPOSAL gen approach: prevention,
preparing for reuse, recycling, other recovery-methane,
disposal. Duty of care: adequ describd, approp docum-waste
transfer note, transf only to authorizd ppl, doesnt escape from
control, managed legally. Classification of waste:
Hazardous- dif to treat eg highly flam, toxic, carcin, corr.
Fridge,tv Non-hazardous-household waste, Factors to
consider using compactor: hazardous nature of waste, duty
of care, guarding moving parts, safe movement of veh, safe
loading of compactor, waste segregation, approp docu,
factors to consider on waste safe handling/storage:
Hazardous nature, manual handling risk, safe access to bins,
skips be stored on concrete surface, compactors must be
guarded, lorries may present hazard Stored liquid waste
safe disposal/storage: double skinned container, located
away, bunds protctd from damage-tanker, empty bund frm
rainwater, ensure bunds dont leak, 110% capacity of bund.
Control measures for spill containment: spill booms to
contain spillage, drain covers, training of optrs. NOISE health
effects: temp reduction in hearing sensitivity, tinnituspersistnt ringing, stress effects, temp ringing, occupation
risks: constr workr, uniformd, entertain sctr, manufacturing,
call cntre, sound pressure level-intensity of pres wave in db
scale decibel-unit of sound pressre lvl. Logarithmic in scale.
65-75loud radio/90-100pwr drill/140 jet. Noise meters to
measure sound: simple sound meter, instantaneous snd
meter, dosimeter. 80dB(A)-noise ass, info/instr/trai, hearing
protection available, above 85- hearing protect zones, hearing
prot mandatory, health surveillance. Noise exposure
control: reduce noise at source-elim/subs/modify(glass to
plastic/ maint/damping-anti resonant/ silencing, interrupt
pathway-insulation/ isolation/absorption, protect receiveracoutic retreat/hearing prot. Earmuffs-easy to supervise, less
infect, bone trans reduced, reusable. Hearing protection
arrangements: info/instr/train, safe storage, cleaning, maint,
replacement VIBRATION EXPOSURE: Hand arm vibration

syndrome-vibration white finger VWF, nerve damage, muscle

weakening, joint damage. 5-10yrs for chainsaw. Whole bodydamage to tissue & spine/slipped disc/vertigo. Exposure
stndrd- vibrationand duration. Vibration control: elimconcrete breaker mounted on mech arm than hand
optr/automated proc, subst-low vibra type tool, changing work
techniques-diamond type drill than tungsten, maint-bits kept
sharp, isolation-anti vibra mountings/suspension, duration.
RADIATION: ionising-alpha-thin layer of paper/smoke detect,
beta-skin/sci labs/NDT, xrays-human body/radiography/
security, gamma-steel/ concrete/med/ NonDestr Testing,
neutrons-sub atomic nuc powrplant. Health effects of
radiation: acute eff-rad sickness, blistering, infertility,
immune sys dam, anaemia, cataracts, hair loss, dermatitis
chronic- cancer, gene muta, birth def. Protection from ion
radiation: time-min duration, distance, shielding Radon gasalpha particle. Controls-positive pressure fans/radon sumps &
extraction sys. NON IONISING: UV-sunlight/arc weld, visible
light-laser pointr, Infrared-glass manuf, microwaves-food,
radiowaves-radio tv ant. STRESS- causes: demands, controlpriorities, support-info/instr/trai, Relationship-harras, roleresponsibilities, change- demotion. Effects of stress:
physchological: anxiety-depression, low self esteem physical:
tension, high blood, headache, dizziness, sweating,
Behavioral: drug misuse, alc, absences, poor decision making,
mood swings, irritability.

Basic indoor environment standards- space, seating, ventilation, heating,

lighting, noise. Minimum welfare standards : drinking water, sanitary
conveniences, washing facilities, changing rooms, accommodation for clothing,
resting and eating facilities. Risks of working in a hot environ- dehydration,
mus cramps, heat stress, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, skin burns & cancer. Risk
for working on Cold environ- hypothermia, frostbite, slip hazard, freeze/burn
injuries. Control meas for hot environ- good ventilation, insulate heat source,
shield heat sour, provide cool refuge, easy access to cool water, freq breaks &
rotation, approp clothing, Control meas for cold environ- protect workers from
draughts, shielding from cold surface, warm refuge, PPE insu jackets, freq breaks
job rota, easy access to food & drinks, scrape icy floors, work related violenceany incident which person is abused, threatened, or assaulted in circumstances
relating to their work, Occupations w/ risk to violence- cash handling, lone
working, representing authority, wearing a uniform, dealing w/ people under stress,
dealing w/ people under influence. Control measures of violence: zero tolerance
for offendrs, cctv camera, security door bet public and staff, training, panic alarms,
pleasant environ, Effect of drugs & alcohol late attendance, increased
absenteeism, reduced quality of work, reduced work rate, dishonesty, theft,
irritability mood swings, Drugs & alcohol policy: restrict alcohol in workplace &
during work hrs, legal reqdmts prohibiting drugs & alc, random drug test arr, rehab
& treatment if workr admits, disciplinary proced, provi of info & instructn Control
meas, for safe movement of people: use of non slip surfaces, spill control &
drainage, designating footpath, fencing/guarding, signs & PPE,
info/training/instruct, rout inspect/maint, access & egress to be inspctd, lighting,
noise levels. Slip hazards: Uneven floors/loose surfaces, trailing cables, objects on
flr Falling from height: working next to unprotc edge, working on fragile
materials eg skylight, using access equipment eg mewps, using ladders, standing
on objects to reach top level. Collisions w moving vehicles hazards: walkways
near traffic routes eg warehouse/carpark, pedestrian crossing points, exits unto
traffic routes, adjacent to moving vehicles eg loading bay.Striking by
moving/flying or falling obj: machinery eg spot welding robots, unsecured obj eg
moving deck of a ship, ejected parts as swarf sharp metal waste, scaffold coupling,
boxes falling from pallet, dislodged roofing, Striking on stationary objects:
metal sheets that project in a walkway, narrow doorways, low overheads eg
pipework Risk ass: normal patterns of movement, abnormal movements eg
shortcuts/ fire evac, accident history, weather conditions, maintenance reqdmnts,
Hazards of construction site: machnry/vehicles, elctricity, working @height,
excavtns. Storage of materials planning stage: Areas be clearly identified,
separate areas/items, segregate hzrdous matrls, clean & tidy, appro warning signs,
not be used for other work actvt. Stacking materials: one materls only not mxd,
max height dpndt on strength and stblty of stacked items, shld be vertical, use
pallets, suffcnt space, must be protected from vehicles. Flammable materials:
Solid/liq/gas should be separate stores, separate oxy cylndr from other flam gas,
fire resistant partition, good ventilation, 2 exits, no smoking/no naked flames, hot
works not allowed, elect equip should be corrct rating, fire fighting equpmnt,
regular insp. Cement mixer hazard: engtanglement, entrapment, dust inhaled,
cement dust corrosive, vapour and exhaust, noise & vibr, overturning Controls
using machinery/vehicles: equipmnt should be suitable for task & environ,
competent operators only, info/instruct/training, inspection, approp guards, PPE,
safe movement of ppl, pedest walkway, approp barriers/signage/lighting Forklift
Hazards: collision w/ struct and ppl, poor visibility, noise & vibra, overturning
Dumper truck: collision w/ struck, overturning on slopes, poor maint, unauthorize
use. Controls to secure site against unauthorized access: solid perimeter
fence, secure access points, security staff 24hrs, good lighting, cctv/alarms, remove
ladders, secure all chemicals cover barrier/excavations. Demolition hazards:
premature collapse, work @ height, contact w/ buried services, dust, asbestos,
explosives, noise & vibra, sharp objcts, Control meas of demolition/construct
work: risk ass, elimination of work at height, strength stability of floors, discon of
services eg gas, elec, water, removal of hazardous matrl, fencing damping down

water to red dust. Working at Height: steel workers, scaffolders, roofers,

demolition workers, welders, pipe fitters, painters, results in: death, neck/spinal
injury, multiple broken bones, Basic hazards of work at height: Roofs-fragile
roof/sloping or pitched roof, Deterioration of materials, unprotected edges, unstable
or poorly maint access equip, weather, falling materials, Risk prevention
hierarchy in working at height: avoid working at height, use equip to prevent
falls, use equip to minimize distance and conseq Factors to consider when
identifying control meas for working at height: nature & duration of task,
level of competence, training, level of supervision, access & egress, suitability of
equip, use of working platforms, PPE eg harness & helmets, netting, weather cond,
health cond, compliance of regulations. Preventing falls and falling materials:
prov safe working platform, install rope access or boatswain chairs, safety harness
or net. Prevention of injury caused by falling materials: use phys safeguards
as toeboards & brick guards, debris netting on walkways. Guard rails, intermediate
rail, toe board, should fully enclose unprotectd edge, robust enough & not bend,
fixed securely in pos, high enough for person not to top over, no excessive gaps.
Rail guard 42 in, 15cm toe board. Ladders: Main hazards: falls from height-falling
off, topping sideways, base slipping, objects falling, contact w/ live overheads.
Ladders; safety precautions: dont use near live overheads, solid flat base, 75
deg 1:4 distance to wall, top must rest on solid support, secured on the top, ropes
should be attached & secured to firm supports, ladder should be footed by som1 on
bottom. Stepladder precautions: daily checks, ensure lad is fully open, locking
device in place, firm level grnd, dont work on top two steps, avoid over reaching,
avoid side working. Trestles and staging platforms should be: allow safe
passage of materials, free from trip hazards, fitted toe boards & handrails, clean &
tidy, no risk of collapse, firm level grnd. Independent tied scaffolds (basic
components): standards-vertcl tubes, ledgers-hor tubes, transoms-short hor tubes
90 deg, bracing-diagonal tubes, base plates-squ metal base, sole boards-timber
placed under base plates, work platform- fully boarded, guard rails-fixd to
standards, toe boards-provides lip on platform. Ways for scaffold can be tied to
building: anchor bolts-one end of metal screwed in the wall, through ties- tube
extends into building, reveal ties-tube coupled to a reveal pin, Rakers- push scaffold
into building, bracing- stiffens scaffold. Hazards w/ use of scaffolds: falls during
erection, falls from the work platform, objects falling, collapse of structure. Factors
that might cause the collapse of independent tied scaffold: overloaded, built
on soft ground, not tied adequately, standards not upright, standards bent, high
winds, struck by mobile plant, erected by incompetent workers, not inspected.
Hazards w/ mobile tower scaffolds: falls from work platform, obj falling, collaps
of struc, overturn or toppling, unintended movement of wheels, contact with live
overheads. Safety precautions of Mobile Tower scaffolds: guard rail fitted to
work platform, musnt be overloaded, wheels should be locked, firm solid ground,
ppl should not remain when moved, care to avoid overheads, outriggers if
necessary, ppl dont climb from outside, trained workers. MEWPS hazard: falls
from work platform, objects falling from plat, collapse of mewp, overturning
toppling, contact w/ live overheads, unauthorized use. MEWPS safety
precautions: firm stable ground, suff clearance from obstr, barriers to prevent
from struck, barriers to keep ppl out, guard rails and safety harness, controls should
be inside, not driven w/ cradle raised, not overloaded, must be inspected, use
restricted trained authorz staff. Scaffolds inspection reqrmnts: when 1st erected,
after alteration, after struck by vehicle or high winds, weekly insp, cond of the
tubes, tying & bracing, cond of work platform, edge protectn, grnd cond, safe
access, SWL Hazards of Excavations: Collapse-sides slip & cave in, Striking
buried services-high volt cable/pipeline/main pipes, People falling in-unfenced edge
or climbing, objects falling in-tools or materials, flooding, hazardous subs-gases &
vapours/LPG/CO2, collapse of adjacent structure-digging in foundatns nearby bldgs.
Prevention of collapse in excavations: Battering-slope system/angled, shoringsides are supported w metal or timber, trench box- supp by metal box. Factors of
protection for excavation: type of substrate, length of time exca will open, type
of work to be carryd, grnd water cond, depth of exca, # of ppl. Prevention of falls
in excavation: barriers w/ guard rails, good lighting, long exca should have
bridges, access with ladders secured, ladders should extend 5 rungs. Preventing
materials & vehicles from falling in excavation: safe position of soil heaps,
vehicles shld prevent approach the sides, stop barriers, veh movement shld be
minimized, wear hard hats & boots. Prevention of striking buried services: use
plans of the area of exca, CAT, hand digging, identify label exposd serv. Digging can
commence. Excavation inspection reqrmnts: before start of shift, after acc fall,
after event. Control meas to reduce risk from reversing vehicles: impl one
way traffic sys, segregation of pedestrians & veh, good veh selection, aud reverse
alarm, mirrors & blind spots, high visb clothing, well lit area, banksmen, training of
drivrs & ppl. Parking rules for fork lift: park on firm level surf, dont obstruct
traffic, dont obs pedes, dont obst emergency, handbrake, lower forks, switch
power, remove key. Hazards of forklift: overturn, fall of load, striking pedest, fall
or entrapment of person riding on forks, fall from loading dock. Battery oprtd
forklift hazards: charging emit hydrgn w is explosive, batt contain sulphrc w
corrosive, batt are extremely heavy, arcing/shock/burns, batt approp disposal,
almost silent veh, Precautions for forklift: trained oprts only, visual insp, rout
maint, never use lift ppl, secure stble load, site speed limits, never forks raised,
never w obstructed vision. Vehicles should: suitble for intended use, suitable for
environ, driven by traind staf, inspected routinely, fitted w seatbelt, roll bar/cage,
guard to potect angst falling obj, horn, aud rev alarm, beacon Pre checks on
forklift: tyre pressure, parking breaks, steering, fuel/oil/water, batteries, lifting
syst, audible warning, lights, mirrors. Drivers should be: competent to drive, med
fit to drive, infor/train/instr, supervised. Road accident factors: dist travelled,
driving hours, work sched, stress, weather cond. Driver risk factors RA:
competncy, traing, fitnss & health. Vehicle risk fators RA: suitability, cond, safety
equipmt, safety crit info, The journey RA: Routes, schedlng 2-6/2-4, time, dist,
weather. MUSCULO SKEL DISORDER: back injuries/pain-poor posture
sitting/standing long period, Wurlds- arms & hands tingling sens to sev pain &
discom, other chronic soft tissue injuries-knee joints High risk for MD: DSE use,
factory assembly of small comp, brick laying, supermarket checkout. Ergonomic
factors: task factors-repetition, force, posture, twisting, rest environment factorslighting, other enviro like temp/vent, Equipment factors- design, adjustability. DSE
risk factors- Wurlds, eye strain, back pain, fatigue & stress. DSE control meas:
work station asses, min ergonomic stndrd, work routine planning, short freq breaks,
free eye test, info & training. Factory assembly line risks: Wurld, eye strain,
back pain, fatigue/stress. Controls: automate proc, relayout workstation, provide
seating, comf shoes & mats, short freq breaks, approp lighting, ergonomic hand
tools. Manual handling hazards: back inj, tendon & ligament inj, muscle injur,
hernias, Wurlds, cuts/burns/broken bones. Manual handling RA: task-repetitive?
Work rate? Distance? Involve stooping? Vert distance lifting? Load- how heavy?
Large & bulky? Shape? Stable? CG of load? Environment- space restrictin? Floor
slippery? Steps or stairs? Lighting? Individual capabilities- need strength?
Vulnerable indiv eg pregnant? Controls for manual handling: eliminate, asses,
handling aid, modify task/load/environ, ensure indivi capablty are matched.
Manually operated load handling equipment precautions:avoidance of
uneven grnd/slope, use of ramps, observing SWL, using brakes, secure load, care
when moving, safe parking, rout insp & maint, safety shoes. Hoists hazards:
falling obj, struck by the load, engtangled, falls from height, struck by landing
levels, Precautions using hoists: suitable, prevent ppl from getting underneath,
prev ppl from access in unprotectd landing edge, prev ppl frm being carried, obs
SWL, ensure brakes/interlocks are working, competent people only, info/instru/trai,
maint by comptnt, rout insp. Hazards using conveyors: nip points,
entanglement, falling objects precautions for conveyors: warning alarm sirens,
guarding moving parts, emergency stop, barriers to exclude ppl, fitting guards
overhead, info/inst/tra, use overalls/hairnets, maint by authorzd ppl, report defect.
Hazards of mobile Cranes: Crane collaps or toppling over, arm striking structure
during movement, load falling, load striking, contact with live overhead. Factors
that affect mobile crane unstable: overloading, unstable grnd, failure to use
outriggers, using on high winds, jib to far out, parts failure due to lack of maint.
Precautions for safe use of mobile crane: safe lift capacity, even stable grnd,
outriggers correctly, maint of crane, comp oprtrs, each lift is planned, providing
banksmen, checking if no obstr, chk weather cond, never lift directly to a ppl, PPE,
warning signs.CE declaration of conformity. TYPES OF MAINTENANCE:
planned preventive maint PPM- oil change parts replacmnt, condition based maintbrake pads every 10k, breakdown maint-only carryd out during repair. Maint work
risk of hazards: Guards & enclosures needs removal, safety dev needs removed,
dismantle equip, exposed power source, stored power may be released, awkward
access/space constraints, heavy parts handling, power tools hazards. Precautions
on maint work: competent staff only, isolate power, release stored energy, when
cannot isolate power-cover live parts w insulation/ use rubber gloves, if dangerous
parts have to be accessed- run at vry low speed/fit maint guard, precautions taken
to allow safe access spec when working at height, handling aids to reduce manual
handling risk. Emergency stop buttons should: well designed/easy to use,
suitable locations on equipt, easily identifiable, good working order, standard
compliant. Key principles of emergency stop button: brings the mach to safe
stop asap, should latch or lock in, release of the button should not restart mach.
control panel/SWL/max speed/direction of movement, approp warnings-audible
warning sound/flashing beacons/to warn mach movement. Adeq lighting, local
lighting-spotlights on crit areas, space consideration-adeq space to move, other ppl
move arnd safely, operators- only approp equip to use, in accordance to instrctn,
use equip on intended purp, necessary checks b4 using, not use if unstable, report
defects, dont use under influence of drug/alc, clean equip and maint. Hand held
tools hazards: may shatter, handle may come loose, blunt leading to excessive
force, human error-misjudged movement, misused, Precautions for hand held
tools: suitable for the task, give approp instrctns, visually inspected, maint in safe
cond, supervision-againt misuse. Hazards of PORTABLE POWER tools: forces
are much greater for severe injury, electricity, fuel, noise, vibration, dust, ejectiondisk frag, trip hazards w cable precautions for portable power tools: suitable
for task, instrctn, oprtrs are trained, supervised, tool inspection, maint, guards, PPE,
trailing pwer cables are carefuly positioned, fencing or cordoned to prevent ejected
parts risk, damping down dust, hearing protection for noise, vibration by job rota or
limitng duration. Things to check on portable appliance: outer sheath covers
inner cores, plug should be tight, fully insulated flex, body of appliance is intact,
cable clamp should be tight, no scorch marks, not soiled, not wet, plug is secure
and intact TYPES of hazard of machinery MECHANICAL HAZARDS: crushingbody trapped bet 2 moving parts, shearing-parts moving past the other w speed,
cutting or severing-sharp edged part eg blade, entanglement- loose items, drawing
or trapping- eg running nips in gears, impact- struck by pwerd part/speed & weight
damage, stabbing or puncture- sharp parts ejected, friction or abrasion- fast mov
surface, high pressure fluid injection- skin penetration NON MECHANICAL
HAZARDS: electricity, noise, vibration, hazardous subs, ionizing radiation, nonionizing radiation, extreme temp, ergonomics, slips/trips/falls, fire & explosion.
Guards: FIAT-fixed guards-more like fence around the mach, interlocked-allows
freq access eg microwave oven, adjustable-set to range by operator/not completely
prevents access to dangerous parts, trip device-dont pass phy barrier-pressure
mats/trip bars/photoelectric dev. Two hand controls. Basic characteristics of a
guard or safety device: suitability, meets relevant stndrds, strong & robust,
compatible, no rough/sharp edges, not easy to bypass or defeat, not interfere w
sight, ease of maintenance, removal for maint. PHOTOCOPIER hazards: drawing
in entanglement, ozone, electricity, contact w hot parts protection: fixed or
interlocked guards, ventilated room, routne inspection Paper shredder hazards:
cutting & drawing in, ergonomic, electricity. Protection: routine insp, fixed guards.
Bench top grinder hazards: abrasion, drawing nip points, ejection of parts,
entanglement, hot parts, electricity, noise & vibration, dust health hazard.
Protection: regular checks of wheel, hearing protect, eye protect, adjustable eye
guards, fixed guards, secure position on table, avoid loose clothing, traind
operators only. Pedestal Drill hazards: entanglement, hot parts, noise, nip points
on motor & belt, impact, stabbing or puncture, electricity. Protection: fixd guards,
clamps, eye prot, maint, traind oprtrs, Bench mounted circular saw hazards:
entanglement, cutting from blade, drawing nip points, ejection of parts, noise,
electricity, wood dust inhalation. Protection: fxd guards, hearing prot, eye prot,
routine insp, trained optrs only, blocking knife fitted behind blade to prevent flying
timber. HAZARDS OF ELECTRICITY: electric shock, fire & explosion, arcing, burns.
10-60 inability to breath contractions, 60mA above-cardiac arrest. Factors of that
influence the severity of electric shock: voltage, duration, frequency, current

path, resistance, contact surface area, environment, clothing or footwear,

secondary hazards eg ladder or heights. How electrical equipment can cause
fire: may be faulty, may be overloaded, misuse, flammable atmosphere, equip may
produce sparks. arcing- elec, jumps across an air gap. Causes of portable equip
accident: using unsuitable equip-flamm enviro, using in damp, wet, humid cond,
repairs by unauthorized ppl, physical abuse-cable plug, continued use, no
inspection, chem damage. Work activity w high risk of electricity: work near
overhead power lines, contact w underground pwr cables, work on live wires, poorly
main elec equip, use In wet enviro. Control meas when selecting portable elec
equipment for use in construction sites: use battery pwerd equip, use reduced
voltage eg 110, locate cables carefully, pre checks, visual insp, avoid using wet
cond, double insulation, located cables carefuly. PROTECTIVE SYSTEMS for
electrical equipment: fuses, earthing, reduced voltage, isolation, double
insulation, breakers. FUSES & MCB: advantage-very cheap & reliable, good
protection for equip. limitations- doesnt stop current quickly enough 60mA, very
easy to bypass using tinfoil. MCB doesnt need to be removed. Earthingadvantages- protects from fatal shock, 2ndary protection of equip. limitations: poor
earth conn can be undetected, easy to disconnect/disable. SSW on Live electrical
system: PTW, competent persons, PPE, insulated tools, earth free zones, Contact
w live overhead prevention can be achieved by: isolating, SSW & PTW,
barriers/signage/goal posts, banksmen, non conducting equip Control prevention
method for electricity on constr site: isolating power supply, SSW & PTW,
sleeve low voltage pwr lines, barriers/signage, banksmen when maneuvrng near,
fiberglass ladders, Emergency procedures for electrical incident: do not
touch, call for help, switch of source, call ambulance, push away using non
conducting mat, check breathing, treat burns, treat shock, get med treatment. How
often should you test electrical equipment: age of equipment, working enviro,
integrity of equip, freq and duration of use, any modifications, type of equipment,
previous maint, legal standards/codes of practice. FIRE-fuel, oxygen, heat.
Classification of fires: A-paper wood coal, B-petrol oil solvents, C- methane,
acetylene propane, D aluminium magnesium F fats and oil. Flammable- easily
ignited by heat source How heat can be transmitted: direct burning, convectionhot air rises, conduction, radiation. Common causes of workplace fire: electrical
equip, arson, smoking, heat appliances, hot works, chemical reactions, mech heat.
RA of fire hazards: source of fire, source of ignition, source of oxy, identify ppl in
premises, spec consideration to vulnerable ppl. Evaluate-Fire prevention, prev
smoke & flames, detectn & alarm, FFE, escape, signs, lighting, record findingsemergency plans, info & instr, training, review & revise. Control methods of fire:
eliminate flammable mat/ dispose, substitute eg petrol to diesel to eliminate need
to store/handle petrol, Control of ignition sources: electrical equip-routinely
inspected, hotwork-use PTW purpose built welding bay, smoking-illegal indoors,
cooking & heating app-shd not be left unattended, mechanical heat-routine maint,
deliberate ignition-security staff, cctv. Precautions for control of hot work:
flamm mat removed from work area, cover fire ret blankets, flr swept clean, damp
wooden flr, fire watcher, routine insp. Good house keeping for fire safety:
waste free, tidy, well ordered, clear route for pedestrian. Safe use of flammable
liquids: use min volume, proper labelling, self closing lid, return containers to safe
storage, well ventilated, use away from ignition source, metal tray to catch spills.
Fire door characteristics: rated to withstand fire 30mins, self closing device,
intumescent strip, cold smoke seal, fire resist glass, labell fire door-keep shut. Fire
detection & alarm general principles: simple-shout fire, simple w more noisehand operated alarm, manually operated alarm-manually activated at call points,
interlinked smoke alarms- linked together one sounder activates all, automatic fire
alarm-detectors linked to central position into sounders eg smoke & heat detector,
Types of fire extinguisher: water, CO2, foam, dry powder, fire blankets, hose
reels, sprinkler sys. Fire extinguishers should be inspected in order: planned
routine inspection, planned preventative maint. Factors should be considered
when developing fire plan: details of occupants of bldg-workers visitors
contractors disabled, action taken in case of fire-how to contact emergency
services how to raise alarm, escape routes-travel dist emergcy lighting fire exit
signs, fire fighting equip-types and locations, after evacuation-fire marshals roll call,
training- fire drills/use of equip. characteristics of doors for escape: opening in
direction of travel, wide enough, easily operated by ppl in hurry, not locked from
inside. Lighting escape routes: illuminate route, maint in safe working order,
tested routinely, illum signs & equip, Assembly points: safe dist from bldg., away
from fire fighters, clearly signed, safe location, further escape is possible. Fire
marshalls: give assist to disabled, check all areas for fire, investigate. PHYSICAL
FORMS OF CHEMICAL: solid, dust, fume, gas, mist, vapour, liquid Forms of
biological agents: fungi, bacteria-single celled, viruses, prions. Chemicals
classified to 3 types of danger: physio chemical eff- explosive or oxidizing,
health eff-toxic or carcinogenic, environtal eff-harm to aquatic life. Classifications
for chemicals hazardous to health: toxic-small doses cyanide, harmful-serious
ill health on large doses, corrosive-destroy tissue on contact, irritant-cause
inflammation skin, carcinogenic-abnormal growth of cells, mutagens-genetic
mutations, toxic to reproduction-sterility. 2 types of sensitising chemicals: skin
sensitiser epoxy resin, respiratory sens-asthma 2 types of dermatitis exposed
to hazard subs: primary contact dermatitis-prolonged contact, allergic or 2ndary
contact dermatitis-repeated contact. Acute effects-exposure to high levels on
short periods cause immediate effects, Chronic effects-exposed to lower dosage
over long periods weeks months etc. Hazardous substance enter body to 4
main routes: inhalation, ingestion, absorption, injection. Factors to consider
with assessment of hazardous subs: hazardous nature-if toxic/corrosive/carc,
potential ill effects-minor or major with short term/long term exposure, physical
forms-solid liq, routes of entry-inhaltion, quantity, concentration, #of ppl,
frequency, duration, control meas. Safety data sheets information: ID of
substance, hazard ID, ingredients, First aid, handling/storage, phy&chem properties,
toxicological info, transport info, stability& reactivity, disposal Hazardous
substance monitoring equipment: continuous monitoring devicecontinuous/cons: expensive, not rec peaks&trough, cant id specific contaminant,
tampered, , stain tube detectors-gas & vapours quick & cheap, cons: gas & vapours
not dust fragile Passive samplers-concentration over period of time, smokes
tubes/sticks-use chemical reaction, dust monitoring equip-worn by worker.
Limitations of hazardous subst monitoring: accuracy of results, variations of
expose to indiv, other exposure routes, absence of standard. WEL-workplace
exposure limits-max concentrations of contaminants measured across part ref of
time. 15mins STEL 8 hrs LTEL methods of control to exposure of substance:
minimisation of emission & release, reliability of control that minimize spread,
exposure control to be proportional to health risk. PPE, protection & personal
hygiene, health & medical surveillance. LEV local exhaust vent, reduce exposure
times. Process change. LEV system: intake hood, ductwork, filter system, fan,
exhaust duct eff reduced by: poorly designed intake hood, excessive contam,
damage ducts, sharp bends, blocked filters, low fan speed. Dilution ventilation: if
WEL or harmful subs is high, formation of vapour is slow, oprtrs not in close contact.
Limitations: not suitable with highly toxic subs, cant cope w sudden release of large
quant, dead areas exist, cant work with contaminant at source, cant work w dust.
RPE-respiratory protective equip. Two main categories. Respirators- breathing
from immediate environ: face piece, half-mask, full face resp. breathing appbreathable from another source. Ex: powered resp, breathing app(fresh air
BA/Compressed ari BA) Factors affecting suitability of RPE: concentration of
contaminant, level of protc, compatibility, duration of time, phys fitness, phys req of
job, facial hair, absence of oxy, eye protection types: safety spectacles, safety
goggles, face visors, body protection: overalls, aprons, whole body. Control of
Bio agents: sterilization & disinfection, spill containment, personal hygiene,
vaccinations, PPE, restrictions. SPECIFIC SUBS HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH.
ASBESTOS 4 forms of hazards: asbestosis-10-15yrs fibre deep lungs form scar
breath dif, mesothelioma30-40yrs migrate from lungs to cavities cancerous
growth fatal. Diffuse pleural thickening-lining of lungs breath dif non fatal, lung
cancer fatal. Work with ACM asb cont mat: notify local enfor, work sealed, PPE,
negative pressure vent, double bagged labelled, workers with health surveillance,
worker nt exceed WEL, monitor inside/out of seald area. Blood borne virus: Hepa
A-faecal matter/sewage worker, Hepa B-body fluids/health care
work/police/damaged skin/needle stick. Controls for blood borne virus: PPEgloves/eye prot, correct disposal, prevent needle-stick inj, decont/disin, vacc,
procedures against acc exposure. Carbon monoxide (CO)-by product of partial
combustion-13% is death in 3 mins. Controls for CO-restricting work to competent
engrs, CO alarms, confined space PTW, LEV exhaust. Maint/testing for boilers.
Cement: workers can be exposed during: mixing operations, brick laying/concrete
pouring Harmful effects of cement: irritant dermatitis, allergic dermatitis,
corrosive burns, irritation to eyes, irritation to respiratory tract, Controls for
cement exp: elim, PPE, removal of contmntd clothing, good hygiene. Legionella
bacteria-water sys become cont by bacteria eg, outdoor cooling towers-bac is
sprayed/pneumonia controls for legionella-water sampling, prevention of
limescale, rout cleaning, enclose water sys, chlorinate, hot water 60C above, use
biocides. Leptospira: flu like to jaundice weils disease. Controls for leptospira:
prevent infestation, hygiene, PPE, cover cuts. Silica-mining, quarrying,
construction, pottery/scar tissue sim to asb, breathlessness. Controls: prevent exp,
health surv, RPE, LEV, water spray on dust. Wood dust: certain wood cause
asthmagens/ hardwood cause cancer controls: LEV, health surveillance, RPE,
vacuuming. WASTE DISPOSAL gen approach: prevention, preparing for reuse,
recycling, other recovery-methane, disposal. Duty of care: adequ describd, approp
docum-waste transfer note, transf only to authorizd ppl, doesnt escape from
control, managed legally. Classification of waste: Hazardous- dif to treat eg
highly flam, toxic, carcin, corr. Fridge,tv Non-hazardous-household waste, Factors
to consider using compactor: hazardous nature of waste, duty of care, guarding
moving parts, safe movement of veh, safe loading of compactor, waste
segregation, approp docu, factors to consider on waste safe
handling/storage: Hazardous nature, manual handling risk, safe access to bins,
skips be stored on concrete surface, compactors must be guarded, lorries may
present hazard Stored liquid waste safe disposal/storage: double skinned
container, located away, bunds protctd from damage-tanker, empty bund frm
rainwater, ensure bunds dont leak, 110% capacity of bund. Control measures for
spill containment: spill booms to contain spillage, drain covers, training of optrs.
NOISE health effects: temp reduction in hearing sensitivity, tinnitus-persistnt
ringing, stress effects, temp ringing, occupation risks: constr workr, uniformd,
entertain sctr, manufacturing, call cntre, sound pressure level-intensity of pres
wave in db scale decibel-unit of sound pressre lvl. Logarithmic in scale. 65-75loud
radio/90-100pwr drill/140 jet. Noise meters to measure sound: simple sound
meter, instantaneous snd meter, dosimeter. 80dB(A)-noise ass, info/instr/trai,
hearing protection available, above 85- hearing protect zones, hearing prot
mandatory, health surveillance. Noise exposure control: reduce noise at sourceelim/subs/modify(glass to plastic/ maint/damping-anti resonant/ silencing, interrupt
pathway-insulation/ isolation/absorption, protect receiver-acoutic retreat/hearing
prot. Earmuffs-easy to supervise, less infect, bone trans reduced, reusable.
Hearing protection arrangements: info/instr/train, safe storage, cleaning,
maint, replacement VIBRATION EXPOSURE: Hand arm vibration syndromevibration white finger VWF, nerve damage, muscle weakening, joint damage. 510yrs for chainsaw. Whole body-damage to tissue & spine/slipped disc/vertigo.
Exposure stndrd- vibrationand duration. Vibration control: elim-concrete breaker
mounted on mech arm than hand optr/automated proc, subst-low vibra type tool,
changing work techniques-diamond type drill than tungsten, maint-bits kept sharp,
isolation-anti vibra mountings/suspension, duration. RADIATION: ionising-alphathin layer of paper/smoke detect, beta-skin/sci labs/NDT, xrays-human
body/radiography/ security, gamma-steel/ concrete/med/ NonDestr Testing,
neutrons-sub atomic nuc powrplant. Health effects of radiation: acute eff-rad
sickness, blistering, infertility, immune sys dam, anaemia, cataracts, hair loss,
dermatitis chronic- cancer, gene muta, birth def. Protection from ion radiation:
time-min duration, distance, shielding Radon gas-alpha particle. Controls-positive
pressure fans/radon sumps & extraction sys. NON IONISING: UV-sunlight/arc weld,
visible light-laser pointr, Infrared-glass manuf, microwaves-food, radiowaves-radio
tv ant. STRESS- causes: demands, control-priorities, support-info/instr/trai,
Relationship-harras, role-responsibilities, change- demotion. Effects of stress:
physchological: anxiety-depression, low self esteem physical: tension, high blood,
headache, dizziness, sweating, Behavioral: drug misuse, alc, absences, poor
decision making, mood swings, irritability.

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