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Huazhang Liu (Arthur)

First-year Writing for Multilingual Writers
Reflection Letter
January 30th, 2015
The presentation that we made in Unit one brings me many ideas about this course and
my new classmates. Honestly, my presentation and my Prezi took me a long time of my free
time. I began my work last week to search some of my photos in the past. This work took me
some time since I need to choose which pictures I need to use and why I need to use these
pictures. I really enjoy the time because it reminded me many memories. After I finished my
presentation, I was really glad that I wasnt wrong to choose these media. The short video
that shows how my grandma cooks the noodles attracted people and this is one of the most
interesting moments I believe. I used Prezi since there are many great templates, and the one I
choose describing a highway is just like a metaphor for my life. I believe it helped people to
understand my ideas. The whole assignment what I did, I think, is pretty good. I exhibited all
of the ideas and the experience that I want to show. The thing that I want to improve is my
speech. I believe my speech was not very fluent. Next time, I will practice my speech more
before I present. Besides, I can try some new methods or media, such as iMovie. In this time,
I know that I do not have enough time to do a video and I believe that the best choice to
introduce you is to talk about yourself in front of people.
The assignment of the presentations also brings me many ideas about Writing Program
Learning Goals. All of students in the class explored their own experience in the assignment.
We talked about the reason we came here, the reason we chose Northeastern, the reason we
chose our majors, and what we want to do in the future. In this case, we introduce our own
experience to give the background of our actions. This points that we have different ideas
about the same assignment. Everyone has different points that they want to highlight. In this

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way, I believe we will have a lot of different ideas when we talk about some passages or
writing assignment in the future. This part relates to the seventh learning goal. Meanwhile,
we use different sources to show what we are. We use photos, music and video to support our
idea or what we want to say. This relates to the eighth learning goal. Finally, all of us have
different goals in our college lives. Therefore, I believe in this semester, we have different
learning goals in this class. I believe this class will help us to open our ideas, improve our
college writing and achieve the learning goals for this semester.

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