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What you sayin.

14.30 15.30, 25/3/15

Studio rehearsal: 10.00 16.00, 11/3/15. Maidstone

Studios, Studio 5

Producer: Helen Welsh

Director: Chris Sarmiento

Hannah Derby


Kate Sargent

1. 1A Seq 12 Body Image Intro, Jamie Terry. Dur 0' 25''

MCU Jamie

Jamie: Youre back already! I

knew I could trust you! Unlike
Kanye West
[Cue Tv Image Kim Bum]
Hes been tweeting pictures of
innocent Kim Kardashian in the
nude and showcasing his
photoshopping talents in the
process! And with the brand
celebrating its 25th anniversary
he isnt the only one. It seems
everyone loves a filter these
days! But why do we feel the
need to make ourselves look a
little less shit?
[Cue Image off TV]
We sent our model George to
find out... Lets take a look, shall

Q Jamie

f/o music

2. 1A Seq 12 Body Image Intro, Jamie Terry Dur 0' 15''

MCU Jamie

Jamie: But she has been sharing

some new photos that are edited
to the max. In the break these lot
took at least 10 selfies and later
im going to edit myself into every
single one! But why do we feel
the need to make ourselves look
a little less shit? Lets take a look,
shall we?

3. Seq 13 Body Image VT, VT Dur 2' 00''

[IQ - Every day we are bombarded with images of perfection through
the media.]
[OQ - Instead of looking in the mirror and focusing on your flaws,
look in the mirror and appreciate your best featureseveryone has

4. 1A Seq 14 Body Image Debate, Jamie Terry Dur 3' 55''

MCU Jamie

Jamie: So why do we like to look

less like ourselves. Roo what do
you think? Are you more
instagram or instasham?

5. 2A________________________________________________________ /
MCU Rory

Beth, Jordan and Rory

discuss about the pros and
cons of Photoshop

As Directed
1A MS Jamie CU Jamie
2A MS Rory MCU Rory, Beth, Jordan
3A 3S Panelists 2S Rory and Beth
4A 3S Panelists 2S Beth Jordan
4B OTS Panelists
5A WS Set WS Audience
6A Sweeps Right to Left, Tilt, Pre-rehearsed movements

Can Photoshop can be used

to inspire?

Little suprise for you here, we

had our manipulation maestro
turn some pictures of this




runway chic.
[Jamie hands out pictures to
[Reactions of panelists]
[Cue Card Questions]

What about its potential to

cause eating disorders?



[Cue Tv Image - Kim K Baby]

her babys eye colour! Is that

too far?
[Panel Response]
[Cue image off TV]
We asked our snap happy
audience to send in their
opinions of photoshop and
weve picked the best one!
Wes Says Because it can be




necessarily show a true image

of something or someone.

[Debate Continues]
Well, before someone kicks off
lets move into our final topic
7. Seq 15 Ident 2, VT Dur 0' 06''

6. 1A Seq 16 Politics Debate, Jamie Terry. Dur 0' 24''

Jamie: Some of the countrys l
east likable and idiotic people
are currently competing for a
place in one of the most well

known nut houses in the UK

ready for May. No not Big
Brother - its the General
election! We headed to the
world famous location of
Margaret. oh no wait
Margate .. and took along 2
candidates who love a pint or

7. Seq 17 Politics VT, VT Dur 3' 00''

[IQ: Margate; known for its arcades, seaside and thrilling theme park..]
[OQ: It remains to be seen who will win on May the 7th, personally Im
voting for another pint]

8. 1A Seq 18 Politics Debate, Jamie Terry. Dur 4' 05''

MCU Jamie

Jamie: So Murray V Farage.

Who do we think appeals more
To the young voters of Britain,

9. 2A________________________________________________________ /
MCU Beth

Beth, Jordan and Rory

discuss about youngsters
that don't vote

As Directed
1A MS Jamie CU Jamie

2A MS Rory MCU Rory, Beth, Jordan

3A 3S Panelists 2S Rory and Beth
4A 3S Panelists 2S Beth Jordan
4B OTS Panelists
5A WS Set WS Audience
6A Sweeps Right to Left, Tilt, Pre-rehearsed movements
Do we think voting actually
makes a difference?
Do politicians need to do
more to encourage young
voters? Are their policies
aimed at us?
Whos job is it to educate
young people on politics?
Should it be down to schools
or maybe themselves?
[Cue TV Image - POL-POLL]
We asked you at home would
you rather vote for a show like
x factor and strictly or in the
elections and [Insert poll
You dont seem surprised by
that Jordan?
[Panel Responds]
[Tv image off]

10. 1A Seq 19 Outro Show Jamie Terry. Dur 0' 30''

MS Jamie

If tonights shows hit you
harder than a blow to Wayne
Rooneys face, it means
youve been listening! So visit
our website for further
information and ways to get
help. Rooney, call me.

11. 3A_______________________________________________________ /
WS Jordan Beth and Rory

Jamie: Thanks again to our


12. ?A_______________________________________________________ /
WS Audience

Jamie: this wonderful audience

13. 4A_______________________________________________________ /
MS Jamie
Jamie: and everyone at home for
getting involved. But remember
the debate continues online
What You Sayin?!
f/o music

14. Seq 20 Closing Titles. Dur 0' 20''


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