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Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to the honourable judges,

teachers and fellow friends. In this fine morning, I would like to tell a very interesting
story entitle THE KINGs MESSENGER.
A long time ago, King Malikul Alam ruled the land of Inderasari. He was
assisted by a wise Prime Minister and a parrot that could speak cleverly. The King
loved the Parrot very much. The King appointed the Parrot to convey his orders to
his people. He believed the Parrot very much.
As time passed by, The Parrot became arrogant and forgot his place. He liked
to make up stories and spread them to the people of the land. One morning, the
parrot went to the market and said, People, I have a command from the King. He
ordered you to not buy from foreign traders including those from Pura Cendana.
The people became bothered by the news. They complained to the Prime
Minister, We would like to ask if it is true that the King forbidden us to buy things
from foreign traders including those from the land Pura Cendana?. The Prime
Minister was surprised when he heard the question. Where did you get the news
from? asked the Prime Minister. The Parrot, the King Messenger, replied one of
them. Never mind, let me investigate this matter, said the Prime Minister.
The Next day, the Prime Minister and the Parrot met The King. My dear
Parrot, tell me the situation in my land, Your Highness, our land is peaceful. The
traders are free to do business. They are happy under your reign, replied the Parrot.
Great, that is what I hope for, said the King.
Your Highness, is it true that you declared we cannot buy goods from foreign
traders including from Pura Cendana? asked the Prime Minister. Your Highness, I
felt it was right for you to make such command because if there are so many foreign
traders, our traders would not have place to sell their goods, interrupted the Parrot.
You are right, Parrot. It is very clever of you,
Your Highness, the traders from Pura Cendana have been trading for a long
time in our land. Im worried it will make us enemies, admitted the Prime Minister.
Be quiet I do not want to hear another word! Both of you can leave the room now!.
The Prime Minister left sadly. He knew that the King had been fooled by the witty
Parrots words. The Parrot flew off happily.

The news of King Malikul Alams declaration reached the ear of King Akbar
Shah, the King of Pura Cendana. He was very angry when he heard the news. We
must teach the people of Inderasari a lesson, commanded King Akbar Shah. As
days passed by, the land Inderasari saw much trouble due to the Parrots actions.
The King refused to listen to the Prime Ministers advise.
One day, King Malikul Alam commanded the Parrot to take a message to King
Akbar Shah. Why does your King forbid foreign traders and my people from doing
business in Inderasari? Your Highness, my King not only forbid your people to trade
there but he also wants you to submit to him, you must pay tribute to my king, said
the parrot that loved to make up stories. King Akbar Shah was very angry when he
heard the message. So, King Akbar Shah went to Inderasari with his warriors to
attack King Malikul Alam. How dare you ask me to surrender to you and pay you a
tribute! My Kingdom is not weak, I never asked you to pay me a tribute, stated
King Malikul Alam. The Prime Minister interrupted and told King Malikul Alam about
the Parrots doing of making up the story. When they heard the Prime Ministers
words, both of the kings realised that they had been tricked by the Parrots stories.
King Malikul Alam apologised to King Akbar Shah, he said that he loved the Parrot
so much that he couldnt tell the difference between good and bad.
The King commanded the Parrot to be caught and it needed to be put in an
old cage under a tree in the middle of the market. He was never allowed to talk
again. Remember friends, we must be honest. You must not tell lies and make up
story because you might not know what might happen at the end of the day. Thats
all from me. Thank you and assalamualaikum w.b.t

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