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April 26th

(Last 2014-2015 Board Meeting :(((( )

Week in Review
Gardening - was fun!
Should do it again as a team building
SGB - awaiting results
Headshots - 45 people came, great jobs by photographers!
Dodgeball - it was a valiant fight
Should have more casual events like this
Conduct During Last Week's GBM
VOTE: Make changes to Council of Elders, based on improper conduct at Constitutional
Yes: 11 (unanimous)
Austin will reach out to potential new elders

Isabel to change room to Hamilton classroom

Jord to make facebook reminder
Apps due tonight at 11:59 PM!!
Board members print 3 copies of Application Packet
VOTE: $300 for food (V&T pasta, soda)
Yes: 11

Leads Amendment
Changes based on feedback from board and body at Constitutional Review
Language meant to leave flexibility for future situations
Amendment 1
YES: 11
NO: 0
Amendment 2
YES: 11
NO: 0
Amendment 3
YES: 8
NO: 2
Amendment 4
YES: 4
NO: 7
Will go to Body for vote during Elections
Dems Formal

Please come help set-up!


Nepal Earthquake - ask for more concrete details

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