End of Diploma Essay

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End of Diploma CAS Reflections

These reflections should be made after you have successfully

collected evidence for all of the eight learning outcomes. If you
choose a method other than writing an essay, it should be
comparable in both length and detail, and address the guiding
remarks below.
I have chosen to reflect on my CAS experience by:
Writing an essay (500 words, word processed)
Making a scrapbook
Photo essay
Video/ DVD
Recorded group discussion
Notes from group discussion


CAS Reflection Essay

In the beginning of the diploma I think that I was in fact aware of the importance that CAS
had on my diploma but mostly on my personal life, I think that CAS makes you a better
individual because not only it encourages you to become active and focus more on your
personal needs but it also makes you aware of skills that you were not aware you had in the
beginning. I also think that making you socially aware of you community throughout the
community service projects and the service hours, which needed to be completed, is an
excellent way in which we as individuals become more socially responsible and this then
leads to a self conscious way in which we start looking at things especially things which deal
with global issues. In the beginning of the diploma I was not in fact aware of all the things,
which CAS actually involved and thought that it was just something, which needed to get
done, now at the end I think that I have gained the knowledge of how important it truly is to
the developing of us as individuals. I actually enjoyed CAS and I think that it got me to do
activities, such as the re-forestation group in my school, which I would have never even
thought of doing and I am really great full for that. I also think that in the beginning I did not
realize all of the global issues, which would arise as I progressed through my CAS program
now during the end of the program I know things such as conflict and resolution and how
important it is to our society thanks to CAS and mainly thanks to the CISV and the Junior
Branch of CISV which I enrolled in as my CAS program progressed. I also feel that in the
beginning I was not conscious of how important these global issues were and how they
affected my community, global issues such as poverty and global warming, and now nearing
the end of my diploma I am now aware of the consequences which these can have.
Yes in fact I did encounter difficulties while performing certain activities, such as the JB. In
the first JB meetings we were asked to preform warm ups and name games in order to get the
participants in CISV mode, in some scenarios I did not know the activity which I was going

to present so I had to speak with the elder JB members in order to know these activities and
preform them with accuracy. This was difficult because some activities were complicated and
involved series of phrases and movements in conjunction with each other that in some cases
were difficult to preform. Another difficulty, which I encountered while performing the
activities, was in Ju Jutsu. Sometimes in the beginning of each class the sensei would ask it
and us to do the chokes or techniques, which we had previously done, would be in some
cases difficult to do them with accuracy because of the complex movements, involved.
However one of the most difficult tasks, which I encountered, was in my re-forestation group
in my CAS class in school, getting the kids organized in order for them to do certain activities
or in order to carry out a bake sale was difficult. Constant emails were sent to the students
and even with that sometimes they would forget to bring in what was asked, but it was a fun
experience whatsoever because of the many things which were accomplished with my CAS
I think that all of the learning outcomes came with time, none of them proved more difficult
than others. And especially if you did the activities correctly and with conscience then all of
the learning outcomes came with time. In my personal case I think that the most important
learning outcome was the fact that I increased awareness of my own strengths and areas for
growth, the gym and cross fit and also Ju Jutsu contributed greatly to this and for me was one
of the most important aspects in defining who I am as an individual. Especially because of
the fact that this created discipline in my life in order to follow the routine of each of these
sports I had to create a discipline and strictly follow it, this discipline not only helped me out
in my personal physical life but also in my school and in other activities which I had to
I think that the activities, which I enjoyed, the most were the ones where I was physically
challenged. This is because they were the ones, which mostly contributed to my eating, and
living life-style, which on the whole made me a healthier individual. Besides this they were a
gateway for me to excerpt my stress and anxiety. Other activities which I also enjoyed were
CISV and the Junior Branch, the reason for this is the fact that I got to interact with people
form all around the regions surrounding Ecuador and we dealt with global as weal as social
issues and this to me was vital and helped me to develop most of the learning outcomes.
Once again the activitys, which mainly gave me skills that are going to serve me later in life,
are Ju Jutsu, the Gym and cross-fit. However my schools CAS group did in fact give me a
leadership role that will in deed help me out in my future plans, leaderships skills are best
acquired when practiced so in my personal opinion my schools CAS group did give me this
skills which will later in life serve me.
Like I mentioned before I think that CAS is a major part of the IB diploma because it not
only helps you to develop more as an individual but also gets you in touch with global issues
of significance like in my case conflict and resolution and also the need for people to become
more environmentally responsible for their actions because yes global warming and
deforestation is a major issue which is slowly affecting our global community.
The only thing, which I would do differently if I did my CAS program all over, is to choose
different activities for service. The reason being is the fact that with more service activities
that you do the more in touch you are with your community and with the global community
and the better you can help out in any way that you can as an individual.

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