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Motion English Debate

1. Law:
a. This house would legalise abortion
b. This house believes that Crimes committed by police should be punished more
c. This houses would return the execution of regional election to the regional
representative council
2. Politics:
a. This house believes that countries should have reserved seats in the parliament for
indigenous people
b. This house would ban The President as the Head of the political Party
c. This house would Ban Political Party with Corruptive Members to Join Election
3. Environment:
a. This house believes that the government should restrict the age of the vehicle
b. This house would apply the beach reclamation as an alternative regional development
c. This house believes that the government should restrict the amount of car in every
4. Science Technology:
a. This house would support Nuclear as alternative energy in Indonesia
b. This house would support the Utilization of Stem Cell from embryo
c. This house would ban the development of genetically modified crops

5. Health:
a. This house would mandate organ donation after death
b. This house believes that Parents Should Be Able To Choose The Sex Of Their
c. This house believes that doctors should never lie to their patients, including one for
their own good (Placebo Effect)
6. Education:
a. This house would support home schooling
b. This house believes that the school hours are too long
c. This house would not give Operational Assistance to the private school
7. Economic:
a. This house believes that Indonesia is not ready for Asean Economic Community
b. This house would heavily reallocate investments from energy sector to other
economic sectors
c. This house believes that poverty is the most important security issue facing Indonesia
8. Social:
a. This house believes that government should maintain the Indonesian labor dispatch

b. This house would support Joko Widodos refusal to grant amnesty pleas to other
c. This house believes that government should ban the sales of low-price airplane ticket
9. Culture:
a. This house believes that globalization reduce the National Culture
b. This house believes that the use of english as main language at school will eliminate
the local wisdom
c. This house regrets the commodification of indigenous cultures
10. Feminism
a. This house would ban music that contains misogyny
b. This house believes that feminism is still needed
c. This house would actively oppose the concept of marriage

Team A consists of : 1. Sarah

2. Hazrina
3. Atika

Team B consists of : 1. Latifa

2. Kak Rebecca
3. Kak Aul

Every member of both team is assigned task to do research about the motion based on
this order :
1. Team A finds out about motions with even numbers (motion 2,4,6,8,10)
2. Team B finds out about motions with odd numbers (motion 1,3,5,7,9)
Brainstorming will be held on Thursday, April 9th 2015 at 4 p.m @ Landas BIO :D

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