Kissane Lesson2

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Lesson Plan Outline for Teaching with Technology (Games)

Beverly Kissane


Standards: State and/or Common Core

Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the
number of objects in another group, e.g., by using matching and counting strategies.
Subject(s) of the lesson
Prerequisite Knowledge: What do they need to know? What will you
have them recall?
Counting and Cardinality
Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect
Compare numbers
counting to cardinality.
Know number names and symbols.
Students will learn strategies to compare numbers presented in two groups.
Students will build fluency in
List the objectives for this lesson. They should include what the students will learn from your
Students will be able to compare quantities as evidenced by naming numbers and describing
arrangements of more or less. This lesson will increase fluency in counting and
How will you teach the content? Details help. Include the game(s), what do you do before the
games and how do you follow-up.
Modeled/guided practice: In whole group, the teacher will present groups of objects with a Smart
board activity. The teacher uses the Notebook screen shade to hide two groups of objects. She
explains to kindergarten students that their job is to determine which group is more, less or equal.
But the twist is that the screen shade will only stay down for 3 seconds, and the student who tells
how many must also explain how they know by the arrangement of the objects.
Independent practice: Student will work in pairs, viewing a Scratch game designed to flash two
groups of animal pictures on the screen. One student will operate the game while the other student
compares quantities. Each student will take turns completing 4 slides. After they name and describe
which has more, less or equal they will write the two numbers on a graphic organizer and circle the
number that is more, X-out the number that is less than and underline the numbers that are equal.
The student must explain how they know which number is more to their partner each time they take a
Closure: Students will reconvene on the carpet and share the ways they compared quantities on the
Scratch game. They will use their recording sheet to help them explain their mathematical thinking.
Additional materials you will use and how will you use them.
Smart board/projector: Whole group/guided practice instruction.
Smart Notebook Lesson: Students will view and compare two groups of pictures/objects to learn
how to build fluency with comparing numbers. Teacher will utilize the screen shade as an
important timing aspect of building automaticity.
iPads: In pairs, students will complete the pre-made Scratch games.
Graphic organizers: Students will complete graphic organizers that show more, less or equal
Evaluation Strategies
Teacher observation/questioning
Student graphic organizers.

Name ____________________________ Comparing Numbers Game K.CC.6

Draw two groups, write matching numbers

Circle the number that is more
X-out the number that is less
Underline numbers that are equal

compare numbers because I explain the arrangements of objects.

I can

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