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Events of the day

Friday 5.2.2010
LIVING MUSIC | The Henze Project. New Music for a Metropolis

Celloherbst am Hellweg 2010: 3 Klang

Chamber concert with works by Henze, Beethoven, Clara Schumann and Brahms
5.2.2010, 19:30 | Kunstwerkstatt am Hellweg, Wattenscheider Hellweg 9, 44869 Bochum
LIVING MUSIC | An instrument for every child

“Hansel and Gretel“

In co-operation with the "Irmelin Slomans Musiktheater" and the Pestalozzi-Grammarschool
5.2.2010 | Kulturhalle, Von-der-Leyen-Platz 1, 47509 Neukirchen-Vluyn
ongoing exhibitions

LIVING MUSIC | !SING musica enchiriadis

Exhibition: musica enchiriadis.

The oldest document of polyphony in Christian culture
The cathedral treasure chamber in Essen will exhibit the oldest testimonial of occidental polyphone music from the beginning of
the 10th century in addition to the Liber Ordinarius from the 14th century, the testimonial of rich liturgy at the Essener Frauenstift
(women's convent).
1.2. - 30.6.2010, Mon - Sat 10:00 - 17:00, Sun und holidays 11:30 – 17:00 | Domschatzkammer, Burgplatz 2,
45127 Essen | 4,00 €
DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Mapping the Region

liquid area – WasserSpiegel

The exhibition „liquid area“ organised by the two Herne venues defines water as the focal point of an artistic mapping of the region.
Artists: Luka Fineisen, Gereon Krebber, Harald Hilscher and Susanne Kutter
16.1 - 21.2.2010
Flottmann-Hallen: Tue - Sun 14:00 - 20:00, Flottmannstr. 94, 44625 Herne, Admission free
Städtische Galerie Herne: Tue - Fri 10:00 - 13:00 and14:00 -17:00, Sat 14:00 - 17:00, Sun 11:00 - 17:00, Karl-Brandt-Weg 2,
44629 Herne | Admission free

RE-DESIGNING THE METROPOLIS | face to face – Faces of the Ruhr

Jugendkunstschule balou e.V. (youth art school balou)

Young people add exciting new faces and perspectives to the Ruhr Metropolis through photographs, interviews and their own
17.1 - 7.3.2010 , Mon - Fri 14:30 – 18:00 | Kulturzentrum BALOU e.V., Oberdorfstr. 23, 44309 Dortmund | Admission free

DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseum – Mapping the Region

Above ground. Pixelprojekt_Ruhrgebiet.

Photographic positions focusing the present of a region.
29.1.2010 – 21.3.2010, Tue, Wed, Fri 11:00 -17:00, Thu 11:00 – 21:00, Sat - Sun 10:00 -17:00 | Kunstmuseum Mülheim in der
Alten Post, Synagogenplatz 1, 45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr | 3,00 €

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Neukirchen-Vluyn from 31.1. - 6.2.2010

Comedy with Kämmer & Rübhausen „Es brennt“ (Fire!)

Using quick points and word acrobatics the two founders of the Cologne Stunksitzung (anti-carnevalistic row session)
As of 3.2.2010, subject to change.

provoke fits of laughter.

5.2.2010, 20:00 | Kulturhalle/Seitenbühne, Von-der-Leyen-Platz 1, 47506 Neukirchen-Vluyn | 10,00 - 14,00 €

For more events go to ____________________________________
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone +49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610* ____________________________________
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00 ____________________________________

Events of the day

Saturday 6.2.2010

!SING VOICE: Singing with children

Study day at the Folkwang University for choirmasters and teachers
6.2.2010, 9:30 – 17:30 | Folkwang Univesität - Standort Essen, Klemensborn 39, 45239 Essen | Admission free,
registration required

LIVING MUSIC | Organ Landscape Ruhr – A Year with the Queen of Instruments

Orgelmatineen 2010: Thorsten Maus

With Works of Bach, Vierne, Howells and others
6.2.2010, 12:05 | Propsteikirche St. Peter Recklinghausen, Kirchplatz 4, 45657 Recklinghausen | Admission free

MOVING EUROPE | Understanding Pupils. Improvisations on interculture.

Theatre: Understanding Pupils. Improvisations on interculture.

6.2.2010, 18:00 | Frida-Levy-Gesamtschule - Aula, Varnhorststr. 2, 45127 Essen | Admission free

LIVING MUSIC | SING musica enchiriadis

Concert: Discovering polyphony

Musica Enchiriadis and liturgical music from the monastery of Werden
ensemble Vox Werdensis
Stefan Klöckner, conductor
6.2.2010, 20:00 | Basilika St.Ludgerus Essen, Brückstr. 54, 45239 Essen | 7,20 - 28,60 €

MOVING EUROPE | The European Young People's art exhibition 2010


Poetry slam turns dry author readings into ecstatic mass events. On GRENDSLAM, the stars of the scene are allowed to read
several texts without any time limit or competition.
With Florian Cieslik (Cologne), Markus Freise (Bielefeld), Arne Draheim (Essen) and others.
Presented by: Frank Klötgen (Marilyn's Army)
6.2.2010, 20:00 | World Heritage Site Zollverein - Hall 12, Gelsenkirchener Straße 181, 45309 Essen | Admission free

ongoing exhibitions

DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Mapping the Region

Above ground. Pixelprojekt_Ruhrgebiet.

Photographic positions focusing the present of a region.
29.1.2010 – 21.3.2010, Tue, Wed, Fri 11:00 -17:00, Thu 11:00 – 21:00, Sat - Sun 10:00 -17:00 | Kunstmuseum Mülheim in der
Alten Post, Synagogenplatz 1, 45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr | 3,00 €

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Neukirchen-Vluyn from 31.1. - 6.2.2010

Bye bye Local Heroes

As of 3.2.2010, subject to change.

Fulminant final event

6.2.2010, 15:00 | PZ Julius-Stursberg-Gymnasium, Tersteegenstraße 85a, 47506 Neukirchen-Vluyn | Admission free

For more events go to ____________________________________
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone +49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610* ____________________________________
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00 ____________________________________

Sunday 7.2.2010
LIVING MUSIC | The Henze Project. New Music for a Metropolis

Bermuda 4
Chamber concert by the Bochumer Symphoniker with works by Henze, Schubert and Schostakowitsch.
7.2.2010, 19:00 | Ottilie-Schönewald-Weiterbildungskolleg - Aula, Wittener Str. 61, 44789 Bochum

LIVING MUSIC | The Henze Project. New Music for a Metropolis

zeit::reise: ORFEO | DEBUT AT ELEVEN

Chamber concert with works by Henze, Mozart, Beethoven, Jeney, Kirchner und Schumann
Marc Gruber (French horn) | Rainer Maria Klaas (piano)
7.2.2010, 11:00 | Autohaus Enning & Becker Recklinghausen, Dortmunder Straße 20, 45665 Recklinghausen

MOVING EUROPE | Understanding Pupils. Improvisations on interculture.

Panel discussion: Improvisation serving as a method in arts and science
7.2.2010, 11:00 | Frida-Levy-Gesamtschule - Aula, Varnhorststr. 2, 45127 Essen | Admission free

THE RUHR MYTHOLOGY | 400 Years of the Synod of Duisburg – From its Beginnings to the Modern Day
Old town and Salvatorkirche (church) – Historical guided tour in Duisburg
7.2.2010, 15:00 | Salvatorkirche Duisburg, Burgplatz, 47051 Duisburg | Admission free

THE RUHR MYTHOLOGY | Church of Cultures. City Churches along the A40

Literature and liturgy: Heinrich Böll – in the Ruhr

7.2.2010, 17:00 | Salvatorkirche Duisburg, Burgplatz, 47051 Duisburg | Admission free

LIVING MUSIC | The Henze Project. New Music for a Metropolis

Celloherbst am Hellweg 2010: 3 Klang

Chamber concert with works by Henze, Beethoven, Clara Schumann and Brahms
7.2.2010, 17:00 | Zentrum für Information und Bildung Unna (zib), Lindenplatz 1, 59423 Unna

ongoing exhibitions

DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Mapping the Region

Bernd and Hilla Becher. Mines and iron works

The exhibition "Mines and Iron Works" is a documentation of Bernd and Hilla Becher's interest, grown over the years, for the
architecture and landscape of the Ruhr. More than 100 photos are presented of the Ruhr plants and similar ones from other
29.1.2010 – 2.5.2010, Tue - Sat 11:00 -17:00, Sun 10:00 -17:00 | Josef Albers Museum Quadrat Bottrop, Im Stadtgarten 20,
46236 Bottrop | 4,00 – 6,00 €

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Hamminkeln from 7.2. - 13.2.2010

Vocal Heroes – great songs between the economic miracle and Woodstock
Hamminkeln choirs et al.
As of 3.2.2010, subject to change.

Accompanied by the teachers' band of the musical school

7.2.2010, 17:00 | Rathaus Hamminkeln, Brüner Str. 9 , 46499 Hamminkeln | 2,00 -5,00 €

For more events go to ____________________________________
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone +49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610* ____________________________________
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00 ____________________________________

Events of the day

Monday 08.2.2010
RE-DESIGNING THE METROPOLIS | face to face – Faces of the Ruhr

Exhibition opening: Jugendkunstschule (youth art school) of the city of Unna

Young people add exciting new faces and perspectives to the Ruhr Metropolis through photographs, interviews and their own texts.
8.2.2010, 20:00 | Zentrum für Information und Bildung Unna (zib), Lindenplatz 1, 59423 Unna | Admission free

ongoing exhibitions
RE-DESIGNING THE METROPOLIS | face to face – Faces of the Ruhr

Jugendkunstschule balou e.V. (youth art school balou)

Young people add exciting new faces and perspectives to the Ruhr Metropolis through photographs, interviews and
their own texts.
17.1 - 7.3.2010 , Mon - Fri 14:30 – 18:00 | Kulturzentrum BALOU e.V., Oberdorfstr. 23, 44309 Dortmund | Admission free

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Hamminkeln from 7.2. - 13.2.2010

This Masquerade
Aicha Klei acoustic affair, Malart, Dichterloh: music, texts and paintings dealing with masquerades
As of 3.2.2010, subject to change.

08.2.2010, 20:00 | Ev. Kirche Hamminkeln-Dingden, Krechtinger Straße / Postweg, 46499 Hamminkeln | 2,00 – 5,00 €

For more events go to ____________________________________
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone +49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610* ____________________________________
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00 ____________________________________

Events of the day

Tuesday 9.2.2010

ongoing exhibitions

DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Mapping the Region

Bernd and Hilla Becher. Mines and iron works

The exhibition "Mines and Iron Works" is a documentation of Bernd and Hilla Becher's interest, grown over the years, for the
architecture and landscape of the Ruhr. More than 100 photos are presented of the Ruhr plants and similar ones from other
29.1.2010 – 2.5.2010, Tue - Sat 11:00 -17:00, Sun 10:00 -17:00 | Josef Albers Museum Quadrat Bottrop, Im Stadtgarten 20,
46236 Bottrop | 4,00 – 6,00 €

LIVING MUSIC | !SING musica enchiriadis

Exhibition: musica enchiriadis.

The oldest document of polyphony in Christian culture
The cathedral treasure chamber in Essen will exhibit the oldest testimonial of occidental polyphone music from the beginning of
the 10th century in addition to the Liber Ordinarius from the 14th century, the testimonial of rich liturgy at the Essener Frauenstift
(women's convent).
1.2. - 30.6.2010, Mon - Sat 10:00 - 17:00, Sun and holidays 11:30 – 17:00 | Domschatzkammer, Burgplatz 2,
45127 Essen | 4,00 €

DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Mapping the Region

Above ground. Pixelprojekt_Ruhrgebiet.

Photographic positions focusing the present of a region.
29.1.2010 – 21.3.2010, Tue, Wed, Fri 11:00 -17:00, Thu 11:00 – 21:00, Sat - Sun 10:00 -17:00 | Kunstmuseum Mülheim in der
Alten Post, Synagogenplatz 1, 45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr | 3,00 €

RE-DESIGNING THE METROPOLIS | face to face – Faces of the Ruhr

Jugendkunstschule (youth art school) of the municipality of Unna

Young people add exciting new faces and perspectives to the Ruhr Metropolis through photographs, interviews and
their own texts.
8.2.2010, 20:00 | Zentrum für Information und Bildung Unna (zib), Lindenplatz 1, 59423 Unna | Admission free

RE-DESIGNING THE METROPOLIS | face to face – Faces of the Ruhr

Jugendkunstschule balou e.V. (youth art school balou)

Young people add exciting new faces and perspectives to the Ruhr Metropolis through photographs, interviews and
their own texts.
17.1 - 7.3.2010 , Mon - Fri 14:30 – 18:00 | Kulturzentrum BALOU e.V., Oberdorfstr. 23, 44309 Dortmund | Admission free

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Hamminkeln from 7.2. - 13.2.2010

An English Masque
As of 3.2.2010, subject to change.

Old English feudale music amusement of the 16th century, sensuously presented by professionals and students of the
Hamminkeln music school.
9.2.2010, 20:00 | St. Antonius Hamminkeln-Loikum, Antoniusstr. 8, 46499 Hamminkeln | 2,00 – 5,00 €

For more events go to ____________________________________
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone +49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610* ____________________________________
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00 ____________________________________

Events of the day

Wednesday 10.2.2010
LIVING MUSIC | The Henze Project. New Music for a Metropolis

Movie retrospective: Eine Liebe von Swann (Swann in Love)

Movie by Volker Schlöndorff | Music by Hans Werner Henze
10.2.2010, 20:00 | Casablanca Filmkunsttheater, Kortumstraße 11, 44787 Bochum | Admission free

ongoing exhibitions


Out of this World – Wonders of the Solar System

The exhibition „Out of this world“ takes the visitors on a journey into the cosmos.
Until 30.12.2010, Tue - Sun 10:00 - 18:00 Gasometer Oberhausen, Arenastraße 11, 46047 Oberhausen | 3,50 - 7 €

LIVING MUSIC | !SING musica enchiriadis

Exhibition: musica enchiriadis.

The oldest document of polyphony in Christian culture
The cathedral treasure chamber in Essen will exhibit the oldest testimonial of occidental polyphone music from the beginning of
the 10th century in addition to the Liber Ordinarius from the 14th century, the testimonial of rich liturgy at the Essener Frauenstift
(women's convent).
1.2. - 30.6.2010, Mon - Sat 10:00 - 17:00, Sun and holidays 11:30 – 17:00 | Domschatzkammer, Burgplatz 2,
45127 Essen | 4,00 €
DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Mapping the Region

Bernd and Hilla Becher. Mines and iron works

The exhibition "Mines and Iron Works" is a documentation of Bernd and Hilla Becher's interest, grown over the years, for the
architecture and landscape of the Ruhr. More than 100 photos are presented of the Ruhr plants and similar ones from other
29.1.2010 – 2.5.2010, Di - Sa 11:00 -17:00, So 10:00 -17:00 | Josef Albers Museum Quadrat Bottrop, Im Stadtgarten 20, 46236
Bottrop | 4,00 – 6,00 €

RE-DESIGNING THE METROPOLIS | face to face – Faces of the Ruhr

Jugendkunstschule (youth art school) of the city of Unna

Young people add exciting new faces and perspectives to the Ruhr Metropolis through photographs, interviews and
their own texts.
8.2.2010, 20:00 | Zentrum für Information und Bildung Unna (zib), Lindenplatz 1, 59423 Unna | Admission free

DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Mapping the Region

Above ground. Pixelprojekt_Ruhrgebiet.

Photographic positions focusing the present of a region.
29.1.2010 – 21.3.2010, Tue, Wed, Fri 11:00 -17:00, Thu 11:00 – 21:00, Sat - Sun 10:00 -17:00 | Kunstmuseum Mülheim in der
Alten Post, Synagogenplatz 1, 45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr | 3,00 €

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Hamminkeln from 7.2. - 13.2.2010

Venetian Night
Vivaldi & Co in the minster, with Thomas Kügler (recorder and transverse flute), Claas Harders (viola da gamba),
As of 3.2.2010, subject to change.

Wolfgang Kostujak (cembalo)

10.2.2010, 20:00 | Karmeliterkirche Hamminkeln-Marienthal, An der Klosterkirche 8, 46499 Hamminkeln | 2,00 – 5,00 €

For more events go to ____________________________________
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone +49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610* ____________________________________
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00 ____________________________________

Events of the day

Thursday 11.2.2010
ongoing exhibitions

DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Mapping the Region

liquid area – WasserSpiegel

The exhibition „liquid area“ organised by the two Herne venues defines water as the focal point of an artistic mapping
of the region. Artists: Luka Fineisen, Gereon Krebber, Harald Hilscher and Susanne Kutter
16.1 - 21.2.2010
Flottmann-Hallen: Tue - Sun 14:00 - 20:00, Flottmannstr. 94, 44625 Herne, Admission free
Städtische Galerie Herne: Tue - Fri 10:00 - 13:00 and14:00 -17:00, Sat 14:00 - 17:00, Sun 11:00 - 17:00, Karl-Brandt-Weg 2,
44629 Herne | Admission free

LIVING MUSIC | !SING musica enchiriadis

Exhibition: musica enchiriadis.

The oldest document of polyphony in Christian culture
The cathedral treasure chamber in Essen will exhibit the oldest testimonial of occidental polyphone music from the beginning of
the 10th century in addition to the Liber Ordinarius from the 14th century, the testimonial of rich liturgy at the Essener Frauenstift
(women's convent).
1.2. - 30.6.2010, Mon - Sat 10:00 - 17:00, Sun and holidays 11:30 – 17:00 | Domschatzkammer, Burgplatz 2,
45127 Essen | 4,00 €

DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Mapping the Region

Above ground. Pixelprojekt_Ruhrgebiet.

Photographic positions focusing the present of a region.
29.1.2010 – 21.3.2010, Tue, Wed, Fri 11:00 -17:00, Thu 11:00 – 21:00, Sat - Sun 10:00 -17:00 | Kunstmuseum Mülheim
in der Alten Post, Synagogenplatz 1, 45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr | 3,00 €

RE-DESIGNING THE METROPOLIS | face to face – Faces of the Ruhr

Jugendkunstschule (youth art school) of the city of Unna

Young people add exciting new faces and perspectives to the Ruhr Metropolis through photographs, interviews and
their own texts.
8.2.2010, 20:00 | Zentrum für Information und Bildung Unna (zib), Lindenplatz 1, 59423 Unna | Admission free
DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Mapping the Region

Bernd and Hilla Becher. Mines and iron works

The exhibition "Mines and Iron Works" is a documentation of Bernd and Hilla Becher's interest, grown over the years, for the
architecture and landscape of the Ruhr. More than 100 photos are presented of the Ruhr plants and similar ones from other
29.1.2010 – 2.5.2010, Tue - Sat 11:00 -17:00, Sun 10:00 -17:00 | Josef Albers Museum Quadrat Bottrop,
Im Stadtgarten 20, 46236 Bottrop | 4,00 – 6,00 €

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Hamminkeln from 7.2. - 13.2.2010

As of 3.2.2010, subject to change.

X-legged Rose Dance Theatre

11.2.2010, 20:00 | Ev. Kirche Wertherbruch, Provinzialstraße, 46499 Hamminkeln | 2,00 - 5,00 €

For more events go to ____________________________________
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone +49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610* ____________________________________
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00 ____________________________________

Events of the day

Friday 12.2.2010
DISCOVERING IMAGES | The European Young People's art exhibition 2010

A totally not quiet night

Toughts Paint the Sky / The Autumns Regret / Half Ass Monkeys
12.2.2010, 20:00 | Welterbe Zollverein - Halle 12, Gelsenkirchener Straße 181, 45309 Essen | Admission free

CHANGING STAGES | Theatre of the World

Kröck's capital Criticism
“Mega Slum City Ruhr“
12.2.2010, 20:30 | Schauspiel Essen, II.Hagen 2, 45127 Essen | 8,00 €

ongoing exhibitions

LIVING MUSIC | !SING musica enchiriadis

Exhibition: musica enchiriadis.

The oldest document of polyphony in Christian culture
The cathedral treasure chamber in Essen will exhibit the oldest testimonial of occidental polyphone music from the
beginning of the 10th century in addition to the Liber Ordinarius from the 14th century, the testimonial of rich liturgy at the
Essener Frauenstift (women's convent).
1.2. - 30.6.2010, Mon - Sat 10:00 - 17:00, Sun and holidays11:30 – 17:00 | Domschatzkammer, Burgplatz 2,
45127 Essen | 4,00 €

DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Mapping the Region

liquid area – WasserSpiegel

The exhibition „liquid area“ organised by the two Herne venues defines water as the focal point of an artistic mapping of the region.
Artists: Luka Fineisen, Gereon Krebber, Harald Hilscher and Susanne Kutter
16.1 - 21.2.2010
Flottmann-Hallen: Tue - Sun 14:00 - 20:00, Flottmannstr. 94, 44625 Herne, Admission free
Städtische Galerie Herne: Tue - Fri 10:00 - 13:00 and14:00 -17:00, Sat 14:00 - 17:00, Sun 11:00 - 17:00, Karl-Brandt-Weg 2,
44629 Herne | Admission free


The Great Game. Archaeology and politics in the age of colonialism (1860-1940)
12.2.2010 – 13.6.2010, daily 10:00 – 19:00 | Ruhr Museum - (Schacht XII, Kohlenwäsche), Gelsenkirchener Str. 181,
45309 Essen | 1,00 - 6,00 €


The European Young People's art exhibition 2010

The European young people's art exhibition 2010 presents works of art by youth and young adults that
have been selected by a jury.
22.1. – 14.2.2010, Tue - Sat 15:00 – 19:00 Uhr; Sun 11:00 – 19:00 Uhr | World Heritage Site Zollverein - Hall 12,
Gelsenkirchener Straße 18,1 45309 Essen | Admission free

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Hamminkeln from 7.2. - 13.2.2010

Der Kontrabass (The Double Bass)

One-act play by Patrick Süskind, starring Klaus Wilmanns
As of 3.2.2010, subject to change.

12.2.2010 20:00 Uhr | Ev. Gemeindezentrum Mehrhoog, Halderner Straße, 46499 Hamminkeln | 2,00 - 5,00 €

For more events go to ____________________________________
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone +49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610* ____________________________________
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00 ____________________________________

Events of the day

Saturday 13.2.2010
BILDER ENTDECKEN | The European Young People's art exhibition 2010

CHELSY Album-Release-Party
With: Familie Staub + Domingo + DJ Jan 3000 + DJ Thorsten PopMissile
13.2.2010, 20:00 | World Heritage Site - Hall 12, Gelsenkirchener Straße 181, 45309 Essen | 10,00 €

ongoing exhibitions


The Great Game. Archaeology and politics in the age of colonialism (1860-1940)
12.2.2010 – 13.6.2010, daily 10:00 – 19:00 | Ruhr Museum - (Schacht XII, Kohlenwäsche), Gelsenkirchener Str. 181,
45309 Essen | 1,00 - 6,00 €
LIVING MUSIC | !SING musica enchiriadis

Exhibition: musica enchiriadis.

The oldest document of polyphony in Christian culture
The cathedral treasure chamber in Essen will exhibit the oldest testimonial of occidental polyphone music from the
beginning of the 10th century in addition to the Liber Ordinarius from the 14th century, the testimonial of rich liturgy at the
Essener Frauenstift (women's convent).
1.2. - 30.6.2010, Mon - Sat 10:00 - 17:00, Sun and holidays 11:30 – 17:00 | Domschatzkammer, Burgplatz 2,
45127 Essen | 4,00 €
DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Mapping the Region

liquid area – WasserSpiegel

The exhibition „liquid area“ organised by the two Herne venues defines water as the focal point of an artistic mapping of the region.
Artists: Luka Fineisen, Gereon Krebber, Harald Hilscher and Susanne Kutter
16.1 - 21.2.2010
Flottmann-Hallen: Tue - Sun 14:00 - 20:00, Flottmannstr. 94, 44625 Herne, Admission free
Städtische Galerie Herne: Tue - Fri 10:00 - 13:00 and14:00 -17:00, Sat 14:00 - 17:00, Sun 11:00 - 17:00, Karl-Brandt-Weg 2,
44629 Herne | Admission free

DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Mapping the Region

Above ground. Pixelprojekt_Ruhrgebiet.

Photographic positions focusing the present of a region.
29.1.2010 – 21.3.2010, Tue, Wed, Fri 11:00 -17:00, Thu 11:00 – 21:00, Sat - Sun 10:00 -17:00 | Kunstmuseum Mülheim
in der Alten Post, Synagogenplatz 1, 45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr | 3,00 €


The European Young People's art exhibition 2010

The European young people's art exhibition 2010 presents works of art by youth and young adults that have been selected
by a jury.
22.1. – 14.2.2010, Tue - Sat 15:00 – 19:00 Uhr; Sun 11:00 – 19:00 | World Heritage Site Zollverein - Hall 12,
Gelsenkirchener Straße 18,1 45309 Essen | Admission free

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Hamminkeln from 7.2. - 13.2.2010

Capital Blues
As of 3.2.2010, subject to change.

Franz de Byl, T H E Berlin master of Blues discussing with guests from the Capital of Culture
13.2.2010, 20:00 | Ev. Kirche Ringenberg, Hauptstraße, 46499 Hamminkeln | 2,00 – 5,00 €

For more events go to ____________________________________
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone +49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610* ____________________________________
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00 ____________________________________

Events of the day

Sunday 14.2.2010

ongoing exhibitions


The Great Game. Archaeology and politics in the age of colonialism (1860-1940)
12.2.2010 – 13.6.2010, daily 10:00 – 19:00 | Ruhr Museum - (Schacht XII, Kohlenwäsche), Gelsenkirchener Str. 181,
45309 Essen | 1,00 - 6,00 €


Out of this World – Wonders of the Solar System

The exhibition “Out of this world“ takes the visitors on a journey into the cosmos.
Until 30.12.2010, Tue - Sun 10:00 - 18:00 Gasometer Oberhausen, Arenastraße 11, 46047 Oberhausen | 3,50 - 7 €

LIVING MUSIC | !SING musica enchiriadis

Exhibition: musica enchiriadis.

The oldest document of polyphony in Christian culture
The cathedral treasure chamber in Essen will exhibit the oldest testimonial of occidental polyphone music from the beginning of
the 10th century in addition to the Liber Ordinarius from the 14th century, the testimonial of rich liturgy at the Essener Frauenstift
(women's convent).
1.2. - 30.6.2010, Mon - Sat 10:00 - 17:00, Sun and holidays 11:30 – 17:00 | Domschatzkammer, Burgplatz 2,
45127 Essen | 4,00 €

DISCOVERING IMAGES | RuhrArtMuseums – Mapping the Region

Above ground. Pixelprojekt_Ruhrgebiet.

Photographic positions focusing the present of a region.
29.1.2010 – 21.3.2010, Tue, Wed, Fri 11:00 -17:00, Thu 11:00 – 21:00, Sat - Sun 10:00 -17:00 | Kunstmuseum Mülheim
in der Alten Post, Synagogenplatz 1, 45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr | 3,00 €


The European Young People's art exhibition 2010

The European young people's art exhibition 2010 presents works of art by youth and young adults that have been selected by a
22.1. – 14.2.2010, Tue - Sat 15:00 – 19:00, Sun 11:00 – 19:00 | World Heritage Site Zollverein - Hall 12,
Gelsenkirchener Straße 18,1 45309 Essen | Admission free

Event of the Day Local Heroes Week,

Local Heroes Week in Voerde from 14.2. - 20.2.2010

Carnival procession in Voerde

Voerde + culture is pure carnival! The Local-Heroes week Voerde starts with the carnival procession.
14.2.2010, 11:11 | Innenstadt Voerde, 46562 Voerde | Admission free
As of 3.2.2010, subject to change.

For more events go to ____________________________________
RUHR.2010 Service:
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010: Phone +49 (0)1805-45 2010* I Ticket-Hotline: Phone +49 (0)1805-15 2010* I
Accommodation and Travel Packages: Phone +49 (0)1805-181610* ____________________________________
*0.14 EUR/Minute when calling from a landline in Germany, calls from abroad and from mobile networks are likely to be charged at a higher rate

Barrier-free Suitable for children and families A TWINS town twinning project
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Info-Hotline RUHR.2010-barrier-free: 01805-182010*
Tue – Sat: 17:00 – 20:00 ____________________________________

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