Basl Div Stat Summary

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Big Apple Softball League – 2009 Awards Summary

Team Awards
Manager's Award Amt
Division Team MVP Name(s) MIP Name(s) Name(s) Owed
Dima Eagle Rich Reid, Derek <none> <none> 0
Dima Gym Mavericks Elijah Reddick Conor Griff Jesse Tucker 0
Dima Therapy Warriors Steve Donahue Luis Nunez Derek Durett 35
Stonewall Village Apothecary Dominick Domicello John Leonardo Matt Lee-Renert 35
Stonewall Crusaders William Anderson William Anderson Adam Kuzia 35
Stonewall Bamboo 52 Gridirons John Olesky Peter Desouza Jay Coleman, Kevin 105
Cox, Peter Desouza
Stonewall Ritz Royals Emmanuel Garnett Jamie McCarty Katherine Lavery, 70
Peter Rivera
Stonewall Gym Titans Justin Foronjy None Mike Foley 0
Stonewall Eagle's Wings Michael J. Catania Samual Ladd Rick Bartolomeo, 70
Adam Court
Fitzpatrick Barbarians Mike Goldman Chris Tingue Rob Arena 35
Fitzpatrick Posh Demons Raymond Powers, Francisco Joe Patti 70
Charlie Starner Sanchez
Fitzpatrick Dish Chargers Heath Augustover Shane Lacoss <none> 0
Fitzpatrick Renegades Kevin Stalcup Maki Onodera <none> 0
Fitzpatrick Gym Rookies Scott Keeney Dan Pepitone Vincent Forestiere, 70
Brandon Lacy
Fitzpatrick Posh Saints Stephanie Loria <none> <none> 0
Rainbow Ty's Ballbreakers Mike Fanelli Jimmy Paulson <none> 0
Rainbow Diablitos
Rainbow Gym Firebirds Rafael Ayala, Liz Krissy Mahan Khris Weng 70
Rainbow Fusion Angelo Seda Enid Rivera, Genise Parker, 105
Lindsey Dixon Geoffrey Allen
Rainbow Bill Brennan, Chris Brooke Sopelsa <none> 35
Noreasters Gorman
Pride Kettle Empires Scott Batten Baltimore Russell <none> 0
Pride Mudcats Louis Montalvo Tony Ko <none> 0
Pride Rodeo Carlos Benvenutti Steve Hilton Devin Nix & Ernie 70
Pride Sirens Tim Lin, Ting-Yu <none> <none> 0
Pride Philip Marie Spitfire Jennifer Levitt Kevin Tuballes <none> 0
Sachs Avengers Jason Dolby Tommy Morelli <none> 0
Sachs Philip Marie Comets Carol Keizer George Zweier <none> 0
Sachs Gatorz Peter Benitez Lee Silverman <none> 0
Sachs Hellcats Mary Jean Espino Amalia Loran <none> 0
Sachs Jesters Jean Chiang Robert La Fosse <none> 0
Sachs Realm Lady Heat Erin Reily Evelyn Ramos Leslie Mercado, 70
Lauren Turbowitz
Women Borough B-Bombers Kristi Womack Emily Nell <none> 0
Women Ginger’s Chix-w-Stix Sharon Fonseca Daisy Vega <none> 0
Women Go! Girls Tierney Bryce Cordelia Nervi <none> 0
Women Peer Pressure Lanay Yeager Sarah Hall <none> 0
Women TitleWave Tammi Mott Asha Smith <none> 0
Women Unleash The Beast Lynsey Tucker Jean Martin Elissa Pablo 35

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Big Apple Softball League – 2009 Awards Summary

Dima Divisional Awards

First Place, Regular Season: Therapy Warriors
First Place, Playoffs: Gym Mavericks
Second Place, Regular Season and Playoffs: Eagle

Rookie of the year (): Austin Clanahan, Eagle (.667 average,15 runs scored)
Pitching award: Mike Brouse, Therapy Warriors (12 wins, 4 losses)

Top 10%: Batting Avg. (PA)

1 Donahue, Steve Therapy Warriors .706 51
2 Clanahan, Austin * Eagle .667 38
3 Hasty, William * Eagle .610 43
4 Mendoza, Alez Therapy Warriors .574 55
5 DIAZ, CARLOS Gym Mavericks .571 42
6 Brouse, Mike Therapy Warriors .543 50

Top 10%: RBIs

1 Donahue, Steve Therapy Warriors 32
2 Roman, Edgar Therapy Warriors 23
3 Hodge, Juan Therapy Warriors 21
4 Mendoza, Alez Therapy Warriors 20
5 Hoyt, Mark Therapy Warriors 16
6 Cruz, Miguel Therapy Warriors 15
Hill, James Therapy Warriors 15

Top 10%: Home Runs

1 Burrel, Brandon Eagle 5
2 Roman, Edgar Therapy Warriors 3
3 Hodge, Juan Therapy Warriors 3
4 Hoyt, Mark Therapy Warriors 3
Stempky, Chris Eagle 3
Sobol, Adam Eagle 3
Reid, Rich Eagle 3

Top 10%: Runs Scored

1 Roman, Edgar Therapy Warriors 28
2 WU, ERIC Gym Mavericks 26
3 Stempky, Chris Eagle 23
4 Burrel, Brandon Eagle 22
5 Hodge, Juan Therapy Warriors 21
Reid, Rich Eagle 21
7 JUSTIN, JOSEPH Gym Mavericks 20

Top 10%: Slugging Pct. (PA)

1 Donahue, Steve Therapy Warriors 1.000 51
2 Burrel, Brandon Eagle .955 68
3 Roman, Edgar Therapy Warriors .927 57
4 Clanahan, Austin * Eagle .917 38
5 Garcia, Juan Carlos Therapy Warriors .875 43
6 Danton, Derek Eagle .863 53

(* = BASL rookie)
(PA = Plate Appearances)

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Big Apple Softball League – 2009 Awards Summary

Stonewall Divisional Awards

First Place, Regular Season: Crusaders Second Place, Regular Season: Gym Titans
First Place, Playoffs: Ritz Royals Second Place, Playoffs: Village Apothecary Buddies
Rookie of the year (): Mike Catania, Eagle's Wings (.587 average, 7 HRs, 31 RBIs, 31 runs scored)
Pitching award: Brad Oldham, Gym Titans (7 wins, 4 losses)

Top 10%: Batting Avg. (PA)

1 Schmitt, Greg Ritz Royals .765 54
2 Klish, Justin Ritz Royals .660 60
3 Osada, Stephen Bamboo 52 Gridirons .660 54
4 Foley, Mike Gym Titans .627 61
5 Lucas, Ryan Bamboo 52 Gridirons .625 49
6 Foronjy, Justin Gym Titans .608 80
7 Marino, Rich Bamboo 52 Gridirons .596 59
Rivera, Peter Ritz Royals .596 62
9 Domicello, Donny Village Apoth. Buddies .595 85

Top 10%: RBIs

1 Foronjy, Justin Gym Titans 40
2 Schmitt, Greg Ritz Royals 38
Chess, Tywone Village Apoth. Buddies 38
4 Klish, Justin Ritz Royals 33
Court, Adam Eagle's Wings 33
6 Catania, Mike * Eagle's Wings 31
7 McEniry, John Gym Titans 29
Owens, Dennis Crusaders 29
9 Davis, Brad Ritz Royals 26
Holato, John Crusaders 26

Top 10%: Home Runs

1 Schmitt, Greg Ritz Royals 12
Klish, Justin Ritz Royals 12
3 Godoy, Brian Ritz Royals 10
4 Catania, Mike * Eagle's Wings 7
Rada, Arvin Eagle's Wings 7
6 Court, Adam Eagle's Wings 5
Davis, Brad Ritz Royals 5
Ladd, Samuel * Eagle's Wings 5
Morris, Doug Eagle's Wings 5

Top 10%: Runs Scored

1 Catania, Mike * Eagle's Wings 31
2 McEniry, John Gym Titans 30
Domicello, Donny Village Apoth. Buddies 30
4 Godoy, Brian Ritz Royals 29
5 Argiro, Vinny Gym Titans 28
6 Court, Adam Eagle's Wings 27
Eisenberg, Adam Crusaders 27
8 Schmitt, Greg Ritz Royals 26
Anderson, William Crusaders 26

Top 10%: Slugging Pct. (PA)

1 Schmitt, Greg Ritz Royals 1.804 54
2 Klish, Justin Ritz Royals 1.472 60
3 Godoy, Brian Ritz Royals 1.197 68
4 Catania, Mike * Eagle's Wings 1.120 81
5 Rada, Arvin Eagle's Wings 1.019 57
6 Davis, Brad Ritz Royals 1.016 64
7 Foronjy, Justin Gym Titans .959 80
Court, Adam Eagle's Wings .959 79
9 Rivera, Peter Ritz Royals .865 62
(* = BASL Rookie, PA = Plate Appearances)

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Big Apple Softball League – 2009 Awards Summary

Fitzpatrick Divisional Awards

First Place, Regular Season and Playoffs: Posh Demons
Second Place, Regular Season and Playoffs: Renegades

Rookie of the year (): Raymond Powers, Demons (.672 average, 24 RBIs, 27 runs scored)
Pitching award: Charlie Starner, Posh Demons (13 wins, 2 losses)

Top 10%: Batting Avg. (PA)

1 Panchana, Troy Barbarians .750 33
2 KEENEY, SCOTT Gym Rookies .691 58
3 Powers, Raymond * Posh Demons .672 62
4 Goldman, Michael Barbarians .638 57
5 Vavagiakis, Peter Renegades .620 55
6 Lyons, Tim Barbarians .618 35
7 Lacy Campos, Brandon* Gym Rookies .614 44
Pepitone, Dan Gym Rookies .614 44

Top 10%: RBIs

1 Murphy, Drew Renegades 27
2 Powers, Raymond * Posh Demons 24
Meyer, Jordan * Posh Demons 24
4 Sanchez, Francisco * Posh Demons 22
Stalcup, Kevin Renegades 22
6 KEENEY, SCOTT Gym Rookies 21
7 Vavagiakis, Peter Renegades 19

Top 10%: Home Runs

1 Meyer, Jordan * Posh Demons 5
2 Sanchez, Francisco * Posh Demons 4
Cocheo, Peter Renegades 4
4 Murphy, Drew (Renegades); Stalcup, Kevin 3
(Renegades); Lear, Richard (Barbarians);
Orns, Eric (Renegades); Garces, Ken
(Barbarians); Goodrich, Gregory
(Renegades); Rosenblatt, Noah (Rookies)

Top 10%: Runs Scored

1 Powers, Raymond * Posh Demons 27
Cofone, Chris Posh Demons 27
3 Caffarello, Jerry Posh Demons 23
Goldman, Michael Barbarians 23
5 Murphy, Drew Renegades 22
Orns, Eric Renegades 22
KEENEY, SCOTT Gym Rookies 22

Top 10%: Slugging Pct. (PA)

1 Lear, Richard Barbarians .972 38
2 Powers, Raymond * Posh Demons .951 62
3 KEENEY, SCOTT Gym Rookies .927 58
4 Garces, Ken Barbarians .906 56
5 Sanchez, Francisco * Posh Demons .905 43
6 Panchana, Troy Barbarians .875 33
7 Cocheo, Peter Renegades .873 59

(* = BASL rookie)
(PA = Plate Appearances)

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Big Apple Softball League – 2009 Awards Summary

Rainbow Divisional Awards

First Place, Regular Season and Playoffs: Fusion
Second Place, Regular Season and Playoffs: Ty's Ballbreakers

Rookie of the year (): Anthony Mahoney, Ty's Ballbreakers (.703 average, 3 home runs, 1.054 slugging pct)
Pitching award: Enid Rivera, Fusion (8 wins, 1 loss)

Male: Batting Avg. (PA) Female: Batting Avg. (PA)

1 Seda, Angelo Fusion .744 41 1 Dixon, Lindsey Fusion .455 46
2 Moreno, Pete Fusion .711 43 2 Kenny, Liz Gym Firebirds .385 40
3 Lovell, George Ty's Ballbreakers .706 56 3 Sklarz, Melissa Gym Firebirds .371 40
4 Mahoney, Anthony * Ty's Ballbreakers .703 42

Male: RBIs Female: RBIs

1 Gorman, Chris 40 1 Dixon, Lindsey Fusion 10
Noreasters 2 Sopelsa, Brooke * 8
2 Moreno, Pete Fusion 32 Noreasters
3 Lovell, George Ty's Ballbreakers 28 3 Kenny, Liz Gym Firebirds 6
Fanelli, Mike Ty's Ballbreakers 28 Sklarz, Melissa Gym Firebirds 6

Male: Home Runs Female: Home Runs

1 Moreno, Pete Fusion 8 1 Dixon, Lindsey Fusion 1
2 Gorman, Chris 6
Parent, James Fusion 6
4 Santos, Angelo Fusion 5

Male: Runs Scored Female: Runs Scored

1 Gorman, Chris 26 1 Dixon, Lindsey Fusion 12
Noreasters 2 Sklarz, Melissa Gym Firebirds 9
2 Parent, James Fusion 23 3 Kenny, Liz Gym Firebirds 3
Robles, Dan Ty's Ballbreakers 23 Taylor, Trish 3
4 Lovell, George Ty's Ballbreakers 21 Noreasters
Bernstein, Brad 21 Mahan, Krissy * Gym Firebirds 3

Male: Slugging Pct. (PA) Female: Slugging Pct. (PA)

1 Moreno, Pete Fusion 1.684 43 1 Dixon, Lindsey Fusion .614 46
2 Gorman, Chris BareNecessities.c 1.298 61 2 Kenny, Liz Gym Firebirds .487 40
om Noreasters 3 Sklarz, Melissa Gym Firebirds .429 40
3 Parent, James Fusion 1.160 51
4 Mahoney, Anthony * Ty's Ballbreakers 1.054 42

(* = BASL rookie)
(PA = Plate Appearances)

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Big Apple Softball League – 2009 Awards Summary

Pride Divisional Awards

First Place, Regular Season and Playoffs: Sirens
Second Place, Regular Season: Philip Marie Spitfire
Second Place, Playoffs: Rodeo

Rookie of the year (): James Yeh, Sirens (.700 average, 3 HRs, 16 RBIs, 32 runs scored)
Pitching award: Joey Fracchiolla, Philip Marie Spitfire (5 wins, 4 losses)

Male: Batting Avg. Female: Batting Avg.

1. Tim Lin Sirens .850 1. Kerri Childs * Philip Marie Spitfire .605
2. Anjum Ahmad Philip Marie Spitfire .794 2. Jacqueline Rodriquez * Philip Marie Spitfire .545
3. James Yeh * Sirens .700 3. Eva Simpson Mudcats .515

Male: RBIs Female: RBIs

1. Vinny Concepcion Philip Marie Spitfire 39 1. Kourtney Howell * Sirens 16
2. Luis Montalvo * Mudcats 35 2. Angela Casey * Philip Marie Spitfire 13
Tim Lin Sirens 35 3. Kerri Childs * Philip Marie Spitfire 12

Male: Home Runs Female: Home Runs

1. Kevin Tuballes Philip Marie Spitfire 7 No award
Vinny Concepcion Philip Marie Spitfire 7
Mike Ko Mudcats 7

(* = BASL rookie)

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Big Apple Softball League – 2009 Awards Summary

Sachs Divisional Awards

First Place, Regular Season and Playoffs: gatorz
Second Place, Regular Season and Playoffs: Philip Marie Comets

Rookie of the year (): Jeanne Chiang, Jesters (13 RBIs, 1 HR, 15 Runs, .556 Slugging Pct)
Pitching award: Lou Sinatra, gatorz (9 wins, 1 loss)

Male: Batting Avg. (PA) Female: Batting Avg. (PA)

1 Benitez, Peter gatorz .800 50 1 Espino, Mary Jean (MJ) Hellcats .636 50
2 Sinatra, Lou gatorz .683 43 2 Kornhaber, Sam Realm Lady Heat .613 37
3 Ambrose, Jason gatorz .583 50 3 Clemons, Heather Hellcats .559 45
4 Chaiket, Thom gatorz .559 39 4 Reilly, Erin Realm Lady Heat .556 39

Male: RBIs Female: RBIs

1 Ambrose, Jason gatorz 26 1 Espino, Mary Jean (MJ) Hellcats 17
2 Delgado, Jerry gatorz 20 2 Cruz, Teresa * Jesters 16
3 LaFosse, Robert Jesters 18 3 Chiang, Jean * Jesters 13
4 Benitez, Peter gatorz 16 4 Davis, Carrie Hellcats 12

Male: Home Runs Female: Home Runs

1 Delgado, Jerry gatorz 4 1 Reilly, Erin Realm Lady Heat 2
2 Ambrose, Jason gatorz 3 2 Espino, Mary Jean (MJ) Hellcats 1
Benitez, Peter gatorz 3 Cruz, Teresa * Jesters 1
4 Harris, Alex * Jesters 2 Chiang, Jean * Jesters 1
Davis, Carrie Hellcats 1

Male: Runs Scored Female: Runs Scored

1 Benitez, Peter gatorz 22 1 Clemons, Heather Hellcats 17
2 Guertin, John Jesters 21 2 Espino, Mary Jean (MJ) Hellcats 16
3 Delgado, Jerry gatorz 18 3 Chiang, Jean * Jesters 15
Ambrose, Jason gatorz 18 4 Davis, Carrie Hellcats 14

Female: Slugging Pct. (PA)

Male: Slugging Pct. (PA)
1 Espino, Mary Jean (MJ) Hellcats .955 50
1 Benitez, Peter gatorz 1.240 50
2 Reilly, Erin Realm Lady Heat .741 39
2 Chaiket, Thom gatorz 1.000 39
3 Clemons, Heather Hellcats .735 45
3 Ambrose, Jason gatorz .958 50
4 Kornhaber, Sam Realm Lady Heat .677 37
4 Sinatra, Lou gatorz .927 43

(* = BASL rookie)
(PA = Plate Appearances)

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Big Apple Softball League – 2009 Awards Summary

Women's Divisional Awards

First Place, Regular Season: Go! Girls
First Place, Playoffs and Second Place, Regular Season: Peer Pressure
Second Place, Playoffs: Borough B-Bombers

Rookie of the year (): Kristi Womack, Borough B-Bombers

Pitching award: Ana Mari de Quesada, Go! Girls (10 wins, 1 loss)

Top 10%: Batting Avg. (PA)

1 Bryce, Tierney Go! Girls .648 55
2 Roman, Jessenia Go! Girls .641 42
3 Rosario, Dee Peer Pressure .627 52
4 Gonzalez-Alicea, Unleash The Beast .607 56
5 Maldonado, Doris Peer Pressure .596 62
6 Yeager, Lanay Peer Pressure .591 46
7 Miller, Hsiaolei Go! Girls .545 47

Top 10%: RBIs

1 Bryce, Tierney Go! Girls 25
Marvell, Tarah Go! Girls 25
3 Savoie, Alex Unleash The Beast 21
4 Gonzalez-Alicea, Unleash The Beast 17
5 Killian, Nancy Ginger’s Chix-w- 16
Nervi, Cordelia * Go! Girls 16
7 Roman, Jessenia Go! Girls 15

Top 10%: Home Runs

1 Maldonado, Doris Peer Pressure 6
2 Rosario, Dee Peer Pressure 4
3 Miller, Hsiaolei Go! Girls 3
Hall, Sarah Peer Pressure 3
5 Bryce, Tierney Go! Girls 2
Yeager, Lanay Peer Pressure 2
Rivera, Stef * Peer Pressure 2

Top 10%: Runs Scored

1 Maldonado, Doris Peer Pressure 22
2 Bryce, Tierney Go! Girls 20
Rosario, Dee Peer Pressure 20
4 Conley, Alisha * (Go! Girls); Durham, Alison 23
(Go! Girls); Marvell, Tarah (Go! Girls); Yeager,
Lanay (Peer Pressure)

Top 10%: Slugging Pct. (PA)

1 Maldonado, Doris Peer Pressure 1.193 62
2 Yeager, Lanay Peer Pressure 1.091 46
3 Rosario, Dee Peer Pressure 1.059 52
4 Gonzalez-Alicea, Unleash The Beast .857 56
5 Hall, Alexandra Peer Pressure .788 54
6 Bryce, Tierney Go! Girls .778 55
7 Miller, Hsiaolei Go! Girls .773 47

(* = BASL rookie)
(PA = Plate Appearances)

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Big Apple Softball League – 2009 Awards Summary

Top 20 Performers Across All Divisions

Male: Batting Avg † Female: Batting Avg †

1 Tim Lin Sirens .850 1 Bryce, Tierney Go! Girls .648
2 Benitez, Peter gatorz .800 2 Roman, Jessenia Go! Girls .641
3 Anjum Ahmad Spitfire .794 3 Espino, Mary Jean (MJ) Hellcats .636
4 Schmitt, Greg Royals .765 4 Rosario, Dee Peer Pressure .627
5 Panchana, Troy Barbarians .750 5 Kornhaber, Sam Lady Heat .613
6 Seda, Angelo Fusion .744 6 Gonzalez-Alicea, Priscilla UTB .607
7 Moreno, Pete Fusion .711 7 Kerri Childs * Spitfire .605
8 Donahue, Steve Warriors .706 8 Maldonado, Doris Peer Pressure .596
Lovell, George Ballbreakers .706 9 Yeager, Lanay Peer Pressure .591
10 Mahoney, Anthony * Ballbreakers .703 10 Clemons, Heather Hellcats .559
11 James Yeh Sirens .700 11 Reilly, Erin Lady Heat .556
12 Ford, Dan Noreasters .698 12 Rios, Madeline Lady Heat .545
13 KEENEY, SCOTT Rookies .691 Miller, Hsiaolei Go! Girls .545
14 Sinatra, Lou gatorz .683 Jacqueline Rodriquez * Spitfire .545
15 Powers, Raymond * Demons .672 15 Conley, Alisha * Go! Girls .520
16 Clanahan, Austin * Eagle .667 16 Hall, Alexandra Peer Pressure .519
17 Klish, Justin Royals .660 Gonzalez, Janice Lady Heat .519
Osada, Stephen Gridirons .660 18 Eva Simpson Mudcats .515
19 Goldman, Michael Barbarians .638 19 Thomasula, Davina UTB .513
20 Foley, Mike Titans .627 20 Seymour, Bethany * Hellcats .500
Dunn, Jeanne * Hellcats .500

Male: RBIs Female: RBIs

1 Foronjy, Justin Titans 40 1 Bryce, Tierney Go! Girls 25
Gorman, Chris Noreasters 40 Marvell, Tarah Go! Girls 25
3 Vinny Concepcion Spitfire 39 3 Savoie, Alex UTB 21
4 Schmitt, Greg Royals 38 4 Espino, Mary Jean (MJ) Hellcats 17
Chess, Tywone Buddies 38 Gonzalez-Alicea, Priscilla UTB 17
6 Luis Montalvo * Mudcats 35 6 Kourtney Howell * Sirens 16
Tim Lin Sirens 35 Cruz, Teresa * Jesters 16
8 Klish, Justin Royals 33 Killian, Nancy Chix 16
Court, Adam Wings 33 Nervi, Cordelia * Go! Girls 16
10 Donahue, Steve Warriors 32 10 Roman, Jessenia Go! Girls 15
Moreno, Pete Fusion 32 11 Norris, Kelly Go! Girls 14
12 Catania, Mike * Wings 31 Uribe, Paula Chix 14
13 McEniry, John Titans 29 13 Angela Casey * Spitfire 13
Owens, Dennis Crusaders 29 Chiang, Jean * Jesters 13
15 Lovell, George Ballbreakers 28 Fonseca, Sharon Chix 13
Fanelli, Mike Ballbreakers 28 Deming, Chelsea Chix 13
17 Murphy, Drew Renegades 27 17 Davis, Carrie Hellcats 12
18 Davis, Brad Royals 26 Kerri Childs * Spitfire 12
Holato, John Crusaders 26 19 Clemons, Heather Hellcats 11
Ambrose, Jason gatorz 26 Kornhaber, Sam Lady Heat 11

Male: Home Runs Female: Home Runs

1 Schmitt, Greg Royals 12 1 Maldonado, Doris Peer Pressure 6
Klish, Justin Royals 12 2 Rosario, Dee Peer Pressure 4
3 Godoy, Brian Royals 10 3 Miller, Hsiaolei Go! Girls 3
4 Moreno, Pete Fusion 8 Hall, Sarah Peer Pressure 3
5 Catania, Mike * Wings 7 5 Reilly, Erin Lady Heat 2
Rada, Arvin Wings 7 Bryce, Tierney Go! Girls 2
Kevin Tuballes Spitfire 7 Yeager, Lanay Peer Pressure 2
Vinny Concepcion Spitfire 7 Rivera, Stef * Peer Pressure 2
Mike Ko Mudcats 7 9 Dixon, Lindsey Fusion 1
10 Gorman, Chris Noreasters 6 Espino, Mary Jean (MJ) Hellcats 1
Parent, James Fusion 6 Cruz, Teresa * Jesters 1
Jon Rubinstein Sirens 6 Chiang, Jean * Jesters 1
13 Burrel, Brandon Eagle 5 Davis, Carrie Hellcats 1

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Big Apple Softball League – 2009 Awards Summary
Court, Adam Wings 5
Davis, Brad Royals 5
Ladd, Samuel * Wings 5
Morris, Doug Wings 5
Meyer, Jordan * Demons 5
Santos, Angelo Fusion 5

Male: Runs Scored Female: Runs Scored

1 James Yeh * Sirens 32 1 Maldonado, Doris Peer Pressure 22
2 Catania, Mike * Wings 31 2 Bryce, Tierney Go! Girls 20
3 McEniry, John Titans 30 Rosario, Dee Peer Pressure 20
Domicello, Donny Buddies 30 4 Clemons, Heather Hellcats 17
5 Godoy, Brian Royals 29 Conley, Alisha * Go! Girls 17
6 Roman, Edgar Warriors 28 Durham, Alison Go! Girls 17
Argiro, Vinny Titans 28 Marvell, Tarah Go! Girls 17
8 Court, Adam Wings 27 Yeager, Lanay Peer Pressure 17
Eisenberg, Adam Crusaders 27 9 Espino, Mary Jean (MJ) Hellcats 16
Powers, Raymond * Demons 27 Miller, Hsiaolei Go! Girls 16
Cofone, Chris Demons 27 Hall, Alexandra Peer Pressure 16
12 WU, ERIC Mavericks 26 Hinkelman, Kristi UTB 16
Schmitt, Greg Royals 26 Eva Simpson Mudcats 16
Anderson, William Crusaders 26 14 Chiang, Jean * Jesters 15
15 Gorman, Chris Noreasters 26 15 Davis, Carrie Hellcats 14
Foronjy, Justin Titans 24 16 Reilly, Erin Lady Heat 13
17 Gershberg, Larry Buddies 24 Kerri Childs * Spitfire 13
18 Stempky, Chris Eagle 23 Angela Casey * Spitfire 13
Caffarello, Jerry Demons 23 19 Dixon, Lindsey Fusion 12
Goldman, Michael Barbarians 23 Rios, Madeline Lady Heat 12
Parent, James Fusion 23 Seymour, Bethany * Hellcats 12
Robles, Dan Ballbreakers 23

Male: Slugging Pct † Female: Slugging Pct †

1 Schmitt, Greg Royals 1.804 1 Maldonado, Doris Peer Pressure 1.193
2 Moreno, Pete Fusion 1.684 2 Yeager, Lanay Peer Pressure 1.091
3 Klish, Justin Royals 1.472 3 Rosario, Dee Peer Pressure 1.059
4 Gorman, Chris Noreasters 1.298 4 Espino, Mary Jean (MJ) Hellcats .955
5 Benitez, Peter gatorz 1.240 5 Kerri Childs * Spitfire .868
6 Luis Montalvo * Mudcats 1.264 6 Gonzalez-Alicea, Priscilla UTB .857
7 Godoy, Brian Royals 1.197 7 Hall, Alexandra Peer Pressure .788
8 Parent, James Fusion 1.160 8 Bryce, Tierney Go! Girls .778
9 Catania, Mike * Wings 1.120 9 Miller, Hsiaolei Go! Girls .773
10 Mahoney, Anthony * Ballbreakers 1.054 10 Reilly, Erin Lady Heat .741
11 Lovell, George Ballbreakers 1.039 11 Clemons, Heather Hellcats .735
12 Rada, Arvin Wings 1.019 12 Kornhaber, Sam Lady Heat .677
13 Davis, Brad Royals 1.016 13 Rios, Madeline Lady Heat .667
14 Donahue, Steve Warriors 1.000 Roman, Jessenia Go! Girls .667
Chaiket, Thom gatorz 1.000 15 Hall, Sarah Peer Pressure .660
16 Lear, Richard Barbarians .972 16 Davis, Carrie Hellcats .643
17 Foronjy, Justin Titans .959 17 Savoie, Alex UTB .642
Court, Adam Wings .959 18 Dixon, Lindsey Fusion .614
19 Ambrose, Jason gatorz .958 19 Gonzalez, Janice Lady Heat .593
20 Burrel, Brandon Eagle .955 20 Dunn, Jeanne * Hellcats .587

† = Batting Avg and Slugging Pct requires minimum of 2 plate appearances per game played
* = BASL rookie

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