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Introduction to Information Technology and Computer Literacy

Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to

Define information technology, computer, and computer literacy, and

understand their significance and why you should be computer literate in
todays society.
Discuss the spectrum of uses of information technology in business and
industry, the home, education, science, health, and government.
Understand he history of computers.
Discuss the four generations of computers and the hardware on which each
generation is based.


The term information technology(IT) includes not only computers, but also
communications networks, and computer literacy knowledge of how to use
computer technology. As a health care professional, familiarity with information
technology is crucial. As in other fields, the basic tasks of gathering, allocating,
controlling, and retrieving information are the same. In this chapter we will deal with
computer literacy and in the chapters that follow with computers and networks.
Experience with and knowledge about computers is called computer literacy. The
details of the definition of computer literacy are constantly changing as computers
and their uses change. Currently, computer literacy involves several aspects. A
computer literate person knows how to use a computer in his or her own field to
make task easier and to complete them more efficiently, has a vocabulary to
discuss computers intelligently, and understands in abroad general fashion what a
computer is and what it can do. Today, unlike several years ago, computer literacy
involves knowledge of the Internet and the World Wide Web and the ability to take
advantage of their resources. Being computer literate does it mean you can build
fix, or program a computer.
In the year 2000, very few people question the necessity of learning about
computers, although some are afraid of the new technology. Knowledge is the best
way to overcome this anxiety, called Computerphobia. It is definitely worth
making the effort, since, in every discipline, computers are playing a larger and
more important role, and almost any employed person will have to be a competent
computer user. People who do not have access to computers will be at a great
disadvantage. Although the prices of computers continue to fall, this does not
guarantee access to computers or to the Internet to the whole population.

A computer is an electronic device that can accept data (raw facts) as input,
process or alter them in some way, and produce useful information as output. A
computer manipulates data by following step-by-step instructions called a
program. The program, the data, and the information can be stored temporarily
while processing is going on, and permanently for future use. Computers are
accurate fast, and reliable.
Todays workplace is in a state of perpetual change due to a range of emerging
echnologies. Information technology can assist you in whatever career you pursue.
You, as a health care professional are part of a growing field. According to the
Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, Healthcare services will increase 30 percent and
account for 3.1 million new jobs, the largest numerical increase of any industry from
1996-2006. Factors contributing to continued growth . . . include the aging
population, which will continue to require more services, and the increased use of
innovative medical technology for intensive diagnosis and treatment. (Emphasis
added.) The largest occupation in the health care field is hat of registered nurse,
which is also projected to be among the five occupations with the largest numbers
of new jobs between 1996 and 2006. Career success depends not only on the
availability of jobs in a field, but also upon specific skills acquired in colleges,
universities, vocational trade schools, and technical institutes.
Familiarity with computer technology and software packages and the ability
to adapt in a rapidly changing field can give you a solid advantage over the
competition in todays job market. Knowing how IT is utilized in organizations and
demonstrating computer competency will set a firm foundation for your future.

Business and Industry

You are already familiar with some of the uses of computers in business. The
supermarkets computerized checkout and the banks automated teller
machine(ATM) are examples. Business and industrial uses of computers go far
beyond these, and involve everything from day-to-day record keeping, to long-term
financial planning, to decision support systems used by top management.
Computers are also used to design and manufacture products. Sophisticated
desktop publishing software allows businesses to design brochures that combine
graphics and text in a visually pleasing way. Computerized, networked databases of
information on customers, patients, products, and markets give businesses a wealth
of information that is easily available.

Computer-aided design/Computer-aided manufacturer (CAD/CAM) software

hlps design and manufacture products from guitars and machine replacement parts
to heart valves and hip implants. Computerized robots are on the factory floor doing
repetitive, boring, and dangerous jobs. Robots are also fond in the operating theater
doing such tasks as drilling a hole in bone for a hip implant and participating in
laparoscopic procedures.
Specific industries have their own software. Computerized graphics programs
are used to create special effects and animation by the entertainment industry. In
journalism, desktop publishing software has replaced the leaded type of the past.
About 40% households own microcomputers(also called personal computers or PCs)
They are used for word-processing, game-playing, surfing the internet, and financial
budgeting and planning, but computers in the home are not limited to the PC on
which you type your papers. Household lighting and heating/cooling systems are
now programmable so as you turn in to your driveway from a hard days work,
your house lights, air conditioner, home-entertainment system, and coffee pot are
turned on for your convenience. Embedded in many household appliances are
microprocessors, essentially tiny computers. Inside devices such as your microwave
oven, VCR, car and camera are single-purpose computers that control the working
of the product.
Computers are now established feature in many school from the primary grades to
graduate education. Computer-assisted instruction is of two basic types: drill-andpractice software and simulation software. Drill-and practice software is used
to teach skills involving memorization such as math facts or foreign languages.
Computers are ideal for this since they can ask the same questions innumerable
times and never get bored or angry. Drill-and-practice software can combine text,
graphics, and sound in a multimedia, interactive format. For example, a program
that teaches vocabulary can show the spelling of the word, a picture of what it
means, and say the word. It can then respond to your pronunciation of the word.
Simulation software attempts to reproduce real-life situations and show the
student what would happen if the student made a particular choice. It is used in
fields as disparate as history, biology and chemistry. Distance learning involves
linking students and teachers who are not physically face-to-face.
Because computers can calculate quickly and accurately and handle
thousands of variables, supercomputers can perform many tasks for science.
Further, computers can turn pages of numbers into pictures. Instead of looking at

formulas and numbers, you can look at a physical model of, for example, cold virus.
Supercomputers make accurate weather forecasting possible because of their speed
in solving complex equations. They are also used in design of medications.
Supercomputing power is required to accurately map the target molecule and turn
the resulting numbers into a graphical model.
The use of computers and computer technology in health care and its
delivery is called medical informatics. In hospitals, nurses and staff can oversee
patient care from centrally located cameras and monitoring stations that provide
instant access to patients condition. For Diagnosis, MRI, CT, XRAY etc. Connectivity
and networking have made the field of telemedicine possible. Telemedicine involves
the delivery of health care over telecommunication lines. It includes everything from
the sharing of radiologic images over a network.

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