A Genealogy of Morals

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A Genealogy of Morals

By F. Nietzsche 1899

This short piece of work is an overview and summation of my first


Wise, high wit, writing by one of the most candid of all

philosophers, adepts, Frederick Nietzsche, the controversial fellow
who brings forth the heretical notion God is Dead. What here is laid
bare, insights to the foundation of todays modalities of reasoning,
origins of motives and the derivatives of the internal dialogues of
society. The book grapples with the task of setting out the formation
of morals, the battles of taming the wild beast [man]. A genealogy
of morals acts as a remembrance of the arduous and gruesome
task/attempts to birth civilised man, (one swipes the brow to be a
live post era of the mutilations, tortures and capital punishments, in
the name of justice) the perplexities of religion and all of its fetters
to mans conscience.
Nietzsche weaves historical sequences of events with their
coinciding thought structures that developed as bi-products to the
demise of free men. He outlines the weak and feebleness of todays
ideals that spawned from suffering; they are the antithesis of the
attempts to tame/slave-induce the general populace.
Societys fallacies are exposed in Nietzsches writings with charming
wit and a refreshingly direct approach. A stern point is made; that a
lack of historical knowledge and cultural foresight weakens ones
spirit inadvertently deeming man Sick. This, then is the battle
fought by the courageous non-infected man, he must warn off the
needy sick men and he must not allow the stench of others waver
his Intent to Will, his creative strength. What I see Nietzsche trying
to say here is that, the pits and traps are many for the man who is
conquering life, who is a success in the fact that he is dictating his
own life with clarity of mind and freedom of will. If he permits any
sympathy to the lower man, he casts himself to the depths of one
of these pits, for he has embodied the neurosis and mal-impulses of
the weak and feeble minded by allowing himself to see life through
their eyes. In so doing man gives away his right to be by not
reclaiming his mind, he begins the plight of self torture and selfdegradation. The ascetic ideal has given and engraved all reason for
This work circumnavigates all waters of the ascetic priest, it
eludicates to the ascetic priests existence and pins its strength, on
mans ill-conceived notions to his existence and purpose. Nietzsche
notes that mankinds attempt to break free from the ascetic ideal

has been futile. The attempt to do this with science (which is

renegade to the ascetic ideal) is demonstrated to be of the same
creed, due to its axiomic (felt the need to coin a word here)
assumption of Truth, which when contrasted to ascetic ideals
principle of truth, which is GOD the divine as all truth; Is
however in both cases refutable. Nietzsche then notes that having a
benchmark such as truth, which is uncontested, is simply idiocy.
Therefore man is beget to aimlessly poke at the dim light with ever
blunt sticks and deeper wounds.
Nietzsche allows one to control the lenses hidden before ones eyes
and rationale. He gifts one the ability to tear down the filters that
stain the mind with contorted colour and thought. One is reminded
that the churches medication does alleviate, but yet deepens the
wound and creates a crook for self-doubt to creep in. A fear for the
unknown plagues ones mind. All truths are told to a secretly priest
who, because of abstention from indulgence, has open commune to
the word of god, when preached, blockades and closes the book to
the highest forms of freedom, for drift from his word and condemn
oneself to the wrath of a god. A god that spends his days with
follies of man. Written like this one feels the fetters begin to
loosen, to rot at the hinges. The psychologist within becomes
observer, not patient and new light avails. Real and novel thought
may ensue.
We see the minds of 2000 years fall at the pen of this great man. A
word pencilled by Nietzsche encapsulates the breadth of high mind.
One can sense the abridged associations to every word, all rich in
depth and meaning. Each sentence passed brings forth liberation of
lost power of intent. One wants not follow in his foot-steps, rather
to step a new, with full vigour and zest. What society negates to say
by sweeping the controversial beneath the rug, here so candidly the
rug is set a flame, returning one to nature, your eyes and hers
alone, no sin, just glory. Alas life is here!

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