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Yusron Tanzihan

Research in Linguistic, 507-508

1. Do informal interview to English teachers and/or students or do direct observation in
the classrooms to find out:
Learning processes and teaching methods
Facilities and equipment
Instructional materials and devices
Administration and supervision
Assessment and evaluation
Student personnel services, etc.
2. Find and read current issues or observe phenomena dealing with:
Societal needs and opportunities
Curriculum and curriculum development
Educational programs
Learning processes and teaching methods
Student personnel services
Facilities and equipment
Teacher education
Administration and supervision
Assessment and evaluation
and take some notes on those issues.

1. Do informal interview to English teachers and/or students

I have interviewed one of my friends brother. His name is Devan, one of 2nd
grade of junior high school student in PL Santo Yusuf Semarang. There are some
questions that i asked him, such as about Learning processes and teaching methods,

Facilities and equipment, Instructional materials and devices, Administration and

supervision, and Assessment and evaluation.
Learning processes and teaching methods:
During the Learning processes at school most of the tachers are still use the
traditional method of learning. They are still teach in passive learning. Especially in
English lesson, the teacher, Mr. Sugiyanto, is still use that method. His way of teach
us is so make us fell bored during the lesson, so most of dont have a lot of interest on
English subject, Devan said.
Facilities and equipment:
About the Facilities and equipment, in my opinion they are complete enough.
In every class have adequate equipments. Such as white board, LCD, projector, and
another standart equipments.
Instructional materials and devices:
When i asked about the Instructional materials and devices, Devan said that
every his teachers use the standart book that recomended by government, but
sometimes the teachers use another source materials to enrich the students knowledge.
Administration and supervision:
I feel confused when the goverment changed the curriculum basic in teaching
and learning process. It looks like just yesterday we started to use curriculum 2013,
but today we back to use curriculum KTSPsaid Devan. I think what Devan said is
true, why does the government as easy as that to change the curriculum. In fact, that
has a big effect for both students and teachers.
Assessment and evaluation:
In Assessment and evaluation section, the teacher take students score from the
tasks, daily activities, atitude and exam.
2. Current Issues
Talking about education in Indonesia, there are a lot of problem that we have
already known. Such as about educational program, facilities and equipment, and also
about curriculum.
Talking about curriculum in Indonesia, it seems like yesterday that we just
started curriculum 2013, but now we back again to curriculum 2006 or curriculum
KTSP. What happened? Why does the government change the curriculum so quickly?.
In fact, curriculum 2013 is so different from curriculum KTSP. In parts of
SKL(Standart Kompetensi Lulusan), the sum of subject, about the scoring system, etc.

In my opinion, the planning and the progress during curriculum 2013 dont
maximum. The planning and the reality in class dont work. Most of the student cant
follow the curriculum 2013, and also about the facilities and equipment. Facilities and
equipment that needed sometimes cant be enough. The goverment should check all of
the part before change the curriculum. We dont want the something like this happen

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