An Overview of AR

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An Overview of Ask & Receive


Ask & Receive is based on the concept that we all have a higher part of
ourselves that has the answer to our problems and knows what we need.
We all have this higher, broader perspective but we often do not have access
to it. We have found that merely by repeating the Five Steps of Ask and
Receive, you have direct access to this higher states information and are
able to incorporate it into your body to use in your life. It acknowledges that
we are more than who we think we are. We are more than the various parts
of our personality. We are part of a field that is the container for all of our
experiences, beliefs and emotions. Ask & Receive is different from most of
the other Energy Psychology techniques since it does not entail tapping on
meridian points or holding places on the body. Ask & Receive is based
completely on the power of the word.
Ask & Receive grew out of my years of work with allergies, trauma and
muscle testing combined with Tom Altaffers work with higher states of
consciousness. Tom had found that when people are in higher states of
consciousness they always have creative solutions to their problems that
they never would have thought of in their normal reality. While I was
working with Tom on resolving his allergies and asthma, I used muscle
testing to check whether his immune system knew how to reset its reactivity
to a more appropriate level which would in turn reduce his symptoms. The
response was no, meaning his immune system did not know how to reduce
its reactivity. Because of the higher states work, Tom asked me to muscle
test whether there was a part of his being that knew how to reset its
reactivity to a more appropriate level. I got a firm yes response. We
continued to muscle test and discovered that his immune system was afraid
of giving up its fear. We then had the higher part of his being tell his
immune system that it was safe to let go of its fear. As he made those
statements, his allergic symptoms began to fade. Ask & Receive was born.
We are finding Ask & Receive to be equally effective with both physical and
emotional issues. It is an easily accessible technique that you can use on
yourself, with others and on behalf of others. It is a tool that can easily be
combined with other Energy Psychology techniques. The same process is
used for treating allergies, pain, infection, tightness, or negative emotions
such as anger, guilt, or anxiety. Another added benefit is that it can be used
to shift limiting beliefs that act as filters to our perception thus causing pain
and suffering.

The trick is to find easy ways of bypassing the conscious mind (which
created the problem in the first place) and directly connecting the parts of
self that hold the problem with the parts that hold the solution. As Ask and
Receive has matured, we have found several ways of building these bridges
of communication. Using the Simple Form of Ask & Receive, you just repeat
the 5 Steps of Ask & Receive. Merely repeating these sentences has created
miraculous changes. For deeper work you can use Muscle Testing, Felt
Sense and SUDS level (Subjective Units of Distress Scale) to identify
traumas and limiting beliefs that are blocking your progress. Once identified
these traumas and limiting beliefs become the target of the next Ask &
Receive treatment using the same 5 Steps.

The 5 Steps of Ask & Receive

1. There is a part of my being that already knows how to ______________.

2. That part of my being is willing to inform the rest of me now.
3. It is doing so now with grace and ease.
4. My mind, body and spirit are receiving this information now.
5. Information transfer is now complete.

Simple Form
The Simple form is, just that, the simplest way to do Ask & Receive. The 5
Steps are repeated with the desired goal in the first step. Just this simplest
form has been highly successful in many cases.

For example if your goal is to be calm and relaxed you merely insert that
desire in the first step.

There is a part of my being that already knows it how to be calm and relaxed.
That part of my being is willing to inform the rest of me now.
It is doing so now with grace and ease.
My mind, body and spirit are receiving this information now.
Information transfer is now complete.

You can then repeat the Ask & Receive process inserting statements that will
counteract the common limiting beliefs that people have developed from
their traumas. The most common limiting beliefs are lack of safety, not
feeling deserving, and not believing that change is possible.
Examples of our reversals of limiting beliefs are:
It is safe to
I deserve to
It is possible
I keep my identity even when I
I am a good person if
I am loyal to even when I
I give myself permission to
Examples of how to use Ask and Receive for safety and deserving issues are
in the box below.


There is a part of my being that already knows it is safe to be calm and relaxed.
That part of my being is willing to inform the rest of me now.
It is doing so now with grace and ease.
My mind, body and spirit are receiving this information now.
Information transfer is now complete.


There is a part of my being that already knows I deserve to be calm and relaxed.
That part of my being is willing to inform the rest of me now.
It is doing so now with grace and ease.
My mind, body and spirit are receiving this information now.
Information transfer is now complete.

Case examples using Simple Form Ask & Receive

The Simple Form was used successfully with a 17 day old baby who was
born addicted to heroin and methadone. She had spent those 17 days with
tightly clenched fists and bent elbows crying in pain. The person working on
the child had only read about Ask & Receive but she began surrogating
telling the child that:

There is a part of your being that already knows that you are loved and safe and you
can relax now.
That part of my being is willing to inform the rest of me now.
It is doing so now with grace and ease.
My mind, body and spirit are receiving this information now.
Information transfer is now complete.

She did many rounds of A&R on behalf of the baby. Soon the child opened
her fists, relaxed her elbows and let her arms go down to her sides. She fell
asleep. The foster mother reported that the child never went back to the
screaming, distraught behavior. My belief is that Ask & Receive changed
that childs life.
The Simple form was also used successfully with an autistic child who was
afraid of bugs. He had refused to go outside for many months because of
this fear. Without his awareness, his mother and the therapist merely stated

There is a part of Jamies being that already knows that it is safe to go outside.
That part of his being is willing to inform the rest of me now.
It is doing so now with grace and ease.
His mind, body and spirit are receiving this information.
Information transfer is now complete.

He was then able to easily go outside to play, go to the park and go on trips.
Muscle Testing to Guide Treatment

There are times when the Simple Form of Ask & Receive is not enough. We
use the other 3 forms to access unconscious material in order to determine
what we need to treat. Muscle testing is the way Ask & Receive was first
created. We use the muscle test to identify the traumas and limiting beliefs
that are blocking your receiving what you desire. I have a person make a
statement of what they want.
For example:
My body knows how to walk comfortably.
My body knows how to breathe fully and deeply.
My body knows how to absorb and use calcium.
I then use muscle testing to assess whether the person is in alignment with
that statement. They are usually not in alignment since they have not yet
achieved that goal. I assume our bodies want to give us what we need.
They just do not know how to do it. If the person is not in alignment with
their goal, I muscle test to determine whether there is a trauma blocking the
desire. I then muscle test for the age of the trauma and discuss with the
person what was happening at that time period.
Once we have identified an emotion from that time, we use Ask & Receive to
no longer need to carry that emotion into the present. We are unhooking
that negative emotion and trauma from their current reality. Muscle testing
continues to be used to identify the underlying traumas and the resulting
limiting beliefs. Each trauma and limiting belief then becomes the target for
an Ask & Receive process until the person is in alignment with their
presenting goal. If they are in resonance with their desire they are much
more able to achieve it.
Case examples for using Muscle Testing to guide Ask & Receive
I was working with a woman with severe osteoporosis who has continued to
lose height. She is now 4 ft. 7 inches. Her goal statement was:
My body knows how to maintain or increase my height.
She tested weak on this statement. The muscle tested indicated a trauma at
birth. At her birth she was able to identify that her mother really was not

happy about having another child while she already had a 11 month old
baby and she was only 20 years old. My patient related to the feeling that
there was no place for me, no room for me. The metaphor is that she was
continuing to shrink because there was no room for her. The initial Ask &
Receive was for:

There is a part of my being that already knows I no longer need to believe that there
is no room for me like I felt at my birth.
That part of my being is willing to inform the rest of me now.
It is doing so now with grace and ease.
My mind, body and spirit are receiving this information.
Information transfer is now complete.

When this woman completed her A & R process, she sat up and stood up
straighter and no longer felt her shoulders being pulled downward.
As in the Simple Form, once you have done the Ask & Receive process on
your statement you can add the treatments for limiting beliefs until all
aspects are resolved.
We do the Ask & Receive process on all the underlying traumas, negative
emotions and limiting beliefs and then return to treat the original goal
statement until the person is now in alignment with their stated desire.
Another example of using muscle testing with Ask & Receive was the first
patient I worked with over the phone. Danny called me with stage three
throat cancer which was considered terminal. He did not have the strength
to travel to my office. I tested him on the statement My body knows how
to heal my throat. He was not in alignment with that statement. My muscle
test indicated a trauma 25 years ago. He began to cry about the incident.
We did a series of A & R processes around his forgiving himself for what
happened at that time.
During our first session, his throat pain went away and never returned.
Soon after the second session, his doctor was unable to detect any cancer. I

certainly cannot attribute his remission to his A&R treatment but just the
fact that his pain was eliminated, convinced me that I needed to teach this
process and that it could be done on the phone.
After using muscle testing to uncover the blocking traumas for several years,
I discovered that most of our trauma occurs pre-birth, at birth and up to 2
years of age. This finding is significant since trauma at a pre-verbal age
often causes people to be stuck in the fear and helplessness of a baby. The
baby believes that the world is dangerous, that they are unloved or that
there is no hope for them. All of these beliefs become targets for Ask &
Receive treatments.
Felt Sense to Guide Treatment
Using Felt Sense and SUDS level grew out of the desire to have a way to
access unconscious information without using muscle testing. Tom Altaffers
wife, Pam is the developer of the Felt Sense of Ask and Receive. Felt Sense
views the sensations, feelings, thoughts, images or sounds you experience
during the A&R process as important communication from your unconscious.
These experiences are then used to guide the treatment. When doing this,
people find that it establishes good communication with all parts of
themselves and that it also builds inner authority. Felt Sense does not
require that we know the meaning of this unconscious data. We are
assuming that the higher state knows what needs to be treated. We simply
have a person make a statement about what they want. We ask what
happens when they repeat that statement. Perhaps they feel tightness in
their chest, a color appears, a slight headache emerges, or a quiet negative
sentence in their head is heard. These experiences then become the target
of the Ask & Receive process.
For Example:

There is a part of my being that already knows how to heal and release this sensation
in my throat, what it represents, and its point of entry.
That part of my being is willing to inform the rest of me now.
It is doing so now with grace and ease.
My mind, body and spirit are receiving this information.
Information transfer is now complete.

Felt Sense treatment continues by chasing the sensations until the person
feels in alignment with the original statement of their goal.
SUDS Level to Guide Treatment
SUDS Level uses your perception of congruence with the desired statement
as an indicator of what needs to be treated. SUDS (Subjective Unit of
Distress) level consists of having a person rate their distress or alignment
with the desired statement. We are essentially asking either how true it feels
to make the statement of their goal or the level of discomfort they are
feeling. It is again a way to access unconscious material without using
muscle testing. SUDS level is a familiar method used in Energy Psychology
to assess progress in treatment.
A common presenting problem is back pain. The initial goal statement can
My body knows how to heal and release this back pain.
I have the person rate the amount of pain they feel on a scale of 0-10 with
10 being the most. Then they do the Ask & Receive including adding the
limiting beliefs. We keep checking in to see the rating of their pain until it is

There is a part of my being that already knows how to heal and release this back
That part of my being is willing to inform the rest of me now.
It is doing so now with grace and ease.
My mind, body and spirit are receiving this information.
Information transfer is now complete.

I always end all of my trainings with my Ask & Receive for your True Being
and I want all of you to experience its power. I desire that each of you know

that regardless of your physical or emotional limitations, regardless of your

age or disability, that your True Being is indestructible and can never be

There is a part of my being that already knows that my True Being is indestructible
and can never be harmed.
That part of my being is willing to inform the rest of me now.
It is doing so now with grace and ease.
My mind, body and spirit are receiving this information.
Information transfer is now complete.

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