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The Six Napoleons, by Arthur Conan Doyle

Answer the following questions on the short story that you read:

Chapter I
Who was Lestrade?
Why did he enjoy visiting Holmes?
What did Lestrade have to report that evening?
What was his interpretation of what was happening?
Why did he think the case might interest Watson?
How many of Napoleon busts had been broken so far?

Chapter II
1- Holmes and Watson were called to a house in Kensington. What did they see
2- What had happened to Mr. Harker, the reporter?
3- What did the dead man have with him?
4- Where was the Napoleon bust found?


Chapter III
Which are the two important questions that Holmes wants to answer?
According to Holmes, why had the bust been broken there, in that particular house?
What was Lestrade going to do next?
What does Holmes ask Lestrade to tell Mr. Harker?
In your opinion, why did he do this?
What did Holmes ask Lestrade?

Chapter IV
1- Where did Holmes and Watson go first?
2- And where did they go after?
3- Who was the ugly man?
4- Why did they go to Gelder and Company?
5- How many busts had been made that year?
6- Who had bought them?
7- What was the Germans opinion about the ugly man?
8- Why did Beppo leave his job at Gelder and Company?
9- What had Mr. Harker written in the newspaper?
10- What did Holmes find out when he went to Harding Brothers?
Chapter V
1- Lestrade and Holmes dont have the same opinion about the important aspects of
this case. Explain.
2- Who was the dead man?
3- With this information, which was Lestrades theory to explain the murder?
4- What was Lestrade going to do next?
5- Instead, Holmes asked Lestrade to go with him to Chiswick. Why?


Chapter VI
What did Holmes and Watson carry with them when they left the house?
How was the house when they arrived?
What did Holmes ask them to do?
Suddenly a man entered the garden. What did he do?
Who was the man?
What had Holmes asked Mr. Josiah Brown to do?
What did the thief have with him?


Chapter VII
What had Lestrade found out about Beppo?
Suddenly the doorbell rang in Baker Street. Who was it?
What did Holmes say in his letter to this man?
What did Holmes ask Mr. Sandeford to do before he left?

Chapter VIII
1- After Mr. Sandeford left, what did Holmes do?
2- What was inside the bust?
3- From where had it been stolen?
4- Who had stolen it?
5- What is the relation between this theft and Gelder and Company?
6- Who were the people that worked together to plan the theft?
7- What did Beppo do when the police tried to catch him after the street fight?
8- How did Beppo find out the destiny of the six busts?
9- Why did Venucci follow Beppo?
10- Why was Venucci killed?
11- Why did Venucci carry Beppos picture?
12- How did Mr. Harkers report on the newspaper help them?


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