Journal 3

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Hannah Edwards

Paintings and Keys

Andrew Brown
UWRT 1103
February 16, 2015

Today there is someone who appears to be practicing a composition on the piano. It

sounds like a song you would hear in the background of a silent movie or something comical
from the three stooges. In the piano area there is a large piece of artwork that looks like it is
made out of wood and someone smeared and splattered paint all over it. It also looks like
different shapes and sizes of wood were placed on top of one another to create a three
dimensional look. The piece was painted by Will Puckett in 2013. It is made out of wood,
acrylic, oil, and enamel. After looking at the piece for a while I realized that the artwork formed
a picture of a face. When you first glance at it, the face doesnt appear until you actually take in
the appearance of it. It made me wonder if it was intentional from the beginning or if the artist
started to put it together and noticed it looked like a face and decided to go ahead and make it a
face. I feel like the portrait is upbeat because of its bright colors and the wavy smears with
irregular paint strokes. The paint strokes show the passion and feelings that the artist was feeling
when they made it. I feel like if the painting was more serious it would have smoother paint
strokes and duller colors. It is not a perfect shape either because of pieces of wood that are
hanging off the picture and makes it more dramatic to look at. This is the only piece in the piano
area but, since it is a large piece there is no need for others because it brightens up the room and
gives it a happy and cheerful atmosphere. After the first piano player left a new person started to
play and their style sounds like a harp which is a soothing sound and it reminds me of ballet

music. From February 11th to March 2nd there is a showing called UMBRA Phase ll by Meredith
Connelly. The artwork that is on display in the gallery is made up of what looks like paper that
was painted over with metallic colors. Each piece is cut out into different shapes made out of thin
lines. Each piece is a different size but they all seem to be the same metallic color which changes
in the light or when you move to a different spot in the gallery. The artwork is framed in either
glass or clear plastic. Im not sure which one it is since you cant touch the artwork, but it looks
like the artwork was places between two pieces of glass or glued on top of it. Near the end of my
visit, I noticed that the carpet has an artistic pattern that goes along with the beige and green
theme of the piano area. The colors of the carpet match the colors of the chairs in the room.

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