Mechanics of Machines - Samuel Doughty

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ey at Ke \ Mechanics of Machines Samuel Doughty Patmor of Mecha Elnerng Univer of Wisconsin=Pattevile ~ John Wiley & Sons, Inc. NewYork © Chichester + Brsbone + Toronto oprah © by eb Wey Soe ‘ghee silly Ca eine ent cy ‘Sirota penile Bo Dire a oe et ‘Rasta ba enol cope cn irs rr SECS Easement ha oy Sw Ua of Cong Cagipn ettin Dts Deh, Sama ere To Ann Elon and Sus Bth ‘Acourse n Kinematics of mechanisms, with without ational work fx ‘fates and dymamic of mechs, fas Tong been apes n chan ‘SySgiverg corel Ths soure fr oon considered the ist ofthe Suton courses nthe mechanics em. and Wado dels with eta sgicanty mors Kemnay complex han those conse ‘Zein tne inkedactory courses In aes and dynamic. This bok is IMtended to serve a5 a oder, compateroseted to for this cial “Grume The book proves more han enough material fora tree cei, Sesser jnigrieve course, alwing he nstaror ome freedom 1 Sc rom amg topic: Bocuse of the emphasis anata form ints and comptes sbaons this tex wi bo vest as wel Paes tng engineer inthe ares of chine desi ‘rook bene wih chapter deserbing the cmputerorieted sicwpunt and indus the Hen of degrees of eed, Caples? and 3 ETA Sinemats of single and mulbege frend mechanisms ‘The ast pared Chapier# is concored ith he anal design of ee, Uni the soon prt ofthe chapter onder the mali of peed cm ystems, icuding the spec ese of crust cae The Heats of ‘eotte ger tees conser nthe begining of Chaps 5, alowed tye took gent tay anja dea The static of mechanisms Uthduted in Chaplor, weh exphae an the panaple of wists work, ‘Ghapes 7 considers the Symes of singe degree of endam machines ‘Gg Elsen’ equation snd deserbes te meres snlaton of sch ‘tna Te dypnice of muldepe of eedam sfters adrese by ‘SayattheLapengesqunton in Chap ho urther presentation Tuer sito, Phe analy reacons sd eal fore aken i Poe pln Chaper, comparing se, instore and dynam approaches 9 Ue Pott: the aphendse pode splenic mei Shots neta method, nd ate tpn means and mae "Zor the very begining. the kos throughly competent “The su is eacouaged ask wal polemewneer empesn fe schonter Sibtinmeccey theses ly cy he Shaso'isthe may thisugh fa amps soln ter cues the ‘Baden! wil en fre the oie ns manne jpop f= cr fut slut. re ko any poems to bese compel ih [en eom for pct thot the ned fo hive a copter alle} ‘Athoug septs have ben rou forma ens, the isda at (i fe rreaton comping th the sevapmen of miccom {Soi enone oi that every engine so shorty wl awe [Rceacson computes afeamcers tne ateobeconpeters ost ly {Chlcocamputer Sow mcocmpste today have tne nec tse {bends of pobineenmaneredin he mechs of maces. Toes ‘thou sping at any tearm aie compu suet a ele pte chloe ef wae tase manne icocmpoter ny Utpenientcanhatssvabiinermeofprogamaing eens ‘S'areveccomputrs support ome fort of BASIC. and Some apport ‘ter angunges tach se FORTEAN snd Pus wel The ein Aste makers settangunge rhe examples nt xb eres toting abo the thods of analy at aid to BASIC Any of he Ireols peented ners an be permed etsy ong an ihe level regenanng enguage Mast fhe programs presented BASICS the nay th tan alo gn n FORTEAN in Append AG “ht eto este potion veer oop opprsch fo pstton ar ys nhc he contigo ofthe mechan desc nes of Lote putin ves ope See ompones of thee vecor eqns ‘Evel teun tte ar solved more any forthe ee inormaton| ‘Sing nue ciques. The drat of hve sume poston vec lope provise te sy and scien denpaane Er the mea ‘ttm fe mer tcigues requ uae tase tens of ea ‘Sn rednuand where rage ewe oi ete presentations ‘Appendias tnd Pesiaosdopendont sac neler anc oe {ited relting tne sesame oats tthe many wont. Bo Se ‘roy coins athe velo coefetServaes se oie ‘Thre ie acoerston, The veloy entice and the vac cose ‘lpr deases ar oct crest keenest he inter worn ike an of Kt, sr objeive of thi bok has ben 22 ee Seg el ort pons tte mane el hap 8 mule of encan Sytrse presented wing the wel) ‘ows Lginge ston ar ba, The reasons cet oad Prim ppt ofthe Lagrange uation to machine systems 50th desiaton ‘letoned to Append 0" For sage Sere of eam mecrnisns {haper, tees welsnown arpa’ equa speed po dats pores too at oy usa leg athe muy vrs poate ‘eval he mtn: haps pores eminent he ‘nse Vitul Wonk Thames valatiein sewn ghtand abe { preputon forthe dyonmic prnettins of Capers? ar "Te dctsin on some spon i fom the seni of design by ooking ome ng the protien oa eign ‘atte to gebetespestbed flees rerpone. The requled de Sign decilone Se nae erect ze sate of seu oe ‘afte mnters ae considered The inter pat of Choir es ith "Ftp mace dani exten cont que ait of sani cn the igo austen ncaing mates! oh ste reat, [eer tth Seng and tain io lesions. An important Hneati ‘Belge queton tnt mzing fom most tstnak on neater or me (Sopv ulin te alter of fow a daamineworable contains of fear oth unter ocleve» peed ein rt, Din af poaces © {RES problem ne inuded inthe cso om one 984 gear win a Chapters Muar several way to organi cure nng tis book, Tete cenly ture mata iad ony co fe covered in» enero ‘Sure At the Unicity of Wisse the Coe realy {ScpM wing Gupte 1 hough or neat, prt of Chapa ¢on tame, Chapie on gens Chapt for ia wo ane dyson Chapter 71 came Sedge eevee ier.» Yry stato ‘Gue cant ovate ung chp hnuph fo Bnemasy and ‘Sette 6 theugh for nets an sas fees, Aner aaon ‘losis on single dape of feesom sper using Cages and 2 nematic, Chaps desing th cams, gauss Chaper 8 leg ‘unc systn) and Chis fan nee Te main conser Soc aig nea eb te cen ml ‘auting potion su, weloay coef, and vlc cutie ‘Tenures pected a Chopes Sand Sioa aesegure fora he Srocin nets, Chapters ough. os ofthe problems at hee feck chapter ask he student fo rut emp foram event ompaarsastan,Onect he ly ‘Exfeom auch peptone the choce of appropri vrs ere {Be pce In tot cares there are sve! ple cos or ome ‘prtleme al orcs ie elas), werner oer rele Exe chef Glintly beer shen the eter The alt lo Choose 2 Srl st rate, pteraty the west St ssl a on Ione by iste, Conssueny the needa sel aiing the coi ‘nisms uy Imperiale eerste poten ‘Einpitescuton se weer, vals nthe nero ama is Pape also impotant for students deeap an ability © valle tee own ‘Baer descpons hierar ver dae when eats work {hg toward an snewer bul inthe beck o eto ‘The manera evel th book ppropate olor evel eng rearing cadets Who ae wl rnd nus A im sp of er hint Stuur Seine eenan Yo andentandng and apiing te ‘Redods developed in ine ns soda ca sever or une $enlng mony othe desrabise, Matex oman red terse, ba Snipa very meet vet kaowiadge regan thar. The eo rae eto proved in Appendix A covers all fe tes (jul for ae hee ‘any ofthe guample and homework probles are dwn fom my wn indus expentae and eoauling Hignments From euch “Mowpelns ny enone us ten ht tent are tiated 0 Prod, {EScpdone at erie ro macnn I bev at anyone ekg ‘hs atl sn winking to draw on persona nut experience wil fins Sock complemsniry ett oe: Camments and suggestions from thea ng tne book wi be wel so ut tay be prove thefature Sumue Doughty Contents Iiroducton 11 GuoelInacory Comments 12. Depes of Peedor 1S teil Ret 14. Gant Aided Proton So 33 Compatriangnge Single Degree of Freedom Linkages 22 reat ofthe Sder-crnk Mechnien 25. inemates of he Pours inkage 24 Contain 25 ey Se Doge of win Nechanan - 26 Gener Knarade Anis Sr Single Depee of Fesdom, Mecham ee 27 Conon Probie cuapteR 3 Multdegre of Fredone Linkages 4.1 Kinematic Analy Clos Form 532, inemate Arai wi Nena Slaton 3, NamysialSlton fr Malloop Mecnisns SE GE Anwias oRalegrn of reece Mechanisms 35. Conaasian cuaprer « am Seafons 11 Inodaction Dart 1 Cam Design 42. Digan Fencton nl Gp Cam Dosis {ee Bag fa anh» Fad, Tsang 45: Aru Design of Cam ethan OMG, Tanting he Few 7 7 446, Rou Deg of Com with Pott, Fat Faced eee 447 Anya Design of «Cam wih oe, Role aiower ert Com Mechanion Kivematics 48. enn Cite Gm {Angle Sepeen fn and Norma 4250 Falomes Rengnse for Arslan Ca Poe Problem St cuarters 22 Vointy Rat 33. Cone Prats 54 Properties of herve ES Inte st Gear Toot EG. AGMA Siandnds and Toot reportone 55, Contes atric ana Cnderting 58 Sips and Compound Guo Trane 39 Planetary Gr Fane sha Gawain Dosgn 5M Conese robin St m2 1% Me 8 Harter Stas andthe Principle of Virtual Work 461, Genel Commer £5 Riptttion ofthe Pace of Viral Work 84. Atuter tak at Viral Work 5 Conaasion Prem St HAPTER? ‘Byranics of Single Degree of Freedom Machines hecrgia’s Equation of Motion 74 inte Ene a Sytem of il Boles 72 Gonemted Fore 33 Sleegac's Egan of Moson Fa. Pet ery Repceration of Conservative Foes 5. Mchaiom Sexalston 7 Mechanem Son Examples 39 Conson Pein Set CHAPTERS ‘Dyraics of Mutidgreeof Freedom Machines: The agrange Equation of Motion (81 Knee Energy for a Molders of Ficodam Machine 482 est Geran Far forthe Lagrange Equation ‘cond Conn orm or the agange Eaton Appts of be Lgenge Eatin ehidpies of resort Sulton Bares eaters ppm to Fee Onder Equations of Maton fet tadegee & Feedom Sytem resin ot CHAPTERS Feations ed tetera Forces 33 ‘Tw Appreches tothe Probie, 35 Enamel Sidr-Crnk ores Asse 34 Catunion of scone Aone 53. Corson obiem Set 26 Be 2B = Fs w = = AprEnpices Matrices and Linear Algebraic Equations ‘S12 Maus Addon and Subtraction ‘R13 Mas lepton S04 i von nd ston of Le Age ‘ALS Atal verse for 8 (@ x 2) Matis and he Slaton of ‘wo Smmlanous Linear Egutons [ALS Matix Operations Package sod Vestn Program, a [Newton-sapheon Solution for Sinaltanous Nonlinear Equations ‘Mumerea! Solution of Differential Equations ‘40.1 The Marching Slaton ‘A32.Snge Seeond-Orae Dern Exton 133. Syme of lr Byars ‘To Argument Arctangent Function Interpolation 482 SikCAgpniatn nen Speed a ‘233 Ieterpoltion for Functona of Two Vasble ‘inatic Brgy of «Rigid Rody ‘Geometric Caleuations for Ireglar Planar Areas Computer Graphics ASL BASIC Language Grapes Consrands ‘582 Roving Whos: Guphes Commande BB a Bee S285 8 7 3 Baa Derioaton of the Lagrange Equation Example Program in FORTRAN dex as i | | cuartent Introduction 1.1 GENERAL INTRODUCTORY COMMENTS “Te een “nechancs of quchinet is sndentood to indude th Kine Ta cee deans mecha ste ofthe pe come ar Connery natn cores een ad dma ely feu eae tae nin out Than primary Braue of ade espn and wih rege fo dynamin, the cmpatons nem a gee inet forearm iste ese froktens ae agen eet. Soe een istry exenting tok 1 pre-Ceion ines, oe eee ee ng inportoce ance eben ofthe nds BARE ehagh ccnonas have now replaced rome complied evan, AM Sor of cmputngeecanins, te wi anys neha nme ad machines lng 8 psa! prodscoe tet cn, the anal of echanios abesnalnestcomplethy ep ed ecagoee The event cf grape il =r serene Reged st nope af engineering amy ard Goss Pte ce any net apne the anaes of mache. Come se hae ope pce are iy helo gal computabon gente Pe meneniT consmactonn Ths text wil dare names tnt ring various asso equate sang ih the YSIS Fe ttundon that pve ef these equation, ‘utes eel concepts enact of he tree cust tio Ba Ftc ancopirtan been own oe may yeas Don ee nga Eee Heed. The appiaton of hve concep ete, and implementation ofthe utingdexsiptons va the dight Spt oats, naga meio ‘repre orca tos ou eanexps where they pen Fo hs Purpose, hey ae inode ese Sores Kine the ty of motion without repro the fre ine ware inthe moto. In the es oie te fit of he our mor ‘one te tof Pastor Var Lp Equine Ine achnery Systems, the components fom cd ops tat change shape a he on ‘enents move but rain ose each op canbe Sescied eVecer $e ety a al ies eng oman has en pnd feidtermine the achaniam sontguron unig, hee vee ons othe salar equvalnt can te raed ral the seasing ot Hon aes The det of ths oes wl be cased ent er, but orth poset tis imperan to rome thatthe pono eco loop equations provide ane fr een al uted poston no “The ue of Voll Carface Cit Desai isthe second: major conap, aga xgnatng inthe gene suet acs of ents Many vedere wb a i te ta orto ples nna wih ut bl the oon ref the dive ploy wad ae ‘he dive paey haves sed mths cneagunc fw nt iota of the sje The ng valu fe speed ais fe te area geomet ote tyatr in thc th ly ra lay there the geometry vane or he set over su aa ser can tssenbly, he rato ofthe ouput ipat spec aia, ‘anon oon tT he pt ett eed ot ‘eloiy ates dependant on he pout ae ndepeadent of chal ‘Speed. Thu, tne epeds fal fas fan e epee a opproprte Pstn-dependent elcty sethcant fanctone muliplyng& cosmo [trees sped. The atuatonreraring seerans ck more ‘mld uit willbe chow tht or many ystems the scaleon The sh ft tems One term oie the sation of te slrenee [ont andthe pelionsepenent vancy sole, tnd anther te vues ei oth oly sia od te sue oe ‘elwenee spon. There, al spats and sclrans ee ng ‘esto tespeed an aclaratn ores pint ough ea of ihe trae lysates sd ecco ee “he thd concept, sual ssocated wih he are of tii, ald the Pine of Vil ote one ofthe eldest nergy Pipes ‘echidna ox eullran in noe fly lvl othe mare omar gamete rpg te anh ofthe {See and meament sma en's Soy. When fice and omen! sa empated fora body sch ar ado toe, hare eda ‘ppleation Gece he ot of yin eany acne) 1a Dipenfain 3 rite pts pn na pe i Rigs tickers seus iene erat ane Stine Lal pane oa eat cries hey ea ea ee eon avi eee ees ea iranian yam typing ot nati a ye ene eset See here are er SEIS Se oly mets Soest ec cts eens dest inwigtey ir hloeetal tates tartare SS ent aeteet omaet e nagee $B Gieceeaniee as ergo morse cet Pepe ip seyret Moen Sere ee amen amie eee ee ae mcrae ee inary a via eciate Beene Saran oh ee SEs Getlowy mo re ate Shey esa elpe empl Re ie Heh hy on oe ates rae gt act SERRA LS Sapna awe SSernpe iether Sep aplasia ah 2 Dace ind emit rae ae SRO octet erates Screen anecpemnten Storia ee ees he Str Gate mmc nage See ner ese Satopia aaa, Srrpaed/ dar ear cued orgie a uli epee momar ont rae Se Sree eta ag eto Sri tannin cape ali Toor 112 DEGREES OF FREEDOM ‘Te trm “degre of eed” has ong been usd in css dynam to refer the imberofendet vars ht are rege debe 3 ryechanil ast The concept i iteduced at thi point, and under ading of he eo wd row wh progress aoogh the dasons ih the foloang capes (Conese a pre ht iif move eave trang Cate sin curio yer no denon, Iwo mums me speed {hat spree the and Y nara ofthe pre tn the poston a the gat ele tthe sowie system ely seb. Alters ‘Sep cordntes cold be mt rhe pre, gan fal thos fyaher es, eof iron ae aed nd te purse SEPSIS is Seeley ten sei 2008 erat tds One nyo coder hes dep of teem ts stocate oo thom wh the sorts of ne pint the bay, ano aso the {EES See of edo th eg ning eon oe ody ssf note that he muntes of egrets f etdor spa of the umber of code egies ot sos! ay parce cee for the ordinates Te ange wed only «corte te see that uy decibe the poston a by soupy et inthe sense a FRtanglr Caesan corinne “Mr sre many ther ways to etc the degre feud th oordnntes desertag he poston ofthe bob ere ro mpare ton vemos by aay such coe. Theft tae hie St Paces sfc seats penton copie The econ i that ech coentnte independent Us te seston ‘escied shove forthe ipa boy, the corat X ean be ed hon Shy change equted in Yor he angle he sre sateen! can Be made SSS ier rat ty epee At ‘Sra that @) npn they eel spect te Sp to ay nek ape eth ca ht en since, Cenesined fordiaes may Ince eagle Ein cor np x Sng se ay oe eet ‘Situ tte descpton ftw sytem codguntn, naj othe ‘Suen tt hy orm acral ndepender et Fr the preset ‘Bina of genercond cordate sos comer oul he ‘umber of peer of fend. Eneponst thi sateen! wl be Sted ea he pe Ct or mchinay lena protien there i eu be more in ‘mate vas on degrees retom, Aer cnoeng neta oer ‘Ensis wo be etoated wih the dopo of fendom Sd consider a= inary sti fe omsning nema re lt led mrs Srl For post ern elena, the rary veer sre consi “ed ar beighed sue Capt) en the stony voles are Soe nn te potion ee opr aie ‘cs forthe pmaryvarbles (generalized soedinates). the eee Of “pmumic prem, the gonening feral equation esrb te na ern which the gentle’ corte pinay varie) vary with ‘End sp he poion vor aop equations éeterine te seand yest. Instn match pes he anys seShon's nae sucha pote, bat when coms ine compte egitim tab Te ig empath Ree Noga elites ane son ‘Seis sSvodmensenal pen hen @» cote mai ee wee tray nthe copter ca sere cch coronene te ‘eabe That og therdes whan nay nis detbed inp 2 Secon pememr soesensa te My aun mat th nates an (0 7) ay the ome ig lc ap of pi pr of nf x cn cen oy aton but ag och ovecommend 8 is donning notin teh ‘roti, Kndapts oveady to compaterimplerentation that ia problen. ‘EFfrmited ing tration, he computer code reed fr the Solution ual ate ear {LA COMPUTER-AIDED PROBLEM SOLVING ‘Eginecing analysis vay revolver sound problem sing of ne pe Ergin the computer canbe at act many css, Howe, ‘ie Toauterca neve wana, ond the maken aod at nS eens we much fr! tine’ Ts mecoerpon becomes chet ‘Hicur when i sous spo probiem solving ae consere 50 {fb evo of ow proses may bo epic. seth il se ngs mano maine po 1 roe Df, Tis the tab f determining what prob © Shaved and wha rman era at ition Mey ‘Edam ahs pasta hss reese ls tomar time 2 Copal Stn, Bas 0 the information gurl inte 2 an ‘vera plano tack st estes. Tis pan formu with {heasstmpton thao unexpected ees wil aie fr tis raon sungclcton unt aerate ote othe seubons detrei eon ation indicated ough do cat shoal be dled at 4. Didnt The oa sition pre fen Fee ht ‘whitey at acu ween, Ala he govern enone fr he Probl st asombled an manipastd set the age orth op ttn fone egustin nto anoter, the ue cui an the recat Bg equation into atin Thee ave al opertions however ttEccannat be done aly in he compute Ache end sf hs no, ‘led equton for use in smputer progam sou be arabe ‘Compe ponent Thi i the te for wing and exacting ‘Soper programe if sdojste preparaton har been ase, ths pro ‘Satwil move gute rape Now tuts ten goo en tea ony Progr afr the fst jr csaton hss bon programme Ast lami in protien inating 9 complete neat ana ort Eniape it unly vorfiwhle to check the pation slaion aod debug ao necsny ble propansnng the velo and sclerton ‘ots. Intent Rit, Ti the ma metal pc fay ay Engineering aly islvays done x purpose" aasmersome ‘ype of qcaton Types accep snow te) "Toe mar gyn) "Tne inmate eee or en oe ‘lak poston 1.277 ada” (The an wil fa de fo eee Sve dyna uding" is mever sulin to sua a stack of one ter output as an engineering report tis howeve, alas ocssry {Straw aconlason rm th sli seta promde the Sala nd ‘hy compress tht suppor fe conelaen ‘The foregoing step are pi and, a ich, one may nae to deviate ‘gom them during tne coure facing ome prams sould be ed the cope sun used ony sn step The ava fe ‘computer ir aomed inte 2 and and hs aalabty induces te ‘reel planing Ge 2) an ae fal form sought ia he ale 3 Inaayr before he peneral stlabsy of igespecd digital camps de ‘mpundorl step one of he longest now taka tree mach ‘pore tie an any she sep 1.5 COMPUTER LANGUAGES “There ae variety of pte lngunges uted fo ngncring computa ‘nu foro yes BORTRAN we the tandardenpnerng ngange, but nr ents chs BASIC aNd PASCAL ve cone in wie in denlping an eprint iti cen i inde sample prog tt etal he lap ogured to plant various SORSERES hic npg dined lars pneins SOUS Sar ogee FORTEAN pad pre Siduluniea vous poles Dwoknyet see ing es sya termite telogel te progam ton ce gird $equge ane The ntang bow he npr naar at SRENS by pec cpa gg. Tse pve, and th ashe mac ‘elle: Sond eon of BASIC have nce eat operas such Einisee te with any A sale ee pee se SSORIT Ueda any wee rasne Saat a SVG NAN esas ees ae Sowers, ve poe ast of matrix operations subroutines In BASIC ih Md Wi Fc bln erg oti A thor sletnesmy e hej an eagle Entities snd oy dekeBenpment compeler opane ninqur iieajentens ngs ieyg oe EXE Wise bale etna bp tine ln 2 he ae ‘nom fr prog te md Sa he mi operon. ES RWOMRAN mush opto nium all cd ‘STs Sty a aye FORTRAN worsen us CONCLUSION The discussions about he us of mati otitn, he spe in computer ‘Sed problem sling. td the mater of compute languages ind the incl avr ofthe ala the einer oth oak The mater ‘wile presented ata moderately sophisticated mathemati eve, ita ‘Sour ental amputee plementation fe anal ea ‘The four major cones anderying mh othe preset have Bosh Escada ito Be ler to them hey appse ego the book an tolook forthe erly betwee thee das The diuson on ‘ogre of eed nd gene arabes ar the foundation of understanding tat wil be bull upon troughost the remainder ofthe oak Determine he number of depres ot readom foreach fhe falowing sats and Fall document the easonig in ee ae In ang ‘Termination mae the elowing ssp CHAPTER? Single Degree of Freedom Linkages 1LL AN OVERVIEW OF THE PROCESS “hls choptes wi dss nematic anayiflinkages hat have only riaedom, Rel fom ecto 12 that one degre of freedom an ne py ea Pt ad fete he psig ofa ar th macharizm. Fora ncaa theo dee of eedom is suoated wih sone table cordate and {Dnata sh suid valve en “inp the pee In ce SSIS" problem sutement my ak for Mma slutons throughout ‘Son ated ange tne mary vaste sachs oer one ane o- ‘ttn bt ti, nf anor esate fo sequence probes {he br enh cask poston constees, The alae of ang» computes ‘ity out hoe epee slats obvious. ean pe ect nde on evlopnent of junons desing the poston, vat, and ace ‘fon aal pants terest theca for chosen vals of te oy rable, speed and aca, In ny xs de ose Eon, oly nels and velo cote esas conn not Jo dened) wl acuay be pf, paras the Knee sla Yoni forue laa sat ordyeans arly. his eon al pat ih pm Some ety en of ¢ singe amp Latersnctions in spor il reser fr ior ‘Semon esr hese crank recur and th fourtar sage. The [eduction of contin denoting dg and raling are conseed ik EXfon 2 This flowed ya asco on sgl degre o reecom ‘chun inating lil pe The Bl econ resets eer Ouro of te Pr 18 ‘aed deveipment of the waa inemai ys proce orig degree ot tag ate * “ee For the ist example, consider the Crank-Lever Recon Dive show pera in gue an “enero fem igre EE"The crank pte a Pratt hough fl sie eng the on [voted st Ft have secreting roto] moon gute £1 sows {ep tng natin hsm fortis, heres the eae Salton, gaze 2, shows te arm aero psaing though «xk he ‘can ip. The device nud actualy be bull ener way andthe 9 en ‘traconsareksnemaaly comple equal. Thistle mecha ‘Sound in mary fonder dein a ther maces, The cto cnt ‘lstanceC andthe crank aarti gure? 2, ae kn ie Blo, Witk nd known, value given for he nk pion angle 4; the mechan coniguaton fay oped, ste event age dae of feeds SOOP stn Tne poion vies that Sin unnoen athe am ange, andthe oeton othe sires Salat length 8. The fat sep ithe nay wl be estab the Pstdn vector loop equstons Pastion Analysis Consider the these pston wetrs B, C, and R ‘Soven in igre 23, From the sue of he angle evi that B-R-c=a BewA~ Rosy C= 0 horizntl emponent BainA~Rsing~00 — yertal component ‘These ae the (none) potion vector op esuatone fh mic ‘isn, The np and theo cnmeions Cand se known, wherear he “he ost le bo sole the eqns for Aan. Often th tp wl sequre mumerclsltion, but at awaye To pasty an stay Seluton abou shay be conalere, and ims he cn be de. 36 Sige Daf Fri ns ‘misting P been the Ne eqns gives wan an BSG ones from which can be determine. ing he psn valu of the ar {Eegefneen Wht Hon te ane came ely computed {ving wither equation or m auftkees Bein YRC RELSSES Sis poms. Been eit of thse cers con ‘Shar hey srl at hppa slnncaay bot 8 an alway be eae SSvSaRz ono the skew expen, For cmputer plain 2 Mipropetis hn tre abe code annco.0 (WEN see-rs) should be ‘Ric chcre the sso expreanon far ne event ht tet ‘Shrotching tn indtrsinnt ovaiton fhe aleltons we ob dane ‘Realy lage eough tera gene th ilocty Ange tn poring he vost spl i azumed at (hore at he ponionsoav are sae e Wel the eri 2 An Ovi fe Pr 37 secu nia a spr, ene ht toe ESGILIAE £74 nd whe he ew unos ob need ae 4 a eA sere cans oral aexnio he Tne mopepeer Bo Ath nA Rng 0 bana gehen A= Mfc savin he pte ow he puntata erate et er neering, And SSE EET aTegns act n ma os fore rie] [ana necealldl "41 cond Tose pt tos ae Na ee ede ‘Shc cutient mat simply Maing te premulipleston by te {fom ol the cede ate ee Cats Sy rea (ren cos (A = a) ‘eau tae en it ee ae es ey be dein geoernd fom by evoing the ose oe dependant vty conics Ka) an Rul Acclaton Anti Todevelop the scaleation amass the eu of Ce etn an sot naps ze presumed tbe kroner Ts Reliofinown nfonation now males, B54, an 8, The trimows tobe dterned i ts sep ae A 9 8. Teer km aprons the serson aaysi toth wl esta re reese ue ges ile nih. Ft, ileenon [ALS poe ten a Spe ge Pes ges he saa veloc lop equine and etngeest esther {on lop equations a alow: Boos A~ 28d sin A ~ BA sin A~ BAP con A+ Rjsing + Rf omg = 0 Bin A + 28d cn A+ BA coe A ~ BAtan A~ Ryne = Rghaing = 0 (Once agin, the result set of ner, simutancousequas is the “kona due 10th act tata ofthe none fas inva only eso i in espa ene ina tal) | aieartnes mar wnd ina Benalla” [-abA cond alain a + it~ Rng Inpsed Intarme of appropiate veo accent ue by Se aed 9 ARIE Reo ~ 9) dated o+ 6-29 Baal] ‘ise hows ae eran Aan ch sto 9 ms Tepe anot portant a rs STD a ape of fe to utcens io ene Tint purpom, conaer the veloc feos waite fo) amo) 1 hse guns dette ih spec nw employing he hain because Ky and Ky re anton af gana faneton ons, HM ANH «gL SB Go a Wit thi approach othe anal the twee forms aly expect, the cots ee seen toe (the welt coetcen muping | hd) ihe dena he ena oie th espe apy ing Lankng bk the seals ofthe fw apprncy ear been Sat (he colin thr ar just descr amercl Values, or wna ovation, considers parce crank Inver vecpocting deve eines by 21 an cei gfe Pos R807. ‘eine andthe al plod aon falomnk eas cant Sra spd shan in gue 24). gue 2.3) shows the pl of na Sued saves for, Ayan A cll Al, Allen 008 Alle Sn gare 24) presents sme curves fer B an eeaves Te {Han sgle exprnd i ane fr Soh pot sect Dae Conant Conk ped Bacteceatee 20 Sle Dapee Fo ioes Poston Velocity and Accteaio for Point of Intrct, The ess Jeet ae ee all deep of the ange A he length ood See band thes erates bu nothing bs Bon ald repacing the ‘estes. velco acters of ay pts on ee ofthe compo Tins Deut on orocomgnivanach usted ‘Etc te lllowing analy especie ron stout a ed ene. ‘Rowen teal fora re general cane flows along these m0 lino “rst mater of ener the esi fe priclarpi of nvr Bopn by etnng sy ont ten, denoted (UV fd HRT ay sat me with the boy. Ahough an ie om be Sac rihls cond mys pace one TEREST Rav onion ence by oe a e pena oF secs nl cordon Te Vests then hen tight anges te TSQESD WAP Scie or incensne ange soon vale. The partclr ‘nt liters especed bp png the by covets, (UP) Bron arangs epost emanate sae aot "Poche prblom st and he xg fhe body coordinates i cose se Basd let pot To dese pion the ean th US {hes aang desea tothe ang the pot of ttre igen the Sted he Unni te geri fbn To Fen depending on the body conrad. Tha choles ‘Sucre nd ioe engl fv shown igure 28 NeeiStne atnary corde spe, ome hee codiate saylemsnd denoted by (Ys convenient fo cheese te og for eeLTLaedines ine pot pata teroting meme owen In tigure 2 To eae ow poi sf ereat th ee othe wana Saale es neces npc ease coors, pF) ‘Goede Pe ae Seatac ets oe 21 dn Ove oft rns 2 forthe pont. The seco ofthe point expressed eng. 0 tam fo BS 20h a Ewch ae opposte rns, Te one of he se claves emma, Upsa ad Vy cos, which eine sue ue The complet eltons ae p= Upon E~ Vein E Tose to exunions provid the sean expres he stony, tse Tre ee patois in ee of te body corns Uy ape an the ne ya a ei forthe point ote ate an Yer lnc aendatano teens or end bese Up Fins teeaern ne ba the angle E dows ang, te Vocty cepts ae pm ig = BA Up sin = Vy co) Vpn f= Eilycon = Vy sin 8) These atone ge the to veloc components forthe pit one fr Tips ston finadon Te velosyeoeicents or the pot se Interns ofthe velo cules, the woe components re = R= Bh ‘or he sexton components, te why components re ie Ayn Ry El-p sin F~ Vy cos 8) + 2N-Up os E+ Vy sin apm Yom Bp cos ~ Vpn) + EX-Uy sin B= Vp coe) peti, even hat tee may wen fn B= Bn + Ble nantniny = ty ee a fy ae eres wy atic a Wales E ths ast oseraun on be ren vend by it THRISTES gate on tee e sae See aed Exod crn te ey Sen decries, by afd oy Sr ee any on on ny tings aed eng as Be sap tem no Bt 2 Sage Dayo son ies ‘many machinery components donot move abou fan cents, A method Sppsabetathove tuatony lb demoted in Soaons 22 and 23 ‘Summary of Obseratione oa he Esaple Problem ‘he inmate aaa of ths SDOF syste he allowing eps 1. Developing the position guns and sing thse equine forte secondary arabes, 2 Ditentting the postion equations to ota the no equtons {hat are solv rte seconday ade, fr he wea cot 8 Determining scondary ssentons by sig the egstonrenuing ffm aiferentiation of te vec eqn fi may bone by he ‘iphorward dileentaton indeed, ry exng he voc oe Sn and easy cert devas Sbaiel by erento from ep Daring boy codes to spec the laston ofp oi ot 5. Determining tse contin or hep of nee in tre of the dy cordhai, Sandan asad te pinay wa 6 Datrminingvelacty components, action cemponet rely ‘efits and vey cotacet cesar rue ening ‘ih the bee corals expats he pation opens er wt nsf cal be KiQ.A. 81-0 econ component Ha, A,B)=0 vere component Wen the vloy guns wen ata mats Gr the covet "nfo the unas vlosos was ah af , patos wd “This clad he eon mtr thi yt Thi same Jacobian ate Irecen gain ashe safle’ of he kown ues or het ‘hn auntie wrt in mat for It's neta sun fad bon sec fr postnatal ae hth numeral salon pacar (we Secon 2.3. Append A. ‘he oaarvnce ofthe Jaton matin thse thre dro wnon Se Ro acldena ie shoul! be expected and fre to appara ese 22 Kone fe SlCr Ne 2 pn san ndiaon ofa erin the analyse, Whenever he askin ie ‘Sb etsuated mumerely the same coe, in the form of 2 bois, soci itch tn nan ce ans GGostontoop squats, moc lop squnteny, ot alt op ‘hunni slable only so longa the deerinant a the Jaks ‘Buscema. Poon fr whch he jscbian determinant cree ‘wn as singin these pstns rue spec eaten 122 KINEMATICS OF THE SLIDER-CRANK MECHANISM. reel emt inerrant ke cank c Sam, ts found ie pups compremony sens engines fray cs punts, anne, The sider mechan earl ho ‘Tend ganatne ternal cambunton engine tat ts ha pt ‘moder if, inmost aes the unk sees continous nthe se ‘Ector, aliough it seme cases the ck notin may be uty. The ‘aly pesenta eres na genet for that he eae any derek device “ “Te knee skeleton fora ypc sides-cank mechs shown in gure 26 The cant abut a pvt ote ong of cara fle nth sere recog mation slong ne pt te {is.As shown the path heer pots opens tance Catone then. For many applinons th ole Cw be eo may aso be ‘epative The lk ote te ste def cle the comeing ya ands eng denoted as Member of Dg of Fesdom Baer bepning the Knemaieesiis £2 important determine the nam of Gees een soc ‘ve mechan Far the sder-can, i male pied fo the ‘Sunkangleg hen the conhgunton of te ent sucebly etn Se the medusa sone degree of sedan. To sr th. cde 4 ‘pophcal contraction procs shown in Pigue 2. aliens data CURE 26 pi Sie Mn Shige ere re Los Sewn saccoriuaeacs 1 hole Sar (Cand St Cat Cngrtion 2. ho ft SiC ce 25 sumed non before the sonst bie, The portant econ i "he the nr be of ana vasa muse pce te deeune te confguatin of he cham” The tps the eo Seton ae 8 lows Wg ie, he latin f the ik ia tered the pale ‘endif can Sow toate endo he can RGR oe en fe ooneving vod tached) The pat a ese ee ne pra he 2-5 a Pood rom by a renee C ce Toepresntocaenet the sder poise pit along the sept Teed his dance om ak to 4. The ge snow compete 1 ths rele its evident etal athe can oan wil be ‘Se pry ven nae tt) te esa ‘Berdie alu soupned orn tabi Heoase we eld eomple he ‘Btracon by ageing only nev, thane othe ina oe ‘earn hdonal ve aun” Tarren alec mech at a ge des of ete. ‘Tsai heat foes Gsrbed has rwd apsby tn bednpie to detrmin the ber f Segre of dem fora ayo ‘ibe, each ee, near fo anne the question "How ‘Rony ales at especie fin ain he cmersaral a) 1 Fophy const the ashi” The word comet ean a ‘dn ene ange cn be menue and ot acon. ther ‘ot beeen Snes dete sain te sence of Bean [fom sonsacton, petro wah -compust and tigi ‘ikem ths approach apple to sytem wth moll dren = donee nel especiales oer vibes bec spe 5 thotonstnton pads, Uns tne eyatem's very completed 20 ‘lesa to ctl cae the mechan inead a men cotton ‘sual sues Postion Anise. hs ut dacomed he sder-cank mechan post sen ipdtnine by spying ange uml fre med be BEGaal fags T secon Hse bestia coe ‘igo cgay ee ad hes poor i ee 29. {SS ony comeing el srs whe {Sk pl Te aa pton op eqetns ae Reveg + Leos X=0 Rang Lana ~C=0 ‘These equations mast be sive fot Aan Xt he allowing sess 26 Sl Degen age ‘A Aref sy ~ CLL X= Reosg+ booed Because wl vay i inte into fourth andr he penal ‘flue fhe ivere se faction wl becomes The soltony ay Be ‘hokey substan in he pin oop equations. rae rai antic and biaenaon oe FoStun ng eyaton peste vy oop eins “Rising LAs K=O Riewg~tes=0 rt sing forthe sown vl, hese ution ae eat ste [4 (oot idea) Sr ees age enmsermaente teenie ee SG ec cenit det iret heat pao Stan nfo unknowns ie given in deta sn Append ALS) For the preset atm f eqns the sation is Ul-zstali na tana need «FE ad “Te expression Sor yb spied uot y sing the secondo the Peal none to ropes (lain) wih (ia A> C) Aer some ‘jee hina rem “ie + en) ‘To expres the velo colicin, the ats Ai andi are foes eet} Spr the Secenday aero Te flow cusion wl ‘Poe both appshes, beginning wh he det direntaton Te ‘roc lop equations with respect to tins, Performing the ited ‘Sirens Bee “Rj ing ~ Rf cos Asin A ~ icon A= X= 0 Rj cog ~ Rf sing ~ Ace A+ bitin A =O hen st in main form, he cb matric i evidnt again in the (2 2 cdcent nto te lie of he eqn Cae eed tal TBouatetons dard Bem te send pronto the cede ‘Slaton, tesco il ke te Fors fe -e Une of and Ke wih ape! og. By ao aferentan a yan ‘i epost he tly coins derivates ae = Rant ran n= Towa 78 y= -Reaeg~ KiteosA~ bbsin A ‘Thi sen canbe conti by ompiting the matin othe ait of ‘mulanaossequtlone in he ant Sproat othe aeration ea ‘on, Ar sted bolo, the complete teratina ae given By sa ‘ahing thse wlocy snetSsentdereves and th vos oes, Tuli by an ropeciey. ‘Numerical Values, Consider a derek machanizn defined by te flowing dimenons: R235, L=10315, “The postion alas A and, wea eoelicent and velocity cofent {esis ay fob eva for the cane angle g = 7/8 ads “he paceingsnlye ie foen implemented a shot computer progsemiich ows Noe hat the probit ened ee rope Som ines 198 fo 1h. The pop ais for he can angle at Eputat line 1248 Te input valve wed io 1O72 rasan, which te ial uae to 8 25 Sigler Fro ines 2.2 Knot Sie eh 2 Wen the progam i execu, wi heck angle entered as 1.0872 dae, thers “ae ean hat at he nt wn 9 = 2.0172 rds, they i Ga leg and the datanc om te rank pe other pet {pein stntsoe ame tien ore os ‘heer po cade moement trad the a snot by pobre pete ohlqury mee decreasing 0.9640 rads et Salton perc These pesiton aes deresing 2815 GRE per Unk nl pe sen aco, Tne pase “fer crn ala ‘Bete Beane ran ofan roaton: Beene Land Laren 20, Pe ht mate of he vlc cnet clea eet Potion, Veo, and Asean fr Poin Interest ‘Tibia the vrais component ean ob etermine. Alps on Tiel neon is ty routing ost ed ent fs the pte ‘BE Sepals gener th soe feading Sexton 2 apie (seuse ‘Bata Sate ton ena cclarpus A pois in he aides der in Mes Son’aly ps canst so te oon and ccairaton for ese ins ore 2 a pes. Pants on the connetng 08 ree ie tosierain. Te aul fate toughest ths et to work ‘ems of the sear component a psison, weep and aceite, ‘Houeer forthe tonnsen neve an athe end af Secbon 23, ver ‘Spina le employed os amigas the ion beeen Oe ‘russ components an the etal vector quanto, “SS sult stder-cak mesons how in gue 28 where the ute othe conning ed barbeen nt, Note at oy Sat oyster alo Been sed fo the fire. Te nen of his plein ang ietinn one am thn ean tro oe ier pe. ‘eVonus i pependcar te Una so shown ths enor 9 tem maves win the canning 08 A pasar aint on the connecting 2 Sigle Dgne of Fm a seme yg ty cnt (Uy Yh Tae ert seh eed neste pam ove ny args on WD Bese ete onced he pot of nue 6 Fy where te ‘Postion, The potion vector of he pa Petit, Tr Somindes othe ps svete desc eee sey tp met Oe eons i eer See AS poe as vty, navn ran ener we, nee teers saying vss Yee tet aves where Kye = ~Reing — Kis = Vo 08) AUT Rome Kena ¥ynA) 25 otf ie oe Linge 31 “The veloc cocets Kye and Kyy depend on the degrated poi {trough (uy, Yd on Be sacs vera A, abs vee el Acteration_ The asain of he designed pnt binned by ferentaing the st voc exprenon noted shove with roped tine ‘ectse andy ae fancons of Ky, which ul a anton 9 he ‘han se at ac for ferentn owe Ay = Ny = By = 90K + Hg) ily # Hal TR + A + Ry + Pl) t= Hed ena Reo = L(Up sin A~ Vp 006A) ~ Key 8A + Vy in A) Ring ~ b(Upsar a + Vpsin A) ~ KACUy sn A + Vy cos) “The vot once! rvs re panda onthe coordinate of he oto ince (Uy, Vand one stonsay varie quanite A oy Bd Wor notation hs be usd in the precesing development 1 sacs the ition Between te poste, vba, and sclera ve Sis Sed a pn i ety ae ‘Stay and veloc sotacen eats on ether, Toe ar er ‘Sv quant tat on be Hane fey ithe compute bat he ‘er stants canbe exsed Whenever ce, Po deg aia it uy be net study the path Jon of posts wy, rd aan of ees pio een Fxtaw the ck sweeps ot fl ovluton Fo nc crank posta ‘coe nea aac, the veloc soutsans, sn the weloy ‘Scion daratnes must it be eve Tene poion velos ‘Sa acseaon of ty murber of point on the connecting od ay Be ‘Sexputed by niamenng te proven clcitons o ech pot. Tit rose ae be epee rs mers fan Posts or 25 KINEMATICS OF THE FOU! ‘ne the most ee osunan hans the fou nage i ‘Sundins wide vase of machine ncadng ol ld pu is eee ‘Saver snc grinders Tne vty of motos atc be gene name 2s yea roe Uae sedi the fours inkagencade appx sth les (Wand int Rane! nage), csed cures, and even eis (Caiawny aca ‘sn, Tis ange ot aapabity hae tiated the itr of eigers er the ents through the present dy. he ubarinkage const lor brsclink of ontantength at the name implies and an be island a cle nem fur, fant Inks ya fotos nage 8 shown in gue 29, One othe Fearinke hoon 2 cnrpealy toa, an pysealy doer nat nce ke ‘link ata Novis ferctone slink rointing he person ihe co pot ps where th emainer oe imine sapped ‘Tye won ned athe statins nk ae reed to ats Best the moons se purely cecal aout te any plot. The ial ES gerne uu in Fern pn he a et foe te te ol end en the up cnt hs ptr maton oi point on the coup al Soy bine nt daled ron by he apa sank rion, ie otic. bu lay anconsnon, fr he np ink tobe the covple. our ar ine ea snl degre of eto acre sis realy seen by ohn applying te phil conseacion” tt de ‘erted in Soslon 2 Iva ettyeniot esac the one degre of {fvdaen hte angler peal he ipa ark The falong ay ‘Sei ft devi the postion, eee and aeoerason rst or the acondary Sinema arables in ee of he motion oe gt ‘Gunk Covel om poston solions ae aan poral but nt aoe ‘fopace unwise, is opportonty akon oinioguees prs ants teatugue fr salvng he peckon eqpatons (he NEMon= aptocn eho Poston Analysis. Te inklegt Cy CC, ana Cy, ate uneroad ‘egien forthe usar Entge shonin gure 10 theconfignton ot 1. Kei of ie oer | eae eft etapa tre hen ecg ‘pul, The mining sendy Kner toler ae the sngUlt tlio fete Coupler Sn te send cal 4 an A Teel Be Exemnned ste flowing poniion oop ejskons Gras) = Cy 089+ Coca A+ Choos ay = C.D Hapa) = Cin g + Cin ds = sin As = 0 ‘x previous mentioned; 2 nies ation prod ile the ‘xcwten Rape etod wl teu to sve the poston op = {Gus The data fine Ne ton-Raphaon ston ae ven n AP [Alen shuld be evened ip i ot fama. fn the natn ‘Be append the eta none (9) here le (A, where {5} 1A} = Cal (yA) td te esd oni (Fh, where = Coli Ava fin Telit Bieyom tried erneaton| He HE) can] sg the sal ecu (Fan he Jain mi jdt. he otf nc acon nay be apd cae ony read deer Ereresin Thi solutes tho demented in an ample Pebem folowing te velo and scleraon tals oe anc ees These rarer conte ened HS Deo no Lge vezy rough slat, by 9 skthed grape ston ot By pare utd Syleasonaly ow caer wl ste bene the slo eserges fra ite ange of ill eine. On he eer and the ‘Sal State ave too rom the selon, the pots wll eer Pat SaaS nt converge fos sleon pez iereat enti SIEGEiy cent te betes he ent the quicker the poss wl Converge oan ssepal stn. Velcty Analysis. Velocity loo equations ae determined by ieent- sop etnies angen in te ci coma y| Sa (ene Caalad-Leed sec aot en tt a pn ein sos meting to cigs ly ste bee Append A. Aker, he veloc colin, Betnd Ey bo Geermine by ining bo sd of the equation by tee eee ‘Accleaton Analyse. Vs diferntaton of owls oop equations ‘fori the next loop eqantens. Wh the resus cst in mx ‘Erman afer sme erengement, Ue stem of Eneat egos f0 be ‘Sled forte sesndary soca (She Seek e2y ong) Ce), [Co A eet) ESa Coa) Net atte cent atom he gan he aan NSS fat vate sures ofthese eo, ales andl These maybe tagendin mat wang erly Teese da ped. te tae toa Sintec f-fese Sables] 2. Kia of ona Lge 35 vofosrnnicnne oan) eon c teen a sccm) oe in) * tad vot neath etn ti ale ob Cr —r— Senne Pees ee ae geneas Seperate Un minty ot ad Spt nyc ne Se — Seat eet macen en Le Select Oceans trove Numerical Vales, Fora fourtrinkage defined by the nk ngs =i Germ a= as showninFigure2.1, the secondary postions, voc oe ant etaycoctiont drat an tobe auto when be aged Sank Gheiys nO dane +}—se— ge or nae Neal at 36 Sg Deo Fo ins “The previous analyse pps elt ti problem, and ith been sepleed ih patron at lve soy. Noe 1 tne 1000 to 1490 perform al iniiizstons 2 lines 15001 1990 perlorm the peaton ston 5. lines 2001 2150 ar the vlc coe! eaatins 4 lines 25001 250 ptr the esc coelcen deivaiveeauaone 5 ines 80 to 280 ae the ouput 6 ne 3000 110 pec he potion, ‘Al theprblem dt and governing estns ae ened inthe fa amen of te progam, sche fans tot es 150 SESS RMI Spice tatccous eae pee M8) . 2.3 Ris of ie or einige 55 Sil De of Fn i “Tecan ange suse aa inp in oe 220, Thi ny wil be ‘peed nan the valent be 072, de decal oe slept or nests for Azan Ase lo rquested at nes USD Sine Baned on a qk sec, the couple nk nearly onal ‘Sheth ecnd ea ar he vert Consequential est Unter Aasind Aya O0and 40 radan expect, Ugo aan Inet fo ange is in koping ie comet and here een ‘Sort compute ea ‘tenth program sexe, te resus ae Fr the seul i i evden ht the nil etinates wore seasonshiy ood. The at acy coeiet, ay Is nga, inating tat A de ‘Eres og incense, che evident by ions The Seen ee Coetcant Kye poi, Indtng ta both cans ar ning inthe Coupler Pint Poston, Velo and Acclention Ansys ‘The varity of motions posible with the fourarinkage was one of he Tato fonts nthe mechanism he tatonary nk doesnt 0% {aan al pins onthe canke have par ean mtn. The Get ‘ly ot pole snes sanoitad wi pine ont coupler nk, nuh os ne syst be eveoped here wl provide the oan ely and aclrtn for any poet on the Supls Enka [fe scetary Kiera varles Nave Ben eased y de ethos frseied prevousy, The devopan wil Sear 10 dat ven Eicon aor me sderscank connecting rod “Atypl fgurtar kage wih the tin of the coupler inked to ‘he hate ableton issn in Fgue 22, body eeonnae syste, [Bed onthe coupe and denoted (UV) sown inthe Bue ‘Ray putas Cauplr point assay decd bf ing boy ‘Sedna Ua Vy ne te motion popes: he be coves Seeand Ye foie psi change bat he bay oor, and do Tang the poon vce forthe engastod soul pt dented $0 Sig Depa Fo ites RORE 2 cee on ean Coe ‘Bisco oper in Py where the ata p naga aeminde hat he quai saci ih pm G08 9 + Up 08 Ay ~ Vy in A) + iGiaing + Up in ds + Vp ens A) Fran assgned vale ofthe inet crank ang 9, foowing the as: ‘oy beet ed - “The veloay a the Coupler point cote y dering the ‘poston vac ith spec fo tne Th fret wl iva ‘Eos dave fy chan beers fw the ese Vpn Hosa = Ast sin a= Aa com 3) 1 GCs con4 + All cos A = Aan 3) = 4k +H) Ky > Gicoeg' Uyknsor sy Vika Ae Gents for the pot. Note Oat they depend on the secondary Kinematic quan As and Ke Tey lo pend on the pare couper pin ‘Rite he bouycostntes Uy an TE ioctl he ape plot anther ine ileenston reed om he inal eos oxpeton shown previo, te acer y= Ae + HR) * Pl hed = Gp + Pl) * HBR * Pld where the velo concent deriv Ly ad Ly 28 te Mel ng 66089 = Ulan Aa = UGK oe As = Vyla ene da + Vpn Had ty ee yang + Ula cos Aa = Unk in = Vala sn da Wo os A The vals ty and Uy ae the veloc esient derives fr the nln a i op cause theron betwee the veto uantes poston eloey ne eer tons and the ear poston voles, veloc coeficents, an bly rfc dee Wh capa nye ee tab Sande eos and ee often no need to evant he vec esl {Tha dovlopent gan shows howe vector cniporents ae prec tomar esa vrs 2 tye be estan ny ede “ordi sadist cin portant fodeterine fe pho = coups pat ella theyll sctelraton ech Pun eng Sera ete any anyon ijn a'oears te evans te vey (racy coticens) and ‘etoation (ar vloety cote erates) foreach pin tse 0 ple the ‘item he word cnt ued n dosing the motion ofa mechani Speecaom atin these efor engin he pen a ‘Sot be ann toe the moto i fala. Those oes ot © omtnin ot ln he mation i some wa, Conceqeny theresa ‘eet stend of those fn a produce is mtton, ot De Sg De Fon ages ost en ation odin News ead {and the appropeate Knead rltons, dicuson of costs [ps ht tee ec ome eae nthe sum of foros hat eannak ‘Cen anlar te squaton of ation hve been sabe What espe! the esos cont ron at thse unknown and Stabe ee nf ied te ion depon of ‘kaon ey procure, ten stakes he form of oe of more anal (odors ht Gece theres of te urkown Fores, An example wil Help enabish ths concep. Gonier a tosiesinal problem lng a west moving in conta wih» baionta suc, nial, appens a te pte has ne we Peed, and is caenint asocte one with te cents ofthe when, Ky and the second wah an angst rae A descbing ine son of te whee. Without cio be Seen Aca and the supporting setae the wheel motion ay Be any ‘Selena rling ad Sing og mpl cre ote Same he suis peel rough tee wi be a lng The Dect rough ples he cites whatever foxes ede Peesiad tht mo lllng teu, but the eat mapa of hat fore 1 Seem he Sen iknow, For the pest UGK ‘SepeS heer ofthe con fre oes 9 det ton Been Betis Splcoment se he ror, ATs ean = RAS Cote = 0 ther f hese may be led he tin of conn, hich as the ec Bae Spiel flan the numba of egreus offeedo om t09 he reac ca nt oa a Ca ntti ae cased ino ype= va consai ot anon oni Tse ae smetimescnedeed soupy ee Ar leat” adoute ta ang tee le ‘Shy ene lnerpvnone Conant lations tke one he forms GALS eps oriental equations) (2 ste inequalities ond (fered eo (uate). eit frm, dhe ite ey, ok ‘Ghayete und fosece he numberof epee ado este. {Thi fora ss wee Usted ees This the cons PE Tio avr inte mechie of acne cl a ble Cpu le Sani det afer Sse sesh SEE he acco sonst ype, he nega relat is nay enum ran burt nual oases te toy. Te Bid ‘Be renal elon, ry bet nlonantrnbooi ostt, erent ca rates the wat. Thenoblorane ire SESE Sri the source of he “ese feu moe dieu perception. Sr Cpe ofthe inegualty cra consider the ton of a retrace mt Ts of ma maid ‘tere pj sist get ad best pence, eet ‘tons motion wil apply Ines of acetangla cote yt ‘eth he tage sphere fads sete ont gin pete Psion prenby G0 Y.2) the appenpite cost sing ae ZR For the motion probi,the deen equation desing the ight of the proce tard te ges ste by grag he She ‘ont, Rae, the cnatct hte te ange af splay ofthe ‘ses sion val ny pane ing ona tears tned: Whenever constant lange td ne ‘fests of ration matt be changed forte pentaton pdt TS ‘Rept handing nega cnet este pe ype ‘onbolosonie emtbaat, cae Tn the eof he diferent elatn the consent condition at dsr may or tay no be Hasna Seppe tat the iret ‘elon inthe for eee Gak + Gav + Gaz 0 ei he at aie fa fon FR 2, on he leet tre thax Bers Bae cuit +607 + uaz Zo ‘ich can be tpt in rer = Scot ona equ, loci cn SCTASERE aes Sigal le trea ae SPCSTROSUIS SSIES aceemo ctiepd SSSGEach nineties heap ute estou nt SSSRMG POS Shoei ee ee teense ‘Nant equation then ihe consti i nonboloneate ‘held jens rorkeineed neta we mos tes noe aie mth ling Snes Tea te cael pls sey SSCL Eine nan pase ting seneage ‘line (2) eon rll on ugh plane and () ro hes nt have 3 oman oe ling ose ough plane. A varation onthe re rele 0 LI ir tins, ph Ds, Now Sing Dg of Pre ng ‘he meson on icf to hate ides iil jie by 20 hat pepe: ‘Sear, Oniy the sphere olingonovooph pane wil te arsed bee. erat apr ing whontseng ea eh ne forty tty mong ice Sema i ager ‘foie er ar sce hang coratus a eee fe oe ‘Enns we dara ote Can phere st fea tn ot ‘St en onal nana coats rece ad ec tht pe Haw any depo dr em Consider tatnary tanga cree condita wth na Yemen he plane nd tw as oa oe pane Thane US eco ave J and Ke The angular veloc of the sphere wl be lt al te whee ropa re each fntions of de Ae, and Ay the dine — ordi and Rote aus fe spor the vl othe pot ok ‘Bevunce ofthe pharm conn mt he ane Wye t+ H+ wnRW Si Spin moni ety te fection {0A hh) = hss da Ad = 0 {Bo tve git coma regued occa ren cana en aA tte nen ony oe epee, {Wns oped ore ane mb’ of epee et “he preseason thangs pest soca Eon ‘newb sey to seo wou he Re or ut ang a get SOR nse fv threibo who ps et factor se the cool cape ae dacasedin nner of eres “wo Dimensonl Roling Conse, Specimen emerntat cett oucitramencaetemetat ne bes cs eae te temas heroes fanrecae ceemcaseyepcinr ances Exusgetstaerines fortunes ERE aan abana metabo iis fistanctihtacten trou cl seencsnnicee dent ‘pentane te em and ths, th werden lg est Tepeneneaieitiecner metre Eine iar niassape tiie Sats dug eseeat gat er sg ey mote cae crimes oot a an ae Spee sata eter ata sec eiemartss feventeratinececs SS ese us o tron aig he op {fat senate, en he sen ust hp, and he protic st bo Se yan tnt mince caret estes sitbsiieoivenet va ciate Sitieegee eaieeronsi cence cbc wi he ton of teeth ey econe 2 Tak nd non. or ieigherauemeonma mere vee cineolulon sling cnsain modes tw ehbahed poe sorbose ats separ ne ne a ee ‘ihtnealy forte seaman anaes For tloty ad acsraan {Err At fe 8-98 ht dee 1 Se eg Ne ee apt Pp 5g Yt 6 Sig Dep rts ton oop equations and agin inh in the salto, The inaatc nips fora system involving ang const wl Be Used ie {Glowing example. For ths empl, te orga sembly congue ‘aj antmportn’ as, a lin the 2242 Rolling Contin Example ‘assaying ington pec Rp 28 Te wie ven gg cn Be cn at ed a, Rl a eth ibe toe yuen © egy tortie egal ty ‘enigma patna aes eco See lee ee hcg iy Mite coapet bon temp ee se be ea he Seovpinfqae sigh sap elo ec cic Be Soya eae Fi conde the ration kaon he ge me oi Yon. Te engin deen ie onesing od ag, B= VESTER C= Areal + 85 moni mdse ee ee se ag ee ROME 28 1 i Cageion Bg, Cont CURE 2190) Dp ei ling Cain Bale ‘lk 4 These sone poston bop, frm whieh the psn lop equ Bn paectrana~ sae (.~9)anC~ rece R= 0 Ticankaous ape the mo oy gutioe CA ap 818 ident that another equation roe, Toe semnng an the ‘erat relat expressing thee tht the wel ale out png (plane suc, the pot of cmtct mover by the sown’ (23) from the onal congestion tat shaw in gue 130) Om the ‘lace tthe whee the lng fh ar tough wich he conta pte ‘overs RA, and these vo ngs stb ear sling wit. S584 ‘This te hlononie conanin expressing ling without ppg fr is problem. The alt of equations tat mst be ed for he seman ‘emt vases, tnd are @.- eect rina s—0 @. sain reo A= R= 0 S.-8- Rano ‘Aclseform sltion may b sought forthe thee sinuiteneoes, el ‘esr equnons, ora numeral ston may be determined ag the New {on-flaphson method: Fr the Newon-Raphsensolugon isn {0 conaler te unowns heirs senple mate whe ie prope ‘ween in mtx form, as In Appendix A. The snl wees and ‘aeratons prose inthe weal asin wi he consti ton ‘erence along with he loop esata 18 Sig rr Fon ees 25 MULTILOOP SINGLE [DEGREE OF FREEDOM MECHANISMS ‘tus a sngl poston vector op (oe ar equnton) a have had tne degre of recom. This might ung i one Segre feed ‘Secs imple aig pst ec op, et hat rn re tn ‘Schon alloy singe epee of esto chanine wib soared imag ofan ample For malt ope te procedure Sr Linea Sipe mth the same ae or he snp oop ese, sep hl more ich eed “lig Foxton potatos rt ht te ps nd et “ivlped lors ung dupes adam macho isting eo nde pendent postion tor ps. Adana ooprcan beetle, bt Sy Sit not be Indepencent. for independence, ach top sud inde me segient nt pst of any ter op. 25.1 Foe Tope Linkage = uch tse forte upon hepa can pe eter eke {SMa bed she bom of fe rm: French enon st eG erkocen nt bea ek pt ain hy) Tags Sage aan tected th opt chan aging Sep Septhrea ts at Postion Angele The Wo lope to be sed a tnt in gure 16 ‘Theresa th lop, cbuined by ang wound ie ewe o the mec. ‘sy, tut the quonsdesebing the hd eop ae merely eomsraors ‘the eqns determined forthe ft op: hey cent no nee ‘Sésmatn an te, tear doe! The psi np eb oe ‘eeried by ming dapacements sound ach ote Inepen Seog Nah ro ers ore on ip eon h Ben i+ Raina’ Crs Ay ~ C08 By = 0 Bo CsinB~ Can B= 0 I ‘These are four snutanous, nonensequnions a the our unknowns Aer. by and Y- Fors Newon-Rapheon slaton fo thie sam i+ Reos4 ~ Coens As ~ Crs Bs = 6,058 = C08 25 atiog Sg Dees Fao Maen oURE 2 Forge equations, he vector of scondary neat unknowns (9) = Calas Ba B59) andthe Jean mati Cesin Ay Gee Bi 0 4 Gane! 0 a eee a Gosin&) Crsn descendent eke esr ve renee! of nil slain rims SoS oe etc cats 50 Sig Dep ras ngs hte assem eum 2 ourtalogl nkage echo) This ug [pst tht shoud be penne ft fale the ourdurInkape to estos witht conlering he rest ofthe mechan thn with at ‘Sion Kao, osu theaderunkequton Beene hss inde Pes, thispchansa i sad be wally cui spe of separ {sn wet not poe the stem would Ke ogy cpl Lan the Jaca matse pt presente, and note the nal pron ithe wpper ah comer tht parton i the result the weak coup Mek Couplings somevbat dependent en the manner in whch te equtons Se wen. fm osed-orm solution sought then avatage soul be ttken of weak ouping whenever it ets amend won by te owen Ripon nah sb epee weak pg lacy Analyse Wn the postion eguaons ae dierent eth reps to tin te los loop equation ar bane In ma far, ‘Beecquatons are aan Bec the oelent mati o the ft the aban sate at was ‘Prstted before, al tha tans ob spin ihe voor on he ght nn fB-4 ¢ ‘Ths unions may esta rani othe scandy vr vltes {lor the voy cect The prseing potion nd velco ‘Sst wana an demonstrated wih he flowing rams! vases Numeric! Veluse Caneider sour arog kage with the fll inti G= iin G=7 mn Gein dha asthe rank pot 25 Maing Sigh eof Pr eins $4 Fer pte ne acon neater als and th wat Tie anssdescite hs been inpleminted in comput program, ‘tng of whic tows shorty. Te porn ruse np Se {nein 3) anatase By Sad Fa 0S 1510 tn 190, The Newton Raph Slo sin nes 3a 6 ‘84nd the pon satan rer ae nines 100 St Note et {he bss ort he tao aes is pre yeeros $B 2 the emation crus esa os far tocenerge oe ‘rset iii pang ey lay IE inpemonted in fe 200. rh res Soe 2 ‘te Tne pty pense eng ang as ice oan at gen inne a ‘The pope fas been excied for ¢ = 1.0 dan and he ta cstgtes a need Seow Te se [Note tht the angles A, 8, an Bal ave sl postive vals, ‘whereas sigan ler thane inl cotinine 2 sg Dep Fn ges the signs ofthe veloc cots, al ofthe angles decrease a5 ¢ (Sess le css moving own, > 0 Tnee oberon te {Stir wih am nn andertanding a the worang of he mos “Te gta sng ona The Mat Operations Pakage oon AP pend Ai ut be sdb tothe being ges 2S i Se are Po Mtns Sig Dae Fn eg ‘het he ae of ender op > cocan the muaber of equations eae paar voc, SUPERS Saison, Otro, keel ke any oter angle Age of ream ster sale. 2 Cal Kei Aig Sige Dy of Pk oie 1.6 GENERAL KINEMATIC ANALYSIS FOR SINGLE DEGREE OF FREEDOM MECHANISMS. “The Hnematc analy for engi degree of feedom mechanism hasbeen rowed by nears of nape forever npn cae Arh post ‘ijl anys wil be panel that wl nce ao the previous ‘cdl ar spon ues ad wel apy 9a thei dg ee ‘Sin hetantna as wel, Real hate ide fo pray brat vase Re or cle cate seated seh the dope of fedoras intoducd in Section 2. The roiningHinenate aubes were able ono vate. Consegoenty, the stato for ths general aaa 41> gene coordinate f= secondary cordate, |= 1/2... Ne Poston Analy. The postion veo op equations ten in salt em andthe cnt quo any ae regued fm 8} of Nir simutancouy nen equons Wilde sitae= +a) Wehbe) 0 ‘hiya of equations must be solved teri sed form ot by nme REDE Reta anne yt Newt Ropaon tod, SS a nth rnd eer et oman Nee {8} = Coble tetas 5) HEL olf r= =f) ‘The Juan mat is farmed by diferentiting the peston oe fan Ana fe wth rrp tthe scanty coordinate, ote he cans {Erbe vatius deswntve in he aroan aoe ah afk ah. ah Gl |ae a a he the ate... aha 56 Sil Dare Fon ns ‘As demanstted previous, he aan mati ply mot giant ‘bien tne even Raphann siti fhe poston equon the ioe ‘yet, andthe actlrton slat, ft hs plato, the pon seioton i serumed to be empl a aan a0 aol fra poston vari ‘elect Analyste, The welnty loop eqns ate bine by dient Mngt poses lop equation it espa Sineincudng the Om ‘ne 'anp wove egaed apse ito i (8) #0 4)-0 fied) OWA) ED nd) ‘he smn ft cers mi wa aly fons of the ‘Hingained ata teeter nap erode ts ier ed es hee tay a ho--t te oat) oe ‘Semone In tars ofthe vlc eowtcet na known eer mae ‘Bev in uncon form) the ny alton eae er pen sq = AtK +) the velo cotcinte were determined fetal om they can be Alernted te detmne the mney couse! dorms ety ‘heswlony concent were Seerintd ames is dieentiation ‘Sine pose fora numer approach eva helo el et devas, conor it tht Fon dering the column of ‘oy coeticent nk ~ 24 Gl Kec Afi Spl Do Po Mein 57 hr ste chin i, Tha main phy me Senda iy day eee a Sena coe Bic sin ale) ‘heya te! det ape act ted Roca eee ae = Dye £89 cnt =~ ea 4h re wy en ath tine ln of este of tna euros sgn wah the fin fe SuSE crf a ites ‘Ryu cl chee of le oray and puta Geen Peston, Vc and Acro for Ot Ponts, Cone» pin 7 Entries concn ob, Ut je be om he pon on th same bry whee pic seats in {era of Oe onan cornea the canary conten Cag {is pin son ng coier oy cordate syn (0, Yon BE cayenne Fi wich (yt the Bay rote oF He st curiae of Fave Oy Yeh ate edly oxremed Xp = ket Up coed ~ Vysin A where Ait the angle between the X-niand the Uae. The angle A ‘ite the py val, eanday coon, orca be eens irom thr Tus pean ered evlsted when te scandy a “Fe cy of pont is etre ying thee ps tion enone inept tne an the elation resus ja ‘thr ferentntion vost concert sd telat cotacen den the ate Seine for he pat Pim the ovis mars way the ‘ostnn,sloy and sceton foray pot Par ray exper x Es te genre corde, 720d react and sian, anh Tae purports demorton oto provide gener oul forse a pobem ving fa, he earon fr the ener sae re (fo show ta the same press, relng seus othe sone {oe gpl orale, ng dope of eedom mechan me + Byte ftar onthe naga! pons, sndependene an parle s+ {eat the Sol seus for «parca polo do not have te foe 58 Sige Deg Pen Lies 127 CONCLUSION ‘The tus pprsch fo he Kinematic nals of ingle dere of Keedam, eee Re ten pas copter. Tat prose gn ih Rote of spiny coon fo be smoctd i oe Spe of Pesos She medhanom potion devebed by pest equations fat este sear componens ofthe Coed pean vector Hope and ate ‘Satine of pray core a such onary eoriet TREE Sed Thee uations cm be sled to provide aes or Betas renblee afer aus fanned othe piracy var ‘lobes an ecleratane of he scandy varables ae Geterined {om fe dicated poston oop eqns, "hyn iy re cy proper ae stoty ote ery wae si ths aes pose ue ofa potion “ipandon wlsty cose texas he ean veloc ier serene eioiy The aleaon of say sony vaca an be Spin test oem ie ace vecty SSEis ht meseston of be prima vrabl aod Be Deon, Re pedo ofthe velop cnticent dative wth he agsare of te sy roma. Te gerd vty ccc ae ie Se Se pant on moving bly He corso re rely pres fr the pay wal, he secondary variables, athe samc tr ia pat often When thse cts ae ie aaa tt ped ete, he ue cordate vec and sclon Seca Foray suc posited onthe 0 ioe Selden and tno weloty cult desvater one Oo seividactdecin a Wate pst oop euatone is ocoss unique to ech mach sina Af tha the sions forthe poaon loop equaons, vey ‘Te sMeqtoe ind eqatens x ocy exci erates my Gy ner be gout a Govee fom, although numeral sctons are ‘ene aie Te as Sunasznd here ave Been sasee, there should be tie i tne ante says of any single dees of ooh ae cite face hee pay mur ln hiner sta aed ase ‘isp Tauck neta so neat ana ony he Bogie ‘i appliaion [REFERENCES Candy 5, Comoyp, B.C Katy and Png Broma, DC. Dp “eS Nicol ia Sena em New Yor wh Cadi, Hs Cait Mani. Renin MA: Adon Wale, 1% Ph. Ke pf ary nent MP (2.2) The device shown was used in early, mechanical analog compl suri dncasion 4 ana Boe kan cane anurans poston 1 Expt the ouput dslcement Raters A dB: Determine the acl concent, K= aa a Determine te velosy soe! deentv, = dg; Given that A~ in and = 1.75 in, elas RK and Lforg= 3.5 6 Using te data om pst ert Rand Ror fue 28inie.g= 120 The Signe shows & ncn ye on ot ghar acral cules pid ion ins ope se rahee) A panel tht aly Bush ‘tbe lavlge suc, ew (ec ou It the alten view by Byenake actuate View) shows a thenate dng Of the pick nies Sis the actunor dupseerene Bis the Ringe ange, and AS ‘Be pushrod ange. The imensine Ci, Ci Coy and Cy ae known ‘Sretat The pale Bot withthe sege When = © 4 Consdering the actos paceman a he pinay are, wee the poston lop eustins for ths mechs (oot ae 'b. Determine expeanon or he elo nticents Ky = Aaland Ky — {aS remcabenng tht Sd © ae signed an tat A and Bae ‘Sesh known fom he sision ®t « Detrmin the veo eselicint der es y= dK ry & ay Sage Oe Fo Line 23. seraabehanligh macnn fr 3 specs a i how 2 the gueA motor den nt thea pe! ass the soe to move ‘ing oe iwering the hadight The davensine Cj, Cyan Cy iow, Cnn hee pion, 5 pray val te a We the potion nop equations ( nt se 1 Dnermin the oy colicin K, = HAS and K, = 84S, rem SESTRSCE SSDP conte seeged. and at and 8 {need iawn for the slur for pr = Deri the veloc catenins L, = tk (A The meckais shown elle a “gulck return mechanism “tne fai weno amt (nt sown) ge ve 10. isso lfand the ight hale mounted onthe hol ier snd ‘Ses une 'the dpeniane ©, Brand fae fnew constant, is nd b= B, Determine, nosed frm, Ky asa fenetion of Determine in rd form a «fanion of Given the oloving mens, evakinte XX and org = 26106 “Stadia ana y= Te ais 245) The Cones whe 9 mechani hat provides nites angle ena ge res en aPa eS fm the a Athen engaeme ed pln at sepa TESTE uy of he dre pn soul uso nese oe to wold opeog rote For the Cone mechrism shown. he Kengts Rr and Dan known, and the np ton Sil Df re Lae 4a, Deterine he output pos Ag) deg he ete ve pi ‘hanged noth the se Gn cle rm); by, Deen te mana and imam vals for engageen: Desmine he velo cot, , andthe velosty coeicet des ve La daring pat engages Given hat Ry = 395 ny = 5966, and D = 77S in dete GSE Did dlorg Tidaa f= dials, and y= 29 adi ye. To aol np: asthe dive pin ngage the dot in the Goneva vehi’ pin velaty mutt sng te cette of alt. Fo ie NES tg ameter false sa adas Ry as shown new Expaings wel wit ot, 1, Deteine the appropriate vale fo Raz ©, Determine te appropriate value oD. “The value deemined in pata for Fa was based on de pin of 200 SEameie wh fete ot he tra cae eco oases ‘Sigh age ads, fy a shown in vw 0. «Ifthe dive pn aia i iy, determine the appropsate vl of Re’ 4 a dave pin diameter of 052m tobe used i a ives Genera thst Bat has oe mane danse aint ofthe pacing 27 A caniclver ive eto be designed to meet he allowing c+ 1. The i a the tp of the sai ember ito Be 785.2 2. The maimam spat tthe ofthe ted members tobe 120i in| ‘Socks value withthe can sped of 10 sad 8: Thespof tested members to extn 145i beyond he eter ‘oso the slider pvt centr Pa ‘etemine the olwing the een dimensions: C= dtnce between ‘ad poot = cunt ads and L~ engi oft sted mba the aesonay poe ote. po. "P 2.4 The igure shows the mechanism of doleacing cmp sion sjinde A prine move Po show) fa he Cane sig te she Sig De Fon igs robin, piston rod, and pstn astmy to move le and ght. The fon ed pste, and epider cavity areal sued tobe ight cl finer the deo fob er Ky Nr Dy Dyan ae Shown 1, Determine expressions forthe chamber lus, Vad Vi, ines of the krone Determine the derives Aan Ui 28 For he dovbinntng ps compres sown he allowing mensions api sh ee a eere k s welt | a 1: Make splot of Yan avers Make plot of Vs ana ast versus 2.10 For the sidr-crank mechani show, conier th der po- son tho nput vari The dimension aC, Cap, and sand R rns. A sping of length 5 ates om the ser 2 ‘inten ine auntwhoo dace) ponte be comnecing rl stare ain 2 Incled frm, determine $2 facing 1 nove form, determine K = Si 6 Chen the flowing dt, erate Sand K for g = 108 in Ci-min G2dsm toh 2.) The igre shows aderan mechan a actly Tn davensins Cy Cy Uy Us aD, Determine A) ad SQ Datei the vlc eects K and Ke Detrin the velit cetficent ders Le nd Ly Determine the cei of ms velocy cnet Ey iy Ka Ry {232 The mechnio shown ued ina smal publi compres slice at th stn weet pn an conning rd ae oor pee ‘The pion oper in hed the ey gh esa ne ‘saben end. The inenions yy Ry and Dae wn The piston i 10 Inc rom the end he cy a top-end ee [opie he onder velume ns unston a he co ang sgl De Fa Lees " OE (Cad) the mechani son walt engage and advance work ‘Fase sep fr sath cok ovtaon. The marion Cj, Cy Cs and ‘al Rate nwo The worang ip fhe deve wet Ase ‘Batn ina Senate aaj bas bon deo at A Ke dae known, ‘Determine the bse ecordinaes (X,Y fr pnt 1 Determine vey eoetcient Kye Ky for pin > Detemine velco derrates Lely point; & Goethe data tat low pat rate, Yy ye Kip Lp by yrosndars: Gen the data hat on, evt Hy Sy Fy fora = Bsa, § Tends andy = 28 0c Genie C= 008m Azo K=0207 Alforg= 08 28) seme ey am ene sd he mechani show, anit al ein son worng mode ream engines oy. The nde sce Inter abouts pvt ane pat moves ack and forth The oelaton the ler is tae to open ad cose lt and ena par othe Sinie ths poidig the nceary valve on 4 We the poston Sop tine and solve them need fe; 2 Detemine ana expesson forthe velo enfin and welocty ‘etic derivatives soca wth he sony wees «Determine naj exressions forthe vay colcentsand vlc foetcen drvtve for be pst centro a A. Ung the it lowing pas dctemine Ad and for = O7S:0d, Galas anay= 2 di Using the fatovng dat determin the gad fhe vel and {he ablenton seo fore pat ema fase und th nde tons part Rein LG, C= 25_Aandactsted pup mecunio shown, Tae dimensions Gx, Go Ce Oy Dirt Dy a a known. Asma tat te ‘esi ajar te seondaty aes nd hasbeen complete End that 8 Re By ly ad ya now The condones then q = 22 in 1 Using te data that flows par determine the naar value fr, td ich ats the Base coordinator pout ‘bing te data that fle par determine rue vals fr the lod soiients Ee oor pat Cag the daa that lows pr deternine ramen vals fr the ‘elody oniiont cen yy Ly pout 65 Sg Dee Fc ines 1. Given hag = 227 ny = 1368 nan =~ ne dari The pide othe vac ane aeclsin of pot 2695 ane Gems A Ganz k= dey a8 = ae In Ga 80Sin 1, 7319600") int Dye 3Sin, by =o. aon? Dy=240in! (his etn only forg = 2.27 in} 2.16 window mechani e sown inthe Sue and the lengths is CisCy Cyan Care knee damental dish ene sage ‘akan the primary val te anges and Date con arate We he equations regu te determine Aan 8 (20 nso 1. Develop the quaon oud for numerical eralston ofthe wok toate Re ana «Develop the eats equine for umes eran af the vlc ‘oetbcent deatie yal oR SO). 237 Forthe window mechaniam of robe 215 the fowing data loc a veal: Gare & ‘Sliwte te’ = 13 enna and 9= Grads and deerme ssetond 238 The platen fr 3 Iminating pres i supported on fouror igs shown inthe gue, The lrg Cy Ch Cy ad Cae how ico snr pnt pt a pay 2 Wee he estos regu to deterine the angle A ad 8 (8 nt mer 1 te eget gui to eine the ty tins «Whit the equations uted to determine the velo coset deriv sve Lol aS Cope Fo Lies 2219 ‘The forbes lage shown i the Galloway mechanism fr which OR 7 OC and 1a, What the pth of poi 3? 2 Whats the ange of value for angle Das moves fom 2002? 1 Wate the equations eee to determine D a a fanctin of (0 ne 4. Determine he veloc cet Ky andthe velo cotta iT seam tht te equa fo pat cave bee se 4120 The disappening plato mechan shown fas been sed SCOLSSPEA Vth Spa ne whee ee SENSE Stopped tte stops poston a replacement pane ilo the Saree or us, Coder he deensans Cy Cs oy Ke Ye ‘sPpmngn i "od eae he haszofal posson oe fcc fe Sf suc at pray ae 1 beceine the equton sui to evaante he angles BB, a8 Bs (lo notes - Ro Rar and ke Wr 221 ‘The meshanam shown nthe fare toga amp, usd to lana work pce etree teal ad the camp fhe space mes seedy ie eprecne sy op co LUST teas Cy Ce, Ge Caan sy ‘Scones (Un, Va) a al coiefed ini’ Deemine mens 0 ‘Spat sales nuesy or the dereaves fy, = 0 tor varus frtlonso th ny va vel cant sar snd eae Ebina anal) ‘222. Thelishge shown presents the font surpension ofa ate sete dns Ce Gnevands 6 poet) 1 Sel up the equtons oguied fr numeral determination ofthe Se day vei ot se b. Setup the euatins er ume evaluiton othe vlcy oefilents forte arbi See up the anne or numeral evasion ofthe eat enlicnt ervtewes 4 Detemine te bas ood or pot P; "Expos the vl cote post? Expos the vel cute erate fo pant F 72 ee Dae of Fk ing clls@t3) The mechanism showin 2 ype of gage door The dinen- ues Cy Ca, Cy ae kn dt. tenon sng oe ‘ached terween pit onthe doo and th sony ps eid Is the spring anchor The enh ofthe ping ena a9) ‘Analy the mecha fr al cond vb (one); Bape the east coecents, press the spring length; 4. pen the seg length dora di 3) pm pen ig oGedsr erento te eres Seis eHet Pech eetne feng 17 mi or orn pst iepthemcatzrecnats steers 8, Will the lower edge of the door clear the lintel?“ eneeteneeaeee oo acer monroe ores ieightaoteaar agers aneeasets Spice rie eae enero Sieber neteatee nr bien Debit ines e seen aos cece cutoauayy Seocce= ee sere ec ‘coefficient derivatives Zaz and Ly * De Sig Dee Fon ites 1226 ‘Themehasism shown uid des he sec ge of aging whe As the handel though the angle SEEIE. Gai ta moves na cir og about point ©. Beaute te Spins abuuecwnton ewe the desing to mows dena TRELRS ania ot the wheal sesuped to We deste seme ‘Sou he dsessonal te, Dy Dy, Dy and Dyatekown The ‘Spl igh se nage mponers ae et. {Show tat he ot actly move a8 dscns {Expres the rads inte of he ase parameter Dy ae the (ihe the denon ofthe mechanic. 1227 ‘Tae whea shawn, whe under he conta of can an cone ‘oe assembly he et ‘withthe en and connecting vod cones andthe whl dance $0 Thengicaftecrune pt Te smear vases Cy Ct Rand Seare Bows a set ota 1, Sop the equations to esd forthe vlc cote 6. Setup the uations requ for sumer determination fhe vlc Sy cent derivates, guns egies the soon varie (d0 2.28 Underthe sont of rnkand conesing rd the whee als sitet ping om user nspor of aC. he ong emi congurtion in ahownin bok aes wh he crank and ene Ingrod caine The dentin Cy, Cy, ir Cy Co, and Rare know 1. Setup he sions governing he secondary pesiton vale (o nat seh Setup th oqutons to esl for the vlc counts 6 Sephora dette ey 76 Sle Depre Fro ogs 2229 The wheal rls tothe ight without ping on he horizontal surface af thown. A sider omen overhnd guide height Ds cupled 0 ‘Be hes! by a cnnecg odo eng The dimensions, Dy and ‘clown When the press begins ith = 0, te wheel a2 kon postion X= 2 Wt eguntions sable forthe secondary positon vaste (Qo not ae 1 Wat the equation or numeral determination of the vec cou Te tse oR, 230 A rightsangulr connecting ink wih aides Zand Hons 3 ‘der toawhe Ashe ter moves tthe gh the wheel ae witht SSpping on the nine, The roses bins with = 0B nd $= Sy ‘a, whi ln, the secondary varies have the ues A= 7034 BL bw Osednd, 3 = kim Whang = Sins} ies mon andg = "SS fale devine nev vale or 2: Base cordate fr pent G 1 Velnty cet or pot Veo concent derivates ft plat G, . 4 Velocity magitode and cseraon mngritde for pint. Rain 5,0 10985in, 281. Adak cll without pon he clr are daging he ser {Ee Sr Tae is cnmeang sod he Sat eet on he cn oe ‘Bouin broken ine The sinensis Ly aed are known aes f. setup th equaions governing the sony positon vse (ont sey ‘Set up the eqns for ha vl conten St eign sans destin he west et 1 Sige Dye eo es (Gam) Toe dtr wat slip on the dea support under the cont ne nk aed anning ed The ptm = mpi ly ‘Piircondgeeon chown a basen ne, with ihe uk an oonecking Fe neck ie suport ot te ange Bad the conan 1 ether ine doug canta! pt. The vals Re, Ro, Ro BePind Dave known 1 Determine equations eae forthe ial valus 4. and. (0 90 sei Sep xuntions etal forthe secondary positon vars, Setup equnione sale or the vel cet 238. Ating rol without siping onthe tatonary suppor (os sera of upp he os ai 5 Fa ey ase toner fac of th ng, Te i stared 5 Sane chown nthe per Sue, whe te owes Bre ‘Sporto aplcement (0) ah sealing sail ipa, Sif hse to en Cnfere are sae for bth he suppor and Being The mown intrmation inuder RRC, D, and Xo tt th equations tbe ove athe scedary poston wales (2a botany Wnt te equations tobe aed for he velo cote. 2th try now fund nn hop peed 2 ae eer Ee Saitoyesergrger sera tire Dea Shean prow ugh ange pe Ree ged Gensel Sting Wie teatbaceseneaie le see nd heft pie ne 1 St up the quo ged ern he les he ‘secondary variables A and G (do not salve); * Formulate the undone to be cle forthe sain postion yack «. Fomulate the equasons ob sve for the vloy sotients, 0 Sg Dee Fon Lae oa sets gh ge pe mn soi Sob ite et tats oe ah abou the ai of rotaon of the disk. The angle 4 is zero wien the 1 Setup the euntons required to determine the econ poston as Abies eo not ate me ».Sctup the equine to be sled forthe voy cul 2196. Alight duty damsel cet, which sactanted by hyde ‘finer nonin ig The sono B,D, a ge © ito panei fneengn othe haan ers iene be ispamntie' 2. Setup the equnton rae odie the ean postion ve ir dons rte) 1 Set uptheequdone eed a dtine he eet exten Ky anak (Ree) \ * Be KOS \ YOON 1 Sig Dg Fo Linge 257 For the chmshal ache of probie 238, he flowing dla sreiy Di= Baim = 17125 radians 2 Solve he poston equations namely and maken overly pt of {he mechaiom for oresna incement ong omg = 18 ines a = », Deermine numeral values othe weloy cificents Ky and Ky st ‘hol te poor determine in pat Plot the voy coticents K, and Ky versus ¢ wing the dt fon mae 258 The mechan shown ig alle a tomas unk div. There are fo sliders sachet the connecting rod These asters ove {poowes on the crank sts, Tho same unbroben sonnectg sod eends {Ee cuema der ‘The nly Enowm dimension Lys te 0 4: Sel up th equations requ fr numeral dteminaon of he e+ tat poston varies (20 not sal) >, Set up the equations governing the vlostycoetients © Sp the cet beaded er ame determination fhe 44 the exeal de 6 wed Ina panch acon, how many cating Hooke dom the punch make per evo of the tank plas’ 2.39 ‘The mechani shown eae 3 “glk tu” As the ck rom, as dened by 9, he two aes sate vein ne epee lserh polinada by Kad denn Rend 4. Formate the agua tat dein he sn poson vc ‘Bio do nts 7 1 Set up the gets demining the welt otic the crank rotten wih cnsan vey or what cank positon e the abot eo th wlty of te i sider an | 6 sg Ore Peon Unt 240_The:nshanim howniscled Penola sit ne mc sui As then owe tough be ong hc pa Sars SORES Ses este ining nt nae ‘ovine pron thn pt Poe CHAPTERS Multidegree of Freedom Linkages skagen other mechani wh maple dees of freedom regu hag od Sind eordnnte tate eualin mero the mabe aut ecto Te riage onigusaen sot fly dened ol Seine encased oon respecte. Forknerati aa iS to saying tat there wilde mall, esiged pay va esha rly lite eto he posen ston, Bt Keemp nS ee doly and cleat race, Eee ne canta of sng age of feedom mechanisms, mon of Tn es a fe ee fr fs chaps were todd Fees Cina and seen vr, pestion oop eeaons, Bet Nemen-Roploon uma soon techs, he Jotbien mat eNom eeteton onan, wey cotacent,veloy ca Tee ts and ty oot We mos unr moleatins, SEUSS DSI Tots ptr an apie to mule of pee seS stems Becnse fers are fer ethereal ol tbe Seve SSG} Rok ofthe pronation wl beby mean of ape. s.1 KINEMATIC ANALYSIS IN CLOSED FORM “As sce in he preceding apt, th inert apap for ome mech ‘Meme ean ised oul moved frm, Although ti ee rely = ‘BESeLEtsret mechenions, tis ust oir thscane for ight ‘ghesi the arly pone sometines the ng ofthe analy ihe the use of act sltns. fhe lowing two dese of Fe ee ete pesto, you, and sera fore oan fepeet Sete detrnned in coved orm The nostins egie 6 mateo Fr ina mile degree of feed become ein nthe wlan cen insta, The moton ol parr pot tnt do developed 1.11 Sliding Four Bar Mecha A ing Sura chi sown ng 3, fs on te ‘Sevens four ingen tat the ie aig eco nk ba Boca ed co snd tn lon qeand. thesecondery nrc he coupar sion angle Teed hetdiv gl lesape 8c ps ra pte Seles tar snes enya eos Poston nati, "The meshane ives 2 ingle postion lop that proitestwa aka positon op ogo fir Cicong, + BeaeA~Creoem-Co=0 f= Cjsingi + Bain d= Cesinga= “Tete sutione te to Beslved forthe wo econ oon, Aan Ev Alstugh sue athe are ceily appa a this case» oie frat putea sks evant, When 8 hn, the os tan Aw S182 ~ Cin AES aem Cah AGURE Sng Retire 1 Kets i ha aa or the linkage proprtons indicted in the gure, —wi2 < A < 92, fal valae oe ete get fet: Ts vale then Sl etalon for pw Set Ceeosts~ Crease Yaacity Analysis The vey loop equation sr the eof ie ferentiation of ths potion loop equ hey re Cofscongs + Bin A + BA con A~ Cif oong = 0 Reciling tat i uo, anf a fo be assigned asa tat the en ainda mi fu, fiaaneos equtons ithe Wo sown weciea A and 8. When these ar cat ih ma frm, the soeiiene matt ont et ee ‘cogs athe fcoban baie (ioe Salant See Fora chef oon, extn spremsiptdby the ves of {son ut and heretic Sepia ge Ti fcinenta = Cab ewts nf Lene cameras led nical rat A Roseman rere ae ets otic fo ths cne fora 4 @ > 2} mat ae han ply acon ‘ctor arn he prvi cape mbes) [Sens emma Lorena connia a) ‘Then the felt Kaeo the sscndary vote, vloy ills nd pity loci iy pe Ce al Soleil forma ate rather tan the" el Sed wh the neiycodlciet fo eg eget edo, Toe ae Mate Fen tag “hat the eae oe! mat square Sorts example ust ein dence, ‘Avecertion Analyse. The szeeon wil te otsned by tern ing the expresion forthe tcondary wesc tens of the eel) ‘celica andthe pinay ves, The env bo toy {hte the veo lepequrtons octane accion oop egos fn thove mus th sled forthe eaenans faba eoe Indie, the proces a lls fi)-fec Utd ales lt} -easls S16} {ohm ff} oes ff} + af} where the velo eset pel dative mae re (CUB RE~ Reds =A) (EVER sn = 0) y= | CVPR cms ~ A) (CEG eA ~ 49) GO Kaleorl= A) Ck aA ~ 49 (CURR tin ~ A) —{CBNKe~1n (A~ 9 ay ~ | HEMPR omy ~ A) (CG 08 (A = 9) Ck ein) 4) ike Nests) Nod the fle ofthe inva velo cots inthe deren "expres the velo coed prtl dace mates. ‘nthe case of mule degre of treason a fy of vel ect let derivative matics appeal in number fe number a [es of teedom Thi epated when they ot doesn ney ‘Seticent ota estate ais Postion, Velocity, and Aceon fr Poot? ‘The ascot of point? a edly determined afer thescondaty ‘res ove bron determine Xp G.eoeg + Up os A= Vpn a wo Yam Gita Uys + Vpn a ‘Wh one te diferentition, the vlc camponens fr pin ave Gene Tice Si) [eee Meroe Te a “(eee eis Eee “ie lt tn. a le, lien at ty le REL SORT gee =i i TAT any dein hv tn setonen ca saa say oma th Seer ah a eaten er reas edad ti ete ee nas Teco) Rpm -Cifi sings ~ Go 8 ~ Ay = Au on A= Vpn) Gc gs ~ Cstcngy + Alp coe A~ Vpn} = Bu; sn A+ Vy cae A) ‘Wimerct Valen, The potion and velocity aetions jot eased ‘ive ten cad ot mer nth ths flowing syst ptr hing can angen a= O85 in nds = 025 ache Aw 025 rane = 60" i rely by coincidence, point is very ot tthe Xai or this expe. ‘hed cate i fk sgh snd ct th sopan ‘ius Int ondguration and wh input roto ses = 2a Shai" 3s ul the syst vlosba se Mat of rats ges Hye 470 inis Yo nsiinle Bec eg cp sv he 8 ml trey, le eect agai eB 124 le (CURR Osim For thee potion and valet, ad wih te SSputerankacodersone j= D2 atl and f= 8 ade seem. ‘The acleration mgriide pon Pie A = VERTU Y TEE = 2 KINEMATIC ANALYSIS WITH NUMERICAL SOLUTION Maiti of feed sschanians that end themselves © compete ‘Users alist a te pred secon ae rat a ‘pecans repebng amc! soon forthe desing Kinematic ‘Sons ae mich more commen Poston and Velocity Anyi, The postin oii proce is exacly 1S twas efoe being wih the poston gp equstone. The sation ‘Zobtane by the NeweorRapkson meth plementation equies the Jalan tat which maybe blaine el sa part of the ‘elulyanajss: Toe ponton lop equations a dierent wih Upstate to give tn vlocy equ Inprepurtion to determine te ‘Eisown oes, he velo ents carte veten in mateo as OO = ww EN) OAD OH) BD vase Neth mum of prinary vals, an Ni the numberof {emnuny vadbls, Te matirs om ts equton ae [] the actin, {Shih unm ectr of ninown, secondary vl, (Ba fetange Etat of euens, ana) the luna Yectot of pinay voces ‘he loa cuteness [i dene by 18) = oH ‘Consqucny itis evident tht (K] can be writen a8 w=) or computational elfen) and dace ound ene, the velo cov fet mati sined arte slaton os em of ances eat ssostons Wm 5%) (NY XN For the ation of such a ten, see the scusion in Append AL Aceceration Analysis, Secoary aecleations are express by dere: {ttg eee rt sca vie nef vy {iets ante sal reco poe) veo In genera, ihe leans othe velocity client mate ae fnetane of a Othe ‘mary vals he cain le rogue forts illretaton The [ulin expression or th ancsndary sclrtone flow (6 =a alan GH) + tag + ++ whore du notason |, eprsets ki. nada inthe pres fection th Laas re the velo eter prtalderesbve mas Spe rey cen dora son uns ange ‘stane danse byte sabacp The ne gon ow aan he {matics aaeraty ‘The vay coelicnt mat is died by the ion UH) = 8) where the lets ofthe Jacobian ate] and heights ma [BL are known epi. Tas exprsion serene with cept 0, ‘spi! primary anabl gh theres te Die + A - “The expression solved or the tr coming the reguied deve abo fe aos 20813181 aD yy “URE me aT ‘Ths simpy a yt fetes nthe mets fe sed drsvatve matte Nov Sut the consent sth acban matin ae ould Sexpeced The oma sistent wosky coi dere eae Sion UK) ys (8 _ att ) 92 Mati fran ages oven Be mr enon ine btm ton of ‘ate matics determine, te ses secon on beefed fom he eprestion js developed orth owing xp: snd Pstons, veces apd cleraon are tari oe wel sete of ss poidon and eles. 51 Four Bar Mechanism wih Tasting Crank Pvt thre i Sur tr of Ged engin The serminlogy nly sugges the ‘Sisson The span ewer ae gal Meal ‘Strom end gsi ey mai ne ‘aan way and soestan seb ernest easy ‘write, and te potion and velosy are routed for enh centr of maa Peston Analysis. The poston lop equations depend on bath ofthe rary vrs a ls e+ Cyong, + Chen As 4 Goan y= Ke 0 ising: + Chain Ar + Cindy = Yen For spect valus fy andy thes two egaatins arabe ee for {nd Ay clad fom Saaion may b posi bas ume ation ‘liane simpler toca Such sles asumed ohave be Compiled so arto proced fo theme sage of ani pe enncarents os sin sin As]fAx) [1 Cy sin 9] fae] (ees Seam-(3 Soa ‘aly wth ie sig cin oi ok fae Acceleration Analysis. Ditferentiating the velocity equation above gives (i}-aeo{t}-eea6]-eof) avn gee maf T(t cereal, onal Sael+[eca xa) “The seconds alone age now realy end in toma of the ary vlces and sclerton and the ote a (La edit 0 Cyan) ‘ase Coordinates nd Vea Cosies ex the mote fee ora fs and bs corde slo forthe centers lms or he ee [Mie ar shown iy gare 9 The cnr of mate at lcd in ee faopetve boy coats sytney he bouy corwe pie TEN Va) ed (Ua Vo Te nts oe pnt fess lace eel 5 9 at of ad age ‘Reng Can ra Seg ns (leemaavea hen these expressions are aierentted with respect 0 time, in aon fo tems ving fs sere alo Be es vcving nda The cents the rectangle cote marx wi be ‘ued to veeypon the ine an ref psn Wath te eg ‘lstraone mae, he ctr of mas wlocy ompnents a f-[ “Soma temal -wf) fet 238 Kay = 1~ Kellen + Vo cos A Rav 2G: sin Rossin de Va os A) R32 kotliatn A Yeas AD Kas Cheseg, = Ra(tlacas Aa Vain AD fe Les ll -( 113M Si a in tere Kov™ Kallen As + Yom 4) Ko. = Kalan + ¥B.96 40) Ko = Rateligcor' + Vaan) a= Rat-ugees A + Vas) Foranne purpose (ce Secon 6. fr deta tl be sea tending {he freging toa spe vay olen at which ve fe ‘tterasmate woe componente snd the tnion mes for al lnk. ‘hth wens cuticent mites wil be (@ 2 and nay be died Xe Ka cS) eho] as [fleet A) |x Kal As} Leo Kon ‘ei simple ater to eve this (2) vl coufident mat ‘meray. Note tat fr ts para prob fl ao posse 0 ‘tan snalj enpentons olf the lene fhe velo content| 133 NUMERICAL SOLUTION FoR MULTINOOP MECHANISMS ac of te al con fh tt hae aed nly ge ton lop, sein nro sarap euntne,Howeer, sy ‘Po meane tc only ete. A wi singe dps of edo mechani, Tiger mulop, nip pe of oom systema aout on prof putin le equ each independent op. encase {Re mute of eqns fo be cat with rimalneoesty, but troup ‘pax ottion ts nat sigan mori Te folowing eas ‘lel demons te proces. 334 Power Shovel ‘ypc reuters hw poral in ge 3. ‘flee lpi yd cnr be mio toto te ke, {ey sop the naa hase cope o bes 56 tee Fro ine ‘he petty mea oh prac mts ah onthe iets oct rye te Fgare 3, ne ee ceed Emp, thedinamne Cy Celene omaptetar wed ictal trnoxtm pack mney eater Iain nd ee tc Se he i dine ‘Barbe taeBy Aandi Essa nso, say erp 113 Mera Stn hy Maori Trice else sng ors ar member toa reno ember, ostion Anti ot the positon ana fa isp must be de [RE hye tented ob gue 8% eve wating te op SR Sai tat th angle Es aepenet on A ‘Te loa equation are lop Dim e@sB— Gen “o Digan + Ce E90 op? (Caco As # asin Ay # Coean As = yin Ar— gon (4s #8) =O Coan Ai Cents + Cyn Aa 4 Crea Aa = ges (A +B) = 0 toy 3 yon A + sna #8) ~ Cu cot Ay ~ Can Aa =O Cin As ~gacalds + 8) + Caan As + Cinco y= 0 ap incon As + Ca sit 80) = Ca s08 Ae = Can 0 Chin i = Ci cos ~ 8) * Cy sn Act Cy cons 0 ‘One approach this ble woud be oath Simpy a8 see of Soe Pein ccune tobe sed simatneusy. Aone, oe ‘ins econo stove ae wey coupled hey ca Be cansdere ‘Bar pus fequnton cock pu be vd sun. sae addons he equations to he St lap ie vans for By PEP hc we und ttle yond Fs nt aque aga. The Ter he equine a the snend agp ve Ay and Ba ar 0 eh Vetcity Analysis The vty aye tae ine flerenon tine poste lovpequons With # eit nd the emai eit ue lees rong pence Bgl ay of ak oxy ex oxD | sear re Lig where | pit asa nie Gilby dada dy Au he ear acon vest {ohn Ga iat rte | RR CEST Gs the vec ipa ects The nonsense asin mabe 0.0) = Cx-s08 Cin As + in) 102 =n j Tat) = “Cin Cyn A + cons A) | 12a} = pee, | T9)= CheorA~ Grants +B) 193) = “(Cusn > Grow A) Tos) sqm 89 Tea) = Guin y+ Gooey ~ goa +B 143) CreaeA.~ Cran de 1) 183) 183) | 15.) = es a+ BD) 1) = Cycoe &1~ Cosa As +i As > B) 165) = Caco 18)= gan © 8) | 173) = Caso (ha ~ 8 ~ Cut Aa 105) ~ ~Casin ay 102 = Cusine 109 = Cnc As BO a0) Gosin a B) = Casin te 185) = Creo As 10.7) = Cxco8 A, 188) = Cyn Ba ‘The onze a he 8] ate ae (La) = os sa) = ain 502) - eva, + 8) BAD = stds +20) 133) ~ “sins + 89) 5153) ~ cosas +B) 55 Non Sion fo i Mecnime 9 “Te fom solution foe he vl thon i= Ue IL oxy xs @x3 Oxy “The veloc cot mat, [I agin defied sud Ua O- wt exn ees erD and, as before, (the sluton of (OKI = 1 ‘Acclortion Analy, “The voy relation i dierent wth spect {0 time express he scandy aceeratns Bae nla oom eee (Si = Gn + pea + (GD + Forumer deterinstion ofthe veloc ott derivates, he esau rent for the velosy covet mate erential th SSpectvene of the poy vars 3D + EDA a B+ Oh ag “The ec aca of te ean te i rete welt el ‘SrntGernare, andthe unten can bec ab spre of imaaeaus| ‘Suntone sable forthe semen wy -- Mt + ee eee axe axy axn ox9 6x9 ‘een oan oa now, partes an Ee esatntd Seely at the sto te te eguted prt eae (be denote whee an ‘Te non-s lements of a0 2 foows a) = ~C, G08 Cue Ay + nC sin AKC) $2} = sn By ge 8, KD) OA) = Cn Cy en Ay + cos Can A) KL) Wa} = cos B+ 450 BKD) 7 199 Maiege Fdon Lines HAY = ~ICas0 As Ceeoe As ~ gene + KAY 183) = (Chews A+ Cyan ARO) HO.) = gc (As + 8) KO) 143) ~ (eco ~ Chain y+ ge in (As * BOCA) 1483) = (Cyan a + Cy ae ADO) 148A) = gua cas +8) KO. 2) = ~[Ca co As ~ Coin Aa + gins + 831K.) N85) = Coe 4 15.) THB) = ~4 sn (As # 59 X62) 163) + {Cosa Ay + Ceo A gc (4s + BRED) M63) ~Casn 4s £53) HG = gecos(aa +B) KE) 79) =e sn (As ~ 8) + Ce sin AKG.) HS) = ~Coeos As 6.2) HON = Cueos AKC) 1) = Cisne ~ 8) X61) B= [Cy eos ~ Ba) ~ Cu coe ARO.) MB) ~ Cain 4 KG.) MO» ~Casin Aa KC) BA) © Cy cos (As ~ 80 KE a wating othe ements of), some ems spent are Bs oi ted: Roweves, these te ole ero corte wel cen ‘at [These aoa ss wl be hon nt acute ‘hecarrabve off which lows, Ina nr mame te perso "ie of (B with respec tog Is denoted (8. for which the howe ‘ent ae the flowing 513) = ~sin 8 KAM) Ba) co Ket) By. = “sia + By X02) By.) = eats + 8) KO) 8,63) = Meow + By) 3.) B63) = sins = BK) ih ese two mates ad he previ dtermine vlc oft ‘ay the mat [cam be extant nw Sra pe sue a lai the wo remning veloc coccient mete, I ta Us ‘Gach vio cetcen mrad the ts velo ecient par ‘Sete naan we Enon the enacted ‘evaluated, a5 just indicated, aa 1.3 Nl in Me ans 2 snore a been owe enerct Vales The Keats fhe rate at atcaly teed on te along crest, ‘eept where noted e220 com G-3 ae Ges = ala ge = Poin and gy Min tepetion Fortheosignedwlengy = 4652476 fslon angles ae [Avs 021957 radians 6, = 1235979 alan y= 028s y= oxmnss ‘hi pontn is shown inthe compute generic! Figur 2. The ck Tdi erase bom se ot he sae Toes en m tng erent prong othe ek ra me {EE Gre machine i hs poston the eos eect mat omer ao 00 anssm3 00808 00 09 oor 00 1K | gases ons 9a] bo aot loosen - goss 012205 hai sera tS Soave iecope ee bans TERE ARSSP UNE fs som In he socond erin? Toe id 12 sar ke Lage ‘etumnt Do the sgn ofthe varios laments appar agonal forthe ‘Safgurton saw Alt these utes soctfoe realy ane, iTihematet pened has en anderson zs "vith the acne nth ame poston the elas coef nasi UUs bebned an dembed ei Te ret [aeons to 88 msqon] 00 OD 1-09) or oo 00 cons sree ~nora Ashe point evution of sco accelerators st wal pani ‘humeral evan he wo emai vel eoticen ara Se 124 GENERAL ANALYSIS FOR ‘MULNDEGREE OF FREEDOM MECKANISNS [As shown by the preiing examples, thee ar mechan for which ‘Sie than che getentoed onda is quedo spely the oaks Salguntin, these are liege of feedom mechs Such ech ‘ms may ive one of mre Potion vector loop, sas een dees 2.4 Genel rly fo Bier Fo eis 28 td In he ton, the anlyce demented in the prowdag ea fi cles tt sumtanced ges frm, Tenuta lows j= numberof generale coi Ny = numberof secondary coorinies = genera coordi, f= 1,2, «Ny = srondary coordinates 3,1, Ne Poston Anas. The poston analysis bin by formating hep fin vec lop equine in sat oy for ingle degre of fEcedoun ane, Any yeessy cnet eaatons ae als nuded wih the potion laop equations Ths ves ato a spe f Sultans, oninearogatons of he form Wied ae BS Sa Baie fae SB a) 0 hal of the ordintes spe, this = sat of Nz ‘Susan to Sed forthe Ny une sendy eure These ‘Sop beslved in ned form or nrescaliy wing te Newton-Raphson Tho The fe tot hen ve ui genera coords aso etn slo ote say ts Seco andthe sd veiy, (are defined as bore 7 1) = Coban arti td B= COM fo fr ad re Jcobian matics ate a ah, te Oy te Ba ah th th... th fij- [ie Se oe Ha a the the... the “The signicance othe Jcobian marc inthe Newton-Rapon sl ton toe poston equations the neat ston, the sceleaten sl tr an the namo ceaton of he wloy onsen erases Ins been lcwaed previous Fo the polo, wil be abr that the postion sluts compicte and ha value are sable fra ose 1 Mater Fon Links Veecty Analysis The vac oop equine ae cindy tine ferentiation ofthe poation loop egation (and sy messy conse ustond).Assumang ao expla Sie Gependens, ts diferenaion ‘maybe writen nm (#i #14 OEM) OLAND BED ay When he parions re Seprted, he eat i tem of nears eo alpebnic equate tbe scved forthe say wen a Ha--Ya ‘Re caticet matin one t ie th aian mab ce . tha the scndoryvelos cn each be witen aie combina of te gencland wa o-- Be 18) ni ve th ety eit i Ce oom) BeeND 68ND ‘Accleation Anat alone aha for co ~ ‘lanai of the econday selene ston ne to soso ae se esa ede Bos toner Neve ho flawing append ers we the ‘rotary wloter rope! inter fe eealy eles Se pomry vers i 45) = 10 Wien ti ren i diferente with erect ting the hin ules ‘aed to rete he chang asthe even cranes henge oui inka ine an 26g Ay oH = FAC + ttn + 10K) sknown in expat orm, the equ deve an be atlas oa ds appeoc to cvting the scendary le oT phar ony been determined namely, then a umes eve tion ofthe vy ose cereatve aces at equre. Forth urpor colder nan the reaton dfning the velo coe! sf]on = - {38} hen his ego forested with pets oe pinay as tthe te there ry tient eee J yy = (28) oa [2 (edalion = [3a - Ea) ‘he wel cst deste mai ie he etd yo ‘numeral sbiton ofthe systom of equsons=——— | Ee eat = fo on ~Eaee) “the cout icon het de he aa acini ti owner the tras onthe gh asda oe atu data seape the poy vraten hoon Beat {Ertan scr wom om eit she par dete he Seidman stn (a ler th pee Eoze pantry vrei so known expt. ett ate Senda! eds ene sex he showman Ta fie muses gue rns eaeten oo orn At Ra Tas chal be ened sea yt of lane near guns “cs doused in econ 26 (dling wih he genera ani fang deg of fen sens), pupone hee & otto prove pce ‘cern trp sing nad oe venti) wth te oof Srtgattendlstecrpatedn al epee eed hnena ara SSSBUG ie eesor cant pe witout rnc a espe freien er piensa ples soe ole fom intatlao eedtagh tne rest I th res do ot {stow he ome inate er ely that neo as been ade aS CONCLUSION or mudere of feedom mechanisms he Real anys sane Ton of ie evs inosuce previo othe aaa o ingle dee (iecdom meshes, Alhauph the number of pry ose 16 ste Fron Ls rosa scars change tall Te slton for Secondary Yelle ot ‘loa couficents is more complied beats te vnc coe ‘ten forliple dopo feo a eetangush ther then ecu ‘Seto The copia ends furthers hewlett ea: {Theva paral desvave ofthe tanga vaocty cote atic ered Ti ne of body sooner nt ae coondints or pint finteret emine easel ara eabced previously fr Sg dees of ftv. The vec soticants and voc colin prt dea ‘ere, agi, recngle ats a0 Pata jrevousy. ‘Cespte inant somplonty anny scat with mie ei trend probe fone cues done fron ar saab ot tery ap. In genet hoeve, the feed wlutons wl ed to be ‘Sich by sutra procedures The postin ator vely col ‘Stns and velosy cutint pata dervaten al ch once reveled for orbucc anny alee very gic inthe ls Sogo Eaten das ren apes 6 REFERENCES a. inl na of Pe aged N:P rbd, Ay Coping Manne an nage: New Yer Dor, 196 ‘te 5 acim for Eerie Os New Yo oka Wey, 1 1) The mechani shown may be eoaldred 2 “Roating” sider crak osha bene the Cano hot nator. The dine: Sone ly and Carelaown «Setup the necessary poston euntons an ave In dosed frm forthe Seay vnabie A and ', Obtains sear aston othe vac concent matt ‘Obtain a clad fm sition or the vloycoetSaen erate mas trees a} ane a 4. Using he cimension given inp evalute A and Xorg, = 088 orgy and goes inp and y= 185 al f= ~28 ms evaluate "he toy count at nd the voce A an 6. Focgu urd ade at in pata dande and f= 2.Gbrdl y= 25 bis etalane the welosty cote erate nates [Ly and [a hd ie acoeratone& and 8 {L2-Inthe odie ier-rok recon showa the plunge op- ete through ade bashing ta iif moves awe pe Te ‘Sadi lhe conning ro lens are navn 1. Seta the postion lop equations an slve In dosed frm for and X ts taneton ofan '. Ottnin aed form slo fer the vty couse mas Obiin a oe fon soli or the velo coeticent derivative ma ies [Land Lab 4. ig tenga ene Aan Xorg = Sains fe Forqand ea input and f= 2689 rds and y= 216.09 ins ‘alte th velo coieent ma and the wots dan 1. Bocgy ery and fatin pasts Sand, and j= 57.27 ls and = SEB i Star aay cic ceva mae fe nd {3 and healt Aa | 18 ange Feo Lae 23, Sommines His deazatie vary the comprenion ratio of « steer irre ssanegnegrs compar One ‘ray fo ceve a tale compress re whic naiang fed ‘her grams shown ste figure. The veel polio o the Sha Thelngie ly bs aad cee © Oe eM ote a 2 Deemed ions fr the sony psn ares fied ke and er me Determine aseorm siuson forthe vy conse! ati, 6. aig the alowing it, eats Ay Ay Nay Koa the wl toafient oat fg 8 dane 3 ” Re 4in = Sin 84 The fare sows a fotki canying 2 ct. There ae 0 dages feed) he foward mao oc whi, Ge ones ofthe det clin cntaling he angle of eit an) the cleve Seal foe. thedinensone By, Dy, Dy Ue and Ve a kn 4. Set wp equations sohable fr he seonday poston vals (not ‘he Scrap equations shale oth eocy cells (do nat ae Sup equine able forthe elon olin erivabe ates ity teh and sh <4. Determine bse corns forthe center of mass ofthe ete Determine the 2 © 3) acy spelen mae for he eter of mast Determine te velosy seit esate maces forthe cents of 35, Theater hon oe ftw a nd eter ana tdesoprng slong te ead Yes, pec) The conte [ts for theo ns ae oesed atc yt Cy aha fo te Siders the eimensions ly Ly Chand sae how. ‘Setup the postion lop uations (ono ae ©, Determine he veloc aeient mati in cased fxm, suing hat [Be pon lop agains have een shed retour Determine ute coats for the ee centers fat X,Y) and Ge 4. Determine he veto eet ma riting Col, Yo, 0 The weer Cal (3.6. the gue shea mechanism esiting of tw ins ine suited pa dts Se epee one therm, whe th soon alder guided wang o Ese ping ugh {he engin tan ange Cro he aka" he dnwions By and Oy, and sage dare now 210 Matt rao Lae 1 Setup he poston lop equations (ons sl) © Supe treed dei tytn Setup the egutons sue for mein detematon of he vel iy elicit detve ties [and [3 (nts. wa ng a co feng yaad eh het no SEES ESE SRUE Medes yandige te cneoone and Lae now Determine Bi, Band By a fanetns a and gn dosed form 3. Deteine Brand Bs anc ofa sia ded foes €; Determine Ry and A em fg and fond thei desivaives, te tigre shows what oul be cle“ four bar ink getting the senae that hare ae no Bue psd ay 0 ‘ato te nn pts that wea nr bed ne mount on Ader, maving pat the Xe and Yosue, pect. The diner Hon Gy, Cys Gy Cy and Chase known 2. Wie the potion lop aguas (ono salve >. Setupthe equations to determin the 2 5) velo coolicent mais, © Setup the equations ceed 1 camera evant (Ll an {ty Soong that the equations developed parts a and bhavebeen 39 Te gr hw ed wea tha pe Te ft nae tapes inl the pou (Rn hat he usp length B= EPING Eth lsc nen there Tn mali pisten mavedis gr), casing there ove troup the age Eien te wap eng 8 4. Setup the poston egasins salable for Band Cfor ven vas fq, re osaing tat he ape ena to tse ‘Setup the equations fo be ase forthe weocty coeticent mai Finitg Band ¢ fo and Set up the equsions to marly detemine the voy coecet este tes 0] a al 12 Meg don Lies 10) A dik and nage ssc is nial inthe configuration stow he ren Snes i he eth Ds vere onde hgh Dy Sera The ona sir ithen Spaced distance oth ‘hl te sol tough the angle ay here th pecan the dane spying sie Be dines By Dy ad Dy 2 Stu ton eatin le fr tnd sie Aan Bo Setup thematic egaton rable forthe veloc cole mst Set up the eatin egies or mer dteminnton fhe rele "iy cvfiln drone mat (2 [i wt, 1 Pant oedema y mse tan ities eee dearer ea Eheim as White the positon auatons fr he systems Setup the mate egustion 1 rnin he reocy ont at L . Setup the equations fo umevly determine the velo cent esate maize (a (3). Sun, Forth mechani shown fe am eld in contact wth he isk taney mgt ot show) andthe dks wtb! ppg Sista Teme pelt ken in haar Dat SEEe a near lng the Xen, Aeneas, the ede mores tethegitand in an moves pst he under of he disk tery Reese 4's incency silee Qs ing the ik oct owes Sper aing ese to ear Temes CD, 6, rand . Formulate the positon agstions (ot ae ‘evap aguston sleblefor the eae cpticen man mai fom Srrupthe equation os forthe vest oelcent erative [Ls srdieb ‘riemine the bas coordinate tho pnt Determine he veloc enetiens oot Me Determine the wlooyenetScentderbative matics for pin MC 4.33 sale dion by an ec motor wih grave slonng acengement ne shan At oh tbe sem conguaton ‘ownin teste nes When peer appli, the moter tr Pts ‘eel the omer seo he ft exaung the motor se be pee kg acai el ‘ihe putea ean respecte, sn he length of ght of {he tee Tne tmetons Ch Cy a Ry and Rosse own, 1 Setupthe poston equations ta beled fr A,B andD (dont sive Matin Lge Setup the equations to be sated for the vel cute mat (| sae form «Setup the stone Be eed forthe voy cnticent dervative suse [eae a 1.84) The mechani shown wa ued omy a mhanl an log toniptng component hw vert! maton Xmas om the two Input modons andy The angle between he So as ah ange 1 Determine Ra. fation ode 1 Deemine te loc coeficet (vector Ray Kal €. Determine the ceaion Rin treo uf uo 908 4. Foc gy = 35 i f= 275 in Gm A588, = 118 In = PGB inte and = 5m lo evaute RR and “he iferenes sa te nu no loge os ight angi, he nde ages sow 4, Deenine the reponse Ra a anton of and i © Deteine the alos coset fro) west Kn Ka Beste ceeration interme 99 oa \ (01 {523} tn seen aniogcmpustin, the mechanism shown wt ‘aledaanming nige, fhe oancer and Caretmown- Dora sme Sha te angie 4. Determine the reigns Aan X nts af 9, an 1. Deemine the lacy coesen matin dosed forms © Deterine the velo coeten dervative mates 0) an [an eed fos 6 Maia ret tints 4. For the dimensions and state decedent, and & orm CxOdem H20sm yet $2035 me oom 27 ‘The median shown provides a aie sake lng, de- pending on the pestion ode contel ary athe np ck on, bir motes Uyough 2 revatio, The stake imam for fe = Ose ‘Bum fr q= 72 The dimansnt LR, Ror ond Sas ton, 4 Desznine the poon equate fr the mechansn (oot ae ©: Setup te mate eqanton to determine the oly oes ts Staph puto egies vs name wean ee -coelficient derivative matrices (L;) and {Lal o 4 Obtain dase elton oe stake (0K = Kau ~ Koa) ‘Sakon of ony. CHAPTER 4 Cam Systems 4a vTRODUCTION 1 an gman mp nt hentia cg ater ras eet eterna Suc keun mame ete ae orga ereeeneme Seis suerte tacos See aes een ce eed iea ea een mused intigus snd Egat. Thecanashown'n gue 41 ae of srmietes Metieacsnyermmnanti etd Siclorige Stason onamnte ager Sean renee eric oe gecesi gett aa ee Eigen rete Seine cine meets Suse wages nae Gueceaat te Seth a reese tere cn eenovaeraees tarts sfopaeemenmrnang temic! {the ype olmoton pe the owe: The falwere shown ne top eh getinafgets eens secereeninrs acon Com Dh Ca te fewer inal gus 4.1) and 6) hres thee nthe sight conn rae SEG SIRS sie igre) and). Rae flowers reduce on ees bal ney ne oe than dilce lowers Alea ‘hee fitfoed eters hve he beet of simply und Ico ‘nay far ach case shows in igre 4, be ang motion oan of ‘Be dk cum Toesnpone moton othe flower ay eee ane Sars cam flower system, the rsponse maton i the moon of « pata pitt fleece tt pol iene he ci bees Paes th fopensemoton nthe ce of Eataced,warsaing flow, SEEAG fo choco othe centr Ine of te follower guide athe {Soin sae ar slr fllower, he tage pints taken ste aller ‘Srl rtnlon As tng sa ftiocd folowes conser rig he ‘Sf ofthe bce ptr ot pela ate or aig Eola itp'Revined ‘alowel, however, pls in the boy have the sae ‘Shanon! moto, 0 no one palate unique motion. For « Aa, fi (om md Fd om nee ROUKE 42 Vain is Plo Sa pivoted Sticed lower al pct of he Body have these aon Pd to atom ha uniac ein The folowing dst are ‘ey potant 1, arr falower isusd, he tac pot snot the ells, but she ‘hts fein heating of ag component: 12 All body are assumed Hg and consequently, no deformations are CSnsiere neither he lower o a "The i roe is tht prt of he cam surface tat ami contact ste lacs th lat etn poi, the Ba elite sales 22 Gon See cil certre on ie a eaten a ad tangent the am prof THe fl cre ste aed pth dsabed by ee ein a Ht moves Fate © he cathe pine the salt de ened he ‘Shrivaopand tnegant othe pen cave Gonsting cane nthe anda feat, we mer qs tions nee abe adds 1. How sa cam desigatd to generat a preseibed responce main? 2 Faragven cam, what ton wil be generat? ‘he fc inoue «pols of yes the scond is ne of arly. ‘oeespondngy ts capes dian to pr: Pt cam Des, ‘turer the Sotho guest, and Par tkcam Mechanism Kite ‘Bits oer aque dao es PARTI CAM DESIGN egprsraceaen FuncrtoNs. ‘A mathematic Gevepion hat rater he flower dpacement fo the npn poston otc eed te dalam finn fo tat ea Paetsch ttl placement 2 te a aertcth te emtopolng aa at ele unr 8 puto Sopacement fection over one eye of can roadonisaled a daplcment ‘iebums «opal daplacenent Sgr shown n gure. "Re fllange of ncn or Seu flor dapacement cee he and desi br Te sun ston ls shown add i ft * ED eum 2 typ Dien Ben 4.2 Dien! Pion an pil Cn eps 13. pases, daring which the dplaament goes fom sro the mi Pee cdl pod of ured maxim dspeeent en aa eet dinsshe om he asian 0 20 ae od TER tect t nero calacement Thar fou poe a tp Hea» ae rea pnt lpia (ea) Othe ele, A Bi cles begning anand oe eae hese pin because hi [pte compu edge on peo jaysyay 0s4 ange The pon eutan nes figs mene pu ee + he csv +csind pebegerato uy eens a a f)e018—Cy Dn acon (Sg SSE TE am Profi The rectangular cortintes (1, ¥ ofthe point of ota ‘Soo be detened csi Retenng to igure 439, is event at ‘hey are Xn G- Gare} Rand Y= Cr+ GysinB ~ Reo ‘Toe angus poston ofthe cont pin raed othe am rotation A {hd the pole paar oon are G such hat A$ G~ aft» Atm 2) ‘Saving heron for © and using the Pythagorean theorem fore [Engi the das gv he pls clones fhe conta! pin te ‘Sed om te boa stern ie pes Gn ei2= A+ Atm 3) RaVETH ape places fea ro nef Be pe dies of Carstie. As in pevoas sts, the cm profile is consi (uta ereiced omy b's crear ar whee he ema of he ote cea. hs oon Br 43, Thc tne mcm i tan The point iss distance Pom Epis t snio ofcrvtre fhe pc ev. To angie i eased ‘fom the tata vert! rane inet ha vail ne othe ah 4a of Com Pot al Fer 1 surtace pasting through ©. Event Cand A fer by, test, 3 cone ‘Consider net the hoiontal and vert oop equations Resin C= Py sin D + CreasB~ C= 0 Res C+ peas ~ Cie B~ G0 ‘Ths gives to equation in the tee knowns RC, and Py, Ae bebe, esis cenit to the hee 2 ile substaion Byung ‘Be Fete of he beso equa ne vert egabin Tv, eC’ cos C~ Fy D' cos D~ CoE" sin B= 0 to determine D the previous expan fr D canbe writen as o-aerimere sce wesc Mme saucer Grek HRP HE ona can eEOPOTTF Veen re te ar er ris of cate GtGassysn SES ‘The pitch curve and the cam profile a separated bythe fellowes of ‘Sviture, Conngueny th cn pried of carta pS O 4s) sn B Page ped ‘Base Cie Radi, The chic of tse cel au otis se & owe sey the anne consents ae ven provauly for Ue Uansing ‘se owe 1 Miz ish curve saae of urate at be tr han he coer pas 2, Sreses as be acepale In adn, the equation given a the bapnningof ts secon relang 2, RoR Ch.Cyrand Grapple. PART I CAM MECHANISM KINEMATICS te ths pat the second of the 0 major questions i addres: “or 3 ‘Gren can wat notion wl be penersted? There are many sation n Sihch the eadom to we cast Gesined from the opel sptaion, {ows nok apy Tie may be duet te ned to work win svable Stic epost ake veo existing ps stocks, Conse ‘ony the quesons fo be conadesed here te, fr speaod cm pro a 1. Wat the pacerent neon? 2 What is the vey cetSent fencton? 5 What is the veltyeoticent dai? In Seaton 42, the flower poston, velocity, and aceon wer ob ‘ove tobe ried the am oon searing the felling ego ons H(A) = 8) + Conon iy Ara ay = aay + Bea tn a sens, the answers fo gusatons 2 and 3 are eden the welosiy ‘Sebi is/ Cah an the vl eoutdenedenve/"A) wb {Sef rower took farther th ta well a fete fit queton. The spol cae of «cecal profes considered it, tls ooking ats oregon! hap “As uccmVTRIC CIRCLE CaM ‘gute 421 shows several cm role, ech in the frm of ene o more ‘Ekin ars poled soxtn toc than the en ft a. This ippe of same cled an ators, wach means "ot having these iter” The can pote ay be ony ied rs shown in Pure SEG) orttnay be alee, an gure 2) The hired am pole own is composts of four cress each of diferent ads The Jk @ + Qs cue 42 Yr yp Cine Cas ie gi” a ei ge, sted i Fe ‘1210, protest mann to genet athe comple ton bse en lee ar Faro sey ener man tute pole made up of rsa an The lowly doasars opp {2 ny stato wh cnn etwcen iw flowers te cam oe Hla Faced Tomlting Poller. A fabio tansaing flower is hoon wth a eccne re aein igte 422 or convent ‘dy sfrence ne OM pus trough the centr curve fr he cone ‘ae tae the pnt To engi Re Sed te scm Trees lecular aes? thera crate, oreo bower prstion HA) = ~Recoe AP R= ena) + PR 17 inspecton, the places anton 7 Fd) = ReQ= cosa) from which he two deities Kun) © Resin A Geral Rees ieang r® Se ma tn A beni Choe 38 ‘the velosy and aclatn of thefaower expres in rms ofthe cin {publonsagle Aandi ores, ee BU) = APA) = AR A 4a) = Ayan + AP) Rein A+ AP Rycoe A fect: Trenltng Rolle ale, fb een cm wih a. Chee cnlting fle aes n gare 28. The body ee Shas ine Gls ein ken tough beater srt othe arse ‘Sibert he kaw coud he bowing Re enti sem profi ad of exvatre Re taower dus falower fet ‘odteine the porn ofthe cm allower, conse the rons ese op equ Rand (R+ Pho 4y~E=0 oes + (Re Pees 4, 10 286 im Sens se wg hee equations itae etn neta tointroduce the unknown tage fet quer an re ye Elza tn he flower positon ya toon BSB ASS Het Pres ‘ten he cam roan ng sz the pressure angle Be dest iota he flower poston HQ) =(@i+ Peas Ap— Re “This ast amounts the constant diference betwee H(A) aC, s0 at A) = Be + PV oO Ay ~ 6 A) = Reson A~ 3 ‘to delemine the veo eats the preceding lop eustions a areata, we oe oul AR oon A= Ay y+ Peasy O Asc 5 ~ Ay (Re P) sn Ay ~ =D “thas may be solo in ote far ove the vltis A aH Ag ewa Rem HAR mA ~ esd and) From hs Isnt, he vloy exelent Ky en be Heid KyaftAl= Re Gnd ~ os At A) ‘As, dette Aye salable: hati Ay Reo a" Wee Phew ‘wih (a) town, the vel coelntdeaive fy = f(A) can be ‘hited ey by dereminion = Reco oe xine) inthe a ten ptAie Rood tana dy “The aeation ofthe flower then wt AeAK Aly ‘RatFacel, Oscllatng Follower. Figue4.2showsafllcine, ecenie cee Geeta culating flower. As bear he body reference FRESE coven tops ash the center of curate, polo The Sow dats nce ie Seneatars CCCs, Py a Re, Hone rd ‘et agp equations can be wen nln the two unknowns B and When thes re soled forte fower ang 8, terrae B= Ancol? + CUMCAN + where 7 . = Atin(Cy Resin A, Ca¥ R005 A) We) = EHR aE ith B own, the distance D may Be determine from the to Lop ‘undone wil the es = (C,— Resin A)casB~ (G+ Recor) an B = Wa) a (68) ilerntting th op unions with respect ne vs the velo sykonesutine Whine anon ele rte Ky = Re sing + B) : arth diferent of he vost eaelet with espa A gives the sloly sonst erate y= Rit Koga 8) Pioted Roller Fllomer_An existing follower wih aller contact is ‘owe wit an eens cle cm in Pgur 25. Once agai the bey ‘ireng line Oh tas ben chesen fo par ough he cane orate, Bot CT mensions Cy, Cy Cy, Ry tne Kaze conser known, ‘Fhe ambled efesof the cs sk nd the olower kis to matin ‘oostn tance Between he ante af theca de nd th ce pita ‘Resp ote talewersem, The sum esl could behind with slink lenge + Ry ee even then ar cmatlowe syst requ leno cura linigs Ae ogg preownyin Chater’ ner ‘Slsciton a he pation lop esac came. That slton ‘iu prvdevlue far ot ofthe anges Band D seanetane ofthe pe "When the pst nop egunons are dierent with respec ine th reeling pi fenton a the unin Yel, 8 nd. These con be aed ely forthe nkown voces and hen ‘the seuraaged ove he velo coticen, a ale ee eel Sebo) ree oReolao “" (+ Ry) cost = Dy aly he wy coe der, cnet by ere ERD Ete pects Toe Dear DOse ey an 8 BEB ea = 8) A= OF Tefen rs the ce cide aes appre ta Seid Wipro na lower oto heute nam Sins Tipe the pei tees Se chen Sage cmap Wed approach soa more dre nemative wedi the flowing lca (U9 ANGLE BETWEEN RADIUS AND NORMAL ‘efor iscutng the flier sponse or cam fiery shape, te tefl io esabich aeane oleate te angle between ial ing a8 ‘Be Sinwsed moral ea ponon teem proie eshows nue 26 ‘Th np esud fe down fn pol erm =X) sd the ange of net i ened V. The nt vectors and ya along hi pend f the dln, ospecove'y The vecr Rie bag unin, R=ROE, Funtconllred, When the pation vector diferentes with espe © Eitncsonlt ina vector angentio tec profi ‘Aunt angen veior may be ene singly by nealing ths ast RESRE Bo geRt et By denote she ik nom ctr, whi an Be writen 5 nee ‘ombintion sand Baek, 458 cose hen and are unknown soficnts, Bonne Eun vest, the ‘uit andb mt bene, such Sa ePel themore, by definition Ey nama tothe ul tangent vestry 0 es Eko from which eR HEREO ‘tent wetor fs then determine by ving thee reitons forcand J he allow rss a TRTRT So oot ae REE ERE ‘te cosine ofp obtaine tough do produto wih Ey wheres RESRESEZ 0 Saticates bya sept of Be Sn ar RE inl he ang beet thea and the nonma totecam prot Vv Ani F) Devas of ¥ wth expec wl ao be eu and bese ae Best Shaina by aang fring two direntons wi repet oe angle G, theft and and devatves of wh spect ae veR gat V pene BELSIEE ISIE pyr y 4:30 Flr Rana fo Airy Go Pole 388 ‘These expesins fo V, Vand V" are ther eumberome fr farther Rijs wont bu tey an cvluted ea for rumen Wook 5 2 ‘onpute 4.20 FOLLOWER RESPONSE OR ARBITRARY CAM PROFILE In ths section, the lower reponse fran acizary cam prof is cos ‘ea ica conned fob taown in paar fora, R(G), where Ris the SEL plurmgl, measured om a reference OM De in Bee tne sede deste te ellower poston, veloc, sad ‘auleaton by determining the functions (A), (A) 88/4). aac, Tslatng Follower, gure 2 shows pi cm pre Taha det acd, tenting folowee: The pnt of contact Been te ‘Sim and lowes hau polar coords (RC). The normal 0 he ca aie athe pot of conta pra! th ilaserent ofthe ower Ff inc geomet is evened A+G+ oe whore the ange Vis «know fone of the ange , a8 Scie In SES. The vera ponton oop uation i RG) cos = HO ora eet approach ti to egos may be sled forthe to Sot G EE Win ene fA This routes an teratve ain of he Eden ei 10 Con Stn {st exeation evans G. The, Hs edly erate fm the second qundon. Azan atest, conde Gms ie independent wae Ur Ste ef 4), wih 4 and Harhe annowne, Boonies U(G) a kaon futon te est equaton cracls fords he econ iar ‘Thee cepacia hatin | Ma)= HR, Hand Aare ated ag ancons of, then fora presaed wale ofA, {Pescadero and cant deemed ag vee ee tan Tis ste messin apron x teny Sees rd ‘Se Sebe for fares work nts ia orthe vlad cotiient nthe Yel costet derivative, ts pecsary fo ifeenine for with rnp to A but and a en Fem peacing works neon of © Ten, th stds} a (hited bythe can rl for ailereiatan RIC) con = Re ron f-¥8 ca 2 ‘mace need d eminy iloig ets Barey-nvay Bareoy-nvan fear wine = toon Se Speen a 4G Pating lof pisces together goes rae ‘Canying hs ype of analy one etp futher, the second dea sven By the lowing expression roy SIBUV! nV+ RV SVE RV on V~ Row RI an avF UR = Bc) uty 4.0 Flee eos ery Com Pre 36. sphere inne derives of R nd Ve wt eps. The ‘Snes of Vwi spect to were enteied n Seton £9 wes the canative of R() wth expect. Alena fhe fanctons A HE Rand V have ten ane ae fneton of 6, the recesay der thes forthe evaluation off ana en be evaknted nase ag the Inert poses esrb in Spend AS. As previous ees, te ‘loan sslton of he aloes cn be writen Reap, aedp eRe mating ele Flac it tang oe foe: Pibekdhower leis them prties ssa ob given ape omr, "Rh andthe sgl ct than the nama ry plo thotiown funtion IG), The Noor and veka poston op equa Rend 4.6)¢ Rea +4) E=O Rese +6)~ Rysia+G+V)- =o ‘Ain the receding es convenient cases Caste independent ‘able in dan ifaribeoaknowne Theavedsthenumerctsoaton ea Con Sem seule for and it considera the independent vale, Tang RS SaN fase equate maybe eed cx for Aan Hat fw A= -G~B~ AraiaB10) Ho -Reoth + G)~ Rewth +64 V) are B= Atti VR Rees) Da VT RTE ETF ‘the vue Dis he dct fom he ed prot pit of he cam othe Tee men 2a ke aor The ane between te ine died by D hd ee ole though the put of ome. reuse Gs cnsared a5 tho indepenet val, the cnn let eae Salat th ennai) (4) = ta The dire of egies ae astrcned ay aferenatng ne tz! op = Tn wisest 0G, wat the owing res 4 _-H' shi A G)~ Reo + G)= RLV eaHAt C2) z Tea eT Raa oF ta sms mance, the dea of HE wih cape to Gs determined Tom he veel oop aqeto: 8H ay cea + 6) +R(L+ AY KA + 6) prea + 6)4 RO + ADSA ERG tA EY) eaA+ CY) » nse Ae wndersond to ean te dei dA, The dia of SATS formed ee the previous a Pad & _phe second detvtivsobtalned by another appation ofthe unre apc Outing Follower Bose ete of» Bcd, eating Rare ee peced cam poe the geome sas shown in gure ee timensons cy, Ca 99d Cy aceon ashe cam pole KG) Eartha i convenient to esi the poston lop equation pal res potcar fo te flower face; tose compre are showa 0 ‘ica ne on the fire. The oop uations ae Rein ¥+D+ Crsin B= cos B= 0 Rea V+G)~GeoeB~Csint =D 4.0 Fie apne or Abi Can le 38 ‘Asin the to preceding casi convenient fo ke te gle Gas he iene veble, tt eteineB sad D. The lower ange B= cfetnel fom the ond loop eqetion wit he ell 8 WB + Aran RES) E+ Aun) Wit 8 know, tet oop equation canbe used eel D The ange Shan dln fo te poms etn AsGHV Baw bf, otis ee 8, arc ie al wf When a pera vue oA speed, inverse interpol ane Scednne le sual anf Cannel eee tsi he oopemuatione se alferentted wath especie, the ‘rst bs pl of equaton ht re earn theunlnownvelosies Band ‘Bithetqgaons conten be earangedo ive the velosy sets Ky ed Ra efter ferent 97d. “Pot, Roter Follower, The Gna eae 9 be considered is that of 8 Pest ter wth lier cosa a shown a gue 420. The sz {Eland versa positon Joop equate for tat syste ae 8 lows Rein(A + 6) + Risin + G-+V) + CyeosB~Cs=0 “Rena +6) = Rasa +G+V)~CrsnB=C=0 Thar advantage touring Gas the independent vce place ofA ‘cor gman son lt gui any se Tong at ‘mes pean sian, the wigtyeoeiicns sod vlc Self (Sent deste wb obana be he oils ote aye neat ‘Sedo ring tom cnr nets Pston 4.31 CONCLUSION Tabet of cams i very Inge, and the auction ofthis hapa hs teen lined neces ony tocando our common ele 'yps. An elementary dseusion of dpncare neon hs so been rset, but for mast purpose dplceent anon Intnl ave ben prevouly spaced. Dplawen funcons hve bean adie tesively i he llrtre, and the irae eee encorged 0 look etthare or ae infomaten on he ar of cooing an prensa ‘Sipisementfncias “The fist prof the chapter deat with he asi devgn of an profile o generate a sped falower response when snplyed wih [arts aower type-in aon fo puy nme certo ‘he ert cota aes nays apple o came ae presents se. {ne send po th cape, the allows maton genre by 2 pee ‘ud cam proleves anand The spcal oa af Spence fe eee ‘lel cans as developed le ping othe gnu sat foes feta prof, Bec of hr igh ety, sun an ly ow cn lage ole cams al contnsef be uasd widely fr may yo cone. The ncorporaan ef omtened sna nd nay eds wih computerized mansfcising wil make cans mote ea nope {edie vanoue typ of mockery REFERENCES ar AP Sit OM Sty 5B nd Sith). Al Mss “fie Sto Nee Wy 37 i Pmt of ane Carport Di: Ne Yes Wy, 2 ‘Me Ht a Co Mahe nd Dyna airy Sek Poe ts Cte Geass aco When Api ao Sie 5 gad Use 1 Thy of Machines nf Maanins, New York: 41 Consider cam for wiih these ends over 82 ain am rontn fos ito 2., To ie rin the fr of vo ental ae ane PERE cach cngnt tothe anny ave ndtarget och oe ‘he mein of the oon ira. eens Ua spaced ps (is Sapheemant cae inating Dos end pon 442. Th es poston of partelr cam paceman curve tobe esbed aso dental nypetelicsne une se Theor ate tele 118) = Bsc) hppa eo Band ree prectmdrEhai tangeeio toe adjacent duel nd the ose se angent enh te at Thetedipezt fine atom nteval st Lente hee ana The ca Pun dung toe pe Tw lo of 20 Determine an epson forthe colin sa funton of Land b forthe se L= 12in. and T= 05 aca, evant (78) rand Tan part) evlot S78. {43 The ret phase of» con jl spans O70 radian of cm D+ on begining st e422 ada td teaver of 16 in The |Eopacnont neon ding the rtm the form of esque ‘eeteen ove ont Prd fn anti, onan: {Ee pncoen fact sane gente oe coring bt ere SRETRE setae) Beene ne equal paced pn on te di ‘ccent fancy over te rtm pace, nding both end pin 6 com sytee 44‘ do phate of he toch profes ae to be compared Fr te Bh SE Be Belchet fant snarl forthe aecond te ee or nates fs cn or cach com, the oe tends om Seat oge nih beat l= 08 in a. Taste and plot bth cluplaament fortions at 1 evenly spac Ta arth aoe bev neading bot ed pins py unten pon both vy cote function, (4) athe se 1H points <¢:Tablat an potbot veloc nelslent aati faneons (A), the sume I puns «4 hich oth vo olcemensfcons wil provide he mest desi (Me peraing chaste? Wy “L5_ putin coms inne provide sss main dng ath sha hota he cam pl Tha etn oie fh tere A= ta Pa ead ai of O73 ms removed: Tabula and pot BEE Adg vance att evenly paced psn ve return nena 2 Displacement function, (AR 1, Velayentint /A Velo sooo ceva (CA: A. Velotycovtint acd desvative, PCA): «Va tke nngert abt value forthe recy eolcent second Ueteatie! Wie does it ox? “46. Usothe graphics apprsch odoin pate cam or fable, tr ants t nat he owing Kinemat pezaton: uk b= 8mm ie seuss) «=O A195 ans Dr: 15A<175 diane Return: panisle | «1755ACA22 ans Dw: 42 Ac2endans “ae he Dose ec eas 959 mm (ign dain dean). Make afl Tes Rgnaung dain nt shows the following 2, Diplaceant neon: 3 Ratlowerin contac wah he eam pre t= 2. Devcpinet ofthe cam rfl, based on 12 division of he cdl {ur Ung he graph approach, dg plate cm fr use with» at uZaDRAE’ SEE cote tht ows the Enema specication Pelee Se 17 _goenin Problem Take the ler air a8 9 8 mun andthe pine cil Ps rea mn these design decors, Make fale engneting “twin hat shoes the allowing 2 Displacement ftir; ae 1 Foowerin contact wih the am pete tA = 0; Development ofthe cam pole, aed on 1 rons ofthe cle “48. Consider a cam for ws with a fabled, waiting flower vig a So and nono ratarn oper 30 ras of a oon tin desea by fla) = Laistea) — OSAC30 od wher she it 0.87 Both he cam and the ellower are ade of SSIES sc) tan® Assume the be aus, Ry 5238 ad 4 Determine the length ofthe can flower wear sre: 1 Determine pole cordate (, C) fr paints onthe es proc for Retaafte 132025 and a0madans, Make a hac ofthe am pres & Thelma adie oferta scam pole ous ab = 1.3 TESS nn lovee dt band te contc seas ito Debnted ‘GERD deesmine te nim hes fox bec “L9_ Consider aca, working with eGtacd,tansatng lowes, nd lower gid ad wh spe fo he cm ok foo, Fee deed io meet he folowing Hecate pecan: Life = dain Rix balled «Os A ATID Dre came A-<2500 Retin: Palbquleofsnuold— 20B0-= A < 3.7805, Dw: raps act ae Cine Ralus = 3365 . 2 What the nia flower engi to the eo The righ? hmm ol as ong tb. Deceine pla corsnaes (8G) or de prof ot in cont with BeGiswrd ter each othe flowing positon: A= 016 1,27, Peis Sele x and 70 ans {Lio Consider aca, opening wth « Bata, anlting ft towel nd having the faawng neat spect lt? To Rie opal saci Dw: 1eacie Return: smuslddl La SAC 6 wel: so82 Act Base Radio Ry = 2.25%, Theor dee al with ripest the am aif otto. 1 Wate the minim ower ce length et ofthe gue? To {he igh? mum tt ac Teng > Tabulte ptr coriats(, 6) forthe role ptt in oth with the flower fr th floningpantans = 23,0 28 4ei6 9, Toi it, Se Suh Tels nd Une the abolated dts fpr (ome seth of he am profi, {4.14 Working witha list wanting ele lowe, ae laren sas te falling patent mesons Ha) ~ 057711 eG] DEAS Lae Theft 0.35 inthe prin cca 2.27, ad he follower ‘adi 065 in Foe A= Bb, 4 Determine th pol corns fr the contact pn 1 Deeemine he pret anges 2 For parc am with 2 pte, Ata flim the f lower rutin apoeament a pve oy 14) = 008 1 ~ cox.) oa Les Act ‘The mensions parameters ar; = 977i, C= 138d Cs ~ 088, the angle yf. 2 Determine he minim rs forthe cam prof; 'b. Foc = 1239, detemine the pol ordinate forth oat pot on (he cam pote e me «Ford = 1.235, determin he ada f carat or the conn point nh ea prof . anc cinta cmopeting wh sang lowering, JA) = Leas] uring the ee mation nd sir fant fr othe retrn pase ‘The turn phase oc over the foaton inary = Lata A= 1, and tol sin, stared. The cam raters constant ange tpeaksA = Zara, Ait puny spaced pnts ver he en sea ‘Brine and po the awe for pats by and © anaes the guestone posed in port dard ‘5: Displcement ding the etm phase 1 Vetcy cetent (A), ding the en pase Veo concent deriv, (A) ding the rtm pas At the point A= 485 diane, what th ley and acalerton of ‘he lower? eth sclera dleontnaous a any po Se sie nd eee vt. oer nr Items a these known geass, whch seed ttcine en exeeston othe osnon of te tacepaie HA), ove he inter o motn 9 "Grr seri aches stm show, te dine sin 8 an Re ce a) renown Te caren oer {ee dsr by how pcre ton 0). 2. Exes th foyer ost Hh a ncn of 1 tape the vey cnet f= a xe eel etn eae 4.36, Forthe syste dese in the precip, th ows mensions | Da 0dsm R= 008m = 030m Romm “Tae displcoent neon fr theca Uk Le 00itm se, simsoidal «== «0-5 A 239 ans rel: ameacswo Returns snueedal «SMO ASAST Dw: wees “the motion begins with = Oar A= and both and A ae ce ‘Flower pion, 1; Vel cet, Ky = i, Vos oat deat, L [Li7 ‘The mechanism shown wes 2 pivoted fabaced follower to nove der doug ihe tance S when the am roan sg = A The ‘ir entesne pases hough the am ns foun, When A= Othe ‘NSerGostion if 80 The mensions Co, Ce Cj Cu Coy and Lae Sonn a ate the angles E anf The prof sie he rttons ‘dnpacment oncon Bu whee By and fA) ae known 14) 2 Detemine 2 squee of dose cleuations o este § = S(A) tot nessy to obi lo the clits rene Determine an expression for Ke Determine an expres fr (Hoe Fest determine angle D hen 5) 4438. For he syste shove, the ca shat spends ven by Ay = 6.1%) where A = 0 C= sale 38118 2 Gm Ses Biase seterncnerar ent aioe ie i = 08 The owed apt te cm ‘tha petnd of 1b when teller iis tc taiton tis owes Pou H guage eS ite guage lower aad Se atahowash alte crtecd neon cy tne odeSenane SQUSSRAD dice ete'athees he ues Peace ele ne 2 Ss ome roars cone OS romnie ng © Cos tenn he am noe 28) soma se ae eer oi SER te denen he lowes pren ty B18) = 8.4/8) sce te pce anon an yeni son HT taTea Reape i teoor cen 1 batt meres rte wc cir, KR, ate oreo aay oh dpe oct 1a) 208 coOWWAD] — OZA

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