The Court of Appeal Ruled // Nagacevschi Vs MIA Rooms 1-1

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CNA: Five people in

positions of
responsibility were
suspended from
office on the file
rigged auctions.

CHISINAU, April 23 - NewsMoldova. CNA announced Thursday that

five officials were suspended from duty
in connection with bid rigging case in
medicine, transmit News-Moldova.
"Following the suspension from office
of the prosecutor during the criminal
investigation of persons who were
accused in bid rigging case, the Health
Minister has decided to suspend the
following persons:
1. Director of the Republican Clinical
in February. Director of the Institute of
in March. Director Emergency Hospital
in April. Director of the Institute of
in May. Deputy Director Medicines
Steps on the suspension and other
extras in the file to be submitted by the
prosecutor under the 'announces CNA.

The Court of Appeal ruled //

Nagacevschi vs MIA Rooms 1-1
Road traffic cameras are installed
legally. A decision to this effect was
issued today by the Court of
Appeal. The court the Centre Court
last year, which qualified as
illegal use of these rooms. The
appeal was filed by the "Lawyers for
Human Rights" led by Nagacevschi.
According to the lawyer Nagacevschi
the Court of Appeal remitted the case

in the first instance.He added that the

association headed by him will go to
the hilt and get these rooms will be
In turn, the director of Information
Technologies Ministry of Internal
Affairs, Dan Chirita, said to that these rooms
functioned and legal functions.
Traffic video surveillance system
became operational in early 2014.

Mounting of cost 4.7 million dollars,

money provided by the Government of


State Flag Day- marked in the


The 25th anniversary of

tricolour will be marked
by a string of events
organized in the
Parliament. It turns 25
years on Monday, April
27 since the tricolor was
designated as State
According to a press
release, president
Nicolae Timofti, Prime
Minister Chiril Gaburici,
former President Mircea
Snegur, ministers,
diplomats, MPs of the
first parliament,
representatives of the
central public authorities
and clergy were invited

to the event. The author

of the state coat of arms
and national currency,
Gheorghe Vrabie,will
also attend the meeting.

the square of the

parliament on 27 April at
19.00. The parliaments
building will be lighted in

An exhibition of flags will

be staged in the
parliaments hall on 27
30 April, at 14.00
16.00. The exhibits are
owned by collector Petru
Costin, whose works are
included in the Guinness
Records Book.

Also, on 27 30 April,
more excursions to the
parliament will be
organized for youth. The
MPs will talk with visitors
about their
parliamentary activity
and legislative process.

The presidential
orchestra of the
Republic of Moldova will
give a musical recital on

The State Flag Day was

established on 23 April
2010. The tricolor was
officialized as State Flag
on 27 April 1990.

President of Lithuania to
Moldovans: Be tough on all
those who steal from you

Be tough on all those who steal from

you and allow no politician and no
oligarch to lie to you, to rob Moldova
and the Moldovan people and demand
that they should be responsible, the
President of Lithuania Dalia
Grybauskait said in an interview for
Radio Free Europe, addressing the
Moldovan people, IPN reports.
Dalia Grybauskait noted that the
Moldovan people can be convinced of
the necessity of reforms by comparison.
Compare the situation in your country
with the level of corruption, quality of
justice, fundamental freedoms, living
standards, streets, homes and
everything in the EU and you will see
the difference, she stated.
Asked what the message of the Riga

Summit for the EaP member states

should be, the Lithuanian head of state
said that from political viewpoint the
message is that these countries are yet
important for Europe and that sooner or
later they will see their neighbors in
Europe. But we must tell them again
that many things depend only on them
and this means that the homework must
be done well and reforms must be
implemented. And this is not only the
ticket for the EU. This is the ticket for a
better future for you, said Dalia
The President of Lithuania paid an
official visit to Moldova on April 22, at
the invitation of President Nicolae


Moldova may retain the right to issue "Green

Moldova is likely to maintain their
right to free auto insurance "Green
Card". National Bureau of Insurers
seeking money to guarantee the

payment of damages Brussels

opportunity. About this
Commission Vice Financial Market
announced Iurie Filip, who claims
that the state could make up for
the amount, if necessary.

Next week - 3 sessions of Parliament

Next week MPs will convene in session 3

Parliament. Andrian Candu asked them to

times. Monday, April 27, there will be a

consider the timeliness of Committee Chairs

solemn meeting commemorating the 25th

of bills left over from previous legislatures

anniversary of the adoption of the national

plenary Parliament to propose a list of

flag. Later MPs will convene in regular

legislative acts to be rejected.Andrian Candu

session on Wednesday and Thursday, 29

said that the Parliamentary Rules may be

to 30 April.

changed by the end of the current session to

be provided efficient ways of working in

Andrian Candu, the head of the legislature

parliamentary activity.

convened a working meeting attended by the

presidents of the standing

On the agenda of the 173 parliamentary

committees. Discussions focused on the

committees is to review draft laws and 2 laws

efficient organization of Parliament's work, as

for reconsideration.

well as draft legislation on the agenda of

A Moldovan - abused in Italy

A Moldovan woman, 40, was

subjected to sexual violence in the
Italian city of Campagnola. She
was hospitalized in serious
According to the Italian police,
suspected of acts of aggression is
Sentenced to ten years for attempted murder.

a 28-years-old man of Moroccan


A man was sentenced to ten years in

prison for attempting to murder a
person. However, he was sanctioned
2,000 Moldovan leu for buying, wearing,
keeping unregistered weapons.
According to the Prosecutor, in May
2014, the defendant, being drunk, came

into conflict with the manager of a auto

service company in the village of
Nihoreni, Riscani, whom he suspected
of driving the car while it was under

The Italian media mentioned that

on the victim's body there were
obvious signs of violence, cuts
and bruises.






defendant went home, wherefrom he

took a shotgun, which he was illegally
keeping, and returning to the same
place, made a shot towards the victim.
For reasons beyond his control, the
defendant has not taken the intention to

end, the victim being given medical aid.

He was later hospitalized in serious
condition in the district hospital.
As a result of the shooting, the victim
has been caused serious injury.

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