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1 Make sure that ruby 1.9.3+ is installed on machine.

2 Install Redmine on local machine using Redmine Installation wiki.
3 knowledge for Ruby and Ruby on Rails framework at Introductory level is required.
Redmine Plugin Documentation
1. Redmine wiki contains excellent tutorial for creating Redmine Plugin which you
can find it here.
2. Go through the entire tutorial first and look into the source code of some already
implemented plugins to get much clear idea about plugin creation and its working.
3. Here are some basic steps about how you can create Issue Importer Plugin.
4. Open the terminal and go to Redmine Home directory and execute following
rails generate redmine_plugin issue_importer_xls
You can also checkout already built issue_importer plugin from github using following
git clone
5. The plugin structure is created in plugins/issue_importer_xls .You can change
information like name, author, description and version from
6. Then restart the application and point your browser to
http://localhost:3000/admin/plugins where you can see the newly created
issue_importer_xls plugin.
7. We do not need to store any plugin related fields in our database so we don't
create model for the plugin.
8. But we surely need controller .And to create controller execute following
command rails generate redmine_plugin_controller ExcelSheet
9. You can find the generated controller at
10. Create first controller method index
def index
11. Create a view inside
12. To read and parse excel files,open office spreadsheets we need roo and
spreadsheet gem dependencies.
13. Add these gems in Gemfile of the plugin as follows
if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9"
gem 'roo'
gem 'iconv'
gem 'spreadsheet',"~> 0.9.7"
14. Read documentation about Roo and Spreadsheet gem to understand its usage.
15. Create another controller method upload_sheet to read and parse uploaded
Excel. Sheet.

16. Add basic validations such as file types should be a valid Excel sheet and check
its extension .It must be one of the followings : .xls , .xlsx or .ods
17. Check Excel sheet contains valid data by checking content type of each cell.
18. If all the validation passes create issues for each valid row in excel sheet.
19. Each plugin registered with Redmine is displayed on the admin/plugins
page.Support for a basic configuration mechanism is supplied by the Settings controller.
This feature is enabled by adding the "settings" method to the plugin registration block in
a plugin's init.rb file. Add following line to make the plugin configurable :
settings :default => {'empty' => true}, :partial => 'settings/issue_importer_setting'
20. Now add some default configurable options to the plugin configuration like
settings :default => {'task_column' => 0,'save_task_as' => 2,'average_hour_column' =>
,'start_date_column' => 6,'end_date_column' => 7 ,'asignee_name_column' => 9 ,'task_description_column' =>
4}, :partial => 'settings/issue_importer_setting'

21. Now create a view for Plugin configuration by creating _issue_importer_xls.erb

file in
plugins/issue_importer_xls/views/settings directory.
22. Add configurable fields in _issue_importer_xls.erb with their valid possible
23. Restart the Redmine to see Plugin configuration working.

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