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Why Brown
a. I applied to various schools and was accepted to a variety
of schools with different academic cultures but
i. One of the strongest applied mathematics
department in the country
ii. Open curriculum
1. Flexibility and independence no other school
offered in charting my own education
a. Chicago had a core curriculum that was
very restrictive
b. UT, and Rice does not the same
academic reputation that Brown has
2. Explore and discover my passions
2. Why did you decide to major in Applied Mathematics and
a. Ive always enjoyed solving problems, earlier on in the
context of math and physics.
i. Math competitions high school
b. I enjoyed physics. you were exposed to various concepts
and laws of the physical world, than you would be given a
problem with certain constraints and through trial and error
, math, creativity you would find a solution
c. At the same time I wanted to understand things that were
relevant to and tangible. At Brown economics satisfied this
desire in an interdisciplinary manner with the top
professors that explore the subject by looking not only at
the significant financial markets but also at culture history
and political institutions, in explaining economic outcomes.
i. This is something I dont think most other schools to
the same extent, and it has provided me a unique
perspective that those who just have exclusively
have been exposed to finance may lack.
3. Tell me something interesting about yourself that you havent
listed on your resume? Tell me you favorite movie?
4. What do you do for fun?
5. What was you favorite class?
6. How well can you multitask?
7. Tell me about our your weaknesses/What might be a reason we
might not hire you
a. Tendency to not take risks
i. Unless I am sure of myself I may not speak up
ii. It used to affect the roles I would take in my
environment, but Ive improved a lot and continue to
do so
iii. To erode this I have taken on new roles that have put
me unprecedented situations

iv. For example let me tell you about First Stock Pitch I
1. I signed up for a stock pitch for my schools
investment group and typically the pitch
mentor would reach out to those who signed
up 4 days in advance, but this didnt happen
and 2 days before the pitch the E-board
emailed me telling me that our pitch leader
would not be able to participate and that they
felt I was capable of leading a pitch myself
though I only participated in a pitch once
2. At first I was nervous but I seized this
opportunity agreed to do it emailed the other
members organized he pitch and gave a
convincing argument to sell out holding of
Chinese national of shore oil corporation
8. What are your strengths
a. Hard-working
i. Its not easy getting only 4 hours of sleep and juggling all this. I dont



wake up every morning on a smile with my face because I had a long

nice rest, but I have a smile on my face because of the litany of things I
have to do that day that I am certain will provide me with my own
ii. I have had to work various jobs from catering and cashiering for Brown
Undergraduate Dining Services to grading papers and tests for various
probability linear algebra, calculus and physics courses. At the begging
balancing all this work with my academics and my responsibilities in
various school clubs was the biggest test to my will but I have been able
to do it successfully while handling my course load.
i. As an applied math concentrator Ive taken probability physics and
economics classes all of which have required I solve problems
ii. Doing countless problem sets where I have constantly posed difficult
questions where success requires hours of independent creative thought
as well as collaboration with other students has really sharpened my
problem solving skills

i. Global Brigades
ii. BIG Stock Pitch delegating confidently
iii. Basketball, honing you skills
9. Tell me about your greatest failure
a. Mobileye failure, afraid of taking risks
b. After that attended every meeting always practiced
speaking about what I learned to myself
c. E-board suggested I lead pitch, took it and jumped into the
cold water
Can you talk about a time you demonstrated leadership?

Can you discuss an ethical challenge you were confronted
with and how you responded?
Do you work better as a leader or a follower?
What was the most difficult situation you faced as a leader
and how did you respond?
Can you talk about a team project or some kind of group
activity youve worked on before?
- Stock Pitch
- Global Brigades

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