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GELATT family

our mission: ser ving the Kansas City refugee community with the Truth and Love of Jesus

Grace and Abigail delivering gifts

Christmas blessings: Our 2014 year ended on a joyful note as we

were able to bring the joy of Christ to 3 Burmese families in need.
Thanks to the generous giving of several friends of our ministry, we
bought new winter coats, clothing, a stroller and several household
items for these families. And others gave unused cribs and small
kitchen appliances that were very much needed. And all gifts were
delivered just in time to celebrate Christmas! What a precious
reminder of the good gifts that our God gives to us! Thank you for
letting us practically demonstrate the compassion of Christ!

Emma and Grace admiring Baby Joel in

his Christmas gift - a bassinet! !
He loved it!

Johanna and the kids distributing gifts.

If I Had a Hammer: We began 2015 with a bang as we organized a work

project for Myanmar Christian Church, the Burmese church pastored
by our good friend Run Tho. We completed several projects in the
church and parsonage including laying a new wood floor, tearing out
rotten walls, repairing windows damaged by bullet holes, and more.
Micah loves to fix things, and many Burmese friends came to work
alongside us as we rebuilt beauty from ashes. Thank you for allowing
us to use our talents to serve and love the Burmese community.
The men busy laying floor after Micah
showed them how.

Making progress on the floor.

Emma cleaning up as Micah and the

Burmese men tore out rotten walls.

The floor is finished! BEAUTIFUL!

Micah & Johanna Gelatt !

Directors of Open Door Refugee Ministries!

3127 N. 59th St Kansas City, KS 66104 : 785.231.9478 : gelatts@gmail.com : www.opendoorkansascity.com!

Josiah (12), Ethan (10), Emma (8), Abigail (6), Grace (4), Hannah (2)

The Least of These: Last October, we cut down

several trees and cleared a backyard for a Burmese
family so they could grow vegetables to sell at the
farmers market for money for their family. A
precious family of 5. Well, starting in January the
mothers mental condition started to deteriorate
rapidly into severe depression and anxiety. We
cannot share details, but just know that she was
down spiraling so fast mentally that we are amazed
that she is still alive. Only by Gods grace. Also by
His grace, they reached out to us for help. Over the
last 4 months, we have sat with them over night in
the psych ward of the hospital, helped them with
medications, cared for their children, taken them to
doctors visits, and just held their hands and prayed
with them. The mother now desperately wants to
learn the Bible from Micah - she is begging him to
teach her the things found in Gods Word! Wouldnt
it be amazing if everyone wanted that?

Would you be praying for this family? And pray for

us as we continue to help them several days each
week. God brought them to us to serve them, and
we want to do that with wisdom and love.

LoveTrue Love: We were invited to teach about

marriage at the Kansas City Homeschool Conference
this year. Our hour long teaching session was packed
wall to wall, as 156 people attended to hear us
share Gods truths about marriage. Several couples
came up afterwards to thank us and to ask for prayer
for their struggling marriage. We pray that God will
continue to use our words to strengthen each
married couple that attended our talk.

Summer School: Last year, we led a very successful

Ladies Training and Kids VBS Camp outreach.
Over 150 Burmese refugees were impacted.
Well, we are doing it again this year!

This summer, we will teach the Burmese ladies how

to use an oven, food nutrition for meal planning,
Biblical parenting, a marriage workshop, and more.
At the same time, we will launch a Kids Camp/VBS
for the Burmese children. Please pray for us as we
seek out a volunteer army to make this years event
a resounding success!
Friends in Need: God has opened up several new
opportunities for Micah to make new friendships by
teaching even more refugees the English language.
He will be teaching several families in their homes,
as well as at a local community center in
downtown K.C. We are praying that God will use
Micahs ability to relate well to others as an
instrument to build friendships and bring the news
of the gospel to these new refugee friends. Please
be praying for us in this.

Summer Camp Greetings: Micah will be the main

speaker for a week in July at Mission Lake Christian
Camp in Kansas this summer. He is putting together
his talks, and asking God to give him powerful words
to challenge the teenagers that will be attending.
Micah loves to talk to youth, and is excited about
this opportunity. Pray that he can challenge these
young people to live boldly for Christ.

Misc: These are just some of the ways in which God has been using our family to impact the refugee
community in the last few months. He continues to open up new ways for us to serve and to teach
refugees (and others)! We thank you for your support and for your prayers. We have a busy summer
coming up, with many projects and teaching opportunities on the schedule. Please pray that God will use
these to impact refugees with the Love & Truth of Jesus Christ. Pray that all of our efforts will bear fruit.

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