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Name: _________________________________

The Cold War


Essential Questions:
How and why did the Cold War begin?

D. Background Information
Which 2 SUPERPOWERS emerged AFTER WWII? _____________________________________
Cold War: The state of tension _________________ actual ____________ fighting between
the United States and the Soviet Union. This tension divided the world into ______
Ideology: ____________________________________________________________________________

The United States had an ideology of _____________________ and _________________________.

The Soviet Union had a __________________________ and _________________________


Soviet Union

E. Origins of the Cold War:

1. Differences in _____________ and ___________________ between the U.S.
and the Soviet Union.
2. After WWII, Central and Eastern Europe were under __________

3. The United States wanted to stop the

4. American Policy of __________________________
aka _________________________________________________

POST WWII: How the Cold War Started

F. Americas Response to Communism
1. NATO - ____________ ________________ ______________
2. Signed April 4, 1949, NATO is an organization of member states who
agree to collectively defend each other.
3. These states make up the ______________ _______________
G. Soviet Response to NATO
1. In response to NATO, the Soviet Bloc established the _______________
___________________ _____________________
2. These 8 states agreed to mutually defend each other against NATO
3. They made up the _______________________ ____________________.

H. Major Conflicts Post WWII Era

Essential Question:
What have been the major conflicts and confrontations involving
American in the Post WWII era?

1. ______________________________________________________
Dates: __________________________________________________
South Korea and the ______________________ resisted
_______________ and North Korean aggression.
The conflict ended in a ___________________.
2. ______________________________________________________
Dates: __________________________________________________
The Cuban Missile Crisis occurred when the Soviet Union placed
________________ missiles in ______________.
The Soviets removed the missiles in response to a U.S.
_______________ of Cuba.
Identify this image.


3. _________________________________________________________

Dates: _____________________________________________________
The United States intervened to stop the spread of _______________
into _______________ Vietnam.
This spread of communism in East Asia was called the
____________________ ________________
Vietnam cont
What does this image represent?
Americans were
__________________ over whether the U.S. should be ___________________
militarily in Vietnam.
The conflict ended in a ____________________ agreement in which
_________ troops ________________.
What is the difference between a stalemate and a cease-fire?
Define Divisiveness _______________________________________________________
Why was the Vietnam War so frustrating for America?

What happened to South Vietnam at the

end of the war?
Vietnam contEssential Question:
How did the Cold War tensions cause divisiveness at home?

I. Collapse of Communism in Europe

Essential Understandings:

The Cold War was the central organizing principle in

foreign affairs for ____ years.
1. When did communism begin to collapse in Europe?
2. Breakup of the ________________________ into __________________
3. __________________________ of the Berlin Wall

J. New Challenges for the United States

Cold War Political Cartoons:

What is the message behind this cartoon?

What is the message behind this cartoon?

What is the message behind this

What is the message
behind this cartoon?

What is the message behind this cartoon?


What is the message behind this cartoon?


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