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Appendix A

Appendix A.1


Appendix A.2


Appendix B

Appendix C


Appendix D


Appendix E.1

Picture of Point Source & Non-Point Source Sampling Activities


Picture of Sample Preparation


Appendix E.3

Picture of Laboratory Analysis


Appendix F

Laboratory Procedure

Appendix F.1 - pH

2. Procedure
2.1 Instrument Calibration
a. Intermittent storage: Store the electrodes in a water samples (any of the
water sample in laboratory)
b. Before use, remove electrodes from storage solution, rinse, blot dry with a
soft tissue, and place in buffer pH 4.01.
c. Rinse electrode thoroughly with distilled water and dry electrodes as
indicated above, then, calibrate with buffer at pH 7.00.
d. Immerse a third buffer below pH 10, approximately 3 pH units different
from second, the reading should be within 0.1 unit for the pH of the third
2.2 Sample Measurement / Analysis
a. Turn on the meter by pressing I/O.
b. Rinse the electrode with deionized water followed by a small amount of
sample and blot dry.
c. Place the electrode in the sample.
d. Store or record the pH and temperature readings when they stabilize.


Appendix F.2 - Turbidity

1. Procedure

1.1 Instrument Standardization

Details of standardization are fully described in the Equipment Manual.

1.2Sample Measurement / Analysis

1. The Nephelometer is designed to run continually.
2. Select automatic ranging by pressing the RANGE key.
3. Select appropriate RATIO setting. (Turbidity < 40 NTU: ratio off,
Turbidity > 40 NTU: ratio on)
4. Set averaging setting ON by pressing the SIGNAL AVG key.
5. Fill sample cell to the line (approximately 30-ml) with the test sample
collected (invert test sample a few times if the sample has been
collect for some time.)
6. Handle the sample cell by the top and cap the cell. Hold the sample
cell by the cap and wipe with tissue paper to remove water spots and
7. Place the filled sample cell in the instrument cell compartment, close
the lid. Make sure the point on the sample cell align to point A. Press
ENTER key.
8. Press ENTER key and take the first reading show on the screen.

Note: If all the setting in step (2), (3) and (4) have been set, proceed with
step 5 directly.


Appendix F.3 - Ammonia (NH3)

1. Procedure
1.1Sample Measurement / Analysis

Select from stored program for parameter

Ammonia. Choose: 380 START.


Prepared Sample: Fill a 25 ml mixing graduated

cylinder to the 25 ml mark with sample.


Blank Preparation: Fill a 25 ml mixing graduated

cylinder to the 25 ml mark with deionized water.


Add 3 drops of Mineral Stabilizer to each

cylinder. Invert several times to mix. Add 3 drops of Polyvinyl Alcohol
Dispersing Agent to each cylinder. Invert several times to mix.


Pipet 1.0 mL of Nessler Reagent into each

cylinder. Stopper. Invert several times to mix.


Press Timer > OK. A one minute reaction period

will begin.





Pour 10 ml each solution into a sample cell.

When the timer expires, wipe the blank sel and

insert it into the cell holder with the fill line facing right.


Press : ZERO, The display will show : 0.00 mg/L

Place the prepared sample into the cell holder

with the fill line facing right.

mg/L NH3-N

Press : READ, The display will show result in


Appendix F.4 - Iron/ Ferum

2. Procedure
2.1 Instrument Standardization
Details of standardization are fully described in the Equipment Manual.

2.2Sample Measurement / Analysis

Select from stored program for parameter Iron. Choose: 265 START.

Prepared Sample: Fill a clean square sample cell with 10 ml of sample.

3. Add the contents of one Ferro Ver Iron reagent Powder Pillow to the
sample cell (the prepared sample). Swirl to mix.
Note: An orange colour will form if iron is present

4. Press Timer > OK. A three minute reaction period will begin.
5. Blank Preparation: Fill a clean square sample cell with 10 ml of sample.
6. Wipe the sample sel and insert it into the cell holder with the fill line
facing right.
7. Press : ZERO, The display will show : 0.00 mg/L Fe
8. Place the prepared sample into the cell holder with the fill line facing
9. Press : READ, The display will show result in mg/L Fe


Appendix F.5 - Manganese

3. Procedure
3.1Sample Measurement / Analysis

Select from stored program for parameter

manganese. Choose: 290 START.


Blank Preparation: Fill a 10 ml deionized water

into a square sample cell.


Sample Preparation: Fill a 10 ml sample air into

another square sample cell.


Add the contents of one ascorbic Acid Powder

Pillow to each cell. Swirl to mix.


Add 12 drops
Solution to each cell. Swirl to mix.




Note: A cloudy or turbid solution may form in some samples after

addition of the
Alkaline-Cyanide Reagent Solution. The turbidity should dissipate after
step 8


Add 12 drops of PAN Indicator Solution, 0.1%, to

each sample cell. Swirl to mix.
Note: An orange colour will develop if manganese is present.


Press Timer > OK. A two minute reaction period

will begin.


When the timer expires, wipe the blank sel and

insert it into the cell holder with the fill line facing right.


Press : ZERO, The display will show : 0.000

mg/L Mn

Place the prepared sample into the cell holder with the fill line facing right.
Press : READ, The display will show result in mg/L Mn

Appendix F.6 - Biological

F-5Oxygen Demand 5 Days

4. Procedure
4.1 Dilution Water Preparation
The temperature of the BOD dilution water must be 20 oC at the time of
use and near or at the saturation with oxygen. It is recommended that
distilled water be stored in a BOD incubator until it reaches 20 oC and
dilution water is prepared immediately before use. Cap the jug loosely
and place them in the incubator for storage. After 24 hours or more, the
temperature will be 20oC and the water will be saturated or nearly
saturated with oxygen furnished by the air above the water in the jugs.


Using BOD Nutrient Buffer Pillows

To prepare dilution water, use the BOD nutrient buffer pillows (Cat. No.:
14861-66). Shake the pillow, cut it open and add the contents to jug
containing the 3 liters of distilled water. Choose the container which will
be only partially filled by the solution. Cap the jug and shake vigorously
for 1 minute to dissolve the slurry and to saturate the water with oxygen.


Seeding is needed when the difference of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) level
before and after 5 days incubation are less than 3 mg/L.

Preparation of seeded buffered dilution water: 1 BOD seed capsule in

500ml buffered dilution water which prepared earlier in step 7.3.


Determining Simple Volume


Sample Measurement / Analysis


1. Use pipet to transfer 10ml of seeded dilution water to BOD bottle.

(This is strictly for samples with DO level difference less than
2. Use pipet to transfer the appropriate amount of sample to 300mL BOD
3. Prepare a separate BOD bottle with sample dilution water only. This
will be the dilution water blank.
4. If sample is seeded, use pipet to transfer 10ml of seeded dilution water
to BOD bottle. This will be the seeded dilution water blank.

5. For samples that are biologically treated effluents, samples seeded

with biologically treated effluents and river water, add approximately
0.16g of Nitrification Inhibitor to each bottle. Report results as CBOD.


Fill each bottle to just below the lip with

dilution water or seeded dilution water. Determination using dilution
water or seeded dilution water depend on the description in step 1.
When adding the water, allow it to flow slowly down the sides of the
bottle to prevent bubbles from forming.


Stopper the bottle, being careful not to

trap any air bubbles. Press on the stopper of the bottle with your
finger, then invert several times to mix.


Determine initial dissolved oxygen value

by using YSI DO meter.


Add enough dilution water to the lip of

the BOD bottle to make a water seal.

10. When the 5-day incubation period is complete, determine the

dissolved oxygen content (mg/L DO remaining) in each bottle by using
YSI DO meter.


Appendix F.7 Nitrate



7.1 Sample Measurement / Analysis

Select from stored program for parameter nitrate. Choose: 355 START.
2. Fill a 10 ml sample into a square sample cell.
3. Sample Preparation: Add the contents of one NitraVer 5 Reagent Powder
Pillow to the cell (the prepared sample). Stopper.
4. Press Timer > OK. A one minute reaction period will begin.
Note: Shaking time and technique influence colour development.


Shake the cell vigorously until the timer expires.

6. Press Timer > OK. A five minute reaction period will begin.
Note: An amber colour will develop if nitrate nitrogen is present.
7. Blank Preparation: When the timer expires, fill another square sample cell
with 10 mL of sample.
8. Wipe the blank sel and insert it into the cell holder with the fill line facing
9. Press: ZERO, The display will show: 0.0 mg/L NO3-N.
10.Within one minute after the timer expires, wipe the prepared sample and
insert it into cell holder with the fill line facing right.
11.Press : READ, The display will show result in mg/L NO3-N

Appendix F.8- Total Suspended Solid


Appendix F.9- Dissolved Oxygen

5. Procedure
5.1Sample shall be contained in BOD bottle.
5.2Place the probe in the sample.
5.3Provide adequate stirring.
5.4Allow time for the temperature and dissolved oxygen readings to stabilize.
The amount of time varies with temperature, the condition of the probe
and the dissolved oxygen level.
5.5Wait for the * to appear on the screen with beep sound. This is to notify
the reading is stable.


Appendix F.10 Aluminum

6. Procedure

Sample Measurement / Analysis

a) For cell volume 10mm and 20mm

1. Make sure the pH value is within the range 3 to 10.
2. Pipette 5ml of the sample into a test tube.
3. Add 1 level blue micro spoon of Al-1 to the test tube and dissolve the
solid substance.
4. Add 1.2ml of Al-2 with pipette and mix.
5. Add 0.25ml of Al-3 with pipette and mix.
6. Reaction time: 2 minute.
7. Transfer the solution into a corresponding cell.
8. Select method with Autoselector.
9. Place the cell into the cell compartment


Appendix F.11- Fluoride

7. Procedure
7.1 Instrument Standardization
Details of standardisation are fully described in the Equipment Manual.

7.2Sample Measurement / Analysis

Select from stored program for parameter fluoride. Choose: 190 START.

Prepared Sample: Pipet 10 ml of sample into a

dry square sample cell.


Blank Preparation: Pipet 10 ml of deionized

water into a second dry square sample cell.


Carefully pipet 2ml of SPADNS Reagent into

each cell. Swirl to mix.


Press Timer > OK. A one minute reaction period

will begin.


When the timer expires, wipe the blank sel and

insert it into the cell holder with the fill line facing right.


Press : ZERO, The display will show : 0 mg/L F-



Wipe the sample sel and insert it into the cell

holder with the fill line facing right.

mg/L F-

Press : READ, The display will show result in


Appendix F.12 - Free Chlorine

8. Procedure
8.1Sample Measurement / Analysis
Range: 0.05 to 4.00 mg/L

1. Select the stored program number for free chlorine, MR method. Press: 87
Chlorine F&T PP MR. Then press Start.
2. Fill the sample cell to the 10mL line with sample.
3. Wipe the cell and insert it into the cell holder.
4. Press ZERO. The display will show: 0.0 mg/L Cl 2.
5. Remove the cell and add the contents of one DPD Free Chlorine powder pillow
for 25 mL samples to the sample.
6. Cap and shake the cell about 20 seconds to dissolve reagent.
A pink color will develop if chlorine is present.

7. Immediately insert the prepared sample into the cell holder

Please read. Results are in mg/L Cl2.
8.2 Calculation
Not applicable.


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