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mind wispering

cagnetive theraphy
because of the opportunities that the company provided to me and put its trust i
n me.
work on with
One of the most important things in the corporate world is to know how to get th
ings done. And I believe that execution becomes your number one task as the head
of your company. And it's important to follow through till you have finished th
e job at hand.
First and foremost:
! Words
ensue: happen or occur afterwards or as a result.
groomed :
scepticism: a sceptical attitude; doubt as to the truth of something. the theory
that certain knowledge is impossible.
multifaceted :
incarnation : a person who embodies in the flesh a deity, spirit, or quality. (w
ith reference to reincarnation) each of a series of earthly lifetimes.
rubble : A loose mass of angular fragments of rock or masonry crumbled by natur
al or human forces. 2. a. Irregular fragments or pieces of rock used in masonry.
is known also as 'brash' (earth quake- made monuments rubble )
dampen :
fury : wild or violent anger.extreme strength or violence in an action or a natu
ral phenomenon.
emeritus: (of the former holder of an office, especially a university professor)
having retired but allowed to retain their title as an honour.
preconceptions : a preconceived idea or prejudice. Prejudice is prejudgment, or
forming an opinion before becoming aware of the relevant facts of a case.
frantic : distraught with fear, anxiety, or other emotion. conducted in a hurrie
d, excited, and disorganized way.
streak : line,
uprooted: pull (something, especially a tree or plant) out of the ground. move (
someone) from their home or a familiar location.
vindicated :show or prove to be right, reasonable, or justified. clear (someone
) of blame or suspicion.
forefront : before all, first. exceeding others.
unrestrained : Not controlled or held in check; immoderate: unrestrained exploit
ation of natural resources. 2. Uninhibited or unreserved: an unrestrained person
stranded : (of a boat, sailor, or sea creature) left aground on a shore. left wi
thout the means to move from somewhere.
stampeding : (of horses, cattle, or other animals) rush wildly in a sudden mass
panic. (of people) move rapidly in a mass.
It is indeed : truly
offsprings: offspring is the product of reproduction of a new organism produced
by one or more parents.
sump : a low part or area where liquid collects when it drains from something.
go-getters: someone who is very energetic, determined to be successful, and able
to deal with new or difficult situations easily
comprehend : grasp mentally; understand. "he couldn't comprehend her reasons for
marrying Lovat"
linguistic : is the scientific study of language. in respect to language.
bureaucracy : A bureaucracy is a way of administratively organizing large numbe
rs of people who need to work together. Organizations in the public and private
sector, including universities and governments, rely on bureaucracies to functio
infested : (of insects or animals) be present (in a place or site) in large num

bers, typically so as to cause damage or disease.

inculcation : to implant by repeated statement or admonition; teach persistently
and earnestly (usually followed by upon or in):
astonishment : great surprise.
arbitrariness: is the quality of being "determined by chance, whim, or impulse,
and not by necessity, reason, or principle".
infuriating : something that makes you really, really angry.
snag : an unexpected problem or difficulty. : a sharp or broken part of somethin
g that sticks out from a smooth surface. : a thread that sticks out from a piece
of cloth.
iniquitous : morally wrong or grossly unfair.
scrambling : the action of scrambling up or over rough or steep ground, especial
ly as a leisure activity.
unintelligible : impossible to understand.
bullied : is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or agg
ressively dominate others.
stemmed : Grow out of,
spurn: reject with disdain or contempt.strike, tread, or push away with the foot
bash: strike hard and violently.damage or break something by striking it violent
coveted : yearn to possess (something, especially something belonging to another
surfaced: come to light.
whopping : very large.
eloped: To run away with a lover, especially with the intention of getting marri
ed. 2. To run away; abscond.``
wracked : cause extreme pain, anguish, or distress to.
grief : Deep mental anguish, as that arising from bereavement, or an instance of
bereft : deprived of or lacking (something). (of a person) sad and lonely, espec
ially through someone's death or departure.
taunt : to reproach in a sarcastic, insulting, or jeering manner; mock.
filial : relating to or due from a son or daughter.
hoodwinked : To deceive or swindle by deception.
swindle : use deception to deprive (someone) of money or possessions.
discretions : the right to choose what should be done in a particular situation.
: the quality of being careful about what you do and say so that people will no
t be embarrassed
perversely : willfully determined or disposed to go counter to what is expected
or desired
dubious : hesitating or doubting.
abreast: side by side and facing the same way. the path was wide enough for two
people to walk abreast
unscrupulous : having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair.
avaricious : having or showing an extreme greed for wealth or material gain.
tremors :
patronage : is the support, encouragement, privilege, or financial aid that an o
rganization or individual bestows to another
condescending : having or showing an attitude of patronizing superiority.
obsessively : thinking about something or someone too much or in a way that is
not normal
nerdier : A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technic
al pursuits but is felt to be socially inept.
inept: having or showing no skill; clumsy.
agile: able to move quickly and easily.
ordinance: an authoritative rule or law; a decree or command. a public injunctio
n or regulation
strident : (of a sound) loud and harsh; grating. presenting a point of view, esp
ecially a controversial one, in an excessively forceful way.

Unmindful : not conscious or aware.

stifled : make (someone) unable to breathe properly; suffocate. restrain (a reac
tion) or stop oneself acting on (an emotion).
noose : a loop at the end of a rope in which the knot slides to make the loop co
llapsible. (hanging rope)
staggering : walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall. astonish or deeply sh
stringent :of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and ex
lucrative: producing a great deal of profit.
trajectory: the path followed by a projectile flying or an object moving under t
he action of given forces.
comprise: consist of; be made up of.
congenital : A congenital disorder, or congenital disease, is a condition existi
ng at birth and often before birth, regardless of causation. Of these diseases,
hunch: raise (one's shoulders) and bend the top of one's body forward. a feeling
or guess based on intuition rather than fact. a humped position or thing.
rote : Rote learning is a memorization technique based on repetition.
stint : stint means a set amount of time in which you do something
often work of s
ome sort. "She served a stint in the army, followed by a stint in an office
affirmative : agreeing with or consenting to a statement or request. offering em
otional support
recalcitrant : having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or
obstinately : firmly or stubbornly adhering to one's purpose, opinion, etc.
renunciation: the formal rejection of something, typically a belief, claim, or c
ourse of action. "the life of the Spirit required renunciation of marriage"
salvation : is being saved or protected from harm or being saved or delivered f
rom some dire situation.
benevolent: well meaning and kindly. kind-hearted, warm-hearted, tender-hearted
, big-hearted,
exaltation : a feeling or state of extreme happiness. "she was in a frenzy of ex
altation and terror"
exuberance : the quality of being full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness;
bullish : aggressively confident and self-assertive.
compassion: Compassion is the emotion that one feels in response to the sufferin
g of others that motivates a desire to help. Compassion is really the act of goi
ng out of your way to help physical, spiritual, or emotional hurts or pains of a
allied :
meagre : (of something provided or available) lacking in quantity or quality.
predecessor : a person who held a job or office before the current holder.
preach : deliver a sermon or religious address to an assembled group of people,
typically in church.
laurels :
junctures :
graciously : a. Characterized by kindness and warm courtesy: gave the guests a g
racious welcome. b. Characterized by tact and propriety: responded to the insult
pedagogy :
nurture : care for and protect (someone or something) while they are growing.
audacious : showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks.
articulate : having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently.
modest : unassuming in the estimation of one's abilities or achievements.
eminent :
ambience :
framers : express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their b
ehaviour or actions.

scarecrows: puppet placed to scare crows.

horseflies: eecha.
came across:
expats: An expatriate (often shortened to expat) is a person temporarily or perm
anently residing in a country other than that of their citizenship.
strenuous: requiring or using great effort or exertion.
accolades :
imbibed: absorb or assimilate (ideas or knowledge).
virtue : A virtue is a positive trait or quality deemed to be morally good and t
hus is valued as a
percolated :(of a liquid or gas) filter gradually through a porous surface or su
ayes:an affirmative answer, especially in voting.
Quid pro quo: ("something for something" in Latin) means an exchange of goods or
services, where one transfer is contingent upon the other.
cartelisation : is an agreement between competing firms to control prices or exc
lude entry of a new competitor in a market.
collusive : Acting in secret to achieve a fraudulent, illegal, or deceitful goal
farce: an event or situation that is absurd or disorganized
absurd: wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate.
so do I
neither do I
wouldn't have otherwise
leverage : control, force, influence
verdict: is the formal finding of fact made by a jury on matters or questions su
bmitted to the jury by a judge
in terms of:
here we getthe options
spawn: to produce or lay eggs in water. : to cause (something) to develop or beg
in : to produce or create (something)
looked upto
disintermediation : withdrawal of funds from intermediary financial institutio
ns, such as banks and savings and loan associations, in order to invest them dir

shed some light:
fond: having an affection or liking for.
dis heartening:
sharp eye:
evade detection:
sort of
emerged :
could have been: ho sakta tha
this is going to be your job
let me get into more detail of it
coming to your point
SOP: standard operating Procedure.
practical approach:
left out
size and magnitude
Vibe : A distinctive emotional atmosphere; sensed intuitively. "It gave me a nos
talgic vibe". "That man gives off bad vibes".
stabbing: A penetration with a sharp or pointed object at a close range
kind of:
palatable: (of food or drink) pleasant to taste. a very palatable local red wine
OR (of an action or proposal) acceptable or satisfactory. "a device that made i
ncreased taxation more palatable"
astute: having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people a
nd turn this to one's advantage.
that nature:
as we have more clients:
stint: a person's fixed or allotted period of work. OR supply a very ungenerous

or inadequate amount of (something). OR limitation of supply or effort.

crisis management
snooze: postpone for some more time
walking the dog
well it is and it isn't
limited resources:
hostile situation
self depricating jocks
i will take that question later
had i been
what , so what,
now what
! persecute:
reckon: establish by calculation.
reprimanded: someone in authority speaks to you in an angry way because you've d
one something wrong of breach of rule
is it int
! Accepted Facts
It's common knowledge that...

It's a fact (that)..

Anyone will tell you..
Everybody knows that...
It's a well-established fact that
Few people would deny that..
It's no secret that...
I think we can all accept / agree that..
It is generally assumed that...
It has been scientifically proven that...
! Advice and Suggestions
I reckon you should stop now
Why don't you stop now?
How about stopping now?
If I were you, I'd stop now.
I suggest you stop now
You'd (really) better stop right now.
I would strongly advise you to stop
My advice would be to stop now
It might be a good idea to stop
You might try stopping
! Asking about future plans
What are you doing tomorrow?
Got any plans for tomorrow?
What's your plan for tomorrow?
Are you doing anything tomorrow?
What's on the cards for tomorrow?
Busy tomorrow?
Have you got anything on tomorrow?
Have you got anything planned for tomorrow
What's happening tomorrow?
How's tomorrow looking?
! Asking for approval
Do you think it's all right to do it?
What do you think about (me doing that)?
Do you think / reckon I ought to (do it)?
What would you say if I (did it)?
Would you approve of (doing something)?
What is your attitude to the idea of...
Are you in favour of (me doing something)?
You are in favour of ... aren't you?
Do you think anyone would mind if I...
Do you think it would be really awful if I
! Asking for Help
Can you give me a hand with this?
Could you help me for a second?
Can I ask a favour?
I wonder if you could help me with this?
I could do with some help, please.
I can't manage. Can you help?
Give me a hand with this, will you?
Lend me a hand with this, will you?

Could you spare a moment?

I need some help, please.
! Asking to wait
Hang on a moment / a mo.
Give us a second.
Half a moment / a mo.
I'll be right with you.
Sorry, I'm a bit tied up right now.
Wait and see.
You'll just have to be patient.
Give me a chance.
Don't be so impatient.
We wish to apologise for the delay to...
! Asking for opinion
What do you think of...?
What do you think about...?
How d'you feel (about...)?
What d'you reckon (about...)?
What's your opinion of...?
(What do think about) that?
What are your views on...?
Where do you stand (on...)?
What would you say to... / if we...?
Are you aware of.....?
! When someone tries to screw you
That's interesting , Tell me more
why would you say that
why would you do that
why would you asked that
That may be but
I understands however
I see your point and
discriminate against
inflict pain/suffering on
! Avoiding Giving Information
No comment.
I'm not at liberty to say.
Wait and see.
Let me get back to you.
I'm sorry, that's confidential.
(Sorry) That's personal.
I'd rather not talk about it.
Mind your own buisness.
Never you mind.
I'll tell you when you're older.

! Bad People
A crook
A villain
A scum bag
An evil witch
A heartless bastard
A nasty piece of work
A psycho / psychopath
A totally ruthless (person)
A creep
A two-faced cow
! Expert in English
He knows all about photgraphy.
He's a camera expert.
He's an expert on digital cameras.
There's nothing he doesn't know about X
He knows photography inside out.
You wouldn't believe what he knows about X
He's a walking encyclopaedia of X
Photography's his subject.
He knows it from A - Z.
! Being Lucky
It's a good thing (that)..
It's just as well...
Fortunately, / Luckily,
As luck would have it...
That was a stroke of luck.
It's lucky...
It's very/most fortunate (that)...
That was a close thing / near miss
It must be your lucky day!
You lucky thing! / You jammy bastard!
substantial:of considerable importance, size, or worth.
considerable:notably large in size, amount, or extent.
come up and say:
no big deal:
could be:
say for example:
so you can:
drain out:
intent to:
context:the situation in which something happens : the group of conditions
probably:almost certainly; as far as one knows or can tell.
affluent: having a great deal of money; wealthy
or (of water) flowing fr
eely or in great quantity.
counsel: advice, especially that given formally.
rebuke:express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their beha
viour or actions
ransom: Ransom is the practice of holding a prisoner or item to extort money or
property to secure their release, or it may refer to the sum of money involved.
sulk: I made up my mind that I won't sulk and complain
pittance: a very small or inadequate amount of money.
aisle:(aile) pathway between two similar structure. normally used in DC for cold
aisle and hot aisle

knit: (nit) making a sweater.

knuckle: breaking your fingers. (pronounce as nackle)
chaos: a condition or place of great disorder.
Plethora: a large or excessive amount of something.
Repress : to not allow yourself to do or express (something). same as restrain
Anxiety : An unpleasant state of inner turmoil, often accompanied by nervous beh
Invasion : An act or instance of invading or entering as an enemy, especially by
an army. 2. the entrance or advent of anything troublesome or harmful, as disea
Incubation : period is the time elapsed between exposure to a pathogenic
backlog : an accumulation of uncompleted work or matters needing to be delt with
Abruptly : having many sudden changes.
eventually: In the end, after a long delay.
pertaining to: regarding
Onus: Taking the responsibility.
hailed: praised
adamant: ziddi
stringent: strict, firm.
dont mention it: (in response to thank you) means you are welcome.
glad to hear that
its a deal: means agreement
here you are: when you give something that are asked of us
what a pity: when you feel sympathy / unhappy about some person.
that's a good point: agreement about some ones opinion.
let's call it a day: let's finish today;s work ( done with today's work)
well there are lot of reasons fot it
twerling hair
adieu :
grinning : greet of smile
dung: stool of animals. potty
1. Balls-up -- A messed up situation
The whole trip to London was balls-up
2. Gobby -- Being a loud mouth and/or offensive
My neighbor is a little gobby at times.
3. Legless -- Extremely drunk
At the bachelor's party, John was completely legless.
4. Knackered -- Tired and Exhausted
After working the whole night, I was completely knackered.
5. Rumpy Pumpy -- Getting sexual / naughty
Let's get rumpy pumpy tonight.
6. Miffed - Upset or Offended
My friends made fun of me and now I am a little miffed.
7. Minted -- To be wealthy
After he started a new business, he is minting a lot of money.

8. Tosh -- Nonsense
The politics is a complete tosh to me.
9. Collywobbles -- A feeling of acute nervousness.
I got collywobbles before presenting the report to my boss.
10. Wazzock - An idiot.
My friend is a complete wazzock.

! sentences
to start off with.
well I have something interesting to tell you today.
clean out: cleaning the inside space of something.
clean off: cleaning the surface of something.
clean up: cleaning a larger space. clean up the heard drive.
clean away: cleaning the actual thing that is causing the mess.
write into us: e-mail us (do write into us).
I am into it: interested in an activity
I am keen on: learn more/deep interest
I am fond of: like something for long/emotional attach.
It appeals to me: something sounds good.
it goes down well (people) : like something you do
it's to my liking: very formal.
I am partial to: like something/someone more
I am attached to: if you lost it, you'll be sad.
I am addicted to: can't stop doing it.
I Have grown to like: didn't like in the past , but now you do
I can't get enough of: like too much/non stop liking.
I have got a soft spot for: like someone more.
I am crazy / mad about: passionate about.
I fancy: good looking /attractive
at this point, its worth giving a thought on
fall short of words
### restaurant ###
I would like to have a table for <no of persons> people
I have a reservation in the name of
I would like to have / I will have a - pint of beer.
Gill -> Pint -> Quart -> Gallon
what do you recommend?
Do you have specials?
I will take that.
could we also have some garlic please.
Please make this soup 1 by 2
Please see to it the food is not spicy/greasy.
The food is delicious/scrumptious.

The food is cold/ It dosne't taste right could you replace it, Please?
Could I have the check/bill please?
Could I have a doggy bag? (left over).
may I use the bathroom ? ( not can I) may: permission , can: ability.
Fake it till you make it
! Request & Commands
Could you open the door for me, please ?
would you mind opening the door for me : Ans: no I dont.
I would be greateful
I would appreciate it if
I was hoping
! Company
Headquartered/based in/out of
was founded/established in
has a work force of
operates in: steel and power making and other fields link mining education
Market position: top leaders in the field
success strategy:
Current Job Position: I am working as / in the company
Job responsibilities : my job deals with / I am incharge of
Enjoying /dislike of job
The part I dont enjoy
! How to Overcome Shyness
Self Obsession
Poor self image
Magnifying ones negatives
State the problem
Find your strengths
Focus outwardly
Deal with an uncomfortable situation
Record your success
Achan: 567817997354 , 26.12.1939
Amaa: 955458173876, 23.10.1950
Satish: 831859279274, 08.06.1976

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