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is uninhibited due to the subject's low or non-existent level of

sympathy/empathy with the victims.

To overcompensate for his inadequacies, he has acquired a need to be “loved” by a crowd to

justify his existence. In Peggy Noonan's The Case Against Hillary Clinton, she discusses meeting
a longtime friend of Mrs. Clinton and asking her for some insight into her personality:

"I asked her to bring her point of view, but she surprised me by coming to our meeting with a
book, a classic of the field of psychology called Borderline, Conditions and Pathological Narcissism
by Otto Kernberg, M.D. The key to understand both Hillary and Bill Clinton is that
they are narcissists. I said that this has been said before, and she answered that a big point has
been missed: They are, together, a particular kind of narcissist, and they have done a particular kind
of mind-meld.

...'One of the interesting things [Kernberg] says is that people with this kind of a disorder have a
great need to be loved and admired by others, which is a curious contradiction between a very
inflated concept of themselves and an inordinate need for tribute from others.'

...'On the surface, they have an over inflated view of themselves, but yet they
can't maintain that unless they get the adulation of an individual or, in her case
and his case, a crowd - that is, the mirror that reflects back to them the
grandiose view they have of themselves.'

...'Another characteristic of these personalities is that their emotional life is very shallow, they
have little empathy for others, they have little enjoyment of life other than the tributes they receive
from others or from their own grandiose fantasies, and they feel restless and bored when external
glitter wears off and no new sources feed their self-regard. Their relationships with other people are
clearly exploitative and sometimes parasitic. It is as if they feel they have the right to control and
possess others, and to exploit them without guilt feelings, and behind a surface which very often is
charming and engaging, one senses coldness and ruthlessness." (79)

Although Clinton was born into a low class family, he did not have to remain that way in America.
He lacked the wisdom to take advantage of all the opportunities he was given which included:

•The opportunity to meet President John F. Kennedy as a Boys Nation Senator

•Scholarship to Georgetown University where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa
•Internship to Senator Fullbright
•Rhodes Scholarship at Oxford
•Yale Law School
•Attorney General of Arkansas
•Governor of Arkansas
•President of the United States.

He did what he had to do to build his resume, but resented it. He didn’t feel he should have to take
his lumps in exchange for the highest prize a politician can attain in America. He wanted
everything delivered to him on a silver platter - after all, he was really a Rockefeller. Other
Rockefellers did not have to work as drug pushers for George Herbert Walker Bush. Why did he
have to get involved in illegal activities? He did not want to have to grovel and play submissive as
was the case when Clinton faced more powerful people than himself. These accomplishments were
never enough because he has an insatiable need for attention and admiration as described by Peggy
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Noonan in her description of his narcissism.


Clinton is consumed with self-hatred that he projects onto others.

In psychology, psychological projection (or projection bias) is a defense mechanism in

which one attributes one’s own unacceptable or unwanted thoughts or/and
emotions to others. Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted
subconscious impulses/desires without letting the ego recognize them.

He is also a member of an oligarchy called the Illuminati which has the goal to rule the world. The
group is made up of illegitimate misfits who also share his feelings, and have a grudge against the
rest of mankind. Because of this grudge, class warfare is a common element of their complex
activities. They have attempted to replace their feelings of inferiority by overcompensating.
Everyone in his crime family shares the same belief about themselves. They believe they can rise in
society by stealing “legitimacy” from others who are legitimate.

Clinton is deeply involved in bellicose behavior - warfare - all types, but class warfare is one of his
signature criminal manifestations. School shootings are the ultimate in class warfare.

Bill Clinton believes himself to be nothing but poor white Arkansas trailer-trash. (He has a point
there.) Since he sees himself that way, his henchmen have publicly called the victim, Paula Jones,
this term describing him.

Paula Jones, From Farce to Tragedy

by L. Brent Bozell III
January 16, 1997

The Paula Jones sexual harassment suit has received another 15 minutes of fame, but what a
different 15 minutes. If history appears as tragedy and then as farce, the Jones case appeared first as
farce and now as tragedy -- if not for Jones, for the office of the presidency.

Two men who have reversed the 1994 dynamic of Paula Jones as trailer trash are
former New York Times reporter Stuart Taylor and Newsweek Washington Bureau Chief Evan
Thomas. Taylor, a Clinton voter at odds with Clarence Thomas's "archconservative jurisprudence,"
wrote a cover story in October for The American Lawyer magazine asserting his investigation of the
Jones case found her charges were "far stronger" than Anita Hill's claims against Clarence Thomas.

Paula Corbin Jones (born Paula Rosalee Corbin on September 17, 1966, in Lonoke, Arkansas)
is a former Arkansas state employee who sued President Bill Clinton for sexual harassment and
eschewal. Eventually, the court dismissed the lawsuit, before trial, on the grounds that Jones failed
to demonstrate any damages. However, while the dismissal was on appeal, Clinton entered into an
out-of-court settlement by agreeing to pay Jones $850,000.

He was the pervert who exposed himself to her - not the other way around.

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THE GOLDEN RULE OF DISINFORMERS- Always accuse your adversary of whatever
is true about yourself.

He and his fellow criminal colleagues, fail to understand that there are just some things in life
people cannot change, and there are other things that can only be changed through hard work and
discipline. Had Clinton gone into recovery for his addiction problem, perhaps he would have
learned to accept things he could not change.

Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity

to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;

Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
Amen --Reinhold Niebuhr

One formula the Illuminati uses is to multiply two negatives together in the belief they can turn their
negatives into a positive by magic. His mother was a sleazy lowborn slut, so he had to have a child
by a prostitute to erase her negative influence.

The British Press has continued its investigation into Clinton’s affair with the black Little
Rock prostitute Bobby Ann Williams. London Daily Mail columnist James
Dalrymple, wrote on Jan. 14, 1997, that Bobby Ann Williams and her sister
Lucille Bolton passed two lie detector tests proclaiming that Clinton is the
father of her illegitimate son Danny. Arkansas State Trooper Buddy Young states that in
1983, he drove Clinton and the black women to his mother’s home near Hot Springs for a sex
orgy. Clinton’s mother was conveniently out-of-town. In 1984 Bobby Ann had a baby boy she
named Danny. He looks exactly like Clinton. He has refused to take a blood test to confirm or deny
the allegation.

Mr. Dalrymple states that Bobby Ann has disappeared from Little Rock and both her sister and
mother now refuse to discuss the matter. They have not taken out a “missing person’s warrant.”
Thus it is safe to assume that they know where she is. Little Rock sources have informed this
publication that she now lives in Australia where Danny, now age 13, is attending a private school.
Dalrymple charges that the liberal media refuses to report this story and is thus helping Clinton as
part of a “massive cover-up.” He says that a politician could never get away with this in England.
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Danny Boy and child support
Posted: January 04, 1999
By Joseph Farah
© 2008

What's the definition of irony?

On the last day of 1998, while 13-year-old Danny Williams was awaiting the results of a DNA test
he and his prostitute mother believe will prove Bill Clinton is Danny's biological father, the
president announced a sweeping new federal child-support crackdown designed to harness all the
coercive power of Washington in squeezing America's deadbeat dads.


Danny has reportedly been told his entire life that he is Clinton's son. His mother, Bobbie Ann,
says she conceived her son during a paid sex act with Clinton. She reportedly passed a lie-detector

If Clinton rails against deadbeat dads, that means he couldn’t possibly be one, right? Clinton is a
disinformation artist, but this situation is not a draw. A negative times a negative is a positive in
math, but he fails in logic. Two boys born of whores do not a high born person make. (Here is my
symbol to represent an insane person with kaleidoscope eyes steeped in delusions of grandeur:

Instead of changing or improving himself, he has used class warfare schemes to take others down.
He resents people who try to improve themselves the hard way - with hard work and self-discipline,
he predatorily moves to harm successful people. He has entertained the false belief that to bring
himself up - to erase his low-life upbringing in the squalor of the home of his alcoholic
stumblebum mother, he must eliminate the upper and middle classes.

Eliminating innocent people has the opposite effect of his desire; it only makes his self-esteem
drop. By attacking other unsuspecting innocent people, true respectability evades him contributing
to self-defeating cycle which feeds his self-hatred and failure complex. He sees all accomplished
people as his competitors. He is incapable of seeing others as being essential to society. One
person, alone, matters to Clinton, and that is Clinton. There is no win-win with Clinton because
only he matters, according to the gospel of Bill. Clinton mistakenly thought his father’s name,
Winthrope meant Winthrone. He is a loser - a thorn in the side of mankind, but he is not the Spear
of Destiny - no matter how much he would like to be.

Besides hating the upper-class because it reminds Clinton he is low class, his terrorist crimes have
also been launched against the middle class - the bourgeois pigs.

If you read the SLA communiqués, you will see they had inside corporate knowledge which the
average twenty-something American would not have had.


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Voice of a Woman Soldier

A warning to the fascist military corporate state:

We have declared revolutionary war upon you, the enemy of the people, and our seriousness
and determination will not be swayed by any number of your U.S. government-inspected super-
pigs. For those that you have hunted are now hunting you. Death to the fascist insect that
preys upon the life of the people.


The oppressor is a system and the corporate ruling class that preys upon the lives of all people.

The Symbionese Liberation Army targeted the rich to give to the poor, if you recall. Hearst was
ordered to feed the poor in efforts to save his daughter- modern day Robin Hoods, modern day
bank robbers. The real reason I was targeted in the bizarre revival of the SLA plot as a potential
bank robber is because I inherited the Rothschild fortune. My predestined role in the world was
coveted by many. In an attempt to eliminate me, they were framing me by associating me with
bank robbers. This was my Rothschild cousins’ sick humor since Hitler won the bulk of the
Rothschild fortune from them. The Jewish international bankers considered Hitler’s gain “bank
robbery” and planned to catch the “bank hijacker” by trying to rewrite history.

The SLA's slogan:

"Death to the fascist insect that preys on the life of the people."

They claimed the Hearsts were fascist insects, but whom does that really describe here? Their
Marxist mentor says it best:

"Call your enemy what you are, and always tell the exact opposite of the truth." Vladimir Lenin

Freud called it “projection”.

“Projection is a defense mechanism that involves taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings
and ascribing them to other people.”

The disdain for the middle class is clearly shown in the quote below:

During the robbery, bank customer Myrna Lee Opsahl is shot and killed. Hearst says Emily Harris
admitted to shooting her: "Oh, she's dead, but it doesn't really matter. She was a bourgeois pig
anyway." Opsahl was depositing her church's collection.

Clinton familial rage was exacted on lower class, middle class, and the upper classes. Manifesting
in violent bloodshed, his venom stemmed from self-loathing and his perception that he is actually
beneath low class. While Governor of Arkansas, Clinton had two boys killed on the railroad
tracks as symbols for being born on the wrong side of the tracks.

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Boys on the Tracks

The Boys on the Tracks is the story of a parent's worst nightmare, a quiet woman's confrontation
with a world of murder, drugs, and corruption, where legitimate authority is mocked and the public
trust is trampled. It is an intensely personal story and a story of national importance. It is a tale of
multiple murders and of justice repeatedly denied. The death of a child is bad enough. To learn
that the child was murdered is worse. But few tragedies compare with the story of Linda Ives,
whose teenage son and his friend were found mysteriously run over by a train. In the months that
followed, Ives's world darkened even more as she gradually came to understand that the very
officials she turned to for help could not, or would not, solve the murders. The story of betrayal
begins locally but quickly expands. Exposing a web of silence and complicity in which drugs,
politics, and murder converge, The Boys on the Tracks is a horrifying story from first page to last,
and its most frightening aspect is that all of the story is true. Mara Leveritt has covered this story
since it first broke back in 1987.

Instead of being proud to be Governor of Arkansas, he sold his soul to the devil and began feeling
sorry for himself that as a Rockefeller, he was not the one calling the shots. He worked as Bush’s
mule. He could not comprehend that he had choices. No one forced Clinton into organized crime.
He gravitated towards it.

Clinton sold out America’s top secret technology to China. It was Senator Jay Rockefeller who
stood up for the truth in exposing the government’s fraud in withholding valuable information
from others. Clinton called upon his crime family partner, George W. Bush, to try to have his
cousin - the dignified, respected, polished, West Virginia Senator Rockefeller, arrested for treason
when, in fact, Clinton is the traitor to this country.

Report: Justice Department Probing Durbin, Rockefeller CIA Leak

The Justice Department has launched a criminal investigation into whether Democratic Senators
Dick Durbin, Jay Rockefeller and Ron Wyden leaked details about a secret "black ops" CIA
satellite program last December in a move that may have seriously compromised national security,
former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense Jed Babbin said on Saturday.

"The CIA made a request to the Justice Department to investigate and possibly
bring criminal charges against these three [senators]," Babbin told WABC Radio host
Monica Crowley. "My information is that investigation is ongoing."

Rockefeller is the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and

Durbin is the No. 2-ranking Democrat in the Senate.

Media reports on the satellite leak last December indicated that the Bush administration was
concerned about public comments by Durbin, Rockefeller and Wyden and that the CIA had
requested a Justice Department probe.

"The formal request for a leaks investigation would target people who described
sensitive details about a new generation of spy satellites to The Washington Post,
which published a page-one story about the espionage program Saturday [Dec. 11, 2004]," a
Justice Department official told The Associated Press at the time.

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These three Senators were merely responding to information that I had made public. I do not have
an obligation to keep quiet about this illegal weapon. Clinton and Bush are the turncoats, but
Clinton wanted his patriotic cousin to pay for it. Senator Rockefeller’s motive was to prevent
warfare and save lives - the antithesis of Bill Clinton’s motives. It was Clinton who breached
national security by giving top secret satellite technology to China in exchange for campaign
contributions, not Rockefeller.

"Call your enemy what you are, and always tell the exact opposite of the truth." V. Lenin

Being “poor relations” is a source of much of Clinton’s psychopathology. He is jealous of his

more cultured cousins as manifested in trying to remove others from power.

Freudian Projection

* "A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits
that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight
into his own impulses and traits."

* "Attributing one's own undesirable traits to other people or agencies, e.g., an aggressive man
accuses other people of being hostile."

* "The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is
sure that everyone else is dishonest. The would-be adulterer accuses his wife of infidelity."

* "Projection is the opposite defence mechanism to identification. We project our own

unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have."

In an attempt to feel more powerful than his upper-class cousin, and alleviate his guilt over his
betrayal of America, he felt he had to take his respected cousin down. Clinton uses Communist
logic to justify some of his actions.

Capitalism and communism stand at opposite poles. Their essential difference is this: The
communist, seeing the rich man and his fine home, says: 'No man should have
so much.' The capitalist, seeing the same thing, says: 'All men should have so much.'” –Phelps

The information Rockefeller referred to in his television interview was a reference to the
supercomputer Clinton used to ILLEGALLY wage war on the entire planet. The supercomputer is
programmed to commit crimes and favor the ascension of Bill Clinton and Alan Bersin to world
leaders. It can no longer be protected by the law, under the guise of “national security.” It was
not Rockefeller who first brought the technology to the attention of the media. I did that.
Rockefeller was alluding to the technology that I mentioned in my criminal complaint to the Senate
Intelligence Committee. I have exposed this secret weapon in my many governmental reports
including my criminal complaint to the International Criminal Court when America would not get
control of the menace to society.

In a letter dated, March 20, 1999, I wrote to the CIA Director with copies sent to the Intelligence

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“Under President Nixon and Director Richard Helms, the CIA became famous for its “dirty tricks.”
Upon the wisdom of brave legislators and several brave CIA Directors, the “family jewels” of the
CIA were revealed to the Church Senate Committee Hearings. As the present Director of the CIA,
you have a rare opportunity to stand uprightly and rid your organization of rogue and criminal
agents or turn a deaf ear to the cries of many citizens who are having their civil and
human rights violated on a daily basis by your agents who have access to top
secret data. Some participate in illegal operations, all done in the interest of
“national security”.

Senator Shelby, the chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, had similar legal threats made
against him, and was forced to quit the Senate Intelligence Committee because of those false
accusations. In the Bizarro Clinton-Bush justice system, the innocent are punished while the guilty
walk free.

Shelby lived next door to Vince Foster, and was subjected to many threats from Bill Clinton.

The Death of Vince Foster - What Really Happened?

The lead investigator for the Senate Select Intelligence Committee, John Milllis who investigated
my allegations is one of the members of the Clinton Body Count List:

John Millis
Staff Director of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Committee
died: 6/4/00

Millis had just helped the HPSCI complete it's "investigation" into alleged CIA cocaine
smuggling which predictably (given that Millis was himself a long time CIA agent) concluded
that the CIA was innocent of all allegations of wrongdoing. Fairfax, Virginia police were tipped
off by an anonymous phone call claiming that "a man" was threatening suicide in a motel room.
Police arrived to find Millis dead of a gunshot wound. As was the case with Vincent Foster and
Sandy Hume, the death was immediately declared a suicide.

Other investigators have met similar fates, some through chemical assassinations.

Waco FLIR Expert's Strange Death Ruled 'Heart Attack'

The death of Waco FLIR expert Carlos Ghigliotti has been ruled a heart attack. The official
conclusion was released on May 11, just one day after the release of the official Waco-FLIR report
by the not-independent firm Vector Data Systems, which concluded that rapid-flashes on the 1993
Waco FLIR are reflections off debris, not gunshots (see why they're gunshots )

FLIR expert had 'heart attack' Attorneys, researcher claim 'too many coincidences' link
Witnesses for plaintiffs suing the government for wrongful death in Waco, TX, have had a bad

Dr. Zegel: ALMOST DIED (March) FLIR expert - blood poisoning Dr. Allard: ALMOST

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DIED (March) FLIR expert - heart attack Ghigliotti: DIED (March-April?) FLIR expert - heart
attack Jack Harwell: DIED (March) Waco sheriff - heart attack

The following quotes indicate that death by "heart attack" is a common manifestation of chemical

Paul Wilcher
Washington attorney
investigating government corruption

died: 6/22/93

Found dead on a toilet in his Washington apartment. No cause of death was ever determined.

At the time of his death, he was investigating connections between the "October surprise" during
the 1980 federal election campaign and drug and gun-running out of Mena, Arkansas, as well as
the BATF assault on the Waco, Texas Branch Davidians

Was planning on producing a television documentary on his findings. He had delivered a 99-page
affidavit to Janet Reno three weeks before his death. Had information on CIA secret operations and
the Dept. of Justice - Inslaw issue.

The list of Bush-Clinton crime family victims goes on and on.

I knew about the top secret technology because Clinton was illegally using it to violate my rights. I
wrote to Prime Minister Blair about violations of my rights on April 3, 2003. I had been harassed
daily since March 5, 2001 by many in the Bush administration, then by the Mountbattens
beginning on April Fool’s day, 2001 - an appropriate day to represent nut case Charlie. This
invasion of my privacy was something I would not tolerate. There were going to be consequences
for the extreme torture and harassment. I still intend to make sure there are. At the time I wrote the
following letter, I did not know the truth about Elizabeth Mountbatten and her lunatic son. I had
not quite figured out what they wanted from me yet. I knew it had to do with Hitler, though. You
will not find me using the improper titles with either one of the pretenders again, now that I know
the truth.

“You, as Prime Minister, and Parliament as the governing body in a Constitutional Monarchy, are
responsible for the actions of Queen Elizabeth II, and Prince Charles of the United Kingdom.
It is your responsibility to see that their actions remain within the realm of your Constitution and
physical boundaries. I do not need to remind you that America IS NOT a colony of Britain. I am
enclosing a copy of the Declaration of Independence as a reminder.

Britain, Queen Elizabeth II and her son have no business crossing the boundaries of the United
States of America, by any means including by electronic surveillance. I need not remind
you that America is a country ruled “by the people and for the people” - not by the government
and for the government. America’s government, has in effect been overthrown, but Americans
have not. We are still the same. The principles that applied in the Declaration of
Independence still speak for us today.

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It was a clever ploy for Britain to invade the United States using Nazi affiliated Tavistock designed
strategies, but the plan has been exposed. The truth has been uncovered, as you will see in the
criminal complaint I will be filing in Europe. As a courtesy, I will send a copy to you sans
accompanying documents. You may request the accompanying documents from the International
Criminal Court.”

Bush and Clinton were working for the Mountbattens and with the Rothschilds who were
overseeing the demonic plan. If the Clintons and Bushes did not want information made public,
they should not have violated my rights, and then no one would have ever found out. I decoded the
computer because I just so happen to have a gift of code breaking, and they speak in code in their
private conversations to which I was privy.


Being President of the United States did not give Bill Clinton as big of a high as snorting cocaine.
He knew he was bred specifically for the job, and his qualities were insignificant. He did not have
to earn the role of President of the United States. It was given to him.


Subtitle: Correspondent J.R. Nyquist, writing in World Net Daily, recounts how he was told in
1982, when he was still in college, that Bill Clinton was picked to be a "stealth"
Marxist President.

In 1967 I knew that Bill Clinton would one day be President of the United
States of America. Richard Nixon learned about it in 1972 and Hillary Rodham
learned about it in 1973!


There is material evidence in the KGB archives in Moscow that could shed a lot more light on what
could be the greatest shock of the year 2,000, "Clinton’s Biggest Lie."

In 1972 I was convinced that Richard Nixon was going to reveal this information to the American
people. He didn't. Instead, he chose to resign in disgrace. Hillary Rodham could have gone public
with the information she learned in 1973 but she decided that opportunity was knocking at her door.
Instead of calling the FBI, she decided to marry Bill Clinton who later became
our President.


Then I asked my wife which Senator was in the communists’ pocket. She told
me it is George McGovern. She also told me Moscow started him with $600,000 for his


Let’s look at the real facts. George McGovern, Democratic U.S. Senator visited Moscow and met
with Leonid Brezhnev in 1967. Brezhnev gave him $600,000. Right after that McGovern went to

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Cuba and met with Fidel Castro.


It’s true that McGovern made those trips and met with both leaders. McGovern and Clinton knew
each other and worked together as KGB spies. And Bill Clinton was the chairman of
McGovern’s election organization.

How does Richard Nixon fit into the picture? In February 1972 Mao Tse Tung and Nixon had a
very secret discussion. China’s relationship with Russia started to fall apart. Mao was the only
communist leader - except Brezhnev - who knew about Clinton and McGovern.
Mao intended to make Nixon obligated forever - and he did.

On 2/27/72, Mao revealed the information about Bill Clinton as a "sleeper" and the possible future
White House occupant. He also told Nixon about McGovern and the money. Who can prove this
information? Mr. Shi Zhe - very old, but still alive. He was Mao Tse Tung’s personal translator
who translated Mao’s information to Nixon.

(This information was given to me by a very knowledgeable person, visiting USA that year.)

Nixon didn't know what to do. He almost made a secret unscheduled trip to the Soviet Union in
April, 1972 but waited until 5/24/72 when he had a trip scheduled to the Soviet Union. Nixon
wanted to verify that information. I can only suspect that when they both got drunk in Brezhnev's
dacha, Brezhnev told Nixon the truth either intentionally or accidentally. Or someone in Brezhnev’s
party slipped. The reality is that Nixon returned home from Moscow. A few days later on 6/1/72
Nixon went to Congress to report on the success of his trips. The Democratic majority Congress
gave Nixon a standing ovation.

(An important comment- I have this celebration of Nixon's triumphs on video. Made by CNN. If
you watch the standing ovation, one must wonder, why he was planning the Watergate break-in.)

The very next day Nixon ordered a few men to break into the DNC headquarters in
the Watergate. Nixon didn't tell them what to look for so they looked and
looked but didn't find anything on 6/7/72. Nobody knew about this break in --
except the KGB. Someone in the Nixon administration who was very close to
Nixon was a KGB agent! The KGB advised Bill Clinton and George McGovern
about the first break in.

At the time of the second break in, the Democrats had their people waiting for them and caught the
burglars. They knew the exact date and time of the second break in. Nixon was embarrassed. He
tried to cover up the whole affair because regardless that he knew the truth, he had no evidence to
prove it. The media always tried to figure out why the break ins occurred.
Nothing was ever stolen and the thieves didn't know what they were looking
for. In 1972 I really believed that Nixon would tell the nation why he
burglarized DNC headquarters, who McGovern really is, and who McGovern’s
election chairman and a very much unknown Bill Clinton really is.

I really believed that Nixon never revealed what he knew and I was never able to figure out why.
But I had the same problem to come forward because everyone would laugh. Besides, I had no
interest at that time. I felt politics was only for politicians. Let’s review one fact. The break in
was NOT a political action. The polls told Nixon that he will win re-election
in Nov. 1972 by a landslide. And he did. No other American President ever beat his

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record. Nixon was riding so high because of his successes, that it is truly unbelievable, that he
would commit a burglary for no reason. It just didn't make a sense. I believe this is a very
important fact.

How does Hillary Rodham fit into this picture? Bill Clinton never really liked
Hillary. First, she was a Republican and from a strong Republican background.
In 1972 she didn't care much about her appearance and was not trying to be or
look sexy. Bill Clinton had sex with a great many of the girls in his class but it didn't bother
Hillary - somehow these two got involved together...............

Here is one part I don't know how it occurred. It will take an investigative reporter to dig up the
truth. Bill got Hillary an extraordinary job. The job was to listen to all of
Nixon’s tapes and try to find incriminating evidence against Nixon. Or destroy
any evidence against Bill Clinton and McGovern. I believe those missing 16 or
18 minutes was edited out by Hillary when she learned that Nixon had a
conversation about Bill Clinton and George McGovern as Soviet KGB agents. I
believe that's how their "marriage" came about. Bill and Hillary created an
unbreakable pact between them.


In 1969 Bill Clinton travelled through Europe. Supposedly penniless, he stayed in the National
Hotel, the most expensive hotel in Moscow. That was the time he was staging demonstrations in
Moscow against America's involvement in the Vietnam war. From Moscow he went to London
doing the same thing.

After that trip, in 1969 he went to see his Oxford friend, the son of Jan Kopal, a
Communist party leader in Prague, Czechoslovakia. Later Kopal's son died under
mysterious circumstances. Here are the problems I have with Clinton's visit. To visit the home of
the top communist honcho was next to impossible. Why? In 1969 the communist party purged
600,000 party members. It was time of no trust. Every communist was scared to death. No
communist in his right mind wants to be seen with anybody from any western country, especially
an American. It could cost them everything including their job and party membership. It was
outright dangerous. It was impossible to get visas or even travel to
Czechoslovakia at that time. It was a very dark year in Czech history.

But Bill Clinton was able to do it. How? Why? There is only one answer. Czechoslovakia was
the headquarters for communist terrorism in the world. Agents from all
countries were trained in an unknown location in Czechoslovakia. The country
manufactured - and was the major supplier - of weapons for these agents. Maybe Bill Clinton went
there for training. I don't know. What I do know is that to be an American and be a guest of a
Communist party official is a strange combination, especially in 1969.

What's truth and what's fiction? The information about Bill Clinton and George McGovern is
positively true. Nixon’s involvement is my logical deduction from all known facts. Nixon had
absolutely no reason to ruin his presidency if national security was not
involved. In 1972, after the Watergate burglary, Nixon was re-elected by the biggest landslide in
our country’s history. He achieved friendship with China, signed important military pacts with
Brezhnev, and ended the Vietnam war. He was a national hero. So why would he lower himself to
an act of a petty thief? It doesn't make any sense. But in view of my information, it makes a lot of

Section 2 Page 12
Regarding Hillary’s involvement. It is true that she listened to all of Nixon’s
private conversations and confidential information about our country. Bill
Clinton found the job for her. The fact is that only 7% of all of Nixon's tapes are available.
93% of the tapes are still under lock and key. They could certainly shed more light on the entire
situation. If you go over the old TV films about Nixon and Watergate, there is
obvious surprise on Nixon's part about the erased tapes. Nixon didn't know how
or why it happened. He tried to lie about it because he didn't know the truth.
The logical choice would be a Hillary .... a woman willing to do anything for
power. No, I can't prove that Hillary did it. I have to assume that after so many years of a
relationship with Bill Clinton she had to know the truth about his real past.

Takeover: The Return of the Imperial Presidency and the Subversion of American Democracy

Book Jacket: In 1789, the Founding Fathers came up with a system of checks and balances to keep
kingly powers out of the hands of American presidents. But in the 1970's and '80's, a faction of
Republican loyalists, outraged by the fall of the imperial presidency after Watergate and the
Vietnam War, abandoned conservatives' traditional suspicion of concentrated government power.
These men hatched a plot that would allow the White House to return to, or even surpass, the
virtually unchecked powers that Richard Nixon had briefly tried to wield. Congress would be
defanged, and the commander in chief would be able to assert a unilateral dominance both at home
and abroad.

They use what is known as an Hegelian Dialectic to socially engineer society.

The Hegelian dialectic is the framework for guiding our thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead
us to a predetermined solution.


While at a conference at which Bill Clinton, then Governor of Arkansas was the keynote speaker, I,
personally, was told that Bill Clinton would be the next President of the United States in April,
1989 - three months after Bush was sworn into office.



Past Conferences Year: 1989

[Note the date; 4/2, and Clinton became the 42nd President.
Dates: April 2-4, 1989
The date the conference ended was 4/4, the date Martin Luther King was

Location: Town & Country Hotel San Diego,

California Cosponsors: California Association of County Superintendents of Schools Regional
Laboratories for Educational Research and Development Association of Junior Leagues Conference

Section 2 Page 13
Chair: Dr. Robert Williams California Department of Education

Theme: Dare to Dream

Featured Speakers: Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton Mr. Frosty Troy, Editor of Oklahoma
Observer Ms. Bonnie Guiton, Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Education Mr. Billy Mills,
1984 Olympic Gold Medalist

Attendance: 1,000

I attended this conference. Also present were many high-powered educators. During lunch, a
man began to speak. I knew he was not an educator. I learned over and whispered to my
supervisor, “Who is that guy?”, thinking to myself that he sounded like a used car salesman.

She replied, “that’s Bill Clinton, the Governor of Arkansas. He’s going to be the next President
of the United States.

My supervisor, in less than one year would commit a double homicide which Bill Clinton and
George H. W. Bush would help cover up using all available resource in the CIA, FBI, and local

She was right about his future though. Apparently his future was carved out for him long ago.

This photo of Clinton shaking hands with Kennedy four months before he was killed.

At a young age, Clinton knew his calling. It was assigned to him at his birth. He was named
William JEFFERSON Clinton because he would be given the job of rewriting the Constitution of
America. His biological father, Winthrop Rockefeller, was an agent with Nazi Hermann Goering
for the Rothschilds. He would have to put forth little effort to be planted in the White House. All
that was left up to his handlers. Hillary Clinton was given to him as a handler. Their marriage was
not a love match, but it was a contracted CIA relationship. Clinton’s obsessive compulsive desire
to marry well probably stems from the fact that he was not given an option when it came to a wife.

We were among the first to publicly mention that Bill and Hillary are a CIA couple, each from an
early age with their own separate agenda.


Bill Clinton was no Romeo Montegue, and Hillary is not Juliet Capulet, but he met his Montegue.
Bill Clinton, the love child, met his match. No, not Buddy, but Hillary the neuterer. Hillary the
castrating bitch. Hillary, a Sappho lesbian to the core, attended al all women’s college, Wellsley
College is code for the SLA and cutting something in half. Cutting off well-to-do - a communist
goal. Wellsley transforms to SLA. Ingrained in Hillary Clinton’s personality is a castrating female
who is dedicated to waging War on the World of men. From Orson Wells to our daughters of the
revolution. The SLA was a reflection of its creators, Hillary Clinton, being one of them. Perverted
Section 2 Page 14
lesbian sex and closeted gang rape to satisfy Bill Clinton’s sexual preference.


Emily Harris was a cut-out for Hillary Clinton. SLA member Emily Harris, who murdered a
woman in a bank and was allowed to escape unpunished, kidnapped Patty Hearst, robbed other
banks, assassinated Marcus Foster, committed acts of domestic terrorism, but served very little
prison time. She obviously had a “license to kill.”

“Daughter of a wealthy consulting engineer, from Illinois suburbs. [Hillary Clinton

comes from here as well.]

Training: CIA think tank, College of Foreign Affairs, University of Indiana, Bloomington.
Employed as clerk-typist, Survey Research Center, "polling office," at University of California.
Not in politics in Indiana; never involved in radical movements. On moving to California,
immediately joined Chino Defense Committee, an offshoot of Marxist-Leninist Venceremos
organization. [David Horowitz ties Hillary Clinton to this organization as well] ...

[The Harrises] had ‘toyed’ with politics and posed in the school annual with Bill jokingly holding a
book entitled About Communism, but they were not into radical politics.

A Maoist poster and a picture of a starving child hung over their dining table. Donald Segretti,
White House spy, had a ‘Free Huey Newton’ poster over his desk, and wore a peace emblem and
long hair, for espionage cover. William and Emily Harris were verbally and visually ‘radical’"[The
comparisons with Hillary Clinton’s political leanings should be obvious here.]

Hillary Clinton and Emily Harris are cut out of the same mold.

The following quote from “PUBLIC NUISANCES” by R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. is about Hillary
Clinton. Substitute Emily Harris’ name and see if it does not fit:

“In college days, they engaged in all the left-wing protests. Then, in adult life, they lied about
it. Hillary even served, while at Yale Law School, on a radical law review that depicted
policemen as pigs deserving to be shot. She worked as an intern (whoops, that word again)
for a far-left law firm that defended the Black Panthers. In years prior to her tenure as first
lady, she served on the boards of various left-wing organizations and labored ardently in left-wing

Emily Harris is Emily Montegue. Romeo and Juliet turns into Hillary and Juliet through Sappho
love. Romeo Clinton gets "cut in half" along the way. There is an Illuminati communication to
represent “cutting someone in half” which could mean death, divorce, or some other kind of
reduction in circumstances. She went to an all women’s college to express herself. Wellsley
Wellslay SLA Slay the Dragon Valedictorian “Cut you in half” Lesbian castration fantasies. (See
Vicar of Christ section for the origin of this symbol )

On 7 November, Soliah, the Harrises, and Bortin pled guilty to those charges. Emily Harris,
now known as Emily Montague, admitted to being the one holding the murder
weapon, but said that the shotgun went off accidentally. Hearst claims that Montague had

Section 2 Page 15
dismissed the murder at the time saying, "She was a bourgeois pig anyway.

Camilla Hall was married to Charlie Hall. These two characters represent Charlie Mountbatten and
Camilla Parker Bowles in their quest to become royal. H is one symbol used for Hitler. Hall, as in
Charlie and Camilla Hall would then stand for ALL Hitler’s. The Windsors lost their royalty to
Hitler as I will explain later in this document. The SLA was designed to trigger World War III to
change the terms of royalty as were World War I and II which will also be explained later in this


* Founding member of the Symbionese Liberation Army

* Was killed in a 1974 shootout with Los Angeles police

Born in 1945, Camilla “Gabi” Hall was a founding member of the Symbionese Liberation Army
(SLA), a domestic terrorist group of the 1970s.

The daughter of a Lutheran minister, Hall was one of four siblings, the other three of whom died in
childhood. A lesbian, Hall moved to Los Angeles in 1968, where she met and began a long,
on-again, off-again love affair with her upstairs neighbor Patricia “Mizmoon” Soltysik, who, along
with Hall, would eventually join the SLA.

Symbionese" was derived from the word, symbiosis, meaning dissimilar organisms living in

Their symbol, the seven-headed cobra, represented the seven principles of God and life.

The leadership showed a strong female influence? and in fact, the actual leader was a lesbian called
Mizmoon Soltysik.

Emily Harris was described as a compassionate contributor to causes big and

small, from AIDS walks to youth basketball programs. She has lived for years
in the Los Angeles area with another woman, and shaped a successful career as
a computer consultant.

Barbara Shoup, an Indianapolis woman who got to know Harris when they were college
sorority sisters, said her longtime friend had been changed by the years. She corresponded with
Harris in prison, and early letters were angry and "quite political," a reflection of her SLA days,
when the group was thrust into national headlines with the 1974 kidnapping of newspaper heiress
Patty Hearst.

"But as time went on, Emily's true voice came back to me," said Shoup, a writer and teacher.

"Those were very strange times we grew up in," Shoup added. "We were all shaped by the politics
of those times... We all grew up, and we don't see things in the same way."

Section 2 Page 16

Campbell’s Chicken Shoup? As in Patricia Campbell Hearst? Campbell cut in half is “camp”.
“Cut in half” is symbol for divorce or castration.

77 results for: camp

1. a place where an army or other group of persons or an individual is lodged in a tent or
tents or other temporary means of shelter.
2. such tents or shelters collectively: The regiment transported its camp in trucks.
3. the persons so sheltered: The camp slept through the storm.
4. the act of camping out: Camp is far more pleasant in summer than in winter.
5. any temporary structure, as a tent or cabin, used on an outing or vacation.
6. a group of troops, workers, etc., camping and moving together.
7. army life.
8. a group of people favoring the same ideals, doctrines, etc.: Most American voters are
divided into two camps, Republicans and Democrats.
9. any position in which ideals, doctrines, etc., are strongly entrenched: After considering the
other side's argument, he changed camps.
10. a recreation area in the country, equipped with extensive facilities for sports.
11. day camp.
12. summer camp.
–verb (used without object)
13. to establish or pitch a camp: The army camped in the valley.
14. to live temporarily in or as if in a camp or outdoors, usually for
recreation (often fol. by out): They camped by the stream for a week.
15. to reside or lodge somewhere temporarily or irregularly, esp. in an apartment, room, etc.:
They camped in our apartment whenever they came to town.
16. to settle down securely and comfortably; become ensconced: The kids camped on our porch
until the rain stopped.
17. to take up a position stubbornly: They camped in front of the president's office.
–verb (used with object)
18. to put or station (troops) in a camp; shelter.

1. something that provides sophisticated, knowing amusement, as by virtue of its being
artlessly mannered or stylized, self-consciously artificial and extravagant, or
teasingly ingenuous and sentimental.
2. a person who adopts a teasing, theatrical manner, esp. for the
amusement of others.
–verb (used without object)
3. Also, camp it up. to speak or behave in a coquettishly playful or extravagantly theatrical
4. campy: camp Hollywood musicals of the 1940s.


1. A place where tents, huts, or other temporary shelters are set up, as by soldiers, nomads,
or travelers.

Section 2 Page 17
2. A cabin or shelter or group of such buildings: gathered branches and grasses for a
makeshift camp; had a fishing camp in Vermont.
3. The people using such shelters: a howl that awakened the whole camp.
4. A place in the country that offers simple group accommodations and organized recreation
or instruction, as for vacationing children: a girls' summer camp; a tennis camp.
5. Sports A place where athletes engage in intensive training, especially preseason training.
6. The people attending the programs at such a place.
1. A place in the country that offers simple group accommodations and organized recreation
or instruction, as for vacationing children: a girls' summer camp; a tennis camp.
2. Sports A place where athletes engage in intensive training, especially preseason training.
3. The people attending the programs at such a place.
3. Military service; army life.
4. A group of people who think alike or share a cause; side: The council members disagreed,
falling into liberal and conservative camps.

v. intr.

1. To make or set up a camp.

2. To live in or as if in a camp; settle: We camped in the apartment until the furniture arrived.

v. tr.
To shelter or lodge in a camp; encamp: They camped themselves by a river.


1. An affectation or appreciation of manners and tastes commonly thought to be artificial,

vulgar, or banal.
2. Banality, vulgarity, or artificiality when deliberately affected or when
appreciated for its humor: "Camp is popularity plus vulgarity plus innocence"
(Indra Jahalani).

Camp is a key word to understand the assault on our culture today. The assault on the culture was
designed to make “common” royal.

v. intr.
To act in a deliberately artificial, vulgar, or banal way.

v. tr.
To give a deliberately artificial, vulgar, or banal quality to: camped up their cowboy costumes
with chaps, tin stars, and ten-gallon hats.
amp (2)
"tasteless," 1909, homosexual slang, perhaps from mid-17c. Fr. camper "to portray, pose" (as
in se camper "put oneself in a bold, provocative pose"); popularized 1964 by Susan Sontag's essay
"Notes on Camp."

Notes on "Camp"
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Notes On "Camp" is a well-known essay by Susan Sontag organized around fifty-

Section 2 Page 18
eight numbered theses. It was published in 1964 and was the author's first
contribution to the Partisan Review. The essay created a literary sensation and
brought Sontag her first brush with intellectual notoriety. It was published in 1966
in book form in Sontag's debut collection of essays, Against Interpretation (ISBN 0-

The essay codified and mainstreamed the cultural connotations of the word camp, and
identified camp's evolution as a distinct aesthetic phenomenon.

Cultural historians credit Sontag's essay for providing a groundwork for the popular
understanding and reception of Pop Art in the 1960s, notably the work of Andy

[edit] Quotations

9. Camp taste draws on a mostly unacknowledged truth of taste: the most refined
form of sexual attractiveness (as well as the most refined form of sexual pleasure)
consists in going against the grain of one's sex. What is most beautiful in virile men
is something feminine; what is most beautiful in feminine women is something

10. Camp sees everything in quotation marks. It's not a lamp, but a "lamp"; not a
woman, but a "woman." To perceive Camp in objects and persons is to understand
Being-as-Playing-a-Role. It is the farthest extension, in sensibility, of the metaphor
of life as theater.

18. One must distinguish between naïve and deliberate Camp. Pure Camp is
always naïve. Camp which knows itself to be Camp ("camping") is usually less

41. The whole point of Camp is to dethrone the serious. Camp is

playful, anti-serious. More precisely, Camp involves a new, more complex relation
to "the serious." One can be serious about the frivolous, frivolous about the serious.

44. Camp proposes a comic vision of the world. But not a bitter or polemical
comedy. If tragedy is an experience of hyperinvolvement, comedy is an experience of
underinvolvement, of detachment.

58. The ultimate Camp statement: it's good because it's awful . . .

Sour "Notes on Camp"

by Paul Varnell

Originally appeared in the Chicago Free Press on May 3, 2000.

Susan Sontag put gays on the cultural map in her magisterial 1964 essay, or so the
familiar story goes. In hindsight, however, "Notes on Camp" can be seen as neither
as impressive nor as gay-friendly as it seemed at the time.

Section 2 Page 19
IN 1964, A VIRTUALLY UNKNOWN 31-year-old named Susan Sontag made
something of a slow motion splash with a 20-page article titled "Notes on Camp."

With a great display of learning, dozens of wide-ranging examples, and a host of

distinctions and unexpected connections, Sontag's article took the notion of "Camp"
seriously enough to analyze it — to explain what it was, where it came from, how it
worked, and what its effects were.

Among her host of examples were Tiffany lamps, Bellini operas, "Swan Lake,"
"King Kong," old Flash Gordon comics, Noel Coward plays, Aubrey Beardsley
drawings, Oscar Wilde's epigrams (the essay quotes several), feather boas, Ronald
Firbank novels, and "All About Eve."

Sontag argued that there was more to Camp that just silliness or pretense or fake
elegance. According to her, Camp is a whole sensibility that evaluates the world
strictly in aesthetic terms.

More specifically Camp is characterized by a love of the theatrical, the artificial or

exaggerated, which "converts the serious into the frivolous." It represents "a victory
of style over content, aesthetics over morality," producing a kind of moral and
political disengagement.

Sontag - son tag - tag one son for another. (This is how to make someone royal???) Sontag
Montag Sonia Montague Pop culture the celebration of child rape.

To the global players in this game, the selection of royalty is like a child’s game: “Tag, you’re it.”
God does not have any right or claim to protect HIS monarchial government with something as silly
as rules and morals. The toilet become the throne - a metaphor without the quotation marks. And
isn’t Al Qaeda (the toilet) just simply outrageous! Burlesque shows become the new royal theater.

“Notes on Camp” Queer Aesthetics and the performing subject by Chris Landry

Camp is a Woman Walking Around in a Dress Made of Three Million Feathers

The problem in defining camp:

Susan Sontag is very careful and deliberate in the way in which she
discusses Camp. Because Camp is a sensibility there are some
challenges in discussing it in an academic forum because a
sensibility cannot be broken down into a simple system. If you
could talk about a sensibility in such a way, Sontag reasons, it
would no longer be a sensibility at all but an idea (54). She holds
this sensibility as something almost sacred, like a secret code held
by small groups of urbanites


Susan Sontag is both sincerely drawn to camp and, at the same time, genuinely
repulsed by it.

Section 2 Page 20
I have broken her points down into four main headings: artifice (the idea that the
Camp sensibility is not natural), the idea of naive Camp vs. deliberate Camp, Camp
and the cinema, and finally Camp and the Queer community.



Camp is unnatural because of its affinity for exaggeration. Camp is

taking something serious or natural and exaggerating it until it
becomes frivolous. It is an aesthetic but an unusual aesthetic because Camp
ignores beauty in favor of artifice and stylization

[This is about glorifying pedophilia raping little girls - Camilla Parker Bowles’ great grandmother,
Alice Keppel sacrificed her daughter, Violet Keppel’s virginity to King Edward VII. Violet was
born on 6/6. The purpose of this sacrifice was to perform a “marriage ceremony” for pig King
Edward VII and Alice Keppel, and then laughing it off to justify it]


•Camp is known for exaggeration of sexuality. In Camp, Sexual

characteristics become larger then life, extravagant, and even
reversed. Sontag points out that androgyny or?going against the grain of one?s
sex? is pure Camp. In Camp what is attractive about a man is
something that is feminine and what is sexy about a woman is a
masculine trait
•It is an excessive exaggeration of sexual roles. Camp avoids a depth of
character in favor of unnatural exaggeration. Sontag calls this
seeing everything in quotation marks

Drag “QUEEN”

Camp in it?s purest form is naive. For Camp to be used deliberately (e.g.: camping)
is less satisfying


Homosexuals, Sontag asserts, are the vanguard of this irony of

aesthetic (64). Most of Camp exhibits and distorts ? high art? in the old sense. A
product of an aristocratic ? snob taste.? Yet there is no aristocratic authority
on taste as there was in the old sense. Therefore, Sontag argues, a
cross-section of queer culture has become the self-appointed
aristocrats of this taste in aesthetic

The goal of “camp” is the destruction of holy monarchy, sacredness of marriage, and the
destruction of the aristocracy.

The advancement of pedophilia and rape are a vehicle to overthrow civilization. The misfits could
not fit into the established society so they decided to destroy it and replace it with something at
which they could be successful - vulgarity

Section 2 Page 21
Marilyn Monroe who starred in the Misfits ws born 6/1.
Alice Keppel married George Keppel on 6/1.
Marilyn Manson is camp sex symbol.
Archbishop Druid announced on 6/1 that Charlie could marry his neighbor’s wife. When they
announced their fraudulent engagement, both of them put their index fingers on their cheeks to
symbolize giving the world the “finger” Camp is what those fools live by.


1. providing sophisticated amusement by virtue of having artificially (and vulgarly) mannered
or banal or sentimental qualities; "they played up the silliness of their roles for camp effect";
"campy Hollywood musicals of the 1940's"

1. temporary living quarters specially built by the army for soldiers; "wherever he went in the
camp the men were grumbling"
2. a group of people living together in a camp; "the whole camp laughed at his mistake"
3. temporary lodgings in the country for travelers or vacationers; "level ground is best for
parking and camp areas"
4. an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose [syn: clique]
5. a penal institution (often for forced labor); "China has many camps for political prisoners"
6. something that is considered amusing not because of its originality but because of its
unoriginality; "the living room was pure camp"
7. shelter for persons displaced by war or political oppression or for religious beliefs
8. a site where care and activities are provided for children during the summer months; "city
kids get to see the country at a summer camp"

1. live in or as if in a tent; "Can we go camping again this summer?"; "The circus tented
near the town"; "The houseguests had to camp in the living room"
2. establish or set up a camp
3. give an artificially banal or sexual quality to


It was a moment when the division between elite culture and mass culture was quickly collapsing,
and Sontag was a primary figure in both causing and explaining it; her "Notes on Camp" addressed
gay popular culture through an academic lens, and was permission for the cultural elite to delve
into "lowbrow" fields such as film and rock criticism.

"Being an intellectual used to mean, until the mid-1960's, attempting in one's work and one's
posture to uphold that distinction between high and low, and basically to resist the efforts to erode
it, whereas in the 60's it came to seem impossible to do that any longer," said Mr. Boyers.


"Mary McCarthy once told Susan, 'I hear you're the new me,'" said Morris Dickstein, a professor
of literature and film at the CUNY graduate school, who sat in on some classes with Sontag while
an undergraduate at Columbia in the 1960's. "Mary McCarthy was then the reigning woman
intellectual. It's absurd to think there had to be only one woman intellectual, but it's clear that

Section 2 Page 22
Camille Paglia had that same All About Eve feeling toward Susan Sontag that Susan Sontag had
toward Mary McCarthy. Of course there's room for more than one, but somehow there was this
idea that there had to be only one star with a kind of queen-bee quality. I guess it's men who
created that feeling-that there has to be this one mesmerizing woman who combines brains and
beauty, intellect and sensuality."

Still, friends maintain that whether or not Sontag sought fame, most of it, from the glamour to
the intellectual prowess, came naturally to her. Mr. Koch described her as an "innate highbrow."

(Note the hair. If you recall, Clinton’s mother had similar hair.)

Susan Sontag, Social Critic With Verve, Dies at 71


Published: December 28, 2004

Susan Sontag, the novelist, essayist and critic whose impassioned advocacy of the avant-garde and
equally impassioned political pronouncements made her one of the most lionized presences - and
one of the most polarizing - in 20th-century letters, died yesterday morning in Manhattan. She
was 71 and lived in Manhattan.


Diana Spencer was born 7/1.

Alan Bersin became Superintendent on 7/1
107 is code for Revelations 10:7
Putin was born 10/7

71 = opposite of Q, or a reversal of a legitimate Queen. Clinton tried to associate the number 71

with my mother, although it was not a number associated with her. It was Clinton’s attempt to
rewrite symbols for my mother.

Sontag died at 71 of leukemia. She had hair like Clinton’s mother - hair like the “bride of
Frankenstein - black with a white streak.

Ms. Sontag's best-known books, all published by Farrar, Straus & Giroux, include the novels
"Death Kit" (1967), "The Volcano Lover" (1992) and "In America" (2000); the essay collections
"Against Interpretation" (1966), "Styles of Radical Will" (1969) and "Under the Sign of Saturn"
(1980); the critical studies "On Photography" (1977) and "AIDS and Its Metaphors" (1989); and
the short-story collection "I, Etcetera" (1978). One of her most famous works, however, was not a
book, but an essay, "Notes on Camp," published in 1964 and still widely read.


Through the decades her image - strong features, wide mouth, intense gaze and dark
mane crowned in her middle years by a sweeping streak of white - became an
instantly recognizable artifact of 20th-century popular culture.

Section 2 Page 23

She died with a similar disease that was used to medically murder, Clinton’s half brother, Winthrop
Paul Rockefeller.

On July 20, 2005, however, he bowed out of the race, citing myeloproliferative disease, [My
low profile which symbolized class - no need to be ostentatious or “old money”.
He made this announcement on the anniversary of Vince Foster’s death - indicating
who gave it to him.] a blood disorder that could have developed into leukemia if left untreated.
Rockefeller underwent unsuccessful bone marrow transplants at Seattle, Washington's Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in October 2005 and March 2006.

He returned from Seattle to Little Rock on July 8, 2006, after his second bone marrow transplant
failed, and died at 10:37 a.m. on July 16 at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in
Little Rock.

The cause was complications of acute myelogenous [Code: “My low genes are a key to my
being. Unlike the understated wealthy, I need to make others notice me with vulgar
burlesque brashness” Even Nouveau Riche play by some rules of society, but not
this group. They claim Communist values - the tearing down of the upper and
middle classes, all they while they steal billions of dollars from the people they hate
. Even with the Mafia, after a few generations, the scion strive for respectability - not
this group. They strive to have their low class behavior accepted as chic.] leukemia,
her son, David Rieff, said. Ms. Sontag, who died at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, had
been ill with cancer intermittently for the last 30 years, a struggle that informed one of her most
famous books, the critical study "Illness as Metaphor" (1978).

(foot in both camps - Get articles on found severed feet 5 left and one phony right)

Hillary Clinton, like the SLA’s Emily Harris is a fan of camp. If you understand code language ,
her crude ill-breeding surfaces in all her communications, as with the rest of the Illuminati. She
decorated the White House Christmas tree with vulgar phalli to represent her castration fantasies
which are ever-present. What does Hillary Clinton want for Christmas? A Lorena Bobbit knife for
rapist Bill.


In Christmas, 1993, and again in 1994, the First Lady directed the decoration of the Christmas Tree
in the Blue Room, in accordance with a long-standing White House tradition. Aldrich noted that
this Tradition had become so pronounced that the tree which the First Lady set up became a
reflection of who she was. We want to allow Aldrich the opportunity to speak for himself. "If the
ornament is especially well-made, there is a good chance it will be selected for the tree in the Blue
Room, the first lady's tree. The first lady's tree is the 'Mother of All Trees', and the one that's
supposed to capture the 'message' of the first lady herself." [p. 100] In other words, this tree was
supposed to capture the essence of the soul of the First Lady, and for the things important to her.

Therefore, Aldrich was terribly shocked when he participated in the unpacking of

the ornaments which were to go on the First Lady's Christmas tree. Aldrich

Section 2 Page 24
described these ornaments as "pornographic"; however, we immediately recognized them
as being standard occultic symbols, and Black Magick symbols at that! The fact that Hillary put
such a tree up two years in a row (1993-1994) is proof positive that she is a deep occultist! Only a
Black Magick occultist would conceive of such "decorations" to adorn her Christmas Tree. We list
these occultic ornaments, below, in black; we show Marquis' explanation in red; if we add
explanation to his, our explanation will be in blue . We will be quoting from Aldrich's book,
"Unlimited Access", p. 102-6.


1) "Fertility god, made of carved dark wood, and put together so they look like stick figures." --
The male Fertility god is in authority during this time of the year. Sex is paramount in the
religion of the occultist, and its celebration is one of the highest activities in which
occultists can participate. From September 21 to March 21, the male Fertility god is in control of
the earth. From March 21 to September 21, the Female goddess assumes supreme leadership.
Therefore, the occultist will celebrate either the sex act or the male sex organs at
this time of year, preponderantly.

The SLA is a manifestation of Susan Sontag’s “camp”. The SLA ties to the Nixon and Clinton
executive branches. The SLA an be tied to SDS, Underground Weathermen, Black Panthers, New
World Foundation and the CIA working for Richard M. Nixon. Their original name was New
World Liberation Army. Hillary Clinton can be tied to the SDS, Underground Weathermen, Black
Panthers, New World Foundation, and CIA. Hillary spent some time in San Francisco around the
crucial planning years of the SLA before she went on to serve on the impeachment committee for
Richard M. Nixon. She was placed there with the help of Bush, her mentor, in her World
Foundation role coordinating agent provocateurs. There could very well be basis to the rumors that
she was put on the Watergate committee to protect Bill Clinton whom Nixon would have uncovered
as being a communist infiltrator.

Their marriage was a marriage of convenience, and Hillary preferred women, until her affair with
her married coworker, Vince Foster of the Rose Law Firm.

According to a published article in the March 28 issue of a prominent magazine the "GLOBE,"
"reliable sources will soon release a shocking list of Hillary's lesbian lovers from the past and
including the present."

According to reliable sources the list includes:

* A beauty in her early 30s who often travels with Hillary.

* A popular TV and movie star.
* The daughter of a top government official.
* A stunning model who got a career boost after sleeping with Hillary.
* President Clinton's former lover, Gennifer Flowers writes in her book
"Passion & Betrayal" of Bill confessing to her that Hillary sleeps with
more woman than he does.
* The famous commentator Jack Wheeler writes: "My sources indicate that Hillary is bisexual
and fools around more than her husband." He also credits Hillary for being the force behind
the "White House's homosexual agenda."
* According to the insiders report, Hillary had sex with women during her college days at
Wellesly College.

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Hillary Clinton is perhaps even of lower class than Bill. To call her cheap is an understatement.
She is steeped in filthy degrading sex, and was caught in her own White House sex scandals.


Garrett was also the lead FBI investigator in the murder of Clinton White House intern, Mary
Caitrin Mahoney. You see, A U.S. Secret Service Agent assigned to checking doors
at the White House, opened a door one night and found Hillary Clinton in a
compromising sexual position with Ms. Mahoney, a known lesbian since her
high school days. Hillary was furious and whacked him in the head with a
metal ashtray. Ms. Mahoney was shot to death at a Starbucks Coffee Shop,
right in the heart of Washington DC, a short time later.

Totally lacking in refinement, she has an inability to recognize appropriateness because she is so
filthy minded. She is repulsive and uncouth. She is one of two lesbians rapists in this story. She
only knows to threaten with death who have harassed me through electronic surveillance.

The Clinton’s had another reason to keep an eye on her. Mary [Mary Caitrin Mahoney] was an
open lesbian and aggressive supporter of gay rights. She had become something of a “den mother”
for younger interns who claimed to have suffered sexual harassment at the hands of the president
(not including Monica) She had been threatening to do something about it.

Mary also held a part time job as assistant cashier at the local Starbucks coffee shop. In July of
1997, she and two other employees were gunned down around closing time by what police claimed
was a robbery although no money was taken. Mahoney was shot five times. One of the shots was
to the back of her head gangland execution style.

Bill Clinton’s Murdered Intern

Filed under: Bill Clinton, Billary, Clinton Body Count, Clintons, Georgetown, Hillary Clinton,
Hillary Rodham Clinton, Mary Caitrin Mahoney, Mary Mahoney, Starbucks, intern,
investigation — Tags: murder, murdered — aishamusic @ 9:25 pm
Shocking Items On Bill Clinton’s Other Intern That Ended Up Murdered

Bill Clinton

Many of you know of Monica Lewinsky as Bill Clinton’s most famous intern. However, there is
another intern, Mary Caitrin Mahoney, that died under suspicious circumstances and is the subject
of much speculation online, due to the manner in which she was killed and the timing.

Hillary Clinton and Mary Caitrin Mahoney

Many state Mahoney was about to go public with allegations of sexual harassment by Bill
Clinton, when she was gunned down at Starbucks. She was shot five times by a gunman, but no
money was taken from the Starbucks where she worked part-time.

Hardly seems like a robbery, now does it. Historic case files around the world have shown, the

Section 2 Page 26
absence of robbery during a murder, indicates the perpetrator did not commit the crime with the
intent to steal, but to kill.

Mary Caitrin Mahoney - Murdered July 6, 1997 - An attractive 25 year old woman, Mary was a
former “Clinton White House intern working as the Assistant Manager at a Starbuck’s coffee shop
in Georgetown.

In the pre-trial publicity surrounding Paula Jones lawsuit, and days after Newsweek’s Mike Isikoff
had dropped hints that a “former White House staffer” was about to go public with her story of
sexual harassment at the White House, gunmen entered the Starbuck’s while the crew, ( Mary
Mahoney, 25, Emory Allen Evans, 25 and Aaron David Goodrich,1 8) were cleaning up after

Mary’s two co-workers were taken to a room and shot. Mary was brutally shot five times, no
money was taken. In March 1999 Carl Cooper, 29 was arrested (on an unrelated warrant) based on
a tip came in to “Americas Most Wanted” hotline after the story aired for a third time.

Cooper, arrested for a 1996 shooting of a “Police Officer”, confessed to the murders after
questioning Monica Lewinsky surfaced as a reluctant witness in the Paula Jones lawsuit and lied
in her deposition!

Monica told Vernon Jordan ” I don’t want to wind-up like Mary Mahoney” That statement
suggests Monica’s fear that Mary’s murder was somehow connected to the Clinton White House.
Mary Mahoney was a Lesbian and was among 6 who organized a gay group in Baltimore, called
the avengers. If any sexual advance had been made by Clinton toward Mary, such conduct would
have been an issue

I have already decoded death threats against Obama if he does not step aside. Obama told to quit
or he will be assassinated. See photo of Obama blinking. (If you recall, George Wallace
Presidential candidate was the victim of an attempted assassination. This communication is
telegraphing that the motive for the future attempt will be racial.)

Hillary Clinton photo in headlines, meaning the message is from her. Drudge who first exposed
the Monica story, is conduit for the communication from the supercomputer. He is not
consciously involved. The process for how this is done is difficult to explain, but in essence, it is
electronically accessing of the brain and information manipulation.




Drudge 4/24/08 12: 42 12; 14:2305

Two months later, Hillary was forced out of the election as the truth about her spread, but now
Pelosi looks like a robot on June 25, 2008 Drudge for a reason, but then that is another story, and
involves China’s assault on America with the help of the Clintons.


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Hillary has a history of issuing and carrying out death threats as illustrated the Princess Diana
story. Bill and Hillary are a team. A team of murderers. Although they each would like to be
“god”, they are nothing but low class monsters.


Clinton is a failure in the romance department and knows it. No woman of any substance would
have married him. At that, even baseborn Hillary Clinton turned him down when he first proposed
- reinforcing his undesirability. Only a marriage to someone like Princess Diana could have cast
him in a romantic lead.

Diana Was Not the Target

by Rayelan Allan,
Publisher, Rumor Mill News

Within days of the death of Princess Diana, published an article titled ?Who controls Diana,
Controls the World.?

"While most of the world was in shock in the days immediately following the death of Lady
Diana, writer Rayelan Allan got right on the story and reported the deeper circumstances. Her
blockbuster report, "Who Controls Diana, Controls the World," was issued only days after the
tragic automobile "accident." It became an instant classic. Robert Anton Wilson, in his
encyclopedic catalog of conspiracy theories, Everything Is Under Control, called Rayelan's article
"the most intricately interesting scenario" to emerge."
By Brian Redman, Publisher, Conspiracy Nation

Diana Was Not the Target

By Rayelan Allan


In the June issue of Rumor Mill News we presented an in-depth analysis of the breakup of the
marriage of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. In the series of articles, we also presented
information showing the connection between the royal family and the international bankers. We
discussed the feud between the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, and we explored the connection
between the Rockefeller family and President Bill Clinton. We can summarize by saying that
international bankers are trying to merge the U.K. and the U.S. as the first step in creating a New
World Order with One Government ruling everything. To accomplish this, they wanted to use
Princess Diana and her children; both the born and unborn.

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Diana's 'handlers' had decided that her popularity would have brought back the 'mythic' Camelot
days of the Kennedy years. A Royal Princess in the White House would have been the first step to
turning the Presidency into a royal throne perpetuated through bloodline rather than ballot box.

By the time William would become King of England, one of Diana's newly born American
children would become an elected official, and well on his or her way to becoming President of the
United States.

In the same issue, Rumor Mill News presented the short list of American men that the New World
Order had chosen for Diana. Diana would be allowed to choose her new husband from
three men that had been handpicked for her. Each man represented a powerful
New World Order family: Jay Rockefeller and George W. Bush represented their
families respectively. The other candidate was Bill Clinton.

Clinton did express his desire to marry Princess Diana. She flatly turned him down, and Hillary
Clinton issued her a death threat.



Princess Diana breakfasted with Hillary at the White House in September of 1996. Bill was in
NYC at the United Nations. Whatever Hillary told Diana, it caused Diana to leave the United States

When she returned to England, one of the first people she sought out was the best friend of her
father, Mohammed Al Fayed.

Clinton never proposed to me, but the rapist spends his free time trying to figure out how he can
force a marriage upon me against my will. I suppose he does not want to hear, “NO!” His
attitude is that through rape or murder there has to be a way to claim my legacy. There are a few
examples in the Bible in which rape led to marriage, so Bill Clinton believes he can just take any
story out of the Bible and twist it to meet his agenda since God must have made a mistake and
must have meant for him to have more authority than any person on the planet.

Like George W. Bush, he believed he could do as he pleased, and nothing would derail him. To
be “elite,” or being above the law means to be “privileged.” As though he had been tapped by
the Wizard of Oz’s magic wand, nothing was going to stop him. He could rape a woman at
Oxford, get thrown out of the school and country, but still, he had an unseen hand guiding his life.
No matter how daring he became, his benefactor stood by his side, and controlled his destiny.
When he had to, Bill Clinton submissively rolled over like Bubba Gump and wet the floor if that
was what his master wanted. When Clinton got himself in trouble as he did with Chinagate, a sure
criminal impeachment issue, Guy de Rothschild, his benefactor pulled through and bailed Clinton

The movie, “Gods and Monsters,” accurately depicts the relationship between Guy and Clinton
Section 2 Page 29
including the semi-nude scenes. Clinton is coy about his homosexuality. His acts of
homosexuality are like “mulligans” in golf - they don’t count because his activity does not fit
with the image he likes to portray. Clinton is a tall, big-boned man - 6’2.” Guy de Rothschild
was not, and I believe he worshipped Clinton’s physical stature. To Clinton, Guy was a god, and
to Guy Clinton was a god. Both were monsters.

Guy de Rothschild (Prounounced “Gee” [hard G] in French) put Clinton in office, and Guy
saved Bill Clinton from being removed by office when his treason was discovered. He just needed
a little help from a stogGIE - Monicagate would be an entertaining diversion from Chinagate. Guy,
known for his sick and sadistic humor, had coddled Clinton’s recklessness for years. Cruel
humor and sadistic psychological torture are standard norms for the big league Illuminati players.
Bill Clinton can dish out intolerable cruelty on a regular basis, but he can’t take a joke, even if it
was meant to save him from being removed from office in shame as a convicted treasonous
jailbird. In truth, he is humorless, and thankless. Clinton could always run to him for help when
he needed it. Monicagate wouldn’t be fatal for Clinton, but Chinagate would have been.

Had Guy let Chinagate go to impeachment, he would have been lynched by the American public.
Volatile, rage-filled and juvenile Clinton would not have been able to maintain his composure under
cross-examination over Chinagate. Why was Clinton so oversensitive about Chinagate?

My picnic with Bill

How one reporter gave Clinton heartburn over Chinagate

By Paul Sperry

It was my turn to meet the celebrity president. As he approached me, I politely, if coolly, asked
him when he would hold his next formal press conference. It had been several months since his
last and he's had fewer than any recent president. I admit I was trying to agitate the proper forum
for questions about the FBI agents' charges. But, to me, this was still a rather innocuous question,
even within the supposedly neutral zone of a party. A relevant question, too, given the gathering.
Other hard-nosed reporters surely were wondering when they'd get another crack at Clinton.

Or so I thought. My simple question was rewarded with boos and hisses from the adoring Clinton
groupies around me. So much for the adversarial press.

But that was nothing compared with Clinton's reaction to my inquiry about his next press confab.
In an instant, his 100-watt charm shut off, replaced by a taunting belligerence. "Why?" he barked.

"Because the American people have a lot of unanswered questions," I replied, struggling to hold
my bladder. At that point, he moved back down the rope, pulling up square in front of me, and
demanded, "Like what?"

"Well, like illegal money from China and the campaign-finance scandal ..."

What happened over the next 10 minutes was nothing short of a "scene." The party-goers collapsed
in around us. I watched the blood rush to Clinton's gargantuan face as he launched into a tirade
against ex-Republican National Committee Chairman Haley Barbour, the FBI, Bob Dole and
Republicans in general. All the while, he tried to belittle me by making faces (to get a rise out of
his fans) and intimidate me by getting in my face.

And now I can see how he can do that to people. Clinton's not just intellectually intimidating,
he's physically imposing. He's tall (6-2) and big-boned.

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Luckily, I'm the same height and was able to stand toe-to-toe and eye-to-eye with him. I'll never
forget the maniacal look in his bloodshot eyes. There was a moment, fleeting, where I sensed he
wanted to try to take a swipe at me. I was getting full frontal Clinton. His volcanic temper, hidden
so well from the public by his handlers, erupted less than 12 inches from my eyes.


Clinton also was unprepared for my tenacity. Other reporters may back down after he singes their
eyebrows with a verbal fusillade. Dummy me, I hung in there for more abuse, challenging his
answers, following up with more questions. Which only made him madder.

Take, for instance, the exchange we had after I asked him what he thought of the FBI agents'
charges two days earlier that they'd been blocked from following trails back to the White House in
the Chinagate probe. (When I first mentioned the agents, he acted dumb: "What FBI agents?")

"The Eff-Bee-Ahh," Clinton said, his tone dripping with contempt and suspicion. "What do you
think of the FBI?"

I don't have an opinion, sir. My question is to you.

"Yeah, the FBI wants you to write about that rather than write about Waco," a reference to
lingering questions about the agency's role in the 1993 fire that killed Branch Davidian separatists
in Waco, Texas.

It was an extraordinary remark. The president was questioning the motives and veracity of his own

I piped up that these were career FBI agents. One had been with the agency 25 years. And they
made these charges under oath.

"Are you suggesting they're not telling the truth, Mr. President?" I asked.

Clinton's face turned a darker hue of red, almost the purplish color of raw
hamburger meat that's been left out on the counter. Changing the subject, he attacked
Republicans for their own fund-raising woes.

After Clinton had had enough of me, he tried to move on. But, I pressed, reminding him that he
still hadn't answered my original question: When will you have another formal news conference?

"You just had one," he snapped.

With that, I turned around and knifed my way through the crowd that had gathered. Two women
-- one from AP, then another from CNN -- rushed up to me. Both asked what
got Clinton so angry.

"Why'd he turn so red?" asked one. Good question, I said, then replayed the exchange
for them. Both asked for my card, though neither of their news agencies filed a story.

Before grabbing a plate of Cajun food and a much-needed cold one, I scribbled down what Clinton
had told me on some White House napkins and left the grounds soon after. As I made my way to
the Metro station, I realized my knees were a bit wobbly.

Section 2 Page 31

"The blood was rushing in and out of his face," Grimaldi observed over the
phone. "He actually blew up. His initial blow-up was unexpected and

He counted at least 10 exchanges, "back and forth." Not one question I asked, he said, was "rude"
or "disrespectful," although the entire impromptu interview could be construed as such. He also
said Clinton "was baiting you" into asking more questions.

At one point, Grimaldi said the official White House photographer standing behind Clinton
shouted: "This is so inappropriate! This is so inappropriate!" I never heard him. Clinton's own
shouting must have drowned him out.


On Monday, Sept. 27, I had called Lockhart's deputy Jake Siewart to see if the president wanted to
clarify any of the remarks he made to me. Siewart replied, bluntly, that Clinton "doesn't regret
making" them.

Not 10 minutes after I hung up, a woman called from the White House identifying herself as
Lockhart's assistant. She had a message for me.

What is it? I asked.

"I didn't say it. It's not coming from me," she assured me, speaking under her breath. "It's
specifically from Joe Lockhart."

All right, what?

"The only regret we have is inviting you to the party," she said, quoting her
boss, "and we won't make that mistake again."

Is he serious? I asked.


How juvenile, I thought, but how predictable for this White House.

Clinton did not have a “real” father, but he had several surrogate fathers: George Herbert Walker
Bush loved him more than his own son, George W. - a source of rage for W. Then there was Guy
de Rothschild, Clinton’s main benefactor, whose own weak psychopathology and desire to be loved
led him into a sadomasochistic relationship with Clinton as a son figure. Guy would be like a
father to the fatherless cast-off boy, Billy Clinton. Perhaps trying to recreate the father-son
relationship Guy never had with his own father. He must have wanted someone to tell him that
anything he did was fine with him. Guy did not object to his own family members being picked off
like flies, but part of that rebellion was Guy expressing hatred for the rules laid down to him by his

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Raphael de Rothschild was just one of Clinton’s murder victims:

A Young Rothschild Dies In an Apparent Overdose

April 30, 2000

A scion of the internationally known Rothschild family has died of an apparent drug overdose
following a party, officials said.

Authorities said Raphael de Rothschild, 23, died April 22 outside a Chelsea loft. William
Corbin, a friend of Mr. Rothschild, was later arrested and charged with heroin possession, according
to the police. He has has denied any involvement in Mr. Rothschild's death.

Please note the similarity in the name William Corbin, and Paula Jones, Clinton’s accuser’s
maiden name: Corbin. The use of this code name reveals Clinton’s experience with Paula
Jones as a motive for the murder of Raphael, the well-bred humane young man with a life
ahead of him. Clinton was jealous of his upbringing and character who was described below:

“The most kind, thoughtful, intelligent, charming, compassionate human being that ever was...”

Raphael de Rothschild ’99, of New York City; April 22, of an apparent drug overdose. He was a
member of the internationally known Rothschild family. The Rothschilds, often compared
to the Rockefellers in the United States, played a major role in French business and
culture. He is survived by his parents, Nili and Nathaniel, 1040 5th Ave., New York City 10028;
and a sister, Esther ’01.

Raphael was murdered on 4/22/00 as a code that he murdered him to get to me. “V” is the 22nd
letter of the alphabet, and in their world, “V” stands for me and my royal status and inheritance.
“V” is for Vengeance. Guy Fawkes! World War III was designed to pay back everyone who
had ever insulted or humiliated one of these international gangsters.

Clinton made sure the Rockefellers were mentioned in the obituary to signify another one of his
signatures. (Clinton, the illegitimate son of Winthrop Rockefeller, an agent for the Rothschild
empire, began to believe he was the originator of the New World Order plan, not merely a puppet.
The Rothschilds hold the monopoly on spiritual power - both good and evil. They are at the top of
the pyramid when it comes to wealth and power by Divine predestination.)

Raphael is the name of a high-ranking archangel. I am a prophet, or messenger, or “angel.”

Raphael was murdered in Chelsea, the name of Clinton’s daughter. By killing Raphael in Chelsea,
Clinton believed he was becoming his father, or a Rothschild. The drug pusher was named William
Corbin, code for William Clinton, and Clinton’s criminal signature on the death. He then linked the
death of my cousin, Raphael, to the death of my brother by the Paula Jones connection. Paula
Corbin Jones was born on September 17. Clinton murdered my brother, born on 10/1/49, on
September 17 of the same year that Raphael was murdered: 2000. My brother was in his 50th year
- 14 days before my his 51st birthday. He murdered my brother as a precursor to trying to murder
Section 2 Page 33
me. Since he had been unsuccessful in his many attempts, he believed he needed more satanic
power so he murdered a king. He had plans to murder me the same day as he murdered my
brother. (Geli Raubal, my grandmother, in some accounts died on 9/17, in other accounts on 9/18
or 9/19, the same day as Meyer Amschel Rothschild died.)

When their plans fail, they try again with other circumstances. This is their way of not accepting
defeat. Below is a pattern for killing off many members of a royal family in a short space of time.

Three prominent members of the Saudi royal family die in mysterious circumstances. Prince Ahmed
bin Salman, a nephew of the Saudi king, prominent businessman, and owner of the winning 2002
Kentucky Derby horse, is said to die of a heart attack at the age of 43. The next day, Prince Sultan
bin Faisal, another nephew of the king, dies driving to Prince Ahmed’s funeral. A week later, Prince
Fahd bin Turki supposedly “dies of thirst” in the Arabian desert.

Again, the death of Raphael 148 days before he murdered my brother, reveals that Clinton wanted
what Raphael and my brother had. Raphael had money and loving parents. My brother was very
loved by his mother and was the titled King of the United Kingdom, although he was unaware of
this. Clinton was jealous of these two males who were loved by family.

Murdering Raphael was not enough for Guy or Clinton. When Guy sent out Clinton to do his
bidding, he expected that whatever Clinton recovered, would be for Guy. Clinton had other things
in mind. When Guy authorized the death of his cousin, he was breaking family rules in many
ways giving Clinton a false sense of superiority over Guy and other Rothschilds.

ITEM: In July, 1996, Amschel Rothschild was murdered, just as he was about to become the new
head of the Rothschild worldwide banking empire, tied to the Vatican. Most of the American press
were silent: some said it was a heart attack; others, a suicide. He was found with a bathroom cord
tied around his neck, connected to a towel rack. In checking it out, however, the Paris police
discovered the rack came right off the wall! Hence, it was murder, not suicide.

Rothschilds and Rockefellers have engaged each other in bloody financial wars for many decades.
Rothschild was murdered on the anniversary of the murder of John D.
Rockefeller III, 1978. Recently, we repeated the exclusive details.

To read the signature on Amschel’s death one must look at the scene. They said he committed
suicide by hanging himself on a towel rack in the Bristol Hotel in Paris. Bristol is a symbol for
SIS/MI6’s home base. Hanging is a reference to gallows. Gallo is cheap wine. Since SIS is
encoded in the crimes, the SIS name identifies the murderers as family. More clues: Amschel died
with a robe belt around his neck. The belt then becomes a black belt, - black for death. A black belt
is used on a karate gee. Guy’s name in French is pronounced “gee” identifying Guy as one of his
killers. Note the similarities in the names Chelsea and Amschel. The similarities are indicative of
Clinton’s desire to become a Rothschild because it was the Rothschild family that was granted the
throne - NOT the Clinton family or the Rockefeller family. The reason the name “’Foster” also
pops up so often is that Clinton wanted to claim he was adopted into the the Rothschild family in
his attempt to steal the throne. From foster child to Rothschild is just one more bit of evidence of
the shattered minds of the perpetrators involved here. They thrive on “magical, “IF ONLY”

Section 2 Page 34
The article above implicates a Rockefeller. Secret Rockefeller, Clinton, killed Amschel for Guy and
Elie, as he killed Princess Diana for the Windsors.

The Rothschilds did not retaliate because they ordered it. Guy’s son, David’s biological father was
Lord Victor Rothschild who taunted Guy about that fact by his publishing his research on
fertilization of by bulls.

Young Victor's chosen line of research was some proof of this. He was investigating how fast
sperm swam, and why only one sperm managed to fertilize an egg. 'It occurred to me,' he wrote in
{p. 55} Meditations, 'that light might be shed on this problem by treating an egg in a suspension
of sperm as if it were a sphere being bombarded by gas molecules.'

In one sense this may not have been deemed a 'sexy' topic, but it was neither spurious nor
counterfeit. In the secret laboratories of Nazi Germany and Communist Russia, scientists were
already scanning Rothschild's published literature (in Russia this would continue for a quarter of a
century) for data that would help in cloning a German super race, or a Soviet superman.

Clinton sought to eliminate all Rothschilds.

The next developmental stage after this power recognition is fantasy, and we found that this
become tremendously important in understanding the development of the sexual predator. First
there is the fantasy of overcoming the problems of his life: the pain and the failure. This, of
course, involves becoming successful and getting back at the people the subject believe have hurt,
slighted or not properly respected him. And along with this comes sexual fantasies related
predatory crime, the fantasy always precedes the acting out. (The Anatomy of Motive by John
Douglas and Mark Olshaker, (pg. 36)

One has to wonder what Guy was thinking when he let Clinton get so out of control. Guy believed
he would be the last man standing, just like everyone else in the group believed. Guy would have to
eliminate anyone in his way, and he used Clinton to do his dirty work. Guy was delusional about
the threat his blood relatives were. He was expressing his hatred for his family, and used Clinton
like an extension of himself, to express that hatred

Guy was ruthless enough that he could kill his own family. One thing about the Illuminati is that
most are copycats. Guy was original. Elie was original, and the rest of the crowd merely mimicked
them. If Guy could kill his own blood relatives, then Clinton had to also. Clinton turned on his
own. Winthrop Paul Rockefeller would have been Clinton’s half-brother.

Winthrop Paul Rockefeller (September 17, 1948 – July 16, 2006) was Republican lieutenant
governor of the U.S. state of Arkansas from 1996 until his death.

JFK Jr. was killed 7/16, the same date as Winthrop Paul Rockefeller. With these murders Clinton
was trying to become a Kennedy, and he has murdered several. (July 16 is also a 7/7 day, and is
tied by code to the terrorist acts in England on that date. Seven is a number of completion or
perfection. JFK, Jr.’s wife was supposedly pregnant with his child. A complete end to the JFK
line. )

John F. Kennedy, Jr.

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John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. (November 25, 1960 – July 16, 1999), often referred to as John F.
Kennedy, Jr., JFK Jr., John Jr., John Kennedy or John-John, was an American lawyer, journalist,
socialite and publisher. He was the son of President John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy
Onassis, and the younger brother of Caroline Kennedy (as well as the older brother of the deceased
Patrick Bouvier Kennedy). He was known as "America's Son" for he was one of the few presidential
children to actually be raised in the White House, and thus America watched him grow up.,_Jr.

John F. Kennedy Jr.

Evidence Of A Cover up

Division 4 team names Clintons, Bush 41, 43 in JFK Jr. assassination

by Tom Flocco

“One of my family members was related to JFK Jr.‘s grandmother, and although it was not a blood
relationship, I had at least a half dozen lengthy conversations with John during the years before he
died. We liked each other and hit it off; so this was why John opened up to me and seemed
to trust me regarding his future plans to run against either Hillary Clinton for
the Senate or George W. Bush for the Presidency in 2000. John had many
conversations with my relative; and he gave her permission to discuss his political aspirations with
friends so this was not a closely held secret. But what was interesting was that John told me he was
pretty sure he could win either of those races.” ("Delbert," former Interpol operative and CIA
Division 4 team member)

Guy de Rothschild is the one who ordered President John F. Kennedy assassinated. George
Herbert Walker Bush carried it out.

JFK Versus World Zionism

By Donald J Cassidy

On Memorial Day, let US remember John F. Kennedy, the last "American" president. Like Rachel
Corrie he was martyred by World Zionism. "WE SHALL WIPE OUT ALL THOSE WHO
HINDER US" (Protocol #3). In his few years, he seemed to recognize and do battle against this evil
political system described in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

In 1961 Benjamin Freedman, a loyal American, warned that even then "Zionists ruled the United
States like monarchs". (Note, Mr. Freedman said "Zionists" not "Jews".) He was personally
acquainted with John F. Kennedy who appeared to be the first of a political family dynasty. JFK's
policies could change history. JFK instituted measures that would cripple World Zionism and its
global cycle of war, financial crises, militarism, inflation, depressions, and usurious debt, all
outlined in the Protocols.

Zionist apologists dispute the authenticity of this Devil's Black Bible but that is irrelevant. What is
relevant is that World Zionism has been following them word for word for more than a century in

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its secret scheming for world rule. According to the Protocols, "THE GOYIM ARE A FLOCK OF
humanity, World Zionism has been undetected for many years and now emerges when it is in its

First, JFK ordered the Vietnam War stopped and the troops brought home. Vietnam was the latest
Oil War. Who owns World Oil? The Rothschilds. They "own" Yukos Oil in Russia and "own" the
Rockefellers in America. Do they also "own" the Saudis? "WE MUST RESPOND TO EVERY
[money] WILL PUT BOTH SIDES AT OUR MERCY" (#2). War fills the graveyards of humanity
but war debt fills the cash accounts of World Zionism.

Second, JFK was going to wind down the Arms Race and seek world peace. The trillions spent for
"Defense" was never for the defense of America but for an arsenal to enable World Zionism to
impose its Capitalism on the rest of the world. "WE SHALL SET UP A SUPER GOVERNMENT
TO ALL WITH THE GUNS OF AMERICA" (#7). In addition, the vast debt of the Arms Race paid
billions in interest every year to World Zionism. This debt has bankrupt America. "LOANS

Third, JFK ordered the Treasury to print US currency instead of the Rothschild
Federal Reserve Notes supported by the Rothschild illegal income tax.


Both Clintons and both Bush were involved in killing JFK Jr.

New Book Claims JFK, Jr. Was Murdered


New Book Claims JFK, Jr. Was Murdered The National Examiner (March 12, 2007) reports that
the son of murdered President John F. Kennedy, JFK Jr., "was murdered in an evil plot to get him
out of the way of Hillary Clinton's ambitious political plans, a new book claims...


AN UPDATE by Sherman H. Skolnick

What Happened To America's Golden Boy. WHO BENEFITS? That is a question that should be

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asked following a political assassination, or even when foul play is suspected. The monopoly
press, from the time of Abraham Lincoln to date, never asks THAT QUESTION. Common
Americans are to be fed from a bottomless garbage can of "lone assassin", or "accident" rubbish.

John F. Kennedy, Jr., most would have to admit, was charming and articulate, and had none of the
ghosts and scandals in his closet that others of his relatives seem to have had or have. If he ran for
important public office, he most likely would sweep the field if not just giving every other
candidate a hard time.

There are two reasons for his death, one being the main one and then, for some, an alternative.
Main reason:

His family knew he planned, on August 1, 1999, to announce, that like his father, he was going
to run for President.

Jacqueline Kennedy also was a victim of medical murder. She took her own life so as not to be
manipulated by Clinton, who had identified himself to Jacqueline as her killer when she sailed with
him. When they sailed they went to Buzzard’s Head. Clinton made sure her cancer spread to her
brain as a response to her statement. She already knew she had cancer at this point.

The list of murders goes on and on.

So, my brother was murdered on the 9/17 birthday of Clinton’s privileged half-brother, who was
murdered on the same day JFK Jr. was killed 7/16. This shows that Clinton wanted to be my
brother, the king, and that he also wanted to be a Kennedy, or a legitimate son. Clinton kills for
impossible goals. He believes by killing all who represent what he does not have will solve his
problems and make him legitimate.

Bill Clinton is a psychopath. Still, the other Rothschilds have not caught on that murdering other
Rothschilds is wrong behavior. If they had, they would have demanded justice. There is no excuse
for the other Rothschilds standing back and allowing these slaughters, let alone participating in
them. Bill Clinton and George W. Bush and the rest of these freeloaders are still alive.

And so, like other stalkers, he set out to destroy the object he most admired, that he most coveted,
and in doing so accomplish something of note. The stalker and the nonpolitical assassin are
obsessed with the object of their attention and/or what they represent. In some cases, as with Mark
David Chapman, killer of John Lennon, they out-and-out want to be that person. And when they
can’t, they decide that no one else can be, either... And like Chapman with Lennon, John Hinckley
with his actress idol Jodie Foster and other stalkers, there was part of Cunanan that wanted to be
forever linked to his target... (The Anatomy of Motive by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker, (pg.


One of Guy de Rothschild’s biggest flaws was that he failed to see Clinton for the parasite that he
was. Guy had the management style of Tony Soprano - “That’s why I made you capo. You
make the decisions.” If you have watched the Sopranos, you will remember that Tony Soprano
often wrestled with decisions he had to make which were not always clear cut to him. Guy felt out
of his league when it came down to the end of this war against me that he had planned for decades.
In fact, Guy was in love with me, and did want to marry me, but realized that I never would marry
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him. More than wanting to marry me, though, Guy wanted to win. Winning to him meant
becoming “King of the World” - something he believed I could help him attain.

Guy set high goals for himself:

From King David to Baron David: The genealogical connections between Baron Guy de Rothschild
and Baroness Alix de Rothschild

Guy was Jewish, and it might be somewhat confusing that I am using New Testament scriptures
and Jesus to describe the actions and motives of Guy and his cabal, but the truth is they really are
Satanic, and do believe in the Bible, they just believe that “I will ascend” Satan can overrule all
God’s power, but that they need to use that power to wrestle the high seat away from God. This
group also believes that Jesus when he rose from the dead, did marry Mary Magdeline and did
conceive a daughter with her who was the origin of the Merovingian royal bloodline, and that
Rothschild is descended from Jesus. They believe the role of risen Jesus was subject to a hostile
takeover, and that one of them could replace Him in power because of Jesus’s relationship with
Mary. As a high priest, Jesus was not free to marry a former prostitute. One reason they have a
goal to make a prostitute royal is to try to add two negatives together believing they can make a
positive. The Bible does say that Jesus will have a new name when he returns in power.

Re 2:17 -
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that
overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the
stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.

Re 3:12 -
Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more
out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which
is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him
my new name.

Revelation 19:11-21
11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called
Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.

12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written,
that no man knew, but he himself.

13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. 14
And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen,
white and clean.

15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he
shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of
Almighty God.

16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD

They believe they can become the Word of God by stealing Jesus’s place at the right hand of God.
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Lu 22:69 -
Hereafter shall the Son of man sit on the right hand of the power of God.

The Word was God according to John 1:1 which is why they want their “word” to be the law.
There is little justice on the planet at the present time because they are using a supercomputer to
help them realize their evil ambitions.

For more than ninety years, Guy had his way, but he knew in his heart, he would never reach the
goal he set for himself. He believed I held the key to giving him the power he sought.

He sought eternal life the easy way, believing I could provide that for him. He knew I have eternal
life, the crowns, the inheritance, and that by a wave of the hand, I could give them all to him. Guy
waged many battles with me on this subject, thinking that if he tortured me enough or was cruel
enough, I would give him what he wanted.

(ED GEIN was modeled after Guy. His torture is nothing to downplay.)

It is fact that I do have the power to bestow immortality on a person, but I will not be using that

Joh 20:23 -
Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they
are retained.

People will be judged on their own merit, and I will not be giving free rides to perpetrators of evil.
Good people will have to justify their own positions on Judgment Day. I strongly believe in
personal responsibility, and I received my eternal life by hard work and much dedicated monastic
study and spiritual seeking - but mainly through obedience to God.

Jas 2:18 -
Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy
works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.

19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the

22 Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?

23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto
him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.

24 Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.

Jas 2:26 -
For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

I told Guy he would have to follow the same path as any other human who was admitted into
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heaven. Guy wanted to live a life of evil, attacking God’s anointed, expecting he could bully his
way through the pearly gates. I was not going to cater to his rebellious ways, and he punished me
severely for my refusal to give him what he did not possess, including trying to murder me quite a
few times. He sadistic torture was a daily occurrence. Near the end of his life, I would hardly
speak to him, but he continued his tormenting ways.

1Ch 16:22 -
Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.

To defend myself from his torture, and because he was relentless, his attacks had to be answered.
Knowing that Guy had spent twelve hours in the ocean during World War II fending off sharks
after his boat was torpedoed, I could divert his attention from torturing me, by torturing him back.
I would watch a video on sharks or mention sharks, and Guy would quiet down.

I pointed out to him he would not blend in with the heavenly kingdom - that he liked wreaking
malevolence on others too much, and that hell was a more suitable placement for him. He could
not argue that hell was not in keeping with his character or that in heaven he would be a fish out of
water. Besides feeling out of place and bored, he could not do that which he seemed to enjoy
doing most - killing and torturing. I also told him he would answer to Meyer for how he handled
the estate and obeyed Meyer’s will, and that Meyer was probably waiting for him in hell so that he
could exact revenge on Guy for his rebellion to the Rothschild plan.

1Jo 4:20 -
If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother
whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

Jesus died for every man’s sins, but it is up to every man to walk his own walk with God. Guy
was one of those who thought he could do anything he liked, then repent on his death bed and all
would be forgiven. Since his death, he has made some contact with the living. Besides the
anticipated threats of revenge, he has communicated that he “almost made it,” but didn’t. He was
removed from the world of the living before he had a chance to repent. There is a lesson here for
people not to assume they will have a last chance at some future date. The time to act is now. No
one has a tomorrow promised to them. As wealthy as he was, Guy took nothing with him when he
died, but his sins and his character.

Guy had a different belief than I since he believed himself to be a god, or “God,” Himself. As
you might infer from the book written about Guy’s genealogy tying him to King David that Guy
had high aspirations. Guy named his son “David.” Jesus before his crucifixion was known in his
prophetic role, or as “Son of Man.” When he rose from the dead, He was in the office of “Son
of God.” He would return as King, or “Son of David.” The Illuminati speaks through what is
known as “cut-outs”- dummy fronts - or substituting one symbol for another as though they were
interchangeable as long as they were linked together. This is not a spiritual truth, but Satan always
perverts truth. Son of David and Father of David were synonymous to Guy. Guy was the father
of David like Joseph was the father of Jesus.

SA 7:3 -
And Nathan said to the king, Go, do all that is in thine heart; for the LORD is with thee.

In effect, Guy and others in his oligarchy falsely interpreted the above word to King David to mean
they had license to kill with impunity - just like 007. It is fact that Guy controlled just about every
intelligence agency in the world. The Mossad, one of the most vicious, worked at his direction as
did the CIA and MI6. Although Guy was a banker, he did not read the fine print in relation to
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King David. David was not, in fact, allowed to act with impunity. He was punished severely for his
murder of Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah, and for his adultery with Bathsheba.

Guy was able to realize many of his dreams, but not without personal pain and suffering. He
wanted it all though. Having just some of his dreams realized was not good enough.

How City of London (British Crown) Runs the World


Conspiracy theorists like myself believe modern history reflects a

long-term conspiracy by an international financial elite to enslave

Like blind men examining an elephant, we attribute this conspiracy to

Jews, Illuminati, Vatican, Jesuits, Freemasons, Black Nobility, and
Bildersbergs etc.

The real villains are at the heart of our economic and cultural life. They are the dynastic families
who own the Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve and associated cartels. They also control
the World Bank and IMF. Their identity is kept secret, but Rothschild is certainly one of them.

England is in fact a financial oligarchy run by the "British Crown" which refers to the "City of
London," not the Queen. The City is run by the Bank of England, a "private" corporation. The
City is a sovereign state located in the heart of greater London. Considered the "Vatican of the
financial world," the City is not subject to British law.


In the realm of mortality, and as head of the Illuminati, and acting boss of the Rothschild family,
there was no one on the planet who had more financial and political power than did Guy. There
was one person with more spiritual power and more inherited power, and I am that person. It was
by family agreement that the crown for the Rothschild family was to fall to the Austrian branch.
Guy, from the French branch, would not obey Meyer’s orders.

(1) All key positions in the House of Rothschild were to be held by members of the family, and
not by hired hands.

Guy knew his family’s rules, but he rebelled against those rules long ago because he felt unloved
by his father due to the conditions of his birth. Guy and his father who was like a phantom to him,
had a very difficult relationship. Perhaps it was the death of the oldest child, Édouard Alphonse
Émile Lionel (1906-1911) Guy, Jacqueline, and Bethsabée de Rothschild’s older brother, that
caused the distance, but there were other pressing factors. His father basically never had much to
do with the other children except when it came to acts of cruelty, unless I was misinformed. Guy’s
sister, Jacqueline Rebecca Louise de Rothschild Piatigorsky, claimed the children were ignored by
both of their parents.

According to her 1988 memoir, Jump in the Waves, her parents were cold and distant and left her
upbringing to an indifferent nanny.

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As privileged as his life had been, life was not always easy for him. It is my understanding that
Guy and his cousin, Elie, were both fathered by Baron Maurice de Rothschild, and not by the men
they knew as fathers. Both Guy and Elie admitted this was the case, but of course, I do not have
DNA verification.

Only a few months after Édouard's marriage, his father died and he formally took over the running
of de Rothschild Frères bank. His grandfather and the French bank founder, James Mayer de
Rothschild, had stipulated "that the three branches of the family descended from him always be
represented." As such, Édouard would be joined by the sons of two different uncles: cousin Robert
Philippe de Rothschild (1880-1946) and cousin Maurice de Rothschild (1881-1957). Édouard was
cautious by nature and often old-fashioned in his ideas, an attitude which extended to his personal
dress and office décor. Like his father, Édouard too was appointed a director of the Banque de
France. In 1911, he negotiated a deal with Henri Deterding for his Royal Dutch Shell company to
purchase the Rothschilds' Azerbaijan oil fields.

In 1937, the government of France nationalized the country's railways including a major
Rothschild railway asset owned in partnership with the English branch of the family. They had
owned the Chemin de Fer du Nord rail transport company for almost 100 years and had an interest
in the Chemins de fer de Paris à Lyon et à la Méditerranée railway which Robert represented for
the family on its board of directors.

Because of cousin Maurice's perceived flamboyant playboy image and his

conduct in political and business activities, Édouard considered him to be
something of a black sheep. They tolerated each other for the sake of the
business but by the middle of the 1930s their differences reached a point where
Édouard and cousin Robert decided to force Maurice out of de Rothschild Frères
bank. After extensive and bitter negotiations, a buyout was reached through an

I know Guy felt isolated, and wanted to be accepted in a group, and was adamant that he not be
bound by the family rules. At his core being, he always felt like an outsider no matter how much
he was part of the “in crowd.” This was not something he cried over. This was something he
would take out on the world. He wanted outside friends. He was like the unrepentant teenager
who, when his father was away, would let his friends throw a large party and destroy the house and
its expensive furnishings. From his perspective, no one had no authority over him. He was
“God”. He decided the rules.

He also believed like God sent out Jesus, His son, to work in his name, and he could send out his
“hired hands” to work in Guy’s name to get the throne.

Joh 20:21 -
Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I

In spite of the fact that he protected the members of the group - not one of them died after repeated
calls for their deaths - they were in agreement about wanting him dead. There was not a bit of
gratitude for all he had done for his unworthy and incompetent hired hands. I could see he was
being used, but he could not see that. He had his blind spots, or perhaps, it was his stubbornness

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not to want to admit to grave errors in judgment. He believed their threats were in jest, but that they
would never dare carry them out. He had a weakness in regards to those closest to him which
often happens with people who are abused by close relatives. Without him, the group cohesiveness
has been shattered.

He saw himself pretty accurately in most areas except when it came to his relationship with the
other members of the Illuminati. He realized he would lose in the end, but his stubbornness was
part of his personality. One nickname he had in the group was “Stiffneck.” He was fiercely loyal
to the other members of the Illuminati - excluding me. Although always relentlessly cruel, he was
the protector of all of them, and tried to balance the needs of the vainglorious group as much as
was possible.

Guy, in general, was pretty honest in his communications, and for that reason made a good
“Godfather” as his word could basically be relied upon - at least in the Illuminati circle.

Like the Tinman in the Wizard of Oz, he did not have a heart, but the Wizard told him he could
compensate for that loss by making others love him. With his quick wit and unique humor, he did
endear himself to many even though he remained a diabolical sadist.

Guy was well liked, but since the group is made up of misfits, being liked only meant he became
the object of envy, and to be an object of envy is to become prey for the group of predators. Guy
was cruel, but then everyone in that group is. He could pull his cruelty off a little better than they
perhaps. He had a special flair in his expressions of violence and cruelty that the others in the
group could not, but tried to imitate. David Icke accurately described Guy:

Guy de Rothschild, of the French House, heads this bloodline dynasty today. He is one of the
most grotesque exponents of trauma-based mind control, indeed the top man according to many of
those who have suffered mercilessly under his torture. I am always loath to use the world evil, but
if evil is the reverse of live, Guy de Rothschild is thoroughly evil. He stands for the opposite of
life. He has been personally responsible for the torture and death of millions of children and adults,
either directly or through those he controls. He conducts satanic rituals, as all these bloodlines
have always done, and goodness knows how many human sacrifices he has been involved in.

If what I am saying is wrong, Guy de Rothschild, then take me to court and lets reveal the
evidence. You are a multi-billionaire and you control the courts and the media. I have next to
nothing. I should, therefore, be a pushover. So come on, Mr. Rothschild, lets have you. Lets take
these claims into the public arena and have you and me in the witness box. Make my day.

Unflappable Guy respected people with the guts enough to stand up to him and generally, he
viewed challenges like Icke’s with amusement. Guy appreciated a good nemesis - a good contest
or a good fight, unlike the other members of the group who want the outcome of every conflict
controlled. The remaining members of the group lack refinement or an appreciation for refinement
even in the negative or evil sense. They are purely self-motivated by their own greed and lust which
makes them extensively boring people.

I know someone is trying to destroy David Icke financially, but I do not know who exactly put out
those orders. Icke is much too accurate on most issues not to be targeted by the Illuminati, but I
believe that people like Guy appreciated David Icke’s boldness and showmanship. The remaining
members of Illuminati are too petty and insecure to appreciate anyone who has a special talent or
who opposes them.

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Guy was the role model of success for the evil ones. When he struck, the bite was like the sting of a
poisonous snake - fangs dripping with blood. Whatever Guy did, there was always depraved
humor attached to it, and even in his cruelty, his humor showed a unique flair of confidence that
stemmed from knowing he would never have to pay consequences no matter how he expressed
himself. His imperturbable composure was as refined as a classic sculpture. With poise and
nonchalant calm, he issued orders of death that by anyone else would evoke pure horror. Guy’s
rollicking assured attitude, diverted attention from his evil and directed them towards his violence
which could be treated as an art form. Others in the group try to duplicate his panache, but are
incapable of imitating him. Guy could be appreciated as a perfect villain rivaling any comic book
character or super hero nemesis. He lived his beliefs which happened to be pure evil.

In truth, Clinton was out of his league, and Guy never wanted to acknowledge that he was a poor
judge of character. He just allowed Clinton to get more and more out of control. The foundation
of the groups’ goals was built on sinking sand, and the group was destined to drown in quicksand
one day.

On June 10, just before Guy was murdered, I heard the coded threats on his life from the rest of
the Illuminati, including Guy’s own son. I was exasperated with Guy by this time for his
foolishness in continuing to associate with people of such low class like Charlie and his whore, but
my response was, “You’re just going to let them threaten you like that, and not respond?”

Guy was off his usual game that day. I had warned him that Clinton was not joking about wanting
him dead. I got tired of warning him, and told him he would have to handle those threats himself.
He was inattentive to my many warnings to his own detriment. David, Guy’s son, had a serious
warning from the hell from Meyer, the founding father, on June 11, “DON’T DO IT!” On June
12, Guy was dead, and not by natural causes even though he was 98. He, like the others in this
group, take fountain of youth drugs, and he could have lived to be over 100.

The reverberations of Guy’s death are still being felt in the Illuminati, as there is no leader of the
group anymore. Each member has one impossible goal - to steal my callings and inheritance. Each
member is personally spinning out of control and self-destructing. Their demise is not happening
quickly enough for me though, and other people continue to die.

What motivates many, if not most, of these guys, then, is a desire for power and control that
comes from a background where they felt powerless and out of control. And while most abused or
neglected children develop coping skills and strategies to overcome a difficult upbringing, the ones
who don’t often grow into angry hostile, frustrated adults and become violent offenders. (The
Anatomy of Motive by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker, (pg. 34)

With Guy gone, Bill Clinton can call out for his “daddy” to save him, but no one will answer now,
unless George Poppy Bush feels like irritating his son, W, which he gets sadistic pleasure in
doing. Guy had been given warnings by me from prophetic dreams I had, to eliminate George H.
W. Bush. He refused. He was killed on Poppy Bush’s birthday. When it came to the other
members of this group, Guy had a blind spot which came from being abused by people close to
him. He failed to see danger. Guy’s allowing Clinton to murder two of our other cousins was a
mistake. He failed to see how his using Clinton to murder other Rothschilds, and others like
Princess Diana, went to Clinton’s head - making Clinton believe himself to be was invincible.

Bubba falsely believed that if he killed Guy, he would inherit Guy’s place as “most powerful man
in the world.” He wanted the job of the Pope, or Papa, THE Godfather role. Why not kill his own
“papa” to gain omniscience?
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The following parody was made in commemoration of the Clinton’s being involved in the murder
of my cousin: Guy de Rothschild, the inspiration for the Tony Soprano character. Guy was
murdered June 12, 2007 (George H. W. Bush’s birthday). The last Sopranos show aired June 10,
2007, and was the “insiders” blueprint for the intended murder of my cousin, Guy - the
“Godfather” of the Illuminati. The Clintons parodying the Sopranos show was “Clinton, the
Chin,” trying to establish himself as the new “Godfather.” There were many “criminal
signatures” on Guy’s murder, but the Clintons’ signatures were certainly there.

Hiding out in the open: Bill and Hillary Clinton parody the Sopranos:

At first, after Guy was dead, Clinton thought he was cool. Now that Guy is gone he knows there is
no one to protect him Many people found that out. Guy’s cousin, Elie, one of the co-conspirators
against Guy, but whom Guy always protected, was murdered less than two months later. Elie was
in the process of making a death threat against me by going hunting in Vienna, Austria. I am from
the Austrian house.

He died on 8/6 which was one of Guy’s coded names to indicate that the death of Guy was in part
why Elie‘s plug was pulled.

On the clear morning of August 6, the first atomic bomb, nicknamed Little Boy, was dropped on
the city of Hiroshima. Leveling over 60 percent of the city, 70,000 residents died instantaneously
in a searing flash of heat. Three days later, on August 9, a second bomb, Fat Man, was dropped
on Nagasaki.

After Guy’s death, he made contact with Putin, and told him “You give me da creeps”. Putin could
take that one of two ways. I think Putin bumped Elie off. Putin has to be careful whenever I get
death threats because the same people who want me dead want him dead. If he allows someone to
advance towards me, he is by omission agreeing to let them advance towards him. Our symbols are
very similar.

Vladimir starts with a “V”

My mothers names was Valdemira.

He was born on 10/7.

I am known as the angel or Revelation 10:7 Schwartzenegger (Austrian Mr. Universe) who is a
symbol for me or Hitler won his election on 10/7

Putin Rasputin

Because his initials are VP, he must also closely monitor any communication about a VP. as they
might be a threat aimed at him. Every Illuminati death or attack has encoded it in the seeds for the
next attack. Their crimes are blueprints for future crimes.

Guy was the one who kept everyone in line. Now that he is not there, no one has the commanding
authority he had to control the out-of-control group of brash megalomaniacs. Guy, the Godfather
Section 2 Page 46
has not been and will not be replaced.


“Godfather” Guy de Rothschild, in essence, gave Clinton the permission to write his own rule
book which he has tried to impose on everyone. Being able to murder Rothschilds sans
consequences, led Clinton to believe himself to be impregnable. He could murder ANYONE and
suffer no consequences, if he could kill Rothschilds.

Guy forgot the mission of the Rothschild family which is why by God’s foreknowledge and
predestination, I inherited the job as head of the family and not him. Of course, in his mind, Guy,
the risk-taker, believed he would just take back any power he gave to Clinton when he wanted, but
Guy was playing a dangerous game. I could see where that game was going to end up, and warned
Guy, but he liked taking the risks. Guy was generally the one inflicting pain on others, but he had a
masochistic streak and needed to be threatened and pushed around once in a while. I warned him
this would lead to his demise just days before he was killed.

Guy, Clinton’s promoter, had his own motives for allowing Clinton to murder another cousin,
Amschel Rothschild. Amschel was murdered in 1996. Raphael was murdered in 2000, just one
year after graduating from Brown University. Amschel’s murder was one of Clinton’s prized
accomplishments because Amschel was the head of the banking empire.

‘I don’t belong here with all the wealthy, important people who park here and then go fly places on
airplanes. I’m just a grain of sand on a beach. I’m not as worthy as anyone else. I’m just an
inadequate nobody, and the only way I can become important is by some great act that affects all
those important people. (The Anatomy of Motive by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker, (pg. 238)

To become “privileged", he needed to destroy the privileged, and Guy was going to feed Clinton’s
ego because he desired the same thing in return.

ITEM: In July, 1996, Amschel Rothschild was murdered, just as he was about to become the new
head of the Rothschild worldwide banking empire, tied to the Vatican. Most of the American press
were silent: some said it was a heart attack; others, a suicide. He was found with a bathroom cord
tied around his neck, connected to a towel rack. In checking it out, however, the Paris police
discovered the rack came right off the wall! Hence, it was murder, not suicide.

Rothschilds and Rockefellers have engaged each other in bloody financial wars for many decades.
Rothschild was murdered on the anniversary of the murder of John D.
Rockefeller III, 1978. Recently, we repeated the exclusive details.

To counter his sense of inadequacy, by murdering Amschel he could convince himself that he was
so privileged he could even murder Rothschilds with impunity, and the Rothschild role is sacred
even in the satanic community.

‘The FBI will never catch me - I’m just too damn clever.’ What this says to me, though, is that
he’s starting - and desperately needs - to believe his own mythology. (The Anatomy of Motive by
John Douglas and Mark Olshaker, (pg. 209)

The Rothschilds rule the roost of the Satanic bloodlines, and there is no act against Rothschilds
disloyal to Meyer’s will that will not be avenged, even if demons from hell must arise themselves to
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avenge the murder. Temporarily, before Clinton meets his judgment, he can regale in the role of
Rothschild killer and Princess killer. These unique opportunities will temporarily reinforce his
sense of self-worth and his specialness in an effort to to mask his feelings of inadequacy

...the violent act is the result of a deep-seated feeling of inadequacy on the part of the assassin.
(The Anatomy of Motive by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker, (pg. 238)

The murder of Amschel was one more crime in which Guy favored Clinton over his own blood
relatives leading Clinton to have an non-realistic view of his role in this story. Of course, Guy had
a personal motive for wanting the death of his young cousin, Amschel. There was no retaliation
because Guy authorized this murder in order to put his son, David, in Amschel’s banking
chairmanship. Guy had a vendetta against David’s biological father who was also Amschel’s
father - Lord Victor Rothschild, the explosives expert, biologist and esteemed member of
Parliament. Although Clinton worked as Guy’s lackey, he took the attitude that he was above the
law when it came to killing Rothschilds - a hobby of Guy’s.

Raphael’s death was also sanctioned by his own grandfather - Guy’s cousin, Elie de Rothschild, a
nut case, as a sacrifice to his lover, Elizabeth Mountbatten.


Being President of the United States did not fix Clinton’s shattered self image.

...No matter who we look at, we’re going to find an individual - overwhelmingly a white
male in his twenties - who does not feel good about himself and never has. In some
way, he sees the violent act as the solution to his problem. (The Anatomy of
Motive by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker, (pg. 239)

Narcissist the Omnivore (Perfectionism and Completeness)

There is another "omni" component in grandiosity. The narcissist is an omnivore. He devours and
digests experiences and people, sights and smells, bodies and words, books and films, sounds and
achievements, his work and his leisure, his pleasure and his possessions. The narcissist is
incapable of ENJOYING anything because he is in constant pursuit of
perfection and completeness.

Classic narcissists interact with the world as predators do with their prey. They
want to own it all, be everywhere, experience everything. They cannot delay
gratification. They do not take "no" for an answer. And they settle for nothing less
than the ideal, the sublime, the perfect, the all-inclusive, the all-encompassing, the engulfing, the
all-pervasive, the most beautiful, the cleverest, the richest, and the most brilliant.

The narcissist is shattered when he discovers that a collection he possesses is

incomplete, that his colleague's wife is more glamorous, that his son is better than he is in
math, that his neighbour has a new, flashy car, that his roommate got promoted, that the "love of
his life" signed a recording contract. It is not plain old jealousy, not even pathological
envy (though it is definitely a part of the psychological make-up of the
narcissist). It is the discovery that the narcissist is NOT perfect, or ideal, or
complete that does him in.

Ask anyone who shared a life with a narcissist, or knew one and they are likely to sigh: "What a
waste". Waste of potential, waste of opportunities, waste of emotions, a wasteland of arid addiction

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and futile pursuit.

Narcissists are as gifted as they come. The problem is to disentangle their tales
of fantastic grandiosity from the reality of their talents and skills. They always
either over-estimate or devalue their potency. They often emphasise the wrong traits and
invest in their mediocre or less than average capacities at the expense of their true and promising
potential. Thus, they squander their advantages and under-rate their natural gifts.

The narcissist decides which aspects of his self to nurture and which to neglect. He gravitates
towards activities commensurate with his pompous auto-portrait. He suppresses these tendencies
and aptitudes in him which don't conform to his inflated view of his uniqueness, brilliance, might,
sexual prowess, or standing in society. He cultivates these flairs and predilections which he regards
as befitting his overweening self-image and ultimate grandeur.

But, the narcissist, no matter how self-aware and well-meaning, is accursed. His
grandiosity, his fantasies, the compelling, overriding urge to feel unique, invested with some
cosmic significance, unprecedentedly bestowed – these thwart his best intentions. These structures
of obsession and compulsion, these deposits of insecurity and pain, the stalactites and stalagmites
of years of abuse and then abandonment – they all conspire to frustrate the gratification, however
circumspect, of the narcissist's true nature.

An utter lack of self-awareness is typical of the narcissist. He is intimate only

with his False Self, constructed meticulously from years of lying and deceit.
The narcissist's True Self is stashed, dilapidated and dysfunctional, in the furthest recesses of his
mind. The False Self is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, creative, ingenious, irresistible, and
glowing. The narcissist often isn't.

Add combustible paranoia to the narcissist's divorce from himself – and his constant and recurrent
failure to assess reality fairly is more understandable. The narcissist overpowering sense of
entitlement is rarely commensurate with his accomplishments in his real life or with
his traits. When the world fails to comply with his demands and to support his grandiose fantasies,
the narcissist suspects a plot against him by his inferiors.

The narcissist rarely admits to a weakness, ignorance, or deficiency. He filters out information to
the contrary – a cognitive impairment with serious consequences. Narcissistic are likely to
unflinchingly make inflated and inane claims about their sexual prowess, wealth, connections,
history, or achievements.

All this is mighty embarrassing to the narcissist's nearest, dearest, colleagues, friends, neighbours,
or even mere on-lookers. The narcissist's tales are so patently absurd that he often catches people
off-guard. Behind his back, the narcissist is derided and mockingly imitated. He fast makes a
nuisance and an imposition of himself in every company.

Since the job of President of the United States was given to Clinton by the Rothschild leadership -
Guy, to be specific, he knows enough to know he did not deserve to sit in that honored position,
and therefore his self esteem cannot bolster his ego. Even though he sat in the chair of what many
say is the most powerful office in the world, he felt unaccomplished. The truth is he was inadequate
for the job. While he sat in the office, he was busy enough that he did not have so much time on
his hands to reflect upon his legacy.

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Now that he is not even a PTA President, he is left with his reality. While in office, he had his false
perception reinforced with a false reality of adulation that is reserved for the OFFICE of President
of the United States, but even that was not enough for him. He is a broken person with an
unquenchable thirst to fill the hole in his lost soul. He must have difficulty realizing that God
exists and hates him. What does he see when he looks in the mirror? Does he see white powder
caked in his nostrils? Does he see the nervous twitch of an addict needing a fix?

Why Cocaine is Addictive

Cocaine acts on chemical pathways in the brain. Medical studies suggest that it affects one
particular area of the brain in particular: the area that's responsible for
feelings of pleasure.

In the normal brain, a chemical called dopamine is responsible for the pleasurable feelings that
come from a rewarding event or accomplishment. Cocaine interferes with the normal processing
of dopamine. It causes too much dopamine to build up in the spaces between cells, leading to a
state of euphoria that lasts until the drug wears off.

For cocaine addicts, the idea of re-creating that good feeling is irresistible. Addicts continue to
seek out and use the drug so that they can feel that euphoria again and again.


After a while, the brain adjusts to frequent cocaine use. That means that the user will need
more and more of the drug to get the same result. Unfortunately, tolerance does not
mean that the person's body can tolerate larger doses. The risks of cocaine use, including seizures,
heart attacks, and strokes, continue and may even intensify.

Cocaine Use: What to Look For

Not everyone reacts to cocaine the same way. However, there are certain behaviors you can look

* Increased activity
* Increased sociability, including talkativeness or good humor
* Decreased desire for sleep or rest
* Excitement or "hyper" behavior
* Decreased hunger
* Impulsive decisions
* Risky or impulsive sexual choices

Although cocaine is usually used to create good feelings, someone who has taken a large dose of
cocaine may progress to a much less pleasant state. Signs to look for include irritability,
restlessness, fearfulness, or paranoia. There may be muscle twitching, shaking, or cold sweats.
Some people will even begin to hallucinate.

The truth is Clinton is an addict with an addict’s personality. Most addicts cannot afford an endless
supply of cocaine, but Clinton is a drug pusher. His supply is endless.

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