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Bazian Refinery Expansion Project - Iraq, Middle-East

Latest information for the Bazian Refinery Expansion Project

Project summary
Apr 11, 2014
Additional Researched Project Information
Value: Undisclosed
Location: 25 kilometres northwest from Sulaymaniyah, Kirkuk at the southeast of Kurdistan province, Iraq
Capacity: 84,000 b/d total (after expansion)
Length: 110 kilometres
Pipeline capacity: 125,000 b/d
Start-up Year: 2017
Qaiwan Global Energy DMCC (Qaiwan) Group has sent the call for bid (CFB) regarding the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract for its Bazian Refinery
Expansion Project Phase-3 (BREP3) in the Kurdistan Province of Iraq. Qaiwan and Bezhan Petrochemical Corporation (BezhanPet) operate in Bazian one of the two refineries in
the Kurdistan Province. Bazian is located 25 kilometres northwest from Sulaymaniyah in direction of Kirkuk at the southeast of Kurdistan.
With a capacity of 34,000 barrels per day (b/d) the Bazian Refinery is producing transportation fuels such as diesel, gasoline, kerosene, and feedstock for the petrochemical
industry such as naphtha and fuel oil. Originally designed to accept only 47 API gravity crude, Qaiwan and BezhanPet decided in 2009 to proceed top a first upgrading operation
to process 20,000 b/d of 32 API crude oil. This first Bazian Refinery expansion project was completed in 2010. In following Qaiwan engaged the second phase of Bazian
Expansion to ramp up the refining capacities to 34,000 b/d. Qaiwan completed this Bazian Refinery Phase-2 project in 2012.
Despite these refinery expansions, Kurdistan remains in deficit of refined products while it becomes a significant crude oil and gas exporter. In this context, Erbil Regional
Government and Qaiwan have decided to undertake the Bazian Refinery Expansion Project Phase-3 (BREP3) in selecting Technip to perform the feasibility study. With the third
expansion of the Bazian Refinery, Qaiwan is planning to add 50,000 b/d capacity to reach 84,000 b/d total. The Bazian Refinery Expansion Project Phase-3 will also include the
construction of a 110 kilometres inlet pipeline to transport the crude oil from the southern Kurdistan oil and gas fields to Bazian. This pipeline will have a capacity of 125,000 b/d
which indicates that Qaiwan is already considering 40,000 b/d expansion in further phases to come after BREP3.
In respect with the unbalance between the export of crude oil and the import of refined products, the Erbil Local Government awarded the front end engineering and design
(FEED) work for the BREP3 to Technip. According to the first conclusions of the ongoing FEED work in Technip, the Bazian Refinery Expansion Phase 3 should include:
- Crude distillation unit (CDU) of 50,000 b/d capacity
- Naphtha hydro-treating unit of 33,500 b/d capacity
- Continuous catalytic reformer (CCR) of 22,500 b/d capacity
- Isomerization unit of 10,500 b/d capacity
- Kerosene hydro-treating unit of 13,500 b/d capacity
- Amine regeneration unit
- Sulfur recovery unit
- Waste water treatment unit
- Offsites and utilities
In respect with the current progress of the FEED work carried out by Technip, Qaiwan expects to award the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC)contract for the
Bazian Refinery Expansion Project Phase-3 on second half 2014 in targeting a completion of the BREP3 by 2017.
Qaiwan Global Energy DMCC (Qaiwan) Group
Bezhan Petrochemical Corporation (BezhanPet)
Technip: Front end engineering and design (FEED) work for the BREP3

Project classification
Commence date:

Q2 2014

Completion date:

Q4 2017




Project operators

Qaiwan Global Energy DMCC (Qaiwan) Group



Qaiwan Global Energy DMCC (Qaiwan) Group

4th Floor Sulaymaniyah Mall

Telephone: ++964 5 3319 0248

Project main contractors

Technip (Iraq)
CFA House N6 Street 55
Mahalla 102 Abu Nawas




Project sub contractors

No sub contractors listed

2011 2aL25FJ

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