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Proceedings of 2014 RAECS UIET Panjab University Chandigarh, 06 08 March, 2014

Designs of All Digital Phase Locked Loop


Aastha Singhal

Charu Madhu
Vijay Kumar
Department of Electronics and Communication
University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Panjab University
Chandigarh, India.

Abstract Phase Locked Loop (PLL) is a feedback system that is

configured as frequency multipliers, tracking generators,
demodulators and clock recovery circuits. Today the most
challenging requirement engineers face is design of fast locking
PLL with low jitter. Many analog techniques are proposed to
fulfill the demand but they result in increasing complexity of
design and long lock in time. In this paper, review of advantages
of an All-Digital phase locked loop (ADPLL) over an analog
phase locked loop (APLL) in terms of stability, programmability
is studied. Various approaches to design the blocks of ADPLL till
now adopted are presented in this paper.
Keywords- Phase Locked Loop (PLL); all digital phase locked loop
(ADPLL); analog phase locked loop (APLL)

Phase Locked Loop (PLL) is a closed loop feedback system
that is capable to track the fixed phase relationship between
phase of output and the reference clock. It is widely used for
clock recovery, as a frequency synthesizer, jitter attenuator
and synchronization of chips in GPS receivers [1]. The
foundation of PLL was led in 1918 with the invention of super
heterodyne but it uses large number of tuned stages. In early
1930s attempt of comparing frequency of oscillator with
input of detector is carried out which results into introduction
of PLL in 1932 by de Belle size, French Engineer [2].Since
then the basic PLL block diagram has nearly remained same
but time to time lot of researches and advancements has been
done on various parameters of PLL such as the lock time, the
phase noise, jitter, loop bandwidth, output frequency and
acquisition time. When certain parameters are improved,
others factors may get worse.PLL can be configured in
following three ways- Analog PLL (all blocks are analog),
Hybrid PLL (combination of both analog and digital circuit)
and All Digital PLL (all blocks are implemented
digitally).The paper is organized as follows: Section II
presents Prior work using APLL. Section III gives Overview
of ADPLL architecture. Section IV presents mathematical
modelling of ADPLL and finally conclusion is drawn in
section V.
There are three building blocks of PLL - Phase Detector,
Loop filter and VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) [1].
Phase detector compares the phase of each input, proportional

978-1-4799-2291-8/14/$31.00 2014 IEEE

to the phase difference between them generates an error signal

which alters the input of VCO to make its output frequency
equal to input frequency. PLL has three operating statesfrequency running, capture and lock state. In free running
feedback loop is open and VCO is oscillating in its natural
frequency. In capture mode, feedback loop is closed and VCO
vary the feedback frequency to make it equal to reference
frequency. In lock state, the phase error is zero i.e. both the
frequency are perfectly matched.
Traditionally, analog approaches were adopted to design
In 2007, Greg Paul [3] had used ferroelectric capacitor in
VCO replacing linear capacitor as a storage element which
leads to reduction in cycle to cycle jitter because of its nonlinear dielectric constant behavior.
Interpolate compensation [4] method was used in which
compensator and interpolative loop were implemented
which detects the jitter during the sampling of reference
input signal.
Jitter reduction circuit was proposed [5] which was based
on autocorrelation of jittered signal.

In 2010, Jie Wu [6] introduces the usage of digital

circuitry to reduce noise from VCO which was difficult to
avoid using analog technique. This was the first time when
DDSC (Digital distributed synchronous clock) with
voltage controlled crystal oscillators (VCXO) was
implemented. This design shows jitter cleaning properties
but problem in this design was it was unable to compare
the reference clock with feedback clock completely due to
inaccuracy of DAC.
In analog PLL, many algorithms were designed and
modelled [7], [8] to generate mathematical relations to
check maximum noise level from various components of
PLL and deducing the transfer function for system.
In [9], [10] sub sampling PLL was used to lessen the
impact of jitter to a factor of 0.73 ps. In this no frequency
divider was used during the locked state. During locking
period PD/CP is not multiplied by N2 factor which leads to
low noise.
Above analog techniques were proposed to reduce jitter in
PLL but they result into higher switching and lock-in time,
complexity of circuit was also increased and PLL becomes
sensitive to process parameters so they need to restore for new
technology every time.

Because of the need of the circuit with small size, high

performance, low cost and immunity to noise there is a need to
digitalize various blocks of PLL which is implemented using

Fig.1 Basic block diagram of ADPLL


An All Digital Phase Locked Loop (ADPLL) composed of
components purely in digital format. All the components of
ADPLL are analogous to analog PLL. The phase detector is
replaced by digital phase frequency detector or time to digital
convertor. The phase error is in digital representation. Digital
filter is used instead of analog filter where frequency is
controlled by a control word. The voltage controlled oscillator
(VCO) is replaced by digitally controlled oscillator
(DCO).General block diagram of ADPLL is shown in Fig.1
[13].Various techniques used to design these blocks are
describe as below.
A PFD detects phase/frequency error between reference
(V1) and feedback clock signal (V2) and generates a signed
binary code (Vd). In late nineties, EX-OR gate as shown in
Fig-2(a) was used for phase detection but it was level
triggered mechanism which results into lack of sensitivity to
edges. To eliminate this drawback the edge triggered JK
mechanism was employed as given in Fig-2(b). It was
sensitive to the edges and hence instantaneous corrective
action can be achieved. These were the basic means to design
the detector. In 2003, Digital pulse amplifier (DPA) [14], [16]
had been proposed to enlarge phase error when it is so small
that it is difficult to detect. DPA minimizes the dead zone and
make it more easily detectable by D-Flip Flop, these
amplifiers has AND gates connected in cascaded network to
increase width of pulse.

The design of DPA proposed was as shown in Fig-3 [16].

In 2006, chang-hong shan [15] introduce another method of
designing ADPLL which is based on Double edge triggered
flip flop. Takamoto Watanabe in [17] high speed with phase
lock at seventh reference cycle was intended in which a ring
delay line (RDL) with 32 inverters were assembled and taken
as a time base for designing the PFD. Martin kumm in 2010
designed [18] the Hilbert transform based PFD in which input
signal are firstly converted into analytic signals using Hilbert
transform and then phase error was obtained using Cartesian
to polar conversion. To build phase error, zero delay circuits
were employed. In [12], [19] PFD along with a time to digital
convertor (TDC) was used which together forms P2D (Phase
to Digital) convertor as shown below in Fig-4 [12]. The PFD
sense the difference of reference frequency and DCO divided
clock and then converts the phase error into off-time width
(t) and further TDC digitalize t into set of binary digits
with fixed resolution of TDC. Dynamic logic PFD was
adopted in [12] instead of static PFD as number of transistors
are decreased from 44 to 16 hence power and dead zone were
reduced. In reference [20] Nyquist- rate phase detector was
proposed and designed using HDL.

Fig.3 Proposed design of PFD with DPA

Fig.4 Phase to digital convertor


Fig.2 (a) XOR implementation (b) PD based on edge triggered JK


The code generated by phase frequency detector is
processed by loop filter so as to generate a control word for
digitally controlled oscillator. DLF may be designed using PI,
PD or PID controller i.e. loop filter consist of integral,
proportional, differential or delay elements [21]. Type of loop
filter is important property of PLL as type-1 is suitable for
lock time but it has low noise immunity [11]. In order to
remove glitches from PFD to reduce power consumption and
generating digital codes proportional to the output of PFD a
controller is designed in [16], two types of deglitching filter

circuit were proposed as shown in Fig-5(a) and 5(b).Second

method was suitable for every digital circuit but consumes
more power as compared to first method.

Fig.8 Logical configuration of Digital LPF



Fig.5 (a) First deglitching filter circuit (b) Second deglitching filter circuit

Double edge triggered based DLF had been proposed [15]

to achieve low power. In this adder was designed by the
combination of DETDFF and a full adder as shown in Fig-6
[15]. After get modulated through PI controller it is passed to
adder which provides the control word of DCO. One of the
most important and simplest digital loop filters is the K
counter [13] shown in Fig 7[13]. This filter always works in
combination with EXOR or the JK-flip-flop phase detector. In
[19], [12],[22],[23] designed PI integral based loop filter as
shown in Fig 8 [12] which consist of proportional and integral
path from second order charge pump PLL using bilinear
transformation is proposed. Using this design phase margin is
calculated for stability analysis.

DCO is similar to analog VCO except for DCO frequency

is tuned digitally whereas VCO is tuned by analog signal from
charge pump. It is the heart of Phase locked loop which
changes its output frequency in accordance to the control word
from loop filter. Yu Ming Chung [12] and V. Kratyuk [19]
used ring oscillator for frequency tuning instead of LC
oscillator as later was more bulky and performs tuning
through switching on and off the tank capacitor which further
leads to power consumption. Fig-9 shows the proposed design
of DCO which consist of 5 delay cells, frequency was tuned
according to the current passes through these delay cell. One
of the typical methods to design DCO was using combination
of VCO and DAC (Digital to Analog convertor) [23]. From
the output of digital loop filter digital code was obtained
which was converted into control voltage (Vc) by DAC fed
into the VCO for controlling the frequency. In [13] basic
configuration of DCO is given by K.Lata which is incrementdecrement counter which works on the principle that if fref is
more than fdiv the counter will increment the frequency of fdiv
and vice versa. Logical block of the counter is shown in Fig
10.Bohan Wu, 2013[22] proposed two methods output
frequency detection and frequency averaging method to
achieve fast Locking and remove non-idealities such as DCO
estimation error.

Fig.6 Design of DLF based on DETDFF

Fig.9 DCO with delay cell decrement

Fig.7 K counter loop filter

Fig.10 Logical block of increment-counter

In 2012, S.Sreekumar uses NCO(Numerically Controlled

Oscillator) [20] in his design which will take error voltage
(Vn), and then shift its output frequency from its free-running
value closer to reference frequency so to make phase error
zero and thus keep the PLL in lock state. In reference [16] ring
oscillator based DCO is proposed consisting of 64 buffers
with different combinations of digital code having different
path corresponds to different clock period and clock
frequency. This was executed using binary frequency search
Various properties of ADPLL such as working range,
stability, lock-in range [ 18],[26] , loop bandwidth and
variables based on noise sources [24] can be analyzed in either
phase domain or z-domain [11], [21].
Block diagram of PLL as shown in Fig-11(a) [18], presents
three main components of PLL in phase domain and transfer
functions of all the blocks is given in Fig-11(b).

Phase Detector (PD): It detects the phase difference

(v (t)) between the input signal Vi (t) and the
feedback signal Vo (t).
Loop filter: It has transfer function of F(s) which
depends on type and order of filter used. It is used to
minimize the phase difference (t) by varying the
frequency of VCO. Here [18] type 1 PI controller
loop filter is used with gains of proportional and
integral path KI and KP respectively.
VCO: Voltage Controlled Oscillator is having
transfer function of Ko/s whose output frequency
oscillator is a function of the voltage of its input
signal.VCO acts like an integrator.

Fig.11 (a) General block diagram of PLL

Transfer function of loop filter:

F(s) = KP +

Gain of phase detector and VCO is considered as Kd and KO

respectively. The phase error can be given as:
E(s) =


Resulting value of phase error can be given as

E(s) =



When compared with general second order equation

E(s) =

Comparing both the above equations

Wn (natural frequency) =Ko Ki Kd
(damping ratio) =

K /


Natural frequency varies the settling time so it is

responsible for fast locking. It is generally kept high but
should be low enough so to achieve
phase filtering
efficiently.Damping factor affects overshoot so to maintain
trade off between both = 0.707 (approx) [19].
Phase or continuous time domain modeling of PLL is
applied to analog design of PLL, but for digital systems zdomain modeling is more accurate and proper description. So
far a lot of work has been done in analysis of ADPLL using Zdomain. Block diagram of z-domain model is as shown in Fig12 [21]. In this phase detector is represented by summing
node, gain block (Kd) and a delay block of z-1 as frequency of
DCO output is dependent on events a step earlier [21]. Loop
filter is implemented using first order PI elements where Ki
and Kp are gains of integral path and proportional path. All the
blocks of ADPLL can be analyzed by performing bilinear
transformation of s-domain analysis by replacing s by (1-z-1).
Z-domain transfer function of loop filter:
F (z) = KP +

Transfer function of DCO is

Fig.11 (b) Phase domain model of PLL

D (z) =

Open loop equation can be given as:

L (z) =Kd*Kf*Ko*z-1*F (z)*D (z)
Closed loop transfer function is given by:
H (z) =


Fig.12 Z-domain model of PLL

In this paper, a detailed analysis of various techniques for
designing the phase detector, digital loop filter and digital
controlled oscillator in ADPLL is provided. Among all the
methods to design detector, PFD with TDC is the best
approach as the amount of glitches using this method is less.
Digital loop filter is designed using bilinear transformation of
RC loop filter.DCO structure based on ring oscillator is
preferred for low power and low complex design. Finally, if
we use PFD, TDC and digital loop filter together in ADPLL,
various parameters such as lock-in time, power consumption
and stability can be evaluated and comparison with the results
of existing ADPLL structures can be carried out.
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