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Presentation Guide, Week Two,

Musculoskeletal System (M2)

Introduction to the Musculoskeletal System
(Sources: Clinical Anatomy by Systems, Snell; Clinically Oriented Anatomy, Moore)

Group A: Hip Joint

1) Review of muscles acting on the hip joint-

a. Flexion
a.i. Pectineus
a.ii. Adductor brevis
a.iii. Adductor longus (to some extent)
a.iv. Adductor magnus
a.v. Sartorius
b. Extension
b.i. Gluteus maximus
b.ii. Biceps femoris
b.iii. Semimembranosus
b.iv. Semitendinosus
2) Joint structures of the hip
a. Joint capsule
a.i. Joint cavity
b. Ligaments
b.i. Ligament of the femoral head (ligamentum capitis femoris)
b.ii. Acetabular labrum

3) Clinical applications:

a. Groin Pull
b. Trochanteric Bursitis
c. Ischial Bursitis
d. Fractures of Femoral Neck
e. Surgical Hip Replacement

Dislocation of Hip Joint

Group B: Pelvic Girdle Joints: Sacroiliac Joint and Pubic Symphysis

1) Joint structures of the Pelvic girdle
a. Sacroiliac joint
a.i. Unique joints that have 2 parts:
Anterior synovial joint (between the auricular
surfaces of the sacrum and ilium) which is covered by
articular cartilage
Posterior syndesmosis ( a type of fibrous joint)
between the tuberosities of the sacrum and ilium
b. Pubic symphysis
b.i. Cartilaginous joint

2) Clinical applications:
a. Psoas Abscess
b. Anesthetic Block of Sciatic Nerve
c. Injury to Sciatic Nerve

d. Compartment Syndromes and Fasciotomy

Group C: Knee Joint and Superior Tibiofibular Joints

1) Knee
a. Review of muscles acting on the knee joint
a.i. Flexion




b. Joint structures of the knee

b.i. Joint capsule
b.ii. Joint cavity
b.iii. Infrapatellar fat pad

b.iv. Extracapsular ligaments


Fibular (lateral) collateral ligament


Tibial (medial) collateral ligament

b.v. Inter-articular ligaments


Anterior cruciate ligament


Posterior cruciate ligament Cartilage

Lateral meniscus

Medial meniscus

Articular cartilage

b.vii. Muscle tendons


Patellar ligament


Pes ansirinus

b.vii.2.a. Sartorius
b.vii.2.b. Gracilis
b.vii.2.c. Semitendinosus
b.viii. Bursae (two most clinically applicable, there are more)




2) Clinical applications:
a. Chondromalacia Patellae
b. Patellar Tendon Reflex
c. Tibialis Anterior Strain (Shin Splints)
d. Patellofemoral Syndrome
e. Aspiration of Knee Joint


Popliteal Cysts

g. Knee Replacement

Group D: Talocural (Ankle) and Distal (Inferior) Tibiofibular Joint

1) Review of muscles acting on the ankle joint
a. Dorsiflexion
a.i. Tibialis anterior
a.ii. Extensor digitorum longus
a.iii. Extensor hallucis longus
b. Plantar flexion
b.i. Gastrocnemius
b.ii. Soleus
b.iii. Plantaris
b.iv. Flexor hallucis longus
b.v. Tibialis posterior
2) Joint structures of the ankle
a. Joint capsule
b. Joint cavity
c. Ligaments
c.i. Deltoid
3) Clinical applications:
a. Tibial Fractures
b. Fibular Fractures
c. Ankle Injuries

Group E.: Subtalar, Transverse Tarsal (Midtarsal), Tarsometatarsal,

Intermetatarsal and Interphalangeal Joints
1) Review of muscles acting on the subtalar and transverse tarsal joints
a. Inversion
a.i. Tibialis anterior
a.ii. Tibialis posterior
b. Eversion
b.i. Fibularis brevis
b.ii. Fibularis longus
2) Joint structures of the subtalar and transverse tarsal joint.
a. Joint cavity
a.i. Movements of subtalar and Transverse tarsal joint

Inversion and eversion

b. Metacarpalphalangeal joints
3) Clinical Applications
a. Plantar Fasciitis

b. Hallux Valgus
c. Hammer Toe
d. Pes Planus (Flatfeet)

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