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International Journal on Emerging Technologies 3(1): 173-177(2012)

ISSN No. (Print) : 0975-8364

ISSN No. (Online) : 2249-3255

Design and Development of the Refrigerator with Quality Function

Deployment Concept
A.S. Khangura and S.K. Gandhi
RIEIT, Railmajra (S.B.S. Nagar), Mohali, (P.B.)
(Recieved 15 March, 2012 Accepted 10 April, 2012)
ABSTRACT : In the era of high competition, it's essential to attain superlative quality standard at all level in
the organization and regular improvement and implement in the established system of quality. These qualities
improvement are based on the feedback of customer (says voice of customer) about new and existing product in
market and from benchmarking of competitors. With thin systematic methodology, a high quality and low cost
product that more fits the consumer needs is to be designed and consequently the competitiveness of the product
to improved. Most of organizations have made changes according to product development. Quality Function
Deployment (QFD) is a quality tool that helps to translate the Voice of the Customer (VOC) into new products
that accurately assure their needs. In this paper, QFD apply to a product like refrigerator to design development
and implement of the product quality. In the design of a new refrigerator, apply QFD to find out the most
important parameter and functions from customer point of view and then find out engineering characteristics.
These important parameters are then put into house of quality and make relation matrix between voice of
customer and engineering characteristics. From the result of QFD applied to refrigerator are short out the
parameter which are require modification according to voice of customer and the result has used for new design.
Keyword : Quality Function Deployment, Refrigeration Process, Customer Demand and Quality Assurance.

Quality function deployment (QFD) is a technique
introduced in Japan by Yogi Akao in 1966 and used
extensively by Toyota (and since by many other companies
around the globe). The technique aims to capture what the
customer needs, and work to how it might be achieved.
According to Akao (1990), QFD "is a method for developing
a design quality aimed at satisfying the consumer and then
translating the consumer's demand into design targets and
major quality insurance point to be used throughout the
production phase".
Quality function Deployment (QFD) is a structured
approach to defining customer needs or requirements and
translating them into specific plans to produce to meet those
needs. The 'voice of customer is the term to describe these
stated and unstated customer needs or requirements. The
voice of customer is captured in a variety of ways: direct
discussion or interviews, surveys, focus groups, customer
specifications, observation, warranty data, field report etc.
This understanding of the customer needs is then
summarized in a product planning matrix or "house quality".
These matrices are used to translate higher level "what's"
or needs into lower level "how s" - product requirements or
technical characteristics to satisfy these needs.
While the Quality Function Deployment Matrices are a
good communication tool at each step in the process, the
matrices are the means and not the end. The real value is in
the process of communicating and decision making with
QFD. QFD is oriented toward involving a team of people
representing the various functional departments that have

involvement in product development: Marketing, Design

Engineering, Quality Assurance, Manufacturing/
Manufacturing Engineering, Test Engineering Finance,
Product Support, etc.
The active involvement of these departments can lead
to balanced consideration of the requirements or 'What's"
at each stage of this translation process and provide a
mechanism to communicate hidden knowledge - knowledge
that is known by one individual or department but may not
otherwise be communicated through the organization. The
structure of this methodology helps development personnel
understand essential requirements, internal capabilities and
constraints and design the product so that everything is in
place to achieve the desired outcome-a satisfied customer.
Quality Function Deployment helps development personnel
maintain a correct focus on true requirements and minimizes
misinterpreting customer needs. As a result, QFD is an
effective communications and a quality-planning tool.
There are six basic elements of QFD, which are :
1. Determining the customer requirements (The QFD
2. Meeting how the requirements can be achieved (The
QFD How) of the customers are critical to final
product control.
3. Relationship between the requirements and how they
are to be met.
4. Target values for the requirements.
5. Relationships between how the requirements are to
be met.

Khangura and Gandhi

6. A quantification of the importance of the



The basic Quality Function Deployment methodology
involves four basic phases that occur over the course of
the product development process. During each phase one
or more matrices are prepared to help plan and communicate
critical product and process planning and design information.
This QFD methodology flow is represented below.


perspective identify price points and market segments

for products strategy. Consider the current strengths
and weaknesses relative to the competitive? How
do these strengths and weaknesses compare to the
customer priorities? Where does the gap need to be
closed and how can this be done copying the
competition or using a new approach or technology?
Identify opportunities for breakthrough's to exceed
competitor's capabilities areas for improvement to
equal competitor's capabilities, and areas where no
improvement will be made. This strategy is important
to focus development efforts where they will have
the greatest payoff.
3. Establish product requirements or technical
characteristics to respond to customer requirements
and organize into related categories. Characteristics
should be meaningful, measurable and global.
Characteristics should be stated in a way to avoid
implying a particular technical solution so as not to
constrain designers.
4. Develop relationships between customer
requirements and product requirements or technical
characteristics. Use symbols for strong, medium and
weak relationships. Be sparing with the strong
relationships symbol. Have all customer needs or
requirements between addressed? Are there product
requirements or technical characteristics stated that
don't relate to customer's needs?

Fig. 1. Four Phase QFD Approach.

Once customer needs are identified, preparation of the

product planning matrix or "house of quality" begins. The
sequence of preparing the product planning matrix is as
1. Customer needs or requirements are stated on the
left side of the matrix as shown below. These are
organized by category based on the affinity
diagrams. Insure the customer needs or requirements
reflect the desired market segment (s). Address the
unspoken needs (assumed and excitement
capabilities). If the number of needs or requirements
exceeds twenty to thirty items, decompose
matrix into smaller modules or subsystems to reduce
the number of requirements in a matrix. For each
need or requirements, state the customer priorities
using a 1 to 5 rating. Use raking techniques and
paired comparisons to develop priorities.
2. Evaluate prior generation products against
competitive products. Use surveys, customer
meetings or focus groups/clinic to obtain feedback.
Include competitor's customers to get a balanced

5. Develop a technical evaluation of prior generation

products and competitive products. Get access to
competitive products to perform product or technical
benchmarking. Perform this evaluation based on the
defined product requirements or technical
characteristics. Obtain other relevant data such as
warranty or service repair occurrences and costs and
consider this data in the technical evaluation.
6. Development preliminary target values for product
requirements or technical characteristics.
7. Determine potential positive and negative
interactions between product requirements or
technical characteristics using symbols for strong
or medium, positive or negative relationships
8. Calculate importance ratings. Assign a weighting
factor to relationship symbols (9-3-1, 4-2-1, or 5-3-1).
Multiply the customer importance rating by the
weighting factor in each of box of the matrix and
add the resulting products in each column.
9. The matrix and finalize the product development
strategy and product plans. Determines required
actions and areas of focus. Finalize target values.
Are target values properly set to reflect appropriate
tradeoffs ? Do target values need to be adjusted
considering the difficulty rating ? Are they

Khangura and Gandhi

reasonable with respect to eh importance ratings ?

Determine items for further QFD deployment. To
maintain focus on "the critical view" less significant
items may be ignored with the subsequent QFD
matrices. Maintain the product planning matrix as
customer requirements or conditions change.


For design of refrigerator using QFD, following steps
are involved :
1. Survey planning and the implementation : The First
step of this work is to get customer requirements from open
market. There is no predetermination of what will be
important to a customer. All narratives written by customer
are analyzed and prevailing themes are identified. Based
upon the frequency of the themes a formal attitude survey
is design to collect the voice of customer data. Since there
are so many feature of refrigerator to explore, the most
frequently mentioned themes are good bases for forming
the attitude questionnaire. The method of collecting
information about the VOC and the VOE are through the
questionnaire from the open market survey. The users are
selected from open market. The questionnaire containing 20
questions in the form of VOC data collection and the 14
points has been selected
After the critical QFD method and machine quality
improvement, feedback is used to modify the survey. Resurveying provides more information about dissatisfaction
and other service problems as they emerge.
Three normally used medium capacity refrigerator for
household purpose, with same Capacity Range (Liters) are
selected from following three manufacturing organization:
I. Samsung
II. Godrej
III. Videocon
These three refrigerators are similar characteristics, target
the similar focus group of customer and are well recognized
in market.
2. Types of data
There are two types of data used to find the customer
requirements and methods used to obtain it are as follows :
Primary data : were collected from a formal market
research, through face to face interview and using verbatim.
Also some information came from interviews of technical
venders selling and exporting machines and listening to
comments of customer at retail stores.
Secondary data the secondary data used in
analysis came from specialized magazines and research


3. Organization for customer requirements

The requirements of customers are written in the
customer language and organize them to reach a common
understanding of customer wants. Some requirements are
redundant as "dependability of refrigerator" and "not to
failure during working"; such requirements in this situation
were joined into single statement.
Other requirements such as quick cooling, Separator for
Vegetable and Fruits, Number of Shelves and Boxes, type
of door, power consumption were not taken into account in
this analysis because they are considered almost as a
standard in all three cases studied.
Following steps are performed during this exercise :
I. Survey from open market (user).

II. Survey from the manufacturers.

III. Date collection from both users and manufacturers.
IV. Grouping date into tree diagram and selecting major
requirement of the TREE customers.


After collecting and analyzing information, it was
decided to take only analysis of final user because there
was not enou`gh information about the other customers.
The planning matrix would be more useful if it could be
based on real strategic marketing information. There is a
series of priorities for the customer requirements that are
based on their importance to be development team's
requirements are ordered by priorities, seeing the focuses
into five priorities; they would improve 61.5% of customer
needs. These customer requirements in the form of WHAT's
and HOWs are shown in the matrix of QFD house.
These priorities are as :
1. Less energy consumption
2. Long Life
3. No frost
4. Separator for Vegetable and Fruits
5. Quick Freezing Component
The priority is given to each preference (VOC) of
customer demand on the scale of 1-5; VOC is correlated
with the VOE and its importance rating is calculated the six
high value rating characteristics of customer preference are
selected importance rating is given to them by the
relationship :

i =1 RiWi = importance rating


where R is VOC and W is VOE.

Khangura and Gandhi

In this case the targets are easy to find because most

of the superior levels of customer satisfaction can be
achieved with no dramatic change in the product moreover,
in the most of the cases only the change is possible in one
specific way and not in other.
Engineering Characteristics


To make rating of degree of technical difficulty a scale

from 1 to 5 was used. In this stage the information available
was not enough to ensure a reliable rating and many of the
value were used with personal criterion. These values were
allocated in QFD chart.


1. Air Flow Type

2. Moisture or Humidity Control
3. Manufacturing cost
4. Service Life
5. Number of Refrigerator Door Shelves
6. Number of Shelves and Boxes
7. Number of Cabinet Shelves
8. Energy consumption (Star Rating)
9. Dimensions
10. Refrigerator temp. variation
11. Ergonomy.

Based on the engineering characteristics analyses

following parameters are identified: Table
Engineering characteristics calculations are obtained from
the three competitor manufacturers of refrigerator, and the
best performance characteristics of each company are
selected .then seven high value rating characteristics of
customer preference are identified.
The result of present work i.e. application of QFD on a
refrigerator toward design and development of the
refrigerator are here. Based on the analysis of customer
requirement and voice of engineering presented in house of
quality matrix, 11 points have been found to major

Khangura and Gandhi



Table : 1.



Air Flow Type



Moisture or
Humidity Control



Manufacturing cost



Service Life



Number of
Refrigerator Door



Number of Shelves
and Boxes



Number of Cabinet



Energy consumption
(star rating)






Refrigerator temp.






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In this paper apply QFD to develop a design and
development procedure for a product like a Refrigerator
System. To determine the importance of various refrigerator
parameter to users and then subsequently design both a
lower cost alternative as well as a high performance model
with QFD technique. In QFD projects involving designing
existing products, the WHATs are collected and processed
just as though the product were new. However, the HOWs
are the realization mechanisms. Target values are connected
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matrix identify the unmet customer expectation and empty
columns identify the mechanisms that meet no customer
need. From this analysis conclude the seven most important
parameter are consider to modification for improvement in
design, these parameter are Air flow Type, Service life,
Energy consumption, Number of Shelves and Boxes, Number
of Refrigerator Door Shelves, Humidity control and
On improving upon seven important engineering
characteristics, we get a design of refrigerator that will meet
the requirements of customers.

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