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AVENGERS COMMANDER STEVE ROGERS HAS GIVEN LUKE CAGE, JESSICA JONES, CAPTAIN MARVEL, MOCKINGBIRD, DAREDEVIL, SPIDER-MAN, DR. STRANGE, WOLVERINE, IRON FIST AND THE THING THE KEYS TO AVENGERS MANSION, A LIAISON IN THE CONTROVERSIAL FORM OF VICTORIA HAND, AND FREE REIN TO PROTECT THE WORLD ANY WAY THEY SEE FIT. THE MURDEROUS SPIRIT OF DANIEL DRUMM, BROTHER TO THE DECEASED DOCTOR VOODOO, HAS MURDERED VICTORIA HAND AND MASTER SORCERER'S DAIMON HELLSTROM AND JENNIFER KALE AS HE TOOK HIS REVENGE AGAINST DR. STRANGE AND THE NEW AVENGERS. BOTH THE NEW AVENGERS AND THE AVENGERS HAVE GATHERED ON FIST THE FRONT LAWN OF AVENGERS MANSION ONLY TO FIND THEMSELVES PUPPETS--POWERLESS AGAINST DANIEL DRUMIV'S ABILITY TO ENTER THEIR BODIES AND USE THEM AGAINST ONE OTHER. WEARY FROM BATTLING DRUMM'S MAGICKS AND DESPERATE TO SAVE HIS TEAMMATES, DR. STRANGE HAS CHALLENGED DANIEL DRUMM TO A DUEL...TO THE DEATH! BRIAN MICHEL MIKE BENDIS DEODATO ‘WRITER, ARTIST sey rah MING LUCY BECKY Yves Mie BB ‘/DALRYMPLE DOYLE"! KN MISLEY'CL! OONAN’ BIGEREL DEODATO & Bi THO! VOORT wins SANKOVI 0 SviTC HH ALOnso VCS JOE, CARAMAGNA KLEY TERNS FDU Lan FINE exe PRODUCER {©2012 Mawel Characters, Inc. All ight reserved. All characters featured inthis issue andthe disnctve names and ikenesses thereat, an al:elate indicia, ae tracomarks of Marvel Characters, in. No ima betwoen any of the names, charactors. person, andor inettuions inthis magazine wih hose of any living or deed person or instiuton i intended, and any such siilaiy which may exists purely concienta. 3 WANT OU L 10 NOT TOMSTEN Ku Yt BROTHER. i asi Pad POWER PROJECTION. THE SCROLLS OF DAMNATION. RULED My ceo my cee FRIENDS AND YOu WERE RIGHT--WHEN T WAS SORCERER SUPREME T ‘WOULD NEVER EVER USE THE DARK ARTS. « ( "Yours APOLOGI STILL IZING, INTHE BAD GUY 18 GONE? susT RANODOR TULUSION Revie AMO) Spi, SGROUL GF Tice STA, / sigpien THis sacproscs | Tes AY (woumnpeeson TEACHER. ae once aan ve AN a THE MAN THAT "TAUGHT ME eveny THING x CAME TO ME. wren you WeRe my STUDENT / You wouLo never HAVE BEEN ABLE | (CONTROL THE DARK \ SagTs withouT \. “Succumpins TOTEM ‘you Taucit Sounsetere VANQUISH € FOB WHO | ween PRIeNDS ) ‘sswewons Aan TOO. mn exo vou \ ( voir wirour \ \ nurtinc any} Ser THEA ‘YOu PROTECTED THIS, KNOW THAT YOU REALM EVEN THOUGH —RELINQUISHED YOUR ROLE (RSIS ROLONGER | _ RS SORCERER SUPREME \ CS vour Bary. BECAUSE YOU THOUGHT YOU iE aa DID NOT DeSeRVE IT dg ‘AND BECAUSE OF THIS T ( BEQUEATH YOU oNcE \° AGAIN THE ALL ‘SEEING EVE OF AGAMOTTO. oF ACT AS HERO T ANYONE AND ano You SSNED FOR notre ih RETURN, ‘WELL, THIS 1S GOING TO BE AN INSANE THAT &t YOU PEOPLE WHO IB Nor AVENGERS PLEASE GET THE HELL OFF OUR LAWN Now? I HOPING THA’ Th sigenlee dot Moor DANI PRlny Sie WoO MAGICALLY COME BACK eee ates THis 16 WHAT T, LOOK LIKE WHEN T've ACTUALLY SLEPT 8 HOURS IN A ROW. ha You 3usT BOUGHT BACK “AVENGERS ‘Bur IT occuRS ‘0 ME THAT mn Gus tr 2 (Twit TorauLy , Fine pene \W sau up. A" JAIL. 4 /TT see —/“THar 60TH oF YOU SHOULD BE HOW With eM) Money's casted BNE PROBLEM, on ell REALLY? 7” Wet YEAH IE ON, WHO TO HERE? A THIE ASSEMBLY! YOUA ONE-STOP NEWS SOUACE FOR ALL THINGS AVENGERS! lus @ tue changing ofthe guar this mont in the world of the Avengers, 35 we say arene to charrman ofthe board Brian Michael Bendis, alter a tox of duty sting eight years and over two. hundred individual issues! Brian final JENGERS and NEW AVENGERS releases wil be ‘oversized to commemorate his departure, a he oumeye into the world of X. But never fear—well see him around these parts egan! ‘er all weve sil got iD wrep up work an the long oramised Age of Utron project for next ve ‘Rnd with Brians departure comes @ welcome to the new AVENGERS ASSEMBLE creative team of Kelly Sue OeConnick end Stefern Cesel, beginning with tis montis issue #9! Kelly Su (or KS 08 we think of her) is the wnter who's ‘aking CAPTAIN MARVEL soar, wie Stalana is ® fama face from his work on RVENGERS. THE INITIATIVE not lng ago {not to enon SECRET RIORS and AMAZING SPIDER-MAN), We're tald ther frst issue inoives a very diferent battle beoween iron Man and the Huk—and fron thore the sky th Timi! Sadly coming to the end ofthe road this m FENGERS ACADEMN, wich wraps up vit ive! There's no denying thatthe fan ti, Finesse, Hazmat, Meitle, Snr and the rest of the gang were incredibly ‘devoted and articlate—the series boasted tne of the most enoughtul laters pages in the industry. US @ testament to the strength of whet Christos Gage, Mike McXone and the ‘ther artists who falowed in his wake oreated So tate a bow, fellas! And dont be surprised to ee a numberof thace characters showing UD in enother new MARVEL NOW! Series belore toe Fong Protagraphe_proo! that former AVENGERS LE artist Mark Bagley is raising his famiy right! Here are grandchidren Mark Patncia and Ronan along with famsy friend ‘Amos assembled as Earth's Mightiest for 2 comention appearance in Atlanta J ‘ree in a while, we receive a letter ike this Dear Marvel T am notin the habit of writing lottars ke this, soifit gets abit cumbersome, | pologize in sdvence. Winn the X-Men and. Avengers battling out, Iknaw ait of your heroes have been having a rough go’ and dealing wich itunes a of late - find mysell 9 @ simlar Stuation and fm writing to see it youd be interested in helping me see my hero trough 2 difficult time: my husband, Joe. He is 8 young attorney, student of philosophy, and ‘huge Marvel fan. Like Luther Manning “end Tony Stark before him, he is suffenng from a pinul spine inury. Unfortunately, ule Manning and Stark, my husband does not have access Fobotics or cybernetics (although he may end ‘up with some surgical augmentation! to aid in his recovery. But he does have comics ~ ‘ne thing he swears by ta help hi through ENGERS ASSEMBLE pain, misery, and malise occasioned by 8 fralnesonng spine and the marehs of bes restored rena has spent tying ta rept ne comage body Terow 2 of pele have to deal wth adieraty its te roe heraherone who doesnt Come rom hare ck ereurstarces Bue sul Belew ry hsb’ Te exceptions His ongn stay shares sone paralile wh Spider Man: he gre up in exame poverty fot hi father ven he wo sila oy. ant worted hard to tae coe of hs mothe end Spook neecs live iter. Always feresy ctsligetIrobaby “somenere onthe spect um between Goat and Prfessor™, Fe ferked hard acool and becae the fst Dereon nfs fly to go eae, wre fe Eorunued to enel~ redetra the top 196 of his lass with ple map ross He then were onto study low atone of Americas inet aw sonal, Inspr by fis vet Superberos artis of heoim, my husband se cori hs eto fgg mystoe College he vumeared wth newy eve Sncaripus orminsion th one to Pe the nedy, slovak poverty, and remedy the trong ne word He eon ths wack n law echo. When he ofadutes. he dnt ease C0 wo" af one ofthe ip. NghpoynG iw frm thx wore eape to ely fi He tt oo wth asl fom that pomsed tm the ebity to concrtrece on fi pro bono possors’- hegng retgses escane ola perseeton ard shssting domes oleae Sets wh hee mre egal ness ten my hero aulore is frst dees: the rm tat employed hm was suring some inane affcutes, so tay deed they cous no langeratord ts expend the resoureae cn Dhiertrop). Ny husterd ‘ald net be SD feaad He retured to wiversty, to Kener sy legal phosopy and work 00 book one ogo end uaeascal spect ot forming nests. Bu ae tne fates consrans cone aporictim, Asmole tae rp down a poory ie starease ov 8 ra setters my once sang he nit sie hes been pn, eta tod pe rubato The, 9) ining sth hs nvoud free Bled hin to read ot—wcn fertonste fr ren, espacely coos, hos hm kep his ingot pin and the oral tur ctuaton we fd wurcowee wl ge Better? Wil he nd gael employment? Pe ‘beable to cortmue- oo" fon. apan Pjustice and poverty? Wil our stent loan fnancers, i's bid to colect our i Studer tan cebs, res egg of Cech mutant assassin? Tune in next week tf Wy hoes a hlp my husband through his eis ed help hm emerge stronger ons more reseed becawe of te Lea Phoen from the sstes or Or Stange. in te Faraaos. wos wonder you cae ad me in'ny test = majo coate some eon orc, Ps ova awesome Marvel ge to the calae? My husband never woud ask fre nando ant he wad be mboracaee fhe inawtvrote ths, bathe Pas done so much Soman peopl, an rou he ress Some hep ded inepabon fo. ough 8 ert ome ot the wortss mast important heres a Pep my personal eo Braun ns Thnk you for you and hank you fra the gret ates ov years! Very ty yours Eizabeth $. Sree Elizabeth, by this point you should hove received 3 asive care package from al of us at Marvel to share with your huskand—hare's to his speedy recovery! And if any Marvelites ‘would ike to send Joe some good wishos (or MARVEL.COM some comics) toss us an enail here at Assembly central and conser yourselves No-Prizes AVENGERS TITLES OM SALE: Perna ea ear ts as UE ofa Rae tee Ceasar | Tae Wistar aren za Passe et | Seat Snes MIOROVERSE? PWansaeerr | COM m aan mea vate: Rae Vata oer | Peseta geuGansi a Boia) Rowe eet | Rams Saga ceren | ean teat (elet oti veto) ENaee eed tenis ete ole en Prue ae eae ed | Figo Mees Mca aca nae este) ee ae | esa alee ae Ce ageism aac may USN: PUN aN We oh unde ack bogie ase En Ute ge nore Oe ed Pe eT eee ese ee eeu OKAY TO PRINT”

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