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May 2015

From the Pastor

WELCOME to the


Were looking forward on June

7 to our annual church picnic and outdoor baptism. This
year were moving to Saluda
Shoals Park, a beautiful venue along the Saluda River, just
across the dam in Irmo. Each
year our church family gathers
to eat hamburgers, fellowship,
meet new friends and celebrate
the baptisms of those who have
come to faith in Jesus. If you havent been able to come in the
past, this year is a great time to
start. So pick up your free ticket
at one of our information desks
in May and plan on joining us.
The most important part of the
day is the baptism. And heres
a special invitation to you or
maybe someone you know.

308 E. Main Street, Lexington SC 29072

24-hour prayer line: 803.808.7729
On-call phone: 803.767.2445

The Bible says that baptism is

trips will be going on in our
our public declaration of trustown nation, in Central America
ing Jesus. The outer act of bapand in Central Asia. All of these
tismin which we go beneath
ministriesand many more
the water as a sign of repenlike themare made possible
tance then come out of the wabecause you give. Second Corter as a sign of our new life in
inthians 9:7 says, Each one
Jesussymbolizes our inner
must give as he has decided in
choice to follow Jesus. Nothing
his heart, not reluctantly or unis more important in life than
der compulsion, for God loves a
that single decision. This day is
cheerful giver. Giving is a heart
a perfect opportunity to do that.
matter long before its a matter
If the Lord has
of the checkbeen
book. When our
Nothing is more
at your heart
hearts are capimportant
fortured by a vithat single decision.
ward in a new
sion of gospel
life of faith in
ministry, giving
him, wed love to talk more with
becomes a joyous investment in
you about what that means,
redeemed lives.
and how you can be a part of
this special baptismal service.
Im beginning a new sermon seContact Robin in our church
ries on May 3 called Overcomoffice for more information at
ers. Over the next few weeks
were turning to the Old Testament to look at examples of men
As we get ready for summer, I
and women who overcame great
encourage you to remember the
challenges to move into a higher
financial needs of our church
dimension of faith and living. Im
ministry. By Gods grace were
looking so forward to encouragengaged in a wide variety of
ing you to live in victory and not
ministries that touch thousands
defeat! This will be a great series
of people with the gospel. In the
for you to bring friends to, who
upcoming weeks, our students
may be struggling to overcome
will be at camp, where many will
particular challenges.
learn of Jesus for the first time.
Our children will be engaged in
Finally, on May 3 well be having
creative and passionate times
a special service of modern muof learning the gospel. Mission
sic in our Worship Center for the


Ian Geimer
Associate Pastor
(Next Generation Ministries)

Dr. Mike Turner

Senior Pastor

Jessica Wyndham
Communications Director

Dan Williams
Associate Pastor (Worship)
Alyce Gilliam
Associate Pastor (Missions)
Jerry Freeman
Associate Pastor
(Senior Adults & Congregational Care)

Jon Foster
Recreation Ministry & Facilities Director
Maegan Bolding
Childrens Ministries Director
Daniel Walker
Middle School Ministry Director

evening service time. Bringing

together contemporary worship
leaders from several different
churches, were looking forward
to a high-energy time of praise
and worship that will bless our
church family and the larger
community. We enjoyed so much
the community Hymn Sing we
had in March that reached so
many people, and were praying
that this Modern Worship service will have the same impact.
As a unified body of believers

making disciples in Lexington

and around the world, its a special blessing to be able to host
different kinds of services that
bear witness to the depth and
power of the gospel.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Mike

Ahoy, there, mateys! Its treasure we seek thats

better than gold, any idea where we
might find it? We are going to be on
the hunt all summer!
Our journey will take us on a
wild adventure in search for
the greatest treasure EVERGods Word! We will find pieces
of treasure through fun events
like Fam Jams, Family Fun Nights,
Small Group Hangtimes, Preschool Playdates and on every Sunday morning in Lex Kids!
The search wont just be at church, though- we want your family to continue the adventure when
youre playing at home or traveling this summer too! Beginning May 31, every family will receive
a Family Faith Pack with tools to help at home.
Speaking of May 31, Lex Kids is taking over big church! Thats right, the morning
worship services in the Worship Center will be family-focused and kid-friendly.
We cant wait to journey with you this summer!

Maegan Bolding
Childrens Ministries Director

I Egged My Neighbors House!

Our neighbor has two boys: 16 and 6 1/2 years
old. Jackson, who is 6 1/2, has been having tummy
problems, but was finally able to return to school.
He was on my heart, and I thought it would be fun
for him to come home to find Easter eggs (I didnt
hide them very well). His Mommy and Daddy read
the instructions (from the Lex Kids Egged Kits).
He was so excited to find the empty egg! Lisa, his
mom, said, Now Jackson, do you know what that
means? He responded, Of course, Mommy! Like
Jesus grave. It was empty! It is great how we
can reinforce teachings of Jesus Christ with our
children in everyday applications.
-Dolly Kriner

May Lex Kids Serve Project:

Daybreak Pregnancy Center
Daybreak Pregnancy Center is an incredible organization
in our community, and we are proud to support them in
their mission to offer practical services in a compassionate
and responsive manner that will encourage women, men
and families to choose life for their pre-born child.
Through the support of churches and organizations like LBC,
they were able to do all of these things last year:

Daybreak saw 1,470 women.

Women considering abortion or undecided: 245
Women who chose life for their baby: 133
Clients who accepted Christ: 101
Boyfriends mentored: 131
Ultrasounds performed: 549
Total client visits: 2,538

This month, we cant think of a better way to honor Mothers Day than to support an organization
doing so much to help mothers in need. All month long, we will be collecting baby bottles filled
with change for their ministry. Every child will receive an empty bottle on May 3 and extra bottles
can be picked up in the Childrens Ministry Lobby.
Also, dont forget to stop by the Mothers Day Photo booth and snap a picture with your family
on the childrens building porch on May 10!

Are you ready to say

yes! to investing in the
next generation?
To volunteer in the childrens
ministry, please contact
Maegan Bolding at

Journey Camp 2014

Student Ministry Families,

Where has the school year gone? We have entered into May, and we have so many exciting
opportunities available as we head into summer. This month, we will celebrate our senior class
on Sunday, May 17. Seniors will be invited to wear their caps and gowns and be recognized for
their accomplishments that Sunday. Encounter 431 will be in action through May 27. After May
27, we will enter into the summer calendar- this will be available in newsletter form and sent by
mail before summer begins.
On June 7, LBC will be celebrating baptisms at our annual Picnic at the River. If you have a
student who desires to be baptized please email for more information.
Families are invited to the River to not only celebrate with those being baptized, but also to
experience great food and fellowship. Make sure to mark your calendars and dont miss out on
this wonderful event.
We are thrilled to announce that our Journey Camp trip is full. Church, please be in prayer as
we transport a ton of students to Toccoa Falls, Georgia for camp in June. We desire to see God
do a mighty work in the lives of our kids. We want God to change and move us,
and we want Him to give us a vision of how our student ministry can make a
difference for Christ here in Lexington and around the world.

Ian Geimer
Associate Pastor

Next Generation Ministries

A List worth Reading

Everyone loves lists these days. Whether its a list of The
Greatest Bands of All-Time (The Beatles), or a list of 7 Foods
You Should Never Eat (kale), we all love lists. Im guilty also,
and I get caught up in clicking on these lists through various
social media avenues. So here you go, a list for students and
4 Reasons You Need to Stay Connected This Summer
1. When the body meets, you should be there. After all, you are
part of the body! Our student ministry changes schedules
during the summer away from our normal weekly programing,
however, our summer is still jam-packed with opportunities to
unite with the body.
2. Spiritual Growth is a process for individuals, as well as for the
church. No one would rightly say, well kids, this summer we
are not going to be taking in any nutrition because were just
going to take a break from that. Our summer Bible study is a
perfect place for continued spiritual growth to happen.
3. Movement happens when more than one person is following
the Holy Spirit. So often we see God do a mighty work in the
lives of students throughout the summer months. Sadly, that
fire can be quickly extinguished when they enter into the fall
surrounded by those that didnt experience God like they did.
Lets all stay connected and witness God moving us together.
4. Experiencing God together creates special bonds. My best
friends in life have been those that have shared times of God
working in and through us together. I see students forming
friendships that will last for years because of how God allowed
them to share in incredible moments with Him together. If you
feel like you are on the outside looking in when it comes to the
student ministry, take a chance this summer and trust that
God will put these special friendships in your life.
Im so excited to see what God will do this summer in the lives
of our students and families!

Daniel Walker
Middle School Ministry Director

Student Events
Friday, May 22
$35 per family
Details coming soon


Sunday, June 7
5 to 7 p.m.
Saluda Shoals Park
*If youre ready to make a
public profession of faith & be
baptized, RSVP with Robin at


Thursday, June 11
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Krick Home

June 22-26
Toccoa Falls, GA
$269 due by May 15


July 8-15
Ometepe, Nicaragua


Monday, July 20
11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Pine Island, Lake Murray


Saturday, July 25



& Congregational Care

Using Your Past to Help Someones Future

Bear one anothers burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2, ESV)
Have you found yourself to be the sounding board for people who are hurting or those who just need to
vent about how someone has wronged them? Do you find friends or family coming to you to talk about
their issues? In his study, A Trusted Friend When it Matters Most, Tim Clinton writes that the goal of
helping someone deal with a problem is not to just relieve the pain or fix the situation. The primary
goal must be helping that person become a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ. C.S. Lewis says pain
is good, that it is Gods megaphone to get our attention so He can teach us valuable lessons.
In his classic book, The Wounded Healer, Henri Nouwen wrote that only those who have been wounded
themselves can identify with others who hurt. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 1:4 that God comforts us in
all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the
same comfort God has given us (NLT). Clinton writes, If you have been wounded and restored, dont
think those wounds are useless or just bad memories. God wants you to redeem those
experiences by helping others through those same mine fields.
I hope this brings you encouragement. Weve all gone through stuff. Some worse than
others. Im praying that God nudges you to use your past to help someones future. Well
talk more about what to say and how to say it soon.
Jerry Freeman
Associate Pastor
Senior Adults & Congregational Care

Senior Adult Appreciation Dinner

Friday, May 1 at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall
This occasion is to honor all LBC seniors as we express
appreciation for your service in the Kingdom of God and
to recognize your participation in the ministry of LBC. All
senior adults are invited. There is no charge for this dinner;
however, reservations must be made by Monday, April 27 to
803.996.8843 or
We are excited to have Rev. Randy Harling, president of
Connie Maxwell Childrens Home, as our speaker for this years dinner. Rev. Harling is Connie Maxwells
ninth president in its 122-year history. Randy served as lead pastor of First Baptist Church, Simpsonville
since 1997. Under his leadership, the church began a ministry called A Home for Me. First Baptist
partnered with the SC Department of Social Services to lead his church and other churches in operating
foster homes. Harling and his wife, Sherri, have personally fostered four boys over the years. As Connie
Maxwells President, Harling continues to serve as a voice for children and families in need by testifying
before the state legislature and serving on state and community committees. In his first year of service
at Connie Maxwell he has begun a Prayer Network that calls upon church members across South Carolina
8 to pray for a specific child on each campus.

Senior Adult Day

Sunday, May 3
The Marathon Singers
(Senior Adult Choir) will sing
in both morning services,
and the church will take an
opportunity to celebrate seniors
for their contributions to the
life and ministry of Lexington
Baptist Church.

Senior Single Ladies

Breakfast Bunch
Thursday, May 14
9 a.m. at Lizards Thicket

Lunch Bunch
Thursday, May 28
11:30 a.m. at Lizards Thicket

Mens Breakfast Club

Thursday, May 21
9 a.m. at Creekside

Connie Maxwell Home

Spring Cookout
Saturday, May 23
Volunteers are needed to travel
to Greenwood to help prepare,
serve lunch and visit with the
children and staff for our
annual cookout. The church
bus will leave the parking lot
at 8:30 a.m. (stopping for a
biscuit, of course) and will
return mid-afternoon. To
volunteer, please contact
Marceil by Monday, May 18.
Homemade cookies, cupcakes,
etc. are always enjoyed by the
children. If you would like to
provide some of these,
please contact Vienna Teal at

Cornerstone Lunches
Will resume in September

A Fond Farewell
The Lexington Baptist Church family has received notice of
the resignation of Alyce Gilliam, our Associate Pastor for
Missions. Alyce has served here at LBC for the past four
years, and will be joining her fianc, Pastor Kevin Fogerty, in
ministry in Kansas after their wedding this month.
In her resignation letter, Alyce said I am so incredibly blessed
and humbled to serve along side you all. The Lord called me to
LBC to add structure, intensify focus and recognize His out of the
box vision for using LBC. I knew the day would come for me to
pass the baton to someone that the Lord intends for the next level.
That time is now quickly approaching.
It is with mixed emotionsexcitement for the new adventure
that the Lord has given me to join my fianc in ministry in a new
place and role, but heavy hearted that I must leave such a vibrant,
blossoming mission and people I have come to lovethat I now
submit my resignation, effective date June 1, 2015.
To the church, my fellow laborers I would like to say: the Lord
has confirmed in many ways that we need to step forward and
embrace what He is doing. We have wondrous and unimaginable
opportunities budding all around us- here in Lexington, in New
York and in Central Asia. He has called many of you to be
champions and I rejoice that I have seen you grow, flourish and
faithfully disciple others. Please do not hold back or shrink back
now and miss the joy and rewards the Lord wants to pour out on
A church-wide reception honoring Alyce will be held on
Sunday, May 3 in the Fellowship Hall, following the 10:30
a.m. worship service.
Women on Mission

Monday, May 4
The next meeting for Women on Mission will be at 10 a.m. in
FLC Room 110.
The guest speaker for this meeting is Gary Deese, who will
detail his recent mission trips. The missions component of
this meeting will be putting together Health Kits for homeless,
migrant workers and others in need of these kits.


The Lexington Baptist Church

Orchestra will be performing a
concert on Sunday, May 24 at
6 p.m. in Virginia Hylton Park
in Lexington. This is wonderful
event for your whole familybring a folding chair, some
good friends and settle in for an
evening of great music!

Joyful Noise Handbells:

Ministry Beyond the Walls


Pray that God will use the LBC

Bell Choir to bless lives and
be a witness for Jesus Christ
as we take our music on the

Saturday, May 16:

Praise Band leaders from LBC, EastLake Community Church,

First Baptist of Columbia, Gateway Baptist Church and Lake Murray
Baptist Church will be coming together to lead us in a Night of Praise
on Sunday, May 3 at 6 p.m. in the LBC Worship Center. This event
will feature contemporary praise and worship music and will also
be live-streamed on our website. We hope you will
make plans to attend!

Dan Williams
Associate Pastor, Worship

Brightwater Retirement
Community, Myrtle Beach
Pirateland Campground,
Myrtle Beach
Sunday, May 17:

Glens Bay Baptist Church,
Surfside Beach
Bethea Home, Darlington

Sunday School and Small Group Leadership Conference

Do you teach Sunday School or do you facilitate a small group at LBC? Maybe God is calling
you to teach, or perhaps your spiritual gift is teaching, but youre not yet using the gift? If
so, then wed like for you to attend this free conference on Saturday, May 2. Josh Hunt is our
guest speaker. Breakfast begins at 8 a.m., and youll need to RSVP to Sandy Pityk. Wee Care
is available for children ages birth through 5th grade, but youll need to register with Sandy at
803.996.8821 or before Monday, April 27. The conference begins
at 9 a.m., and well dismiss by 12 p.m.
Josh Hunt loves Sunday School and small groups. He is a leading guru
on the small group or Sunday School class. Joshs day job is writing
lessons for small groups four per week that correspond with LifeWay
studies. His lessons are called Good Questions Have Groups Talking,
and many of our adult Sunday School leaders receive the weekly supplements.
A well-known author and speaker, Josh is a graduate of Southwestern
Baptist Theological Seminary where he received his MDiv with an emphasis on New Testament Greek. He also holds a BA in Religion from
Wayland University. Josh is a creative thinker and an energetic speaker
whose passion is to see people come to know and enjoy God.

Men, join us for our last monthly mens Bible study until the fall! We will meet on Friday, May 22
at 7 a.m. in the Reception Hall. Our guest teacher for this study is Foster Christy. Come for Bible
study, food, fun and fellowship with other men. You wont want to miss this!

As spring comes out in full bloom this month, we also see Lexington Baptist bursting with opportunities
to impact lostness.
March and April were full of open doors to share the love of Jesus to people in our community and get
more LBC members involved at LICS, Chris Myers Home, and Samaritans Well as well as repairing
homes with ARISE. We also went into Central Asia to find those seeking Jesus and put the Word of God
into their hands so they can know the truth.
The details of what happened in these two months could fill a book, but I will just share a couple of
things that you can get involved in. I was able to go into a Muslim area with Charles and Janet Butler as a
Central Asian Hub Church and participate in deep discussions about how we can work more deeply with
Christians that live there to reach those that have never heard the Gospel. One big discussion centered
on how we can now use Social Media! ANYONE here in Lexington can go onto the web and search out
individuals from people groups that do not have even one Christian- no portion of the Scripture available
to them- and begin to build a relationship where Jesus can be introduced. If you are on Facebook,
Twitter, blogs, WhatsApp or any other social media platformwould you be willing to use it as a bridge
to share Jesus? Did you know that you can get up-to-date info and specific ways to pray by downloading
the Central Asia IMB App?
As LBC continues this exciting journey, the Lord has directed my paths to a new adventure within my
calling: I will be married by the end of this month and joining my husband to reach and disciple in
Kansas. A great team will continue to lead LBC out into the community and the world and are ready for
you to join them. Part of discipleship is taking your faith to your neighbors, your area
and the world, so if you have not yet explored this exciting part of discipleship, please
contact John Wright in Missions at LBC. He will connect you with one of our champions
who are waiting to take you with them to break through the darkness and give life to
the lost.
I trust our paths will continue to cross as we move forward in
Alyce Gilliam
obedience to everything Jesus has taught and is teaching us.
Thank you for your tremendous love to me and know that I love
12 and cherish each of you.

Are You Ready to Go to New York City?

We are about to launch into New York City in order to reach
Central Asia. Over 800,000 Muslims live in this city where
there are no restrictions on sharing Jesus. We will work with
Global Gates to equip and send out teams into areas of the
city where Central Asians live.
More information about Global Gates can be found at their
web site ( We are planning on sending
teams on the following dates:
June 15-19
June 29-July 3
September 21-25
If you are interested in participating in one of these trips,
please contact the LBC Missions Department at 803.996.8836
or via email at

School Supply Drive

It seems hard to believe that we are already making plans
for next years School Supply Drive, but its almost that time!
Please keep watching around LBC- we will start collecting
much-needed items for our schools beginning in July.

Operation Christmas Child

Collection Center
Coordinator Needed
We are prayerfully considering
increasing LBCs role with Operation Christmas Child (OCC)
to become a regional Collection
Center. As a result, we are seeking a volunteer to serve as the
Collection Center Coordinator.
This position will be receiving
oversight and support from Samaritans Purse.
The ministry requirements for
the position are to develop and
lead a team of Collection Center volunteers to share the hope
of Jesus Christ through OCC by
meeting the logistical needs of
collecting shoe box gifts at the
designated Collection Center.
Spiritually mature Christian
Strong interpersonal,
organizational and
communication skills
Connected to and
knowledgeable of local
Committed to the ministry
goals of OCC
Preferred experience
with logistics (trucking,
warehousing, materials
handling, etc.)
Regular email
communication required

We will be holding our next Oil Change Ministry opportnity on Saturday, June 6 at the Family Life Center from 9 a.m. to noon. This
ministry provides free oil changes and car checks for single mothers
and widows. If youd like to volunteer, please email Kevin Barber at

If you are interested in the Collection Center Coordinator position, or if you would like more
information about OCC, please
contact the LBC Missions Department at 803.996.8836 or


Wednesday Supper

May 6
Sliced Turkey
Smothered Pork Chops
Cornbread Dressing
Early June Peas

May 13
Chicken Pot Pie
Shrimp Gumbo and Rice
Sliced Apples
Green Beans

May 20
Fried Chicken
Roasted Chicken
Rice and Gravy
Field Peas with Snaps

The Bible is filled with stories of men and women that have overcome
tremendous obstacles to follow Gods call on their lives. Beginning
May 3, Pastor Mike will lead us in a seven-part series exploring a
different overcomer from the Old Testament. Dont miss out on a
single week of this powerful series!

May 27
Fried Shrimp
Barbeque Ribs
Macaroni and Cheese
Mixed Vegetables

For children, chicken strips and

French fries are also served at
each meal.
All meals include rolls & butter,
assorted desserts, salad bar, iced
tea and/or lemonade and coffee.


Supper served from 4:45 to

6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Adults: $6
Children (5 - 12): $4*
Children 4 & Under Eat Free!
(Family Maximum*: $15)
Payable at the door
Reservations Required.
Deadline for Reservations and
Cancellations: Sunday at 5 p.m.


Make Weekly/Permanent Reservations!

Please make reservations online
or by calling 803.359.4146.

This four-part series will encourage us in Defeating the Spirit of

Offense that is so common among believers. When someone
wounds us, on purpose or not, that is prime territory for Satan to
hold us captive to a vicious cycle of anger and bitterness. Marriages,
friendships, work relationships and church fellowship are all affected.
Join us on Wednesday evenings, beginning on May 6, at 6:15 p.m. in
the Chapel.

MAY 2015







8 a.m.
Adult Bible Study
9 a.m. Worship

Adult & Student Sunday School

Childrens Sunday School (All Ages)
10:30 a.m. Worship

Adult, Student, & Childrens

Sunday School (All Ages)
4 p.m.
Praying for Prodigals Group
4:45 p.m. Missions Prayer Support (406 AEB)
6 p.m.
Evening Worship* (Chapel)

WAM Childrens Choirs Rehearsal


8:30 a.m.
10 a.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
7 p.m.

Ladies Bible Study

Ladies Bible Study (CHB 201)
Ladies Bible Study (RH)
Mens Bible Study (CHB 201)
Mens Prayer Group (CHB 206)

4 p.m.
Marathon Singers Rehearsal
4:45 p.m. Fellowship Supper (until 6 p.m.)
6:15 p.m. Midweek Worship

Wired (Birth- 5th Grade)

Encounter 431 (6th- 12th Grade)
7:00 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal
7:30 p.m. Orchestra Rehearsal

Prayer Shawl Knitting/Crochet


Senior Adult
6 p.m.

Sunday School
9 a.m.

Series Begins
Senior Adult
Night of
6 p.m.

the Spirit
of Offense
Series Begins







Mothers Day


2 p.m.


Mens Bible
Study with
Foster Christy
7 a.m.


AEB: Adult Education Building

CHB: Chapel Building
FLC: Family Life Center
RH: Reception Hall

Concert in
the Park
6 p.m.

Lex Kids
Takeover Day
9 & 10:30 a.m.













Memorial Day
(LBC Offices


The Signal is a monthly publication of Lexington Baptist Church.

For story ideas, submissions or comments, please email Jessica
Wyndham at You can also read
online or subscribe at

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