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Welcome to DoSomething.

org, one of the largest orgs for young people and social
change! After you've browsed the 11 facts (with citations at the bottom), take action
and volunteer with our millions of members. Sign up for a campaign and make the
world suck less.

1. Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year.

2. Approximately 160,000 teens skip school every day because of bullying.
3. 17% of American students report being bullied 2 to 3 times a month or more
within a school semester. Take a stand in your community by hosting
a Bullying Policy Makeover event customizing your schools anti-bullying
4. 1 in 4 teachers see nothing wrong with bullying and will only intervene 4% of
the time.
5. By age 14 less than 30% of boys and 40% of girls will talk to their peers
about bullying.
Have 60 seconds? Do

Teen pregnancy is a problem that has been escalating for the past couple
decades. Young girls, under the age of 20 are getting pregnant, and not
considering the consequences that follow. What many young girls do not
understand is that teen pregnancies do not only affect them. It affects
their families and their children as they get older. It is important for all
teens to know the teen pregnancy stats, and how teen pregnancy can
change their lives forever. When parents and teens know the facts about
teen pregnancy, it is the first step toward prevention.

What is Teen Pregnancy?

The definition of teen pregnancy is pretty self descriptive. Three in ten
girls in the United States will get pregnant at least once before they turn
twenty years old. Nearly 750,000 teens girls get pregnant every year.
These statistics are very scary. Often times, a teen mother will become
pregnant with her second child within a few years of having her first child.
Teen Drop Outs
One of the leading reasons that teenage girls drop out of school is
because they become parents. Over 50% of teen mothers do not graduate
from high school. Those who are able to finish high school, and get their
diploma, have help from family members. Unfortunately, however, not all
parents of teenage mothers are able to put their careers on hold to take
care of the grandchildren while their daughters finish school.
Some schools offer daycare programs, allowing teenage mothers to finish
their education. Unfortunately, not all schools offer these programs,
making dropping out of school a teen moms only option.
For many teenage mothers, college is not an option. If it is, it is not an
option for years. Less than 2% of teenage mothers will earn a college
degree by the age of 30. This is because they now have someone other
than themselves to take care of. Working, going to school, and being a
parent is a lot for any person. Many teen moms will work a job which pays
minimum wage just to make ends meet. This makes college an option that
they just do not have.
Having a Second Child
About 25% of teen mothers will have their second child within two years of
having their first. This can make a teen moms life even more difficult.
Having one child to feed, dress, and care for is difficult enough. Having a
second child will make life even more difficult.
Teen Pregnancy Rates by Race
Race does have an impact on teen pregnancy. In 2008, the teen pregnancy
rate among Hispanic teens, and African-American teens between the age
of 15 and 19 was two and a half higher than the teen pregnancy rate
among teenage girls in the same age group who are white. This can be
due to the poverty level among these two races, and the lack of education
on this matter in school and at home.
United States Teen Pregnancy Statistics
The United States has one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in the
Western world. Fortunately, however, in 2011, the teen birthrate in the
United States has fallen to a record low for the first time in the 70 years

that the U.S. Has been tracking teen childbirths. In 2010, fewer babies
were born to teenage girls than any year since the mid 1940s. There are a
few reasons for this drop.

Education in School: As teen pregnancy rates seemed to be getting

higher and higher, schools in the United States realized that it was
time for them to get involved. Most schools offer health and sex
education classes, teaching students how to prevent teen pregnancy
and what teen pregnancy can do to a girls life.

Education at Home: More and more parents are getting involved

with their children when it comes to educating them about sex.
Years ago, parents would just hope that their children would know
better than to have unprotected sex. These days, parents are being
much more hands on when it comes to educating their children.
Parents have learned how to talk to their children about teen
pregnancy, and many of these teens are listening.

Education Through MTV: Since MTV first premiered their shows, 16

and Pregnant, and Teen Mom, the rate of teen pregnancy in the
United States have dropped. These shows are designed to give
teenage girls and boys a look into the lives of teens who become
pregnant. These shows do not glamourize pregnancy. They show the
real trials and tribulations that teen parents go through each day.

Education Through the Media: There are more and more commercials
on television which are designed to educate teens on pregnancy.
These commercials show statistics, short interviews with real teen
parents, and ways to prevent teen pregnancy, and where to get teen
pregnancy help.

Articles on Teen Pregnancy: More and more teen magazines, such as

Teen Vouge, Glamour Girls, and Teen Cosmo have been printing
articles related to teen pregnancy. Many of these articles contain
interviews with physicians and other healthcare professionals,
teenage parents, and the parents of teenage moms. These articles
also discuss birth control methods and options available for teenage
girls who become pregnant.

Where is Dad?
When a teenage girl has a baby, the question most people ask is where is
the babys father? Statistics show, that 8 out of 10 teenage fathers do
not marry the mother of their child. Often times, the relationship does not
last through the childs first birthday. Twenty percent of these teenage
fathers will find a new relationship within two years of ending their
relationship with their childs mother, and will become a father again in
that relationship. Most teenage mothers have a vision of their life when
they are pregnant. They expect to have the baby, and live happily ever

after with their childs father. This almost never happens. Over 80% of
teen mothers will eventually become single mothers.
Why Teens Do Not Protect Themselves?
When teens get pregnant, people often wonder why they did not protect
themselves in the first place. Something as simple as a condom or birth
control could prevent pregnancy, so why arent all teens using these
methods. There are a few reasons why.

Some teens want to get pregnant: There are some teens out there
who actually want to get pregnant. These are the teens who have
not been educated on how a baby can impact their lives. They may
want to hold on to their boyfriend/girlfriend, and think that a baby is
the way to do this.

Heat of the moment: When teens are engaging in sexual activity,

often times, they let the heat of the moment cloud their
judgment. They are not thinking about the consequences, they are
just living in the moment.

Difficulty getting contraception: The reasons that many teenagers do

not use protection, is that they do not know how to get it, or cant.
Some mothers of teenage girls do not want to take them to the
doctor to get birth control. They think that putting their daughter on
the pill is giving them permission to have sex. This might make
sense to parents, however, in the end, these parents will end up
being grandparents before the age of 40. Even getting condoms can
be difficult for some teens. If a teen cannot get a condom, many will
still go ahead and have sex.

How Can Parents Prevent Their Teens From Becoming Pregnant?

The best way that parents can prevent their teenage children from
becoming parents is through communication. While it may be
uncomfortable for some parents to discuss sex and pregnancy with their
children, it is necessary. One or two uncomfortable conversations can
change their childs lives forever. You cannot depend on school or the
media to educate your children on teen pregnancy and prevention. It
should be discussed at home.
If you are a parent of a teen, and are not sure how to discuss these topics
with your children, there are resources available to help you. You can find
teen pregnancy articles on the internet which provide tips on speaking to
your children about sex and pregnancy.
While teen pregnancy rates have dropped drastically over the last few
years, it does not mean that we can stop educating our children on teen
pregnancy. This education is the reason for the dramatic drop, and should

be continued so that our children understand the ramifications of teen


1. Megan Fox

Megan Fox said that she felt that high school would never be over as she faced
constant bullying at school.
about...Age: 29
Birthplace: Oak Ridge, Tennessee, United States of America
Profession: Model, Actor
Institution: St. Lucie West Centennial High School, Kingston Elementary School
Height: 5'4"
Medical Conditions: Hyperactivity, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Impulsivity
Megan Fox : see more
also ranked...
#3 on
The Hottest Celebrities of All Time
#13 on
The Hottest Natural Beauties

#23 on
The Most Beautiful Women of All Time
#26 on
The Most Beautiful Actresses Ever
2. Christian Bale

Christian Bale started acting at 13. His fellow classmates used this as a reason to
bully and beat up the actor who went on to play Batman.
about...Age: 41
Birthplace: Haverfordwest, United Kingdom
Profession: Actor, Voice acting
Institution: Bournemouth School, Dolphin School
Height: 6'0"
also ranked...
#5 on
Famous Actors Who Were Almost James Bond
#39 on
The Greatest Actors & Actresses in Entertainment History
#69 on

The Coolest Actors Ever

#123 on
The Greatest 90s Teen Stars
4. Mila Kunis

Mila Kunis was bullied in school because of her "funny face." The Black Swan star
says that kids would make fun of her big eyes and lips.
about...Age: 32
Birthplace: Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Profession: Model, Actor, Voice acting
Institution: University of California, Los Angeles, Bancroft Middle School, Loyola
Marymount University, Rosewood Elementary School, Fairfax High School
Height: 5'4"
also ranked...
#5 on
The Hottest Celebrities of All Time
#20 on
The Greatest 90s Teen Stars

#25 on
The Hottest Natural Beauties
#46 on
The Most Beautiful Women of All Time
5. Rihanna

Rihanna says that she was teased in school for her skin color and her breasts. The
pop star says she is grateful for these struggles because they made her stronger.
about...Age: 27
Birthplace: Saint Michael Parish, Barbados
Profession: Fashion designer, Songwriter, Actor, Music artist, Singer
Institution: Combermere School
Height: 5'8"
also ranked...
#86 on
Most Powerful Women In The World
#122 on
The Hottest Celebrities of All Time
#127 on

The Hottest Natural Beauties

#238 on
The Best Singers of All Time
7. Chris Rock

Chris Rock developed his humor and wit as a response to bullies.

about...Age: 50
Birthplace: Andrews, South Carolina, United States of America
Profession: Comedian, Television producer, Film Producer, Screenwriter,
Actor + 3 more
Institution: James Madison High School, Stuyvesant High School
Height: 5'10"
also ranked...
#4 on
The Funniest Stand Up Comedians of All Time
#15 on
The Funniest People of All Time
#19 on

The Best SNL Cast Members of All Time

#67 on
The Most Influential Contemporary Americans
8. Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba may be a successful, beautiful actress, but the Sin City star was bullied
in high school. Alba said she got picked on because she was an awkward child with
buck teeth and a Texas accent.
about...Age: 34
Birthplace: Pomona, California, United States of America
Profession: Model, Actor
Institution: Claremont High School, Atlantic Theater Company
Height: 5'6"
also ranked...
#1 on
The Hottest Celebrities of All Time
#6 on
The Hottest Natural Beauties
#7 on

Your Favorite Hispanic Celebrities

#18 on
The Most Beautiful Women of All Time
10.Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence said that her bullying became so bad that she switched schools to
get away from some mean girls.
about...Age: 25
Birthplace: Louisville, Kentucky, United States of America
Profession: Film Producer, Model, Actor
Institution: Kammerer Middle School
Height: 5'8"
also ranked...
#19 on
The Hottest Celebrities of All Time
#21 on
The Hottest Natural Beauties
#45 on

The Most Beautiful Actresses Ever

#62 on
The Most Beautiful Women of All Time
11.Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus was bullied by a group of girls who called themselves the Anti-Miley
about...Age: 23
Birthplace: Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America
Profession: Musician, Singer-songwriter, Actor, Voice acting, Dancer
Institution: Heritage Elementary School
Height: 5'4"
also ranked...
#68 on
The Hottest Actresses Under 30
#80 on
The Top Female Country Singers
#179 on
The Hottest Celebrities of All Time

#251 on
The Most Beautiful Women In Hollywood
13.Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift says that her junior high bullies gave her the inspiration to start writing
about...Age: 26
Birthplace: Reading, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Profession: Guitarist, Musician, Singer-songwriter, Film Producer, Actor
Institution: Aaron Academy, West Reading El Ctr, The Wyndcroft School,
Hendersonville High School, Wyomissing Area Junior/Senior High School
Height: 5'9"
also ranked...
#34 on
The Hottest Celebrities of All Time
#132 on
The Top Country Artists of All Time
#159 on

The Most Beautiful Women of All Time

#177 on
The Best Singers of All Time
14.Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise struggled with reading, which made him an easy target for bullies.
about...Age: 53
Birthplace: Syracuse, New York, United States of America
Profession: Television director, Film Producer, Screenwriter, Actor
Institution: Glen Ridge High School, Henry Munro Middle School, St. Xavier High
School, Johnson State College
Height: 5'6"
Medical Conditions: Dyslexia
Tom Cruise : see more
also ranked...
#20 on
The Greatest 80s Teen Stars
#29 on
Famous Actors Who Were Almost James Bond

#32 on
The Greatest Actors Who Have Never Won an Oscar (for Acting)
#888 on
The Hottest Celebrities of All Time

Madonna says that the boys at her school used to bully her and call her a "hairy
monster." The Queen of Pop rebelled against her bullies by refusing to shave her
about...Age: 57
Birthplace: Bay City, Michigan, United States of America
Profession: Record producer, Entrepreneur, Singer-songwriter, Film Producer,
Screenwriter + 5 more
Institution: West Junior High, Rochester Adams High School, University of Michigan,
St. Andrew's School
Height: 5'4"
also ranked...
#9 on
The Best Singers of All Time

#33 on
The Best Female Rock Singers
#175 on
Famous Role Models We'd Like to Meet In Person
#175 on
The Hottest Celebrities of All Time
17.Barack Obama

Barack Obama was bullied in school, but that didn't stop him from becoming the
first African American President of the United States.
about...Age: 54
Birthplace: Honolulu, Hawaii, United States of America
Profession: Politician, Author, Law professor, Writer, Lawyer
Institution: Noelani Elementary School, Occidental College, Columbia University,
Harvard Law School, State Elementary School Menteng 01 + 2 more
Height: 6'0"
also ranked...
#3 on
The Most Influential Contemporary Americans

#17 on
The Greatest U.S. Presidents of All Time
#34 on
The Most Influential Politicians in American History
#69 on
Famous Role Models We'd Like to Meet In Person
19.Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera said that she would get a lot of cold shoulders at school because
her classmate couldn't understand her success.
about...Age: 35
Birthplace: New York City, New York, United States of America
Profession: Record producer, Entrepreneur, Singer-songwriter, Film Producer,
Actor + 5 more
Institution: North Allegheny Intermediate High School, Marshall Middle School,
Rochester Area El School
Height: 5'1"
also ranked...

#13 on
The Best Singers of All Time
#26 on
The Greatest 90s Teen Stars
#98 on
The Hottest Celebrities of All Time
#291 on
The Greatest Musical Artists of All Time
20.Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge

The headmistress at Kate Middleton's school says that the Duchess of Cambridge
was bullied for two terms.
about...Age: 33
Birthplace: Royal Berkshire Hospital, United Kingdom
Institution: Marlborough College, St Andrew's School, Pangbourne, Downe House
School, University of St Andrews
Height: 5'8"
also ranked...
#25 on

Most Powerful Women In The World

#41 on
The Hottest Natural Beauties
#95 on
The Most Beautiful Women of All Time
#183 on
The Most Beautiful Women in the World
22.Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg was bullied for being a "nerd" in school. Today, he is the coolest of
film geeks!
about...Age: 69
Birthplace: Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America
Profession: Television director, Businessperson, Television producer, Entrepreneur,
Film Producer + 4 more
Institution: Saratoga High School, Brookdale Community College, Arcadia High
School, California State University, Long Beach
Height: 5'7"

Medical Conditions: Kidney cancer

Steven Spielberg : see more
also ranked...
#2 on
The Greatest Living Directors
#4 on
The Greatest Directors in Movie History
#4 on
The Best Directors of the 2000s
#10 on
The Most Influential Contemporary Americans
23.Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart says that she couldn't relate to kids her own age because "they
were mean and didn't give you a chance."
about...Age: 25
Birthplace: Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Profession: Actor

Institution: Arthur E. Wright Middle School

Height: 5'4"
also ranked...
#161 on
The Hottest Natural Beauties
#177 on
The Hottest Celebrities of All Time
#278 on
The Most Beautiful Actresses Ever
#489 on
The Most Beautiful Women of All Time
25.Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton was teased for his weight growing up.

about...Age: 69
Birthplace: Hope, Arkansas, United States of America
Profession: Statesman, Politician, Author, Lawyer, Teacher

Institution: Ramble Elementary, Yale University, Yale Law School, Edmund A. Walsh
School of Foreign Service, University College, Oxford + 2 more
Height: 6'2"
also ranked...
#5 on
The Most Influential Contemporary Americans
#12 on
The Greatest U.S. Presidents of All Time
#29 on
The Most Influential Politicians in American History
#87 on
Famous Role Models We'd Like to Meet In Person
26.Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga says that she felt like a freak in high school. She used her negative
experience with bullying to empower her fans across the globe.
about...Age: 29
Birthplace: New York City, New York, United States of America
Profession: Fashion designer, Record producer, Businessperson, Singer-songwriter,

Actor + 3 more
Institution: Convent of the Sacred Heart, Tisch School of the Arts
Height: 5'1"
Medical Conditions: Anorexia, Bulimia
Lady Gaga : see more
also ranked...
#8 on
The Greatest New Female Vocalists of the Past 10 Years
#24 on
The Female Singer You Most Wish You Could Sound Like
#39 on
Most Powerful Women In The World
#124 on
The Best Singers of All Time

28. Megan Fox

Megan Fox said that she felt that high school would never be over as she faced constant
bullying at school.


about...Age: 29
Birthplace: Oak Ridge, Tennessee, United States of America
Profession: Model, Actor
Institution: St. Lucie West Centennial High School, Kingston Elementary School
Height: 5'4"
Medical Conditions: Hyperactivity, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Obsessivecompulsive disorder, Impulsivity
Megan Fox : see more

also ranked...
#3 on
The Hottest Celebrities of All Time
#13 on
The Hottest Natural Beauties
#23 on
The Most Beautiful Women of All Time
#26 on
The Most Beautiful Actresses Ever

29. Christian Bale

Christian Bale started acting at 13. His fellow classmates used this as a reason to bully and
beat up the actor who went on to play Batman.

about...Age: 41
Birthplace: Haverfordwest, United Kingdom
Profession: Actor, Voice acting
Institution: Bournemouth School, Dolphin School
Height: 6'0"

also ranked...
#5 on
Famous Actors Who Were Almost James Bond
#39 on
The Greatest Actors & Actresses in Entertainment History
#69 on
The Coolest Actors Ever
#123 on
The Greatest 90s Teen Stars


31. Mila Kunis

Mila Kunis was bullied in school because of her "funny face." The Black Swan star says
that kids would make fun of her big eyes and lips.

about...Age: 32
Birthplace: Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Profession: Model, Actor, Voice acting
Institution: University of California, Los Angeles, Bancroft Middle School, Loyola
Marymount University, Rosewood Elementary School, Fairfax High School
Height: 5'4"

also ranked...
#5 on
The Hottest Celebrities of All Time
#20 on
The Greatest 90s Teen Stars
#25 on
The Hottest Natural Beauties
#46 on

The Most Beautiful Women of All Time

32. Rihanna

Rihanna says that she was teased in school for her skin color and her breasts. The pop star
says she is grateful for these struggles because they made her stronger.

about...Age: 27
Birthplace: Saint Michael Parish, Barbados
Profession: Fashion designer, Songwriter, Actor, Music artist, Singer
Institution: Combermere School
Height: 5'8"

also ranked...
#86 on
Most Powerful Women In The World
#122 on
The Hottest Celebrities of All Time
#127 on
The Hottest Natural Beauties

#238 on
The Best Singers of All Time


34. Chris Rock

Chris Rock developed his humor and wit as a response to bullies.


about...Age: 50
Birthplace: Andrews, South Carolina, United States of America
Profession: Comedian, Television producer, Film Producer, Screenwriter, Actor + 3 more
Institution: James Madison High School, Stuyvesant High School
Height: 5'10"

also ranked...
#4 on
The Funniest Stand Up Comedians of All Time
#15 on
The Funniest People of All Time
#19 on

The Best SNL Cast Members of All Time

#67 on
The Most Influential Contemporary Americans

35. Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba may be a successful, beautiful actress, but the Sin City star was bullied in high
school. Alba said she got picked on because she was an awkward child with buck teeth and a
Texas accent.

about...Age: 34
Birthplace: Pomona, California, United States of America
Profession: Model, Actor
Institution: Claremont High School, Atlantic Theater Company
Height: 5'6"

also ranked...
#1 on
The Hottest Celebrities of All Time
#6 on
The Hottest Natural Beauties

#7 on
Your Favorite Hispanic Celebrities
#18 on
The Most Beautiful Women of All Time


37. Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence said that her bullying became so bad that she switched schools to get
away from some mean girls.

about...Age: 25
Birthplace: Louisville, Kentucky, United States of America
Profession: Film Producer, Model, Actor
Institution: Kammerer Middle School
Height: 5'8"

also ranked...
#19 on
The Hottest Celebrities of All Time
#21 on

The Hottest Natural Beauties

#45 on
The Most Beautiful Actresses Ever
#62 on
The Most Beautiful Women of All Time

38. Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus was bullied by a group of girls who called themselves the Anti-Miley Club.

about...Age: 23
Birthplace: Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America
Profession: Musician, Singer-songwriter, Actor, Voice acting, Dancer
Institution: Heritage Elementary School
Height: 5'4"

also ranked...
#68 on
The Hottest Actresses Under 30
#80 on

The Top Female Country Singers

#179 on
The Hottest Celebrities of All Time
#251 on
The Most Beautiful Women In Hollywood


40. Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift says that her junior high bullies gave her the inspiration to start writing songs.

about...Age: 26
Birthplace: Reading, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Profession: Guitarist, Musician, Singer-songwriter, Film Producer, Actor
Institution: Aaron Academy, West Reading El Ctr, The Wyndcroft School, Hendersonville
High School, Wyomissing Area Junior/Senior High School
Height: 5'9"

also ranked...
#34 on
The Hottest Celebrities of All Time

#132 on
The Top Country Artists of All Time
#159 on
The Most Beautiful Women of All Time
#177 on
The Best Singers of All Time

41. Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise struggled with reading, which made him an easy target for bullies.

about...Age: 53
Birthplace: Syracuse, New York, United States of America
Profession: Television director, Film Producer, Screenwriter, Actor
Institution: Glen Ridge High School, Henry Munro Middle School, St. Xavier High School,
Johnson State College
Height: 5'6"
Medical Conditions: Dyslexia
Tom Cruise : see more

also ranked...

#20 on
The Greatest 80s Teen Stars
#29 on
Famous Actors Who Were Almost James Bond
#32 on
The Greatest Actors Who Have Never Won an Oscar (for Acting)
#888 on
The Hottest Celebrities of All Time


43. Madonna

Madonna says that the boys at her school used to bully her and call her a "hairy monster."
The Queen of Pop rebelled against her bullies by refusing to shave her armpits.

about...Age: 57
Birthplace: Bay City, Michigan, United States of America
Profession: Record producer, Entrepreneur, Singer-songwriter, Film Producer,
Screenwriter + 5 more
Institution: West Junior High, Rochester Adams High School, University of Michigan, St.

Andrew's School
Height: 5'4"

also ranked...
#9 on
The Best Singers of All Time
#33 on
The Best Female Rock Singers
#175 on
Famous Role Models We'd Like to Meet In Person
#175 on
The Hottest Celebrities of All Time

44. Barack Obama

Barack Obama was bullied in school, but that didn't stop him from becoming the first
African American President of the United States.

about...Age: 54
Birthplace: Honolulu, Hawaii, United States of America

Profession: Politician, Author, Law professor, Writer, Lawyer

Institution: Noelani Elementary School, Occidental College, Columbia University,
Harvard Law School, State Elementary School Menteng 01 + 2 more
Height: 6'0"

also ranked...
#3 on
The Most Influential Contemporary Americans
#17 on
The Greatest U.S. Presidents of All Time
#34 on
The Most Influential Politicians in American History
#69 on
Famous Role Models We'd Like to Meet In Person


46. Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera said that she would get a lot of cold shoulders at school because her
classmate couldn't understand her success.


about...Age: 35
Birthplace: New York City, New York, United States of America
Profession: Record producer, Entrepreneur, Singer-songwriter, Film Producer,
Actor + 5 more
Institution: North Allegheny Intermediate High School, Marshall Middle School, Rochester
Area El School
Height: 5'1"

also ranked...
#13 on
The Best Singers of All Time
#26 on
The Greatest 90s Teen Stars
#98 on
The Hottest Celebrities of All Time
#291 on
The Greatest Musical Artists of All Time

47. Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge

The headmistress at Kate Middleton's school says that the Duchess of Cambridge was
bullied for two terms.

about...Age: 33
Birthplace: Royal Berkshire Hospital, United Kingdom
Institution: Marlborough College, St Andrew's School, Pangbourne, Downe House School,
University of St Andrews
Height: 5'8"

also ranked...
#25 on
Most Powerful Women In The World
#41 on
The Hottest Natural Beauties
#95 on
The Most Beautiful Women of All Time
#183 on
The Most Beautiful Women in the World


49. Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg was bullied for being a "nerd" in school. Today, he is the coolest of film

about...Age: 69
Birthplace: Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America
Profession: Television director, Businessperson, Television producer, Entrepreneur, Film
Producer + 4 more
Institution: Saratoga High School, Brookdale Community College, Arcadia High School,
California State University, Long Beach
Height: 5'7"
Medical Conditions: Kidney cancer
Steven Spielberg : see more

also ranked...
#2 on
The Greatest Living Directors
#4 on
The Greatest Directors in Movie History
#4 on

The Best Directors of the 2000s

#10 on
The Most Influential Contemporary Americans

50. Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart says that she couldn't relate to kids her own age because "they were mean
and didn't give you a chance."

about...Age: 25
Birthplace: Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Profession: Actor
Institution: Arthur E. Wright Middle School
Height: 5'4"

also ranked...
#161 on
The Hottest Natural Beauties
#177 on
The Hottest Celebrities of All Time

#278 on
The Most Beautiful Actresses Ever
#489 on
The Most Beautiful Women of All Time


52. Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton was teased for his weight growing up.


about...Age: 69
Birthplace: Hope, Arkansas, United States of America
Profession: Statesman, Politician, Author, Lawyer, Teacher
Institution: Ramble Elementary, Yale University, Yale Law School, Edmund A. Walsh
School of Foreign Service, University College, Oxford + 2 more
Height: 6'2"

also ranked...
#5 on
The Most Influential Contemporary Americans
#12 on

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53. Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga says that she felt like a freak in high school. She used her negative experience
with bullying to empower her fans across the globe.

about...Age: 29
Birthplace: New York City, New York, United States of America
Profession: Fashion designer, Record producer, Businessperson, Singer-songwriter,
Actor + 3 more
Institution: Convent of the Sacred Heart, Tisch School of the Arts
Height: 5'1"
Medical Conditions: Anorexia, Bulimia
Lady Gaga : see more

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