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23w, 2015

The Honorable John F. Kerry

Secretary of State
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520
The Honorable Jeh Johnson
Secretary of Homeland Security
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
3801 Nebraska Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20528
Dear Secretary Kerry and Secretary Johnson:
We write to raise our deep concern regarding the visit of Mr. Geert Wilders, a Dutch
lawmaker known for perpetuating Islamaphobia. Mr. Wilders is scheduled to have a
series of meetings in Washington next week. We respectfully request that the U.S.
government deny Mr. Wilders entry due to his participation in inciting anti-Muslim
aggression and violence.
In the past, the United States has denied entry to international leaders under the
authority of the International Religious Freedom Act which allows the Department of
State to deny entry to a foreign leader who is responsible for severe violations of
religious freedom. This precedent is applicable to Mr. Wilders.
In 2010 and 2011 Wilders was formally charged with inciting hatred and discrimination
by the Dutch government.2 Mr. Wilders is currently facing charges of inciting hatred for
proposing to arrange the removal of Moroccans from the Netherlands at a campaign
rally.3 Reports indicate that Anders Breivik, the Norwegian terrorist responsible for the
murder of 77 people in Oslo, was inspired by Mr. Wilders hateful message.4

U.S.C. 73; See also question 3 part d of USd5 form 1-539 for travelers with nonimmigrant status.

Dutch politician Geert Wilders faces new racial hatred charges over victory speech

hatred-charges over-victory-speech-9934423.html
Dutch Anti Islam Politician Geert Wilders charged Over Fewer Moroccans Speech (WSJ)
http:/ www.wsj .com articles/dutch-far-right-politician-geert-wilders-charged-over4ewer..moroccans


Mr. Wilders policy agenda is centered on the principle that Christian culture is superior
to other cultures. He justifies his desire to ban the Quran and Islam from the
Netherlands with depraved comments like, Islam is not a religion, its an ideology, the
ideology of a retarded culture.5 We should not be importing hate speech.
In the U.S., freedom of speech is a bedrock principle that distinguishes free societies
from ones living under oppressive regimes. Freedom of speech, however, is not absolute.
It is limited by the legal and moral understanding that speech that causes the incitement
of violence or prejudicial action against protected groups is wrong. As Mr. Wilders
continues his pursuit of political power, granting him entry will embolden him to engage
in further incitement of violence and discrimination against Muslims.
Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are sweeping through Europe. Mr. Wilders is among
the hateful leaders responsible for perpetuating prejudice. Allowing him to enter the
United States will cause harm to our nation that values religious freedom and respects
Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you.


Keith Ellison
Member of Congress

An rt~ rson
Member of Congress

Viewpoint: Killer Breiviks links with far right (BBC News): httix//
igg66ooo. See Also: Norway Attacks: How far right views created Behring Breivik (Guardian): breivik
5 In quotes: Geert Wilders (BBC News)

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