Kill Bill

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Relate what was discusses in class or the text to the screening

There are many recurring themes and shots that are in many of Tarantinos
films. He is one of the directors that you can almost immediately tell that a
movie is his; there is a lot of very dramatic music, and there always seems to
be an abundance of point of view shots. I was just looking at a wiki on his
directing style, and it was showing stills of point of view. He will often use a
shot where you are the captive who is about to be shut in a trunk. It is the
same with being a dead person, and the camera is looking up at everyone
looking at the dead body. Tarantino often uses obscure camera angles to
make a point.
2. Find an article
The article I found was about Tarantino being a DJ as a director. They use the
example that a DJ can go on without a hip-hop artist, but a hip-hop artist
cannot make music without a DJ. I think that this goes straight into the
auteur idea because it gives the impression that without the director, there is
no movie. This article talks about how Tarantino is so relatable because he
views himself as an equal to his viewers by having stories about rags to
riches and his use of point of view.
Quinten Tarantino and the Director as DJ
3. Apply the article to the film
Although Kill Bill might not even have a relatable plot line to anyone on Earth,
he still uses very interesting point of view and his themes are universal. This
is a story about the revenge of a mother. Even if you dont have a child,
being at the college age, I understand that a parent would do anything for
their kid, even seeking out revenge. I dont really look for things like point of
view when I watch movies, but in Kill Bill Vol. 1 especially, it is so clear
because almost every scene is at an obscure angle.
4. Write a critical analysis of the film
This is your martial arts movie with a white person twist. It seems like
America will appropriate anything, but with that being said, the movie was
very interesting in terms of music and the story line. It is a cross between a
martial arts movie and a shoot em up. Since it is done in two parts Volume
1 and Volume 2, the story is not linear at all. There are crucial parts that are
left to the second volume, which can make the story confusing, but it comes
full circle. The questions you are asking in volume one like who is bill? And
why does she want him dead so badly are answers that are saved for the
second movie. I know it isnt uncommon to have movies in multiple parts,
but this is one of the only ones I can think of that makes it necessary to see
both parts in order to understand the Brides (Uma Thurman) motives.

Overall, these are two movies that I never have any problem turning on and
binging at any time.

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