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Prof. dr. K.

Researcher K. Triquet


APRIL 2015
1. Task: Module 3, Week 2
2. Aim:
The central aim of the practical assignment consists of the deepening of awareness into
self-regulation of students learning, preparing them to learn on their own inlight of their
individual differences. It is well known that:
>Students learn differently
>Students display varied strengths and weaknesses
>Developing students self-regulation of learning enhances school and later
lifelong learning success
While learning about the development of self-regulation, the task will allow students to
analyze and enhance upon their teaching approach by creating a lesson within a local
context - for students current and/or prospective classroom.
Furthermore, students develop skills in converting and implementing theoretical concepts
and insights into concrete practical settings as well as in reporting these insights.
3. Assignment:
Students refer back to their Module 1: Assignment Designing a Short 1 Hour Lesson.
Using prior planning knowledge (material on creating strong lesson plans) and similar
lesson plan template they include covered knowledge on the importance of
personalisation and self-regulated learning development:

Students are to design a short lesson (first draft) they are currently teaching (or
would like to teach) that can be carried out with children in 1-2 hours (dependent on
relevance to students context).

In Word, Google Docs, or in text, students create a 1-2 page document that
includes the components of the template introduced (under Structure) below.

The study material covered is available on Canvas and will be supplemented with
additional materials and suggested resources throughout the week.
Students will work individually or in groups of 2 (one active teacher and one entry
4. Structure of the lesson plan (example):
The presented information should only be considered as a guideline for creating the
lesson plan.
If it looks familiar, that is because you used a similar template in Module 1 when
exploring critical thinking in lesson planning. Feel free to consult your past material for
guidance, just note the inclusion of newly gained knowledge: awareness on personalising
instruction and students development of self-regulated learning!

A Template
Grade Level(s): Choose one: Primary, Middle School, Secondary School, College
Subject: Choose one: Science, Math, Language, History...
Topic: Choose one: Teaching students about

Prof. dr. K. Lombaerts

Researcher K. Triquet

Objectives and Skills: What you want to achieve (be specific about the skills
and behaviors this lesson is intended to achieve)
A Way In: How students will be interested in the subject, using what you know
about individual differences, strengths and weaknesses.
A Way Through: How students engage with the material to reach the
objective. How is the material made relevant to students. This is a description of
activities, and how the possible use of ICTs can be used to further personalize and
encourage self-regulation of learning. Again, ICTs are a tool to support you therefore incorporate them where you believe it is most appropriate.
A Way Out: How this lesson prepares students for the next and more advanced
stage of their learning, as well as how it enhances greater levels of self-regulated
Materials Consulted: If applicable. Student can link useful reference material,
basic documentation, specific application used to inform and support their lesson
plan creation.
5. Style:
Use template as an example
1-2 p. Max. 3p. including materials consulted
Font Verdana, 8
6. Plan:
Deadline for submission: Monday, May 4th at 8:59am
Mode of submission: a text entry box or a file upload
7. Evaluation:
Students are evaluated and graded on the basis of:
Grading Rubric:
In accordance with the general guidelines, assignments, discussions, group projects, and
your portfolio (weighting varied) will all be graded on a 6-point grading system:
[6]: Exemplary: Clear incorporation of research, an extra effort to learn more, proper
acknowledgment of material other than your own, creativity, and clarity. All of this would
be worthy of sharing to educators around the world and makes a contribution to our
knowledge of teaching and learning. Mentor status
[4-5]: Meets Requirements: Meets the expectations of the assignment by using
appropriate resources. The expectation is for core competency in the topics covered
[3]: Needs Work: Basic treatment of the ideas, but student needs to dig deeper in order
to show core competence. Subject to revision to receive credit
[0-2]: No Credit: (a) Student uses others ideas as her/his own without attribution,
and/or (b) does not address or respect the assignment

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