Jasa Vol. 3 (1) Jul-Sep 2013

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Vol. 3 (1)


Jul-Sep 2013


Vol. 3 (1)

Jul-Sep 2013

The Lunar Constellations (Part 8): Pushya
Dr. E.S. Neelakantan
Dr. E. S. Neelakantan was born on 5th August 1967 in Kannimangalam Village, Palakkad District , Kerala. He completed his grad
uation from Loyala College In Statistics with distinction in 1987. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1992. He is also a qualified Inform
ation Systems Auditor since 2004. He developed interest in Astrology by reading the works of Dr. B. V. Raman . He learnt Astrology in a form
al way under Prof. K. V. Seshadrinatha Sastri , a renowned authority on Jyothisa and Ayurveda. For his thesis on Medical Astrology, he
was awarded Ph.d. , by Sri Chandrasekarendra University, Kancheepuram, which is recognized as a Deemed University in 2005. H
e is a practising Chartered Accountant in Chennai since 1993. He is at present a regular contributor to four of the leading journals on Astrolog
y in India viz, Express Star Teller, Modern Astrology , Astrological
eMagazine and JASA.

e will now discuss the salient features of Pushya Star, the eighth in this sequence, on lunar

Rasis are lifeless. Stars endow them with life. Mind is inert by its very nature. When it is in
touch with the soul it gets life. I can cite an example here. Bulbs have no life of their own. They glow
only when electricity flows to them. The signs of the Zodiac are endowed with life because of stars and
planets. When Sun dominates over a chart, Sattwa guna is present; when Venus dominates , Rajoguna is
present and when Mars dominates , Tamoguna is present. Therefore the qualities of a person have to be
understood from the planets which own the navamsa sign- dispositor of Moon. Brihaspathi is the advisor
of the Devas. He is the presiding deity for Pushya star . Brihaspathi was the son of sage Angirasa and
Vasudha. Natives born in Pushya are knowledgeable and dharmic in nature. Through relentless pursuit of
Dharma, they acquire wealth, luck and good fortune. They are generally consultants , advisors, priests and
Brihaspathi represents Jupiter , who is considered the wisest of the planets. According to Varahamihira a
person born in Pushyami star will be calm , affectionate, clever ,wealthy and dharmic in outlook.
According to Parasara, a person born in Pushya will be sattwic, well-versed, one endowed with wife,
children and servants and one who brings glory to family.
According to Brihat Samhita a person born in the first quarter of Pushya will be long lived ; one born in
the second quarter will usurp others' wealth ; one born in third quarter will revel in social activities; one
born in the fourth quarter will be wealthy.
According to Jataka Parijata, "A person born in Pushyami will be devoted to Devas, Vedic pundits and
elders; will be modest, will have the power of forbearance , will serve society and thereby earn the respect
of the government and will be blessed with friends.
Though Pushyami is an auspicious star , it is not recommended as a good star for marriage; it is good for
other activities. For the sacred thread ceremony, this is a particularly good star.
The two books on astrology which gives extensive guidelines on Muhurthas are Kalaprakasika and
Muhurtha Chintamani. The author of Muhurtha Chintamani has prescribed the guidelines based on
whether the star is Mridu, chara, Dhruva, Ugra, Kshipra or Tikshna, while the author of Kalaprakasika
places more emphasis on the individual qualities of each nakshatra . Thus any student of Astrology
should follow both these guidelines to take an appropriate view on star selection . For instance, in

Vol. 3 (1)
Jul-Sep 2013
Agriculture for the first use of grains, the author of Kalaprakasika suggests avoiding the months Ashada,
Margashisra and Magha while the author of Muhurtha Chintamani suggests avoidance of Chaitra and
Pushya (note the word "Pushya"used above refers to the lunar month, not the star Pushya, we are
discussing). Pushya is a favorable star for harvesting, gathering and storing grains.
An appropriate Muhurtha should be determined for ploughing land each time. The first time a piece of
land is ploughed is particularly important and great care should be taken in selecting the Muhurtha as the
time of first ploughing influences the land for as long as it is farmed.For this activity Shukla Paksha is
favourable and Krishna Paksha is unfavourable. Pushya is a favourable star for this activity along with
Rohini, Punarvasu, Uttaraphalguni, Hasta, Anuradha, Moola, Uttarashadha and Uttarabhadrapada. In
addition to the normally favoured stars, the Janma Nakshatra and the tenth star are specifically favoured.
Ploughing in Chaturthi thithi destroys the crop through pests, navami damages the crop while chaturdasi
endangers the life of the owner.
Kalaprakasika gives the following results to the Lagna; Aries is fatal to cows; Taurus, Gemini and Cancer
promise good harvest; Leo damages the crops ; Virgo gives good yield; Libra causes luxurious growth;
Scorpio damages crop through fire; Sagittarius promotes fertility; Capricorn gives abundant harvest;
Aquarius causes trouble from thieves while Pisces promotes prosperity.
Pushya is also favourable for sowing seeds and planting. It is also good for boat building and launching.
Pushya is a favourable star for business transactions including buying and selling, other suitable stars
being Ashwini, Rohini, Mrgasira, Ardra, Punarvasu, Makha, Uttararaphalguni, Satabhisha,
Uttarabhadrapada and Revathi.
Pushya is a good star for repayment of debts. It is a favourable star for adoption of children.
Breast feeding should be done once the umbilical cord is cut , as soon as the baby starts feeding. Due to
some reasons if this is not possible, then the same can be commenced in Pushyami star. Other suitable
stars are Mrgasira, Punarvasu, Hasta, Sravana and Revati.
The first time a child's hair is cut is known as "chowlam" one of the Hindu samskaras. The Rishis in their
infinite wisdom were able to understand the profound truth that there exists a link between "chowlam"
and health. Therefore this is considered as an important Samskara. When "chowlam" is performed in
"Pushya" star , it bestows riches upon the child.
It is also desirable to seek a good Muhurtha for wearing new clothes. For instance, Jyestha star is an
inauspicious one and one should not wear new clothes on that day. There is another rule which states that
one should wear new clothes on one's birthday. Let us say, a person is born in Jyestha star, so that his
birthday occurs in Jyestha. Should he wear new clothes on his birthday or not? Yes, he should wear new
clothes. Special rules in Astrology override general rules. That one should not wear new clothes in
Jyestha is a general rule, which is inapplicable to a person born in Jyestha star on his birthday. On days
ruled by Jyestha, the said person should not wear a new cloth, other than on his birthday. Wearing a new
cloth on Pushya bestows prosperity.
Pushya is an auspicious star for construction and related activities. One can start learning a new craft
such as carpentry , knitting, sculpture or painting on a day ruled by this star . Pushya is a suitable star for
minting coins. Now that paper currency has replaced coins, one can say, without fear of contradiction that
currency notes can be printed on a day ruled by Pushya.
These days one seldom comes across a child not participating in extra curricular activities. When I was in
school and college, boys were afraid of playing cricket, because parents used to scold them for wasting
time on sports rather than utilize their valuable time on studies. Their standard remark was " Time spent
on cricket is ill-spent" and this argument used to be supported by G.B.Shaw's saying "cricket is a game
played by 22 fools, watched by 22000 fools". Today, these views have changed and parents are happy to
send their children to a good Cricket Academy. To start learning dance, music, acting or any other art ,

Vol. 3 (1)
Jul-Sep 2013
Pushya is a favourable star. There are certain specific subjects , one can master if started in Pushya. These
are Logic, Astrology and the other Vedangas, all sciences, Vedas and fine arts. Pushya is a good star to
employ a servant. According to Kalaprakashika , Pushya is a suitable star for Grihapravesa, or entering a
new house. One can a wear a new jewellery in Pushya asterism. A disease which sets in on Pushyawill get
cured within seven days. Coronation of a king or a swearing- in of a Head of State, such as President or
Prime Minister can take place while Moon is in Pushya arterism.


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