Crop Survival in A Hot Climate

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Crop survival in a hot climate

Main idea 1: Climate Uncertainties


Climatic changes are affecting food cultivation worldwide.

Monsoon rains in India this season (June to September) has been 35% below average.
Rice planting to be 18% lower than for the same period last year.

Main idea 2: Climate change cause foods security crisis


Food crops that we rely on most are sensitive to climate change

The growth stage crop will be interacting with atmospheric gases, fertilizers and soil
organic matter.
Climate change cause change in temperature, precipitation and wind patterns.
Global warming therefore projected to alter soil, temperature and moisture of the
surroundings, thus impact the production of rice, wheat, corn, soybean, and potatoes.
Simulation studies project a 20% and 30% decrease in global crop production by 2020
and 2030.
Thus, food security is a looming issue.

Main idea 3: Climate change alter the breed production of major food crops

Climate change correlates with crop output in different regions.

A) Niger Republic: - African arid climate.
Showed mixed responses to temperature changes.
Hungry rice (Digeteria exilis) and groundnuts to be more

B) Nigeria: - Semi-arid climate.

Annual average increase of 0.04C from 1991 to 2001.

Crops like onions, tomatoes and peppers were found to be
Rain-fed groundnuts appeared to be more resilient.

- C) Alor Star: - Tropics climate

Annual average increase in temperature of 0.03C between 1981 and

The linear trend analysis demonstrated a positive response between
increase in temperature and rice yield.

Main idea 4: Crop Rotation measures

Applied agricultural practices to offset the adverse effects of climate change.

contributes to sustainable cultivation.
an effective, natural pest control method.
The organisms causing the disease are host-specific (survive on one plant only).
Continuous cropping of the same plant results in accumulation of pests.
If another plant is cropped the following year or after five to six years in rotation, the
pests eventually die.

Main idea 5: Mono cropping measures


growing the same single crop every season.

commonly practised in Malaysia and other parts of developing Asia because of

profitability in the short term.

Eg: Cultivation of papaya, pineapple and oil palm.
Applied in high-value crops to reap more profits.

Main idea 6: Climate-smart agriculture measures


Various crops are being planted in different regions.

a customised, local model variation will be needed to improve agricultural systems.
Eg: agro-forestry system in Tanzania, where coffee is grown in between forest trees.
Peru: 3,500 families are helping to conserve 177 varieties of potatoes.

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