De La Pacea in Casa La Pacea in Lume Stop Violentei Impotriva Femeilor!

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From Peace in the Home to Peace in the World: Stop Violence Against


The Human Rights have changed the world as we know it by introducing equality
between each and every single person, regardless of race, gender, religion or other such
characteristics. One of the last forms of discriminative violence still standing today is based on
gender and it must be stopped.
Essentially, the purpose of stopping aggression against women is to establish definitive
World Peace, but before thinking of such scales, we should look at the, almost microscopic by
comparison, universe of the Home as it is the most basic form of a social collective.
Domestic violence is extremely common around the world, reaching staggering numbers
of victims ( approximately 1.3 million women and 800,000 men get abused by their partners only
in the United States each year according to the National Institute of Justice), out of which some
even die. The point of this text, though, is not to find those who are guilty, but to find a solution
to this problem.
First of all, I consider that those responsible of violence against women are not only the
aggressors but the victims themselves too. The countries in the Occident have managed to
educate their people not to accept harm done by their partners, thus keeping it at a minimum
level, but the situation in poor, reconstructing states is far worse as in India, for example, 57
percent of boys and 53 percent of girls between the ages of 15 and 19 think wife-beating is
justified as reported by UNICEF in 2012. I think that the children who believe that will only
grow to promote domestic aggression more. Proper educational systems based on westernized
models are needed to make the youth understand how a relationship is supposed to work, and
prevent the formation of dysfunctional families in which violence is considered casual.
Secondly, I believe that a small drop of courage is all a woman needs to fight back
against her home oppressor. If we can influence her by smartly placing inspirational messages of
freedom in her everyday life, using methods similar to those in advertising, she will now have a
motivation or a reason to fight for. Hope is the one thing oppressed people who have not fought
back lack so that is what we must give them. There are countries based on old traditions and
religions that do not apply too well to the modern world and in which women are seen as lesser
human beings so switching to a new mentality is hard, but it can be done if they receive more
help from the Occident (for example, in 2010, the United Arab Emirates Supreme Court ruled
that a man has the right to physically discipline his wife and children as long as he does not leave
physical marks which could be considered a sign of progress)
In conclusion, I consider that proper use of education and propaganda can help the less
fortunate, victimized women.

Surname: Badescu
Name: Mihai
E-mail address:
Phone number: 0733713495
High School: National College St. Sava
Grade: X-th
Coordinative Teacher: Stoica Nicoleta

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