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Chapter 1 overview of integrated marketing communication

Communications and Marketing Communications

Communications: the process where individuals share meaning and establish a
commonness of thought.
Marketing Communications: the collection of all elements of a firms marketing mix
that facilitate exchange by establishing shared meaning with the firms customers.
Marketing Mix: specific collection of certain levels of elements of a brands 4Ps
product, price, place and promotion.
Promotional mix: advertising, public relations. Sales promotion, online/ Social media
marketing, personal selling, direct marketing
Promotion Management and Objectives of Promotion
Promotion Management: coordination of promotional mix elements in setting
objectives, establishing budgets, designing programs, evaluating performance, and
taking corrective action.
General Objectives of Promotion: inform, Persuade, Induce Action
Brand: A name, term, sign, symbol, or design intended to identify the goods and
services of one seller or groups of sellers and differentiate them from those of
Brand equity: The degree to which consumers favorably perceive the brands features
and benefits as compared to competitive brands and how strongly these views are held
in memory
Marketing Communications at the Brand Level
A well-known and respected brand is an invaluable asset
A successful brand can create barriers to entry for competitors
The key for brand communications is to differentiate one companys offering from
Marketing Communications
Marketing Communications Objective: To enhance brand equity by moving
customers to favorable action toward the brandtrying it, repeat purchasing it, and
becoming loyal toward the brand.
Brand Equity: The degree to which consumers favorably perceive the brands features
and benefits as compared to competitive brands and how strongly these views are held
in memory
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)
The coordination of the promotional mix elements with each other and with other
elements of the brands marketing mix such that all elements speak with one voice.
Why Not Always Integrated?
Tradition of separate communication tools
Influence of specialized outside suppliers
Managerial parochialism: Fear of budget cutbacks, Loss of power and authority
Resistance of outside suppliers to broadening their functions
Skeptics who consider IMC to be a fad

The Meaning of Synergy

The payoff from IMC is that brand managers achieve: Synergy
The integration of multiple communication tools and media yield more positive
communication results than the tools used individually
5 key features of IMC
1. Start with the customer or prospect
The Consumer or Business Customer Must Represent the Starting Point for All
Marketing Communications Activities
o Consumers in Control
Outside-in approach: learn the media preferences and lifestyles of
customers/prospects to know the best contexts to reach them with
brand messages.
o Reduced Dependence on Mass Media
Consumers are increasingly in control of their media choices for
acquiring information about brands.
2. Use any form of relevant contact or touch point
o 360-Degree Branding
A brands touch points should be everywhere he target audience is.
o Not All Touch Points Are Equally Engaging
Surround customers/prospects with the message, but not to the point
of being irritatingly present. An example of a Touch Point, or 360
Marketing: Hershey Foods
3. Speak with a single voice
Multiple messages must speak with a single voice
o A brands positioning statement must:
Present a clear idea of the brand in its target markets mind
Consistently deliver the same unified message across all media
channels on all occasions.
4. Build relationships
Build relationships (e.g., Audi) rather than engage in flings
Costs 5-10x more to acquire a new customer than keep a current one
Take away:
o Loyalty programs promote long-term relationships between customers and
brans that lead to customer retention
o Experiential marketing programs can create brand experiences that make
positive a dn lasting impressions on customers.
5. Affect behavior
Dont lose focus of the ultimate objective: Affect Behavior
IMC must do more than just influence brand awareness or enhance consumer
attitudes the objective is to move people to action.
Obstacles to Implementing IMC
Few providers have the skills required to execute
Mass media campaigns easier than direct-to-customers

The real challenge is to make sure that tools acre consistently executed

Marcom Implementation Decisions

Mixing elements, Creating messages, Selecting media, Establishing momentum
Mantra: All Marketing Communications Should be
Directed to a Particular Target Market
Created to Achieve a Specific Objective
Undertaken to Accomplish the Objective within the Budget Constraint
Clearly Positioned

Brand & positioning

target market

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