Titus Character Breakdown

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Character Breakdown:
Awkward Stage Productions is seeking a strong and ethnically diverse cast of
15-20 people for The Light and Delightful Musical Comedy of Titus
Andronicus. Show is still being built so gender age and ethnicity a for some
roles are adjustable except where indicated
Shakespeare (m or f, 19-25)
The bard himself. Insecure with his success is wanting to let the audiences
know there is more than happy go lucky in his plays. Lots of ego, plenty to
Titus (m, 35-50)
War weary hero-general of Rome. Has been called home in the midst of
battle having lost most of his sons to war, so hes a bit whiny. Has to move
from tired and broken to cuckoo-clock-crazy through the show. A cross
between Artistic Director Andy Toth and somebody who has actually killed
Marcus (m or f, 25-35)
Level-headed policitian brother to TITUS just trying to work things out.
Frank and sincerely frustrated with the state of things in Rome. A roman
Justin Trudeau who sings.
Saturninus (m, 19-30)
Son of the late Emperor of Rome. Pompous, edgy, bold. Kind of an a-hole.
Strong voice. Becomes Emperor later on. Thinks hes super bad ass, but is
just an ass.
Bassianus (m or f, 15-25)
Romantic, sensitive other son of the late Emperor of Rome. Steals Lavinias
heart. And sweeps her off her feet, But shes light, so its pretty simple to
do. Prone to panic attacks. Likes flowers and, um listening to folk or
contemporary Christian rock.
Quintus, Martius, Mutius, Lucius (f, 15-21)
Titus 4 remaining sons and Titus footsoldiers. Theyre a bit bashed up and
missing a few brain cells. They are hyper-masculine, into beer, football, girls,
and hunting. The kind of men you judge on the street but linger a little long
on in Tinder.
Tamora (f, 25-40)
Captured Goth Queen who has not surrendered her power. Powerful and
exceptionally feminine in that I-wanna-be-her-when-I- grow-up kinda way.
Like a cross between Barbarella (look it up), Lady Gaga, and Hillary Clinton.

Lavinia (f, 16-20)

Docile and domesticated only daughter of Titus. Has no will of her own and
will do whatever people tell her to do, that is until tragedy befalls her and
she must seek some sort of vengeance. Complete opposite to Tamora.
Must be able to tap dance while portraGreat.ying a whimsical caricature of
physical and emotional violence. Good luck with that one
Aaron (Afro-Canadian, m or f, 20-45)
Quiet Moorish (love?)slave to Tamora, Queen of the Goths. Aaron kinda
blends into the background until he convinces the queens idiot children to
commit unspeakable acts of violence. This guy holds all the cards. He is
sexy and seriously badass. John Legend meets Dick Cheney.
Demetrius, Alarbus(The Puppeteer), Chiron (m or f, 16-22)
Brothers, stooges and Goth sons of Tamora. Larry, Curley, and Moe, but
lustier. And dumber. Much dumber. Should be able to move.
Other Ensemble (m or f, 15-25)
The Nurse, The Comic, First Goth, Second Goth, Third Goth, Soldier 01,
Soldier 02

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