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Chapter Five

“I was coming to see what took you so long,” laughed Metatron, “Looks

like I’ve found out.” Serael’s eyes turned pink. “Pink must mean embarrassment,”

replied Metatron, who was still trying to hold the laughter. Serael tried to defend

himself. “I was only watching the great view!” “Oh, you were watching the great

view of something alright,” joked Metatron, who, by now, was laughing even

harder than before.

“It’s alright,” gasped Metatron, who was beginning to calm down.

“Virgil,” he yelled from the top of his lungs. “Yes Master,” said Virgil as he ran

into the balcony as if it was the end of the whole world. Metatron calmly said

with a simple sigh, “Get two chairs and two drinks. Afterwards, you are free to

spend the remainder of the day however you wish.” Virgil’s eyes were gleaming

with joy. “Your grace shall not be forgotten,” Virgil exclaimed as he raced out the

door to fulfill his duties.

Within minutes, Serael and Metatron were lazily sitting in the chairs Virgil

had gotten them, and they looked down on the city. “Now,” Metatron began, “let

me answer your question from earlier.” “Alright,” replied Serael.

Metatron began, “After your human death, your soul had become different

than any soul we have ever seen. It was perfect for the job we needed done here.”

“And what job would that be,” asked Serael. His eyes had become green. Serael

had such peircing look upon his face that it gave Metatron a chill throughout his
whole body. Cerberus, he thought, just like Cerberus. The mutt's eyes worked the

same way. Serael’s fists were tense. Metatron sighed. He knew it was time. The

ringing in his mind returned.

He proceeded to speak, “It had all begun before the Fall of Humans. Long

ago, Samael, one of God’s greatest creation, was given, by the Divine Spirit,

seven almighty names, which made him the overseer of the following: Shining

Light (Lucifer), Mercy, Authority (or Might), Reason, Wisdom, Power, and

finally Judgment. However, when he led a campaign against the King of kings, all

but the first one was stripped away from him. The first name remained with him

to torture him with the memory of what he lost.

The six names he lost were to be given to three angels. These angels are

known as the Supreme Generals (or Supernals for short). Each supernal is to rule

over two names. You and I are two of the three supernals. Michael is the other.

He is the Angel of Authority and Mercy. I am the Angel of Reason and Wisdom.

You are…” Serael finished the statement, “I am the Angel of Power and

Judgment. Sorry. Just used simple logic.”

“Yes,” the impressed Metatron answered, “your purpose here is to serve as

Heaven’s covert assassin. You are the Third, which means you are to fulfill the

prophecy. You are designed to kill. That’s why you’re here! That’s why you were

made! You are the perfect weapon! Samael was the prototype, but you…you are

the final and finished product! Inside your mind are a set of skills encrypted

within you. Spend six months of training with me, and I will help you unlock
those skills. Will you take my offer? Remember, once you’ve made your decision,

you cannot go back!”

Metatron paused for a few minutes to let the information sink in. He also

wanted Serael to think carefully of what he just asked him. Serael, who had been

having his head down the entire time, finally looked up at Metatron with a grim

demeanor upon his face. He looked sternly at Metatron’s eyes. His own eyes

stayed green throughout Metatron’s explanation, growing darker by each word.

His answer was in the form of four simple words. In a whisper, he said, “When do

I start?”

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