Anachronox ch17

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Chapter Seventeen

“My master,” questioned Dezzick, “but that means you’re a servant of the

Creator. You’re an angel!” “Yeah,” sighed Ares, “pretty much.” “I’m a supernal.

Angel of Power and Judgment,” he confirmed, “I’m a master in the arts of

homicide, cohersion, and espionage.” “So,’ questioned the demon, “you’re

basically an angelic assassin?” “Well, I wouldn’t be so blunt about it, but yeah,”

replied Ares, “Look, I can’t keep talking to you. We must go to your execution.”

“You won’t die,” assured the angel, “neither shall Nara.” The prisoner began to

protest, “But Ares—”

Ares interjected, “My name is not Ares Le. Actually, that pseudonym is

nothing more than anagram of my real name. Ares in reverse is Sera. This is the

first half of my name. Le reversed is El. This is the second half of my name.”

Dezzick gulped as he learned the angel’s true name: Serael. This was not

any ordinary assassin in his midst. He was looking at the most terrifying killing-

machine alive. Serael. The very name would send chills every demon’s back. This

single angel alone wiped out a whole legion with a single slash of his blade. But

what was he doing here, wondered the demon. Then he realized why the angel

was here, and he was grateful that the assassin did not do what he was meant to


“Now,” said Serael, “You must do all I say, everything to most minute of

detail. Understood?” Dezzick answered with an affirming nod.

A few hours later, Dezzick walked outside. His hands and wings were

binded with chains and ropes. He was handcuffed as well. Holding his arm was

Serael, impersonating as an imperial guard. The whites of Serael’s eyes were dark

blue. He was taking Dezzick to the Pit.

The Pit was Hell’s greatest weapon. It is as swift as the guillotine and as

painful as a gas chamber. The Pit was a large abyss that had the illusion that it

was perpetual in depth. It has a furnace at the very end. When controlled, it will

shoot fire into the sky, just like a giant flamethrower. Dezzick and Serael finally

arrived at the dreadful weapon.

The other guard turned on the furnace. Serael would have killed him and

walked off with Dezzick, but the chancellor was also in their presence. To attack

would mean to blow his cover. So, the angel restrained himself. He had expected

this. Samyaza eyed him, then moved to glance at the executionee. He spat at

Dezzick’s face with disgust.

“I’m turning on the furnace,” shouted the guard. “Alright,” answered

Serael, “Proceed. I have this fucker pinned down.” Samyaza, again, eyed him.

The guard did as told.

The furnace was turned on. Its heat was a perfect match to that of a yellow

star. “Wait Jakko,” shouted Samyaza, “The maximum, if you will.” “But sir,”

protested the guard, “that would be the equivalent of a blue star.” “Are you

questioning my judgment, you dog! Do you wish to pay this traitor’s price for
him,” sneered the chancellor. The terrified guard did as he was told, valuing his

life! “Get ready to die, scum,” whispered the chancellor

The furnace was increased in temperature to its maximum. The ground

beneath his feet was now the literal hotspot in Hell. Serael’s grip tightened.

Dezzick tore the binds of his feet. In perfect form, the convict attacked

Serael with a roundhouse kick. Serael blocked it. He attacked the prisoner with a

chop. The prisoner, however, managed to dodge it and kicked him to the floor.

Dezzick sprinted toward Jakko. The unsuspecting guard was only armed with is

old, rusty dagger. The convict high-kicked the blade into the air. At this time, the

chancellor rushed to attack to him. “Get the bastard,” roared Samyaza. Before

Samyaza’s blade could be unveiled, however, Dezzick jumped into the air and his

teeth bit the cold, hard hilt of the dagger. Within seconds, he cut the binds of his

hands and slashed the binds of his wings. Smoothly, he moved out of the path of

the chancellor’s sword. Out of nowhere, Serael tackled the prisoner, forcing him

into the Pit to feel its searing flames. As the convict fell, however, his hand

grabbed Serael’s collar, dragging Serael with him into the plummeting doom.

“What the fuck just happened,” shouted the frustrated chancellor. “Turn

that fucking thing off, you useless moron,” he brusquely ordered. The confused

Jakko hurried to the switch. His finger clicked it southward. Whooooom-wh-

oom-whoom. The furnace was shutdown. The chancellor grabbed the guard’s neck

and spanned his wings. He quickly descended to the ground level of the abyss.

When he reached his destination, he did not find any remains of the victims. The
heat heat could have destroyed them, but there should have been something left.

As the two gazed around, Jakko pointed to his right. There lay only a handful of

ashes. The chancellor was calm once more. He took hold of the guard’s neck and

ascended the Pit. Then, the two of them parted. The chancellor walked away with

a wicked smile on his face.

Miles away, on top of a rundown, abandoned skyscraper. “So,” smiled,

“Teleportation. I thought that was impossible.” Serael smiled as well, “With God

all things are possible. Now, if you’re going to be my vizier, you need a better

name than shitty Dezzick. It makes me think that you are upholding trash. From

this point on, you will be upholding my name. You are to uphold it as a treasurer

does with a treasure. Wait! That’s it! Treasurer! From this day on, you shall be

called Jasper.” “You have very high expectations, don’t you,” commented

Dezzick, who is now Jasper. “Three months of training with me and you’ll be able

to kill just about any demon. Then we’ll come back for your girl In three months,

you will have your precious Nara.” “Very well, I’ll hold you to that,” said his new

vizier. “Any questions,” asked the assassin. “Just one,” replied his vizier who was

staring at him, “What kind of angel doesn’t have any wings?” There was a smile

on his face. A grin came on Serael’s face. “The studly kind,” he jokingly


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