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Chapter Twenty-Nine

“You know, I really hate to wait,” commented the prisoner angel, “I’m an

instant gratification kind of guy.” His captor didn’t say anything to him. Instead,

she observed him, trying to figure out how the angel worked. Metatron knew this.

He did what he loved to do and always have done to people when he’s in this

situation. He toyed with her.

“So,” he began, “Nara is it? How long have you served Spine?” She

answered, “Ever since I could remember.” “Do you enjoy it,” the angel asked her.

Nara hesitated. “Yes,” she replied, trying to sound very confident. Metatron

looked her in the eye. In a faint whisper, he asks her, “Really?”

Suddenly, the cold, dark office they were in grew pin drop silent. Nara

didn’t know if it was the peacefulness of his composure or his calming tone of his

voice, but she felt like the angel actually cared for her, just like grandfather cares

for his grandchildren. He was not very old (or at least he didn’t look like it), but

he appeared to act that way. One could tell by looking at his eyes that he had seen

many things, both good and evil. Even though she barely knew him, she felt a

bond between the two of them. Even though she was a demon and he was an

angel, she felt at peace. She trusted him.

“I…,” she quivered, “I don’t know.” She continued, “I don’t know. I was

once committed to the Cause, but that was before I joined Spine. Before I—”

However, Nara didn’t have the strength to finish her sentence. Tears rolled down
her cheek. The Angel of Wisdom, greatly moved at this sight, finished her

sentence, “Before you met Dezzick…and fell in love with him.” Then, the only

essence of tranquility in the room ceased its existence.

Memories reminisced. The demon went from a state of peace to a state of

fury. “Who told you that,” she questioned, “How did you know that? How do you

know Dezzick? Do the other two men with you know Dezzick as well? Answer

me!” Tear fell from her eyes as of it was a storm cloud. She began to beat him

with end of her gun until she reached a point of satisfaction. Just as she was done,

a guard entered the room.

“Madame,” bowed the guard, “the Chancellor has arrived for the

interrogation of the prisoner.” “Very well,” answered the head of Spine as she

wiped her tears. He exited the door nervously, noting the tension in the room.

Nara looked back to view Metatron. The Angel of Reason laid on the floor,

bloody and bruised. There was an expression depicted on the angel’s face that did

not make sense to Nara. He was smiling.

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