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1-Regional economics:

Is the economic study of regions based on the

consideration of space, available resources,
geography, population, production decisions,
consumption decisions and transportation cost.
A region is an area of interrelated units of land which
can be differentiated on the basis of physical, human
or functional characteristics.
3-Economic Integration:
- Takes place through 2 major levels: 1) regional level,
2) global level
- Regional level: a type of integration which take place
between states from one region.
- Global level: a type of integration which take place
among all state of the world without exception.
(Non Governmental organization) the view of the
Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
Any international organization which is not
established by intergovernmental agreement shall be
considered as a non- governmental organization for
the purpose of these arrangements.

6-International institutions:

International Institution (organization) is an

aggregate of a number of states in an independent
and distinguished structure which enjoys
permanence and international legal personality. is a
mean of co-operation in a specific or various fields
based on the consent and equality among its
member states
7-International treaty: (documentary context):
An international treaty is an international agreement
in a form of a written document between two or more
international subjects in accordance to the rules of
public international law; this agreement aims at
creating legal impacts.
8-Informal integration:
non state actors are predominant, NGOs, TNCs.
(exploited class) most of the economy is suffering
from tough economic conditions.
(Exploiting class) it is as a result when the money is
with a group of individuals and they force people to
work with them to gain their basic needs. (That
divides the society to bourgeois poor proletariat).
Is a legal clause or a legal status which is given to a
3rd state on the basis of a treaty concluded by this
state and another state. This clause entitles the 3 rd
state all rights and privileges given to any other state
which concludes a treaty with the given state
12- Free trade agreement:
SAFTA (the south Asian free trade agreement)
comprising t seven south Asian countries
Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Pakistan, Nepal
and Sri Lanka came into effect on 1 July 2006.

It reduced conflicts and tension between Pakistan

and Bangladesh.

13-Customs union:
- is a deeper integration than free trade area.
- Require setup procedures for revenue division from
- requires the harmonizing external trade policies,
and products standards.
- member countries of a customs union eliminate
tariffs among themselves and have the same
external tariffs, but no free movement of capital and
labor across member countries. Ex: Southern African
Customs Union (SACU).
14- Common market:
a group formed by countries within a geographical
area to promote duty free trade and free movement
of labor and capital among its member. They impose
common external tariffs on imports from non
member countries.
15- Economic union:
countries eliminate tariffs among themselves, have
the same external tariffs, have free movement of
capital and labor across member countries, and some
fiscal responsibility is given to an agency that
represents the member states.
16- Monetary union:
countries adopt common currency and have one
monetary authority in addition to all of the
characteristics of economic union. * European Union,
West African Economic and monetary union
18- Etzioni coordination:
is the lowest level of economic cooperation. It
usually involves the voluntary alignment of national

policies and investments in certain sectors of the

19- Etzioni Harmonization:
is a higher level of cooperation, and it usually
involves harmonization of national legislation or the
adoption of common legislation.
On this level, all legislation is still national, and all
policies and instruments are nationally controlled and
implemented, although they might be regionally
20- Etzioni integration:
is the highest level of economic cooperation. In a
regionally integrated market, some of the traditional
decision-making powers of nation states have been
handed over to the regional level, and regional rules
and decisions supersede national legislation.
21- Trade barriers or commercial polices:

- are action taken by the state / country to

influence the volume and composition of the

22- Primitive communism:

it is characterized by satisfaction, they are searching
for the basic needs, and they dont care for the
future. Small number of primitives and resources but
people is satisfied because their basic needs are
convent with the resources so this society doesnt
need to search for the future.
23- Internal sovereignty:

is the legitimate authority of the state and its

institution to use the highest authority (legislation
management and control) with in the territory of the
24- Commitment mechanism:
when governments need institutions that enable
them to match with the international trade rules.
25- Unity:
by joining together, the weak can become strong. It
is that if small countries act individually, they may
have so little bargaining power that cannot negotiate
attractive deals. By combining their forces, they can
cumulate potential concessions to a significant scale
and so have more deals.
26- International Environment:

it represents the external factors which

interact and affect the relationship within and
among the different regions and the
relationship between these regions and the
world as whole.
27- Bilateral treaty:
these are treaties, concluded by two
international subjects to achieve certain
mutual benefits or organize their relationship.
28- Multilateral treaty:
these are treaties, concluded by three or more
international subjects to achieve certain
mutual benefits or organize their relationship.
29- Autarky:
it is a state where no trade occurs between

30- Division of labor:


assigning a part of the task to a certain

individual /country.
31- Specialization:
assigning the task in accordance to the
32- Liberalization:
removal of trade barriers.
33- Efficiency gap:
the different in the ability or capability in
producing a certain commodity.

1 BRICS: - Brazil, Russia, India, China,

and South Africa.
2 NAFTA:- North American Free Trade
3 SADAC:-Southern African Development
4 IMF:- International Monetary Fund
6 ADRM:- Alternative Dispute Resolution
7 GATT:- General Agreement on Tariffs
and Trade
8 WTO:- world trade organization
9 IBRD:- International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development

10-ITO:- information technology

11-MFN:- most favoured nation
12- CAROCOM:- Caribbean Community
13-ASEAN:- Association of Southeast
Asian Nations[
14-OPEC:- Organization of the Petroleum
Exporting Countries
15-COMESA:- Common Market for Eastern
and Southern Africa
16-CET:- common external tariff
17-GCC:- Gulf Cooperation Council
18- ECSC: European coal and steel
community. Was an international
organization serving to unify the European
countries after the Second World War.
19- SEA: single European act.
20- SADCC: southern African development
coordinating conference.
22- CARICOM: the Caribbean community
and common market
22- PTA: preferential trade agreement.
23- SACU: southern African customs
24- MERCOSUR: southern common
25- DSM : dispute settlement body
26- TPR : Trade Policy Review Mechanism.
27- ICSID : International Centre for
settlement Investment dispute.
28- PDRM : Peaceful Dispute Resolution

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