How To Get Employed Pack 1

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Do not invest in these pages if you think it will automatically

get you a job because you bought it. You have to work to
succeed in anything in life.

Ahead of you stretches your future like a road leading

into the distance. Along that road are ambitions you
wish to accomplish, desires you wish to gratify.
To bring your ambitions and desires to fulfillment,
you must be successful with a paid job. Use the
principles made clear in the pages that follow. Let
them guide you away from the stringencies of a lean
purse, to that fuller, happier life a full purse makes
Like the law of gravity, they are universal and
unchanging. May they prove to you as they have
proven to so many others? A key to a fat purse, larger
bank balances and gratifying financial progress.

How to Get Employed In Any

Welcome Letter from tare martins.
Hello, and Thanks for ordering a copy of this book.
I included this letter with the book, just so you would
know that a real, live and breathing person who likes
to upgrade the financial standard of fellow Nigerians
took the time to put his knowledge into an e-book. He
made it by what he has learned about the hot secrets
on HOW TO GET EMPLOYED. This is an opportunity
to learn from him.
I've written to you for two specific reasons:
First, I'd like to encourage you to read your copy
of this book the very same day you get it! That's right, I
mean today. Why today? Actually, it's very simple.
Reading my book will have a definite effect on you if
you apply all the principles that I reveal in its pages. By
using this powerful information, you're in to a major

change in your life. So please, read it immediately!

And if you print it out, and make marks on the page
with your own ideas while you read, it will be even
more valuable to you!
Second, I'd like you to take ACTION! Only when
you take action on the secrets and concepts that I
have included here, will you experience how much fun,
business and life can be. Please take action on these
ideas today!

When I lost my Job, I felt as if someone had thrown a

bucket of water over me. My self esteem suffered
terribly Melvin, Australia
I felt as though a heavy stone had been placed
upon my head. As a single parent, I worried about how

I would feed my two children and pay the bill Messy,

I was so downcast when I lost my job, and I was
anxious about whether I would be able to find another
one - carols Mexico.
Globally, millions are facing similar problems as with
Melvin, Messy and Carlos.
In many land the search for employment presents
serious obstacles, each year a tidal wave of university
graduates floods the job market. If you find yourself
unemployed, what can you do to improve your
chances of finding a job? And once you get employed
what you can do to keep it?

You hold in your hands the key to success. Within

the pages of these manual lies easy to follow
techniques for securing a place in the labour market.
All of us are born with potential talents it is left for
us to recognize these talents and utilize if for
successful life.
It is rightly said that thoughts are things, what a man
think he becomes,
So if you think positive thoughts and have confidence
in yourself you are sure to be a winner, your attitude
contributes to success. It was found that when a
person gets a job or promotion, 85% of the time it is
because of his attitude and only 15%, of the time
because of intelligence and knowledge of specific fact

and figures. Attitude is the most important word the

English language. It applies to all sphere of life,
Including ones personal and professional life. Can an
executive be a good executive without a good
attitude? Can parent, teacher, salesperson be good in
their roles without a good attitude?
If attitude is such a critical factor in success,
shouldnt you examine your attitude towards life and
ask yourself how your attitude will affect your goals. if
you really want to succeed form the habit of doing
things that failures dont like to do. You need to keep
your mind on what you want. Success is not an
accident, it is the result of your attitude and your
attitude is a choice.

A lot of research has been done on the subject of

success and failure. The secrets of success can be
learnt from the life history of successful people. History
has demonstrated that the most notable winners
usually encounter hearth breaking obstacles before
they finally triumphed; they won because they refused
to become discourage by their defeats.

So read, think, make some notes, Do whatever you

need to do, but
Whatever you do DONT
The Targeted Employees Plan, is to Identify ten companies
(it doesn't have to be exactly 10)
that would hire someone with his or her skills that you

would most like to work for.

Do the necessary research to know if you would like to
work for these companies: that would include whatever is
important to you like location, pay/benefits, opportunities
for advancement, travel, etc....

How do you research the companies to know if you want to

work there?

News clips

Web site

Other employees (can be excellent source of info)

After identifying the 10 companies, rate them according to

how much you would like to work for them.
Rearrange the list from least desirable place to work to the
most. Start with the least desirable and begin making
The idea here is that as you get more experienced at

marketing yourself, you will go to the companies that matter

Contact each company as many ways as you can.
The more ways you contact the company the greater your
chances are of getting an interview.
If, during your contact and interviewing process, you are
turned down for a position, but you still want to work for
that company, don't stop contacting them.
The person who was hired may not work out....
The company may have other openings....
The particular person who interviewed you may be
leaving.... Keep trying.
A single rejection, doesn't mean the company never
wants to hire you, it just means the company wanted to hire
someone else for that particular position at that particular

How do you contact a company?


1. Email/mail a resume and cover letter to their HR

department. If you are responding to a specific
classified ad, make your cover letter look exactly like
their advertisement - use the exact same words
wherever you can, in the same or similar order, with
similar emphasis (etc). The HR department screens
applications on the basis of "matching" skill to skill. A
HR person may not recognize the same skill when it is
presented with a different label.
2. Make telephone contact. One advantage to this is that
you may be making contact with at least one additional
person outside the HR department. Introduce yourself
to the person who answers the phone and tell him/her
that you might be interested in working for the
company & ask if there is someone you could talk with
who might be able to answer a few general questions
about the company. Whoever is going to talk with you
about the company: get that person's name and be sure
to ask if this is a good time for them to be on the phone

with you - or would another time be better? Don't take

more than 10 minutes of that person's time unless
he/she seems to be encouraging it. Have your questions
ready. They should be general questions about the
company and/or what it is like to work there. Your last
question should be "What would be the best way for me
to apply for a job as a ____ there" (try to at least get a
specific name of someone you can send the resume to)?
3. Walk-in. You do this very similar to telephone
contact. You arrive with questions. You know what
your last question will be (see #2 above). You will start
by introducing yourself to the receptionist at the front
desk and telling him/her that you are interested in the
company and you think you would like to work there,
but you were wondering if there was someone who
might have some time to answer some general
questions you have about the company. Make sure it is
a good time (in general, midweek early mornings are
best for in-person contact) to ask a few questions.

Don't spend a lot of time. You might want to follow

this one up with a thank-you note. Be prepared with
your resume in case it becomes an interview right then
and there (it does happen).
4. Meet someone who works there. Do any of your
friends or relatives work there? Do any of your friends'
friends work there? Go to their location and see the
places where employees might go to lunch or step
outside to smoke a cigarette, or get a coffee. If you see
someone you think you might have something in
common with, introduce yourself and say you were
thinking about working for that company, is there
anything that person can tell you about working there?
Be sure you are not taking up too much of this person's
time. Again, you know what your last question will be.
If that person offers to present the resume to the HR
department for you, let him/her do it (and thank him!).
The best way to have contact with the HR department is


AFTER someone else in the company has put in a good

word for you.

Preparing for the Interview

Prepare & practice (preferably with a partner) 30 second

pitch answering this: "Tell me about yourself."

When the interviewer says "Tell me about yourself" he or

she isn't asking you to divulge personal information: so
don't. Talk about all experience you have that is relevant to
the job you want. Be prepared with an answer to all the
common interview questions:
NB; a detailed guide of general interview questions and
answers fully packed with latest questions available when
you order. Contact


What is your greatest weakness?

Turn the weakness into a strength or explain how you know
you have a tendency to __ but you have learned to control it
and this is how you handle it now ____.

Why did you leave your last job?

Explain this gap in your work history.
May we call your old employer/supervisor?
Describe your best supervisor.
List 5 adjectives that describe you.
Describe your best working environment
how do you react to stress?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
(Watch out for this one it is not as innocent as it seems).
Unless the person interviewing you has indicated that he/she
wants to hire someone who will eventually be the


manager/supervisor of ____, don't indicate that you are that


Do you have any questions you would like to ask about the
company? (see below)

The Interview Itself

Arrive early, be prepared, be dressed appropriately for the

position, plus some.
Bring at least one additional copy of your resume, cover
letter, and bring along your list of references.
Also have a list of questions you would like to ask them.


During interview be sure to get the names (and preferably

title, too) of every person you meet, and especially everyone
who interviews you.

Focus on your skills and abilities and how they match the

Provide short quick respectful answers to history questions

that you would rather not answer:
don't dwell on previous bad situations or talk about what
you don't want in a work place.
After a short quick respectful answer about the past, bring
the interview back to the present by focusing on your skills
and qualifications.


All these tips are just a minor spoon size extracted from
the main mother book. Titled How To Ace / Win
Any Job Interview these will keep your phone
ringing, and your mail box filled with numerous job

Questions you might like to ask the interviewers

1) Did I answer that to your satisfaction?
2) How do you feel about my qualifications?
3) To whom would I be reporting?
4) What is the average amount of overtime in a

What equipment would be at my workstation?


How much access would I have to



Does the company have an established structure

For evaluations, raises, benefits?


Who would evaluate my work?


Do you expect growth in this department?


Is the position new or did someone else hold it


Questions to end the interview to show that you are still
interested in the position:
(don't use these unless you know you want the position)

When can I start?


What is the next step?

What not to do:

Do not ask specific questions about pay, benefits, vacation,
etc, until it is clear that the job is being offered to you.
Negotiation begins then and not before.

After Interview:

During interview you got the names (and titles?) of

everyone who interviewed you.
If not, phone the company and try to fill in the gaps.
Write thank you notes to EACH of them
immediately. The best way to deliver the notes is to hand

deliver them (they see your face & smile again) to EACH
person who interviewed you.
But if you can't hand deliver them, email and mail are also
In the Thank You Note include anything important you
might have neglected to mention in the interview, also if
you thought of a better answer to any of their questions, you
might include that here, too.

Do not thank by telephone because you interrupts them,

and they don't have anything in their hand after you hang u

When the economy is in the tank and employers are

struggling to survive, new university grads who have been
recently hired would be wise to do everything they can to
see that their employers remain strong and profitable.
Otherwise, as things get worse and employers look for ways
to tighten their belts, recent hires will quickly come to
understand the term, "last in, first out."

How many times do you think that an employer needs to

hear that your performance came up a little short, learn that
you missed a deadline or hear you say "That's not my job,"
before they decide that you're not the right person for their
organization? The cold, hard truth is that it's a jungle out
there. You can't afford to be viewed as a mediocre
performer, when the economy is bad and jobs are few and
far between. It's not a lot of fun to be looking for another
job, when your rent, car payments and college loan
payments are all due. Remember, when you get fired for
poor performance, your former employer isn't going to give
you a good reference.
To help make certain that your employer remains viable and
that your job remains as secure as possible, you must adopt
an "I'll do whatever it takes" attitude and demonstrate a
genuine concern for the profitability and effective operation
of the organization. Employees who come in late to work,
aren't doing their jobs to the best of their abilities, fail to

prevent or solve problems or are unwilling to jump in with

both feet when others need help, are not going to last very
long. That's why, when times are tough, poor performers
and uncooperative employees will always be the first to go.
Employers need employees who eagerly and consistently
contribute to the success of the organization. No
organization can survive in bad times when employees
aren't pulling their weight. That's why the best employees do
the following:
Care For The Customers - Without customers, your
employer can't exist. It doesn't matter whether you serve
external or internal customers, you must put them first.
Prove to your customers that they can count on you.
Achieve Results - Employers need to know whether you are
part of the problem or part of the solution. They usually
make that judgment based on the results you consistently


achieve. Be an employee who comes through when the

chips are down.
Be A Team Player - It takes a team effort to get your
employer through the tough times. That means that you
must be quick to help other employees in your own
department, employees in the departments that you serve
and others in the departments that serve you. The entire
organization must come together and work together.
Be A Positive Force - Your attitude, words and actions
must all support your employer's efforts to survive. All of
your words should be positive, supportive and encouraging
to other employees. Your actions should prove that your
words are genuine.
Do What Needs To Be Done - Don't wait for someone to
tell you what else to do. Look around! See what needs to be
done and do it. Do one more thing. This is a time when you
must anticipate needs and problems, so you can prevent or


minimize any negative effects. See what others need, so you

can be there when they need you. Show your supervisor that
you are willing to do even the dirty jobs.
If you aren't willing to give your all, your employer will see
no reason to keep you onboard. When the unemployment
rate keeps creeping up, they know that there are plenty of
other people out there who would love to have your job.
Therefore, if you begin to think that you are doing your
employer a favor by staying with them or somehow think
that you are entitled to your job or to some form of special
treatment, you must understand that you are putting your job
in jeopardy. Wise employees know that they must earn
anything they get, each and every time.
In a bad economy, employer needs and expectations
increase greatly, as the challenges grow and the hurdles get
higher. That's why employers need employees who can help
them take on those challenges and win. They need


employees who will achieve the results that will keep them
in business and make them stronger for the future.
If you hope to thrive in your job during both good and bad
times, regularly think about this modified quote. "Ask not
what your employer can do for you, ask what you can do for
your employer." It's a line that can serve you well, as you
progress through your entire career. You wil get more
golden tips from the main parent book titled, / How To
ace / Win Any job interview.

There are 3 KEYS that stand in the way of you and

your perfect job.
1. Writing a Cover Letter That Will Ensure You Get the
2. Packaging a Resume/ CV That Will Be Read
3. Giving an Outstanding Interview Performance.


They look so simple but they are the key to whether

you will be invited for an interview or not
These days we see on many vacancies and adverts
things like cover letter, suitability statement, capability
statement. so what do all these mean.
To succeed here we need to have a focused business
approach and see our would be employer as a
customer. So for them to be happy you need to
Satisfy them as in said the customer is always right.

So we will start with how to write a cover letter that will
ensure you get the job. Before we go on let me
mention that a cover letter is interchangeable
with application letter and suitability / capability
Writing a cover letter often seems like a particularly
confusing task.

However, if you take it one step at a time, you'll soon

be an expert at writing letters to send with your
A cover letter typically accompanies each resume
you send out. Your cover letter may make the
difference between obtaining a job interview and
having your resume ignored, so it makes good sense
to devote the necessary time and effort to writing
effective cover letters.
A cover letter should complement, not duplicate your
resume. A cover letter is often your earliest written
contact with a potential employer, creating a
critical first impression.
Qualities needed in a cover letter that will get you
noticed are: Unique, specific and concise well put
together and focused on your employers needs not
your own.


Emphasize accomplishments relevant to the job

Commitment to excellence, Organization to detail,
Experience & skill.
In summary, it should sell you because first
impressions are sometimes the only impression you
may ever make.
There are many various cover letters but we will look
at the most commonly
used ones here.
1. The application letter which responds to a known
job opening.
2. The prospecting letter which inquires about possible
3. The networking letter which requests information
and assistance in your job search.


Your cover letter should be designed specifically for

each purpose outlined above as well as for each
position you seek. Do not design a letter and send
it to every potential employer.
Effective cover letters explain the reasons for your
interest in the specific organization and identify your
most relevant skills or experiences.
(remember, relevance is determined by the
employer not you and he is your customer who
you must sell to). When applying for a job a cover
letter should be sent with your resume whether
demanded or not.
Your cover letter should be specific to the position
you are applying for, relating your skills and
experience to those noted in the job posting. Your
cover letter is your first (and best) chance to make a
good impression!
An effective cover letter should explain the reasons for
your interest in the

organization and in the job you are applying for. Take

the time to make sure that your letter explains how
your skills relate to the criteria listed in the job
posting. They should express a high level of interest
and knowledge about the position.
Cover Letter Template

Contact Information
The first section of your cover letter should include
information on how the employer can contact you. If
you have contact information for the employer, include
that. Otherwise, just list your information.
Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State
Your Phone Number
Your Email Address


Body of Cover Letter

The body of your cover letter lets the employer know
what position you are applying for, why the employer
should select you for an interview, and how
you will follow-up.
First Paragraph:
The first paragraph of your letter should include
information on why you are writing. Mention the
position you are applying for. Be clear and concise
regarding your request.
Middle Paragraphs:
The next section of your cover letter should describe
what you have to offer the employer. Convince the
reader that they should grant the interview or
appointment you requested in the first paragraph.
Make strong connections between your abilities and
their needs. Mention specifically how your skills and
experience match the job for which

you are applying . Remember, you are interpreting

your resume, not repeating it. Try to support each
statement you make with a piece of evidence. Use
several shorter paragraphs or bullets rather than one.

Final Paragraph:
Conclude your cover letter by thanking the employer
for considering you for the position. Include information
on how you will follow-up
(this depends on if it is possible to do it be sure this
does not become disadvantage to you). State that you
will do so and indicate when .(one week's time is


The difference between the successful and unsuccessful

Is the uncommon application of information

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What You Can Expect From An Interview


Interviewing Tips: Keeping The Past From Haunting You


The Job Interview And The Thank You Letter


Showing Confidence In The Job Interview


How to Write Your Resume



Getting To The Cover Letter


Posting Your Resume Online


Getting Help with Your Resume


Must-Know Tips on Executive Job Search


Smart Steps to Have Poise In An Interview


Importance of Skills Emphasis On Job Interviews


How to get the interviewer hanging on to your every word.


How to Follow Up After the Interview Session


How to Ace Any Job Interview


What To Expect From the Interview


What You Should Ask In an Interview


Why You Didn't Get Hired


How to End the Interview


Prepare For Your Job Interview


Questions to Ask In The Job Interview


Notable Mistakes That Are Standing Between You and

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