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1.The bar chart in Diagram 1 shows the number of grasshoppers in a paddy field after a group of
birds come into the habitat.
Carta bar dalam gambarajah 1 menunjukkan bilangan belalang di kawasan sawah padi
selepas kehadiran sekumpulan burung.

Diagram 1
Gambarajah 1
(a) State the following variables.
Nyatakan pembolehubah

(i) What is changed (manipulated variable)/apakah yang diubah:


(ii) What is measured (responding variable)/apakah yang diukur :

[2 marks]
(b) (i) What is the trend of change in the number of grasshoppers?
Apakah corak perubahan dalam bilangan belalang?


(ii) State one reason (inference) based on the answer in b (i)
Nyatakan satu sebab (inferens) berdasarkan jawapan di b (i)
[1 mark]

2 Diagram 2 shows the cross section of a fruit.

Gambarajah 2 menunjukkan belahan sebiji buah.

cecair Tempurung


Diagram 2
Gambarajah 2

(a) Name the plant that produces the fruit.

Namakan pokok yang mengeluarkan buah tersebut
[ 1 mark]

(b) How is the fruit dispersed?

Bagaimana cara penyebaran ?
[ 1 mark]

(c) State two characteristics that help the fruit to be dispersed.

Nyatakan dua kriteria yang boleh membantu penyebarannya .

1. _____________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________
[ 2 marks]
3 Diagram 3 shows an investigation carried out by a pupil. He measured the temperature of
water in the beaker while heating it with a Bunsen burner.
Gambarajah 3 menunjukkan penyiasatan oleh murid-murid. Bacaan suhu air didalam bikar
dicatat ketika pemanasan oleh penunu Bunsen.


wayar gouze 350 ml air

penunu bunsen tungku kaki tiga

Diagram 3
Gambarajah 3

The temperature of water taken every 3 minutes is recorded in Table 1.

Bacaan suhu air diambil setiap 3 minit dan direkod dalam jadual 1.

Time (minutes) Temperature (°C)

Masa(minit) Suhu(°C)

0 30
3 45
6 60
9 75
12 90
15 100
18 100

Table 1
Jadual 1
(a) What is the trend of changes in the water temperature from the beginning until the ending
of this investigation.
Apakah corak perubahan suhu air daripada awal hingga akhir penyiasatan.
[1 mark]
(b) Why does the temperature of water increase?
Mengapa bacaan suhu air meningkat?
[1 mark]
(c) State the process involved in this investigation.
Nyatakan proses dalam penyiasatan ini.
[1 mark]
(d) State the relationship between time and temperature
Nyatakan hubungan antara masa dan suhu

4. Diagram 4 shows four models of cuboids, P, Q, R and S, of different heights. They have the
same base area and they are made up of same materials on a table. A fan is used to blow
towards the cuboids.
Gambarajah 4 menunjukkan 4 model kuboid, P,Q,R dan S, dengan berbeza ketinggian . Luas
permukaan sama dan bahan buatan yang sama di atas meja. Kipas angin digunakan untuk
meniup kuboid.

Diagram 4
Gambarajah 4
Table 2 shows the time taken to topple the four cuboids.
Jadual 2 menunjukkan masa yang diambil untuk empat kuboid jatuh.

Height of the Time taken

cuboid (cm) to topple (s)
P 48 20
Q 64 15
R 32 25
S 16 30
Table 2/jadual 2

(a) What is the purpose (aim) of this investigation?

Apakah tujuan penyiasatan dalam penyiasatan ini?
[1 mark]
(b) Based on the investigation, state
Daripada penyiasatan ,Nyatakan

(i) what is changed (manipulated variable)/:

Apakah yang diubah/Pembolehubah dimanipulasi:
(ii) what is observed (responding variable):
Apakah pemerhatian(pembolehubah bergerak balas):
[2 marks]

(c) Arrange the cuboids in the decreasing order of stability.

Susun kestabilan kuboid dengan urutan menurun.

[1 mark]
5 Diagram 5 shows three constellations in the sky that can be seen from the Earth.
Gambarajah 5 menunjukkan 3 jenis buruj di langit yang boleh dilihat daripada bumi.

Diagram 5
Gambarajah 5

(a) Name the three constellations, P, Q and R.

Namakan tiga buruj, P,Q dan R
P : _____________________________________________________________________
Q : _____________________________________________________________________
R : _____________________________________________________________________

[3 marks]
(b) State one importance of constellations.
Nyatakan satu kepentingan buruj.
[1 mark]

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